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VOL.   III. 


S.A.V.YlSrNAH  : 



Entered  accordiug  to  Act  of  Congress,  in  the  year  1873,  by  the  Georgia  Histokical  Sociex?, 
in  the  Office  of  the  Librarian  of  Congress,  at  Washington  City. 



I.     Prefatory  Note  by  the  Publishing  Committee v 

II.     Letters   from  General   Oglethorpe  to   the  Trustees  of   the 

Colony  and  others,  from  October  1735  to  August  1744....       1 

III.  Report  of  Governor  Sir  James  Wright  to  Lord  Dartmouth  on 

the  Condition  of  the  Colony,  September  30,  1773 158 

IV.  Letters  from   Governor   Sir  James  Wright  to  the  Earl  of 

Dartmouth  and  Lord  George  Germain,  Secretaries  of 
State  for  America,  from  August  34,  1774,  to  February 
16,  1783 180 


I.     Anniversary  Address  of  Col.  Charles  C.  Jones,  Jr.     Subject : 

Casimir  Pulaski 385 

II.  Address  of  Richard  D.  Arnold,  M.  D.,  on  the  Organization  of 
the  Georgia  Historical  Society  and  of  the  Savannah 
Library  Association 41G 


Through  the  researches  of  Mr.  G.  W.  J.  DeKenne,  of  this 
city,  a  gentleman  who  has  devoted  much  time  to  historical 
inquiry,  the  Georgia  Historical  Society  became  aware  of  the 
fact  that  copies  could  be  obtained  from  the  British  Colonial 
Office,  of  valuable  manuscripts  connected  with  the  early 
history  of  the  Colony  of  Georgia. 

On  a  subsequent  visit  to  England,  Mr.  DeKenne  was 
empowered  by  the  Society  to  procure  copies  of  such  valuable 
documents  appertaining  to  the  history  of  Georgia,  not 
hitherto  printed,  as  could  be  found  in  the  Colonial  Office. 
The  Society  thus  obtained  copies  of 

1st.  The  Letters  of  General  Oglethorpe  to  the  Trustees  of 
the  Colony,  commencing  October  29th,  1735,  which  was  the 
period  of  his  return  fi-om  his  first  visit  to  England  after  the 
settlement  of  the  Colony,  and  ending  August  24th,  1744. 

2d.  Letters  from  Sir  James  Wright,  Governor  of  the 
Province  of  Georgia,  to  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth,  and  Lord 
George  Germain,  Secretaries  of  State,  and  others,  in  which 
he  narrates  the  local  events  of  the  War  of  Rebellion  by  which 
the  Thirteen  Colonies  became  separated  fi-om  the  mother 

It  is  beheved  that  few,  if  any,  of  the  letters  contained  in 
this  Collection,  have  ever  before  been  printed,  though  extracts 


from  some  of  them  may  be  found  in  biogi-aphical  sketches  of 
General  Oglethorpe,  Sh-  James  Wright,  and  others. 

In  addition  to  these  letters,  Mr,  DeRenne,  who  has  been 
recently  elected  its  President,  has  kmdly  presented  to  the 
Society  a  copy  which  he  had  obtained  for  his  own  use,  of  a 
Report  on  the  Condition  of  the  Province,  made  by  Governor 
Wright,  in  the  year  1772,  in  reply  to  certain  specific  inqumes 
fi'om  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth.  This  Report  is  considered  very 
valuable,  as  containing  a  reliable  account  of  the  state  of  the 
Colony,  immediately  prior  to  the  Revolution. 

In  the  publication  of  these  papers,  the  Committee  have 
carefully  abstained  fi'om  any  alteration  of  the  copies  in  their 
possession,  the  copies  themselves  conforming  as  closely  as 
j)ossible  to  the  originals.  In  a  very  few  instances,  they  have 
inserted  a  mark  of  pmictuation  where  it  was  absolutely 
necessary  to  a  ready  understanding  of  the  writer's  meaning. 

The  Publishing  Committee. 
Savannah,  August  1,  1873. 


Letters   from   General   Oglethorpe. 


29  Oct.  1735. 

The  Downs  Oct.  29tli,  1735. 


I  find  that  foi'  want  of  a  Husband  to  put  tlie  tilings  regu- 
larly on  board  the  200  Deals  are  absolutely  lost.  Perhaps 
they  were  never  put  on  board.  This  will  be  a  very  great  dis- 
appointment and  I  must  either  expose  the  people  to  Fluxes 
by  l.ying  m  the  open  air  upon  their  first  landing  or  else  delay 
the  Settlem*  till  I  can  get  Boards  sawed  in  Georgia  the  con- 
sequence of  which  delay  I  cannot  yet  teU.  The  charge  will 
be  very  great  of  keeping  the  ships  upon  Demurrage  besides 
the  danger  of  a  general  satisfaction  amongst  the  people. 

If  you  do  not  send  the  Seeds  by  us  you  had  better  send 
them  to  the  Seeds-man  &  get  the  Money  back,  for  sending 
them  by  Harbin  or  Thompson  they  wiU  arrive  so  late  that 
they  wiU  be  useless  this  Year  &  be  spoiled  before  next.  In 
my  last  I  desired  they  might  be  sent  by  Nicholson  if  you 
could  not  send  them  by  the  Stage  Coach.  But  if  you  cannot 
send  them  to  Portsmouth  time  enough  for  us  to  take  them  in 
you  had  better  return  them  to  the  Gardiner  for  I  find  that 
any  ship  that  is  not  alreMy  in  the  Downs  will  be  too  late. 

With  respect  to  Capt.  Thompson  I  think  you  had  better 
left  it  as  it  was,  that  he  should  go  fi-om  Bristol  &  Harbin 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  22. 


fioDi  London.  To  send  Passengers  and  Goods  from  Bristol 
to  London  in  order  to  go  to  America  is  d()ul)ling  the  expence 
and  length  of  the  voyage  foi-  the  being  ont  of  the  Channel 
which  the  Bristol  ])eoi)]e  are,  is  one  half  (;f  the  voyage  to 
Georgia.  For  Harbui  to  go  to  Bristol  would  be  still  worse 
for  all  the  passengers  he  has  on  board  Avill  be  eating  and 
losing  time  S:  the  Servants  perhaps  provoked  to  dissert. 

I  wish  you  could  send  to  Portsmouth  a  Quart  of  Daffy's 
Elixir.  We  can  iind  l)ut  one  little  Chest  of  Medicines  (that 
on  board  Thomas)  so  I  have  divided  it. 

The  Winds  hang  westerly  &  I  fear  we  have  lost  our  Oppor- 
tunity by  staying  for  Thomas's  Ship.     If  we  had  sailed  the 
Day  I  Avent  on  Board  Ave  should  probal^h'  by  this  time  have 
been  at  the  Maderas.     My  humble  serv'''  to  all  the  Gen: 
I  am, 

Your  Friend 


Mr.  Verelst,  at  the  Georgia  Office 
in  Old  Palace  Yard 

•p ,      j  James 

(  Oglethorpe. 


3  Nov.  1785. 

Cows  Novr.  2nd,  1735. 

Capt.  Thomas  S:  Capt.  Corinsli  gave  me  notice  on  Saturday 
last  that  they  could  continue  their  Voyage  the  Wind  being 
fair  therefore  they  must  be  allowed  Demurrage  till  we  leave 
this  Harbour.     The  People  are  all  well  &  Captain  Gascoigne 

*  1'.  U.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  24. 


will  be  ready  to  sail  with  us  on  Tuesday  Night  or  Wednesday 

I  am, 

Your  humble  Serv*' 

James  Oglethorpe. 

P.  S.  I  send  you  by  the  Portsmouth  Coach  a  Box  with  the 
Thernomiter  which  was  broke.  Pray  let  it  be  carried  to  Mr. 
Scarlets  to  be  mended  &  send  it  me  over  by  the  first  ship. 


Mr.  Yerelst  at  the  Georgia  Office 
in  Old  Palace  Yard 


^ree  ^  Oglethorpe. 


19  Nov.  1735. 

Cows  Road  Novr.  19th,  1735. 

I  have  received  the  Letters  with  an  Ace*  that  Thompson  is 
to  follow  me  soon  and  am  very  much  obliged  to  the  Trustees 
for  their  great  Diligence  to  support  me  by  the  speedy  send- 
ing what  in  the  hurry  was  forgot.  The  delay  of  the  Man  of 
War  has  occasioned  a  vast  deal  of  Charge  &  will  occasion 
much  more  &  also  give  me  an  infinite  deal  of  trouble  to  re- 
trieve the  loss  of  the  Season  but  I  hope  by  the  Blessing  of 
God  we  shall  be  able  to  go  thro'  the  Undertakmg  tho'  not  in 
so  full  a  manner  as  I  should  have  been  enabled  to  do  had  I 
arrived  there  by  this  time  as  I  probably  might  have  done 

*  p.  B.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  32. 


had  I  met  with  no  Delays  fi'om  Thomas's  Ship  nor  from  the 
IMaii  of  War. 

I  have  ordered  the  Captains  to  draw  out  the  Accoiints  of 
Demnrrafj;e  &  Port  Charges  S:  have  advanced  them  some 
Money  on  the  Aceo'*'  of  the  Ships  of  wliich  Mr.  Moore  Avill 
before  we  sail  send  yon  the  particulars.  I  have  also  laid  in 
Refreshments  of  several  kinds  the  Fowls  Greens  <fec.  being 
most  dead  consumed  or  spoiled.  Onr  People  are  very  healthy 
&  very  orderly ;  excepting  two  Women  Servants  Ann  Harris 
Serv*  to  the  Trust  &  Ehz^  Wheeler  Servant  to  Mr.  Horton 
whom  I  have  set  on  shore  for  drinking  and  indecent  behavi- 
our I  have  also  set  on  shore  the  Surgeon's  Serv*  (he  having 
the  Itch)  <k  Robinson's  Servant  Avho  has  stole  for  which  his 
Master  had  him  whipped  &  I  have  turned  him  ashore  &  shall 
in  their  places  take  four  others  whose  Names  Moore  will  send 

Pray  send  Bradley's  Goods  by  Thompson,  Bradley  has 
taken  another  Servant  for  the  Trust  on  board  the  Thomas,  a 
Brick  maker  &  a  very  useful  Man. 

I  wish  you  would  put  the  Trustees  in  mind  of  the  Saw  Mill 
&  let  me  know  by  what  Shij)  I  may  expect  it.  Pray  let  me 
know  what  is  become  of  the  Seeds :  if  they  had  been  sent 
down  to  Portsmouth  by  Land  I  should  by  this  time  have  had 
them.  Give  my  humble  Service  to  all  the  Gentlemen  of  the 
Board  &  believe  me  to  be 


Your  very  humble  Serv'- 

P.  S.  The  Wind  continues  Southwardly  but  seems  as  if  it 
would  come  to  the  Eastward  howsomever  write  to  me  and 
direct  it  to  be  left  with  the  Post  Master  at  Cows  &  give  him 
orders  to  send  it  back  to  you  if  I  am  gone. 

NovR.  Y"^  20th,  1735. 
j,Qy  J*"^.  The  Wind  is  come  a  little  to  the  Eastward  of  the 
uTe  shTps  South  &  the  Weather  being  very  moderate  we  have 
ttieo'c'elsiug  veuturcd  out  tho'  if  it  should  blow  hard  it  may  be 
dangerous.  But  something  must  be  hazarded  when  the  ex- 
pences  &  the  ill  consequences  of  Delay  are  so  considerable. 

Letters  fkom  general  oglethorpe.  5 

I  send  you  tins  by  the  f'ilot  we  being  now  past  the  Needles. 
The  Man  of  War  and  Thomas  are  in  company  with  us. 
Pray  send  me  the  Gen^  Acco'  of  how  the  Trustees  Cash 
stands  for  you  forgot  to  give  it  me  when  I  came  away. 

Yarmouth  Egad  Novr,  21st. 
The  Wind  changing  and  Weather  growing  l)ad  we  were 
obliged  to  put  in  here.     The  Man  of  War,  Thomas  &  We  are 
all  well  ct  at  anchor  in  a  safe  place. 


Mr.  Yerelst  at  the  Georgia  Office 
in  Old  Palace  Yard 

Free     James 



3  Dec.  1735. 


I  am  very  glad  that  you  have  mentioned  to  me  that  yon 
intend  to  send  over  the  Mill  by  Capt.  Pearcy,  because  I  have 
now  time  to  acquaint  you  that  if  you  should  send  it  by  him 
it  will  be  entirely  useless  to  us,  for  you  may  depend  upon  it, 
that  tho'  Mr.  Wragg  enters  into  the  strictest  agi-eem*  it  is 
impossible  for  Pearcy  to  touch  at  Tybee.  If  he  should  fall 
in  first  to  the  Southward,  as  the  Beacon  is  not  yet  up,  he  can- 
not tell  by  that  Coast  whether  it  is  Tybee  or  Augustine,  and 
he  will  not  venture  m  unless  there  be  a  Pilot  Boat  to  fetch 
him  in  and  all  the  Pilot  Boats  will  be  with  me,  therefore  he 
will  naturally  go  into  Chas.  Town  and  have  a  very  good 
excuse  for  so  doing.     If  he  falls  to  the  Northward,  he  cannot 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  34. 


beat  lip  from  Charles  Town  to  Tybee  against  the  Gulph 
Stream  without  great  difficulty,  therefore  he  will  certainly  go 
into  Charles  Town,  and  the  necessity  of  the  Seas  will  be  an 
excuse  against  every  Covenant  and  if  he  does  go  into  Charles 
Town,  besides  the  great  Expence  of  bringing  up  the  Mill  it 
will  be  almost  sure  y*  Cooper  and  Smither  will  be  debauched 
from  us  and  then  our  Mill  will  be  of  no  use  for  there  are  peo- 
ple in  Charles  To"\vn  who  would  willingly  promise  a  Mill- 
wright two  or  three  hundred  pounds  a  year,  for  promises 
which  they  never  design  to  keep  are  ready  to  them  and  they 
would  perhaps  advance  them  15  or  20  Guineas,  and  they  will 
employ  People  to  make  them  drunk  and  then  get  them  to  run 
away  &  hide  themselves  for  some  time  &  then  go  up  &  work. 
They  have  already  served  us  so  upon  several  occasions,  there- 
fore if  you  desire  that  the  Mill  should  be  of  any  use  it  is 
necessary  you  should  remonstrate  in  the  strongest  terms  to 
the  Trustees  not  to  send  it  by  any  Ship  but  one  bound  direct- 
ly for  Georgia  and  which  hath  no  cargo  at  all  for  Charles 
Town.  You  may  venture  to  send  y®  Stonehorse  (which  I 
have  given  to  the  Trustees  if  they  care  to  be  at  the  charge  of 
sending  it)  and  the  Mares  of  which  I  shall  speak  more  here- 
after, by  Pearcy  to  Charles  Town,  for  they  cannot  give  them 
Rum  nor  Debauch  them  away  fi-om  us.  Mr.  Wragg  told  me 
at  Gravesend  he  thought  he  could  take  them  at  £10:  p''-head 
which  would  not  be  dear,  was  he  obliged  to  deliver  them  alive 
&  we  not  to  pay  freight  until  they  were  delivered  at  Charles 
Town  to  the  Trustees  Order,  for  if  you  pay  freight  before  and 
they  die  there  may  be  a  suit  for  it. 

I  want  to  know  what  news  of  poor  Frank  Harbin,  he  is  a 
man  who  I  think  would  be  very  usefull  and  who  I  have  a 
value  for.  Pray  let  me  knoAv  what  is  become  of  the  Seeds 
which  Bradley  bespoke. 

Send  me  4  Spirit  Levels.  I  have  sights  for  to  fix  them  in. 
You  may  ask  for  them  at  Mr.  Scarlets  in  Thrift  Street  Solio. 

The  Wind  still  continues  Westerly  and  Southerly.  On  the 
20th  of  the  last  month  the  Wmd  coming  Easterly  we  sailed 
for  the  Needles  as  I  mentioned  but  the  Wind  coming  about  to 
South  West  and  blowing  very  hard  we  were  obhged  to  run  in 
again  and  (God  be  praised)  got  to  a  safe  Iload.     That  night 


several  ships  wliicli  could  not  get  in  were  lost,  two  being 
wreckt  on  the  22nd  on  the  Sonth  part  of  the  Isle  of  Wight, 
and  one  upon  Portland.  One  got  in  here  having  lost  her 
head  and  masts  in  the  storm,  bnt  the  Hawk  Sloop,  Thomas 
and  We  got  in  here  without  any  damage.  Ever  since  have 
been  strong  storms  at  South  and  West.  I  must  oavii  if  I  had 
not  been  overborn  by  the  sea  Captains  I  should  have  kept  to 
sea  from  the  20th  and  not  have  come  in  again  but  have  beat 
up  against  the  S.  W.  Wind  and  would  rather  have  nin  the 
risque  of  the  seas  than  of  staymg  here.  But  the  sea  officers 
were  my  humble  servants  for  that  they  valued  their  flesh 
more  than  I  did  my  bones.  It  is  very  possible  we  might  have 
weathered  the  Start,  and  if  so  we  might  have  got  into  Ply- 
mouth Harbour  but  if  not,  we  must  have  been  lost,  and  I 
had  rather  have  run  the  danger  of  my  life  at  sea  than  have 
risqued  the  losing  the  season  of  the  year  in  Georgia  and  the 
sickness  which  may  probably  happen  to  the  people  by  lying 
here.  Several  are  already  ill.  I  had  a  fever  which  forced 
me  to  keep  my  bed  three  days  but  am  now  perfectly  recov- 
ered. Mr.  Johnson  was  so  ill  of  a  Feaver  too  that  he  was 
forced  to  be  sent  to  Portsmouth  and  if  he  recovers  will  go  to 
London.  Several  of  our  people  are  sick  of  Feavers  and 
other  distempers  for  nothing  is  so  unwholesome  as  staying 
on  board  ships  when  they  lye  still,  all  this  is  the  conse- 
quence of  waiting  for  the  Man  of  War  till  the  Easterly 
Winds  were  past.  I  desire  you  would  show  the  Trustees 
this  letter. 

I  have  nothing  more  to  say  but  to  again  repeat  the  not 
sending   any   Passengers   or   Servants   b}-  Ships  bound  for 
Charles  Town  or  who  have  any  Cargo  for  that  place. 
I  am, 


Your  very  humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
the  3rd  Dee.  1735. 


[Addresse(J  \ 

Mr.  Harman  Verelst  at  the  Georgia 
Office  in  Old  Palace  Yard 

Tji .        James 


Indorsed    Rec'^  the  8th  Dec. 


10  Deo.  1735. 

From  the  Needles  Dec.  10th  1735. 

God  be  praised  we  at  last  have  got  an  Easterly  wind  in  the 
morning  &  weighed  anchor  at  Nine  of  the  Clock.  I  have 
settled  the  account  of  Demurrage  for  the  Ship  Simond  with 
Mr.  Purry  &,  have  paid  the  Capt.  some  Money  on  the  account 
which  is  inclosed  to  Mr.  Simond.  I  thought  it  necessary  and 
just  to  pay  for  all  the  passengers  as  well  for  those  on  their 
own  ace*  as  those  on  the  Trust:  for  as  they  were  detained  to 
then-  loss  by  our  orders  I  thought  it  unjust  for  to  make  them 
pay  Demurrage.  The  3rd  article  is  for  the  Pork,  3  Barrels 
of  which  I  send  back  &  the  101  Pieces  of  the  Barrel  which 
was  opened  were  so  bad  that  I  gave  it  away  to  the  Boat  men 
that  attended  the  Ship  who  dried  it  ashore  and  made  some 
use  of  it  and  this  made  them  more  diligent  in  attending  us. 
The  15^  was  for  bringmg  on  board  fresh  water  over  &  above 
the  Ships  allowance  which  I  gave  to  enable  the  Passengers 
to  wash  up  the  Linnen  they  had  dirtied  during  our  stay  in 
Harbour  I  furnished  Flour  &  Plumbs  to  make  Puddens  by 
the  Peoples  desire  instead  of  the  Pork  &  which  I  believe  wiU 
be  more  wholesome  and  it  would  be  right  to  order  that  uj^on 

■  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  19,.p,  35. 


the  Pork  Days  each  Mess  should  have  but  one  piece  of  Pork 
of  2Ib  &  instead  of  the  other  Piece  of  Pork  to  have  2R)  of 
flour  &  I  a  p"'  of  Phimbs  allowed  besides  their  Pease. 

I  have  laid  out  a  great  deal  of  Money  for  Extraordinarys 
for  the  People  &  laying  in  new  Stocks  of  Befreshm^^  &  also 
for  Medecines  &c.  The  gi-eat  Chest  being  stowed  so  low  in 
Thomas  that  we  could  not  get  at  it  for  our  People  have  been 
very  sickly.  The  acco*®  Moore  will  send  you  at  large  and  I 
beheve  it  will  be  best  to  make  them  up  all  together,  for  sev- 
eral Servants  have  been  put  away  &  Expences  have  accrued 
in  getting  others.  I  have  advanced  Thomas  Money  on  ace* 
of  the  Demurrage  of  his  Ship. 

We  have  had  some  uneasiness  amongst  the  Ships  Crew 
who  did  not  treat  the  Passengers  in  the  manner  they  ought 
to  have  done  &  Cornish  was  much  afraid  of  disobliging  his 
men  who  came  at  last  to  that  height  of  insolence  that  whilst 
he  was  ashore  getting  of  Provisions  the  second  mate  en- 
couraged some  to  throw  water  upon  the  poor  Boys  that  be- 
longed to  the  Passengers.  I  hearing  a  noise  went  out  to 
desire  him  to  quiet  the  disorder  which  he  refusing  to  do  & 
answering  with  great  Insolence  <fe  the  Seamen  saying  that 
they  would  stand  by  him  one  &  all  I  sent  him  on  board  the 
Hawk  Man  of  War  &  took  a  well  quahfied  young  man  from 
thence  for  our  second  Mate.  The  Men  since  this  Example 
have  been  very  quiet  &  obedient. 

Robinson's  Coats  shrink  intollerably.  Some  of  them  that 
touched  the  mens  heels  do  not  now  touch  the  bottoms  of 
their  Coats. 

I  am,  Sir, 

Your  very  humble  Serv* 
[Addressed]  J.  Oglethorpe. 

Mr.  Yerelst  at  the  Georgia  Office 

in  the  Old  Palace  Yard  Westmr. 
•p, ,         James 




13  Febeuary  1735-6. 

Feb.  .13.  1735-6  On  Board  the  Simonds 
IN  Tybee  Eoad. 
j         Dunbar,  y**  Peter  &  James,  Cp°  Dianioiid  y'"  Two 
(  Brothers  Cp"  Thomson  &  y®  James  Cp"^  Yokeley. 

I  am  arrived  here  where  I  found  y^'  Prince  of  Wales  Cap" 
on  demurrage  I  begun  by  hastning  the  discharge  of  them.  The 
first  was  Capt.  Dunbar's ;  that  being  at  the  largest  expence 
I  mustered  the  People  and  find  they  amount  to  one  hundred 
sixty  tiiree  whole  Heads  which  is  three  less  than  the  muster 
on  the  20th  of  October  before  Provost  Hassock  at  Inverness ; 
one  of  them  having  run  aw^ay  and  two  having  been  set  ashore 
because  they  would  neither  pay  their  jmssage  nor  indent  as 
servants  of  the  Trust. 

I  found  that  17  Heads  had  jjaid  their  passage.  I  agreed 
with  Mr.  Pury  That  the  three  Heads  which  run  away  or  were 
set  on  shore  as  above,  before  they  sailed  sli*^  be  deducted, 
which  reduces  the  Heads  to  be  paid  for  by  the  Trust  to  146 
whole  Heads  and  he  did  not  persist  in  insisting  on  Passage 
for  these  three  Heads  as  you  will  see  by  the  Account :  I  pro- 
ducing a  Uke  instance  of  y*^  Proceeding  with  Mr.  Eag.  As 
he  gave  up  that  he  said  that  he  beHeved  Mr.  Mackay's 
Daughter  was  above  the  age  of  a  year  and  a  half  &  upon 
enquiry  it  appeared  to  me  to  be  so  (fe  y*  y^  setting  her  down 
at  a  year  and  a  half  was  a  mistake  of  the  Writer,  since  her- 
name  was  carried  out  into  the  column  of  ages  whereas  none 
under  the  age  of  two  years  was  carried  out. 

AVith  respect  to  the  list  of  the  persons  who  paid  their  own 
passage,  of  the  servants  of  the  trust  and  the  servants  of  pri- 
vate persons  it  stands  thus,  The  trust  ordered  Mr.  Hugh 
Mackay  &  Mr.  Dunbar  to  raise  100  Men  free  or  servants  and 
for  that  i^urpose  allowed  to  them  the  fi'ee  passage  of  ten  serv- 
ants over  &  above  the  100.  They  farther  allowed  them  to 
take  50  Head  of  Women  &  Children  and  agreed  with  Mr. 


*  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  20,  p.  121. 


Simmoncls  to  send  a  ship  about,  wliicli  lie  w'^  not  do  unless 
they  agreed  for  130  Men  Heads  certain.  This  may  have 
led  the  trust  into  the  mistake  That  they  were  to  raise 
only  130.  The  method  they  took  in  the  raising  these  men 
was  according  to  the  Custom  of  that  Country.  They  were  to 
bring  the  Enterprise  into  vogue  with  the  chief  gentlemen,  but 
as  they  were  unused  to  labour,  they  not  only  permitted  but 
obliged  them  to  bring  each  a  laborious  servant  capable  of 
supporting  him.  Some  of  them  paid  their  oAvn  passage  and 
that  of  one  out  of  two  servants.  Others  paid  passage  for 
their  servant  &  took  the  benefit  of  the  Trust  j^assage  for 
themselves.  Besides  this  there  were  some  who  having  numer- 
ous families,  wanted  a  farther  assistance  of  servants  &  there- 
fore Mr.  Dunbar  gave  to  them  the  passage  of  four  servants 
which  was  his  right  for  having  raised  forty  of  the  hundred 
men.  He  therefore  thought  he  ought  to  set  them  down  as 
paid  because  they  were  paid  for  in  account,  by  his  not  apply- 
ing the  passage  of  those  4  servants  to  his  own  use.  By  this 
means  they  have  not  only  raised  their  100  Men  10  Servants 
&  50  other  Head,  but  they  have  landed  in  Georgia,  one  hun- 
dred seventy  seven  Persons  amounting  to  163  Heads  who 
were  mustered  at  Inverness,  beside  Mr.  Baily  &  four  Servants 
who  came  on  board  some  Hours  before  the  ship  sailed.  Out 
of  these  the  Trustees  paid  for  only  146  Heads,  whereas 
they  allowed  them  to  give  passage  to  160  Heads.  And  out  of 
these  146  several  are  servants  to  the  Trustees,  their  Inden- 
ures  with  blank  Endorsements,  for  j^  use  of  y*'  Trust,  being 
in  my  Hands. 

As  to  the  Demurrage  of  the  Prince  of  Wales,  it  runs  very 
high  ;  as  they  had  a  fortunate  passage  <fe  I  was  delayed.  This 
I  mentioned  before  I  left  England.  Mr.  Dunbar  sent  the 
people  away  in  open  boats,  as  fast  as  possible  to  Alatamaha 
&  the  day  they  went  the  charge  of  victuals  on  board  the  Ship 
ceased,  as  you  will  find  on  the  account.  But  as  there  were 
not  Boats  sufficient  to  carry  them  all  at  once  61  Heads  were 
sent  away  7  days  after  their  arrival  which  makes  6  days  De- 
murrage. Forty  six  Head  and  a  Half  more  were  sent  away 
Feby.  4,  more  boats  being  then  procured.  Mr.  Dunbar  also 
made  another  saving  by  permitting  those  who  were  able  to  go 


up  to  Savannah  and  Joseph's  Town  where  they  maintained 
themselves  at  their  own  expense,  some  till  the  Boats  went  to 
the  Southward  &  some  till  my  arrival.  The  charge  prevent- 
ed hereby  amounted  to  £1,  13s.  8d.  per  Day. 

I  am  obhged  to  allow  Demurrage  for  the  ship  till  she  is  out 
of  sight  of  Land.  And  if  I  was  to  leave  that  to  Hazard  for 
the  time  of  sailing,  her  Ballast,  her  Water  &  other  Prepara- 
tions the  Easterly  winds  might  set  in  &  occasion  another 
month's  Demurrage  as  there  was  at  Cows.  I  have  therefore 
settled  that  Demurrage  at  12  Days  &  Avhatever  Delays  may 
happen  the  Trust  can  be  charged  with  no  more.  I  take  Mr. 
Dunbar  with  me  to  the  Southward  to  introduce  me  to  the 
Highlandmen  &  instruct  me  a  httle  in  their  manners.  There- 
fore I  allow  a  Pilot  for  the  ship  to  the  Bar  of  Charles  Town. 
The  Highlandmen  have  these  three  weeks  had  quiet  j)osses- 
sion  of  the  Alatamaha  and  agree  very  well  with  the  Indians. 

The  Servants  that  are  on  account  of  Patrick  Mackay  & 
John  Cuthbert  are  to  be  paid  for  to  the  Trust  by  them  in 
Provision  &  labour  &  will  help  to  supply  the  wants  of  those 
Hands  we  mist  of  in  Germany.  With  respect  to  Hugh  Mac- 
kay it  is  He  that  contracted  with  us  and  commands  the  Party 
at  Alatamaha.  As  he  has  been  very  serviceable  &  as  the  Im- 
barkation  which  he  heads  are  the  only  men  that  have  com- 
plied with  their  Agreement,  I  think  there  could  be  no  Objec- 
tion to  his  being  allowed  Ten  Servants.  But  I  do  not  find  he 
is  allowed  one  except  those  allowed  by  his  Capitulation,  being 
his  proportion  of  the  Ten,  for  raising  the  100  Men. 

As  to  G.  Dunbar  he  has  none  that  I  can  see  charged  to  the 
Trust,  except  he  be  understood  to  be  concerned  in  those  of 
Cuthbert  which  are  to  be  paid  for.  And  the  giving  Credit  for 
Servants  to  these  Gentlemen  is  no  more  than  wliat  the  Trust 
daily  does  to  the  English  which  is  very  advantageous  since 
they  gain  a  man  to  the  Country  <fe  are  repaid  for  his  Passage. 
Mr.  Baily  parts  with  one  of  his  servants  &  by  the  money  so 
raised  pays  the  passage  of  himself  &  the  rest. 

I  have  sent  you  Lists  of  the  People  pursuant  to  y*"  desire 
&  having  made  up  the  account  with  Mr.  Pury  find  that  the 
remainder  due  to  Mr.  Simonds  for  the  freight  of  Passengers 
on  board  the  Prince  of  Wales  is  eighty  pounds  as  per  account 
which  I  have  signed. 


With  respect  to  the  Bill  £33,  9s.  6d.  drawn  by  Mr.  Dunbar 
on  the  Trustees  for  Wine  it  was  pursuant  to  the  Trustees 
Order  dated  August  23  signed  by  you.  In  the  same  order 
were  the  Plads  &c.  However  as  the  Trustees  do  not  think 
the  Claret  proper  for  their  keeping,  I  take  it.  But  as  I  know 
by  fatal  experience  that  the  want  of  Claret  or  Florence  (be- 
ing styptick  wines)  was  of  very  ill  consequence  in  the  flux,  I 
have  bought  of  Mr.  Mountagiie  four  Hogsheads  on  the  stores 
account,  which  I  have  disposed  of  as  follows,  viz : — To  the 
Governour  of  Augustine,  One  Cask.  To  Ebenezer,  Two ; 
The  Rest  to  the  Store  at  Savannah  for  the  sick  of  the  whole 

GOD  be  praised  all  the  people  are  in  Health,  nor  has  one 
Passenger  died  at  Sea  either  on  board  us  or  Capt.  Dunbar. 
The  Town  of  Savannah  is  in  good  Order  &  much  increased 
in  Buildings.  The  People  who  come  at  their  own  charge  hve 
in  a  manner  too  expensive  which  will  make  sumptuary  laws 
necessary  for  the  Pro\dnce.  I  will  write  a  particular  Letter 
about  the  Indian  Affairs  which  the  CaroHna  people  have  in 
vain  strove  to  put  into  confusion  Tomo-Chawchi  has  maintain- 
ed the  Trustees  Interest  among  the  Creeks  till  my  arrival. 
And  the  French  having  insulted  the  Chocktaws  have  made 
them  zealous. 

The  People  at  Ebenezer  are  very  discontented  &  Mr.  Von 
Reck  &  they  that  come  with  him  refuse  to  settle  to  the  South- 
ward I  was  forced  to  go  to  Ebenezer  to  quiet  things  there  and 
have  taken  all  the  Proceedings  m  writing.  Finding  the  people 
were  only  ignorant  &  obstinate  but  without  any  ill  Intention, 
I  consented  to  the  changing  of  theu'  Town.  They  leave  a 
sweet  place  where  they  had  made  gi-eat  Improvements,  to  go 
into  a  Wood.  I  have  raised  100  Workmen  at  different  Pays, 
but  one  with  another  they  come  within  the  sum  limited.  I 
have  also  ordered  50  Rangers  &  have  taken  up  a  Sloop  & 
bought  her  Cargo  &  shall  di'aw  for  it,  being  all  Provisions. 
I  am, 


Youi'  very  Humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 



The  Hon^^'«  the  Trustees 

for  estahKshiiig  the  Colony  of 

on  His  Majesty's  Service. 


27  February  1785-6. 

On  board  THE  Symond  in  Tybee  Creek 
the  27th  February  1735-6. 

Coll.  Bull  is  come  down  to  me  with  Letters  fi-om  the  Lieu- 
tenant Governor  &  assembly  of  CaroHna  of  which  I  send 
you  copies  inclosed.  We  were  seperated  fi'om  the  Man  of 
War  at  Sea,  and  she  is  not  yet  aii-ived.  I  thought  the  best 
way  both  for  the  health  of  the  people  and  for  the  saving  of 
Charges  would  be  to  carry  down  these  two  Ships  to  the  Ala- 
tamaha  &  land  the  Passengers  at  once  fi'om  on  board  but  the 
Capts.  having  no  Man  of  War  nor  Pilot  that  knew  the  entry 
did  not  dare  go  with  such  large  ships  till  a  small  vessel  had 
tried  the  Entry.  I  agreed  with  Capt.  Yoaldey  &  put  on 
board  him  great  part  of  Thompson's  Cargoe,  he  was  so  long 
in  getting  ready  that  I  was  at  Ebenezer  &  had  returned  again 
&  seeing  no  end  of  the  Delays  a  New  York  Sloop  coming  into 
the  Road  loaded  with  a  well  sorted  Cargoe  of  Provisions  I 
bought  the  Cargo  on  condition  yt  she  should  go  up  &  dehver 
them  on  St.  Simon  and  the  Capt.  of  these  two  ships  went  up 
in  her  to  sound  the  Barr,  I  went  within  Land  &  having  passed 
by  Skidaway  &  Thunderbolt  both  which  are  in  a  very  good 
scituation  I  arrived  at  St.  Simon  the  18tli  &  found  the  Sloop 
and  a  Detachment  of  men  whom  I  had  sent  with  her  there. 
The  Capt.  gave  me  an  account  that  they  had  met  with  seven 

*  p.  E.  O.    Georgia.     B,  T.  vol.  19,  p.  49. 


fathom  water  all  the  way  in  excepting  one  place,  where  they 
had  bore  too  near  the  shore  and  so  fonnd  shoaly  water.  We 
immediately  got  up  a  house  and  thatched  it  with  Palmettoes, 
dug  a  Cellar,  traced  out  a  Fort  with  4  Bastions  by  cutting  up 
the  Turf  from  the  ground,  dug  enough  of  the  Ditch  &  raised 
enough  of  the  Rampart  for  a  Sample  for  the  Men  to  work 

On  the  22d  a  boat  arrived  with  a  Detachment  of  the  Work- 
men (t  the  same  day  I  left  St.  Simon  rowmg  up  the  Alatama- 
ha  3  hours  I  arrived  at  y''  Scotch  Settlement  which  they 
desire  may  be  called  Darien.  They  were  all  under  Ai'ms 
upon  seeing  a  Boat,  and  made  a  most  manly  appearance  with 
their  Plads,  broad  Swords,  Targets  &  Fire  Arms,  the  latter 
of  which  were  very  bad,  of  which  the  j^erson  who  furnished 
them  should  be  informed.  Some  of  the  Carolina  People  on 
their  first  landing  near  Savannah  strove  to  discourage  them 
by  saying  that  the  Spaniards  would  shoot  them  as  they  stood 
upon  the  ground  where  we  placed  them  from  the  houses  in 
their  Fort.  Why  then  said  the  Highland  men  we  will  beat 
them  out  of  then-  Fort  &  shall  have  Houses  ready  built  to 
live  in.  They  have  mounted  a  Battery  of  4  pieces  of  Can- 
non, built  a  Guard  house  a  Store  house  a  Chappel  &  several 
Hutts  for  particular  people  &  one  of  their  men  dying,  the 
whole  people  joyned  &  they  built  a  house  for  his  ^ddow.  Mr. 
Hugh  Mackay  who  commands  there  has  shown  himself  an 
excellent  Officer,  in  all  the  Dispositions  which  he  has  made, 
and  deserves  the  thanks  of  the  Trustees  &  also  that  they 
should  speak  for  the  continuance  of  his  leave  of  absence  & 
obtain  Commission  for  him  to  sell. 

Mr.  M'pherson  with  the  Rangers  having  marched  over  land 
from  Savannah  arrived  at  the  Darien  before  I  left  that  place 
so  that  there  is  a  Communication  opened  for  Horsemen  be- 
tween the  two  Towns. 

On  Monday  I  set  out  from  the  Darien  and  on  Tuesday 
night  came  on  board.  The  Captains  returned  last  night  mth 
an  acco*  that  for  want  of  time  c%  conveniency  they  could  not 
find  a  passage  over  the  Barr  sufficient  to  carry  in  these  ships, 
but  that  there  is  no  doubt  a  good  Channel  may  be  found  by 
a  Man  of  War  who  has  hands  sufficient. 


Yoakley  is  sailed  and  the  Weather  very  blustring  God 
knows  what  is  become  of  him. 

They  have  discovered  a  Channel  big  enough  to  carry  in 
Captain  Dymond  so  shall  put  as  much  on  board  him  as  I  can 
and  shall  carry  the  rest  in  Perrivauguas  and  small  Craft  down 
the  Inland  Passage.  This  will  be  vastly  expensive,  but  can- 
not now  be  avoided. 

I  have  issued  out  £431  in  Notes.  The  Merchants  are  very 
gi'eedy  of  them  and  I  believe  some  will  be  soon  in  England. 

I  have  drawn  upon  you  for  £500.  Sterling  in  Payment  of 
the  Sloop's  Cargo,  and  paid  the  remainder  of  the  value  of  it 
amounting  to  200  and  odd  Pounds  Currency  here. 
I  am.  Gentlemen, 

Your  most  obedient  hum^^''  serv* 


Mr.  Wesleys  are  gone  up  to  Toma-chi-chi  Mico  and  live 
with  Mrs.  Musgrove  in  his  Neighbourhood  six  miles  from 
Savannah  where  he  has  built  a  new  Town. 

I  have  sent  Major  Richards  an  Officer  belonging  to  Caro- 
lina with  an  armed  Boat  to  conduct  Mr.  D  Empsy  who  was 
sent  by  Sir  Thos.  Fitzgerald  with  letters  from  himself  and 
from  the  Spanish  Secretary  of  State  to  the  Governour  of  St. 
Augustine  he  set  out  from  here  a  week  ago  so  that  in  a  few 
days  I  shall  have  an  account  how  thmgs  go  there. 


3  March  1736-5. 

Tybee,  March  2d,  1736-5. 

I  have  drawn  a  set  of  Bills  at  30  days  sight  for  c£200  sterl- 
ing payable  to  Colonel  Bull  or  Order  which  is  upoii  acco*  for 

*  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  67. 


2  Houses,  Frames  &  boards  of  sawed  Cj^press  which  he  had 
ready  against  my  arrival  Sr,  which  are  now  going  up  to  8t. 
Simons  &  for  sending  them  up  &  other  charges.  I  have  writ 
to  the  Trustees  at  full  how  things  go. 


The  above  is  Copy  of  a  letter  of  advice  sent  you  fi*om 
Tybee  road  I  desire  you  would  facilitate  j^  paym*  of  the  said 
Bills  &  beheve  me  to  be  Genf^' 

Your  most  obed*^  hum^'^  serv* 

James  Oglethorpe. 

To  the  Hono'^'<'  the  Trustees  for  Establishing 
the  Colony  of  Georgia  m  America  at  their 
office  in  Old  Palace  Yard 




2  Maeoh  1736. 

March  2,  1736. 
Tybee  Creek. 

I  have  drawn  a  set  of  Bills  at  Thii-ty  days  dated  March  2, 
1736  for  two  hundred  pound  sterling  payable  to  Col.  Bull  or 
order,  which  is  upon  acco*  for  two  houses  fi*ames  &  boards  of 
saw'd  Cypress  which  he  had  ready  for  me  ag*  my  arrival  & 
which  are  now  going  up  to  St.  Simons  &  for  sending  them  up 
&  other  charges.  I  have  writ  to  the  Trustees  at  full  how 
thmgs  go.  Moore  is  so  busy  in  loading  <t  unloading  the 
Stores  of  the  two  Ships  into  other  Vessels  y*  he  has  not  yet 
been  able  to  w^rite.  A  gi-eat  many  of  the  stores  are  damaged 
particularly  on  board  Thompson,  some  few  lost  of  w''^  Moore 

*  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  67. 


will  give  you  an  acco*-  I  have  also  drawn  for  £500  Sterling 
from  St,  Simons  in  four  sets  of  Bills  of  Exchange  being  in 
part  of  pajm*  for  y*  part  of  y''  sloop  Midnight's  Cargo 
w*^^  belonged  to  y^  Owners,  y*  w^'^  belonged  to  y''  Master  I 
bought  and  paid  for  in  Currency  beside.  I  am,  S*"' 
Your  very  humble  serv*' 

James  Oglethorpe. 
[Addressed]     To 
Mr.  Verelst 

At  the  Georgia  Office 

near  y^  House  of  Lords 


3  March  1735-6. 


I  have  drawn  upon  you  for  £200  Sterling  pay''^*^  to  Mr. 
Chas.  Purry  at  one  usance  It  is  for  Cash  to  buy  Horses  for 
the  Rangers  and  sho'^  have  been  paid  hi  Georgia  Bills  but 
that  throwmg  too  many  of  them  out  at  once  would  ran  them 
down  I  am  just  settmg  out  for  Frederica  &  am 

Your  most  humble 
&  obed*  Serv*' 

James  Oglethorpe. 
Tybee  3  March  1735-6 

{Addressed^^     To 
The  hon'^^°  the  Trustees  for  estabhshing  the  Colony  of 
Georgia  in  America  at  their  Office  in  Old  Palace  Yard 


*  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  19,  p,  71, 



16  Makcii  1736. 

Frederika — On  the  Island  of 
St.  Simon's  in  Georgia  Mar.  16, 1736. 

I  have  at  last  gott  all  j^  People  to  St.  Simons,  but  y® 
charges  of  Demurrage  &  y*"  shipping  have  been  intolerable, 
nor  are  our  goods  half  come  down,  having  been  obhged  to 
freight  two  ships  for  bringing  them.  One  of  them  The  James 
Capt"  Yokley  is  arrived  &  boldly  came  up  to  y*"  place  where 
our  Town  is  to  be  settled  &  rides  in  three  fathom  water  with- 
in ten  yards  of  y''  Fort  walls.  Diamond  who  commands 
y®  other  ship  is  not  yet  arrived.  We  have  built  Bowers 
thatched  with  Palmetto  for  about  half  y"  Lihabitants  &  by 
y''  end  of  this  week  I  hope  every  Family  where  women  are, 
will  have  a  Bower  wind  c^'  water  tight  upon  their  Lot.  A 
party  of  people  are  sowing  for  y'^  next  Years  Crop.  I  have 
aheady  shown  every  man  his  Town  Lot.  About  forty  of 
y®  Workmen  are  aheady  come  up  &  some  are  joining  us  every 
Day.  The  Man  of  War  &  y^  King's  Lide])endent  Company 
are  not  yet  arrived.  But  the  Lidian  King  Tomo  Chachi  & 
his  Nephew  Tooanoghoni  &■  the  Beloved  Man  Umpechee  who 
were  in  England  with  me  have  joined  us  with  a  Party  of 
Indians  &  declared  y*  they  will  Hve  &  die  by  us.  They 
agi-eed  that  we  shall  possess  the  Island  of  St.  Simons,  but 
reserve  that  of  St.  Catharine  to  themselves.  The  War  Capt. 
Hillispilh  was  sent  before  my  arrival  by  Tomo  Chachi  up  to 
y''  lower  Creek  Nations  to  keep  up  our  Interest  with  them  & 
would  have  brought  down  a  large  Body  of  men,  but  I  have 
desired  Tomo-Chachi  y*  He  may  bring  no  more  than  200, 
that  being  sufficient  for  any  service  we  can  have  for  them. 

The  Highlanders  are  very  ready  upon  aU  Occasions.  We 
have  rec'^  no  ansAver  yet  from  Augustine.  Yesterday  Mr. 
Hugh  Mackey  arrived  here  and  gave  an  account  y*  he  with  a 
Detachment  of  twelve  of  the  new  raised  Rangers  under  his 

*  P,  R.  O.    Georgia,    B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  65. 


Coiiniiaiid  had  conducted  Mr.  Walter  Aiigiistin  as  far  as 
y''  Darieii,  who  had  run  a  traverse  line  from  the  town  of  Sa- 
vannah to  the  ToAvn  of  Darieii  upon  the  Alatainaha  in  tn-der 
to  know  where  to  lay  out  y''  Road  lietween  y*-"  two  Rivers 
vrliich  we  now  lind  will  be  ninety  miles.  I  sh;dl  send  you  a 
Co})}'  of  their  Journal  as  soon  as  I  can  get  it  transcribed. 

Tomo-Chachi  <t  I  at  his  Desire  go  out  tomorrow  to  hunt 
y**  Buffaloe  as  far  as  the  utmost  extent  of  his  D(miinions 
towards  Augustine.  We  shall  then  huow  how  far  y''  Lands 
possest  by  y''  English  Confederate  Indians  extend.  Tomo- 
Chachi  is  willing  that  we  should  settle  upon  any  place  within 
his  Lands  provided  the  Lower  Creek  Nations  agree  to  it. 
God  l)e  })raised  there  is  not  so  nnich  as  one  of  the  Persons 
dead  that  came  from  Europe  a\  ith  us. 

The  Saltzburghers  are  mightily  discontented  tV  I  cannot 
find  the  real  rt^ason  of  it.  I  send  you  Mr.  Vats  A:  Mr.  Von 
Reek's  letters.  The  last  Transport  under  Mr.  Von  Reck  was 
destined  to  strengthen  me  here,  yet  at  their  Desire  I  suffered 
them  to  settle  on  y*'  River  Savannah  tho'  by  that  Means  we 
lost  y*"  Assistance  of  50  men  al)le  to  bear  Arms  &  shall  be 
at  a  monstrous  Expense  for  carrying  u})  y  Stores  to  them. 
I  also  allowed  the  first  established  Saltzburgers  to  change 
their  Lots  at  Ebenezer  for  y"  Red  Bluff  over   against  the 

Lands  by Purisljurg  y''  place  themselves  had  chosen, 

tho'  contrary  to  y'"  General  Opinion  cV:  y''-  National  Policy  of 
not  letting  Foreigners  settle  too  near  each  other.  After  all 
these  Concessions  ye'll  see  they  desire  to  go  beyond  y'^'  River 
Ebenezer  to  Lands  reserved  by  y''  Lidians  for  their  own  use, 
which  if  agreed  to,  will  certainly  draw  on  an  Indian  War. 
Mr.  Von  Reck  has  took  two  men  into  Pay  whom  he  calls 
Soldiers  and  intended  to  raise  more  witliout  any  Orders  from 
me  &  takes  it  very  ill  y*  Mr.  Causton  should  refuse  to  pay  for 
them.  I  must  desire  to  know  whether  y*^  Saltzburgers  shall 
be  on  y*"  footing  of  y**  old  Inhabitants  of  y''  outward  Settle- 
ments  which   amounts   to  each  man  at   full  allowance   for 

Provisions i:7.15.11d 

To  each  head  of  Women  &  Children 5.11.11d 

or  whether  they  shall  ,be  upon  the  same  allowance  as  y® 
Highlanders  Men 


Women 8.  3.8d 

or  those  y*  joiu  ns  in  America 3.  3.6d 

or  on  y''  charity  of  80  men  English  &  Forreigners  <fe  120  head 
of  Women  tt  Children  making  together  200  heads.  For  the 
Men  23.15.11.  For  y*^  Women  &c.  £12.3.31.  What  part  of 
which  is  paid  as  y''  Passage  Mr.  Verelst  knows. 

We  have  here  of  men  44  head  &  of  Women  &  Children  72 
head  which  are  part  of  the  200;  therefore  if  y*"  New-come 
Saltzburghers  shonld  exceed  what  makes  up  the  200  there 
will  be  a  deficiency  in  the  Estimate  equal  to  what  they  exceed 
&  the  Town  of  Frederica  will  be  lessened  by  as  many  Head 
of  People  as  is  allowed  to  the  Saltzburgers,  for  if  the  Saltz- 
burgers  Provision  was  not  allowed  to  them,  there  would  be 
just  as  many  settle  here  for  the  provision  as  they  who  quitted 
us  amounted  to.  I  have  allowed  them  a  credit  for  one  half 
year's  provision  upon  y''  footing  of  those  y*  join  us  in  Ameri- 
ca &  also  10s.  p*'  head  in  Extraordinaries  &  20s.  for  Tools  till 
j^  pleasure  is  known. 

Mr.  John  Wesley  is  at  Savannah  &  I  have  desired  him  to 
state  y*'  Case  of  j"  Saltzburgers.  Mr.  Charles  Wesley  and 
Mr.  Ingham  are  working  with  me.  I  am 


Your  must  obedient  lium''^^  Ser* 

James  Oglethorpe. 
[  Addressed] 

The  Hon'^^*'  the  Trustees 

for  establishing  the  Colony  of  Georgia. 



16  March  1736. 

Copy  Frederika  March  IC,  173G. 

To  Mr.  Vat. 


I  have  rec^  the  Favour  of  yours  and  am  very  sorry  to  find 
there  are  any  Discontents  among  the  Saltzburgers.  Mr.  Van 
Reck  complains  much  of  you,  as  well  as  you  of  him.  I  have 
wrote  to  him  uj^on  the  Occasion  &  sent  him  the  Heads  of 
what  you  have  objected  to  him,  that  he  may  make  his  De- 
fence. I  have  also  desired  him  to  make  good  what  he  objects 
to  you,  &  recommended  to  the  Rev'^  Mr.  John  Wesley  to 
state  the  matter,  how  things  have  past  at  Ebenezer,  that 
when  I  have  seen  things  in  a  clear  Light,  I  may  be  able  to 
determine  them,  which  I  would  not  do  in  a  matter  where  such 
worthy  People  are  concern'd,  till  the  Truth  appeard  fully, 
least  I  should  by  rash  Judgment  injure  any  man's  Reputa- 
tion or  Character. 

Cop:  J.  O. 


16  March  1736. 

Copy  to  the  Rev*^  Mr.  Wesley, 

Frederika  Mar.  16,  1736. 
Rev°  S«' 

I  must  desire  the  Favour  of  you  to  examine  the  Com- 
plaints made  by  Mr.  Von  Reck  &  Mr.  Bolzius  against  Mr. 
Vat  &  by  Mr.  Vat  against  Mr.  Von  Reck  &  to  make  a  true 
state  of  the  Case,  that  I  may  judge  concerning  them.  If 
you  shew  this  to  Mr.  Causton,  he  will  examine  any  Person 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19,  ]).  80.  t  P.  R.  O.     Geoi-Kia.     13.  T.  vol.  1!),  p.  XO. 


upon  Oath    that  shall  be  necessary  for  the  coming  at  the 

Mr.  Causton  will  shew  you 
the  Letters  I  have  wi'ote  to 
Mr.  Von  Keck,  Mr.  Bolzius  & 
Mr.  Vat. 


16  March  1736. 

Rev''  Sir, 

I  received  yours  &  as  I  know  your  zeal  for  the  service  of 
God,  your  Charity  to  the  Poor,  your  faithfuU  attachm*  to 
your  Flock  &  to  y''  Trustees  their  Benefactors,  I  am  very 
much  concerned  at  hearing  you  should  have  had  an}'  uneasi- 
ness. Mr.  Vat  has  retired  from  the  care  of  the  Stores  at 
Ebenezer  haveing  first  protested  against  y*"  Disobedience  of 
the  people  to  the  rules  prescribed  S:  complained  of  Mr.  Von 
Reek's  having  broke  open  the  Storehouse  A'  dissipated  the 
Stores.  I  am  really  under  the  utmost  apprehension  what 
the  consequence  ( )f  these  things  may  be ;  I  a})prehend  much 
from  the  youth  of  Mr.  Von  Reck  A"  the  age  of  Mr.  Vat  the 
dispersing  the  provisions  prevents  our  Storekeeper  fi'om 
daring  to  send  down  any  more  provisions  but  God  be  praised 
who  has  raised  you  up  who  can  moderate  between  them. 
Mr.  Vat  is  Secretary  put  in  by  the  Trustees  &  was  recom- 
mended by  Mr.  ^i^R^ul.  I  can  determine  nothuig  in  his  or 
Mr.  Von  Recks  case  without  hearing  both  <t  in  the  mean 
time  the  poor  people  must  suffer  unless  some  person  of 
weight  be  accountable  to  Mr.  Causton  that  the  Stores  should 
be  regularly  delivered,  otherwise  he  can  send  up  none  to 
Ebenezer,  because  he  can  gett  no  discharge  for  them.  I 
must  therefore  desire  you  to  take  charge  of  such  stores  as 

*  p.  R.  O.     Oeorgia.     B.  T.  vol.  IS),  p.  81. 


shall  be  sent  up  'till  the  matter  is  decided  &  to  give  receipts 
to  Mr.  Caustou  for  all  that  is  dehvered  to  you. 

1.  The  Orders  I  sent  to  you  concerning  the  General  work 
are  the  same  at  Ebenezer  as  the  English  all  conform  to  the 
1st  yeare  &  are  necessary  upon  the  first  Settlem^  of  a  Towne, 
but  since  you  desire  that  the  Saltzburgers  should  work  by  six 
in  Common  Labour  instead  of  all  together  they  may  do  it  <fe 
y*  may  be  altered  in  the  orders.  2*^  with  respect  to  building 
the  Storehouse  I  am  content  with  a  Hutt  for  the  jxiblick 
Stores  'till  after  planting  time  (tho'  the  English  allways  build 
a  strong  house  at  first)  provided  that  you  will  take  charge  of 
them,  that  they  be  not  stoln  out  of  the  Hut  nor  the  Hut 
broke  open  to  the  damage  of  the  people.  3  as  to  the  boat 
you  may  buy  such  a  one  as  is  most  convenient  for  you  &  Mr. 
Caustou  shall  pay  for  it  not  exceeding  c£20-Sterling,  provided 
the  whole  Congregation  repay  the  same  in  coin  within  two 
yeares.  4  in  regard  to  the  Gardens  they  shou'd  be  marked 
out  according  to  the  plan  given  by  me  to  Jones  which  was 
the  same  I  showed  to  you  &  he  had  orders  from  me  to  put 
you  into  immediate  possession  of  them,  to  give  to  your  self 
&  your  fellow  Labourer  those  neerest  the  Towne  &  to  pro- 
ceed on  to  the  Constable,  the  officers  and  others  according  to 
their  ages  &.  the  time  of  their  arrival  but  neither  the  Saltz- 
burghers  the  English  or  any  other  Persons  are  to  take  up  & 
cultivate  Lands  beyond  the  River  Ebenezer. 
I  am,  Eev*^  Sir, 

Your  most  obedient  humble  Ser* 
Frederika  J.  O. 

March  16,  1735-6.) 

Copy  to  Mr.  Bolzius. 



16  March  1736. 


I  have  received  the  favour  of  yours  &  was  allways  appre- 
hensive that  the  Saltzbur^iiers  removeing  fi'om  Ebenezer  & 
leaving  a  ready  built  Towue  would  plunge  them  into  gi'eat 
Difficultys  such  as  it  would  not  be  in  my  power  to  prevent  I 
find  by  yours  the}^  begin  to  feel  those  Inconveniences  which 
are  inevitable  Consequences  of  that  unfortunate  step ;  I  am 
sorry  to  hear  you  should  have  had  any  difference  with  the 
Officers  of  the  Trustees,  was  I  upon  the  spot  I  am  sure  you 
should  have  no  just  cause  to  complain  but  y°  Kings  orders  & 
my  own  Reputation  require  me  to  be  where  most  danger  is ; 
The  Stores,  the  shipping  the  expences  of  the  Province  are 
now  removed  to  the  Southerd  Frontiers  therefore  had  your 
Saltzburgers  came  down  directly  to  me  with  the  ships,  It 
would  have  been  a  gi'eat  pleasure  to  me  to  have  had  them 
under  my  Eye  that  I  might  have  supplyd  them  with  the  same 
care  as  usual  But  'tis  their  misfortune  to  be  at  a  distance 
fi'om  me,  where  tis  Impossible  Orders  should  be  so  well  exe- 
cuted as  if  I  were  present.  Mr.  Vat  has  complained  that 
you  have  broke  open  the  Storehouse  at  Ebenezer  &  taken  all 
the  Provisions  you  found  therein  &  further  that  he  found  the 
door  of  the  small  Storehouse  broken  open  <fe  one  Barrel  of 
Rue  (tho  another  Barrel  lay  in  the  large  Storehouse)  some 
beef  &  several  Tools  &  nails  belonging  to  the  2'^  Transports 
under  his  charge  taken  away.  As  you  very  kmdly  say  that  you 
know  I  will  hear  both  sides  before  I  determine  I  send  you 
the  matters  laid  to  your  charge  that  you  may  justifie  your- 
seK  for  I  am  very  unA\dUing  to  believe  you  can  do  anything 
that  is  wrong.  Mr.  Vat  is  an  Ofiicer  appointed  Secretary  of 
the  Saltzburghers  by  the  Trustees  &  to  him  were  the  Stores 
at  Ebenezer  entrusted.  He  is  answerable  for  them  and  'till 
such  time  as  by  his  misbehaviour  I  am  intitled  to  dismiss 
him,  it  is  improper  for  me  to  take  them  from  his  care  nor  can 
I  determine  any  more  in  his  than  in  your  case   without  a 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  82. 


liearing.  Mr.  Bol/ius  &  you  luive  hotli  accusod  liim,  there- 
fore as  I  cannot  come  myself  yet  to  Savannah  I  refer  exam- 
ining into  the  matter  to  Mr.  John  Wesley  who  is  there 
intirely  unprt^judiced  I  miist  again  repeat  the  uneasiness 
I  am  under  in  not  being  able  to  assist  them  personally  & 
am  S'' 

Your  very  humble  Ser* 

J.  O. 


Mar.  16,  1736. 

Mr.  Van  Eecke. 


17  Makcti  1786. 

Mr.  Causton, 

You  are  to  take  care  to  let  the  Saltzburgers  have  the  Pro- 
visions that  the  Trustees  have  destined  to  those  who  joined 
us  in  America.  Pray  take  care  that  they  do  not  suffer  for 
want  of  them.  If  you  can  hire  or  buy  a  trading  Boat  not 
exceeding  20  Pound  Sterling  it  will  be  properest  for  carrying 
them  up :  You  may  also  hire  English  men  by  j"  Month  to 
row  y*^  Boat.  You  may  likewise  give  Credit  to  such  of  y^  last 
Transports  as  are  recommended  by  Mr.  Bolzius  as  far  as 
10s.  f  Head  &  20s.  for  Tools,  till  such  time  as  y''  Will  of 
y®  Trustees  is  known  u])on  what  Establishment  they  are  to 
be.  All  Stores  sent  up  to  Ebenezer  are  to  be  consigned  to 
Mr.  Bolzius  &  he  is  to  give  Receipts  for  them.  Mr.  Jones 
should  have  put  them  into  possession  of  their  Garden  Lots 
as  you  will  see  in  my  letter  to  Mr.  Bolzius.  You  are  to  take 
care  that  the  Trustees  Orders  for  preventing  Peoples  settling 
beyond  the  River  Ebenezer  be  executed  by  the  Proper 
officer :     The  Indians  having  complained  that  some  Persons 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  10,  p.  78. 


have  settled  over  against  Palacliocolas  Sl  some  near  tlie 
mouth  of  Ebenezer.  Be  they  of  what  nation  they  will  they 
must  be  dislodged  for  we  will  never  break  faith  with  the 
Indians  &  not  at  this  time  disoblige  them.  If  you  want  any 
thing  that  comes  fi-om  Europe  let  me  know  it  ct  I  will  send  it 
up  to  you.     I  am,  S'"  Y''  hum''  Ser*^ 

Frederika,  March  17,  1735-6. 


28  March  1736. 

Frederica  on  St.  Simons. 
28  March  1736. 

Things  go  well  here  considering  the  few  men  I  have  with 
me  from  the  disappointments  which  I  before  acquainted  you 
with.  I  am  so  hurried  that  I  cannot  write  long  therefore  have 
sent  you  a  Copy  of  a  letter  to  the  Lieut.  Gov'"  of  Carolina  of 
the  state  of  affairs. 

The  Beer  at  first  was  excellent  good  and  a  great  deal  of  it 
is  so  still  but  there  is  a  good  deal  which  I  am  afi-aid  of,  it 
having  lain  exposed  to  the  Rain  &  Sun  in  open  Boats  and  if 
the  Casks  had  not  been  very  good  and  Iron  bound  we  had 
lost  it,  the  wooden  hoops  being  all  flown.  To  proA'ide  for  the 
worst  I  have  bought  some  beer  &  other  things  from  Mr.  Ellis 
a  Merchant  and  Alderman  of  Philadelphia  &  fi'iend  to  Mr. 
Penn  who  came  m  here  for  the  assistance  of  the  Colony.  I 
have  got  him  to  furnish  £40  to  Mr.  Spangenberg  who  is  gone 
for  Philadelphia  to  bring  down  a  number  of  Germans  who 
designed  for  Georgia  but  were  deluded  thither  by  Mr.  Hopp. 
I  send  you  his  receipt  and  Bill  of  Parcells  &  draw  upon  you 
for  the  Amount.  My  humble  service  to  Mr.  Vernon,  teU  him 
that  his  Son  is  well.    I  should  have  wrote  to  him  but  could  not 

*  p.  K.  O.     (Icdrgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  7G. 


till  three  days  since  spare  time  to  undress  myself,  and  have 
not  lain  in  sheets  from  leaving  the  ships  till  then.  The 
Indians  and  the  Highlanders  have  behaved  with  gTeat  cour- 
age, fidehty  and  affection  and  the  English  that  came  'vvith  me 
are  not  far  behind  with  them,  particularly  Mr.  Horton  who 
has  not  undressed  himself  since  he  came  here,  though  he  has 
a  tent  and  bed  standing  which  he  has  given  to  the  sick  and 
has  been  with  me  in  an  open  ])oat  in  all  the  Southward  Expe- 

I  am, 


Your  most  obedient 

huml)le  Serv^ 

James  Oglethorpe. 

A  bill  for  £97.  dated  27  Mar.  pay"^  at  30  days  sight. 
A  bill  for  £100.  dated  27  Mar.  pay''  at  30  days  sight, 
both  payable  to  Mr.  Eobt.  Ellis's  Order. 


28  March  1736. 

Frederica  the  28th  March  1736. 

Pursuant  to  His  Majestey's  Commands  I  have  settled  & 
fortified  on  the  Island  of  St.  Simons  &  have  took  the  best 
measures  that  my  small  Judgment  suggested  to  me  for  put- 
ting the  place  into  a  condition  of  Defence  and  of  being 
supported  by  keeping  an  open  connnunic^ation  l)oth  l)y  Land 
&  Water.  For  this  purpose  the  Rangers  &  the  Scout  boat 
will  be  necessary,  the  first  have  marched  over  Land  from 
Savannah  to  the  Darien,  and  a  Surveyor  sent  by  me  with  a 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia,     li.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  76. 


Detachment  of  the  Trustees  men  has  run  the  Traverse  Line 
from  Savannah  ))y  Fort  Argyle  to  the  Darien  fi-om  whence  to 
this  place  is  only  16  miles  by  water. 

After  this  was  clone  I  went  down  to  the  Frontiers  to  see 
where  his  Majesty's  Dominions  and  the  Spaniards  joyn,  a 
Detachment  of  Creek  Indians  invited  me  to  go  down  with 
them  to  show  me  how  far  their  Claim  and  possession  extend- 
ed. I  foiind  that  they  have  been  in  quiet  possession  ever 
since  the  last  War  of  all  Lands  on  the  North  side  as  far  as 
the  Mouth  of  St.  John's  River  and  that  the  Spaniards  have 
two  Guards  called  Lookouts  on  the  South  side  of  that  River 
the  one  7  or  8  miles  frcwn  the  sea  the  other  at  the  Sea  Point. 
Tomachichi  brought  us  to  a  rock  covered  Avith  woods  from 
whence  we  could  see  the  up})ermost  Look  Out  and  they  not 
discover  us.  He  then  said  he  would  go  out  with  his  Indians 
and  bring  me  in  a  Prisoner  to  inform  me  of  their  scituation  and 
cutt  off  their  Guard  and  drive  them  down  to  Augustme  for 
that  the  Number  with  him  Avas  sulhcient  so  to  do  and  that 
the  Lands  as  far  as  Augustine  belonged  to  the  Creeks  but 
that  the  Spaniards  had  taken  forcible  and  luijust  possession 
of  it.  It  was  with  much  difficulty  I  could  prevent  them  from 
attacking  the  Spaniards.  I  therefore  having  two  boats  with 
one  bigger  than  any  one  of  theirs  ol)liged  the  Indians  to  stay 
and  myself  set  forward  with  one  boat  and  liaAdng  viewed 
both  the  Spanish  out  Guards  I  went  round  the  Southward- 
most  point  of  his  Majesty's  Dominions  in  North  America 
which  I  called  St.  George's  Point  and  is  over  against  the 
Spanish  Lower  Look  out  from  which  it  is  seperated  by  the 
mouth  of  St.  John's  River  which  is  there  about  a  mile  wide. 
From  thence  I  returned  and  found  that  the  Highland  men 
whom  I  had  left  upon  an  Island  at  the  Southermost  Entrance 
of  this  Port  had  fortified  themselves  there.  I  called  .the  New 
Fort  St.  x4.ndrews  and  the  Island  it  stands  uj)on  the  High- 

I  shall  be  obliged  to  keep  a  Boat  on  the  River  St.  John's 
to  prevent  the  Creek  Indians  from  passing  to  hurt  the 
Spaniards.  The  Governor  of  Augustine  having  mformed  me 
that  he  is  very  apprehensive  of  those  Indians  and  as  I  camiot 
answer  for  the  Indians  and  that  an  liostiHty  committed  by 


them  might  be  constiiied  to  be  my  doing  I  shall  acquaint  him 
that  I  cannot  ))e  answeral)le  for  keeinng  up  the  tranquihty 
but  by  maintaining  a  Boat  and  Guard  to  prevent  them  from 
passing  the  River. 

The  Gentleman  that  brought  letters  from  the  King  of 
Spain's  Secretary  of  State  and  his  Ambassadour  at  London 
to  tlie  Governour  of  Augnistine  and  who  came  over  in  the 
ship  with  me  is  still  at  i\.ugustine.  Major  Richards  who  con- 
ducted him  thither  is  returned  M^th  letters  both  fi'om  him 
and  the  Goveiiiour  full  of  civility  and  professions  of  fiiend- 
shi})  mixt  with  some  complaints  of  the  Creek  Indians  not 
permitting  th'em  to  settle  the  Apellachee  Towns. 

My  private  Advices  from  thence  say  that  they  have  sent  to 
Havannah  tt  suspect  that  it  is  for  succours  in  order  to  diive 
us  off.  The  Governour  has  acquainted  me  that  he  will  send 
an  Officer  as  his  Plenipotentiary  to  treat  with  me  for  settling 
the  Boundaries  and  tlie  matter  of  the  Apellachee  Towns.  I 
have  acquainted  him  that  I  am  ready  to  receive  his  Plenipo- 
tentiary or  to  meet  him  personally  on  the  Frontiers  which  is 
at  St.  John's  River. 

I  have  sent  Perriauguas  for  the  Detachment  of  the  Inde- 
pendant  Company.  The  Man  of  War  is  ah'eady  arrived  at 
Tybee  &  I  expect  him  here  in  a  few  days.  Mr.  Jonathan 
Bryan  and  Mr.  Barnwell  have  been  with  me  to  the  Frontiers 
and  behaved  very  handsomely. 
I  am  <fec. 

To  the  Hon*'!*'  tj^^^^^  Broughton  Esq. 

Lieut  Governor  of  South  Carolina. 



17  April  1736. 

Frederica  the  17tli  Aprill  1736. 
Dear  Sir, 

I  send  you  inclosed  a  Memorial  of  the  King's  Eight  to 
these  Coimtreys  and  in  the  Trustees  letter  the  Correspond- 
ence between  me  and  the  Governor  of  Augustine.  It  is  fit 
that  Mr.  Vernon  or  you  shou'd  carry  the  Copies  of  both  to 
the  Duke  of  Newcastle,  with  my  letter  to  his  Grace  which  I 
have  sent  open  to  Mr.  Vernon  and  which  I  desii-e  you  would 
read.  I  referr  you  to  the  Carolina  Gazette  and  Trustees 
Letter  for  News  here. 
I  am 
Dear  Sir 

Your  most  obedient 

humble  Serv* 

James  Oglethorpe. 
To.  Thos.  Towers  Esq. 


24  April  1736. 

Frederica  the  24th  April  1736. 

I  not  having  time  to  stay  at  Savannah  desii'ed  Mr.  Wesley 
to  inquire  concerning  Mr.  Quincy's  behaviour  there,  and 
this  is  a  copy  of  a  Paragraph  by  him  sent  to  me  in  his  Letter. 

I  found  Mr,  Quincy  here  last  night  who  hearing  you  was 
not  certain  as  to  the  time  of  your  Eeturn  hitlier,  resolved  to 
make  use  of  the  first  opiiortunity  of  waiting  upon  you  at 
Frederica.  I  have  not  only  heard  more  than  I  usually  do  of 
what  the  People  here  say  concerning  his  behaviour  among 

*  p.  R.  O.    Georgiji.    B.  T.  vo}.  19,  p.  89.  t  P-  R-  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  137. 


them,  but  have  purposely  asked  several  Questions  about  it. 
And  if  they  were  (as  I  suppose)  answered  sincerely,  his  Car- 
riage has  not  been  such  as  I  believed  it  was,  but  in  the 
general  more  than  inoffensive.  All  I  have  spoke  to,  inform 
me,  That  they  judge  him  to  be  a  good  natured,  fi-iendly, 
peaceful,  sober  just  man  and  that  they  have  no  complaint 
against  him  either  relating  to  his  private  life  or  to  the  execu- 
tion of  his  office  as  a  Clergyman  except  his  absence  fi-om 
them  (in  New  England  I  apprehend)  which  they  believe  was 
chiefly  owing  to  his  ill  state  of  health. 

With  respect  to  his  marrying  an  Englishman  to  an  Indian 
woman  unbaptized  he  was  advised  to  do  so  by  most  of  the 
people  then  in  Savannah  and  by  what  I  found  in  conversing 
with  them  the  generality  of  the  people  thought  they  had 
done  a  very  pretty  thing  in  getting  an  Intermarriage.  I 
thought  it  was  proper  to  acquaint  you  of  this  matter.  Mr. 
Quincy  intending  to  return  soon  to  England  and  he  then  will 
deliver  you  this  himself.  He  thinks  of  applying  to  be  assist- 
ant to  Mr.  Garden  Minister  at  Charles  Town  who  is  Commis- 
sary to  the  Bishop  of  London  for  Carohna. 
I  am. 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant, 
James  Oglethorpe. 
Mr,  Oglethorpe's  letter  to  Mr.  Quincey 
rec'^  11  August. 


11  May  1736. 


I  have  been    down    to  the  Southward  to  quell  a  Mutiny 
among  our  Frontier  Garrison.     The  Spaniards  have,  I  appre- 

*  p.  K.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  139. 


hend,  detained  the  persons  I  sent  down  to  treat  with  them, 
contrary  to  faith,  and  have  sent  up  some  Laimches  to  \dew 
us.  I  am  forced  to  set  out  immediately  to  throw  succour 
into  the  Frontier  Garrisons,  who  I  expect  will  be  attacked 
every  hour.  I  have  no  time  to  write  particulars  I  send  you 
Copies  of  the  Letters  I  had  fi-om  Augustine.  I  could  think 
of  no  method  to  hinder  the  Spaniards  fi*om  being  supplied 
with  Presents  but  that  of  remonstrating  to  the  Governour  and 
Council  of  Carolina  to  get  an  Embargo,  and  if  they  do  not 
grant  that,  to  buy  up  all  the  arms  <fec.  which  may  amount 
to  about  i£1200  sterling  now  in  Charles  Town  and  by  that 
means  delay  the  Spaniards  being  able  to  make  a  strong  push 
till  they  receive  Succours  from  Europe.  I  have  drawn  upon 
you  for  £500  Sterhng  upon  this  account  payable  to  Mr. 
Eveleigh.     I  am, 


Yoiu"  most  obedient 
Erederica,  I  humble  Servant, 

11th  May,  1736.  [  James  Oglethorpe. 

The'hon'^^''  the  Trustees  for  establishmg 
The  Colony  of  Georgia 

"rec.  21  July  1736." 


18  May  1736. 

Erederica,  the  18th  May  1736. 

I  have  received  no  Letters  fi-om  you  since  my  arrii^al  here 
except  by  Mr.  Bradley  who  is  arrived  safely  with  the  horse. 
The  Spaniards  complain  of  our  Lidians  harrassing  them  and 
as  I  could  not  restrain  them  by  an}'  other  means  I  sent  Boats 
and  men  to  make  a  Garriscm,  fi'om  whence  to  patrole  upon 

*  p.  R,  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  98, 



the  Rivers  tliat  se]>er;ite  tlie  ])iitisli  tVoiii  tlic  S});iiiish 
Dominions  .-iiid  sent  to  the  GoveniouT  of  Aiij^nstine  ])y  the 
same  (TCJiitleiiiaii  who  cameil  the  liist  Message  of  my  havmg 
so  done.  The  Sjoaiiiards  on  his  arrival  seemed  gTeatly 
rejoyced  at  our  takino;  such  care  to  ])r(!vent  the  Indian  Rav- 
ages but  soon  after  some  letters  coming  from  some  Merchants 
in  Charles  Town  to  the  Governour,  the  S(5ene  was  changed, 
they  confined  my  Messengers,  ])ut  all  their  men  under  arms, 
ordered  their  Horse  out  and  took  measures  to  attack  us. 
The  best  way  to  prevent  which,  u])on  mature  advice  I  found 
was  to  strengthen  y  Frontiers  t'c  to  shew  them  that  though 
we  courted  their  friendship,  we  did  not  fear  their  force.  I 
went  down  myself,  found  the  Garrison  at  St.  Georges  Fort 
had  mutinied,  re-embarked  themselves  and  met  them  return- 
ing from  their  Post.  I  carried  theni  back  tt  resettled  them, 
in  j^  mean  time  a  Bark  sent  out  from  Augustine  to  spy  upon 
our  settlements  without  Colours  &  like  a  Pyrate  came  near 
Avhere  the  Independent  Company  is  quartered  upon  St. 
Simons  Island.  Ensign  Delegall  who  commanded  there, 
made  signals  to  her  to  come  in  and  show  what  nation  she 
was  of  but  she  refusing  &  running  away  he  tired  at  her.  The 
alarm  being  once  given  the  Garrison  at  Fort  St.  Andrews 
saw  her  and  called  to  her  as  she  ran  awa_v,  but  would  not  fire 
upon  her  because  she  answered.  She  met  also  some  of  our 
Boats  whom  she  fancied  were  in  pursuant  of  her,  on  which 
she  made  the  best  of  her  way  to  Augustine  with  a  dismal 
account  that  the  whole  Coast  was  covered  Avitli  men  boats 
&  Cannon  I  also  made  use  of  some  small  stratagems  on 
the  Frontiers  at  Fort  St.  George  to  make  them  lielieve  we 
were  numerous  and  treating  some  Spaniards  who  came  vdth. 
messages  to  us  with  great  kindness.  God  Avas  pleased  to 
prosper  our  endeavours.  The  Spanish  Gov*'  was  oliliged  to 
call  a  Council  upon  the  Terrors  spread  abroad,  in  which  the 
Bishop,  the  Officers  &  the  People  declared  unanimously  that 
they  were  for  preserving  a  good  harmony  with  the  King  of 
Great  Britain's  Subjects,  and  desired  the  Governour  to  release 
the  Messengers  I  had  sent  down,  and  send  up  an  Officer  with 
them  to  exi-use  them  having  violated  the  La\\s  of  NatioiiS 
&  Hospitality.     Whilst  things  were  going  on  in  this  manner 


id  Augustine  I  came  tVoiii  St.  George's  Fort  hither  and  in  live 
days  time  returned  to  the  Frontiers  with  men  Cannon  &  Pro- 
visions, where  I  found  that  Capt.  Hermsdorff,  who  commands 
the  Boat  which  guards  the  Passages  being  apprehensive  from 
the  threats  of  the  Spaniards  so  as  to  think  it  dangerous  to 
stay  wdthout  Defence  for  the  return  of  the  Messengers  had 
fortified  himself  and  for  that  purpose  had  chose  the  old  Fort 
which  was  erected  by  Sir  Walter  Raleigh's  first  Colony  when 
Sir  Francis  Drake  took  Augustine.  I  met  a  Spanish  boat 
and  making  up  to  her  to  know  what  she  was  found  she  had 
on  board  Mr.  Dempsey  and  a  Capt.  of  horse  and  the  Gov""  of 
Augustine's  Secretary  who  are  sent  as  Deputies  to  treat  with 
me.  I  sent  a  boat  to  escort  them  to  St.  Simon's  and  found 
Major  Richard  and  all  our  Gentlemen  sent  by  me  on  the 
message  had  been  dismissed  in  a  very  honorable  manner 
though  when  thought  us  weak  they  had  threatened  Major 
Richard  to  send  him  to  the  Mines  at  least  if  he  woidd  not 
sign  some  Interrogatories  which  they  presented  to  him.  The 
Spanish  Ofiicers  are  now  at  the  Garrison  where  the  Inde- 
pendent Company  lies.  I  shall  fee  them  tomorrow  and  shall 
by  Dyniond  send  you  an  account  of  their  message. 

The  Magistrates  of  Savannah  have  seized  and  staved  large 
quantities  of  Rum  upon  the  River  under  the  Hill  at  Savan- 
nah. This  Channel  being  between  Hutchinson's  Island  and 
Savannah  they  deem  that  the  water  between  the  Island  and 
the  Town  is  Georgia  since  the  Islands  are  so.  The  People 
of  Charles  Town  have  taken  this  extremely  ill  and  sent  me  a 
Representation  upon  it,  which  I  have  sent  to  Mr.  Causton 
of  which  he  is  to  send  you  a  Copy.  They  are  also  very 
angry  concerning  the  Indian  Trade  and  some  private  men 
have  taken  great  pains  to  incense  the  Indians  against  the 
Spaniards  and  against  the  (.'olony  of  Georgia  particularly. 
Capt.  Green  who  I  am  informed  has  advised  the  Uchee 
Indians  to  fall  upon  the  Saltzlnirgers  for  settling  upon  their 
Lands,  the  occasion  of  which  was  an  indiscreet  action  of  one 
of  the  Saltzburgers  who  cleared  and  planted  four  acres  of 
Land  bejond  the  Ebenezer  contrary  to  my  orders  and  with- 
out my  knowledge.  They  also  turned  their  cattle  over  the 
River  some  of  whom  straved  aAvay  and  eat  the  Uchees  corn 

o()  LETTEKS    IT.OM    GENEJtAL    (KiJ.i;  1  llolil'E. 

20  iiiili's  ;il)()ve  Ebeiiezer.  But  wliiit  vext  the  Ucliees  more 
was  that  some  of  the  Carolma  people  swam  a  great  Herd 
of  Cattle  over  Savainiah  and  sent  up  Negroes  and  began 
a  Plantation  on  the  Georgia  side  not  far  from  the  Ucliees 
Town.  The  Ucliees  instead  of  taking  (Tieens  advice  and 
l)eginning  Hostilities  with  us  sent  up  their  King  and  20  War- 
ricu's  with  a  Message  of  thanks  to  me  for  having  ordered 
back  the  ('attle  cV  sent  a^xav  the  Negroes  whicli  I  did  as  soon 
as  ever  1  arrived.  Tlie3'  told  me  that  my  having  done  them 
justice  before  they  asked  it  made  them  love  me  and  not 
believe  the  stories  that  Avere  told  them  against  me  <S:  that 
therefore  instead  of  beginning  a  War  with  tlie  English  they 
were  ccmie  down  to  help  me  against  the  Spaniards  and  that 
if  I  wanted  them  they  would  bring  down  four  score  more  of 
their  Warriors  who  should  stay  with  me  a  whole  year.  You 
see  hoAV  God  battles  the  attempts  of  wicked  men. 

Capt.  Yoakley  is  just  setting  sail  I  have  settled  his 
accounts  and  einpowed  Moore  to  sign  them,  because  I  would 
not  keep  the  ship  on  Demurrage  for  my  Keturu.  I  therefore 
desire  you  would  look  ujjoii  my  Name  signed  by  him  on  that 
occasion  as  my  act.  As  soon  as  this  hurry  wdtli  the  Span- 
iards is  a  little  over  I  shall  be  able  to  send  you  very  clear 
accounts  in  which  I  have  conformed  as  near  as  possible  to 
the  Estimate. 

I  am, 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

J.  Oglethokpe. 

I  Indorsed] 

Eec.  11  Aug.  1736, 



1  Jui.Y  1730. 


I  send  yon  Copies  of  my  last,  together  with  the  Transac- 
tions with  the  People  of  Carolina  &  Governour  of  Angnstine. 
The  Day  and  Night  together  is  not  long  enough  to  dispatch 
tlie  nnnil)er  of  trilling  things  that  are  here  necessary.  I  have 
bid  Moore  &  Causton  keep  up  the  accounts  and  send  them 
continually  to  you.  It  has  been  as  yet  impossible  for  me  to 
look  them  over,  having  been  taken  up  with  the  necessary 
defence  of  the  Province  which  the  People  of  Carolina  desire 
to  have  entirely  destroyed  <fe  united  to  theirs  that  they  may 
have  the  benefit  of  the  improvements  here  &  the  Kbei-ty  of 
oppressing  both  the  Indians  &  the  English  Poor  as  they  do 
tlieir  own. 

I  am, 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 

July  1,  1736. 

To  the  Hon^"*^  the  Trustees  &c. 

Time  pressing  and  there  being  so  many  papers  to  tran- 
scribe it  was  impossible  to  send  a  Copy  of  my  last  to  vou. 


4  .Tui.Y  1736. 


I  send  you  over  a  Proposal  made  to  me,  of  which  I  desire 
you  to  consider.     It  is  a  method  of  remitting  Money  Tvdthout 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19.  p.  lU.        t  P.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19.  p.  no. 

.^8  i.l^TTKRft  T'ROM  aENniiAi.  oritETilonrK. 

losing  the  Exchange.  Goods  to  tlie  vahie  of  the  Money 
adynnced  are  assigned  as  secnrity.  I  liave  a  good  opinion 
of  it,  since  it  will  save  Commission  <t  Exchanges,  which  I  find 
very  difficult  now  for  they  will  not  take  the  Georgia  Bills  in 
Carolina  imless  I  give  them  below  the  Exchange.  Wherefore 
I  have  rather  chose  to  draw  npon  yon. 
I  am 


Your  very  linmble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
Jnly  4,  1736. 

\  Addressed] 

The  Hon^i*^  the  Trnstees  for 

Estabhshing  the  Colony  of  Georgia 
in  America  at  their  Office 
in  Old  Palace  Yard 



24  July  1786. 


I  was  just  going  hence  to  the  Spanish  Frontiers  when  Mr. 
Purry  l)rought  me  the  enclosed  Account.  And  as  it  is  uncer- 
tain what  might  happen,  I  thought  it  necessary  to  give  him 
Draughts  for  seven  hundred  pounds  Sterhng  on  you  on 
account  thereof,  untill  it  is  further  exammed. 

The  large  Ai^ticles  of  this  Account  are  for  Presents  to  the 
Indians  and  to  fit  out  two  Agents  one  for  the  Creek  and  the 
other  for  the  Cherokee  Nation  to  prevent  those  Nations  fi-om 
falling  upon  us  who  have  been  sohcited  thereto  not  only  by 

*  p.  B.  O.     Geurgia.     B.  T.  vol.  r.>,  p.  140. 


French  &  Spaniards  but  by  some  who  are  nearer  to  us  as  you 
will  see  by  Hobochachi's  speech. 

Severall  other  Articles  have  been  issued  at  the  publick 
store  for  Creditt  to  Familys  who  necessarily  wanted  such 
things,  which  either  have  been  or  will  be  repaid. 

The  greatest  part  of  the  Ammunition  is  in  the  Store  to 
supply  the  necessary  uses  of  the  Colony.  And  the  Cash  is 
accounted  for  in  Mr.  Causton's  Cash  Account  being  paid  to 
him  by  my  Order  tor  the  better  circulatuig  the  Georgia  Bills 
and  supplying  the  said  Agents  with  Carolina  currency  in 
tlieii'  journeys.  I  am, 

Your  obedient  &  lium^'*^  Ser* 

J.  Oglethorpe. 
July  24,  1736  for  £400. 
To  Mess^^  Montaigut ) 

&  Comp.  [  £700. 


2fi  .Tttly  17^6. 

My  Lord, 

The  Act  for  securing  the  Peace  with  the  Indians  which  was 
examined  by  Your  Lordship  was  not  onely  wisely  calculated 
for  the  advantage  of  his  Majesty's  Subjects  but  very  accept- 
able to  the  Indians  and  will  be  the  true  means  of  preventing 
their  falling  into  the  French  &  Spanish  Interest. 

A  few  Private  Merchants  in  Charles  Town  for  their  o-v\'n 
Interest  opposed  the  putting  this  Action  in  execution  and 
gained  a  party  in  the  Assembly  where  it  was  carried  by  one 
vote  to  raise  £2000  sterling  to  indenniify  the  Traders  that 
should  come  up  against  the  King's  Orders  in  the  Georgia 
Act.  Some  of  the  Indian  Traders  sent  up  to  the  Indians  and 
though  with  much  difficulty  obtained  of  one  Indian  Chief 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  123. 


named  Opayliatchoo  to  deny  the  concession  of  those  Lands 
which  he  himself  had  before  consented  with  the  rest  of  the 
Nation  to  grant. 

The  French  have  attacked  the  Chickesaw  Indians  and  been 
repulsed  by  them.  I  sent  a  large  account  to  the  Duke  of 
Newcastle  &  to  ycmr  Lordship's  of  this  matter,  but  fear  letters 
sent  by  Charles  Town  have  not  always  been  forwarded. 
These  Indians  submitted  themselves  to  His  Majesty  King 
George  the  First  and  were  declared  his  Subjects  by  General 
Nicholson.  Since  that  their  Chiefs  have  received  Commis- 
sions fi'om  the  King's  Officers  continually.  They  have  been 
here  to  demand  protection  as  the  King's  subjects  and  others 
of  them  have  done  so  at  Charles  Town.  I  should  be  glad  to 
know  what  to  do.  If  the  French  be  allowed  to  destroy  our 
Indians,  Nation  by  Nation  m  time  of  peace,  the  Settlements 
must  follow  in  the  first  of  a  Warr.  Mr.  Wesley  who  was 
present  at  the  conferences  with  the  Chickesaws  can  give  you 
a  particular  account  of  them. 
I  am 

My  Lord 

Your  Lordsliip's 
most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
July  26th,  1736. 

rec^  by  Mr.  Wesley  y*^  8  Dec'"-- 


[36  July  1736.] 


The   Town   on   the   Alatamaha   is  already  settled;     The 

*  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  124. 


King's  Independent  Company  is  fixt  on  y^  same  Island. 
The  Man  of  War  is  likewise  there  <fe  there  are  two  Forts 
built  and  garrison'd  beyond  it. 

We  are  in  great  want  of  servants.  If  some  100''  of  them 
c^  be  sent  over  by  one  of  the  next  ships  yt  come,  there  are 
persons  enough  here  &  to  the  South  who  w*^  be  glad  to  pur- 
chase y"*  immediately. 

I  shall  reduce  the  Expences  by  all  possible  Means,  especi- 
ally by  encouraging  the  Lazy  to  leave  the  Colony,  tho'  I  do 
not  doubt  but  they  -svill  abuse  the  Place,  as  many  have  already 
done.  I  had  engaged  100  AVorkmen  from  various  Places  for 
6  Months  &  50  Rangers  for  a  year  before  I  rec'^  y^"  letters. 
The  Spanish  Frontiers  have  occasioned  many  large  and  new 
Expences.  The  French  by  attacking  the  Chickesaws  who 
have  Commissions  both  fi'om  Gov''  Nicholson  &  Gov''  John- 
son &  the  Spaniards  by  attacking  the  Creeks  shew  y*  Peace 
in  Europe  is  no  security  for  the  English  Province  in  America ; 
since  if  they  conquer  all  the  surrounding  Indians  during  the 
Peace,  the  settlements  much  fall  in  the  next  war. 

Mr.  Wesley  who  brings  you  this  can  give  a  more  particular 
accomit  of  the  present  situation  of  the  Indian  affairs  &  of 
what  has  occurr'd  since  my  last.  The  Opposition  from  Caro- 
lina forced  me  to  give  the  Indians  large  presents  to  prociu*e 
their  confirmation  of  the  Cession  of  the  Islands :  and  they 
have  refused  as  yet  to  give  leave  to  settle  the  Inland  Parts 
up  the  Alatamaha.  If  the  act  for  the  Peace  with  the  Indians 
be  not  supported,  not  only  this  Province  but  Carolina  too 
must  be  undone  &  an  Indian  War  follow. 

Macbain  a  highland  man  has  a  very  good  interest  among 
the  common  people  of  that  country  and  if  Capt.  Dunbar  be 
sent  to  transport  them,  a  large  recruit  of  servants  may  be 
procured  thence. 

Tis  a  very  wise  Resolution  of  you  to  send  over  no  more 
people  upon  the  Charity :  for  we  have  too  many  mouths  and 
not  labouring  hands  in  proportion. 

AVliat  w*^  be  very  necessary  is,  some  more  Persons  to  form 
the  Morals  of  our  Peojile  &  instruct  them  in  Rehgion.  The 
change  smce  the  arrival  of  the  Mission  is  very  visible  with 
respect   to   the   increase   of  Industry,   Love   and   Christian 


Cliaritv  amoii^  them.     But  on  their  renun-al  to  tlie  Indians, 
we   shall    be    left    entirely    destitute,    and   the   People  by  a 
relapse,  if  possible  worse  than  l)efore. 
I  am. 


Tonr  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 
[Addressed  \  To  James  Oglethoepe. 

The  Hon^i"  the  Trustees 

[Indorsedl  Mem'"  Mr.  Wesley  says  this   Letter   was   wrote 
2G  July  1730. 


30  July  1736. 

Savannah  July  30th  1736. 

You  having  desired  me  in  your  letters  to  give  Bills  of 
Exchange  to  Mr.  Furey  for  money  at  Charles  Town. 

I  have  drawn  bills  of  Exchange  on  you  for  £200  sterling 
dated  July  23d  and  also  for  X200  sterhng  dated  herewith 
making  =£400  sterling  in  favour  of  Mr.  Peregrine  Furey. 

As  these  Bills  are  for  Currency  reced  of  Messrs.  Beal 
&  Comp.  to  defi'ay  the  necessary  expences  of  the  Colony 
the  application  thereof  will  appear  in  Mr.  Causton's  Cash 
account.  The  whole  sume  of  wliich  is  at  present  paid  into 
the  hands  of  Paul  Jenj's  Esq  &  Comp.  to  answer  such 
Draughts  as  there  shall  be  occasion  to  make  on  them. 
I  am. 


Your  most  huiAble  Serv* 

James  Oglethorpe. 
[Addressed]  To 

the  Hono^^''  the  Trustees  for  Establishing 

*  p.  U.  ().     (ieoryia.     B.  T.  veil.  l!l,  p.  ITJ. 


Georgia  in  Americia 

at  their  House  in  Palace  Court 
To  the  care  of  Paul  Jenys  Esq. 


7  Attg.  1730. 


You  have  the  Cash  accounts  by  which  you  vdW  see  there 

is  a  Balance  due  from  the  Store  at  Savannah,  which  makes 

it  necessary  for  me  to  draw  on  you  for  two  hundred  pounds 

sterling  of  this  date  in  favour  of  Paul  Jenys  Esq""*"  and  Comp. 

I  am. 


Your  most  humble  Ser* 

James  Oglethorpe. 
Aug.  7th  1736. 


29  Sept.  1786. 


Mr.  Dempsey  at  Augustine  acquainted  me  that  several 
Expences  were  necessary  for  him  to  make  there,  all  things 
being  very  dear  and  unless  he  acted  according  to  the  Cus- 
toms of  the  Countrey  he  could  not  hope  for  any  success. 
Mr.  Crokatt  therefore  an  English  Merchant  at  Augustine 
very  handsomely  furnished  him  with  .£200  Sterling  for  which 
I  have   drawn   Bills    upon  you  to  discharge  Mr.  Crokatt' s 

*  p.  R.  O.     Gecirgia.     B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  I'JU.  t  P.  R.  O.     Georf<ia.     D.  T.  vol.  I'.l.  p.  138. 


account.     Tlicv  Ix^ar  date  tliis  day  and  are  for  £200  at  one 
month's  sight. 
I  am 


Your  most  ohed*  Serv^ 

James  Oglethorpe. 
20th  Sepf  1736. 


22  Oct.  1786. 


A  Philadelphia  Sloop  loaded  with  Provisions  bespoke  by 
me  at  my  arrival  to  make  up  the  remainder  of  the  People's 
provisions  here  for  the  year  is  now  arrived.  I  have  drawn 
upon  you  for  the  same  in  the  following  BUls,  Viz :  One  for 
XlOO,  one  for  £105,  one  for  £95,  one  for  £51,  one  for  £49  and 
one  for  £75.13.115  all  bearing  date  the  same  A\dth  this  letter, 
amounting  in  the  Mdiole  to  £475.13.113. 

I  shall  set  out  soon  for  England  where  I  hope  I  shall  have 
the  happiness  of  seeing  you  before  January. 
I  am, 

Your  most  obed*  Serv* 

James  Oglethorpe. 

22d  October  1736. 

rec^  17  Jan»y  1736-7. 

*  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  20,  p.  H. 



35  (JcT.   1786. 


I  have  received  yours  and  the  Reguhitioiis  are  very  well 
calculated  for  the  present  Circumstances,  they  will  innne- 
diately  be  put  in  execution.  All  matters  with  the  Spaniards 
are  regulated  and  the  Governour  of  Augustine  contented. 
Therefore  all  being  safe  here  I  shall  set  out  immediately  for 
Europe,  Captain  Thompson  lying  in  the  River  Savannah  I 
have  freighted  him  directly  for  England.  The  People  to  the 
Southward  where  the  Act  against  Rum  is  strictly  put  m  exe- 
cution, but  those  to  the  Northward  where  they  run  it  fi'om 
Carolina  in  spite  of  the  Officers,  are  very  sickly.  Mr.  Wesley 
who  Avas  at  Savannah  when  the  Rum  was  seized  will  acquamt 
you  of  the  particulars  of  it.  Hoping  to  see  you  soon  I  shall 
say  no  more  but  that  I  am 

Your  most  obedient  Serv' 

James  Oglethorpe. 

25th  Oct^  1736. 


19  Nov.   1786. 


Mr.  Robert  Williams  who  hath  a  500'^  Acre  Lot  in  this 
Province  has  not  only  performed  his  AgTeements,  1)ut  has 
brought  over  more  servants  than  his  Contract  was  for,  and  in 
all  things  has  shewn  a  commendable  zeal  for  the  Company's 
service  and  sent  down  six  servants  for  the  defence  of  the 
Southern  Frontiers.  He  has  brought  at  different  times  tlu'ee 
ships  with  Molasses  of  which  we  stood  in  great  need,  and 

*  p.  R.  0.    Georgia.    B,  T-  vol.  20,  p.  5.  t  ?•  R.  O,    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  IH, 


liatli  loaded  tliein  with  luinber  at  liis  om'h  Charges.  He  hath 
made  some  Im])r()veiueiits  and  he  will  m;ike  much  more  c<m- 
sideral)le  ones  on  his  Lands.  His  brother  John  Williams 
hath  also  complied  with  his  Articles.  I  therefore  recommend 
him  and  his  brother  Williams  to  you  and  desire  pursuant  to 
the  stated  Resolution  of  rewarding  those  who  discharge  their 
Covenants  and  deserve  well  from  the  Publick  that  you  would 
exempt  them  from  the  forfeitures  upon  the  following  Articles, 
viz :  from  the  being  obliged  to  plant  it  maintain  the  Mulberry 
Trees.  2'^^^  from  the  Prohibition  of  niakmg  Pot  Ash.  That 
they  shall  not  be  obliged  to  clear  the  whole  500  Acres  of 
Land  in  eighteen  years,  part  of  it  being  necessary  to  be 
reserved  for  wood.  Thirdly  that  in  case  of  the  failure  of 
heirs  male  of  the  said  Robert  Wilhams  you  will  assign  the 
said  500  Acres  to  such  other  person  not  possessed  of  Lands 
in  Georgia  as  he  under  his  hand  and  seal  shall  request  of 

I  am, 


Your  most  obed*  humble  Servant 

James  OtiLETHoiU'E. 

19th  Nov--  1736. 


U»  Nov.   ITSO. 


Mr.  John  Williams  brother  to  Mr.  Robert  Williams  having 
deserved  as  I  have  mentioned  in  my  letter  to  you  of  this  date, 
prayeth  that  you  would  also  favour  him  with  the  same  per- 
mission as  I  desired  in  favour  of  his  Brother.  Therefore  I 
desire  that  in  case  of  the  failure  of  heirs  male  of  the  said 
John  Williams  j'ou  will  assign  the  said  500  Acres  to  such 

*  p.  K.  T.    (ioorgia.    B,  T.  vol.  lit,  ij,  145, 


other   persons   not    pcissessed    of   lands    in    Georgia    as    lie 
under  his  hand  and  seal  shall  request  of  you. 
I  am 


Your  most  obed*^  Serv* 

James  OGLETHoiirE. 


19th  Nov'^  1736. 


20  Nov.  173(5. 


Mr.  Eo])ert  Williams  having  re})resented  to  me  that  he 
hath  setled  his  Lands  with  men  liorn  in  his  own  Countrey 
and  intends  to  continue  the  same.  And  the_y  having  a  partic- 
ular regard  to  him  and  his  family  will  be  unwilling  to  settle 
in  this  Countrey  or  more  to  come  over  b}'  reason  of  their 
being  apprehensive  that  in  times  to  come  the  said  Estate 
dropping  for  want  of  heirs  male  should  be  granted  to 
Strangers  and  I  knowing  that  your  Intention  is  always  to 
prefer  Eelations  or  Friends  to  the  succession  of  those  near 
unto  them  and  believing  therefore  that  it  would  not  be  mcon- 
sistent  with  the  Entails  and  the  Preservation  of  Famihes  in 
this  Case  so  circumstanced  to  grant  his  Eequest.  Therefore 
I  desire  that  in  failure  of  heirs  male  of  his  body  you  will 
grant  the  said  500'^  Acres  upon  the  said  C^onditions  to  such 
other  person  not  possessed  of  Lands  in  Georgia  as  such  Heir 
male  shall  under  his  hand  and  seal  request  of  you. 
I  am, 


Your  mt>st  huni^''^'  Serv*- 

James  Oglethorpe. 

20th  Nov-^  1736. 

*  P,  K.  O.    Cieor^ia.    B.  T.  vol.  19,  p.  UG. 



13  Sept.  1738. 


We  are  now  in  soundings  off  the  Const  of  Georgia  a  good 
deal  to  the  Northward  of  our  Port.  Sir  Yelverton  Peyton, 
in  the  Hector  is  going  to  leave  us  for  Virginia,  and  sends 
this  Letter.  The  Officers  the  Men  and  their  Families  are 
(God  be  praised,  all  well  as  is 

Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
13th  Sept^'  1738. 

[Addressed]  To 

The  honourable  the  Trustees  for 
establishing  the  Colony  of  Georgia 
in  America  at  their  Office  in  Old 
Palace  Yard 


re&^  24th  Nov''  1738. 


IJ)  Sei'T.  1738. 


I  am  now  got  to  an  anchor  in  a  Harbour  and  near  an 
Island  that  bears  your  Name.  God  has  given  us  the  greatest 
marks  of  his  visil)le  Protection  to  this  Colony.  The  Span- 
iards though  they  had  1500  men  at  Augustine  &  there  was 
nothing  in  Georgia  but  the  Militia  of  the  Countrey  delayed 

*  p.  K.  O,     Geoj-gift.    B,  T.  vol.  21.  p.  76,  t  P-  U.  O.     Georgia,     B.  T.  vol.  21.  p.  7«. 


attacking  them  till  the  Regular  Troops  arrived.  We  have 
had  the  finest  passage  and  lost  but  one  man  out  of  the 
Soldiers.  The  Inhabitants  are  extreamly  cheerfull  and  now 
hope  that  they  have  seen  the  worst  over  &  that  being  no 
longer  troubled  with  alarms  they  may  on  with  their  Impi-ove- 
ments.  We  shall  certainly  succeed  in  Silk  and  Wine  m  case 
the  planters  are  supported  by  the  Publick  in  those  attempts. 
This  Province  bridles  the  Spaniards  in  America  &  covers  the 
English  Frontiers.  The  poor  people  that  are  here  have  been 
so  harrassed  by  their  threats  &  so  constantly  under  arms 
that  they  have  not  been  able  to  make  that  Provision  for  their 
subsistence  which  was  necessary  though  it  was  far  fi'om  want 
of  Industry  in  them.  They  have  been  sometimes  obhged  to 
be  two  days  out  of  five  on  guard,  notwithstanding  which  they 
have  laboured  their  lands  and  made  some  Improvements. 
It  is  the  vigilance  &  courage  of  the  Militia  that  prevented 
the  Spaniards  fi-om  being  Masters  of  this  Province  as  well  as 
Carolina  but  they  must  in  the  end  have  been  starved  through 
want  of  time  to  follow  their  business  if  they  had  not  been 
relieved  by  the  Regiment.  These  duties  to  the  Public 
Service  have  thrown  them  so  backward  that  unless  the 
Trustees  have  the  continuance  of  the  Parliamentary  assist- 
ance, all  that  is  already  done  will  be  lost  and  what  is  already 
given  thrown  away,  besides  it  will  be  the  gTeatest  inhumanity 
to  send  over  People  to  settle  a  Gountrey  and  when  they  have 
behaved  so  well  as  to  sacrifice  their  own  affairs  to  the  pub- 
lick  ser^-ice,  then  to  abandon  them  to  destruction  I  am 
persuaded  therefore  the  Parliament  will  give  the  necessary 
supplies  to  the  Trustees  for  the  carrying  on  the  Civil  Govern- 
ment and  the  improvement  of  the  Countrey.  I  hope  you 
will  be  so  good  as  to  permit  Mr.  Towers  and  Mr.  Archer 
to  wait  upon  you  on  this  occasion ;  that  you  will  make  my 
Compliments  acceptable  to  my  Lady  Jekyll  and  believe  me 
to  be  Sir, 

Your  most  obedient  and 

most  humble  Servant 
Jekyll  Sound  James  Oglethorpe. 

19  Sept'- 1738. 

Pvt.  Hon'^i*  Sir  Joseph  Jekyll 



li)  Sei'T.  1738. 

Frederica  IDth  September  ITiiS. 

I  am  aiTived  here  ami  tiud  tilings  in  a  better  situation  than 
I  heard  in  Enghmd.  All  the  Sontliern  Division  of  the 
Province  is  in  very  good  order. 

I  have  now  told  jon  the  best.  I  liear  that  the  Northern 
Division  of  the  Province  has  lost  near  three  fourth  parts 
of  tlie  Peoi)le  since  I  left  it,  some  running  a^ay  for  fear 
of  the  Spaniards  but  ten  for  fear  of  debt;  for  the  Court  of 
Savannah  has  taken  upim  them  to  inqnison  for  debt,  notwith- 
standing the  Peojjle  surrender  tlu^ir  effects.  I  landed  here 
and  sent  up  Mr.  Jones  express  to  Savannah.  I  have  been 
unfortunately  forced  to  stay  by  an  unfortunate  Difference 
between  the  Lieutenant  Oohmel  and  some  of  tlie  Officers 
of  the  Regiment  and  for  the  landing  of  men.  I  can  say 
nothing  with  certainty  of  what  has  been  done  at  Savannah'* 
till  I  see  with  my  own  Eyes.  I  have  published  the  order 
forbidding  all  Certified  accounts  c*cc"  and  shall  reduce  all 
Expences  but  I  fear  if  some  of  the  people  who  have  had 
misfortunes  are  not  assisted  witli  Pr()\isions  the  Misery  will 
be  too  great  for  Description.  I  hope  you  will  obtain  another 
suj^ply  from  Parliament,  and  there  is  gTeat  hope,  nay  I  may 
say  no  doubt  that  both  Silk  and  Wine  will  in  a  very  short 
time  come  to  perfection  I  shall  give  you  a  further  account 
when  I  have  l)een  at  Savannah  which  will  be  in  a  few  days. 
I  must  again  mention  that  if  there  is  not  a  supply  from 
Parliament  this  year,  those  brave  fellows  who  stood  the  worst 
and  who  till  the-  arrival  of  the  Regiment  were  forced  to  be 
almost  the  whole  year  under  arms  nmst  starve  with  their 
families  since  they  could  not  do  the  duty  and  work  at  the 
same  time;  from  hence  forward  I  shall  ease  them  of  their 
heavy  guards  and  only  keep  such  a  AVatch  or  Guard  as  will 
preserve  the  Peace  of  the  Town  which  will  be  always 
necessary.     I  desire  to  know  what   Establishment  you  will 

*  p.  U,  O.    Georgia,    B.  T,  vol,  21,  v,  70, 


order  if  any  that  I  may  be  able  to  prevent  the  storekeepers 
exceeding  the  allowaiice  as  I  fear  they  have  lately  done. 
I  am, 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
P.  S.  Capt.  Burrish  says  the 
Entrance  &  the  Harbour  is  very 
good  &  that  much  larger  ships 
than  his  may  come  with  safety. 

\  Indorsed] 
Gen.  Oglethorpe  to  y''  Trustees 

rec-i  29  Jan''^  1738-9. 
Eead  to  the  Committee  14  March  1738-9. 


19  Sept.  1738. 

Extract  of  a  Letter  from  General  Oglethorpe  to  Thomas 
Archer  Esq'"*'  dated  19  Sepf  1738  at  St.  Simons  in  Georgia. 

I  think  you  are  very  well  acquainted  with  some  of  the 
Lords  of  the  Admiralty,  I  must  desire  therefore  that  you 
would  use  your  interest  that  Capt.  Bumsh  who  commands 
the  Man  of  War  that  brought  me  over  may  be  continued  on 
the  Georgia  Station,  he  is  very  zealous  for  the  service  and 
has  showed  by  standing  directly  to  the  Southward  up  to  the 
very  noses  of  the  Spaniards,  whilst  all  the  others  went  into 
Charles  Town  where  they  generally  stay.  If  Captain  Gas- 
coigne  and'Captain  Burrish  were  continued  with  their  Ships 
on  this  Station  and  that  one  hes  in  Amelia  &  the  other  in 
Jekyll  Sound,  they  will  cover  this  Province  by  sea  and  keep 
open  the  C^ommunication  between  the  Garrisons  where  m^- 

*  p.  B,  0.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  21,  p.  80. 


Kegimeiit  must  be  dispeised  amongst  tlie  Islands;  If  the 
Communieatiou  is  not  ke})t  open,  it  may  be  of  very  dangerous 

Perhaps  tlie  Lords  of  tlie  Admiralty  may  say  the  Ships  at 
Charles  ToAvn  may  if  we  are  attack(^d  come  up  to  (mr  assist- 
ance but  if  they  consider  that  (Iharles  Town  is  near  three 
degrees  to  the  Northward  and  Augustine  not  above  half 
a  degree  to  the  Southward  the  matter  may  l)e  over  before 
they  come  uj);  besides  that  the  (lulf  of  Florida  sets  with 
a  rapid  Current  to  the  Nortlnvard  so  that  it  is  very  difficult 
to  come  from  thence  S<mthward  and  the  same  Wind  that 
brings  uj)  the  Spaniard  from  the  Havannali  hinders  the  Ships 
at  Charles  Town  from  coming  down  to  us. 

Besides  how  strange  a  thing  is  it  that  there  should  l)e  no 
Man  of  War  stationed  in  a  Frontier  Port  exposed  to  an 
Enemy,  but  that  they  should  depend  for  their  support  upon 
those  who  lye  in  a  Port  in  the  heart  of  a  peaceable  Countrey 
above  100  miles  distant.  Mr.  Winnington  &  Sir  Thos.  Ly ttle- 
ton  are  friends  to  Capt.  Burrish,  and  if  you  mention  it  to 
them  they  will  give  their  assistance  to  the  Tinxstees  in  obtain- 
ing a  Station  ship  for  them. 


7  Oct.   17;}S. 

FliKDKliJCA  7th  October  ll'AH. 

1st,  I  have  sent  up  Mr.  Jones,  as  I  informed  ycm  in  my 
last  I  would,  and  am  now  going  to  Savannah.  In  the  Inclosed 
is  an  account  of  the  Condition  I  found  the  Southern  Part  of 
the  Colony  in  on  my  arrival,  as  also  a  Petition  from  the 
people  for  support,  the  allegations  of  it  are  very  true.  The 
StorehoTise  at  Savannah  has  supported  this  Division  of  the 

*  P,  R,  U,     Georgia.     C.  T-  voj.  21,  p.  87, 


Province  so  ill  tluit  the  People  must  have  starved  or  aban- 
doned the  Place  had  not  Mr.  Ortf^n  given  them  his  own 
Cattle  and  Corn  to  eat. 

2d.  You  see  the  Quantity  of  Provisions,  a  great  deal  of  the 
Flower  is  in  danger  of  spoiling  on  which  I  had  it  made  into 
bread  and  sold  to  the  Soldiers  at  prime  cost,  so  that  they  had 
it  at  five  farthuigs  a  pound ;  the  Money  arising  from  it  I  have 
ordered  to  lie  laid  out  in  fresli  Flower  iov  sup])lying  the  Tras- 
tees  People.  The  Indian  Corn,  Mr.  Causton  bought  in  at  3s. 
6d.  i)er  Bushell  and  charged  it  at  that  Price  to  the  Store 
here ;  It  is  n(nv  fallen,  upon  the  new  Harvest,  which  (God 
be  praised  is  very  plentiful  in  Carolina,  so  that  it  is  sold  at 
Is.  per  Bushell  there.  Our  pcior  people  lost  their  Harvest  by 
reason  of  their  being  called  by  the  Spanish  xVlarms  from  their 
howing.  I  have  ordered  the  old  Corn  to  be  issued  at  Is.  2d. 
p  bushell  which  if  I  luul  not  done,  would  have  lieen  lost,  for 
the  People  would  not  have  taken  it  at  3s.  (kl.  when  they  could 
have  bought  new  Corn  cheaper,  and  it  would  have  spoiled  in 
two  months. 

3d.  We  want  Beer  here  extreamly.  I  brought  over  Twenty 
Tuns  of  Beer  which  I  issued  to  the  Soldiers  and  Inhabitants 
at  prime  Cost  Avhich  I  believe  will  be  gone  before  I  can 
receive  a  Sup})ly.  There  are  six  Barrells  a  day  draAvn  and 
paid  for  in  ready  money.  It  would  be  very  proper  therefore 
if  the  Trustees  affairs  would  allow  it,  to  send  over  a  Cargo  of 
at  least  50  or  60  Tons  of  strong  Beer,  and  that,  of  the  same 
as  I  had  from  Mr.  Hucks  in  Southwark.  It  will  be  a  better 
renuttanc,e  than  even  Bills,  since  Beers  being  cheap  is  the 
only  means  to  keep  Rum  out  of  the  Colony,  thank  God, 
there  is  none  in  tliis  part,  Mr.  Horton  having  used  great 
diligence  to  prevent  it,  to  which  in  a  great  measure  is 
viz:  2  lb.  the  health  and  Industry  of  the  People. 
peVk^'ud'  4tli.  Upon  the  necessity  I  have  granted  the  Peti- 
had"  4  lb.  tion  so  far  as  to  continue  to  furnish  the  People  upon 
have  now  re-  Credit  witli  6  pouuds  of  bread  kind  and  2  pounds  of 

duced  y"  to  i       p     1         •     i.       i?  l 

2  lb.  meat  per  week  <v  1  pint  oi  molasses. 

5th.  I  shall  when  I  come  to  Savannah  strive  to  reduce  all 
the  Trustees  Expences  as  nuich  as  I  can,  but  I  can  say  noth- 
ing of  certain  relating  to  the  Northern  part  of  the  Province, 

54  LP;tTET1S   prom   general   OGLETTtDRM^,. 

Keports  l)emg  so  different.  I  fear  there  lias  been  great 
Koguery  iu  the  certified  acco^"  there  having  been  several 
Barrells  of  Provisions  bought  from  Philadelphia  and  New 
York,  which  were  condemned  as  unfit  for  food,  and  burnt  as 
such.  The  Prices  of  the  Goods  were  also  exorbitant  and  the 
species  very  bad.  I  have  great  difficulties  to  struggle  with,  as 
vou  may  conceive,  a  gi-eat  number  of  mouths  to  feed,  empty 
Magazines  and  no  Money ;  a  gi-eat  Debt,  I  fear,  is  contracted, 
but  as  there  was  no  authority  for  contracting  that  Debt  I 
shall  wait  your  Orders  before  I  will  approve  or  pay  any  of  it. 
I  take  a  List  of  all  the  Stores  I  find  in  the  Colony,  and  I  will 
intermeddle  nor  approve  of  nothing  that  was  done  before  my 
arrival  till  I  hear  fi-om  you.  I  will  make  the  few  stores  that 
are  here  go  as  far  as  possible  towards  supphdng  the  People 
but  if  we  have  not  a  supply  fi-om  Parliam*  the  Misery  will  he 
inexpressible,  for  there  are  eight  months  that  the  Colony  is  to 
be  supported,  and  no  other  Fund,  as  I  can  find,  except  the 
.£500  of  Sola  Bills  which  you  sent  over  with  me ;  and  what  is 
in  the  Magazines.  The  best  Expedient  I  can  think  of  is  to 
support  the  Credit  by  paying  such  Certified  Accounts,  the 
Particulars  of  which  have  been  honestly  delivered  at  moderate 
prices.  If  any  certified  accounts  shall  appear  to  have  been 
fraudulently  obtained;  your  Judgement  will  be  the  best 
direction  how  to  proceed  therein.  I  will  inquire  at  Savannah 
into  that  matter,  whether  there  has  been  any  combination  or 
fraud  between  the  Persons  who  delivered  the  Goods  and  those 
imployed  by  you,  and  you  will  take  the  advice  of  proper 
persons  how  far  such  Informations  will  justify  you  in  over- 
hawling  those  Accounts, 

Till  I  have  examined  things  at  Savannah  I  cannot  see  clear 
enough  to  make  a  fuU  report  but  hope  that  if  the  Parliament 
grants  us  the  Supply,  I  shall  be  ai)le  to  settle  all  things  so  as 
to  put  the  Colony  into  a  very  flourishing  condition.  It  will 
cost  me  a  gi'eat  deal  of  labour  but  I  shall  grudge  no  pains 
for  to  bring  about  that  good  end. 

Among  other  Disappointments  the  great  Drowtli  and  the 
Spanish  Alarms  last  year  hath  rendered  the  best  and  most 
zealous  part  of  the  people  incapable  of  supporting  themselves 
this  year,  but  thank  God  we  are  rid  of  great  numbers  of  idle 

T.ttTTiins  From  general  oGLETHonrlv  55 

inontlis  who  ran  away  from  the  Nortliern  Division  part  for 
debt,  part  for  fear  of  the  Spaniards. 

I  hear  tliere  are  several  inchistrious  })eople  of  some  sub- 
stance who  are  wilhng  to  come  up  at  tlieir  own  expence  if  you 
will  give  them  the  forfeited  Lotts. 

The  Spaniards  have  tempted  the  Creek  Indians  with  gi"eat 
Presents  to  joyn  against  us  which  they  have  refused  and 
yesterday  arrived  a  Messenger  from  the  Towns  that  the  Chief 
Men  are  coming  down  to  Jiieet  me.  The  Spaniards  reported 
that  I  had  been  disgraced  in  England  and  that  I  should  never 
return  and  this  was  confirmed  by  the  Carolina  traders.  The 
Creeks  declared  that  they  wcmld  take  no  determination  till 
they  could  see  me  and  their  Chief  men  come  down  to  confer 
with  me  and  I  shall  see  them  in  a  feAv  Days  at  Savannah. 
This  will  he  a  new  Expence  for  tliere  must  l>e  Presents  given 
to  them. 

Some  Soldiers  who  had  been  in  the  Irish  Troops  in  France 

and  Spain  listed  in  our  Regiment.     I  had  some  information 

of  this  in  Portsmouth  since  which  I  have  found  out  the  whole 

comliination,  and  have  taken  the  furlow  which  one  of  them 

had  from  the  Duke  of  Berwick's  Regiment.    A  young  Recruit 

has  discovered  the  Proposal  they  made  to  him  to  secure  some 

advance    Post,    destroy    the    Officers    and    go    into    Foreign 

service.     I  have  ordered  a  General  Court  Martial  to  be  held 

upon  them,  but  have  not  yet  received  their  Report.     The 

fellows  are  very  artful  and  it  was  with  great  difficulties  we 

could  find  out  that  they  had  been  in  Foreign  service. 

I  am. 


Your  most  hum'^'*^  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
The  Hon^i^  the  Trustees. 

P.  S. 

I  send  you  a  Plan  of  the  Town  of  Frederica  with  the 
Granted  Lotts  &  the  names  of  the  Possessors.  Some  families 
go  away  and  some  are  newly  come.  I  send  you  also  the 
Petition  of  the  old  Freeholders  as  likewise  of  those  newly 
arrived.  Dr.  Hawkins  is  in  the  regiment  and  wants  no  pro- 
visions therefore  is  not  in  the  liist.     I  send  you  a  List  of  the 


new  Froeliolders  and  a  List  of  tlie  old  Fv(>eholders  and  of 
their  allowances.  I  send  you  a  E,eturn  of  the  Freeholders 
and  of  the  weekly  issues  to  them  before  my  arrival.  A  List 
of  persons  on  pay  in  the  Trustees  service  at  Frederica. 

The  Establishment  of  St.  Andrews  w'^  consists  of  19  of 
the  Trustees  Servants  and  10  upon  hire.  I  have  ordered  the 
10  upon  hire  to  be  reduced,  but  it  will  be  necessary  to  give 
them  one  month's  pay  to  enable  them  to  return  to  their 
homes.  I  have  also  reduced  the  two  Caipenters  but  have 
continued  Mr.  Hugh  Mackay  to  oversee  the  Trustees  Servants 
and  one  Storekeeper  and  I  shall  send  as  many  of  the  Tras- 
tees  Servants  fi'om  the  other  parts  of  the  Province  as  will 
make  up  the  Compliment  and  I  hope  by  their  labour  to 
defray  the  charge  of  keeping  them.  The  whole  of  St. 
Andrews  for  keeping  and  employing  the  servants  will  be 
X229  per  ann.  The  Surgeon  of  the  Regiment  will  take  care 
of  the  Servants  so  that  that  Expence  also  will  be  saved  there- 
fore there  will  be  31  of  the  Trustees  Servants  subsisted  and 
kept  to  work  for  £229  per  ann :  which  upon  each  will  be 

Here  are  also  servants  on  pay  at  Frederica  Mr.  Auspour- 
ger  at  3s  per  day  Surveyor.  John  Calwell  Deputy  Surveyor 
at  2s  per  day  and  the  Labourers  at  the  same  rate.  I  have 
ordered  the  Labourers  to  be  turned  off  as  soon  as  the  Ships 
are  unloaded,  in  which  they  assist  and  I  shall  get  the  service 
they  now  do,  performed  by  3  of  the  Trustees  servants  who 
are  without  wages.  Their  Food  is  mentioned  in  a  List  but 
it  will  be  necessary  to  keep  a  Cooper  and  the  2  Clerks  Small- 
wood  &  Dobree  and  the  Storekeeper  White  upon  pay. 

I  have  reduced  upon  the  people  of  Frederica  with  their 
own  Consent,  so  that  they  are  now  to  have  but  2ft)S  of  meat 
per  week  per  head  and  they  consent  to  pay  for  even  this  httle 
which  they  shall  receive. 

If  we  do  not  supply  these  Expences  the  People  cannot 
keep  together  here,  I  desire  therefore  an  answer  as  soon  as 
possible  what  I  should  do  and  I  shall  write  you  an  acco' 
fi-om  Savannah  of  that  part  of  the  Province. 


Rec'^  Jany  22,  1738-9. 
Read  March  26,  1739. 



19  Oct.  1738. 


I  rec*^  a  Copy  of  Mr.  Verelst's  Letter  dated  the  4tli  Aug* 
and  in  answer  to  it,  am  very  glad  that  the  prudent  measures 
you  took  to  stop  all  credit  here  has  had  an  effect  (as  you 
mentioned)  suitable  to  your  Intentions. 

I  have  not  issued  the  500X  Sola  Bills  &  do  not  intend  to 
do  it,  'till  I  hear  from  you ;  Upon  my  arrival  I  sent  Mr.  Jones 
from  Frederica  &  have  taken  possession  of  the  Books 
&  Effects  in  y"  Store.  Mr.  Jones  will  receive  them  as  soon 
as  they  can  be  delivered  him  regularly.  I  demanded  an 
Inventory  of  the  Stores  which  Mr.  Causton  has  delivered 
(but  Mr.  Jones  tlimks  'tis  imperfect)  I  send  it  herewith. 
You  will  see  how  small  the  remains  of  the  vast  stores  laid 
in  are  and  how  insufficient  of  supporting  the  Colony  to 

These  accounts  are  very  imperfect  great  part  of  the  Steers 
&  Hogs  charged  to  y*^  acco*  are  wild  in  the  Woods,  others 
lost ;  The  jDrice  of  all  overcharged.  The  acco*  of  stores  sent 
to  Frederica  is  not  allowed  by  the  Storekeeper  there,  he 
alledging  that  he  can  prove  they  were  not  delivered,  the 
Darien  the  same,  and  a  great  part  of  what  they  received  was 
damaged  when  sent. 

I  am  very  sorry  to  send  you  such  trifling  papers  but  they 
are  the  only  accompts  I  can  yet  get.  The  estimate  of  the 
monthly  allowance  of  provision  for  Servants  would  lead 
one  into  an  Error,  for  most  of  those  whom  Mr.  Causton 
trusted  with  Servants,  cannot  maintain  them,  &  depend  on 
the  Store  for  Subsistence. 

I  cannot  as  yet  find  that  Causton  has  been  guilty  of  getting 
for  liimseK,  tho'  he  has  unaccountably  trifled  away  the  pubhc 
money;  one  of  the  FoUies  that  has  brought  this  ruine  on, 
is  the  trusting  People  that  importuned  him  with  Goods  and 
Provisions  of  all  kinds  &  let  them  discharge  the  Debts  by 
day  labour  in  trifling  works ;  Whilst  mony  was  thus  squau- 

*  p.  a.  O.     Geovaia..     B.  T.  Vdl.  -il,  p.  SS. 


(IrrcMl  tlic  rciil  iiecessary  t'liar<jfes  of  tlie  Colony  were  not 
(lefrHA'eil ;  The  Scout  Boatmen,  Eangeis  <V:  others  who 
defended  tlie  Pro\dnce  are  not  paid  and  starvmg  whilst  the 
Trustees  owe  tlieni  niony  and  yet  they  were  not  only  con- 
tented to  stay  till  my  arrival,  but  when  I  told  them  the 
Tmstees  circumstances,  their  affection  was  so  j^reat,  that  they 
offered  to  serve  on  until  the  Trustees  affairs  mended; 
I  thanked  them  but  reduced  the  Rangers,  since  I  could  not 
feed  them  with  ho})es  of  what  I  could  not  make  good ;  The 
Scout  Boats  I  have  for  this  month  paid  out  of  my  own  mony 
since  they  are  absolutely  necessary  Miid  I  will  not  charge 
the  Trustees  with  new  debts. 

There  is  a  worse  circumstance  than  any  above,  viz :  the 
Industrious  Poor  Poo})le  who  have  saved  something  by 
frugality  have  lodged  their  little  all  in  the  store  hoping 
to  have  provisions  fi'om  thence  in  their  Necessity ;  and  now 
if  the  store  cannot  pay,  they  nnist  y)erish  for  want;  the  like 
misery  must  befall  all  the  Trustees  servants  as  well  as  many 
of  the  Inhabitants  whom  sickness  and  misfortunes  have 
prevented  from  having  a  crop  this  year. 

I  have  sent  your  Orders  to  Mr.  Stevens  &  Parker,  a  copy 
of  which  I  send  you  and  their  answer,  which  I  believe  you 
Avill  think  reasonable  and  a  very  good  expedient. 

I  can  see  nothing  but  destruction  to  the  Colony  unless 
some  assistance  be  immediately  sent  us;  I  support  things 
for  a  while  by  some  mtmy  I  have  in  my  hands,  &  is  the 
Ballance  of  my  acco*  with  the  Trustees,  and  the  rest  I  sujiply 
with  my  own  Mony  for  I  will  not  incurr  Debts  nor  draw  Bills 
upon  you;  and  if  the  Effects  here  go  to  pay  the  Certified 
accompts  they  will  not  near  pay  them,  for  they  will  not 
amount  to  half  the  sum  of  the  Debts  incurred  here  that  are 
not  certified. 

If  this  (I  know  not  Avhat  name  to  give  it)  had  not  happened, 
the  Colony  had  (nercome  all  its  difficulties  A'  had  been  in 
a  flourishing  condition.  The  Italians  begin  to  like  the  Place 
and  the  family  of  Cameus  have  wound  silk  as  fine  as  the  last 
was  which  was  made  in  Georgia,  there  are  a  great  many 
Mulberry  Trees  in  the  Garden  which  begin  to  recover  them- 
selves so  that   next  year   they    will    feed  a  great  quantity 


of  worms;  There's  Earth  found  here  that  a  Potter  has  bak'd 
into  China  Ware,  they  have  also  found  stone,  they  make  very 
good  brick  and  Ume.  There  are  several  yokes  of  Oxen  broke 
and  several  Cai-ts  with  horses — Since  the  idle  people  have 
run  away,  there  seems  to  be  a  spirit  of  Industry  stirring  but 
I  fear  it  comes  too  late,  if  they  are  not  speedily  supported. 
The  Trustees  Saw  Mill  has  worked  and  hath  saw'd  700  feet 
a  day  w^'^  if  managed  right  will  bring  an  income. 

You  recomend  it  to  me,  to  keep  the  industrious  people 
from  real  want  out  of  the  surplus  of  the  stores  after  payment 
of  the  Debts,  but,  as  I  mentioned  above,  there  will  be  no 
such  surplus  for  they  are  not  sufficient  to  pay  half  the  Debts 
owmg  here,  and  therefore  I  fear  cannot  sujjport  the  People 
till  the  News  of  what  the  Parliament  may  gi-ant  at  then-  next 
Session  can  arrive. 

Had  any  Bills  been  sent  over  to  me,  or  was  I  sure  there 
would  no  demand  be,  upon  what  is  now  in  store,  I  could 
make  shift  to  support  the  most  valuable  part  of  the  People 
which  I  shall  still  strive  to  do,  tho'  with  little  hopes  of  success 
for  I  must  do  it  out  of  my  own  money.  I  have  already 
expended  a  great  deal  and  as  far  as  the  Income  of  my  Estate 
and  Employments  for  this  year  will  go,  I  shaU  sooner  lay 
it  out  in  supporting  the  Colony  (till  I  can  hear  from  you) 
than  in  any  other  Diversion. 

You  ask  me  the  sum  I  think  necessary  to  carry  on  the 
Civil  concerns  of  the  Colony.  I  reckon  the  lowest  sum  that 
can  be  expended  here,  if  you  expect  any  success  in  the 
Improvements  in  Silk  and  Wine,  and  keep  up  a  form  of  Civil 
Government,  will  be  X5000  a  year  expended  here,  and  you 
are  exceedingly^  right  in  sending  that  sum  over  in  Sola  Bills 
(&  that  in  time,)  and  in  not  suffering  any  Debt  to  be  con- 
tracted here  to  which  the  Trustees  can  be  liable.  It  will  be 
necessary  to  have  a  sufficient  sum  to  pay  what  you  are  in 
arrear.  I  believe  that  sum  may  be  made  out  by  adding  what 
you  owe  here  to  what  Mr.  Verelst  knows  fi-oni  the  certified 
acco**  but  I  suspect  there  is  a  good  deal  more,  by  their  loose 
manner  of  keeping  their  acco*^  (since  Mr.  Burnside,  whom 
I  left  here,  was  dismissed  from  the  Store)  that  they  scarce 
know  how  iinich  they  owe :    It  is  said  that  there  is  above 


1000 £  owiii^  to  Carpenters  for  buildiii}^'  SIkhIs  tt  Hutts, 
to  Boat  hire  (fee,  yet  not  brought  in  : — Another  thing  may 
lead  you  into  a  mistake  in  beheving  tliat  there  is  mony  due 
to  the  Store  here,  from  the  acco*  Mr.  Causton  sent  you 
of  Goods  issuetl  fi-om  y"  store  to  sundry  perscms  (a  copy 
whereof  you  sent  me)  whereas  most  of  thosti  people  were 
Creditors  who  were  paid  Avliat  was  due  to  them  from  the 
Store  by  giving  them  Credit  with  the  Sloo])  Owneis. 

The  short  state  of  your  afi'airs  is,  That  this  unhappy  man 
Causton,  hath  (;<)ntra(tted  a  ])el)t  at  home  and  al)road  far 
beyond  what  the  Trust  is  possessed  of,  therefore  nothing  can 
be  issued  from  the  store,  except  in  ])ayment  of  Debt,  since 
all  belong  to  the  Creditors. 

There  are  a  great  number  of  People  to  be  assisted  here, 
Orphans,  AVidows  tfe  the  Sick,  There  is  a  great  surplus,  I 
fear  due  by  the  Trust.  Therefore  the  only  Remedy  I  can 
think  of,  is, — If  y'  Trustees  Inive  not  Mony  sufficient  to  pay 
the  certified  Accompts  and  Demands  in  England,  then  to  })ay 
what  they  have  equally  at  an  average  and  out  of  the  next 
Supply  (if  any)  given  by  Parliament  to  pay  the  Remainder, 
whilst  I  will,  out  of  the  Stores  here,  pay  the  Debts  as  far  as 
they  go,  and  make  out  an  Accompt  of  the  remaining  Debt 
which  I  think  should  also  be  paid  out  of  the  supply  granted 
by  Parliament.  AYlien  all  the  Debts  are  paid  the  Trustees 
set  out  anew,  and  setting  aside  what  the  Expences  of  y*"  Office 
and  other  Expences  in  England  Avill  amount  to  for  the  Year 
they  should  send  hither  in  Sola  Bills  what  part  of  the  Par- 
hamentary  Sui)i)ly  they  think  will  be  sufficient  for  the 
Improvement  and  Support  of  the  Colony.  I  think  that  sum 
cannot  be  less  than  £5000,  But  whatever  it  is  I  will  make  it 
go  as  far  as  possible,  it  shall  not  be  exceeded. 

You  have  given  me  orders  to  build  the  Church  and  culti- 
vate the  Lands  for  religious  uses  both  here  and  at  Frederica; 
As  I  will  not  incurr  any  Debts,  I  cannot  proceed  unless  you 
send  me  Sola  Bills,  or  order  me  to  issue  those  in  my  posses- 
sion. And  place  in  the  Bank  so  nnich  of  the  mony  appropri- 
ated to  religious  uses  as  shall  answer  the  Bills  which  you 
order  me  to  issue. 

With  respect  to  Causton's  behaviour  here,  I  have  already 


mentioned.  I  examined  liim  to  know  what  could  be  the 
meaning,  that  he  dare  to  exceed  so  excessively  your  Orders 
<fe  thereby  plunging  the  Colony  into  its  present  difficulties. 
He  answered  that  he  made  no  expences  but  what  necessity 
forced  him  to,  and  that  he  could  prove  that  necessity.  He 
entered  into  several  particulars ;  That  the  Multitude  forced 
him  to  build  a  Fort  for  fear  of  the  Spaniards;  That  the 
charge  of  Saltzburghers  and  other  charges  were  not  provided 
for  in  the  Establishment  sent  over  by  the  Trustees ;  That  he 
received  that  Establishment  too  late  to  comply  with  it.  He 
did  not  pretend  to  justify  himself  in  not  sending  over  the 
Ballance  of  his  accompts.  His  negligence  to  bring  his  Acco*'^ 
to  a  Ballance  half  yearly,  or  every  year  at  least  has  been  the 
occasion  of  the  melancholy  scituation  he  has  put  us  in.  Some 
tilings  he  alledged  that  had  weight — That  the  prices  of  Pro- 
visions were  treble  to  what  they  were  at  my  first  arrival  here 
from  whence  we  calculated  the  Estimate — That  the  Spanish 
Alarms  obliged  him  to  comply  Avith  the  humour  of  the  people 
here,  for  which  reason  he  was  forced  to  give  any  prices  to 
Sloops  to  bring  down  provisions  to  the  Colony.  He  said 
farther  that  he  had  not  been  guilty  of  any  fraud  nor  con- 
verted any  of  the  Trustees  mony  to  his  own  use.  He  at  first 
seemed  pretty  stubborn  but  upon  a  second  examination  he 
was  more  submissive ;  When  I  was  about  to  comit  him,  he 
pleaded  that  it  was  not  usual  here  to  comit  Freeholders  for 
any  but  Capital  Crimes.  That  Watson,  who  was  accused  of 
killing  a  man,  and  had  been  found  guilty  by  a  Jury,  was 
bail'd  upon  his  own  Recognizance.  That  he  submitted  to  the 
Trustees  and  that  all  he  had  acquired  in  his  six  years  service 
and  all  that  he  had  in  the  world  was  laid  out  in  improvements 
on  his  Lot  in  the  Colony,  and  that  he  would  give  all  as 
security  to  abide  and  justify  his  acco*"-  He  has  accordingly 
given  security.  He  has  delivered  the  Stores,  Books  ttc.  imto 
Mr.  Jones,  according  to  your  appointment.  I  have  not  been 
able  to  enter  into  the  rest  of  the  affairs  of  tlie  Colony  ;  The 
Saltzburghers  thrive  and  so  do  the  peoi)le  at  Hanipstead  & 
Highgate.  There  are  abundance  of  good  Houses  built  in 
this  ToAvn.  I  desire  to  know  in  what  manner  you  would 
have  me  proceed   m    Causton's   afi'air,     And    I   desire  you 


■would  fiivour  nie  witli  your  answer  to  this  letter  as  soon  as 


I  am, 


Your  obed'  lium^'''  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 

October  11),  173S. 

I  /ii(/ni\Sf'  I 

Gen^  Ogletli()r})e  to  the  Trustees  wrote  by  Mr.  Jones, 
rec'i  '22  Jan'y  follow-' 


30  Nov.  1788. 

Frederic  A,  20  Nov.  1738. 
Dear  George, 

I  am  here  in  one  of  the  most  delightful  situations  as  any 
man  could  wish  to  be.  A  great  number  of  Debts,  empty 
magazines,  no  money  to  supply  them,  numbers  of  jjeople  to 
be  fed,  mutinous  Soldiers  to  command,  a  Spanish  Claim  &  a 
large  body  of  their  Troops  not  far  fi'oni  us.  But  as  we  are 
of  the  same  kind  of  spirit  these  Difhculties  have  the  same 
effect  upon  me,  as  those  you  met  with  in  the  C^ity,  had  upon 
you.     They  rather  animate  than  daunt  me. 

There  is  no  doubt  but  that  the  Debts  due  to  the  Merchants 
&  others  for  supporting  the  Colony  in  the  time  of  the  greatest 
Dangers  ought  to  ])e  paid  for  by  the  Parliament.  Shall  they 
who  ventured  their  effects  to  prevent  a  Colony's  being  swal- 
lowed up  by  a  Spanish  Invasion,  be  riiined  for  their  PubUck 
Spirit?  Shall  the  poor  men  who  are  here  in  Garrison  in  the 
Trustees  service,  on  the  iitmost  frontiers  of  America  starve 
for  want  of  the  ]iay  which  is  due  to  them.     T  am  perswaded 

*  p.  U.  O.    Georgia.     B.  T.  voj,  21,  p.  97, 


the  Coninions  of  England  will  never  think  so.  If  the  Trustees 
will  but  concert  and  apply  to  Parliament  for  a  sufficient  sum 
they  certainly  will  succeed.  It- is  the  interest  of  the  Mer- 
chants who  have  the  certified  Accounts  to  assist  them.  The 
Parliament  ought  to  eiuible  tlie^  Trustees  to  pay  these  Del)ts 
for  the  following  reasons.  They  granted  £20,000  for  the 
whole  Expenc^e  of  the  Colony,  but  when  they  separated  the 
Military  from  the  (Hvil,  they  granted  l)ut  £8,000  for  the  Civil 
Expence,  supposing  that  a  Regiment  would  arrive  there  Avliich 
would  take  off'  the  Military  Expence,  l)ut  it  was  near  a  year 
before  the  Regiment  arrived  all  which  time  the  Trustees 
Officers  were  obliged  to  continue  the  Expences  for  the 
Defence  of  the  Province  by  maintainmg  the  Militia  who  were 
under  arms,  by  paying  Scout  l)oats.  Rangers  and  Garrisons 
and  supplying  the  Indians  with  iVrms,  Amunition  and  Neces- 
saries, in  order  to  keep  them  in  readiness  against  the  Spanish 

These  measures  occasioned  Debt  but  these  measures  pre- 
served the  Province  and  frustrated  the  attempts  of  the 
Spaniards  fi-om  Cuba  and  Augustine,  nay  even  prevented 
their  daring  t(5  attack  so  much  as  one  Out  Post. 

But  supposing  on  the  contrary  the  Triistees  Servants  here 
had  not  ventured  to  buy  Provisions  on  credit,  but  had  on  the 
ceasing  of  the  Military  Estal)lisliment  and  before  the  araval 
of  the  Regiment  abandoned  the  Garrisons,  the  Spaniards 
might  then  have  taken  possession  of  them,  without  so  much 
as  an  Hostility  and  the  Nation  would  have  had  no  remedy 
but  applying  to  Commissaries  or  entering  into  a  War.  These 
measures  therefore  ought  to  be  justified,  and  the  Parliament 
if  applied  to,  will  doubtless  enable  the  Trustees  to  pay  those 
who  so  fraidvly  risqued  their  substance  for  the  Pubhck 

I  need  not  conjure  you  by  your  friendship  to  me,  for  I 
know  your  own  pubhck  spirit  will  make  you  animate  our 
friends  to  apply  to  ParUament,  and  push  for  such  a  supply 
as  may  pay  the  Debts  and  continue  to  support  the  Improve- 
ments of  the  Colony.  I  shall  add  nothing  more  than  to 
assure  you  that  in  what  ever  part  of  the  AM)rld  I  am,  neither 
(distance  nor  time  can  lessen  the  sincere  aiiectiou  I  have  for 


you  and  hope  von  will  believe  me  to  be 
Your  most  obedient  & 

most  humble  Serv* 

James  Oglethorpe. 
Alderman  Heathcote. 

IH.  VEREL8T.1* 

22  Nov.  1738. 

Frederica  in  Georgia 
Nov^-  22d,  1738. 
Sir,  . 

I  cannot  yet  get  Mr.  Causton's  Balance  of  Account,  nor  can 
I  be  sure  of  the  Debts  due  in  Georgia;  every  day  fresh 
demands  come  in.  By  my  best  guess  there  is  above  £8000 
due  in  Georgia,  besides  the  Certified  Accounts.  The  Expence 
here  of  the  year  for  the  Improvements  of  the  Colony  the 
Civil  Government  and  Presents  to  the  Indians  cannot  be 
brought  under  £5,000  for  the  year.  The  Trustees  Stores  "w-ill 
be  no  assistance  at  all  towards  it,  since  they  have  been 
ordered  to  be  issued  in  payment  of  Debts  at  Savannah.  I 
have  desired  Mr.  Jones  to  draw  out  a  particular  of  all  the 
Expences  that  are  absolutely  necessary.  I  hope  therefore 
that  the  Trustees  will  apply  to  Parliament  for  a  sum  sufficient 
to  pay  the  certified  accounts,  the  Debts  incurred  here  &  to 
provide  for  the  charges  of  the  year.  They  will  be  the  best 
Judges  how  much  that  sum  must  be.  I  reckon  the  Military 
Expence  for  the  year,  between  the  ceasing  of  the  Military 
Establishment  and  the  arrival  of  the  Regiment  might  amount 
to  £12,000.  I  reckon  therefore  the  Debts  certified  and 
uncertified  that  are  unpaid  must  amount  to  near  that  sum 
and  the  Expence  of  the  year  from  my  arrival  this  November 
to  the  1st  of  next  November  w^ill  be  £5,000.    If  the  Trustees 

*  V.  U.  U.     Georgia.     15.  T,  vo}.  '21,  p.  9y, 


think  the  sura  of  £17,000  is  more  than  they  can  obtain  from 
Parhanient,  they  will  do  what  they  think  best,  but  if  y"  Par- 
liament does  not  pay  the  Debts,  It  will  only  be  impossible  to 
support  the  Colony  at  all,  but  the  misery  of  the  poor  people 
who  came  upon  their  own  Expences  and  trusted  their  little 
Fortunes  upon  the  Publick  Faith  will  be  inexpressible.  The 
Clamour  also  of  the  Merchants  who  furnished  Provisions  <kca. 
in  the  time  of  the  Spanish  Alarm  upon  seeing  the  necessity 
of  supporting  y*^  Colony,  will  be  very  great.  I  should  there- 
fore move  the  Trustees  to  insist  upon  a  sum  sufficient  to  pay 
the  Debts  and  support  the  Colony,  and  I  am  so  persuaded 
that  the  Parliament  will  grant  such  a  sum  that  I  venture 
upon  paying  all  the  necessary  Expences  here,  out  of  my  own 
Pocket,  without  drawing  on  y*^  Trastees  or  charging  them 
with  any  debt,  till  I  hear  of  y*^  determination  of  Parliament, 
which  I  fear  will  be  near  six  months,  in  which  time  I  fear  I 
shall  have  expended  (though  I  shall  use  the  utmost  Oecono- 
ray)  near  ^£2,500. 

I  have  paid  £100  pursuant  to  the  Trustees  order  to  Lyon 
to  enable  him  to  carry  on  y*^  Vineyards.  I  sent  you  by  my 
last  letter  his  Receipt  &  I  have  secured  the  other  =£100  to 
him.  I  have  paid  at  Savannah  about  £400  part  in  purchas- 
ing Provisions  for  the  supplying  of  the  most  necessitous 
people,  part  for  making  up  presents  to  the  Indians.  Four 
Kings  of  whom,  with  gi-eat  numbers  of  Warriours  and 
Attendants  80  in  all  came  down  there  to  meet  me  and  to 
assure  me  of  their  Fidelity  to  His  Majesty  and  that  they  had 
rejected  the  Spanish  offers. 

I  have  ordered  the  account  of  the  Issues  of  y"  Indian 
Presents  to  be  made  out  and  sent  to  you.  I  have  sent  you 
also  an  acknowledgment  signed  by  the  Officers  who  arrived 
Avith  the  first  part  of  the  Troops,  of  their  having  Boats 
furnished  to  them,  ct  boarded  Hutts  built  for  them  at  the 
Trustees  Expence,  which  is  demandable  from  Parliament.  I 
have  not  been  able  to  get  in  yet  the  particular  account,  but 
the  whole  must  amount  to  above  £1000,  for  the  Regiment 
and  aU  the  persons  belonging  to  them  amounted  to  above 
1000  and  the  Hutts  and  Boat  hire  for  them  and  such  a 
tjuantity  of  stores  as  came  over  cannot  be  reckoned  at  less 

GO  T.KT'rEltS    F1!()M    (iENElLVL    OCiEETHOliPE. 

than  20s.  cliuvge  ])ei'  head  one  Avitli  another.  I  have  dehvered 
the  yawl  to  the  Pih)t  for  to  he  it  Pilot  boat,  according  to  y^ 
Trustees  order.  I  have  ordered  Copies  of  the  Wast  book 
kept  at  the  store  at  Frederica  to  be  made  ont  tt  sent  over  to 
you  every  month  from  the  time  of  my  coming  over.  There 
is  not  hands  to  i)ost  up  after  the  Italian  manner  of  book 
keeping,  but  I  suppose  if  yon  have  a  Wast  book  sent  over 
you  may  do  that  in  Lcmdon.  I  hope  if  y''  Parliam*  makes  a 
Grant  that  the  Trustees  will  innnediately  send  8ola  Bills  for 
what  they  intend  should  be  the  Expence  of  the  year. 
I  am, 

Y(mr  very  hund)le  Servant 

James  U(iLETHoKrE. 
Inclosed  I  send  you  an  Ace* 
of  the  Mutiny  at  St.  Andrews, 
and  a  letter  to  Mr.  Holland 
which  if  he  is  not  in  Town 
you  may  open  and  read  and 
communicate    to   y^    Trustees. 

I  Indorsed  \ 
General  Oglethorpe  to  the  Accountant, 
reed  15  Feb'-v  1738-(9.) 


21   Dkc.  1738. 

21st  December,  1738. 

Mr.  Mackuitosh  syjoke  to  me  and  showed  me  your  letter  to 
him  of  the  11th  August.  I  found  that  he  had  disi)osed  i)ur- 
suant  to  the  Trustees  Orders  a  part  of  the  Servants  to  the 
Freeholders  of  Darien  upon  Oredit,  which  encouragement 
had  enabled  that  Settlement  to  continue  under  all  the  difti- 

I'.  1(.  O.     Hfort^iii,     li.  T.   vol.    Jl,  11.   U14, 


culties  arising  from  the  Spanish  Alarms  (tea.  they  being 
the  Frontier  Settlement  on  the  Continent.  The  remaining 
Servants  he  had  reserved  in  the  Tnistees  hands.  The 
Women  were  *  dead  charge  to  the  Trust,  excepting  a  few 
who  mended  the  Cloaths,  dressed  the  Victuals  and  washed 
the  Linnen  of  the  Trustees  Men  Servants.  Some  of  the 
Soldiers  who  were  Highlanders  desiring  to  marry  them 
Women  I  gave  them  leave  upon  their  discharging  the  Trus- 
tees fi'om  all  future  Charges  arising  from  them.  The  Men 
Servants  are  now  taught  to  saw  and  they  make  good  work 
and  indeed  are  the  only  hands  in  the  Province  that  bring 
any  advantage  to  the  Trust.  I  therefore  thought  it  improper 
to  take  fi'om  the  Saw  till  the  Trustees  knew  the  Circum- 
stances and  gave  their  farther  orders.  They  are  now  sawing 
Timber  for  the  Church  or  rather  Chappel  at  Frederica  which 
I  have  agi'eed  to  have .  built.  The  whole  Building  will  be 
sixty  foot  long  by  twenty  foot  wide,  three  Stories,  the  two 
Lowermost  Cellars  and  Rooms  for  Provisions,  Books  k"^^  and 
the  uppermost,  a  Chappel.  The  assistance  of  j^  Timber,  the 
work  of  the  Trustees  Servants  &  the  Flints  I  brought  over, 
wdll  make  ^uch  a  saving  that  I  think  I  shall  get  the  whole 
finished  for  less  than  .-£150  Money,  exclusive  of  y^  Timber 
and  Labour  of  the  Trustees  Servants  and  if  this  Building 
was  to  be  performed  without  their  assistance,  It  would  have 
cost  above  double  that  sum. 

It  is  impossible  at  this  present,  for  the  Freeholders  at 
Darien  to  pay  in  Money  for  their  Servants,  but  they  are  very 
willing  and  able  to  pay  in  sawed  stuff  both  for  that  and  the 
Provisions  which  they  owe.  They  have  wanted  Provisions 
for  three  Quarters  of  this  year  ha^dng  raised  but  just  enough 
corn  to  supply  themselves  three  months.  I  am  forced  there- 
fore to  let  them  have  one  bushel  of  Corn  and  eight  pounds  of 
meat  per  head  per  month  upon  Credit. 

Mr.  M'^Intosh  will  write  to  you  more  at  large  the  afl'airs  of 

I  am, 


Your  very  humble  Serv* 

James  Oglethorpe, 
Mj.  Harman  Yerelst. 


rec'"^  28  August  1789. 
General  Oglethorpe's  letter  to  the  Trustees  Accouutant. 


8  Mahch  ir;^s-!i. 

Savannah  Sth  March  178H  9. 

Mr.  Obryaii  is  a  man  who  hath  kept  a  Storehouse  for  fur- 
nishing the  Indian  Traders  with  Goods,  he  took  up  a  Lot 
on  the  first  Settlement  of  Augusta,  and  hath  returned  me  the 
Inclosed  Plot  thereof.  I  should  reconnuend  to  you  the 
granting  to  him  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  Body  under 
the  same  Restrictions,  Reservations  and  Limitations  as  usual, 
the  said  SOU'^'  acres  of  Land  and  to  send  over  the  said  Grant 
under  your  Seal  unto  him.  The  settlement  of  Augusta 
is  of  gi-eat  service  it  being  800  miles  frcnn  the  Sea,  and  the 
Key  of  all  the  Indian  Countrey  therefore  I  recommend  to  you 
the  forwarding  the  said  Grant,  it  being  a  reward  of  a  consid- 
erable inhaliitant,  who  begun  the  Settlement  of  the  Town 
at  his  own  Expence  with  a  well  furnished  Warehouse.  There 
are  also  several  other  men  who  have  deserved  extreandy  well 
of  the  Trustees  whom  I  shall  recommend  to  you  for  Lotts 
near  the  said  Place. 
I  am. 


Your  most  ol)edient 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
The  hon'"''  the  Trustees. 

p.  U.  O.    Georgia.    U,  T-  vol.  21,  p.  127. 



9  March  1T38  9. 

Savannah  9th  Maivli  1738  9. 

I  acquainted  yon  upon  my  first  arrival  with  the  terrible 
bad  situation  of  aft'airs,  but  I  find  you  received  those  advices 
extreamly  late  l)y  reason  of  neglect  at  Charles  Town. 

The  Store  hath  received  a  second  advice  from  you  that 
you  have  sent  back  an  account  Certified  by  Mr.  Causton 
of  £772.4.7  due  to  Mr.  Symond  for  Goods  deliver'd  to  the 
Stores  here,  and  that  you  have  ordered  it  to  be  paid  here. 
The  scituation  of  the  Stores  you  will  find  by  Mr.  Jones's 
Letters  as  Avell  as  mine  and  that  there  was  a  great  deal  more 
due  amongst  the  People  upon  the  Spot  here,  than  the  Stores 
amounted  to.  The  Store  oftered  Mr.  Purry,  who  is  Mr. 
Symond's  Correspondent,  to  deliver  him  Provisions  ttca.  that 
were  in  store  in  payment  of  the  Delits,  at  the  prices  which 
other  Creditors  offered  to  take  them  in  payment  of  theirs, 
but  he  said  he  was  nuAvilling  to  take  the  Provisions  which 
was  all  that  the  poor  people  here  had  to  keep  them  fi-om 
starring,  out  of  their  mouths.  And  also  that  his  demand  was 
for  Goods  sold  for  Money,  and  not  for  Provisions  and  Goods 
which  he  did  not  know  how  to  raise  money  u})on  if  he  had 
them.  Mr.  Purry  here,  as  well  as  Mr.  Symond  at  London, 
have  been  of  great  service  to  the  Colony.  All  that  they  have 
delivered  into  the  stores  has  Ijeen  of  the  best  sorts  in  a  good 
condition  and  at  the  lowest  prices  and  if  other  people  had 
dealt  as  well  by  the  Trustees  there  had  been  several 
thousands  of  Pounds  saved.  I  should  therefore  recommend 
it  to  you  as  a  point  of  expediency  as  well  as  Justice,  to  pay 
out  of  the  first  monies  that  come  to  hand  this  Demand 
of  Mr.  Symonds. 

There  was  £426.0.2  more  delivered  by  Mr.  Purry  to  the 

■-  p.  R.  O.     Georfjia.    B.  T.  vol.  21.  p.  128. 

70  LETTERS   FROxM    GENERAL   0('}LTiTliORi'>][!;. 

Store  here  before  iny  arrival  &:  expended  otherwise,  he  would 
have  took  the  same  goods  back  again. 
I  am, 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 

There  is  also  ano*"  acco" 
not  yet  settled,  but  w''^  is 
supposed  may  amo'  to  ab* 
400  and  odd  pounds  for  prov^ 
&  goods  deF  before  my  arrival 
and  Money  to  the  Missionary. 

The  hon^^i^  the  Trustees. 


ree^  18  June  1739. 


12  March  1738-9. 

Savannah  12th  March  1738-9. 

It  is  with  great  difficulty  I  carried  on  affairs  here.  Mr. 
Jones  hath  acted  with  steadiness  and  courage,  he  desired  me 
not  to  confirm  a  Certificate  signed  by  Mr.  Causton  in  favour 
of  Mr.  Williams  for  the  reasons  in  his  Letter.  Mr.  Williams 
is  very  angry  and  hath  got  the  poor  people  of  Savannah, 
many  of  whom  are  deeply  in  debt  to  him,  to  sign  the  Petition 
for  Negroes  which  affirms  that  white  men  cannot  work  in  this 
Province.  This  assertion  I  can  disprove  by  hundreds  of  Wit- 
nesses, all  the  Saltzburghers  the  people  of  Darien,  many 
at  Erederica  and  Savannah  and  all  the  Industrious  in  the 

■  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  21,  p.  129. 

iJ-JTEliS   FitOM    GENERAL   OriLfiTHOIiPE.  71 

Province.  The  idle  ones  are  indeed  for  Negi'oes.  If  the 
Petition  is  c-ountenanced,  the  Province  is  ruined.  Mr.  AVil- 
lianis  and  Doctor  Talfeur  will  buy  most  of  the  Lands  at 
Savannah  with  Debts  due  to  them  and  the  Inhabitants  must 
go  off  and  be  succeeded  by  Negi'oes.  Yet  the  very  debtors 
hiive  been  weak  enough  to  sign  their  Desire  of  Leave  to  sell. 

A  worse  alt'air  hath  hap])eued,  upon  the  civil  letter  wrote 
by  the  Trustees  to  Mr.  Causton  to  furnish  Colonel  Cochran 
with  what  he  wanted  for  the  Regiment  and  paying  for  the 
same,  a  C^redit  hath  been  given  to  his  order  to  y''  amount 
of  £935.13.3  and  Mr.  (^auston  hath  taken  from  C-ol.  Cochran 
£198  in  Wines.  The  Debt  cannot  be  demanded  of  the 
Eegiment  for  Regiments  have  nothing  but  the  })ay  of  each 
individual  Officer  and  Man.  When  six  Soldiers  Avere  sub- 
sisted out  of  the  Trustees  Store,  no  more  should  have  been 
issued  than  what  their  Pay  would  have  discharged  but  they 
have  received  and  s})ent  their  Pay,  and  the  Debt  for  their 
subsistence  is  still  due  to  the  Trustees  nor  can  I  tell  from 
whence  the  money  can  come  for  to  discharge  it. 

I  have  advanced  for  the  service  of  the  Colony  about  £2000 
and  have  drawn  Bills  upon  Mr.  Yerelst  upon  my  own  account 
and  have  ordered  all  my  Cash,  Pay  and  Salary  (t  appoint- 
ments in  his  hands  to  answer  those  Bills,  wutli  that  Sum 
I  have  paid  the  five  months  Expences  since  my  arrival  and 
if  the  Parliament  have  granted  any  Money  I  hope  you  will 
reserve  that  sum,  that  when  you  are  satisfied  that  it  hath 
been  applied  in  such  manner  as  you  shall  approve  of,  you 
will  pay  that  money  into  the  hands  of  Mr.  Verelst  for 
replacing  my  money  that  paid  the  Bills. 

There  are  10  ounces  of  silk  w^orms  Eggs  hatched  and  Lyon 
hath  planted  |  of  an  acre  of  Vineyard  which  thrives  well 
and  hath  20  acres  cleared  ah-eady  which  he  intends  to  plant 
ill  the  fall.  The  Trustees  have  ^  an  acre  and  the  Plants  have 
begTin  to  shoot  A"  promise  Avell. 
I  am, 


Your  most  obedient  humble  Servant 
.  James  Ogt.ethorpe. 

[Li(h)rsf'<l\  rec'^  by  ('apt.  Yeoman  11  May  1739. 



4  .July  1739. 

Frederica  in  Georgia  4th  July  1739. 

Give  me  leave  to  thank  you  for  the  gi'eat  care  you  took 
to  send  immediate  assistance  to  me,  by  ordering  the  issuing 
of  the  Five  Hundred  Pounds  in  Bills  and  by  sending  me  £710 
in  Bills,  and  by  the  vigorous  push  you  made  in  Parliament, 
the  Resolutions  of  which  hath  preserved  this  Colony,  and  by 
it  covered  all  the  Trade  of  North  America  fi-om  the  Spanish 
Guarda  Costas. 

I  am  very  glad  to  find  by  the  last  of  yours  that  you  have 
come  to  a  Resolution  of  keeping  no  stores  here  after  what 
is  at  present  in  the  Magazines  is  expended  but  for  the  future 
paying  for  the  Servants  Subsistance  and  other  Expences  in 
ready  Money.  In  this  there  is  but  two  difficulties  which 
I  hope  to  be  able  to  regulate  in  the  execution,  the  first  is  the 
Merchants  seeing  that  there  is  no  publick  Stores  may  run  up 
the  Prices  of  all  provisions  to  treble  the  value  so  that  the 
People  may  not  with  their  Money  be  able  to  buy  Food,  the 
second  is  that  the  People  themselves  when  they  receive  their 
pay  may  spend  it  in  Drink  instead  of  buying  victuals  and  so 
suft'er  in  their  healths  as  the  Independent  Company  did  in 
General  Nicholson's  time  of  whom  two  thirds  died  in  a  year. 
However  I  believe  both  these  Inconveniences  may  be  pre- 
vented by  the  Regulations  which  I  shall  make  for  the  Mer- 
chants &  Suttlers.  I  do  not  doubt  but  the  sum  gi-anted 
by  Parliament  will  enable  us  not  only  to  pay  the  debts  of  the 
Colony  and  subsist  it  for  this  year,  but  also  have  a  Fund 
beforehand,  which  will  prevent  any  accidents  for  the  future, 
but  to  bring  this  about  there  must  be  a  steady  and  regular 
manner  of  acting  here.  There  are  several  Expences  abso- 
lutely necessary  and  the  factious  humour  of  many  people, 
the  difficulties  of  finding  amongst  such  as  are  sent  hither, 
any  persons  of  proper  confidence  to  execute  a  Trust  where 
a  Gain  attends,  is  very  great.     The  Temptations  of  large 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  21,  p.  146. 


sums  to  poor  people  who  have  given  no  secnrity  are  difficult 
to  be  withstood,  and  I  have  met  with  so  much  Roguery  that 
I  have  been  obliged  to  change  hands  frequently.  The  powers 
given  to  the  Magistrates  have  generally  been  made  use 
of  either  to  get  by  winking  at  men  who  disobey  the  Laws 
or  expecting  large  allowances  from  the  Trustees  for  doing 
their  duty  and  they  have  banded  at  Savannah  so  strongly 
together  that  they  refused  Mr.  Jones  as  he  informs  me  to 
take  any  measures  for  preA^enting  Peop^le  who  were  running 
away  with  effects  when  in  the  Trustees  debt.  The  People 
have  fi'equently  been  striving  to  deny  any  authority  in  me 
<Sr  would  fain  bring  the  Tryal  of  the  Trustees  Properties 
before  Juries  almost  every  one  of  whom  is  interested  by 
being  Debtors  to  the  Trustees  and  many  Declared  that  they 
would  bring  in  their  verdicts  according  to  their  interest. 
They  very  ignorantly  and  unjustly  at  Savannah  tried  the 
People  who  broke  through  the  Rum  Law  by  Juries  who 
acquitted  the  Sellers  in  spite  of  evidence.  Here  at  Frederica 
the  Magistrates  acted  wisely,  they  tried  and  convicted  them 
at  Pett}-  Sessions  as  Justices  of  Peace  and  amongst  others 
levied  upon  a  Master  of  a  Sloop  who  had  so  man}'  Friends 
amongst  the  Freeholders  that  they  publickly  declared  in 
Town  that  no  Jury  would  convict  him  though  he  tapped 
a  Cask  at  noon  day.  This  steady  proceeding  and  the 
appointing  a  very  brisk  man,  Patrick  Grant  (a  relation  of  Sir 
James  Grant's)  Naval  Officer  and  Searcher  has  got  the  better 
of  Rum  here. 

I  am  insensibly  got  off  fi'om  the  most  important  matter 
that  of  keeping  the  Expences  of  the  Province  within  bound 
and  at  the  same  time  pushing  on  the  Improvements  of  Silk 
and  Wine  and  other  Agriculture  making  the  Province  capable 
of  subsisting  itself,  and  encouraging  industry  in  such  manner 
as  the  Inhabitants  may  be  able  to  raise  and  sell  Food  suffi- 
cient for  the  Regiment's  consumption  and  for  the  Trustees 
Servants  so  that  they  may  not  be  obhged  to  buy  fi-om  the 
neighbouring  Colonies,  which  if  it  can  be  compassed  the 
Planters  by  that  money  will  be  enabled  not  only  to  purchase 
Clothing  but  also  to  pay  for  the  passage  of  Servants  and 
other  labouring  hands  and  thereby  increase  the  people  of  the 

?4  LETTERS  tium   GENEHAt;   OrtLllTrtOltl'f.. 

(\)lony  without  any  new  ex}ieiice  to  the  Publick  and  these 
methods  haAe  ah-eady  had  theii'  effect  in  Pensilvania  which 
is  grown  wonderful  populouw  by  the  Gernum  Hervantfs. 

I  have  been  labouring  to  reduce  the  Expences  within 
bounds  and  to  fix  then)  with  some  certainty  but  have  met 
witli  so  many  other  affairs  arising  from  C)})positions,  nuiny 
of  which  were  surely  set  on  foot  on  pur})ose  to  prevent 
my  having  time  to  regulate  the  Expences  and  look  into 
accounts.  I  think  I  huxe  got  pretty  near  through  and  shoidd 
have  finished  in  about  a  months  time  but  the  Indians  have 
been  stirred  up  to  insist  upon  my  meeting  them  and  they 
hold  a  General  Assembly  for  that  purpose  upon  the  Result 
of  wdiich  depends  the  welfare  not  only  of  this  but  of  the 
Colony  of  Carolina.  The  Spaniards  and  French  have  both 
been  very  active  and  have  spared  no  ])ains  to  gain  an  interest 
sufficient  amongst  the  Indians  to  persuade  them  to  separate 
fi'om  the  English. 

I  send  you  an  account  of  sundry  Disbursements  made 
by  me  by  the  hands  of  Moore,  and  I  submit  them  to  you 
to  consider  of  them  and  if  you  think  they  ought  to  l)e  repaid, 
you  will  please  to  pay  them  to  Mr.  Verelst  on  my  account. 
If  there  are  any  Articles  that  you  object  to,  if  you  Avill  let 
me  know  them  I  will  explain  them  in  the  General  Account, 
this  being  only  an  account  of  some  Disbursements  which 
I  send  home  for  your  perusal  till  I  can  get  the  General 
Account  and  the  Issues  of  all  the  Stores  and  Provisions 
by  me  bought  and  applied  to  the  Trust's  service. 

It  is  necessary  to  set  down  the  following  Articles  for 
explaining  the  Expences  of  the  Province. 

1st.  The  whole  Civil  and  Military  Expences  were  to  be 
defi-ayed  by  the  Trustees  till  the  arrival  of  the  Regiment 
And  till  my  arrival  none  of  the  Trust's  Military  Expences 
were  reduced. 

2ndly.  On  the  arrival  of  the  first  Detachment  with  Colonel 
Cochran,  the  Tmstees  were  put  to  new  Expences  for  Boats 
to  carry  up  the  Soldiers,  the  King's  Stores  and  Provisions, 
also  for  Warehouses  for  them  ;  and  at  the  Trustees  Expence 
also  Cleft-Board  House  were  built  for  the  reception  of  the 
five  Companies  quartered  for  the  Defence  of  Georgia,     These 


Expences,  had  I  been  here,  slionld  not  have  been  paid,  lint 
have  been  directly  certified  home,  that  the  Trustees  may  have 
applied  to  the  Crown  to  obtain  payment  for  the  pers(ms  who 
had  disburst  them.  It  is  very  true  that  they  were  absolutely 
necessary  or  the  Troops  must  have  perished.  It  is  also  as 
true  that  Colonies  who  levy  Taxes  up(m  the  people  do  out 
of  them  Taxes  defray  all  such  contingent  Charges  necessary 
for  the  Troops  sent  for  their  Defence.  But  this  is  not  the 
case  of  Georgia,  where  there  can  be  no  Taxes  levied  and 
consequently  the  Trustees  cannot  defray  the  Contingencies, 
therefore  they  very  properly  ought  to  have  been  represented 
to  the  Crown. 

3rdly.  Mr.  Horton  when  he  found  that  it  was  necessary 
there  shoidd  be  Cleft-board  Houses  provided  for  covering 
the  Regiment,  imployed  as  many  of  the  Inhabitants  as  were 
indebted  to  the  Trustees  for  food,  as  would  work,  and  thereby 
lessened  the  Expence  of  those  Buildings,  since  he  thereby 
secured  the  Payment  of  Debts  which  it  would  otherwise  have 
been  very  difficult  to  recover. 

4thly.  Mr.  Hugh  Mackay  imployed  at  St.  Andrews  the 
Trustees  Servants  to  build  the  Cleft-board  Houses  there  and 
some  few  other  Carpenters  and  hired  men. 

Sthly.  I  presume  that  the  Trustees  have  a  very  good 
Demand  for  the  building  of  the  above  mentioned  two  Camps 
of  Cleft-board  Houses  in  which  500  Men  and  their  Officers 
are  conveniently  lodged  since  it  was  done  by  servants  and 
Creditors  fed  and  clothed  by  the  Trust,  whose  Labours  have 
been  other  ways  of  use  to  them. 

6thly.  It  is  necessary  for  the  Trustees  to  use  their  En- 
deavours to  people  the  Colony  for  which  they  are  entrusted 
with  the  Publick  Money.  People  cannot  live  without  protec- 
tion and  communication.  The  regular  Troops  protect  the 
Frontier  Islands  but  Boats  are  necessary  for  Communication 
and  Watchmen  for  preserving  the  peace  of  the  Country  and 
Horsemen  for  pursuing  m  the  Woods  Felons,  Runaway 
Servants,  Outlaws  and  Slaves  fi"om  CaroUna  which  have 
already  molested  the  Inland  parts  of  the  Coiintrey,  and  thiev- 
ing for  want  of  Rangers  to  pursue  them  is  grown  so  common 
that  great  numbers  of  Hogs  and  not  a  few  Cattel  have  been 

7()  LETTERS   FKOM   GEXER AT,   0OT.F:TitrtR^E,. 

killed  ill  the  Woods  so  that  it  is  dangerous  to  let  them  and 
People  have  neither  Inclosures  nor  Food  to  keep  them  at 
home.  The  killing  and  stealing  of  Hogs  has  been  so  frequent 
at  Savannah  that  there  is  hardly  one  person  in  that  Town 
that  has  one  though  when  T  left  that  Province  there  were 
several  hundreds  there. 

7thlv.  There  are  great  numbers  of  Servants  belonging 
to  the  Trustees,  those  at  Savannah  were  under  the  care 
of  Mr.  Bradley  and  Mr.  Causton,  of  whose  work  I  have  been 
hitherto  not  able  to  get  a  full  account.  Those  at  Darien  were 
under  the  charge  of  Mr.  Mcintosh  and  have  learned  to  saw, 
so  that  all  the  Boards  imployed  in  the  King's  Works,  as  also 
those  for  building  the  Chappel  at  Frederica  have  been  sawed 
by  them,  the  value  of  which,  I  believe  will  near  answer  the 
keeping  of  them.  And  next  vear,  as  they  are  now  Masters 
of  their  Business,  will  I  hope  consideralily  more  than  main- 
tain them.  The  Servants  on  Amelia  are  under  Mr.  Hugh 
Mackays  charge  there  is  a  very  fertile  spot  of  gi'ound  on 
which  I  placed  them  and  they  have  made  a  Plantation ; 
It  promises  fair  for  a  great  cro])  of  c-.orn,  much  more  than 
they  can  eat,  but  theii'  cloathing  and  meat  kind  will  be  still 
some  charge,  nor  can  the  Trustees  ex])ect  that  their  Servants 
should  at  first  entirely  defi'ay  their  charges  for  they  must 
consider  that  a  great  part  of  their  time  must  be  taken  uj)  in 
building  Hutts  and  clearing  and  fencing  of  Land,  which  is  an 
Improvement  of  the  Province  and  a  greater  gain  to  it  than 
the  Crop  raised  Avithin  the  Year. 

Stilly.  Several  Boats  are  absolutely  necessary  for  the 
Province,  one  at  least  to  each  Settlement,  which  if  the  Trust 
does  not  maintain  the  People  cannot,  and  it  is  as  good  with- 
drawing at  once  from  the  Colony  as  forcing  the  People  to 
leave  it.  I  have  done  all  I  could  to  reduce  the  charge 
of  Boats,  as  I  have  wrote  mc^re  at  large. 

9tlily.  This  Countrey  cannot  be  supported  without  Cattel, 
the  Trustees  have  a  large  herd,  the  keeping  of  which  hath 
been  considerable  Expence  to  them  but  I  think  the  Profit 
upon  the  Increase  notwithstanding  that  vast  numbers  have 
l)een  killed  and  stole  is  above  treble  the  charges  they  have 
(•ost,  bxit  if  Mr.  Jones  the  Storekeeper  had  not  acted  with 


great  courage  there  was  a  general  combination  to  eat  tlie 
Trustees  Cattel  and  I  cannot  say  that  the  Magistrates  at 
Savannah  did  act  with  that  vigour  that  they  might  have  done 
'till  I  myself  was  obliged  to  make  them  examine  the  people 
before  me  and  there  was  such  a  good  natured  spirit  stirring 
that  I  was  informed  no  Savannah  Jury  W(juld  find  a  man 
gTiilty  for  killing  the  Trustees  Cattle  in  the  Woods,  of  which 
I  su]jpose  Mr.  Jones  has  given  you  a  full  account.  This  has 
forced  me  to  continue  a  number  of  Cattel  Hunters  by  whicli 
means  I  have  ah'eady  stopped  the  stealing  and  above  sixty 
^nld  Calves  have  been  taken  up  and  marked  at  the  Cow  pen 
at  Ebenezer. 

lOthly.  Till  the  present  stores  are  issued  of  which  I  have 
laid  in  a  great  quantity,  there  will  be  occasion  not  only  for 
a  stoi-ekeeper  and  clerks  bvit  several  other  Servants  and 
Labourers  for  unloading  and  preserving.  Several  may  be 
reduced  as  soon  as  we  can  put  the  new  Regulations  into 
Practice,  particularly  a  Smith  for  the  Indian  Arms,  a  Sur- 
veyor Area. 

I  am  afraid  I  shall  tire  you  with  too  long  a  letter  if  I  should 
enter  into  the  whole  Detail  of  the  Province  and  it  is  impos- 
sible to  explain  all  things  at  this  distance.  The  only  method 
that  I  can  think  of  to  hinder  any  increase  is  strictly  to 
adhere  to  the  notice  you  have  already  advertized  and  which 
is  now  up  at  all  the  Store  house  doors  that  no  person  shall 
contract  any  debt  chargeable  upon  the  Trustees,  and  I  fear 
the  allowing  any  of  the  People  here  to  indorse  yonv  Bills  will 
give  a  new  Credit  to  them  persons,  which  perhaps  may  be 
better  let  alone  for  this  reason.  I  scratched  out  the  Indorse- 
ment which  I  had  ordered  to  be  made  to  Mr.  Causton  and 
issued  them  myself,  and  have  charged  myself  with  that  £500 
received  from  you. 

I  mentioned  in  my  tirst  letter  that  if  you  would  acquaint 
me  how  much  you  intended  to  expend  yearly  in  Georgia, 
I  would  frame  an  Establishment  to  that  sum  in  the  best  man- 
ner I  could  and  would  take  care  to  whilst  I  was  here  that 
it  should  not  be  exceeded  and  to  have  left  the  strongest 
orders  for  seciu'ing  the  same  after  my  return  and  to  have  had 
security  given  for  the  execution  of  them, 


There  are  two  matters  of  great  importance  that  I  cannot 
omitt  speaking  of  before  I  conehide.     First 

You  mention  a  new  Law  concering  the  altering  the  Entails 
of  Estates.  There  are  infinite  difficulties  in  getting  the  Laws 
noAv  in  being  for  this  Countrey  executed,  therefore  I  should 
not  yet  wish  for  any  new  Ones.  The  Titles  are  at  present 
upon  a  very  good  Footing  and  those  who  made  most  noise 
about  their  Lands  are  those  who  have  taken  no  care 
of  making  any  use  of  them.  I  suppose  the  heads  which  you 
send  me  will  be  very  well  considered,  and  before  passed 
many  things  amended,  for  as  they  stand  they  first  deprive 
the  male  Heir  who  has  now  a  Flight  froni  the  Grandfather, 
in  favour  of  the  daughter  of  the  Son.  Secondly  They  tend 
to  uniting  of  Lotts  and  destroying  the  Agrarian  Equality, 
one  of  the  first  principles  on  which  you  set  out.  Thirdly, 
they  leave  Freehold  Possessions  open  to  the  Frauds  of  Wills 
a  grievance  complained  of  in  England,  and  a  yoke  which 
neither  we  nor  our  Fathers  could  bear.  They  bring  Free- 
holds to  be  judged  by  the  Civil  Law,  which  is  the  Law  by 
wdiich  Wills  are  decided  instead  of  being  judged  by  the  com- 
mon Law^  of  the  Land.  And  this  will  make  a  Court  of 
Doctors  Commons  and  a  Chancery  necessary  either  of  w^iicli 
will  be  enough  to  crush  a  full  gi'own,  much  more  a  young 
Colony.  I  am  persuaded  that  you  will  not  pass  any  Law  till 
such  time  as  the  Accounts  and  Affaus  of  the  Colony  are 

The  second  thing  is,  You  sent  over  <£710  in  Bills  to  be 
issued  for  certain  purjDoses.  I  immediately  signed  and  issued 
MO  to  Mr.  Mcljeod,  £70  to  Mr.  Bolzius  and  Mr.  Gronan  and 
£60  to  Mr.  Jones  for  the  Servants  and  sent  them  to  Mr. 
Jones  to  be  signed.  Mr.  McLeod  &  Mr.  Jones  ttca.  inform 
me  that  (-olonc^l  Stephens  and  Mr.  Parker  have  both  refused 
signing  of  them  by  which  means  they  will  be  greatly  dis- 
tressed for  want  of  money.  Upon  wdiich  Mr.  Jones  came 
up  in  an  Express  Boat  to  me  from  Savannah.  He  will 
acc{uaint  you  with  Mr.  Parker's  reasons.  This  might  have 
occasioned  some  uneasiness  to  the  Trustees  Afl'airs  but 
I  have  prevented  it  for  I  will  take  up  the  Bills  and  pay  the 
Orders  and  I  have  sent  home  the  Biljs  and  hope  you  will  pay 


into  Mr.  Verelst's  hands  tlie  amount  of  those  Bills  making 
X710  to  answer  my  Draughts  upon  him  for  the  same.  Though 
this  is  an  Inconvenieucy  I  think  it  hath  prevented  a  worse 
that  is  to  say,  your  giving  a  credit  to  any  persons  in  America 
after  your  Orders  published  to  the  contrary. 
I  am. 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

The  HonoW**  the  Tnistees. 

rec-i  2  Nov.  1739. 


16  July  1739. 


I  send  you  by  Mr.  Auspourger  about  twenty  pounds  weight 
of  silk,  we  hoped  for  five  times  the  quantity  but  for  want  of 
room  we  made  use  of  the  House  where  the  sick  people  used 
to  be,  and  the  Infection  had  such  an  Eti'ect  (as  Camus  tells 
me)  that  it  occasioned  a  sickness  amongst  the  worms,  which 
destroyed  a  great  many.  Some  of  the  silk  was  wound  last 
year,  but  most,  this.  I  hope  we  shall  have  better  success 

Several  applications  will  V)e  made  to  you  for  Lands,  but  I 
hope  you  will  make  no  new  Grants  whatever  till  we  can  get 
those  already  granted  in  some  manner  cultivated.  There  is 
one  Talfeur  an  A])othecary  Surgeon  who  gives  Physick  and 
one  Williams  of  whom  I  wrote  to  you  formerly,  a  Merchant 
who  quitted  planting  to  sell  rum.  To  these  two,  almost  all 
the  Town  is  in  debt  for  Physick  ct  Rum  and  they  have  raised 
a  strong  spirit  to  desire  that  Lands  may  be  alienable  and 

P,  R,  O,     Georgia,     B,  T.  yol  21.  P-  150. 


then  they  would  take  the  Lands  for  the  Debts,  monopolize 
the  Countrey  and  settle  it  with  Negroes.  They  have  a  vast 
deal  of  Ai-t  and  if  they  think  they  cannot  carr}*  this,  they 
would  ap])ly  for  any  other  alteration  since  they  hope  thereby 
to  bruig  confusion  and  you  cannot  imagine  how  much  uneasi- 
ness I  have  had  here.  I  hope  therefore  you  will  make  no 

I  desire  you  would  send  over  an  appointment  to  the  Magis- 
trates of  the  Town  Court  of  Savannah  for  the  time  being  to 
])roceed  to  put  the  Rum  Act  in  execution. 

There  is  lately  a  considerable  trade  started  up  here  and 
Mr.  Fallowlield  Collector  of  Savannah  and  Mr.  Grant  Naval 
Officer  and  Searcher  at  St.  Simons,  vigilantly  acquamted  me 
that  they  had  discovered  there  were  some  Spanish  Sugars 
imported  here  which  I  think  ought  to  pay  a  Duty  to  the 
King.  I  ordered  the  two  Officers  to  write  to  you  and  hope 
you  will  order  proper  LaAvyers  to  be  consulted  and  send  us 
advice  Avliat  to  do. 

The  French  and  Spaniards  have  used  their  utmost  endeav- 
ours to  raise  disturbances  amongst  our  Indians  &  the  not 
deciding  clearly  in  the  Act  relating  to  them  has  given  such 
Insolence  to  the  Carolina  Traders  that  the  Indians  have 
declared,  if  I  do  not  come  up  to  them  they  will  take  Arms 
and  do  themselves  Justice  &  have  ordered  a  General  Assem- 
bly of  all  the  Nations  to  meet  me.  I  set  out  this  night  and 
am.  Gentlemen, 

Your  most  obedient 

humble  servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 

Kith  July  1789.  \  Indorsed] 

The  Hono'^''-  the  Trustees.  rec^^  2  Nov.  1739. 



5  Sept.  1739. 

Fort  Augusta  in  Georgia 

5th  September  1739. 

I  am  just  arrived  at  this  Place  from  the  Assembled  Estates 
of  the  Creek  Nation.  They  have  very  fully  declared  their 
rights  to  and  possession  of  all  the  Land  as  far  as  the  River 
Saint  Johns  and  their  Concession  of  the  Sea  Coast,  Islands 
and  other  Lands  to  the  Trustees,  of  which  they  have  made  a 
regular  Act.  If  I  had  not  gone  up  the  misunderstandings 
between  them  and  the  Carolina  Traders  fomented  by  our  two 
neighboring  Nations  would  probably  have  occasioned  their 
beginning  a  war,  which  I  believe  might  have  been  the  result 
of  this  general  meeting ;  but  as  their  complaints  were  reason- 
able, I  gave  them  satisfaction  in  all  of  them,  and  every  thing 
is  entirely  settled  in  peace.  It  is  impossible  to  describe  the 
joy  they  expressed  at  my  arrival  they  met  me  forty  miles  in 
the  woods  and  layd  Pro\'isions  on  the  roads  in  the  woods. 
The  Express  being  just  going  to  Charles  Town,  I  can  say  no 
more  but  that  I  have  had  a  burning  fever  of  which  I  am  per- 
fectly well  recovered.  I  hope  the  Trustees  will  accept  of  this 
as  a  letter  to  them. 
I  am,  S-^' 

Your  very  humble  Serv*' 

James  Oglethorpe. 
To  Mr.  Harman  Yerelst. 

rec^  30  Nov.  1739, 

*  1".  R.  O.     Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  21,  p.  162. 



5  Oct.   1739. 

Savannah,  5tli  October  17H9. 

I  am  returned  from  tlie  Iiidiuu  Comitrey  jukI  thank  God  in 
good  health.  I  have  received  the  Kings  Commands  to  anoy 
the  Spaniards  and  am  going  to  execute  them.  I've  been 
obHged  to  make  large  presents  to  the  Indians,  who  are  now 
thoroughly  engaged  to  us.  Tooanahowi  is  gone  with  '100  men 
against  the  Spaniards  the  Cherokees  are  raising  GUU  Men  and 
the  Creeks  400  who  are  to  act  with  me.  The  Affairs  of  the 
Colon}'  are  much  mended  but  the  accounts  are  n(3t  gone 
through.  Mr.  J<mes  will  let  you  know  the  progress  that  is 
made  in  them.  I  am  forcd  to  make  several  Expences  upon 
this  rupture,  which  I  hope  will  be  laid  before  the  Parliament 
not  as  the  Trustees  but  as  a  Governmentall  Expence.  There 
has  been  a  great  sickness  in  Charles  Town,  but  Georgia  is 
healthy.  Pursuant  to  his  Majesty's  Orders  the  Inhabitants 
have  fitted  out  a  Privateer. 
I  am, 


Youi*  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 

P.  S.  As  soon  as  possibly  I  can  get  time  I  write  I'll  send 
you  the  state  of  the  Colony  to  lay  before  Parliament. 

P.  P.  S.  I  fear  I  have  tired  you  with  the  length  of  the 
inclosed  and  for  more  particulars  of  the  Province  I  n)ust 
refer  you  to  Colonel  Steven's  Journals.  I've  been  forc'd  to 
put  30  Rangers  upon  tooting  to  employ  several  Scout  Boats, 
to  promise  pay  tt)  the  Indian  Traders  for  raising  the  Indians 
to  x>reserve  the  Province  in  this  critical  juncture. 

The  Hono'^'^-  the  Trustees. 

rec-^  13  March  '39-4(1 

*  p.  H.  Q.     api'VKi".     1^-  T-  vd.  n,  p.  167, 



9  Oct.  1739. 

Savannah  in  Georgia 
October  9tli  1739. 


Just  now  Captain  Mackay  arrived  and  Captain  Thomson 
is  on  the  Bar.  Captain  Mackay  returns  on  board  to  go  with 
him  down  to  Frederica  to  which  place  he  must  sail  immedi- 
ately, whilst  the  Men  of  War  are  on  the  Coast  to  protect 
him.  I  have  wrote  to  the  Trustees  at  large  and  hope  Mr. 
Vernon  and  Mr.  Towers  and  all  my  friends  will  accept  of  it 
as  a  letter  to  each. 
I  am, 

Your  very  humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 

P.  S.  I 1  you  would  have 

the  inclosed  account  of  the 
Insurrection  of  the  CaroUna 
Negroes  inserted  in  some 


11  October  1739. 

Savannah  11th  October  1739. 


I  have  seen  Captain  Mackay  who  amved  last  Sunday. 
Captain  Thomson  and  all  on  board  is  safe.  I  have  received 
your  letters  and  have  desired  Mr.  Jones  and  Colonel  Stephens 
to  send  you  very  full  answers.     As  we  every  hour  expect 

*  p.  B.  O.     Gecrgia.     B.  T.  vol.  21.  p.  172.  t  Oripinal  MS.  torn  and  partly  illegible. 

t  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  voL  21,  p.  174. 


Action  Avitli  the  Spaniards,  T  liave  hardly  time  to  write  out 
the  difterent  nct-essary  orders  for  tlie  Indian  Nation,  the 
Rangers,  the  Garrisons,  the  Boats  and  Letters  to  Carolina, 
Virginia,  the  Nortliern  Colonies  and  Men  of  War.  As  the 
safety  and  lives  of  the  People  and  honour  of  the  English 
Arms  in  these  parts  depend  upon  using  the  present  Conjunc- 
ture, I  hope  you  will  excuse  uiy  not  writmg  a  long  letter.  I 
shall  use  my  utmost  Endeavours  to  see  your  Orders  executed. 
Some  things  I  believe  you  will  think  necessary  to  alter  in 
them,  ])articularly  the  allowing  an  Aleh(juse  at  Tybee  wliich 
would  be  the  occasion  of  making  Boatmen  drunk  and  might 
be  the  loss  of  many  Boats  and  Men  and  would  be  attended 
Avith  the  sajne  ill  Consequences  as  the  Alehouse  on  the  Caro- 
lina side  hath  been  which  on  the  losing  of  several  Boats  and 
drowning  14  of  my  men  I  have  applied  to  have  suppressed. 

Upon  the  rupture  with  Spain  and  the  discontents  of  the 
Cherokees  and  Creeks  against  the  people  of  Carolina  and 
their  Traders,  the  greatest  part  of  that  ( ^olony  own  that  I  am 
})est  able  to  manage  the  Indians  and  the  Lieiitenant  Gover- 
nour  hath  wrote  to  me  that  it  is  necessary  to  send  an  Agent 
amongst  the  Cherokees.  But  this  as  the}  live  in  Georgia  he 
cannot  do,  therefore  I  have  sent  up  Mr.  E}  res  as  Agent  and 
the  Lieut.  Governor  joyns  in  suppressing  of  Bum. 

With  respect  to  Colonel  Stephens  and  Mr.  Jones,  they  tell 
me  that  to  give  a  full  and  satisfactory  ansN\er  to  your  last 
letters  will  require  st)me  time,  l)ut  I  have  desired  them  to 
w'rite  to  you  in  the  mean  time. 
I  am, 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 
James  Oglethorpe. 

P.  S.  I  have  read  over  the  Estimates,  l)ut  have  not  time  to 
explain  upon  them  till  I  have  talked  to  the  ditlerent  Officers. 
Upon  the  first  view  I  think  there  may  be  4^20  a  year  saved 
upon  each  of  the  Pilots.  Tliere  is  no  allowance  of  a  Sur\evor 
to  the  Southwtird  and  there  are  some  other  Charges  which  I 
believe  may  be  sa^  ed,  and  some  other  Articles  which  I  believe 
■\\'hen  you  hear  you  will  think  nec<^ssary  to  add,  i^articularlv 


Tjthing  men  in  the  Towns  &  a  Correspondent  Clerk  or  Intel- 
ligencer to  be   m 
Cherokee  Nation. 

ligencer  to  be   maintained  in  the  Creeks  and  another  in  the 

The  HonoW"  the  Trustees.  rec''  13  March  1739-40. 


19    OcTOBKFi    1T8S). 

Duplicate.  Savannah  19th  October  1739. 


This  is  hy  way  of  Explanation  of  some  Accounts  that  I 
send  Over  to  answer  the  Bills  I  have  drawn  upon  you.  The 
Trustees  assured  me  that  they  would  make  good  the  Expences 
laid  out  for  them.  I  have  been  as  fiiigal  as  I  possibly  could, 
as  you  will  see  hy  the  Accounts.  I  thought  to  have  bought 
Horses  sufficient  to  have  made  the  Journey  to  the  Indian 
Nation  &  carried  up  the  goods  &  for  that  pui-pose  I  drew 
upon  you  for  £200  Sterling  payable  to  Mr.  Jenyns  but  bemg 
disappointed  in  purchasing  Horses  was  obliged  to  buy  goods 
in  the  Nation  from  the  Traders  to  make  presents  to  the 
Indians  and  paid  an  advance  price,  which  was  but  half  the 
price  they  sell  them  to  the  Indians  for.  I  carried  up  as  many 
as  I  could  get  Pack  Horses  for  and  upon  those  I  saved  the 
advanced  price.  I  have  sent  the  Bills  at  large  though  in 
them  there  are  mixt  Articles,  some  relating  to  myself  some 
to  the  Indians,  but  1  have  set  off  all  that  Avas  to  my  own 
account.  In  the  Articles  of  the  Trustees  there  is  £20  lent 
Mr.  Kent.  Ive  sent  a  letter  from  him  to  his  Father,  he  is  a 
young  man  of  great  worth  and  merit  his  Father  was  Member 
for  Reading  has  a  good  Estate  and  is  an  acquaintance  of  Mr. 
Hucks's.  I  hope  he  will  support  his  son.  If  he  sends  him 
over  £300  Sterl^  Sr  £50  a  year  he  will  make  a  very  happy  man 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  21.  p.  175. 


of  him,  for  he  has  a  veiy  fine  tract  of  Land  at  Augusta  and 
the  best  notion  of  improving  of  any  man  I  know  in  the 
Province.  There  is  an  article  of  X12  which  was  a  loan  in 
cattel  to  one  Overstreet  an  industrious  man  with  a  Wife  and 
six  Children,  who  is  settled  at  Augusta.  The  Inhalntants 
recommended  him  to  me,  he  having  been  aflfticted  with  Sick- 
ness and  answered  that  bj  the  milk  of  six  Cows  the  Wife 
would  be  able  to  maintain  the  family.  There  is  £5  given  for 
assistance  to  the  Cattle  hunters.  Captain  Cuthbert  with  the 
Cattle  hunters  and  that  small  assistance  cut  a  path  for  horses 
through  the  Woods  Avhich  were  before  impassable  from 
Augusta  to  the  Uchee  Town  above  60  miles  on  our  side  the 
River.  The  whole  of  this  account,  with  the  presents  amounts 
to  £648.10.2  out  of  which  £123.9.4.^  I  discharged  from  the 
Trusts  to  my  own  account,  being  the  Expences  of  myself  and 
family,  so  that  their  charge  is  £561.0.9.^.  There  is  £200 
Sterling  in  Mr.  Jeny's  hands  which  1  drew  for  to  pay  for 
horses,  which  as  I  could  not  get  horses  at  a  reasonable  price, 
I  have  made  an  advance  out  of  that  money  to  some  Butchers 
and  Drovers  who  are  Inhabitants  of  this  Town,  to  slaughter 
here,  and  thereby  enable  them  to  furnish  the  Town  and  Ship- 
ping &ca  with  Provisions  &  to  repay  the  same  to  the  Trust 
as  they  receive  it.  This  became  quite  necessary  by  the 
shutting  up  the  Trustees  Store  and  is  what  their  Letter  hints 
at  of  Encouraging  People  to  sell  Provisions. 

Besides  which  there  is  £40  which  I  pay  to  Camuse  the 
Silk  Winder  in  account  he  having  a  Demand  upon  the  Trus- 
tees before  my  arrival  and  for  Expences  this  year,  which 
demand  will  be  lessened  by  this  £40,  as  will  appear  in  the 
Accounts  of  the  Commissioners  for  stating  the  Debts. 

The  next  is  £63  paid  to  Mr.  Jones  in  order  to  enable  him 
to  discharge  the  debts  due  to  the  Garrison  at  Augusta  and 
would  have  been  at  a  great  discount  to  the  prejudice  of  the 
Trust's  Credit,  because  the  poor  people  were  not  able  to  sta^' 
the  sending  them  home  to  England. 

Captain  Mackpherson  has  a  very  considerable  demand 
upon  the  Trust  as  appears  by  the  Report  of  the  Commis- 
sioners, he  having  made  it  appear  that  he  was  in  the  utmost 
distress  I  advanced  him  £61.4.0  which  lessens  the  debt  due 
by  the  Trust. 


Mr.  Jones  having  occasion  for  provisions  ttca.  from  Cattell 
and  Austin  at  Charles  Town  I  advanced  him  £o()  for  the 
same  for  whicli  he  is  to  account  to  the  Trust. 

A  ship  belonging  to  Captain  (^aleb  Davis  arrived  here  with 
Molosses  and  as  there  was  no  probability  that  more  would 
come  up  by  reason  of  the  War,  Mr.  Jones  by  my  order 
bought  the  cargo  which  is  to  be  issl^ed  by  him  to  tlie  people 
here  for  money  and  as  soon  as  he  receives  the  same  it  will  be 
so  much  towards  the  jiaying  the  Estimate  of  the  Trustees. 
It  amounts  to  £4()(),  of  which  I  have  at  present  draAvn  for 
but  £2t20.  I  have  also  di-awn  for  £107.9.0.  =£100,  and  £20 
payable  to  Mr.  Thomas  Jones  which  money  has  been  paid  in 
discharge  of  the  account  of  Indian  presents  and  is  ])art  of 
the  £684.10.0. 

The  Cherokee  Indians  as  will  appear  by  the  Affidavits  sent 
over  to  England  by  Colonel  Stephens,  which  I  hope  are 
arrived,  were  destroyed  by  Rum  and  the  Small  Pox,  carried 
up  by  Traders  from  Carolina,  some  of  whom  had  been 
licensed  at  Charles  Town  and  some  without  any  Licences 
but  encoiu"aged  from  thence.  Above  1000  of  the  Indians 
died  and  the  sickness  raged  so  that  they  could  not  attend 
their  Corn  fields.  They  demanded  justice  from  all  the  Eng- 
lish, threatened  Revenge  and  sent  to  the  French  for  assist- 
ance. Their  Deputies  met  me  at  Fort  Augusta.  I  asked 
them  if  they  were  Georgia  Traders  that  had  sold  the  Rum 
the}'  said  No,  and  I  prevailed  Avith  them  not  only  to  be  paci- 
fied with  the  English  l)ut  also  to  promise  me  the  assistance 
of  a  bod}^  of  Men  against  the  Spaniards.  When  they  told 
me  of  the  star^dng  condition  they  would  be  in  by  their  having 
lost  their  Corn  harvest  by  the  Sickness,  I  ordered  as  far  as 
1500  Bushells  of  Corn  to  be  bought  at  Augnista  &  to  be  given 
to  the  Cherokee  Nation  if  they  came  down  to  fetch  the  same, 
to  be  divided  amongst  all  the  ToAvns  Avliere  the  dearth  of 
Corn  was.  Upon  my  acquainting  the  Chiefs  of  my  ha^dng 
done  this  before  they  asked  it,  they  said,  that  the  Tiiistees 
treated  them  as  Fathers  do  their  Children  they  did  not  give 
them  Toys  nor  unwholsome  Liquor,  but  gave  them  Wisdom 
and  Justice  and  supplied  their  wants  when  misfortunes  came 
upon  them.     They  called  them  the  Preservers  of  theii-  Na- 

&8  LETTERS  I*R0M:  general  OGLETHORPE. 

tion,  as  they  did  the  Carolina  Traders,  the  destroyers  of  it. 
I  have  drawn  for  £107.10.0  to  pay  for  this  Corn  wliicli  stands 
in  about  18  pence  per  Bushell  dehvered  at  Augusta,  and  this 
is  paid  into  the  hands  of  Mr.  Jones  to  answer  that  Demand. 

There  was  a  great  damp  upon  Phinting  and  indeed  upon 
every  other  thing  when  I  came  over,  but  things  are  now 
much  mended,  yet  I  was  obhged  to  encourage  the  phinting 
and  with  much  difficulty  could  I  persuade  any  one  near  the 
Town  to  it,  so  w^as  obliged  to  promise  a  bounty  of  two 
shillings  per  Bushell  upon  Indian  Corn  and  pease,  and  one 
shilling  for  Potatoes  in  the  hopes  of  which  some  have  planted 
&  have  large  Crops.  This  Bounty  extends  only  to  the  Dis- 
trict of  Savannah.  The  People  of  Ebenezer  were  contented 
with  a  less  Proemium  viz :  12  pence  per  bushel  and  that  only 
upon  Corn  and  Pease.  The  sum  total  I  cannot  yet  tell,  but 
I  suppose  a  good  deal  of  the  Bounty  will  be  paid  by  setting 
off  some  of  the  Debts  due  to  the  Store,  those  who.  are  most 
necessitous  I  pa}^  in  money.  By  the  Regulation  there  can 
be  no  Fraud,  for  the  Ground  on  which  the  Corn  gi-ew  is  to 
be  viewed,  as  well  as  the  Corn  measured.  I  have  drawn  for 
£150  which  is  left  in  Mr.  Jones's  hands  for  this  purpose. 

I  shall  lend  Mr.  Burnside  upon  Cattel  £40  in  order  to 
enable  him  to  buy  the  same  in  Carolina,  the  Cattel  will  be  in 
this  Colony  as  security,  and  Cattel  ma}-  be  very  necessary 
in  case  supphes  should  be  cut  off.  And  for  that  and  some 
other  Expences  Avhich  I  have  left  with  Mr.  Jones  to  make, 
I  have  drawn  for  £80.  If  the  Trustees  do  not  think  this 
Encouragement  to  be  within  their  intention  continue  that 
£80  upon  my  account. 

You  see  by  this  that  there  is  great  part  of  the  Amount 
of  these  Bills  in  the  Colony  to  answer  tlie  Trustees  Estimate. 
There  is  part  of  it  to  pay  the  Expences  of  the  last  year  and 
part  to  lessen  the  Debt  before  my  arrival,  so  that  there  is  no 
increase  of  this  Years  Expences  nor  nothing  exceeding  the 
Estimate.  Therefore  I  hope  the  Trustees  will  pay  you  the 
same  and  take  them  off  from  my  account.  I  believe  that 
it  will  be  necessary  to  incourage  the  people  ia  planting 
to  give  next  year  a  bounty  of  one  shilling  per  Bushel  upon 


Corn  and  I  have  promised  four   shillings  a  ])ound   for   silk 

I  am, 


Your  very  humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
Mr.  Harman  Verelst. 


vec^  7  March  1739-40. 


20  Oct.  1739. 

Savannah  in  Georgia 
20th  October  1739. 

The  Order  relating  to  Negroes  is  arrived  and  published 
&  hath  had  a  very  good  effect.  The  Resolution  shown  by 
the  Trust  hath  in  a  great  measure  quelled  the  troublesome 
spirit.  The  remainder  of  the  Idle  Walkers  and  Doctor 
Tailt'er  are  preparing  to  leave  the  Colony  but  several  indus- 
trious people  are  settling.  This  week  above  eight  Lotts  have 
been  taken  up. 

I  defrayed  last  years  Expences  as  I  mentioned  in  my 
former  and  thank  you  for  the  kind  paragraph  in  your  letter, 
that  you  will  repay  those  Advances.  I  am  not  able  yet  to 
send  home  all  the  Accounts  and  Vouchers,  but  some  I  have 
and  explained  them  in  a  letter  to  Mr.  Verelst  and  hope  you 
wiU  pay  them. 

The  estimate  for  the  EstabUshment  of  this  year  is  very 
short,  the  Pro\'ision  for  the  silk  which  is  one  of  the  most 
important  improvements  in  the  Colony  is  far  fr'om  being 
sufficient  to  carry  that  on.     There  is  no  provision  made  for 

*  p.  11.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  21,  p.  17C. 

90  LETTtUS   ritO^    AenK^RAL   6(^IL'KTilOh^1^.. 

Magistrates  or  Constables  at  Augusta,  nor  for  Ty thing  men 
in  this  Town,  nor  for  Agents  in  the  Indian  Countrey  nor  for 
Tything  men  in  the  Out  Villages  of  Hanipstead,  Highgate, 
Skidoway  and  Abercorn  therefore  probably  the  Out  Villages 
will  quit  their  ground  for  want  of  propei-  Officers  to  preserve 
the  peace. 

There  is  also  no  prox-ision  for  Tything  men  at  Ebenezer. 

The  Darien  hath  been  one  of  the  Settlenirnts  where  tlie 
People  have  been  most  industrious  as  those  at  Savannah 
have  been  most  idle.  The  Trustees  have  liad  several  Servants 
there  who  under  the  direction  of  Mr.  Moore  M'lntosh  have 
not  only  earned  their  bread  but  have  furnished  the  Trust 
with  such  Quantities  of  sawed  Stufl'  as  hath  saved  them 
a  great  sum  of  Money.  Those  Servants  cannot  be  put  under 
the  direction  of  any  body  at  Frederica  nor  any  one  that  does 
not  understand  the  Highland  language.  The  Woods  fit  for 
sawing  are  near  Darien  and  the  Trustees  engaged  not  to 
separate  the  Highlanders.  They  are  very  usefull  under  their 
own  Chiefs  and  no  where  else.  It  is  very  necessary  therefore 
to  allow  Mr.  Mackintosh  for  the  overseeing  the  Trusts  Serv- 
ants at  the  Darien.  And  mdeed  I  do  not  think  there  is  Occa- 
sion for  an  Overseer  with  any  large  Salary  at  Frederica  since 
there  is  very  little  work  for  Servants  there,  except  about  the 
store.  There  are  several  other  absolute  necessary  Expences 
but  as  I  know  that  the  Trustees  cannot  exceed  a  certain  sum 
I  shall  not  venture  upon  making  them,  though  I  believe  the 
Colony  will  sutler  for  want  of  them.  I  am  indeed  of  opinion 
that  with  the  sum  of  £5000  a  year  here  would  have  done 
if  no  war  had  happened.  I  could  have  distributed  it  in  such 
a  manner  as  to  have  supported  the  Colony,  but  I  fear  it 
cannot  now  be  done,  for  the  ha\'ing  given  notice  to  the 
Magistrates  and  others  that  they  are  to  have  such  large 
Salaries,  they  cannot  now  be  reduced.  There  is  no  Provision 
in  the  Estimate  for  encouraging  the  Vineyards,  no  bounty 
upon  Corn,  no  food  to  encourage  young  Planters,  nor  no 
Provisions  for  Servants  out  of  their  times.  There  is  £500 
a  year  for  aU  Contingencies.  I  shall  take  all  the  Care  to 
divide  that  in  such  a  manner  as  to  make  it  go  the  farthest  I 
can,  but  fear  it  will  nothing  near  answer  the  necessary  ser^-ices. 

LETTERS  EI^6M  6ENEiR.a  06tETlff6i^¥.fi.  dl 

There  are  two  Articles,  without  which  we  should  be  entirely 
destroyed,  those  I  shall  venture  upon  and  I  send  you  over 
notice  of  them  that  if  you  think  they  are  not  within  the 
power  of  the  Trust  to  apply  Money  to,  I  should  desire  you 
would  use  your  interest  in  Parliament  to  procure  a  separate 
sum  for  that  purpose  in  your  Vote.  The  one  is  a  Troop 
of  Rangers  and  Pay  for  those  who  head  the  Indians  as 
Officers,  without  which  we  shall  lye  entirely  open  to  the 
Insults  of  the  Spanish  Horse  and  Indians  upon  the  Con- 
tinent, for  it  is  impossible  for  one  Regiment  of  Foot  to  cover 
such  a  vast  Frontier.  I  send  you  the  Establishment  of  these 
Bodies  of  Men.  There  is  also  the  Garrison  at  Augusta  the 
first  party  that  I  sent  up  there  under  Ensign  Kitson  was 
drowned  and  I  cannot'  spare  any  men  fi'om  the  Regiment 
to  so  far  a  post  now  we  have  the  Spaniards  upon  our  Backs, 
therefore  I  have  kept  up  that  Garrison  with  ten  men.  I  have 
also  kept  one  Agent  or  Intelligence  in  the  Creek  and  one  in 
the  Cherokee  Nation  with  an  appointment  of  <£30  a  year  for 
themselves  and  £24  for  a  Servant  and  to  find  themselves  food. 

Colonel  Stephens  and  Mr.  Jones  ha\'ing  acquainted  me 
that  Mr.  Williamson  was  gone  away  to  Charles  Town  and 
not  like  to  return  and  that  therefore  Mr.  Christie  could  not 
leave  the  Recorders  Office  &  consequently  not  succeed  Mr. 
Parker.  They  farther  acquainted  me  that  Mr.  Parker  now 
behaved  well,  had  entirely  left  off"  drinking  and  that  they 
thought  it  would  be  most  serviceable  to  the  Colony  to  con- 
tinue him  first  Magistrate.  I  accordingly  did  till  your  farther 
Orders  and  I  believe  you  will  think  it  proper  to  continue  him 
on.  This  Place  is  now  very  quiet  &  the  whole  Pro^ance 
wears  a  much  better  face  than  when  I  arrived.  Georgia  hath 
been  very  healthy  this  year,  the  fatal  Rum  Fever  of  Charles 
Town  hath  not  extended  to  us  &  I  believe  five  men  have  not 
died  out  of  the  five  Companies  of  my  Regiment  quartered  in 
this  Province. 

I  am 


Your  very  humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
The  Hono^"^  the  Trustees. 

^2  LETTERS   FROM    GENERAL   0(^iLETH6ilPfe. 

[Indorml]   rec^>  7  March  1739  -iO.     Rend  before  the  Com- 
mittee of  Correspondence  March  22d  1789-40. 


3  Nov.  1789. 

Copy.  Savannah  in  Georgia  3d  Nov'"  1739. 

ReV^  Sir, 

I  was  speakmg  to  yon  of  the  sitnation  of  several  Dutch 
famihes,  who  are  ah"eady  at  Frederica  and  others  who  are 
coming  thither,  in  the  great  want  they  were  of  one  Avho  could 
preach  the  Gospel  in  their  Language.  The  edifying  manner 
in  which  you  have  behaved  in  this  Colony  makes  me  desirous 
of  obtaining  a  Minister  from  the  Place  where  you  were 
educated  and  though  I  cannot  hope  to  have  one  with  the 
same  perfections  yet  I  am  persuaded  those  bred  with  Mr. 
Professor  Francke  under  his  excellent  discipline,  do  partake 
of  the  same  spirit  therefore  I  should  desire  you  to  olitain 
one  for  me,  I  will  take  care  of  giving  him  £40  pr  ann :  for 
his  mamtainance  here  and  should  be  very  glad  if  in  your  first 
letter  to  Germany  you  would  mention  this  and  the  sooner 
he  arrives  the  better. 
I  am, 

ReVi  Sir 

Your  very  humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
The  Rev'i  Mr.  Bolzius. 

*  p.  K.  O.    Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  11,  p.  202. 



10  Nov.  1739. 

Frederica  in  Georgia  lOtli  Nov.  1739. 

The  Spaniards  have  falleii  upon  Amelia  &  killed  two 
unarmed  sick  men,  one  of  the  Scout  boats  being  there  took 
the  Alarm  <S:  they  and  a  Party  from  the  Garrison  jjui'sued 
the  Spaniards  very  briskly.  We  have  not  so  nuicli  as  given 
the  least  provoctation  to  the  Spaniards  as  yet,  but  most  man- 
fiilly  they  suiprized  two  poor  sick  men,  cut  off  their  heads, 
mangled  their  Bodies  most  barbarously  and  as  soon  as 
a  Party  and  Boat  appeared  which  together  did  not  make 
their  number,  they  retired  with  the  utmost  Precijntation. 

A  number  of  Scout  boats  are  absolutely  necessary.  The 
Men  of  War  stationed  at  Charles  Town  cannot  be  here. 
Since  Capt.  Burrish  went  away,  we  have  had  no  Man  of  War 
excejDt  Capt.  Fanshaw  and  he  did  not  stay  above  eight  or  ten 
days.  The  Launches  from  AugTistine  can  run  uito  almost 
every  Inlet  in  the  Province,  therefore  it  is  absolutely  neces- 
sary that  the  Trustees  should  apply  to  Parliament  for  at 
least  five  ten  Oared  Boats  and  a  Troop  of  Rangers,  otherwise 
'there  will  be  no  possibility  of  the  Peoples  going  out  to  plant 
mthout  being  murdered  as  those  Highlanders  were.  The 
Regiment  can  defend  the  Parts  they  are  in  but  they  cannot 
march  on  foot  over  the  waters  without  boats  nor  overtake 
Horse  on  Indians  on  foot  in  the  vast  Woods  on  the  Con- 

The  French  have  attacked  the  Carolina  Indians,  and  the 
Spaniards  have  invaded  us.  I  wish  it  may  not  be  resolved 
l)etween  them  to  root  the  English  out  of  America.  We  here 
are  resolved  to  dye  hard  and  will  not  lose  one  inch  of  ground 
Avithout  fighting,  but  we  cannot  do  Impossibilities,  we  have 
no  (-annon  froiri  the  King,  nor  any  others  but  some  small 
Iron  Guns  bought  by  the  Trust.  We  have  very  httle  Powder, 
we  have  no  horse  for  marching  A:  very  few  Boats  and  no  fund 
for  paying  the  men  but  of  one  Boat.     The  Spaniards  have 

*  V,  n.  U.     Ueoryia.     U.  T.   vul.   ll,  p.   179, 


a  number  of  Launches,  also  horse,  and  a  fine  Train  of  Artil- 
lery well  provided  with  all  Stores.  The  best  Expedient  I  can 
think  of  is  to  strike  tirst  and  as  our  strength  consists  in  men 
and  that  the  people  of  the  Colony  as  well  as  the  Soldiers 
handle  their  Arms  well  and  are  desirous  of  action,  I  think 
the  best  way  is  to  make  use  of  our  strength  &  beat  them 
out  of  the  field  and  destroy  their  Plantations  and  Out  Settle- 
ments (in  Avhich  the  Indians  who  are  very  faithful  can  assist 
us)  and  to  form  the  siege  of  Augustine  If  I  can  get  Artillery. 
It  is  impossible  to  keep  this  Province  or  Carolina  without 
either  destroying  Augustine,  or  keeping  Horse  Kangers  and 
Scout  boats  sufficient  to  restrain  tlieir  nimble  Parties. 
I  must  therefore  again  desire  you  would  insist  for  our  having 
an  Establishment  of  Four  Ten  Oared  Boats  to  the  South- 
ward and  one  at  Savanah,  a  small  Train  of  Artillery,  some 
Gunners  and  at  least  400  barrels  of  Cannon  and  100  of 
Musquet  Powder  with  bullets  proportionable. 

I  am  fortifying  the  Town  of  Frederica  &  hope  I  shall  be 
repaid  the  Expences ;  fi'om  whom  I  do  not  know,  yet  I  could 
not  think  of  leaving  a  number  of  good  houses  &  Merch^^ 
Goods  and  which  was  more  valuable  the  Lives  of  Men, 
Women  and  Children  in  an  open  Town  at  the  mercy  of  every 
Party  and  the  Inhabitants  obhged  either  to  fly  to  a  Fort  and 
leave  their  Effects,  or  suffer  with  them. 

Mr.  Williamson  who  was  appointed  to  succeed  Mr.  Christie 
in  case  the  latter  could  make  up  his  Records,  had  left  his 
Plantation  and  was  removed  to  Charles  Town  &  settled  as 
a  Lawyer  there  before  your  letters  arrived,  on  the  hearing 
that  he  was  appointed  Recorder  with  a  Salary,  he  came  back 
but  did  not  bring  his  family  with  him  &  it  was  reported  in 
the  Town  that  he  intended  to  act  by  Deputy,  which  he  denied 
to  me,  but  at  the  same  time  said  he  would  not  bring  up  his 
family  till  after  he  was  declared  Recorder,  and  insisted  that 
the  Magistrates  Imployments  ought  to  be  held  during  good 
behaviour,  That  the  Trustees  might  not  turn  them  out 
precipitately.  I  found  by  his  Conversation  that  he  was  very 
much  of  a  Lawyer  and  a  much  better  Attorney  than  the 
Town  of  Savannah  wants,  he  is  likely  to  have  very  good 
practice  at  Charles  Town,  whert  the  people  like  him  mightily 


<t  I  believe  it  will  be  much  better  for  him  to  be  encouraged 
there  than  to  be  buried  at  Savannah  where  the  whole  Town 
can  hardly  pay  the  charge  of  one  Chancery  suit.  Colonel 
Stephens  thought  that  according  to  your  orders  he  could  not 
deliver  him  his  constitution  till  he  had  conformed  to  them. 
All  things  are  very  quiet  with  the  new  Magistrates,  and 
I  believe  will  continue  so,  if  the  Court  remains  as  it  is,  but 
I  believe  any  alteration  would  hurt,  unless  it  were  the 
changing  Christie  for  Pye,  a  very  industrious  young  man  who 
writes  an  exceeding  good  hand,  is  a  pretty  good  Scholar,  very 
honest  &  sober  and  is  no  Attorney. 
I  am, 


Your  very  humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
To  Hono"'^'  the  Trustees. 


rec'^  10  March  1739-40. 


29  Dec.  1739. 

Frederika  29th  DeC  1739. 

I  have  received  fi-om  Captain  Thomson  several  things, 
amountmg  in  the  whole  to  =£686.16.4  of  which  gi-eat  part 
is  for  the  service  of  the  Trust,  a  great  part  of  the  Account 
itself  is  a  voucher  of  its  having  been  applied,  as  that  to  the 
Boats  ttca.  That  to  the  Rangers  is  in  part  of  an  old  debt 
due  by  the  Trustees  to  them.  As  many  of  these  Articles  as 
the  Trustees  think  proper  to  charge  to  their  account,  I  em- 
power you  to  receive  from  them  ;  the  rest  you  will  post  to  my 
Account.     I  shall  send  you  a  farther  Explanation  of  how 

f,  R.  0,     gteorgift.     p.  f-  vol.  21,  p.  18$, 


these  things  are  applied  pursuant  to  the  Trustees  Orders. 
I  have  wrote  at  hirge  to  them  by  this  occasion.  Mr.  Horton 
will  explain  all  Affairs  here  and  can  give  a  very  clear  light 
into  them. 

In  Captain  Thomson's  former  Acco*  of  £110.  which  the 
Trust  refused  to  ird.y ;  That  which  I  took  m  order  to  give  the 
Spaniards,  in  case  we  had  had  a  Treaty  with  them  and  which 
Presents  are  a  necessary  Expence  and  part  of  the  support 
of  the  Civil  Government  as  all  matters  of  Negotiations  are, 
is  not  now  necessary,  because  we  have  no  fi-iendship  with 
them,  so  as  the  things  are  here  I  will  receive  them  and  you 
may  charge  that  £7.1.7  to  me. 

As  for  the  Credit  given  to  Shopljeepers  it  is  what  the  Trust 
always  used  to  do,  and  what  their  letters  approve  of,  Setting 
up  people  in  Business  that  they  may  sell  at  reasonable  prices, 
and  thereby  take  off  the  trouble  from  the  Store.  I  therefore 
ordered  Credit  to  be  given  to  Philip  and  Anne  Courtney  who 
were  recommended  by  my  Lord  Egremont  and  to  Abbott 
an  old  Widow  Woman  that  came  with  the  first  people  here. 
Abbot  has  paid  4()s.  back,  Courtney  has  paid  some  little  on 
account,  and  the  Trustees  cannot  think  that  to  set  up  Shop- 
keepers in  this  Town  is  no  concern  of  the  Publicks  but  is  a 
personal  Affair  of  mine.  It  can  be  no  personal  affair  of 
mine,  since  I  have  no  benefit  from  it,  it  is  the  business  of  the 
publick  to  support  the  Town  and  has  been  always  judged  a 
useful  Charity  to  put  poor  people  into  an  honest  way  of  earn- 
ing their  Livelyliood  by  small  Credits. 

With  respect  to  the  £58  delivered  to  Mr.  Mcintosh  at 
Darien,  it  was  to  suppoi-t  the  Inhabitants  of  Darien  with 
cloathing  and  delivered  to  the  Trustees  Store  there,  for  which 
the  Individuals  are  indebted  to  the  Trust.  Part  of  it  was 
paid  in  discharge  of  service  done  to  the  Trustees  in  building. 
Part  is  still  due  and  some  do  pay  and  are  ready  to  pay  which 
you  may  see  by  the  Darien  accounts.  I  am  perswaded  that 
when  the  Trust  considers  this  they  will  find  that  I  have 
nothing  to  do  with  it,  and  more  particularly,  that  some  part 
of  this  very  money  has  been  paid  for  in  Timber  for  building 
the  Chappel. 

The  £6,13.6  charged  to  Mr,  Oajteret  was  by  him  paid  for 


by  bill  of  Exch®  which  I  sent  home  to  yoxi.  This  is  all  that 
I  can  say  upon  that  account,  which  I  understand  to  be  part 
of  the  Charge  of  the  last  year,  excepting  that  I  would  some 
what  farther  explain  that  the  Goods  for  the  Shopkeepers  were 
taken  into  the  Ti-ustees  Store,  and  part  issued  to  them,  and 
part  retained  in  order  to  be  issued,  as  they  made  Payments. 
And  if  they  did  not  make  paym*®  then  the  Remainder  was 
not  issued  to  them,  but  issued  to  others,  and  the  same  paid 
into  the  Trustees  Account.  By  the  payments  arising  fi-om 
Debts  due  to  the  Trustees,  the  Debts  contracted  have  been 
lessened  and  several  Buildings  and  Publick  Works  have  been 
paid  for  by  Labour  done  in  payment  of  those  Debts  particu- 
larly the  building  of  the  Barracks,  and  these  Goods  stand  in 
the  same  light  as  many  others  taken  in  &  issued  in  that  man- 
ner, therefore  I  think  the  Trustees  cannot  refuse  paying 
Captain  Thomson  for  them  &  they  in  the  general  account 
will  find  that  they  have  Credit  fi'om  the  persons  to  whom 
they  are  issued.  Capt.  Thomson  will  have  a  Declaration  fi'om 
Mr.  M'Intosh  and  from  Mr.  White  that  these  Goods  have 
been  received,  and  that  the  Trustees  have  credit  for  the 

I  am,         Sir,         Your  very  humble  Servant, 
Mr.  Harman  Verelst.  James  Oglethorpe. 


29  Dec.  1739. 

Frederica  29th  Dec-"  1739. 

I  send  this  by  Mr.  Horton  whom  there  is  no  need  of  recom- 
mending to  you.  You  know  his  behaviour  when  he  com- 
manded the  Southern  Division  of  the  Province  in  my 
absence.  I  could  not  think  of  a  way  more  likely  to  acquaint 
you  with  the   whole  Particulars  of   the  Province,  than  by 

*  p.  R.  O.    Qeorgift.    B.  T.  vol.  2^  p.  186, 


sending  him  home,  who  can  explain  every  thing.  I  was  in 
hopes  to  have  sent  you  all  the  Accounts,  but  have  been  intol- 
erably plagued  by  the  backwardness  of  y'"  Clerks.  I  have 
been  obliged  to  imploy  my  own  Secretary  Moore,  in  almost 
every  thing,  though  writhig  for  me  is  full  one  Man's  work, 
and  I  can  to  this  minute  get  nothing  finished  hj  the  others, 
nor  any  other  Account  than  that  Cash  Book,  which  he  kept. 
To  give  a  general  Idea  of  the  Accounts,  there  is  three  distinct 
terms  of  time,  one  before  my  arrival,  which  you  have  put 
into  an  excellent  method  by  appointing  Commissioners  to 
state.  Some  debts  due  in  that  Term  to  persons  who  must 
have  been  ruined  if  not  paid,  I  have  paid,  the  Commission- 
ers ha%'ing  acquainted  me  that  they  were  justly  due,  and  Mr. 
Jones  hath  j^romised  me  to  transmit  the  Report,  which  if  you 
approve  of,  you  will  pay  what  I  have  advanced  to  Mr.  Verelst 
on  my  account. 

The  second  teim  of  time  is  from  my  arrival  to  the  time  of 
receiving  Your  Establishment,  during  which  time  I  proceeded 
m  the  Dark,  having  only  this  General  Eule  to  go  by,  not  to 
make  any  Expences  as  I  could  avoid  and  at  the  same  time 
not  to  neglect  doing  those  things  which  were  necessary  for 
the  preservation  of  the  Colony,  amongst  them  the  taking  the 
German  Servants  which  came  over  by  Captain  Thomson,  and 
the  lending  their  Passages  to  such  Persons  as  were  desirous 
thereof  &  were  capable  of  maintaining  them,  and  keeping  the 
rest  for  the  Trust.  I  thought  an  absolute  necessary  measure 
for  the  service  of  the  Colony,  since  it  not  only  increased  it 
with  so  many  able  bodied  industrious  People,  but  it  would 
have  been  a  Cruelty  to  turn  the  poor  People  a  starving  into 
other  Provinces,  and  have  prevented  the  being  able  to  pro- 
cure more  Germans  &  thereby  augmenting  His  Majesty's 
Subjects,  by  the  accession  of  Foreign  Protestants.  I  hope 
therefore  that  this  step  will  be  approved  of,  and  that  you  will 
order  Captain  Thomson  to  be  paid  the  Passage  of  those 

As  I  promised  to  you  when  I  first  arrived  I  have  main- 
tained the  Colony  for  the  year,  and  think  it  will  come  within 
the  £5,000  as  I  guessed  at  first.  I  drew  upon  Mr.  Verelst 
who  had  Cash  of  mine  and  mentioned  in  y*"  Ijett^r,s  of  advice 


generally,  the  services  for  wliicli  those  Bills  were  drawn. 
The  proper  Vouchers  showing  that  the  Money  was  appHed 
to  the  Pnblick  Service  according  to  the  Trustees  maxims  for 
Improving  and  Settling  the  Colony,  shall  be  sent  over  as  soon 
as  ever  I  can  get  the  Clerks  to  draw  them  out  in  order.  But 
a  journey  in  open  Boats  to  Charles  Town  a  Journey  by  Land 
for  several  hundred  miles  over  many  vnde  Rivers  to  the  far 
Indian  Nations  and  the  preparations  for  invading  the  Span- 
iards and  making  Inroads  upon  them,  have  took  up  so  much 
of  my  time  that  I  have  not  been  able  to  do  the  Business  my 
seK  nor  can  I  prevail  with  others  to  do  it  for  me.  If  I  come 
back  ahve  from  this  Expedition,  I  will  labour  at  the  accounts 
and  do  not  doubt  to  settle  them  and  the  Province  upon  a 
good  foot  of  Oeconomy.  I  hope  you  will  make  good  to  Mr. 
Verelst  those  payments  that  I  have  made  here  upon  the 
Tnists'  Acco*  and  thereby  replace  the  money  I  drew  from 

There  wiU  be  this  year  over  &  above  your  EstabUshment 
several  Expences  necessary  for  the  preserving  of  the  Colony. 
The  small  Garrison  of  a  Captain  and  ten  men  at  Fort  Au- 
gusta will  be  necessary  to  be  continued,  since  we  cannot 
weaken  the  Regiment  by  sending  a  Detachment  to  so  great 
a  distance  as  300  miles.  The  Regiment  of  Foot  that  is 
here,  is  not  sufficient  to  make  War  in  the  Woods  by  Land 
and  overtake  Indians  or  horsemen  therefore  I  have  been 
obliged  to  call  down  our  Indian  Allies  they  have  very  readily 
assisted  me,  but  whilst  they  lose  their  hunting  &  Corn  season 
for  our  Defence,  we  are  forced  to  give  them  Food,  Ai-ms,  Am- 
munition &  some  Cloathing  which  they  would  otherwise  buy 
with  skins  which  they  get  by  hunting.  Their  Leaders  and 
Interpreters  have  certain  allowances.  I  sent  you  over  them 
for  the  Creeks  &  Cherokees,  those  for  the  Chickesaws  Uchees 
and  Yamacraws  have  the  same. 

Horsemen  also  I  am  obhged  to  raise  &  have  order'd  60 
Rangers.  Their  Establishm*®  Mr.  Horton  has  with  him.  The 
Settlements  must  all  have  been  destroyed  and  the  commu- 
nication between  the  Troops  cut  off  when  the  Spaniards 
attacked  Ameha,  if  I  had  not  armed  out  Boats,  which  I  did 
in  the  cheapest  manner,  taking  no  more  men  upon  hire  than 


just  enough  to  navigate  them,  and  even  saving  this  Expence 
upon  some  by  imploying  the  Trust's  Highland  Serv**"  whom 
Mr.  M'Intosh  and  Mr.  Mackay  had  taught  to  Row ;  the  rest 
of  the  men  are  Soldiers  to  whom  we  only  allow  prov^  during 
the  time  they  are  on  board.  Thus  the  Colony  Periagua  is 
fitted  out  Avitli  4  Guns,  rows  with  20  men  &  carries  20  more, 
so  that  having  40  men  she  is  able  to  engage  a  Spanish 
Launch  stands  only  in  the  wages  of  a  Commander,  a  Patroon 
and  six  men,  the  rest  of  the  40  being  Soldiers,  of  whom  only 
them  that  roAv  have  Provisions.  By  these  Boats  I  have  drove 
the  Spaniards  out  of  the  River  St.  John's,  can,  when  I  will, 
land  in  Florida,  as  well  as  protect  this  Colony  and  Carolina 
which  without  them  would  be  entirely  exposed,  as  by  the  sad 
accident  at  Amelia,  when  we  had  only  two  Boats  in  service 
too  plainly  appeared. 

The  Forts  that  I  built  were  run  to  ruin,  bemg  mostly  of 
earth,  having  no  means  to  repair  them  and  having  also  orders 
not  to  fortify.  Upon  the  Hostilities  being  committed,  I 
thought  I  should  be  answerable  for  the  blood  of  these  people 
before  God  and  man  if  I  had  left  them  open  to  be  surprized 
by  Spanish  Indians  and  murdered  in  the  night  and  their 
houses  burnt,  and  if  I  did  not  take  all  proper  means  for  their 
defence  they  being  under  my  charge.  I  therefore  began  to 
fortify  Frederica  and  inclose  the  whole  Town  in  which  there 
are  some  very  good  houses.  It  is  half  an  Hexagon  with  two 
Bastions  and  two  half  Bastions  and  Towers  after  Monsieur 
Vauban's  method  upon  the  point  of  each  Bastion.  The 
Walls  are  of  earth  faced  with  Timber,  10  foot  High  in  the 
lowest  place  and  in  the  highest  13  and  the  Timbers  from 
eight  inches  to  twelve  inches  thick.  There  is  a  wet  Ditch  10 
foot  wide,  and  so  laid  out  that  if  we  had  an  allowance  for  it, 
I  can  by  widening  the  Ditch  double  the  thickness  of  the 
Wall  and  make  a  covered  way.  I  hope  in  three  months  it 
will  be  entirely  finished  and  in  that  time  not  only  to  fortify 
here  but  to  repair  the  Forts  on  Amelia  and  Saint  Andrews, 
The  Expence  of  these- small  above  mentioned  Works,  wlii(!li 
is  all  that  I  can  now  make,  will  not  be  gTeat.  Frederica  will 
come  within  £500,  St.  Andrews  £400,  and  Amelia  £100.  I 
made  an  Iiu'ond  into  the  Spaijish  Florida  by  the  help  of  the 


Boats  drove  them  to  take  shelter  in  their  Forts  &  kept  the 
field  several  Days,  parties  of  Indians  killing  their  Cattel  <feca. 
even  to  within  a  few  miles  of  Augustine,  but  could  not  pro- 
voke them  to  fight.  I  am  going  to  make  another  Inroad  and 
trust  in  God  it  will  daunt  them  so  that  we  shall  have  full 
time  to  fortify  and  if  the  people  of  Carolina  would  assist  us 
heartily,  we  might  take  Augustine,  to  which  these  frequent 
Inroads  pave  the  way,  for  they  dishearten  their  people  make 
us  acquainted  with  the  Country  and  encourage  the  Soldiers 
by  living  on  the  Enemy's  Cattel  and  Provisions. 

I  hope  if  the  Trustees  will  represent  the  necessity  of  the 
above  Expences  to  Parliament  the  House  will  gi-ant  to  them 
sufficient  to  defi'ay  the  Estimates  of  them.  Or  if  the  Parlia- 
ment thinks  this  Expence  too  much  for  the  preserving  of  this 
Colony,  I  hope  they  will  withdraw  both  the  Colony  and  the 
Regiment  since  without  these  necessary  preparations  they 
will  be  exjDosed  to  certain  Destruction. 
I  am, 


Your  very  humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 

The  Hono^'e  the  Trustees. 

Pvec-i  May  2  1740. 


29  Deo.  1739. 

Frederica  29th  December  1739. 

There  were  69  heads  of  Germans  Servants  deHvered  by 
Capt.  Thomson  to  different  Persons  in  Georgia  upon  Credit, 

*  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  21,  p.  187. 


which  I  find  did  not  appear  to  the  Committee  of  Accounts  to 
be  chargeable  on  the  Trust  by  any  Evidence  by  him  pro- 

The  first  was  a  Family  of  5f  heads,  Servants  to  Mr.  Chris- 
tie, he  has  an  open  Account  with  the  Trustees  as  Recorder 
&  there  has  been  Orders  from  the  Trustees  relating  to  Serv- 
ants for  the  Magistrates  there. 

The  Second  is  one  head  dehvered  to  Mr.  Matthews,  whose 
Wife  was  Widow  of  Mr.  Musgrove,  Interpreter  to  the  Indians, 
as  She  herself  is  now.  The  passage  of  this  Servant  was 
given  to  them  as  a  Recompence  for  Services  with  the  Indians, 
and  for  an  Indian  Servant  belongmg  to  them,  killed  in  the 
Disputes  with  Watson. 

Andrew  Duche  is  the  Potter  at  Savannah  who  goes  on 
very  well  there,  is  one  of  the  most  Industrious  in  the  Town 
&  has  made  several  Experiments  which  seem  to  look  hke.the 
making  of  China,  he  had  two  Servants  whom  he  breeds  to 
the  Potter's  Trade. 

The  two  Servants  to  the  Widow  Harris  are  paid  for. 

BaiHff  Parker's  Servant  depends  upon  the  Trustees  orders 
relating  to  the  Magistrates. 

Those  dehvered  Mr.  Bolzius  were  Famihes  in  which  there 
were  many  unmarried  young  women,  the  Congregation  of 
Saltzburghers  desired  they  might  be  left  there,  there  being- 
many  unmarried  men  and  no  unmarried  women.  They 
believed  that  several  would  take  them  for  Wives  and  that 
such  as  did  would  pay  the  passage  into  the  hands  of  Mr. 
Bolzius,  to  remain  there  for  the  Trustees  directions,  I  hoping 
they  would  apply  it  to  the  maintenance  of  the  Orphan  house 
at  Ebenezer  and  as  such  be  a  usefull  Benefaction  to  the  Saltz- 
burghers. They  amount  to  11  heads,  some  are  married  and 
they  all  have  behaved  very  well,  as  Mr.  Bolzius  informs  me. 

Mr.  Fallowfield  has  been  a  very  active  inhabitant  of  the 
Colony,  has  settled  here  at  his  own  Expence,  and  expended 
a  great  deal  of  money,  and  was  Constable,  he  thought  he  had 
a  Pretension  to  have  Servants  fi-om  the  Trustees  upon  the 
footing  of  Constable,  according  to  former  Letters,  by  which 
they  gave  Servants  to  make  up  the  time  which  the  Officers 
imployed  in  the  Publick  Service. 


Noble  Jones  and  Mr.  Causton  undertook  to  maintain  their 
Servants  and  bonded  for  the  payment  of  them.  West  did 
y  same  and  one  of  them  is  returned  to  y*"  Trustees  being  a 
Wheelwright,  and  a  necessary  man  for  their  service. 

Mr.  Mouse  has  a  family  of  5  children  is  a  very  industrious 
man  and  was  the  only  Inhabitant  that  stayed  upon  the 
Island  of  Skidoway  out  of  ten  families,  therefore  the  giving 
him  Credit  for  this  Servant  I  intended  to  recommend  to  the 
Trustees  as  an  Encouragement  to  Out  Planters. 

Mr.  Perkins  is  a  Magistrate  of  Frederica  and  has  a  Credit 
upon  the  store  upon  this  years  Establishment. 

Mr.  Hawkins  had  paid  for  his  Servants. 

Walker  works  upon  the  Fortification  and  is  willing  to  pay 
for  the  passage  of  his  Servant  out  of  his  work. 

Walset  is  a  good  Planter,  has  a  large  Family,  came  at  his 
own  Expence  from  Germany  and  has  a  demand  on  the  Trus- 
tees for  a  Debt  in  Mr.  Causton's  time,  and  has  sixty  Bushells 
of  Corn,  ready  to  be  delivered  the  Trustees  this  year,  and 
they  want  Corn  to  feed  their  Servants  and  horses. 

Upon  the  whole  at  that  time  there  was  a  disgust  to  white 
Servants  artfully  fomented  by  the  NegToe  Merchants.  The 
Trustees  had  stopped  all  Payments  and  the  People  were 
diffident  of  getting  Provisions  for  themselves  therefore  did 
not  care  to  take  Servants  least  they  could  not  feed  them.  I 
was  glad  therefore  to  get  people  that  could  feed  them  and 
take  them,  but  yet  there  remain  several  that  nobody  would 
take.  Those  I  placed  in  a  village,  lent  them  Provisions  and 
they  gave  their  own  bonds  for  their  Passages.  Some  of  them 
it  is  true  are  dead,  some  have  throve  and  the  Colony  is  in- 
creased by  that  number,  and  the  Germans  seem  to  take  more 
to  planting  than  the  English  do.  I  should  think  therefore 
that  there  is  not  a  better  service  can  be  done  to  the  Colony 
than  paying  the  passage  for  them,  taking  it  up  again  accord- 
ing as  they  can  pay  and  thereby  discharging  the  Establish- 
ments here  and  lessen  the  Trustees  Remittances  so  much. 
Those  who  dye,  indeed,  will  be  a  loss  to  the  Trust,  but  then 
by  those  who  five,  the  Province  will  require  so  many  planting 
Families.  The  bonds  were  continued  in  the  name  of  Captain 
Thomson,  because  that  I  believed  the  people  would  more 


willingly  pay  to  liiia  tlian  to  the  Piiblick,  uiul  tliat  lie  might 
upon  his  coining  hack  push  for  })ayni(nit  and  he  will  give  you 
an  account  of  what  Payments  he  has  been  able  to  get. 
I  am, 


Your  very  humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 

P.  S.  The  necessity  of  acting  on  this 
breach  with  the  Spaniards  obliged  me 
to  take  Capt.  Thomson's  Long  Boat  down  with 
me  &  preventing  my  dispatching  him  till 
I  returned  fi-om  the  Frontiers ;  so  that  he 
could  get  his  discharge  fi-om  me  but 
this  day.     His  hands  have  been  very 
usefull  in  helping  to  fit  out  our  Boats 
as  you  Avill  see  by  his  Account. 

\Imh>rsed^         Kec*^  May  %  1740. 


24  January  1739-40. 

Frederica  24tli  January  1739-40. 

Lieutenant  Horton  has  orders  to  raise  30  Kecruits  for  the 
Kegiment.  If  the  Tnistees  would  give  passage  to  their 
Wives  it  would  be  a  cheap  way  of  increasing  the  Colony  by 
30  famihes,  from  single  men  there  are  very  great  Incon- 
veniences and  their  being  obliged  to  leave  their  wives  behind 
plunges  them  into  gi'eat  difficulties.     I  need  say  no  more  on 

*  p.  E.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  21,  p.  190. 


that  liead  but  desire  the  Trust  would  give  passage  to  the 
Wives  aud  Corn  and  Meat  to  them  for  one  year. 
I  am, 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 
James  Oglethorpe. 
The  Hono'^i*  the  Trustees. 

brought  by  Captain  Thomson  &  by  him 
delivered  at  the  Trustees  Office  2  May  1740. 


1  February  1739-40. 

Ereperica  1st  Feb^y  1739-40. 

Since  the  Spaniards  began  hostilities  by  attacking  Ameha 
&  murdering  the  Men  there,  I  pursued  them  mto  Florida, 
swept  the  Elver  St.  Matthoeo  by  the  Indians  called  Alata, 
and  which  the  Spaniards  would  fain  now  call  St.  John's. 
I  landed  on  the  Sj)anish  main  drove  in  their  Out  Guards  and 
the  Lidians  burnt  3  Guard  houses.  I  proceeded  one  day's 
march  towards  Augustine,  stayed  3  Days  hunting  their  Cattle 
and  ravaging  the  Country,  but  could  not  provoke  them  to 
action.  Their  Horse  and  a  party  of  Negroes  and  Lidians 
once  appeared,  but  went  oif  upon  a  gallop  and  took  shelter 
in  their  Forts.  The  Spaniards  had  in  Florida  besides  the 
Fortress  of  Augustine,  the  Fort  of  St.  Marks,  with  a  Gar- 
rison of  80  regidar  Troops,  100  Spanish  Transports,  besides 
Negroes,  Indians  &ca.  This  Fort  Hes  on  the  Bay  of  Apel- 
lacliee  which  makes  the  most  Eastern  part  of  the  Gulf  of 
Mexico,  and  by   it   Augustine   has   a   communication   with 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  21.  p.  194. 


Mexico.  It  also  influenees  the  Creek  Indians,  being  not  far 
fi-om  their  Towns,  They  had  also  huilt  a  new  Fort  called 
St.  Francis  de  Pupa  on  the  British  side  of  St.  Matthreo,  or 
Alata  before  mentioned.  This  Fort  was  an  encroachment, 
and  bnilt  not  long  since  to  protect  a  Ferry  over  the  River 
Alata,  to  defend  their  Communication  with  St.  Marks  and  to 
give  them  an  Entry  into  that  part  of  Georgia  inhabited  by 
the  Creek  Indians  and  also  all  the  Northern  parts  of  Georgia 
and  Carolina  by  land,  it  being  but  5  days  Journey  from  this 
Fort  to  Mr.  Matthew's  new  Settlement  and  that  but  two  days 
Journey  from  Savannah.  Over  against  this  on  the  south  side 
the  Alata  which  is  there  so  wide  as  to  be  no  longer  a  River 
but  a  Lake,  they  had  a  Fort  called  Picolata  in  the  shape 
of  a  Star  and  a  Ferry  boat  going  from  the  one  Fort  to  the 
other.  They  had  also  the  Fort  of  St.  Diogo  7  leagues  fi-om 
the  Alata  6  from  Augustine  and  3  fi'om  the  Sea.  They  had 
another  called  Rossa  with  a  Garrison  mostly  Indians,  another 
Chicketo  with  4  Bastions,  the  Garrison  partly  Indians  and 
partly  regular  Troops  &  lies  about  a  league  from  Augustine. 
Another  called  Pinnion  and  they  were  building  a  new  one 
of  Stone  called  Moosa  to  protect  the  Plantations  they  had 
granted  to  run  away  Negi'oes  wdio  were  armed  and  officered 
in  order  to  garrison  the  same.  A  particular  account  of  St. 
Augustine  is  inclosed. 

On  my  first  Inroad  the  Spaniards  quitted  Moosa  and  drew 
off  the  Negroes.  I  sent  Lieut.  Dunbar  up  the  River  with 
two  Scout  Boats  to  destroy  what  Boats  the  Spaniards  had 
and  to  view  their  Forts  and  attack  them  if  weak.  Accord- 
ingly after  12  hours  rowing  up  the  Alata  he  came  to  where 
it  forms  a  Lake  bemg  in  many  places  above  2  leagues  wide 
biit  straitened  in  one  by  2  Points  so  that  it  was  not  above 
2  miles  wide.  On  the  Northern  Point  was  Fort  St.  Francis, 
and  on  the  Southern  Point  that  of  Picolata.  He  landed  in 
the  night  and  thought  to  have  surprised  the  latter,  but  after 
several  hours  firing  and  three  men  being  wounded  he  found 
he  could  not  carry  it  without  Cannon,  so  returned.  On  New 
Year's  Day  I  set  out  with  a  i)arty  of  the  Regim'  accompanied 
by  Captain  Mackay,  Captain  Desbrisay,  Lieutenant  Dunbar 
and   Ensigns   Mackay,  Mace,   Sutherland    &   Maxwell   and 


Adjutant  Hugh  Mackay.     The  Kangers,  Fannee  Mico  with 
the  Chickesaws  and  Captam  Gray  the  Uchee  King  with  the 
Uchees    and    Hewitt    Hillyspilh   and   Santouchy   witli   the 
Creeks  Mr.  Matthews  and  Mr.  Jones,  one  Periagiia  13  Boats 
and  a  small  Privateer  Sloop,  who  went  in  at  the  River  Alata. 
On  the  27th  after  having  got  over  many  difficulties  by  day- 
break the  Indians  surprized  and  burnt  the  Fort  of  Picolata, 
the  Spaniards  ha%dng  abandoned  it.     At  10  the  same  day 
I  landed  and  invested  Saint  Francis  de  Pupa  with  the  Indians 
and  Rangers,  and  formed  the  Regular  Troops  and  landed 
four  pieces  of  Cannon,  posted  them  and  marked  out  a  Battery 
in  such  manner   that   they  were  sheltered  fi-om   the  sight 
of   the   Garrison   by   the   Woods.     In   the   mean   time   the 
Indians  advanced  as  near  as  they  could  under  the  shelter 
of  trees,  some  of  which  stood  within  100  yards  of  the  Fort, 
but  in  most  places  the  ground  was  cleared  300  yards  round. 
The  Indians  fired  very  briskly  upon  the  Fort  and  the  Span- 
iards returned  the  same  very  hotly  till  towards  3  of  Clock 
when  their  Fire  lessened  considerably.     This  kept  the  Span- 
iards so  amused  that  they  did  not  discover  our  men  at  the 
Batteries  so  that  they  worked  undiscovered  till  5  of  clock 
when  the  Spaniards  began  to  fire  upon  them  but  the  Breast 
work  being  then  finished  they  did  no  mischief.     Before  sun 
set  the  Battery  fired  on  the  Fort  when  I  ofi"ered  them  terms 
but  they  refusing  the  Cannons  fired  a  second  time  which  had 
so  good  an  effect  that  they  cried  out  for  Quarter,  became 
Prisoners  of  War  and  surrendered  the  Fort  with  two  Pieces 
of   Cannon,  one    Mortar,  three    Swivel    Guns,  150    Shells, 
a  number  of  glass  bottles  filled  with  Powder,  and  artificial 
Fireworks,  a  sufiicient  Quantity  of  Ammunition,  Pro\dsions 
&ca.  for  a  long  Defence.     The  Fort  consisted  of  a  strong  new 
built  Tower  about  30  foot  high  16  foot  square  within  with 
a  Manchicolis  above  which  flanked  the  foot  of  the  Tower, 
without  that  a  Rampart  faced  with  Timber  a  foot  thick  and 
12  foot  high,  filled  up  within  side  with  6  foot  earth  but  the 
Garrison  was  very  weak  consisting  only  of  a  Sergeant,  a  Cor- 
poral, 9  Soldiers  and  one  Indian.     The  Governour  ha^'ing 
since  the  first  Inroad  withdrawn  the  Garrison  fi-om  Picolata 
and  part  of   that    fi*om   Pupa,   they  formerly  consisting  of 


a^ComiHsioiied  Officer  and  30  men.  I  left  a  Garrison  in  this 
Place  &  have  added  to  the  Fortification  it  being  of  great 
consequence,  since  thereby  the  Coniniunicatiou  with  the 
Creek  Indians  is  secured  and  their  means  of  invading  by  land 
the  Northern  parts  of  the  Colony  is  taken  away,  and  if  any 
party  of  Horse  comes  fi-om  Carolina,  they  may  be  here 
sheltered  'till  they  be  ferried  over  and  Picolata  at  which  they 
land,  is  within  21  miles  of  Augustine,  and  the  Country 
between  is  full  stocked  with  Cattle  and  Horses. 

I  have  received  some  letters  from  the  Trustees  relating 
to  the  title  of  Lands,  which  I  wish  may  not  give  room  to  the 
troublesome  peoples  making  new  Cavils.  I  have  not  yet  had 
time  to  consider  well  of  it,  but  think  it  would  be  right  to  take 
them  into  mature  consideration  that  at  the  same  time  they 
are  published  they  may  be  thoroughly  explained  to  the 
people,  and  thereby  Dissentions  at  this  critical  Juncture 
be  prevented. 

I  am,  Sir, 

Your  very  humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
I  desire  you  would  show  this  letter 
to  Mr.  Jones.     I  have  sent  Mr.  Horton 
to  England  and  Capt.  Heron  to  Charles 
Town  to  solicit  assistance  for  the 
siege  of  Augustine  &  other  matters 
for  the  safety  of  the  Province. 

Colonel  Stephens. 

By  the  examination  of  the  Prisoners  which  confirms  former 
Informations ;  the  Castle  of  Augustine  is  a  fort  built  of  soft 
stones  with  four  Bastions,  the  Curtain  sixty  yards  in  length, 
the  Parapet  nine  foot  thick,  the  Rampart  twenty  foot  high, 
casemated  underneath  for  lodgings  and  arched  over  and 
newly  made  Bombproof.  There  are  fifty  pieces  of  Cannon 
mounted  in  the  Castle,  they  have  been  for  some  time  working 
on  a  Covered  way  which  is  not  yet  finished.  Sixteen  of  the 
Cannon  are  Brass  &  some  tw  enty  four  Pounders.  The  Town 
is  entrenched  with  Ten  Salient  Angles  in  each  of  which  are 
some  small  Cannon.  The  Forces  in  Florida  consist  of  by 
Establishment : 


One  Troop  of  Horse 

One  Company  of  Artillery 

Three  Independ*^  Comp^  of  old  Troops,  each 

Two  Companies  of  the  Eegim*  of  Esturias 

One  Company  of  Valencia 

One  Company  of  Catalonia 

Two  Companys  of   Cantabria 

Two  Companys  of  Mercia 

Armed  Negi'oes 

AVhite  Transports  for  Labour 

Militia  of  Inhabitants  one  Company 

Indians  the  Number  uncertain 

Brought  by  Capt.  Thomson  who  deUvered  it  at  the 
Trustees  Office  2  May  1740. 

|and  Mkn 

'IN    KAf'H. 












2  April  1740. 

Charles  Town  April  2'^  1740. 

I  acquainted  you  m  my  last  of  our  taking  Fort  St.  Francis, 
since  which  we  have  had  some  further  advantages.  CaroHna 
has  voted  £120,000  assistance,  a  Regiment  of  Foot,  a  Troop 
of  Horse  &ca.  and  the  Men  of  War  assist  in  attacking  the 
Town  and  blockading  the  Castle  of  Augustme.  I  send  you 
inclosed  a  Copy  of  my  answer  to  Mr.  Jones's  Representation 
relating  to  the  Orphans,  and  am 

Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

The  Hon*''''  the  Trustees. 

James  Oglethorpe, 

rec'^  2  June  1740. 

*  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  21,  p.  20.3, 


As  for  Milledge's  brother  uiid  sister  I  think  yonr  repre- 
sentntion  is  very  just,  that  the  takhig  them  away  to  the 
Orphan  House  will  break  up  a  family  which  is  in  a  likely  way 
of  lining  comfortably.  Mr.  Whitefield's  design  is  for  the 
good  of  y''  people  and  the  Glory  of  God  and  I  dare  say  when 
he  considers  this,  he  will  be  very  weU  satisfied  with  the  Boy 
and  Girls  returning  to  their  brother  John  Milledge,  since 
they  can  assist  him,  and  you  ma}^  allow  them  upon  my 
account  the  Provisions  they  used  to  have  upon  the  Orphan 
account.  Upon  this  head  I  am  to  acquaint  you  that  I  have 
inspected  the  Grant  relatmg  to  the  Orphan  House.  Mr. 
Seward  said  that  the  Trustees  had  granted  the  Orphans  to 
Mr.  Whitefield,  but  I  showed  him  that  it  could  not  be  in  the 
sense  he  at  first  seemed  to  understand  it.  It  is  most  certain 
that  Orphans  are  human  creatures  &  neither  Cattel  nor  any 
other  kind  of  Chattels,  therefore  cannot  be  granted,  but  the 
Trust  have  gTanted  the  care  of  the  helpless  Orphans  to  Mr. 
Whitefield  &  have  given  him  500'^  Acres  of  Land  and  a  power 
of  collecting  Charities  as  a  consideration  for  maintaining  all 
the  Orphans  who  are  in  necessity  in  this  Province,  and 
thereby  the  Trustees  think  themselves  discharged  fi-om  main- 
taining of  any,  biit  at  the  same  time  the  Trustees  have  not 
given  as  I  see  any  power  to  Mr.  Wliitefield  to  receive  the 
effects  of  the  Oii^hans  much  less  to  take  by  force  any 
Orphans  who  can  maintain  themselves,  or  whom  any  other 
substantial  person  will  maintain.  The  Trustees  in  this  act 
according  to  the  Law  of  England  m  case  Orphans  are  left 
destitute  they  become  the  charge  upon  the  Parish  and  the 
Parish  may  put  them  out  to  be  taken  care  of,  but  if  any 
person  will  maintain  them  so  that  they  are  not  chargeable  to 
the  Parish,  then  the  Parish  doth  not  meddle  with  them,  and 
since  the  taking  away  of  the  Court  of  Wards  and  Liveries 
the  Guardianship  of  Orphans  is  in  their  next  Relation,  or 
themselves  at  a  certain  age  can  chuse  their  Guardians  and 
the  Judges,  Chancellor,  Magistrates  &ca.  have  the  same 
inspection  over  the  effects  and  persons  of  the  Orphans  as 
they  have  over  those  of  his  Majesty's  other  subjects,  and  the 
effects  and  persons  of  Orphans  are  as  nnu-h  under  the  pro- 


tection  of  the  Laws  as  those  of  any  other  of  His  Maj(^sty's 
Subjects.  I  send  a  copy  of  this  Paragi-aph  to  Colonel 
Stephens  and  think  it  would  be  right  in  you  and  him  to  give 
an  account  to  the  Trustees  of  this  matter  and  of  all  other 
things  relating  to  the  Orphan  house. 

Copy  of  General  Oglethorpe's  Answer  to 
Mr.  Jones's  Representation  relating  to  the 
Orphans  inclosed  m  the  General's  letter 
to  the  Trustees  dated  2  April  1740. 


10  April  1740. 

Savannah  lO*"^  April  1740. 

I  was  in  hopes  to  have  saved  the  charge  of  the  Garrison 
of  Augusta  on  my  first  arrival  here  by  the  Regular  Troops 
and  for  that  purpose  sent  up  a  second  Ensign  and  14  men 
but  the  Boat  being  cast  away  and  the  Officer  and  most  of  the 
men  being  drowned  I  never  was  able  to  spare  a  pai-ty  since, 
by  reason  of  the  Spanish  Alarms,  so  could  not  reduce  that 
Garrison  and  it  being  continued,  I  have  been  obliged  to  pay 
into  Mr.  Jones's  hands  money  for  discharging  the  arrears, 
and  which  I  desii-e  you  would  pay  to  Mr.  Verelst  on  my 
account.  I  shall  relieve  the  Garrison  with  the  King's  Troops 
as  soon  as  the  siege  of  Augustine  is  over  and  thereby  save 
the  Expence  of  the  Trustees  men,  but  a  Constable  and 
a  Magistrate  will  be  very  necessary  there  and  an  allowance 
for  them,  since  that  is  the  gi-eat  resort  for  the  Indian  Trade 

*  P,  R,  O.    Georf,'ia,    B.  T,  vdI.  21,  p.  204. 


and  there  is  a  very  pretty  Town  built  with  a  nuinl)er  of  white 
faniihes  without  any  expence  to  the  Tnist  except  the  Gar- 
rison for  their  protection. 
I  am 


Your  very  humble  Servant 
The  Hono''^''  the  Trustees.  James  Oglethorpe. 

[Lidorml]  rec'^  12  June  1740. 


38  ApiiiL  1741. 

Fkederica  in  Georgia  28  April  1741. 

NotwithstandinjT  the  sillyness  &  desertion  of  some  of  our 
Inhabitants  and  the  underhand  endeavours  of  the  Sjjaniards 
whose  private  Agents  in  Charles  Town  have  hightned  every 

uneasyness.     The  Town  contains of  Freeholders  and 

there  is  more  likelyhood  of  planting  upon  this  Island  than 
there  has  hitherto  been,  being  about  one  hundred  and 
fifty  acres  already  planted  besides  40  acres  of  clear  meadow 
enclosed  for  Hay  &  some  teams  of  Oxen  &  Horses  besides 
a  great  many  rideing  Horses  most  of  'em  taken  from  the 

The  desertion  of  the  people  I  have  been  obliged  to  remedy 
by  filling  up  the  Lots  in  the  inclosed  form  and  thereby  keep 
up  the  Guard  Dutys  &  Improvements.  I  still  think  this 
Province  is  likelier  to  succeed  than  ever  and  to  become 
a  strong  fi-ontier  and  usefull  in  furnishing  all  those  produc- 
tions of  warm  Country s  which  we  have  from  the  Mediter- 
ranean and  by  the  raising  of  them  gives  support  to  perse- 
cuted Protestants  from  foreign  Countrys  and  others  who  are 
willing  to  be  industrious  and  do  not  doubt  to  accomplish  the 

*  p.  Jl.  O.    Georgift.    p.  T.  vol.  22,  p.  4, 


ends  mentioned  in  our  first  Proposals.  I  have  the  more 
reason  to  believe  this  since  we  have  had  the  utmost  opposi- 
tion both  publick  &  private  that  could  possibly  have  been 
given  by  the  Enemys  of  the  Nation  as  well  as  by  the  idleness, 
wickedness  &,  folly  of  our  Inhabitants  &  the  jealousy  &  self 
interest  of  neighbouring  Colonys.  As  God  has  been  pleased 
hitherto  to  overcome  all  these  oppositions,  I  thmk  from 
thence  we  are  much  more  likely  to  succeed  than  we  were 
before  we  knew  what  opposition  we  were  to  receive.  The 
chief  thing  is  to  persevere  &  go  on  steadily  in  spite  of 
calumny,  the  weak  but  poisoned  weapon  of  impotent  Ene- 
mys. I  think  still  as  I  have  already  mentioned  the  greatest 
services  that  can  be  done  is  to  send  over  married  recruits 
with  industrious  wives,  the  next  is  to  get  the  Mess :  Hopes 
to  send  the  Germans  from  Rotterdam  hither  as  they  do  to 
Pensilvania.  The  third  without  which  the  rest  is  useless 
is  to  defend  the  place  by  Boats  mann'd  with  100  men  by  the 
Highland  Company  for  the  Woods,  two  Troops  of  Rangers 
for  the  inland  Country  and  a  proper  Sloop  for  the  Coast. 
I  have  been  at  the  charge  of  keeping  up  of  this  as  much  as 
I  could  also  the  supporting  the  Indians  and  other  things  as 
usual  I  think  no  Innovations  by  new  Orders  or  Laws  or  by 
explanation  of  old  ones.  I  do  not  doubt  God  would  bless 
these  endeavours  with  success.  We  want  here  some  men  fit 
for  Schoolmasters,  one  at  Frederica  and  one  at  the  Darien, 
also  a  sedate  and  sober  Minister,  one  of  some  experience  in 
the  world  and  whose  first  heat  of  youth  is  over.  These  are 
things  I  should  chiefly  think  necessary.  There  are  numbers 
of  things  which  I  should  write  upon  but  must  refer  you 
to  another  letter  particularly  the  accounts. 
I  am, 


Your  very  humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
Hon'^i^  the  Trustees. 


rec*^  36  Sept'  1741, 



G  May  1741. 

Fkederica  6^^  May  1741. 
Sir,  -^ 

I  send  you  inclosed  the  List  of  the  Widdows  now  at 
Darien  and  also  the  Eeceipt  for  the  pay  of  the  Troop  of 
Highland  Eangers.  Mr.  Mackay  who  is  Captain  of  them 
was  Ensign  and  Overseer  of  the  Works  at  St.  Andrews  in  the 
Trustees  Service  and  held  that  place  with  thirty  men,  when 
the  Spaniards  attempted  the  mvasion  of  this  Province,  with 
a  great  number  of  men  in  the  year  1737.  I  hope  he  will 
have  all  disi)atch  in  his  affairs  having  waited  with  great 
patience  till  the  Commissioners  had  leasure  to  report  upon 
his  accounts.  Mr.  Jones  has  promised  to  send  the  report 
by  Gapt.  Thomson  to  Avliich  give  me  leave  to  refer  you. 

I  send  also  enclosed  to  the  Trustees  Copy  of  the  Proceed- 
ings relating  to  a  Negi-o  Slave  seized  at  Erederica  and  some 
Examinations  which  the  Germans  desired  to  be  taken  here, 
also  a  Certificate  for  the  cloathing  of  the  Eegiment  for  Mr. 

Doctor  Hawkins  tells  me  that  he  has  sent  you  Vouchers  to 
prove  his  Demands  which  when  he  sent  his  last  accounts 
to  the  Trustees  he  did  not  think  it  was  necessary  to  trouble 
them  with  but  offered  them  at  Savannah.  I  do  well  know 
that  he  has  attended  the  sick  very  carefully  and  that  he  con- 
stantly went  up  to  Darien  when  I  was  here  and  suppose  he 
did  so  when  I  was  not.  It  is  no  little  thing  to  go  in  open 
boats  in  all  weathers  near  twenty  miles  and  no  small  expense 
to  hire  men  and  boats  but  these  things  will  appear  more  fully 
from  the  evidence  he  has  sent  over  and  desire  you  would  put 
them  in  a  clear  Ught  to  the  Trust,  for  though  he  is  very 
capable  of  doing  his  duty  as  Surgeon  he  is  very  ignorant  in 

I  am,         Sir, 

Your  very  humble  Servant 

Mr.  Harman  Verelst.    • 

[Indormll         reC^  28  Sept.  1741. 

*  p.  B,  O.     Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  22,  p.  6, 



28  June  174L 

Frederica  28'^  June  1741. 

Upon  hearing  of  an  unfortunate  accident  happened  at  the 
Camp  down  at  the  South  end  of  the  Island  of  a  quarrel 
between  Capt.  Desbrisay  &  Capt.  Norbury,  I  wrote  immedi- 
ately to  Lieut.  Col.  Cook  and  he  spoke  to  the  Major  who 
sent  me  the  enclosed  letter  on  wliicli  I  wrote  to  Mrs.  Norbury, 
of  which  a  Copy  is  Enclosed.  The  Magistrates  ordered 
a  Jury  being  the  Coroners  Inquest  to  sit  upon  the  Body  who 
found  the  matter  Manslaughter.  One  who  was  upon  the 
Coroners  Inquest,  went  down  to  Port  Royal,  that  Mrs. 
Norbury  might  be  informed  of  the  whole,  and  I  received 
answers  from  other  People  to  whom  I  wrote  but  had  none 
from  Mrs.  Norbury. 

In  the  meantime  one  Court  Day  came  on  and  the  Magis- 
trates would  not  bring  on  the  Tryal  of  Captain  Desbrisay 
that  there  might  be  time  for  Mrs.  Norbury  to  send  up,  on 
which  Capt.  Desbrisay  apply'd  to  be  Bailed  till  the  next 
Court  Day  And  on  the  l"**  of  June  being  Court  Day  the 
Grand  Jury  found  a  Bill  against  Capt.  Desbrisay  upon  which 
he  was  tried  and  found  guilty  of  Manslaughter.  Some  time 
after  his  Tryal,  Mrs.  Norbury  came  up  &  I  send  you  Copy 
of  her  Letters  and  my  Answers  Enclosed.  She  refuses 
to  bring  any  Evidence  against  any  Person  here  as  also  to 
commence  any  Action  for  the  loss  of  Her  Husband  but 
seems  to  insist  upon  trying  Capt.  Desbrisay  again  in  another 
Country.  The  Magistrates  offered  her  the  liberty  of  using 
any  Records  or  Evidence  of  the  former  Tryal  here,  and  to 
examine  any  person  or  to  commence  any  new  Suit  that  might 
be  lawfully  done,  but  she  seems  entirely  to  contemn  all 
authoritys  derived  fi'om  the  Charter.  I  believe  the  Magis- 
trates will  send  home  the  full  Proceedings  to  you.  All  the 
Colonys  in  America  try  Criminal  matters  finally  in  the 
Colony  &  if  this  or  any  other  was  deprived  of  that  priviledge 

*  p.  R.  Or    C^eorgia.    B.  T.  vol.  22,  p.  U. 


the  oppression  of  twice  being  put  into  Jeopardy  of  their 
Lives  <fe  carrying  Witnesses  so  far  upon  Expences  would  be 
too  great  for  the  subject  to  suffer,  my  opinion  was  that  if  she 
thought  there  was  any  injustice  or  omission  of  Evidence 
in  the  Tryal  of  Capt.  Desbrisay  which  was  for  the  loss  of  the 
King's  subject,  She  might  try  him  in  the  Colony  for  the  loss 
of  her  husband  and  being  upon  the  spot  might  have  the 
benefit  of  -all  witnesses  without  expence,  but  I  believe  she 
is  very  sensible  that  the  Tryal  was  very  full  and  seems  by  the 
removal  of  the  Tryal  only  to  mtend  to  put  the  persons  she 
would  attack  to  expences  and  to  compass  some  other  end. 

As  the  President  of  removeing  Criminal  Tryals  after 
sentence  and  putting  men  twice  in  Jeopardy  of  their  lives 
would  not  only  destroy  this  Colony  but  also  be  an  injustice 
to  the  People  here  I  must  desire  you  would  have  this  matter 
well  enquired  into  and  would  desu-e  that  Mr.  Towers  and  the 
other  Lawyers  who  are  of  the  Trust  would  consider  of  it,  and 
whether  it  would  not  be  best  to  take  the  Attorney  Soliciter 
Generals  opinion  thereupon. 

The  Charter  gives  power  to  the  Trustees  &  they  to  these 
Courts  to  try  all  matters,  capital  or  not  capital  and  to  award 
execution  thereon. 
I  am 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe, 
The  hon*"''  the  Trustees. 


rec'»  28  Sept.  1741. 



29  June  1741. 

Frederic  A  29th  June  1741. 

I  have  wrote  very  fully  to  the  Ministry  to  obtain  assistance 
for  the  defence  of  this  Colony,  which  every  Day  I  believe 
shows  the  usefulness  of  it,  since  without  any  new  succours 
from  Europe  we  ravaged  Florida  and  besieged  St.  Augustine 
and  have  since  defended  ourselves  though  the  Spaniards  have 
received  great  reinforcements  fi'om  Cuba. 

The  Spanish  Emissarys  are  very  busy  in  stirring  up  Dis- 
contents amongst  the  People,  hence  their  principal  point  is 
Negroes,  since  as  many  slaves  as  there  are  so  many  Enemy s 
to  the  Government  and  consequently  Friends  to  the  Spaniard. 
Another  gi'eat  point  is  to  discourage  the  Planters  since  they 
think  if  planting  don't  go  forward  England  will  gi'ow  tired  of 
supporting  the  Colony  and  then  of  course  the  Spaniards  will 
gain  their  ends. 

The  way  to  overcome  all  this  is  to  persist  in  allowing  no 
Slaves,  encourage  the  importation  of  Germans  and  married 
Recruits  and  prevail  with  the  Government  to  answer  those 
necessary  Expences  of  Rangers,  Sloops,  Boats  and  Fortifica- 
tions. In  spite  of  all  opposition  our  Vineyards  go  on  pros- 
perously and  Colonel  Stephens  wiU  give  you  a  fuU  account  of 
the  silk  from  Savannah. 
I  am 


Your  most  obedient 

humlile  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
The  hon'^i'^  the  Trustees. 

rec-i  28  Sept.  1741. 

-■  p.  R.  O.     Geui-Kia.     B.  T.  vol.  22,  i).  15. 



12  Nov.  1741. 

Fred^  12tli  November  1741. 

Several  Iiiliabitants  of  Frederica  &.  Neigliborliood  being 
forAvard  enough  in  their  kinds  to  want  Mulberry  Trees  and 
able  to  preserve  them,  they  desired  of  me  that  they  might 
have  them  pursuant  to  the  promise  of  the  Trustees  and  Mr. 
Graham  having  raised  on  his  Plantation  upon  the  Savannah 
River  a  large  nursery,  I  bought  of  him  G,000  Trees  which 
were  deUver'd  <t  distributed  as  '^  enclosed.  I  have  drawn 
for  the  amount  making  £25 : — which  I  desire  you  would  pay 
and  apply  to  the  Trustees  for  Reimbiirsement  thereof.  Too- 
anohivi  returned  yesterday  with  a  party  of  Uchee  and  Creek 
Indians  from  incursions  against  the  Spaniards,  they  deliv- 
ered to  me  a  Lieutenant  of  Spanish  Horse  and  another 
Horseman  whom  they  took  Prisoners  near  Augustine. 
I  am  etc., 

James  Oglethorpe. 

Mr.  H.  V. 

rec.  4  Feb.  1741. 


3  March  1741  2. 

Frederica  3d  March  1741-2. 

Governour  Clark  hath  for  some  years  past  laboured  to 
T)ring  about  one  of  the  noblest  designs  and  most  advantage- 
ous for  all  the  British  Settlements  on  the  Continent  of  Amer- 
ica which  is  to  make  a  peace  between  all  the  Indians  that 

*  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  22,  p.  34.      t  P-  R-  O.    Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  22,  p.  42. 


are  subject  or  under  the  Crown  of  Great  Britain  and  thereby 
preventing  their  destrojdng  and  slauglitering  each  other  as 
they  now  daily  do,  besides  the  saving  so  many  hves  &  making 
the  Western  part  safe,  it  enables  the  English  Indians  to  act 
with  more  vigour  &  greater  numbers  against  the  Spaniards 
or  any  Nation  at  war  with  us.  Those  men  who  otherwise 
would  be  forced  to  stay  at  home  for  their  own  Defence  will 
be  enabled  to  leave  their  Towns  by  the  Peace.  I  have  with 
much  difficulty  made  a  Peace  between  the  Chickesaws,  Cher- 
okees  &  Creeks  but  the  great  work  of  making  a  Peace  be- 
tween them  &  the  six  Nations  remains  with  Governour  Clark 
to  do. 

If  the  Chickesaws  can  obtain  a  Peace  with  the  Six  Nations 
which  are  called  the  back  Enemy,  They  will  be  secured 
against  the  French  otherwise  that  brave  People  will  be  over- 
layed  with  Numbers.  They  have  acquainted  me  that  the 
fear  of  the  back  Enemy  did  prevent  their  coming  down  this 
year  to  war  against  the  Spaniards,  Whereas  last  year  they 
sent  down  forty,  And  if  the  Peace  is  made  with  the  Six 
Nations  they  will  send  down  every  year  200  to  war  against 
St.  Augustine. 

The  Cherokees  have  also  acquainted  me  that  they  are 
secured  fi-om  the  back  Enemy  who  lately  killed  their  Em- 
perour  Moy  Foy.  They  will  be  able  to  furnish  2,000  men  in 
case  we  should  have  occasion  for  them. 

I  shall  say  no  more  to  you  on  this  head  since  Governour 
Clark  in  his  letter  speaks  so  fuUy  upon  it.  His  Reasons  are 
so  full  and  strong  that  I  can  add  nothing  to  the  works  of  his 
excellent  pen  therefore  send  you  the  Copy  of  his. 

As  this  Treaty  is  of  greater  consequence  to  Georgia  than 
to  any  other  Colony,  I  drew  for  £100  sterling  upon  Mr. 
Verelst  towards  defi-aying  the  charge  hereof,  which  I  hope 
you  will  reimburse. 

We  still  keep  our  ground  and  our  Indians  continually  make 
Incursions  up  to  the  WaUs  of  St.  Augustine. 

On  1st  Feb^J'  a  Spanish  Privateer  Sloop  which  was  sent  by 
the  Governour  of  St.  Augustine  to  Guarica  on  Hispaniola  for 
Provisions,  arrived  loaded  with  Wine,  Clothing,  Flom-  &c.  off 
the  bar  of  Augustine,     The  half  Galleys  with  200  men  went 

120  LEftfiRS   l^ROM   GENERAL  OGLETHORPi!. 

out  to  convoy  her  in,  ])ut  tli<^  weatlier  blowing  fresh,  they 
went  back  again  &  <?arried  on  shore  to  the  Governour  the 
Chief  Merchants  &  the  letters  &  left  the  Sloop  &ca  Pilot  to 
wait  for  and  come  in  with  the  Flood.  The  Governour  being 
extremely  rejoiced  at  the  arrival  of  this  succour,  ordered  the 
Cannon  round  the  works  to  be  fired  and  bonfires  to  be  made 
and  sent  out  a  party  of  Indians  to  get  wood  for  the  same. 
A  Detachment  of  our  Savannah  Indians  fell  upon  the  Wood 
cutters  killed  some  and  took  five  Prisoners  whom  they 
brought  in  here  and  so  took  away  the  Bonfire  which  the 
Spaniards  might  the  better  spare  since  at  the  same  time  our 
St.  Phillip  Guard  Sloop  came  up  with  the  Spanish  Sloop 
before  the  tide  of  Flood  was  full  made  who  took  her  and 
brought  her  in  here. 
I  am, 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
The  Hon"**  the  Trustees. 

rec'i  23  July  1742. 


28  May  1742. 

Frederica  in  Georgia 
28th  May  1742. 


The  mutinous  temper  at  Savannah  now  shows  itself  to  be 
fomented  by  the  Spaniards  and  that  the  destruction  of  that 
place  was  but  part  of  their  scheme  for  raising  a  general  dis- 
turbance through  all  North  America.     Their  Correspondence 

♦  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  22,  p.  59. 


with  the  Negroes  too  fatally  manifested  itself  in  the  fires  at 
New  York  and  Charles  Town  and  the  insurrection  of  the 
Negi'oes  in  Carohna  when  Mr.  Bathurst  and  above  twenty 
white  people  and  forty  Negroes  were  killed.  The  vigilance 
of  the  government  of  Virginia,  New  York,  New  England  &ca. 
hath  prevented  farther  consequence  and  we  have  lock'd  them 
so  up  in  Augustine  that  they  could  not  favour  their  Partizans 
in  those  difi'erent  Colonys.  They  found  three  insuperable 
obstacles  in  their  way  in  driving  out  the  EngUsh  from  this 
Colony,  1st  The  People  being  white  and  Prostestants  and  no 
Negroes  were  naturally  attached  to  the  Government.  2ndly 
The  Lands  being  of  inheritance,  as  men  could  not  sell  they 
would  not  leave  the  Country  so  easily  as  new  Commers  would 
do,  who  could  sell  their  Emprovements.  3rd  Distilled  Liquors 
were  prohibited  which  made  the  place  healthy.  Their  Parti- 
zans laboured  to  get  those  who  perhaps  intended  no  ill  to 
bring  about  what  they  desired.  1st  To  obtain  Negroes  being 
secure  that  Slaves  would  be  either  Recruits  to  an  Enemy  or 
Plunder  for  them.  2dly  Land  alienable  which  would  bring 
in  the  stock  jobbing  temper,  the  Devill  take  the  Hindmost. 
3d  Free  importation  of  rum  and  spirits  which  would  destroy 
the  Troops  and  labouring  people  here  as  it  hath  done  the 
Army  in  Jamaica  and  Cuba  and  would  give  a  reputation  of 
unhealthiness  to  the  Province.  To  bring  this  to  bare  no 
money  was  spared  you  have  had  a  constant  history  of  the 
effects  of  their  bribery  from  Savannah,  when  they  found  all 
their  cunning  of  no  Effect.  They  show'd  their  last  effort  of 
impotant  rage  against  the  rest  of  the  Trustees  by  scolding  & 
raising  virilent  and  malicious  lies  which  they  even  ventured 
to  print.  Every  faithful  and  honest  Magistrate  they  were 
for  destroying.  Mr.  Jones  gave  me  an  account  of  a  design 
against  him  as  you  will  see  by  the  enclosed.  I  sent  to  Col. 
Stephens  &  ordered  such  assistance  to  be  given  him  as  he 
should  have  occasion  for,  of  which  you  will  see  the  good 
effects  by  the  enclosed.  I  beUeve  this  will  be  the  Spanish 
factions  last  effort  at  Savannah  for  the  new  orders  to  the  Men 
of  War  to  act  with  vigour  against  the  Spaniards  and  to  come 
to  me  for  advice  has  given  a  gi-eat  turn  to  every  thing.  Now 
the  Spaniards  private  Emissarys  are  striving  to  make  the 



people  of  Carolina  quarrel  with  the  Iiidiaiis  and  I  must  now 
labour  to  prevent  the  effects  of  their  indiscreations.  In  a 
few  days  Capt.  Dunbar  will  proceed  for  England  with  the 
Spanish  prize  he  took  <t  I  shall  send  on  bofird  the  Invalids 
of  the  Regiments  a  Spanish  Lieiitenant  <fe  some  of  their 
Officers  taken  prisoners  by  me.  We  have  had  a  crop  of 
wheat  of  about  sixty  bushels  on  the  farm  in  this  Island.  The 
Vines  grow  prodigiously.  We  hope  for  a  great  crop  of  Indian 
corn  upon  the  Island.  The  Soldiers  hold  the  spade  in  one 
hand  and  the  sword  in  the  other  and  both  successfully  for 
since  we  destroyed  seven  Spanish  Forts  in  Florida  in  the 
Campaign  against  Augustine,  we  have  held  them  into  this 
very  hour  so  that  they  have  not  been  able  to  rebuild  any  one 
of  them. 

Thp  Darien  Settlement  florishes  exceedingly  so  does  the 
Town  of  Ebenezer.  I  shall  send  ^  Capt.  Dunbar  a  return 
of  the  improvements  in  the  Southern  part  of  this  Province 
which  are  really  wonderfull  considering  tlie  situation    and 


I  am, 


Your  most  obed*^ 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
The  Hon''i^  the  Trustees. 


5  August  1742. 



Lieutenant  Sutherland  whom  I  send  express  will  give  you 
an  account  of  the  wonderfull  manner  God  has  been  pleased 
to  defeat  the  Spaniards  in  their  invasion  of  this  Colony.     I 

p.  U.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  22,  p.  65. 

LSfl^fiilS  ¥ti,OM  GENERAL   OCiLfiT«OIlPE.  128 

refer  you  for  particulars  to  his  account  and  must  desire  you 
to  grant  to  him  500  Acres  of  Land  which  I  have  ordered  to 
be  set  out  about  16  miles  from  Darien  also  500  Acres  for 
Lieut.  Charles  Mackay  who  assisted  in  the  defeat  of  the 
Spaniards  in  the  Granadeer  Savannah. 
I  am, 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
Fred''  in  Georgia 
5th  August  1742. 

The  Hon'^i'^  the  Trustees. 

reel  24  April  1743. 


24  Nov.  1742. 

Frederica  24">  Nov"-  1742. 

My  Lord, 

A  matter  of  importance  coming  now  to  my  knowledge  and 
having  this  opportunity  of  sending  by  New  York  to  England 
I  could  not  omit  acquainting  Your  Grace  that  a  Party  of  our 
Rangers  having  been  surprised  and  most  of  them  killed  by 
the  Yamassee  who  are  Spanish  Indians  they  burnt  Mount 
Yenture  and  thereby  opened  a  passage  into  the  Upper 
Settlements  of  Georgia  over  the  North  Branch  of  the  Alata- 
maha  River.  I  shall  strive  to  build  a  stronger  place  at  that 
passage  but  it  is  not  only  this  matter  and  the  consequences 

*  p.  E.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  '25,  p.  49. 


of  it  that  makes  me  trouble  your  Grace  but  that  of  one 
of  our  Indians  taken  by  the  Spanish  Indians  at  that  place 
escaped  from  them  after  they  had  held  him  some  days  on 
their  return  towards  Augustine ;  they  told  him  that  since  the 
last  invasion  and  repulse  here  the  Spaniards  had  received 
fi-equent  succours  of  men  by  sea  at  Augustine,  that  they  had 
lost  a  great  many  men  in  their  last  attempt  which  they  were 
resolved  to  revenge  and  that  they  expected  the  French  would 
attack  along  the  River  Savannah  and  the  Spaniards  would 
take  this  Place. 

I  shall  do  all  I  can  to  baulk  their  Expectations  but  the 
condition  we  are  in  is  such  that  I  hope  Your  Grace  wiU 
excuse  my  so  frequently  troublhig  you  with  our  necessity s 
and  my  demands. 

It  was  with  much  difficulty  and  not  without  the  apparent 
hand  of  God  that  we  made  head  the  last  time  against  a  vastly 
superior  force  and  that  with  a  few  Cannon,  doubtless  they 
are  stronger  and  will  take  better  measures.  We  have  no 
addition  and  the  Men  of  War  have  refused  to  stay  in  this 


I  know  it  is  near  the  Enemy  but  am  perswaded  the  declin- 
ing of  danger  can  never  be  their  reason  for  choosing  a  more 
distant  port,  howsoever  as  they  are  not  here  I  have  been 
obHged  to  keep  the  same  Twenty  Gun  Merchant  ship  that 
did  fight  the  last  time  for  the  defence  of  the  Harbour. 

I  am  forced  to  be  at  very  considerable  Expences  but  the 
sparing  of  them  would  be  very  ill  Oeconomy  since  it  would 
probably  be  the  loss  of  the  Country. 

Permit  me  to  acquaint  Your  Grace  that  if  this  Province 
is  conquered  by  the  Spaniards  the  Negroes  in  the  next  will 
probably  join  with  the  Enemy  &  God  alone  can  tell  how  far 
alone  their  success  may  extend.  This  I  can  say  that  the 
knowing  what  a  terrible  consequence  the  loss  of  this  place 
would  be  has  made  me  expend  my  fortune  and  expose  my 
person  much  more  than  by  the  strictest  rales  of  duty  I  should 
have  been  obliged  to  do. 

I  hope  Your  Grace  will  apply  to  His  Majesty  that  this 
Frontier  may  be  supported  or  that  I  may  not  be  blamed 
if  I  dye  in  an  unsuccessful  defence  of  it  for  the  being  killed 


in  one's  duty  is  all  that  the  bravest  man  or  best  officer  that 
wants  the  necessary  means  of  war  can  do. 
I  am 

My  Lord 

Your  Grace's  most  devoted 

and  obedient  humble  Serv*' 

James  Oglethorpe. 
His  Grace 

The  Duke  of  Newcastle. 

rec*^  Janry  5**^- 


24  Nov.  1742. 

Frederic  A  24*^^  Nov'^  1742. 

The  Friendship  you  have  shewn  towards  me  on  all  occa- 
sions makes  me  give  you  this  trouble  tho'  I  am  perswaded 
you  will  not  think  it  such  since  it  is  upon  a  point  of  great 
service  to  the  publick. 

You  have  already  had  an  account  that  we  defeated  the  last 
Spanish  Invasion  beyond  all  expectation.  At  Charles  Town 
they  were  so  stupid  (not  to  say  worse)  that  they  prevented 
the  Men  of  War  from  coming  hither  tho'  I  gave  them  very 
near  a  month's  notice.  If  there  had  been  but  one  twenty 
gun  ship  besides  a  Merchant  Ship  of  twenty  Guns  which  was 
here  and  our  Guard  Sloops  they  would  have  beat  them  at  the 
Entry  of  the  Harbour  and  have  saved  the  loss  there  which 
amounted  to  at  least  20,000jG. 

We  did  beat  them  at  land  but  did  not  persue  them  so  that 
they  are  now  capable  of  undertaking  a  second  Expedition, 
I  have  given  notice  of  it  to  the  Men  of  War  but  can  get  none 

*  f .  Jt.  0.    An}.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  25,  p.  50, 


to  stay  here  and  unless  I  should  punn  I  can't  say  we  have 
any  Balls  to  entertain  them  Avitli. 

The  Detachment  from  Jamaica  is  returned  from  Charles 
Town  without  ever  coming  here. 

We  have  reason  to  expect  an  Invasion  both  fi'om  French 
&  Spaniards  who  if  they  succeed  here  instead  to  push  their 
Conquest  as  far  as  Virginia  and  I  fear  if  this  is  destroyed 
they  may  have  too  much  reason  to  hope  for  success  all  North 
&  South  Carolina  beuig  full  of  provisions  and  above  ten 
slaves  to  one  white  man  besides  a  very  busy  Spanish  Faction 
stirring  at  Carolina. 

I  must  desire  the  favour  of  you  to  put  my  Lord  Duke  in 
mind  of  obtaining  His  Majesty's  further  orders  to  me  what 
I  am  to  do  on  these  new  Emergencies  whither  I  am  to  take 
the  Artillery  at  Charles  Town  whither  the  men  of  War  are 
to  assist  according  to  my  directions  whither  I  am  pursuant 
to  His  Majesty's  former  Orders  to  continue  to  defend  His 
Dominions  as  far  as  the  Bounds  by  the  Charter  of  King 
Charles  the  Second  and  to  continue  hiring  of  the  Indians 
Rangers  and  Boatmen  and  in  keeping  the  Magazines  full 
of  Provisions  whither  I  am  to  finish  the  necessary  fortifica- 
tions and  orders  if  I  am  not  to  act  in  this  manner  what  I  am 
to  do  with  a  single  Regiment  without  Provisions  Fortifica- 
tions Cannon  ludians  or  Horse  in  the  neighborhood  of  a 
powerful!  Enemy  furnished  with  all. 

Pardon  me  for  troubling  you  with  a  repetition  desiring  you 
to  put  my  Lord  Duke  frequently  in  mind  of  laying  these 
matters  before  His  Majesty  so  as  to  obtain  some  answer  for 
my  remaining  in  uncertainty  may  not  only  prove  fatal  to 
myself  but  very  probably  the  consequence  of  it  may  be  the 
loss  of  two  or  three  Provinces. 
I  am 

Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant. 

James  Oglethorpe. 
By  this  occasion  I  send  a 
letter  relating  to  the  same 
to  His  Grace, 


Andrew  Stone  Esq'"*'- 



22  January  1742-8. 

Erederica  22^  Jan'-y  1742-3. 
My  Lord, 

This  goes  by  Capt.  Dunbar  with  the  Prize  Sloop  taken  by 
him  which  I  formerly  mentioned  to  your  Grace.  I  retained 
her  here  to  help  to  make  the  defence  against  the  Si^aniards, 
I  send  him  to  surrender  her  to  His  Majestys  Orders. 

When  I  fitted  out  Privateers  at  His  Majestys  expence 
I  agreed  and  gave  in  orders  that  the  Officers  and  Men  both 
Sailors  and  Soldiers  should  have  the  half  of  every  Prize  for 
their  encouragement  and  His  Majesty  the  other  half  towards 
defraying  the  expence  of  fitting  them  out  whereby  if  we  had 
success  a  fund  would  arise  for  the  increasmg  Privateers  for 
guardmg  this  Coast  and  annoying  the  Spaniards  and  this 
is  the  more  necessary  since  it  appears  by  experience  that  the 
.shoals  on  this  coast  are  such  as  renders  it  very  difficult  for 
the  Men  of  War  to  prevent  supplys  fi-om  arriving  at  St. 
Augustine  or  Privateers  from  coming  out  thence. 

Give  me  leave  to  desire  Your  Grace  to  recommend  to  His 
Majesty  the  giving  to  the  Captors  in  the  case  of  this  present 
prize  the  Moiety  which  is  reserved  to  His  Majesty  &  I  must 
the  sooner  desire  Your  Grace's  favour  upon  this  occasion  by 
reason  that  most  of  the  Captors  have  behaved  extremely  well 
in  the  defence  of  the  Coimtry  And  if  His  Majesty  would 
be  gi-aciously  pleased  to  order  me  to  have  this  Prize  Sloop 
repaired  and  continued  in  service  she  will  be  of  great  use 

*  p.  R.  0.    hm.  k  W.  Ind.  vol,  25,  p.  64. 


Give  me  leave  to  recommend  to  Your  Grace's  protection 
Capt.  Dunbar  who  lias  been  with  me  from  the  beginning 
of  the  setling  this  Colony  and  distinguished  himself  upon 
many  occasions  in  His  Majestys  service.  I  send  him  home 
to  solicit  the  necessary  assistance. 
I  am 

My  Lord 

Your  Grace's  most  obedient 

and  most  devoted  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe. 
His  Grace 

The  Duke  of  Newcastle. 

rec'i  April  24**^- 
(by  Capt.  Dunbar.) 


22  Januaky  1742  3. 

Frederica  22"*  Jan'-y  1742. 
My  Lord, 

Your  Grace  will  receive  with  this  a  short  account  of  the 
Proceedings  here  with  Copys  of  the  Letters  and  other  Papers 
proving  the  Facts  and  thereby  Your  Grace  will  find  the  ill 
Consequences  that  attended  Lieut.  Gov.  Bull  and  the  Capt. 
of  the  Men  of  War's  neglecting  the  advices  I  sent  them. 

It  was  by  the  great  Blessing  of  God  that  we  defeated  the 
Enemy  they  had  all  Preparations  numbers  and  time  sufficient 
to  have  destroyed  us  and  had  I  been  as  incredulous  and  as 
unprepared  they  had  in  all  human  probabihty  not  only  con- 
quered Georgia  but  both  Carolinas  for  the  Negroes  would 
have  certainly  revolted  and  if  the  Spaniards  had  defeated  us 
they  had  nothing  but  what  would  have  run  from  them. 

'  '"     ~  *p.  R,  0.    Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  25,  p.  65, 


I  would  not  trouble  Your  Grace  with  these  Reflexions  were 
not  it  necessary  to  prevent  future  ill  C(jnsequences  by  dear 
bought  experience  I  have  all  along  mentioned  how  unable 
Men  of  War  fioni  Charles  Town  were  to  come  to  our  assist- 
ance and  the  event  has  proved  the  truth  of  that  as  well  as 
of  the  Spaniards  Preparations. 

I  hope  this  good  use  may  be  made  of  a  bad  accident  that 
it  may  give  weight  to  the  representations  of  those  who  are 
near  danger  and  who  can  certainly  perceive  the  danger  and 
take  the  measures  necessary  for  defence  sooner  than  those  at 
a  distance  can. 

His  Majesty  has  been  pleased  to  power  his  favours  on  me 
far  above  my  Deserts  or  capacity  yet  let  me  be  never  so  per- 
sonally inconsiderable  I  should  be  wanting  in  my  duty  if  I  did 
not  mamtain  the  character  of  General  of  his  forces  in  two 
fi'ontier  Provinces  since  he  has  honored  me  with  it. 

It  is  the  duty  of  that  Office  and  my  standing  orders  to 
defend  the  Provinces  I  saw  the  danger  every  day  more 
certam  and  too  near  to  receive  support  or  orders  from 
England  on  such  an  Emergency  therefore  as  in  duty  bound 
made  all  the  Preparations  I  coidd,  these  occasioned  expence 
and  that  expence  was  crowned  with  success  and  I  drew  for 
sums  towards  defrajdng  it,  had  I  done  otherwise  and  for  want 
of  these  necessary  assistances  of  Indians,  Vessels,  Rangers, 
Provisions,  &ca.  and  had  lost  these  Provinces  I  should  have 
deserved  to  have  answered  it  with  my  life. 

As  I  had  early  intelligence  of  the  Spanish  designed  Inva- 
sion I  beg  leave  to  acquaint  Your  Grace  that  the  Past  is  only 
a  Prelude  of  a  second  Invasion  fi'om  the  Spaniards  which 
is  to  be  supported  by  the  French. 

I  must  again  sollicit  Your  Grace  to  lay  before  His  Majesty 
the  dangerous  scituation  of  these  Provinces  and  to  move  His 
Majesty  that  a  second  Battalion  may  be  added  to  the  Regi- 
ment the  manner  of  raising  wdiicli  wdtli  the  greatest  oeconomy 
Captain  Dunbar  can  more  fuUy  exi)lain. 

Absolute  necessity  obliges  me  to  repeat  to  Y^our  Grace  that 
the  many  expences  for  the  extraordiiiaiys  of  the  War  are  so 
necessary  to  be  satisfied  that  these  Provinces  cannot  be  sup- 
ported without  them. 


l\"niiit  me  t(i  refer  Your  Grace  to  tlie  enclosed  Letters  for 
further  particulars. 
I  am, 

My  Lord, 

Your  Grace's  most  obedient 

and  most  devoted  Servant 

James  Oglethohpe. 
P.  S.    It  is  from  all  Quarters 
confirmed  that  the  French  and 
Si:)aniards  are  preparing  to 
invade  us. 

His  Grace 

The  Dake  of  Newcastle  etc. 

I  In<hn:se(l\ 
rec^i  April  24'i» 
(bj  Capt.  Dunbar.) 


8  June  1743. 
[Li  Gen.  Oglethorpe's  of  Jan'>  '22''  1742  3.J 

Frederica  in  Georgia 
8  June  1742. 

I  send  you  enclosed  ('apt.  Hainer's  account  of  the  action 
he  had  with  the  convoy  and  some  of  the  Transports  that 
brought  the  succours  into  St.  Augustine.  Our  Guard 
Schooner  is  on  the  Spanish  Coast  ^  will  probably  bring  us 
back  some  intelligence.  I  have  sent  the  Faulcon  Guard 
Sloop  to  the  Soutlnvard.  I  will  also  send  out  the  Sloop  St. 
Phillip  to  watch  their  Motions  as  soon  as  I  can  get  guns, 
having  lost  several  in  a  storm  which  disabled  her  from  going 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lua.  vol.  25,  p.  G7, 


to  sea  iintill  the  arrivall  of  those  Guns  which  I  ordered  Mr. 
Maxwell  to  buy. 

You  would  be  in  the  riji;ht  to  have  the  Militia  iniinediat(dy 
reviewed  and  ready  for  service.  I  expect  the  Spaniards  will 
attack  us  and  if  they  do,  doubt  not  to  give  them  a  warm 
reception  and  make  them  sick  of  it,  but  if  tliej  should  get 
the  better  of  us,  they  will  immediately  follow  their  advantage 
and  you  may  expect  a  visit  and  its  possible  they  may  excite 
an  insurrection  amongst  the  Negroes.  I  expect  you  should 
send  to  Fort  Frederick  what  is  necessary  for  the  defence 
of  that  Place  of  which  I  send  you  an  Estimate  and  one  to 
the  Assembly  to  be  laid  before  them.  If  there's  any  trilling 
in  this  and  an  accident  thereupon  should  happen,  You  may 
depend  on  it  yon  are  answerable  for  it.  I  have  often  given 
notice  how  the  Place  was  neglected.  Some  of  the  men  in  the 
Garrison  were  countenanced  in  their  desertion  &  harboured 
by  some  ill  designed  People.  I  therefore  desire  you  would 
l)ublisli  a  Proclamation  for  the  apprehending  of  them  setting 
forth  the  Consequences  upon  those  who  receive  them.  These 
men  have  l^een  four  years  in  the  Regiment  and  never  at- 
tempted to  desert  till  in  Garrison  in  the  Province  of  Carolina. 
If  encouragement  be  given  them  and  no  notice  taken  of 
Deserters^  there,  it  will  be  the  worse  Consequence  not  only  to 
the  King's  Service  but  the  Defence  of  the  Province  itself. 
I  am  Sir 


OF   H.   M.   SHIPS  AT   CHARLES   TOWN.* 

18  .June  1742. 

[In  General  Oglethorpe's  of  Jan'^  '22d  1742-3.] 

Cojiy.  •  Frederica  18tli  June  1742. 


Our  Guard  Schooner  is  just  returned  from  oft'  the  Barr  of 

■■  p.  U.  O.     Aia.  &  W.    Ind.    vol.  22,  p. 


St.  Auf^ustine,  The  Offitrers  report  that  thej  saw  nine  wail 
at  Anchor  without  the  Barr  but  night  coming  on  prevented 
their  discovering  them  more  exactly  but  the  next  day  they 
stood  in  again  ch)se  and  discovered  six  sail  more  malting  in 
all  fifteen  sail  of  which  two  seemed  twenty  Gun  ships  one 
large  Sloop  and  the  rest  large  Sloops  and  Schooners,  the 
large  Sloop  and  Schooner  chased  her  and  one  of  the  ships 
shewed  her  fore  Topsail.  Their  schooner  outsailing  their 
sloop  ours  lay  by"  for  her  upon  which  she  tacked  and  stood 
back,  the  Weather  came  on  hazy  and  our  Schooner  cruized 
along  shore  and  at  the  mouth  of  St.  John's  River  discovered 
a  Spanish  Row  Galley  who  run  m  and  was  soon  out  of  sight. 
I  must  desire  the  assistance  of  His  Majesty's  ships  in  such 
manner  as  you  shall  think  fit.  If  I  was  to  advise  it  would 
be  best  to  have  some  Men  of  War  in  this  port  or  cruizing  to 
the  southward  of  us  when  we  may  assist  each  other  whereas 
at  present  the  S})aniards  will  engage  us  singly.  I  desire  you 
would  acquaint  Governour  Bull  with  the  news  havmg  not 
time  to  write  at  length  we  certainly  shall  have  a  visit.  I 
must  desire  the  favour  of  your  assistance  and  give  counten- 
ance to  the  officers.  I  have  sent  up  to  get  men  &  guns  &c.  ■ 
for  His  Majesty's  service. 

P.  S.  The  Bearer  Jas.  Howell  under- 
stands the  Pilotage  of  this  Port.     I  send 
him  for  that  reason  to  wait  upon 
you  that  if  the  Men  of  War  come 
this  way  and  have  occasion  he  may 
bring  them  in.     I  can  join  them  if 
they  come  down  with  a  Sloop  of 
ten  and  a  Schooner  of  14  Guns. 

General  Oglethorpe  to  the  Commander  of  His  Majesty's 
Ships  at  Charles  Town, 



[In  General  Oglethorpe's  of  .January  22(1  1742-8.] 

Frederica  in  Georgia 
80th  July  1742. 

The  Spanish  Invasion  which  has  a  long  time  threatened 
the  Colony  Carolina  and  all  North  America  has  at  last  fallen 
npon  us  &  God  hath  been  our  deliverance.  General  Horca- 
silas  Governour  of  the  Havalnnah  ordered  those  Troops  who 
had  been  em})loved  against  General  Wentworth  to  imbark 
with  Artillery  and  every  thing  necessary  upon  a  secret  expe- 
dition. They  sailed  with  a  gi-eat  Fleet  amongst  them  were 
two  half  Galleys  carrying  120  men  each  &.  an  18  j^ound  Gun. 
They  drew  but  five  feet  water  which  satisfied  me  they  were 
for  this  place.  By  good  gi-eat  Fortune  one  of  the  half  Galleys 
was  wrecked  coming  out.  The  Fleet  sailed  for  St.  Augustine 
in  Florida.  Capt.  Hamer  the  latter  end  of  May  called  here 
for  Intelligence.  I  acquainted  him  that  the  Succours  were 
expected  and  sent  him  a  Spanish  Pilot  to  shew  him  where  to 
meet  wdtli  them.  He  met  with  ten  sail  which  had  been 
divided  from  the  Fleet  by  storm  but  having  lost  18  men  in 
action  against  them  instead  of  coming  here  for  the  defence 
of  this  Place  he  stood  again  for  Charles  Town  to  repair  and 
I  having  certain  advices  of  the  arrival  of  the  Sjianish  Fleet 
at  Augustine  wrote  to  the  Commander  of  His  Majesty's  Ships 
at  Charles  Town  to  come  to  our  assistance. 

I  sent  Lieut.  Maxwell  who  arrived  there  and  delivered  the 
letters  the  12tli  of  June  and  afterwards  Lieut.  Mackay  who 
arrived  and  delivered  letters  on  the  20th  of  June. 

Lieut.  Colonel  Cook  who  was  then  at  Charles  Town  and 
was  Engineer  hastened  to  England  and  his  son-in-law  Ensign 
Eyre  Sub-Engmeer  was  also  in  Charles  Towm  and  did  not 
arrive  here  till  the  Action  was  over  so  for  want  of  help  I 
myself  was  obliged  to  do  the  duty  of  Engineer. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.   *i    W.    lud.    vol.  22,  p.  70. 

134  LETTERS   FliOM   GENETIAT;   Ofif.ETltOTRT'E. 

The  Havannali  Fleet  being  joined  by  that  of  Florida  com- 
posed 51  sail  with  land  men  on  board  a  List  of  whom  is 
annexed  they  were  separated  and  I  received  advice  from 
Oapt.  Dunbar  (who  lay  at  Fort  William  with  the  Guard 
8clio()n(n-  of  14  Gnns  and  ninety  men)  that  a  Spanish  Fleet 
of  14  sail  had  attempted  to  come  in  there  Imt  ])eing  drove 
(mt  by  the  Cannon  of  the  Fort  and  Schooner  they  came  in 
at  Cumberland  Soimd.  I  sent  over  ('ai)t.  Horton  to  land 
the  Indians  and  Trt)o[)S  on  Chimberland.  I  followed  myself 
and*was  attacked  in  the  Sound  but  with  two  Boats  fought 
my  way  through.  Lieut.  Tolson  who  was  to  have  supported 
me  with  the  third  and  strongest  boat  quitted  me  in  the  fight 
and  run  into  a  River  where  he  hid  himself  till  next  day  when 
he  returned  to  St.  Simon's  with  an  account  that  I  was  lost 
but  soon  after  found.  I  was  arrived  there  ])efore  him  for 
which  misbehaviour  I  put  him  in  arrest  and  ordered  him  to 
be  tryed.  The  Enemy  in  this  action  suffered  so  much  that 
the  day  after  they  ran  out  to  sea  and  returned  for  St.  Augus- 
tine and  did  not  join  then-  great  Fleet  till  after  their  Grena- 
diers were  beat  by  Land, 

I  drew  the  Garrison  fi'om  St.  Andrews  reinforced  Fort 
Wilham  and  returned  to  St.  Simons  with  the  Schooner. 

Another  Spanish  Fleet  appeared  the  '2Sth  off  the  Barr  l>y 
God's  blessing  upon  several  measures  taken  I  delayed  their 
coming  in  'till  the  r)tli  of  July.  I  raised  another  Troop  of 
Rangers  which  with  the  other  were  of  great  service. 

I  took  Captain  Thomson's  Ship  into  the  Service  for  defence 
of  the  Harl)our.  1  imbargoe'd  all  the  Vessells  taking  their 
men  for  the  service  and  gave  large  Gifts  and  pronjises  to  the 
Indians  so  that  every  day  we  increased  in  nund)ers.  I  gave 
large  rewards  to  men  who  distinguished  themselves  upon  any 
service,  freed  the  Servants,  brought  down  the  Highland  Com- 
pany and  Company  of  Boatmen,  filled  uj)  as  far  as  we  had 
Guns.  All  the  Vessels  behig  thus  prepared  on  the  5tli  of 
July  with  a  leading  Gale  and  Spring  Tide  36  Sail  of  Spanish 
Vessels  run  into  the  Harbour  in  line  of  Battle. 

We  Cannonaded  them  very  hotly  from  the  Shipping  & 
Batterys.  They  twice  attempted  to  board  C;i])t  Thomson 
but    were    r(^])uls(Ml.     They    also     attempted     to    board    the 

lETTr'JIS   l^nOM   GENERAL   oriLETHOnPE.  135 

Schooner  but  were  repulsed  by  Capt.  I)niil)iir  witli  a  Detacli- 
nient  of  tlie  Regiment  on  board. 

I  was  witli  the  Indians  Rangers  and  Batterys  and  some- 
times on  board  the  ship  and  left  Major  Heron  with  the  Regi- 

It  being  impossible  for  me  to  do  my  duty  as  General  and 
be  constantly  with  the  Regiment  therefore  it  was  absolutely 
necessary  for  His  Majesty's  service  to  have  a  Lieut.  Colonel 
present  which  I  was  fully  convinced  of  by  this  day's  experi- 
ence. I  therefore  a])pointed  Major  Heron  to  be  Lieut. 
Colonel  and  hope  that  Your  Grace  will  move  His  Majesty  to 
be  pleased  to  approve  the  same. 

The  Spaniards  after  an  obstinate  Engagement  of  four  hours 
in  which  they  lost  abundance  (^f  men  passed  all  our  Batterys 
and  Shi})ping  and  got  out  of  shot  of  them  towards  Frederica. 
Our  Guard  Sloop  was  disabled  and  sunk  one  of  our  Batterys 
blown  up  and  also  some  of  our  Men  on  l)oard  Capt.  Thomson 
upon  which  I  called  a  CV^uncil  of  War  at  the  head  of  the 
Regiment  where  it  was  unanimously  resolved  to  march  to 
Frederica  to  get  there  before  the  Enemy  and  defend  that 
Place.  To  destroy  all  the  Provisions,  Vessells,  Artillery  &c. 
at  St.  Simon's  that  they  might  not  fall  into  the  Enemy's 

This  was  accordingly  executed  ha\ing  hrst  drawn  all  the 
Men  on  shoar  which  before  had  defended  the  shipping.  I 
myself  staid  till  the  last  and  the  wind  coming  fortunately 
about  I  got  Capt.  Thompson's  Ship  our  Guard  Schooner  and 
our  Prize  Sloop  to  sea  and  sent  them  to  Charles  Town.  This 
I  did  in  the  face  and  spite  of  thirty  six  sail  of  the  Enemy  as 
for  the  rest  of  the  Vessells  I  could  not  save  them  therefore 
was  obliged  to  destroy  them. 

I  must  recomend  to  His  Majesty  the  Merchants  who  are 
sufferers  thereby  since  their  loss  was  in  great  measure  the 
preserving  the  Province. 

We  arrived  at  Frederica  and  the  Enemy  landed  at  St. 

On  the  7tli  a  Party  of  theii's  marched  towards  the  Town 
our  Rangers  discovered  them  and  brought  an  account  of  their 
March  on  which  I  advanced  with  a  party  of  Indians  Rangers 


and  the  Highland  Company  ordermg  the  Regiment  to  follow 
being  resolved  to  engage  them  in  the  Defiles  of  the  Woods 
before  they  could  get  out  and  form  in  the  open  Grounds.  I 
charged  them  at  the  head  of  our  Indians  Highland  Men  and 
Rangers  and  God  was  pleased  to  give  us  such  success  that 
we  entirely  routed  the  first  party  took  one  Captain  prisoner 
and  killed  another  and  persued  them  two  miles  to  an  open 
Meadow  or  Savannah  upon  the  edge  of  which  I  posted  three 
Platoons  of  the  Regiment  and  the  Company  of  Highland 
foot  so  as  to  be  covered  by  the  woods  from  the  Enemy  who 
were  obliged  to  pass  thro'  the  Meadow  under  our  fire.  This 
disposition  was  very  fortunate.  Capt.  Antonio  Barba  and 
two  other  Captams  with  100  Grenadiers  and  200  foot  besides 
Indians  and  Negi'oes  advanced  fi'om  the  Spanish  Camp  into 
the  Savannah  with  Huzzah's  and  fired  wath  great  spirit  but 
not  seeing  our  men  by  reason  of  the  woods  none  of  their 
shot  took  place  but  ours  did. 

Some  Platoons  of  ours  m  the  heat  of  the  fight  the  air 
being  darkened  with  the  smoak  and  a  shower  of  rain  falling 
retired  in  disorder. 

I  hearing  the  Firing  rode  towards  it  and  at  near  two  miles 
from  the  place  of  Action  met  a  great  many  men  in  disorder 
who  told  me  that  ours  were  routed  and  Lieut.  Sutherland 
killed.  I  ordered  them  to  halt  and  march  l)ack  against  the 
Enemy  which  orders  Capt.  Demere  and  Ensign  Gibbon 
obeyed  but  another  Officer  did  not  but  made  the  best  of  his 
way  to  Town.  As  I  heard  the  fire  continue  I  concluded  our 
Men  could  not  be  qviite  beaten  and  that  my  imediate  assist- 
ance might  preserve  them  therefore  spurred  on  &  arrived  just 
as  the  fire  was  done.  I  found  the  Spaniards  intirely  routed 
by  one  Platoon  of  the  Regiment  under  the  comand  of  Lieut. 
Sutherland  and  the  Highland  Company  under  the  Comand  of 
Lieut.  Charles  Mackay. 

An  Officer  whom  the  Prisoners  said  was  Capt.  Don  Antonio 
Barba  was  taken  Prisoner  but  desperately  wcninded  and  two 
others  were  prisoners  and  a  great  many  dead  upon  the  spot, 
Lieut.  Sutherland,  Lieut.  Charles  Mackay  and  Serj*-  Stuart 
having  distinguished  themselves  upon  this  occasion  I  ap- 
pointed Lieut.  Sutherland  Brigade  Major  and  Sei-j*-  Stuart 
second  Ensign. 

LETTERS  ElloM  OENERAt.  OGLE'l^HoiiM!.  187 

Capt.  Deraere  and  Ensign  CTil)))(>n  lieing  arrived  with  the 
men  they  had  rallied  Lient.  C-adogan  wdth  an  advanced  party 
of  the  Regiment  and  soon  after  the  wliole  Regiment  Indians 
and  Rangers  I  marched  down  to  a  Causeway  over  a  Marsh 
very  near  the  Spanish  Camp  over  which  all  were  obliged  to 
pass  and  thereby  stopt  those  who  had  been  dispersed  m  the 
fight  in  the  Savannah  fi-om  getting  t(^  the  Spanish  Camp. 
Having  passed  the  night  there  the  Indian  scouts  in  the  morn- 
ing advanced  to  the  Spanish  Camp  and  discovered  they  were 
all  retired  into  the  ruins  of  the  Fort  and  were  making  In- 
trenchments  under  shelter  of  the  Cannon  of  the  ships.  That 
they  guessed  them  to  be  above  4000  men.  I  thoiTght  it  im- 
prudent to  attack  them  defended  by  Cannon  with  so  small  a 
number  liut  marched  back  to  Frederica  to  refresh  the  Soldiers 
and  sent  out  Partys  of  Indians  and  Rangers  to  harrass  the 
Enemy.  I  also  ordered  into  arrest  the  Officers  who  com- 
manded the  Platoons  that  retired. 

I  api^ointed  a  General  Staff  Lieut.  Hugh  Mackay  and 
Lieut.  Maxwell  Aids  de  Camp  and  Lieut.  Sutherland  Brigade 
Major.  On  y^  11th  of  July  the  Great  Galley  and  two  little 
ones  came  up  the  river  towards  the  Town.  We  fired  at  them 
with  the  few  Guns  we  had  so  warmly  that  they  retired  and  I 
followed  them  with  our  Boats  till  they  got  under  the  Cannon 
of  their  ships  which  lay  in  the  sound. 

Having  intelligence  from  the  Spanish  Camp  that  they  had 
lost  4  Captains  and  upwards  of  200  men  in  the  last  Action 
besides  a  great  many  killed  in  the  sea  fight  and  several  killed 
in  the  night  by  the  Indians  even  within  or  near  the  Camp  and 
that  they  had  held  a  Council  of  War  in  which  there  were 
great  divisions  insomuch  that  the  Forces  of  Cuba  separated 

from  those  of  Augustine  and  the  Italick  Regiment of 

Dragoons  separated  fi-oni  them  both  at  a  distance  from  the 
rest  near  the  Woods  and  that  there  was  a  general  Terror 
amongst  them  upon  which  I  was  resolved  to  beat  uj)  their 
Quarters  in  the  night  and  marching  down  with  the  largest 
body  of  men  I  could  make  I  halted  within  a  mile  and  a  half 
of  their  Camp  to  form  mtending  to  leave  the  Troops  there 
till  I  had  well  reconitred  the  Enemy's  disposition. 

A  French  Man  who  Avithout  mv  knowledge  was  come  down 

138  T^TiTTKits  FuoAr  OTiNEi^vt,  or.T.r/PTTor.i'rl. 

amongst  the  Volunteers  fired  liis  (Inn  and  deserted.  Onr 
Indians  in  vain  })ersned  and  could  not  take  liini.  ITixm  this 
concluding  we  were  discovered  I  divided  the  Drums  in  ditter- 
ent  parts  and  beat  the  Grenadiers  march  for  about  lialf  an 
hour  then  ceased  and  we  marched  l)ack  with  silence. 

The  next  day  I  prevailed  with  a  Prisoner  and  gave  him  a 
sum  of  money  to  carry  a  letter  privately  and  deliver  it  to  that 
French  Man  who  had  deserted.  This  Letter  was  wrote  in 
French  as  if  from  a  friend  of  his  telling  him  he  had  received 
the  money  that  he  should  stiive  to  make  the  Spaniards  be- 
lieve the  English  were  weak.  That  he  should  undertake  to 
pilot  up  their  Boats  and  Galleys  S:  then  bring  them  under  the 
Woods  where  he  knew  the  Hidden  Batterys  were,  that  if  he 
could  bring  that  about  he  slumld  have  d<mble  the  reward  he 
had  already  received.  That  the  French  Deserters  should 
have  all  that  had  lieen  promised  to  them.  The  Spanish 
Prisoner  got  into  their  Camp  and  was  imediately  carried  be- 
fore their  General  Don  Manuel  de  Montiano.  He  was  asked 
how  he  escaped  and  whither  he  had  any  letters  but  denying 
his  having  any  was  strictly  searched  and  the  letter  found  and 
he  upon  being  pardoned  confessed  that  he  had  received 
Money  to  deliver  it  to  the  Frenchman  for  the  letter  was  not 
directed.  The  Frenchman  denied  his  knowing  anything  of 
the  contents  of  the  Letter  or  having  received  any  Money  or 
Correspondence  with  me,  notwithstanding  which  a  Council 
of  AVar  was  held  and  they  deemed  the  French  Man  to  be  a 
double  s])y  but  General  Montiano  would  not  suffer  him  to  be 
executed  having  been  imi^loyed  l)y  him  however  they  im- 
bargued  all  their  Troops  and  halted  under  Jekyl,  they  also 
C(mfined  all  the  French  on  board  S:  imbarked  with  such  pre- 
cipitation that  they  left  behind  them  Cannon  &cn.  and  those 
dead  of  their  wounds  unburied.  The  Cuba  Squadron  stood 
out  to  sea  to  the  number  of  20  sail  General  Mcmtiano  with 
the  Augustine  Squadron  returned  to  Cumberland  Sound 
having  burnt  Captain  Horton's  houses  &c.  on  Jekyll.  I  with 
our  boats  followed  1dm.  I  discovered  a  great  many  sail  under 
Fort  St.  Andre Avs,  of  which  eight  appeared  to  me  plain  l)ut 
being  too  strong  for  me  to  attack  I  stmt  the  Scout  Boats 


I  went  with  my  own  Cutter  &  landed  a  Man  on  Cninl)er- 
land  who  carried  a  letter  from  me  to  Lient.  Stuart  at  Fort 
William  with  orders  to  defend  himself  to  the  last  extremity. 

Having  discovered  our  Boats  &  believing  we  had  landed 
Indians  in  the  night  they  set  sail  with  great  haste  in  so  much 
that  not  having  time  to  imbarque  they  killed  40  horses  which 
they  had  taken  there  and  burnt  the  Houses.  The  Galleys 
and  small  Craft  to  the  numV)er  of  fifteen  went  thro'  the  inland 
Water  Passages.  They  attempted  to  land  near  Fort  William 
but  were  repulsed  by  the  Rangers  they  then  attacked  it  with 
Cannon  and  small  Ai-ms  fi'om  the  Water  for  three  Hours  but 
the  place  was  so  bravely  defended  by  Lieut.  Alexander 
Stuart  that  they  were  repulsed  and  ran  out  to  sea  where 
twelve  other  sail  of  Spanish  Yessells  had  lain  at  Anchor 
without  the  Barr  during  the  Attack  without  stirrmg  but  the 
Galleys  being  chased  out  they  hoisted  all  the  Sails  they  could 
and  stood  t<^  the  Southward.  I  followed  them  with  the  Boats 
to  Fort  William  and  fi'om  thence  sent  out  the  Bangers  and 
some  Boats  who  followed  them  to  Saint  Johns  but  they  went 
off  rowing  and  sailing  to  St.  Augustine. 

After  the  news  of  their  defeat  in  the  Grenadier  Savannah 
arrived  at  Charles  Town  the  Men  of  War  and  a  number 
of  Carolina  People  raised  in  a  hurry  set  out  and  came  off 
this  Barr  after  the  Spaniards  had  been  chased  quite  out 
of  this  Colony  where  they  dismissed  the  Carolina  Vessells 
and  Capt.  Hardy  promised  in  his  Letters  to  cruize  oft'  St. 

We  have  returned  thanks  to  God  for  our  deliverance  have 
set  all  the  hands  I  possibly  could  to  work  upon  the  Fortifica- 
tions and  have  sent  to  the  Northward  to  raise  men  ready  to 
form  another  Battallion  against  His  Majesty's  Orders  shall 
arrive  for  that  purpose.  I  have  retained  Thompson's  ship, 
have  sent  for  Cannon  Shott  etc.  for  Provisions  and  all  kinds 
of  stores  since  I  expect  the  Enemy  who  (tho'  greatly  territied) 
lost  but  few  Men  in  comparison  of  their  great  numbers  as 
soon  as  they  have  recovered  their  fright  will  attack  us  with 
more  caution  and  better  discipline. 

I  hope  His  Majesty  will  approve  the  measures  I  have  taken 
and  I  must  entreat  Your  Grace  to  lay  ni}-  humble  request 

140  T.F,TT"RrtS   PllOM   aENF.RAT.   OOLETHORPE. 

before  His  Majesty  that  ho  Avonld  ])o  gracionsly  pleased  to 
order  Tr()o])s,  ArtilltM  y  and  other  iiecessarys  sufficient  for 
the  defence  of  this  Frontier  and  the  neighl)ouring  Provinces 
or  give  such  directions  as  His  Majesty  shall  think  proper  and 
I  do  not  doubt  l)ut  with  a  moderate  support  not  only  to  be 
able  to  defend  these  Provinces  but  also  to  dislodge  the 
Enemy  from  St.  Augustine  if  I  have  biit  the  same  numbers 
they  had  in  this  expedition. 

LIEUT.  MAXWELL.*  14  July  1742. 

I  In  General  Oglethorpe's  of  22  January  1742-3.] 

Frederica  14*^^  July  1742. 

The  Spanish  Fleet  is  locked  in  this  Harbour  and  very  weak 
in  Shipping  and  Gunns  being  but  one  20  Gun  ship  one  16 
Gun  Schooner  &  the  rest  Ships  of  six  or  eight  Guns  ill  fitted. 
One  Galley  with  a  large  Gun  I  think  a  twelve  pounder  m  her 
Prow  with  some  half  Galleys. 

God  has  given  us  Victory  over  them  in  two  Engagements 
by  Land  and  the  Galley  and  half  Galleys  attempted  the 
Town  by  water  and  were  repulsed.  I  am  extremely  glad 
of  yoiir  arrival  since  I  beheve  you  will  be  able  to  destroy  the 
whole  Spanish  Fleet  I  send  out  Capt.  Wm.  Morgan  to  Pilot 
you  over  the  Barr  if  you  think  proper  to  come  in.  I  shall 
attack  the  Spaniards  l)y  land  whenever  you  attempt  it. 
I  should  not  take  upon  me  to  advise  you  who  knows  so  much 
better  the  sea  affairs  but  in  my  opinion  it  is  absolutely  neces- 
sary for  His  Majesty's  Service  and  our  own  Honour  to  attack 
them  both  by  sea  and  land  and  I  think  the  best  method 
would  be  to  come  in  as  they  did  with  a  leading  Gale  since 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  a.-),  p.  73. 

LETTEKS   FllOM   GENEllAL   OCiLETJIollJ'K.  141 

the  upper  part  of  the  Harbour  is  entirely  in  our  power 
whereas  it  was  not  in  theirs.  I  will  make  three  Snioaks  in 
the  heart  of  the  Island  to  shew  that  we  are  ready.  I  have 
three  strong  Boats  which  carry  about  thirty  men  each  who 
will  meet  and  assist  you  as  soon  as  you  are  come  by  the 
Spanish  Fleet  and  come  to  the  l)ottom  of  the  Harbour. 
If  you  see  an  English  Jack  hoisted  upon  the  Sea  Shore  you 
may  know  it  to  be  us  if  it  is  proper  I  will  also  fire  a  Platoon 
near  the  Jack  and  make  two  smoaks. 

I  am  Sir  bi  lioj)es  of  seeing  you  soon  and  accomplishing 
one  of  the  most  noble  things  that  has  been  done  this  war 
which  will  redound  to  youi'  eternal  Honour  as  well  as  to  the 
service  of  your  King  and  Country. 
I  am  &c. 

P.  S.  Mr.  Maxwell  is  my  Aid-de-Camp  and  Lieut,  in  the 
Regiment,  Capt.  Morgan  is  Master  of  the  St.  Philip  Guard 
Sloop  for  the  defence  of  this  Province  in  His  Majesty's 
service.  If  the  Guard  Schooner  Walker  is  wdth  you  I  desire 
you  would  send  her  in  at  the  North  End  of  the  Island  to 
this  Town  and  she  with  our  Boats  can  certamly  destroy  their 
Galleys  and  all  their  rowing  Craft. 

Copy.  Letter  fi'om  General  Oglethorpe 

To  the  Commander  of  His 
Majesty's  Ships  at  Sea. 


13  February  1742-8. 

Eeederica  12'^  Feh'-y  1742-3. 

I  received  yours  from  Mr.  Martin  of  the  10"'  of  August  to 
be  sure  it  was  very  right  that  a  Hearing  should  be  had 

*  p.  B.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  22,  p.  87. 

142  J.KTTKliS    FItOM    GENERAL    (XiLETHOltrE. 

relatiiij;"  to  St('])li('iis  Imt  1  think  it  was  iiiiroi'tiiiiatc  that  that 
hearing  shoukl  be  at  a  time  when  the  necessary  defence  of 
the  Cok)ny  obhged  every  man  of  worth  to  be  here  present 
and  as  there  was  none  in  England  the  Folly  as  well  as 
improbability  and  falsehood  of  his  assertions  could  not 
appear.  A  mistake  both  in  the  charge  and  defence  run  thro' 
the  whole.  It  was  Villainy  in  him  and  it  Avas  natural  for  our 
Council  to  be  incited  by  making  a  defence  against  His  charge. 
This  mistake  is  speaking  of  Savainiah  as  if  it  was  the  whole 
Province  of  (leorgia  Avhereas  the  district  of  Savannah  is  l)ut 
a  small  })ortion  of  it.  The  Province  extends  beyond  the 
Mississippi  Westward  <fc  beyond  Frederica  Southward  and 
the  Trustees  Orders  are  obeyed  in  every  part  of  it  except  at 
Savannah.  ' 

It  was  not  till  after  the  War  obliged  us  to  be  upon  the 
Frontier  that  the  Laws  for  the  welfare  of  the  Colony  and  the 
Trustees  Orders  were  disobeyed  at  Savannah.  There  has 
been  since  my  coming  away  nothing  but  continual  complaints 
between  the  Magistrates  and  Iidiabitants  and  between  each 
other.  These  disj^utes  have  been  ai-tfuUy  kept  up  by  the 
S})anisli  Emissarys  of  whom  it  seems  too  apparent  young 
Stephens  is  one.  It  was  near  as  good  to  them  to  draw  oft"  a 
man  from  this  Colony  as  to  get  one  to  Augustine.  Since  this 
Spirit  has  been  stirrmg  the  Town  &  District  of  Savannah  has 
decreased  "daily  in  men.  I  find  they  say  at  the  Barr  they 
di-ank  rum  publickly,  I  believe  it  may  at  Savannah  have 
been  drank  plentifully,  by  the  great  sickness  and  mortality 
there,  Imt  here  there  has  been  no  such  thing  and  the  people 
have  been  healthy. 

The  Mortality  in  America  is  chiefly  owing  to  distilled 
Liquors,  the  mixing  with  Water  makes  them  less  hurtful  but 
is  very  far  from  making  them  wholesome. 

At  St.  Andrews  where  no  distilled  Liipiors  were  drank  they 
lost  out  of  two  Companys  of  100  men  each  but  three  and  at 
Port  Royal  where  rum  Avas  drank  we  lost  out  of  one  Com- 
pany between  forty  and  tifty  in  one  year  and  I  can  assure 
you  if  Rum  is  allowed  in  any  shape  here  the  Soldiers  Avill  be 
unfit  for  action  and  the  Inhabitants  for  la])our  tt  sicknesses 
will  be  as  fatal  as  at  Jamaica  A\hich  will  be  then  imputed  to 
the  Climate, 


As  for  the  Magistrates  being  unable  to  entV^rce  the  LaAvs  it 
is  the  fault  of  such  Magistrates.  I  am  sure  here  the  Laws 
are  strictly  put  in  execution.  Besides  the  health  of  the 
People  the  consumption  of  Beer  and  Wine  is  greatly  more 
beneficial  to  Trade  than  distilled  Liquors.  Tlu^y  employ 
more  shipping  Beer  is  the  manufacture  of  Britain  imploys 
many  hands  who  pay  Rents  and  Taxes.  Wme  comes  fi-om 
Madeira  and  is  paid  for  by  English  Goods  and  this  imploys 
the  poor  English  Manufacturer  and  the  importing  of  Molasses 
which  is  the  material  for  small  Beer  here  is  much  more 
beneficial  to  the  Sugar  Colonies  than  the  importing  of  Rum 
since  Rum  is  a  Comodity  that  will  sell  any  where  as  well  as 
in  this  Colony  but  Molasses  is  a  Drug  of  but  little  vent 

I  am  of  opinion  that  this  is  the  Crisis  and  upon  the 
Measui-es  taken  depends  the  Fate  not  onW  of  this  Colony 
but  in  a  great  measure  of  North  America  also  j;he  importance 
is  now  proved  by  the  great  Armament  of  the  Spaniards  dis- 
api^ointed  by  the  resistance  they  met  with  here.  It  is 
impossible  to  advise  what  should  be  done  at  the  distance 
between  this  and  Europe  before  one  can  send  over  a  Proposal 
have  it  debated  and  receive  an  answer  the  executing  of  it 
becomes  out  of  season.  Two  Battallions  and  a  small  Squad- 
ron with  Mr.  Vernon  would  at  first  have  taken  Carthagena, 
4000  men  after  the}'  were  prepared  could  not  do  if. 

The  little  strength  I  had  if  they  would  have  joined  me  in 
March  would  have  reduced  Augustine  but  they  Avould  not 
come  up  from  Carolina  till  May  and  in  that  space  the  half 
Galleys  were  arrived  and  other  preparations  made  which 
rendered  the  enterprise  impracticable.  The  same  is  in  Civil 
as  in  Military  Affairs,  the  encouragem'  of  cultivation  by 
Prcemium  if  promised  after  planting  time  is  useless.  A  num- 
ber of  Magistrates  necessar}-  among  4  or  5000  people  are  a 
nusance  if  reduced  to  100. 

These  are  only  instances  to  prove  a  general  proposition 
the  important  point  now  is  to  defend  the  Province  against  a 
numerous  enemy  or  else  all  cultivatii^i  nuist  cease  or  which 
is  worse  be  beneficial  to  an  Enemy.  If  the  Government 
thinks  proper  to  have  the  Colony  vigorously  defended  I  could 
with  great  ease  have  all  the  improvements  carried  on. 


The  tirst  Mcnsuies  for  ns  as  Tixistees  to  take  is  nHvr  sup- 
porting Ixeligiou  to  encourage  Marriage  and  the  rearing  u\) 
of  C-hiklren.  Here  are  a  great  number  of  married  people 
and  yet  there  is  now  in  this  place  only  above  700  men  more 
than  there  are  Women  most  of  these  would  marry  if  they 
could  get  Wives.  The  sending  over  single  Women  witlunit 
Familys  that  could  })rotect  them  might  be  attended  with 
Indecencys  but  the  giAdng  })assage  to  the  Wives,  Sisters  and 
Daughters  of  Recruits  and  a  small  maintenance  till  they  go 
on  board  would  be  a  remedy  to  this  and  much  the  cheapest 
way  of  i)eo})ling  the  C*ountry  smce  after  their  arrival  they  are 
no  further  expense  for  tlieii'  Husbands  can  maintain  them. 

We  have  found  also  that  the  married  Soldiers  live  easiest 
many  of  them  having  turned  out  very  industrious  Planters. 
The  next  thing  is  protecting  the  Magistrates  in  the  execution 
of  the  Laws  and  at  the  same  time  protecting  the  people  fi"om 
their  insolence  litigiousness  and  extortion  in  the  shape  of 
Fees.  Next  iii  persevering  and  encouraging  the  Europe  kind 
of  agriculture  as  Vines,  Silk,  Olives  &c.  all  which  by  experi- 
ence we  know  thrive  in  the  Country.  Accidents  and  the  War 
has  prevented  a  large  increase  of  them  but  the  keepmg  out 
of  Slaves  and  peopling  the  Country  with  labouring  Hands 
fi'om  Europe,  perticularly  fi'om  Germany,  which  is  the  conse- 
quence thereof,  will  soon  make  Wine  and  Silk  the  staple 
Comodity  of  this  Country  smce  most  foreign  Protestants  are 
accustomed  to  either  the  one  or  the  other  produce  bvit  it  is 
needless  to  talk  of  these  things  if  the  Country  is  exposed  to 
the  Enemy.  The  sutferings  of  the  People  here  have  been 
very  great  by  the  late  Invasion  and  it  is  natural  to  believe 
that  People  will  not  carry  on  Cultivation  in  so  exposed  a 

I  think  it  Avould  not  only  l)e  a  very  just  &  charitable  but 
also  a  highly  coniendable  step  in  the  Trust  to  become  their 
Advocates  many  of  whom  have  lost  their  all  by  the  Enemy 
and  most  of  whom  voluntarily  destroyed  their  whole  for  fear 
it  should  be  beneficial  to  the  Enemy. 

I  already  gro\v  tedious  shall  therefore  refer  you  to  Capt. 
Dunbar  for  a  full  account  of  all  things  here. 

As  I  hope'  we  shall  succeed  in  our  applications  and  have 


such  assistance  as  will  put  this  place  in  a  posture  of  defend- 
ing itself  it  will  then  be  absolutely  necessary  that  Vessels 
should  be  encouraged  to  come  over  with  Passengers  as 
servants  to  Frederica. 

Labourmg  hands  are  much  wantnig  and  there  are  many 
who  are  able  and  willing  to  pay  their  passage  for  them. 
The  Palatines  have  hitherto  been  found  the  best. 
I  am 


Your  most  obed' 

humble  Servant 

James  Oglethorpe, 


veo^  24  April  1743. 


14  February  1743-3. 

Frederica  14*'^  Fe\yy  1742-3. 

My  Lord, 

Frequent  delays  having  happened  gives  me  an  opportunity 
of  acquainting  Your  Grace  that  every  day  confirms  the 
imminent  danger.  I  am  like  to  bear  the  first  brunt  therefore 
think  it  my  duty  to  acquamt  Your  Grace  therewith  that  you 
may  lay  the  same  before  His  Majesty.  I  must  also  desire 
that  you  would  move  His  Majesty  that  he  would  lie  graciously 
pleased  to  gi'ant  such  assistance  as  He  shall  thmk  proper. 

In  the  present  scituation  I  am  in  I  shall  do  the  best  I  can 
but  have  reason  to  apprehend  the  worst  of  consequences 

*  p.  K.  O.     Am.  .'<c  W.  Iiul.  vol.  25,  p.  93.       • 



from  the  gi'eat  numbers  of  tlie  Enemy  if  I  have  not  timely 

I  am, 

My  Lord 

Your  Grace's  most  obed' 

humble  Servant 

James  OGLETHonrE. 


R  April  24*^?- 

(By  Capt.  Dunbar.) 


16  February  1742  3. 

Fredeeica  in  Georgia  Feb^^'  16*^  1742-3. 

There  being  repeated  advices  of  the  Spanish  Intentions 
privately  countenanced  by  the  French,  to  make  a  strong  push 
in  North  America,  and  but  too  much  reason  to  imagine  that 
they  have  a  Faction  in  some  of  the  Provinces,  makes  me 
obliged  to  send  over  Capt.  Dunbar  to  solicit  my  affairs  in 
England,  and  for  proper  support.  I  must  desire  the  favour 
of  you  to  give  him  your  Countenance  and  to  introduce  him 
to  my  Lord  Duke,  and  to  esteem  what  he  says  as  coming 
from  me,  I  having  impowered  him  to  present  such  Memorials 
as  is  proper  in  my  behalf.  If  I  dare  presume  farther  on 
your  friendship  I  should  desire  you  to  instinct  liim  how  to 
act  towards  obtaining  assistance,  which  if  we  have  not  Ave 
must  certainly  perish. 

I  am 


Your  most  obedient 

humble  Servant 

Andrew  Stone  Esq'' 

*  p.  U.  0.     Am.  &  W.  lua.  vol.  25,  p.  94. 


\  Indorsed] 
R  April  24"'- 

(By  Captain  Dunl)ar.) 

[Addressed]  To  Andrew  Stone  Esq 

Member  of  Parliament.     West. 


23  February  1742-3. 

Frederica  22''  Felyy  1742-3. 
My  Lord, 

Notwithstanding  the  large  Pacquet  I  troubled  Your  Grace 
with  a  new  accident  forces  me  to  write  again. 

The  Spaniards  fi-om  Augustine  have  sent  a  Sloop  with 
a  Flag  of  Truce  to  Charles  Tovra  ct  the  Lieut.  Governour 
and  Managers  there  have  not  only  suffered  them  to  come 
over  the  Barr  but  given  them  hberty  to  go  about  the  Town 
and  allowed  an  exchange  of  Prisoners.  This  may  be 
attended  with  the  most  dangerous  consequences  for  many 
of  those  Prisoners  whom  I  sent  up  m  the  late  Invasion  were 
Pilots  &  they  have  had  the  liberty  there  to  stroll  about  the 
Country  therefore  if  they  return  to  Augustine  they  can  give 
better  information  than  any  spies  as  well  as  be  Guides  to 

I  sent  up  to  the  Lieut.  Governour  not  to  take  this  step  but 
I  fear  he  will  neither  take  my  advice  or  obey  my  Orders 
being  strangely  changed  (by  what  motive  I  can't  tell)  for 
of  late  he  has  pretended  that  they  were  in  no  apprehension 
of  the  Spaniards  even  when  they  were  in  possession  of  this 
harbour-  &  refused  to  send  me  some  of  the  18  pound  Cannon 
which  lay  useless  at  Charles  Town. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol,  25,  p.  97. 


This  Flag  of  Truce  looks  as  if  they  wanted  InteUigence 
and  Avere  ready  for  an  Enterprize. 

Cai)t.  Dnnl)ar  has  some.  Prisoners  and  amongst  them  a 
Lieut,  of  Horse  if  Lieut.  Southerhmd  wliom  I  sent  Express 
should  be  taken  as  it  is  reported  this  would  furnish  an 

A  Spanish  Captain  taken  Prisoner  here  in  the  Invasion 
desired  I  would  forward  the  inclosed  to  Spain.  Your  Grace 
will  be  Judge  how  far  it  is  j^roper.  He  is  himself  Infirm  and 
has  a  family  at  Augustine  and  desired  I  would  not  send  him 
over  since  it  was  probable  he  might  not  have  lived  to  have 
been  exchanged  he  therefore  with  the  rest  of  the  prisoners 
remains  here  for  His  Majesty's  orders. 
I  am 

My  Lord 

Your  Grace's  most  devoted 

ct  most  obed*^  Servant. 

I  Imlor.sed] 

II  24'!^  April. 

By  Capt.  Dunbar. 


22  Feb.   1743-3. 

EKEDEiiicA  22'^  Feb^y  1742-3. 

I  desire  you  would  recommend  to  the  Trustees  Thomas 
Sumner  who  has  l)eliaved  very  well  here  who  goes  over  with 
an  intention  to  come  back.  If  he  co'^  bring  over  Servants  as 
he  intends  I  believe  he  might  bring  a  valuable  branch  of  the 
Timber  Trade  here.  I  therefore  should  wish  the  Trustees 
would  give  him  passage  for  same  servants  in  case  they  send 
over  any  Vessels  which  would  be  much  better  for  the  people 

*  p.  R.  0.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol,  22,  p.  89. 


than  sending  them  free  since  they  woiikl  have  no  House  to 
cover  them  or  person  to  take  care  of  them  whereas  he  Iiath 

It  was  he  whom  I  sent  to  bnild  the  Light  House  which  he 
executed  in  10  months  and  is  liy  much  the  best  building 
of  that  kind  in  America. 

I  shall  say  no  more  on  this  occasion  but  am, 

Your  very  humljle  Serv* 

James  Oglethorpe. 


Mr.  Harman  Verelst 

at  the  Georgia  Office 


[Indorsed]  Eec'i  27"'  April  1743. 


13  March  1743-3. 

From  the  Camp  on  the  River  St. 
MatHtEo  or  St.  John's  m  Florida 
12*1^  March  1742-3. 
My  Lord, 

Having  wTote  at  large  to  Your  Grace  by  Capt.  Dimbar, 
I  shall  only  trouble  Your  Grace  ^\4th  what  has  happened 

I  prevailed  wdth  the  Creek  Indians  to  send  a  large  Party 
of  then-  Warriors  to  join  me.  The  Spaniards  at  Augustine 
were  so  strengthened  by  the  Troops  left  there  after  the  Inva- 
sion of  Georgia  amongst  which  were  the  Dragoons  of  the 
Regiment  of   Italica  that   they  repulsed  all  the  Partys  of 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Iiid.  vol.  2.'5,  p.  100. 


Iiuliiins  that  I  could  send  out  against  tliem.  I  also  liad 
Intelligence  of  a  strong  party  of  Men  marching  towards  the 
River  St.  Matth»o.  As  I  concluded  this  was  to  enlarge  their 
Quarters  ready  for  the  recejition  of  the  next  body  of  Troops 
that  they  expect  in  the  Spring  from  the  Havannah  and  with 
which  they  propose  to  invade  all  North  Ameiica  and  to  begin 
Avitli  the  Conquest  of  Georgia  and  Carolina.  I  therefore 
thought  the  best  measures  I  could  take  was  to  oppose  them 
in  time  and  myself  in  person  to  lead  the  Indians  and  dispute 
with  them  the  Field  before  their  Troops  came  from  Cuba. 
I  therefore  with  a  Detachment  of  the  Highland  Company  of 
the  Bangers  and  of  the  Regiment  landed  in  the  night  in 
Florida  &  had  such  success  that  the  Indians  advanced  undis- 
covered &  attacked  the  Spaniards  &  killed  upwards  of  forty 
of  them  but  one  of  their  own  party  being  killed  they  would 
give  no  Prisoners  Quarter  therefore  I  have  no  intelligence. 
I  march  tomorrow  and  if  I  have  success  I  trust  in  God  I 
shall  be  able  to  force  the  Spaniards  once  more  to  take  shelter 
in  their  Town  which  I  shall  look  upon  as  a  great  point  gained 
since  it  will  delay  their  intended  operations  and  give  heart  to 
our  Indians  and  keep  them  steady  to  His  Majesty's  Interest 
who  were  a  good  deal  staggered  l)y  some  strange  step  taken 
by  the  Lieut.  Governour  of  South  Carolina  which  Capt. 
Dunbar  will  inform  Your  Grace  of  but  any  success  I  can  now 
have  will  l)e  only  putting  off  for  a  short  time  the  fatal  bloAv 
which  must  attend  the  vast  preparations  making  at  Cuba 
if  we  are  not  strongly  and  speedily  supported. 

I  should  think  myself  inexcusable  if  I  did  not  inform  Yoiir 
Grace  of  the  dangerous  scituation  of  His  Majesty's  Colonies 
as  well  those  two  under  my  charge  as  those  neighbouring  to 
them.  I  dare  not  at  present  write  more  perticularly  least 
this  should  fall  into  the  Enemy's  hands. 

Not  having  time  to  transcribe  Paragraphs  of  them  I  inclose 
two  letters  to  Your  Grace  which  I  just  now  received  they  con- 
taining advices  of  consequence.    I  am  with  profound  respect, 
My  Lord,  Your  Grace's  most  devoted 

&  most  obed*  Serv*  James  Oglethorpe. 

His  Grace 

The  Duke  of  Newcastle. 

[Indorsed}  R  July  7*^- 


TLE. =^ 

31  March  1743-3. 

Florida  on  the  River  St.  Math^eo. 

21^t  March  1742-8. 
My  Lord, 

I  am  to  acquaint  Your  Grace  with  the  success  of  His 
Majesty's  Arms.  The  Spaniards  have  quitted  the  Field  and 
are  retired  into  St.  Augustine.  Tlie  Troops  made  a  very 
extraordinary  March  in  four  days  of  ninety  six  miles  for  so 
many  it  is  fi-om  this  place  to  St.  Augustine  &  back  again  & 
this  we  performed  without  leaving  one  sick  man  behind  us 
and  the  whole  party  is  in  health  and  strength. 

I  hear  fi'om  all  hands  that  there  is  a  strong  body  of  Troops 
in  Augustine  and  can  hardly  conceive  the  reason  of  their 
behaviour  and  precipitate  retreat  from  numbers  so  much 
inferiour  to  them  unless  they  have  orders  from  their  Court  to 
preserve  their  strength  entire  for  the  intended  Invasion. 
I  did  all  I  could  to  draw  them  to  action  and  having  posted 
the  Grenadiers  S:  some  of  the  Troops  in  ambuscade  advanced 
myself  with  a  very  few  men  in  sight  of  the  Town  intending 
to  skirmish  &  retire  in  order  to  draw  them  into  the  Ambus- 
cade but  they  were  so  meek  that  there  was  no  provoking 

The  Indians  advanced  so  nimbly  as  to  get  up  with  a  party 
of  the  Enemy  &  killed  above  40  of  them  under  the  Cannon 
of  the  Town. 

I  am,  My  Lord,  Your  Grace's  most  devoted 

&  most  obd*  Serv*- 

James  Oglethorpe. 

[Lidorsed]  R  July  7*^- 

*  p.  E.  O.     Am.  &  \V.  Ind.  vol.  25,  p.  104. 



32  Ai'iiiT,  1743. 

Frederica  2'2a  April  174B. 
My  Lord, 

A  very  extraordinary  transaction  that  has  happened  in 
Carolina  obliges  me  to  trouble  Your  Grace  since  if  proper 
remedies  are  not  applied  the  consequences  may  be  detri- 
mental in  the  highest  degree  to  His  Majesty's  aftairs  in 

As  I  am  always  willing  to  put  the  l)est  Construction  upon 
every  Man's  actions  I  would  not  trouble  Your  Grace  with  the 
conduct  of  the  Lieut.  Governour  of  Carolina  and  his  advisers 
l)efore  the  last  Invasion  because  I  believed  it  proceeded  from 
ignorance  and  that  I  should  be  al>le  to  prevent  their  Actions 
doing  any  hurt  to  His  Majesties  ser\dce.  The  Spaniards  are 
now  preparing  (as  Advices  fi-om  all  sides  sayj  for  an  Expe- 
dition from  the  Havannah. 

In  their  last  Invasion  of  this  Province  one  of  our  Chief 
advantages  lay  in  their  want  of  Pilots  and  Guides.  The 
Governour  of  Augustine  has  sent  a  Spanish  Vessell  to  Charles 
Town  to  exchange  Prisoners  many  of  whom  are  Pilots  by 
water  or  Guides  by  land.  Lieut.  Governour  Bull  suffered 
this  Vessell  which  was  commanded  by  Don  Domingo  de  la 
Croix  one  of  the  Spaniards  best  Pilots  to  go  over  and  conse- 
quently know  the  Barr  of  that  Town  and  ventured  to  receive 
Messages  fi'om  His  Majesties  Enemys  without  acquainting 
the  General  who  comands  in  Chief  His  Majesties  Forces  in 
that  Province.  He  also  received  Alexander  Paris  who  piloted 
the  Spaniards  into  St.  Simon's  Harbour  in  the  last  Invasion 
and  he  walks  about  Charles  Town  at  full  liberty. 

These  Pilots  may  be  of  the  greatest  consequence  to  the 
Spaniards  in  the  ensuing  Expedition  if  designed  against  us 
since  it  lays  our  harbours  open  and  makes  the  fastnesses  of 
our  Woods  less  advantageous.  What  makes  this  step  more 
extraordinary  is  that  many  of  them  were  prisoners  taken  by 

*  p.  K.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  25,  p.  108. 


me  or  ransomed  hy  me  from  the  Indians  whom  I  sent  up  to 
Charles  Town  least  they  should  escape  in  the  late  Invasion, 
and  at  that  place  they  gave  them  liberty  of  going  about  by 
which  means  they  may  have  been  acquainted  with  the  weak- 
ness of  the  Country  and  the  disposition  of  the  Negroes.  One 
Prisoner  sent  info  Augustine  is  equal  to  five  or  six  delivered 
in  Spain  since  every  recruit  to  that  Garrison  costs  the  Crown 
of  Spain  between  forty  and  fifty  Pounds  sterling. 

Every  advice  I  send  up  they  slight  so  far  that  tlio'  I  sent 
notice  to  Charles  Town  that  the  Spanish  Armada  for  the 
Invasion  was  actually  arrived  at  Augiistine,  the  Lieut.  Gov- 
ernour  not  only  treated  the  Advices  with  contempt  but 
talked  in  such  a  manner  of  them  that  Capt.  Frankland  in 
the  Rose  went  to  his  Station  at  Providence  &  no  assistance 
arrived  here  till  eleven  days  after  the  Sj^aniards  were  beat 
out  of  this  Province  which  was  very  near  two  months  fr'om 
the  first  advices. 

The  frequent  hindrances  he  gave  to  my  buying  things 
necessary  for  the  defence  and  to  the  Planters  who  were  will- 
ing to  join  me  and  many  other  perticulars  I  shall  not  trouble 
Your  Grace  with,  but  this  is  not  out  of  any  disregard  to  me, 
he  professing  a  personal  attachment  and  even  gratitude  to 
me  for  solliciting  and  carrying  over  his  Commission  of  Lieut. 
Governour  without  sufi'ering  him  even  to  pay  the  Fees. 

A  very  odd  kind  of  man  one  Pryber  was  taken  by  the 
Indians  and  brought  hither  prisoner.  He  has  been  for  some 
time  solliciting  them  to  fall  upon  the  English.  The  perticu- 
lars are  in  the  Paper  inclosed. 

I  must  desire  Your  Grace  that  I  may  have  Instructions 
what  I  am  to  do  in  both  these  Cases.  I  must  also  iutreat 
Your  Grace  to  move  His  Majesty  for  succour.  The  inclosed 
shew  the  designs  of  the  Spaniards  and  advices  from  all 
Quarters  agTee  that  there  is  a  j^owerful  Armament  making 
in  the  Havannah  and  it  is  said  to  be  designed  against  this 
Place  and  the  rest  of  His  Majesties  Dominions  upon  this 

I  am,  My  Lord 

Your  Grace's  most  devoted 

and  most  ol)d*  Serv* 

James  Oglethorpe. 


R  July  2<)tli. 

From  Capt.  Dunbar. 


10  June  1748. 

Frederica  lOtli  of  June  1743. 

The  people  of  the  French  Cliurch  at  Savannah  having 
desired  of  nie  that  tlie  Rev'^  Mr.  Chiffelle  nii^ht  assist  them 
in  Spiritual  Matters  and  that  his  Charges  of  Boat  hire  &c. 
for  coming  from  his  residence  at  Purisburgh  to  Savannah 
might  be  defrayed,  I  did  allow  thereof  and  it  appears  unto 
me  by  the  annexed  &  other  evidence  that  the  said  Mr,  Chif- 
felle has  done  his  duty  for  five  years  and  upwards  And  that 
the  sum  of  Twenty  one  Pounds  sterling  may  be  a  reasonable 
allowance  for  his  Charges  &c.  and  that  the  said  sum  of 
Twenty  one  Pounds  is  due  unto  him  by  the  Honourable  the 
Trustees  for  establishing  the  Colony  of  Georgia  in  America 
and  therefore  recommend  the  same  for  payment. 

James  Oglethorpe. 

To  the  Honourable 
The  Trustees  for  establishing 
the  Colony  of  Georgia  in  America. 

A  True  Copy,     John  Dobell. 

Not  seeing  any  cause  of  objection,  I  humbly  submit  it  to 
the  Honourable  the  Trust  for  their  direction. 

Will.  Stephens. 

*  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  22,  p.  108. 




24  August  1744. 
My  Lord, 

I  have  frequently  applied  to  Yoiir  Grace  myself  as  well  as 
by  Letter  to  acquaint  you  of  the  danger  of  the  Provinces 
where  I  have  the  Honour  to  command.  I  particularly  repre- 
sented long  ago  to  Your  Grace  the  want  of  Artillery  as  well 
as  Powder  in  Georgia,  as  also  the  necessity  of  supporting  the 
Indian  Nations  of  whom  I  have  one  C^hief  with  me,  and  the 
benefit  of  getting  them  to  assist  in  tlie  "War.  I  farther  ac- 
quainted Your  Grace  of  what  I  thought  necessary  for  the 
defence  of  Carolina  and  Georgia  from  the  Experience  gath- 
ered by  near  ten  years  spent  in  those  Provinces  as  well  as 
fi'om  the  efforts  of  a  Spanish  Invasion  of  much  larger  Force 
than  that  Enemy  can  now  make.  I  have  received  no  Answer 
to  those  Proposals  but  hear  that  measures  entii'ely  opposite 
are  to  be  pursued  and  which  I  think  would  be  detrimental 
and  can  be  proved  to  be  of  no  manner  of  service  but  a  useless 

I  have  received  the  enclosed  Advices.  Your  Grace  will  be 
the  best  Judge  what  credit  to  give  to  them.  I  have  the  Ship 
Success  which  mounts  upwards  of  Twenty  Gims  ready  to 
take  in  Stores  and  carry  over  the  Indian  C-hief  who  can  raise 
several  hundred  Indian  Warriours  if  Your  Grace  moves  His 
Majesty  that  in  time  we  might  have  Artillery  and  Powder 
sent,  this  will  be  a  proper  occasion.  AVhatever  may  be  the 
Event  I  have  not  m  any  shape  neglected  making  all  applica- 
tions, so  that  I  cannot  be  blamed  for  any  Loss  that  may 

I  am 

My  Lord 

with  profound  respect 

Your  Grace's  most 

obedient  humble  Ser* 

James  Oglethorpe. 

24th  August  1744. 

His  Grace  Duke  of  Newcastle. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  2.'5,  p.  149. 


P.  8.  I  find  by  the  Enclosed  the  Letters  I  sent  to  Georgia' 
were  not  received  and  I  liear  fi-om  other  Hands  that  some 
were  Intercepted  at  C-harles  Town. 

I  wrote  to  the  Secretary  at  War  the  enclosed  Letter  upon 
which  he  told  me  to  acquaint  Your  Grace  it  was  properly  in 
Your  Province,  I  therefore  enclose  the  whole  to  Your  Grace. 

Letters   from    Sir    James    Wright. 


20  December  1778. 

Savannah  in  Geokgia  the  20"'  Dec.  1773.t 
N^'-  8. 

My  Lokd, 

I  have  now  the  Honor  to  Transmit  Your  Lordship  my 
Report  in  Answer  to  the  several  Queries  Relative  to  the  State 
of  this  Province,  in  which  I  have  not  Attempted  a  Pompous 
description  or  Account  of  the  Country  <fec,  but  Conlind 
myself  to  the  more  Substantial  &  Material  Facts  which  from 
the  best  Informations  I  have  been  able  to  obtain,  and  to  the 
best  of  my  knowledge  &  Judgement  I  have  Truly  Stated, 
and  hope  the  same  will  prove  Agreeable  to  His  Majesty's 
Royal  intention,  and  a  Satisfactory  Account  of  the  Present 
State  of  things  in  this  Province. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Great  deference 
My  Lord  your  Lordships 

Most  oblig'd  &  most  obed'  Serv'- 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth 

etc  &C  &C. 

*  p.  R.  0.    Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  235.  t  K.  24th  Feb.  1774. 

158  LETTEIIS   FUOM    Sill   JAMES    WIUGHT. 

20TH   SEPT.  1773." 

t  Answers  to  the  Heads  of  Inquiry  relative  to  the  present 
State  and  Condition  of  the  Province  of  Georgia  in  obedience 
to  His  Maj*^'*"  Commands  signified  by  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth 
His  Maj^y'*"  Principal  Secretary  of  State  and  received  the 
Fourteenth  of  September  1773. 

Answer  to  the  first  Querie. 

The  Province  of  Georgia  is  situated  to  the  Southward  of 
South  Carolina  upon  the  Eiver  Savanah  which  is  the  North 
Boundary  of  the  Province  and  extends  Southwardly  as  far 
as  the  Eiver  St.  Mary  which  is  the  South  Boundary  between 
Georgia  and  East  Florida.  Tybee  Inlet  at  the  entrance 
of  Savanah  Eiver  lyes  in  the  latitude  of  thirty  one  and  fifty 
five  North  Lat :  and  Longitude  of  Eighty  West  fi'oni  London 
and  Cumberland  Sound  or  the  Inlet  at  the  Entrance  of  St, 
Mary's  is  computed  to  be  an  hundred  Miles  South  of  Tybee 
Inlet  and  in  the  longitude  of  80  West  from  London. 

The  Lands  in  general  on  the  Sea  Coast  are  low  &  flat  and 
rise  gradually  as  you  go  back  into  the  Country,  but  no 
remarkable  Hills  till  you  get  back  Westerly  or  West  and  be 
South  about  160  miles  fi'om  Savanah  when  you  come  to  very 
hilly  stony  ground.  The  Nearest  Mountain  is  at  Chote  a 
Cherokee  Town  about  45  Miles  above  the  Indian  Boundary 
Line,  settled  at  the  Congress  held  with  the  Cherokees  and 
Creeks  on  the  third  of  June  last  And  the  Blue  or  Appelachee 
Mountains  are  supposed  to  be  about  55  miles  beyond  Chote. 
The  soil  upon  all  the  Eivers  and  in  the  swamps  is  strong 
rich  and  fertile  and  in  general  has  a  black  or  loamy  mould 
at  the  to})  with  a  rich  blue  clay  underneath  but  these  lands 
are  intermixed  with  very  large  ridges  of  Pine  Barren  Land 
and  not  worth  cultivation  which  greatly  im})edes  the  settling 
of  the  Province  and  often  occasions  the  Plantations  to  be  at 
a  very  considerable  distance  from  each  other. 

*  \rnihrxfil]  Report  to  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth  on  Suiutry  Queries  sent  me,  Ja.  Wright. 
[In  Sir  James  Wrighfs  (No.  8.)  of  20th  Deer.  1773.] 

t  P.  p.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  No.  235. 

LETTERS   FllOM    Sill  JAMES   WRIGHT.  159 

The  Climate  in  point  of  health  is  by  no  means  bad,  in  the 
fall  of  the  year  there  often  is  intermitting  Fevers  with  Agues 
and  sometimes  stubborn  and  putrid  Fevers  and  in  the  Winter 
Season  Pleurisies  Peripneumonies  and  other  disorders  com- 
mon in  aU  these  Countrys.  In  January,  February  and  March 
common  Wintei-  Weather  and  sometimes  intensely  cold  and 
the  Mercury  in  the  Thermometer  has  been  down  at  20,  but 
usually  from  25  to  30.  From  the  latter  end  of  March  to  the 
end  of  May  very  pleasant  agreeable  clear  weather.  From 
the  end  of  May  to  the  end  of  September  clear  weather  but 
excessively  hot  and  often  close  and  sultry  for  as  the  To^vn  is 
settled  up  Savanah  Eiver  about  15  miles  from  the  sea  we 
have  no  sea  breezes,  the  Thermometer  in  the  Summer  months 
rises  to  92  and  very  seldom  higher  l^ut  usually  fi-om  80  to  92 
and  during  these  months  Squals  of  W^ind  and  Rain  are  very 
common,  with  sharp  thunder  and  lightening.  From  the  end 
of  September  to  the  end  of  December  is  generally  very 
pleasant  clear  cool  weather.  We  have  no  constant  or 
periodical  rainey  seasons,  tho  often  more  in  July  and  August 
than  at  other  times. 

The  Latitude  and  Longitude  of  Tybee  Inlet  has  been 
settled  by  good  observations  by  his  Majesty's  Surveyor 
General  of  this  Province  and  East  Florida,  as  well  as  by 
several  other  persons. 

Answer  to  the  Second  Query. 

The  present  Boundaries  of  this  Province  are  North  on  the 
most  Northern  stream  of  Savanah  River  as  far  as  the  Head 
of  the  said  River  and  from  thence  Westward  as  far  as  his 
Majesty's  Territories  extend,  on  the  East  by  the  Sea  Coast, 
from  the  said  River  Savanah  to  the  most  Southern  stream 
of  the  River  St.  Mary,  including  all  islands  within  twenty 
leagues  of  the  coast  lying  between  the  said  Rivers  Savanah 
and  St.  Mary  And  on  the  South  by  the  said  River  St.  Mary 
as  far  as  the  head  thereof  and  from  thence  Westward  as  far 
as  His  Majesty's  Territories  extend  by  the  North  Boundary 
Line  of  East  and  West  Florida.  Our  present  Indian 
Boundary  Line  between  Savanah  River  and  Ogechee  River 
extends  back  from  the  Sea  Coast  including  the  late  ceded 
Lands  about  230  Miles  in  a  strait  Line.     But  the  Lower 

1()()  LETTEllS   FROM   Sill   JAMES   WIGHT. 

Bouii(Liiy  LiiR'  cross  from  Ogecliee  to  the  Alutanialia  on 
Ogecliee  River,  1  believe  does  not  exceed  110  Miles.  At  the 
Alataniaha  Eiver  not  above  70  Miles  and  at  St.  Mary's  River 
I  suppose  not  above  45  or  50  Miles  from  the  Sea. 

I  don't  know  that  there  is  any  donbt  or  dispute  at  jn-eseiit 
about  our  Boundaries  either  with  the  adjoining  Provinces  or 
with  the  Indians. 

Answer  to  the  third  Quere. 

The  extent  of  the  Province  along  the  Front  or  Sea  Coast 
fi'oni  Savanah  River  to  St.  Mary's  River  is  computed  to  be 
about  one  hundred  Miles  as  the  Coast  lyes,  but  less  in  a 
direct  line  from  Tybee  Inlet.  The  distance  back  up  Savanah 
River  and  fi-om  the  head  of  St.  Mary's  River  is  as  far  as  His 
Majesty's  Territories  extend  which  it  is  impossible  for  me  to 
determine,  but  the  size  and  extent  within  the  Boundary  Lines 
settled  with  the  Indians  is  as  above  and  has  been  computed 
by  His  Maj*^'"  Surveyor  General  to  contain  about  6,695,429 
Acres,  as  follows  Viz''  •  Amount  of  Lands  ceded  in  the  time 
of  the  Trustees  to  General  Oglethorpe  1,152,000  Acres. 

Additional  Cession  to  me  at  the  Congress  in  November 
1763,  2,408,800  Acres. 

Addition  made  by  the  extension  of  this  Province  fi-oni  the 
River  Alatamaha  to  the  River  St.  Mary  comijuted  at  998,400 

Additional  Cession  20,000  Acres  in  1766. 
Additional  Cession   at  the  Congress  held  at  Augusta  the 
third  of  June  1773—2,116,298  Acres. 

In  all  within  the  Indian  Boundary  Line  supposed  to  be 
6,695,429  Acres. 

It  is  difficult  to  say  with  any  precision  what  part  of  the 
above  Lands  are  actually  cultivated  and  improved,  but  fi'om 
the  best  calculation  that  can  be  made,  there  is  not  less  than 
fourteen  hundi'ed  settlements  or  Plantations  containing  dif- 
ferent Quantitys  of  Im})roved  Lands  in  the  whole  not  more 
than  120,000  acrt^s.  And  here  I  must  observe  that  on  the 
Avhole  quantity  of  93,000  Acres  of  Land  granted  to  the  In- 
habitants of  South  C-arolina  in  1763,  there  is  not  above  three 
or  four  Settlements  at  the  most,  just  as  I  wrote  the  Lords  of 
Trade  in  the  year  1763  I  was  sure  Avould  l)e  the  case. 


The  Titles  to  about  140,915  Acres  are  held  under  the 
Trustees  originally  nominated  for  settling  this  Colony. 
There  is  one  Barony  of  12,000  Acres  held  or  claimed  under 
a  Patent  fi'om  the  late  Lords  Proprietors  of  the  Province  of 
South  Carolina.  And  the  above  93,000  Acres  under  Grants 
from  the  Governor  of  South  Carolina  as  aforesaid  And  all 
the  rest  are  held  under  Grants  from  his  late  and  present 
Majesty  witnessed  by  the  respective  Governors  of  this 
Province.  And  here  I  must  beg  leave  to  observe  that  by  a 
report  made  to  me  by  his  Majesty's  Surveyor  General  in  June 
1765  which  I  transmitted  to  the  Board  of  Trade  he  deemed 
4*^^  parts  of  the  Lands  not  then  granted  to  be  Pine  Barren 
and  bad  Lands,  and  I  really  believe  he  may  be  right  in  his 
calculation.  The  Quality  and  Proportion  of  the  good  and 
bad  Lands  contained  in  the  late  Cession  fi"om  the  Reports 
made  to  me  by  many  and  from  my  own  Observation  on  my 
late  Tour  thro  the  greatest  part  of  it  Judge  to  be  at  least 
f^**  if  not  three  parts  of  it  very  fine  Land. 

Answer  to  the  Fourth  Quere. 

The  Principal  Rivers  are  Savanah  River,  which  extends 
back  into  the  Country  a  North  west  and  Northerly  course  to 
Augusta  about  three  hundi'ed  miles,  altho  by  Land  not  above 
140.  And  above  Augusta  it  extends  above  200  Miles  into  the 
Cherokee  Country  and  is  said  to  interlock  with  the  Tanassee 
River  a  Branch  from  the  Ohio,  but  does  not  join  it,  pretty 
large  Trading  Boats  go  to  Augusta,  but  no  large  Boats  can 
go  above  that  on  account  of  a  ridge  of  rocks  and  untill  they 
are  removed,  it  is  only  navigable  for  Canoes.  Great  Ogechee 
River  the  mouth  of  which  is  about  twenty  Miles  to  the 
Southward  of  Savanah  River.  This  is  a  very  fine  River,  is 
at  present  navigable  for  Vessels  of  150  Tons  about  30  Miles 
and  for  small  Craft  and  Boats  about  70  Miles  and  liy  opening 
some  Ridges  and  Stoppages  may  be  navigable  for  Boats  a 
gi'eat  way  further  up  And  extends  in  the  whole  about  170 
Miles  back  from  the  Sea  Coast,  that  is  in  a  Strait  Line  by 
Land,  but  may  be  300  by  water. 

Medway  River  about  nine  or  ten  miles  to  the  Southward 
of  Great  Ogechee  River  on  which  stands  the  Town  of  Sun- 

11)2  LETTERS    Fr.OM    SII!    TAMES    WltTOHT. 

ij'iud.t  on  ^'^^^T'  which  is  ii  Sea  Port,  tliis  River  does  not  ex- 
Low^wattr  tt'iul  abovc  cij^lit  or  ten  Miles  into  the  Country  above 
Ti'deV'a'i'iIi  the  Town  and  then  runs  into  ereeks.  It  is  a  very 
toot'at'iiiKii  r?*****^  IiiU^  and  earrys  15  feet  water  up  to  the  Town, 
mnlrTi'.il's.'    Avhich  is  about  twelve  miles  from  the  Sea. 

Sapeloe  River  is  about  eighteen  miles  to  the  Southward  of 
Medway  and  is  a  very  tine  Inlet  but  does  not  extend  many 
miles  back  into  the  (\)untry. 

The  Alatamaha  River  lyes  about  Ten  miles  S"  of  Sapeloe 
is  a  very  good  Iidet  with  fourteen  to  fifteen  feet  water  at  high 
Water  Common  Tides,  and  Avhen  in,  from  three  to  six  fathom 
Avater,  and  extends  back  into  the  C-ountry  in  a  strait  Line  l)y 
Land  about  100  Miles,  but  much  more  by  Water.  When  it 
Forks — the  North  Fork  or  Branch  of  which  is  call'd  Oc(mee 
River  and  the  South  Branch  is  caU'd  Oaknmlpee  River  and 
which  Branches  extend  a  vast  way  into  the  Country  and 
turn  Southerly  towards  the  Creek  Nation.  The  next  Inlet  is 
St.  Simons  about  ten  miles  to  the  Southward  of  the  Alata- 
maha the  North  Branch  from  which  runs  up  to  Frederica 
which  is  about  Ten  miles  from  the  Sea  and  where  General 
Oglethorpe's  Regiment  used  to  be  garrisoned,  this  River  has 
a  Communication  with  the  Alatamaha  River  and  the  Naviga- 
tion up  to  the  Town  is  sufiicient  for  a  forty  gun  ship. 

The  South  Branch  or  River  fi'om  St.  Simon's  Inlet  runs  l)y 
the  Place  reserved  and  laid  out  for  a  Town  l)y  the  name  of 
Brunswick.  This  is  a  most  pleasant  situation  on  high  land, 
lying  Ten  Miles  from  the  Sea  and  there  is  on  the  Bar  at  Low 
Water  seventeen  feet  and  at  high  water  Common  Tides  about 
twenty  three  feet  and  which  depth  it  carries  far  up  the  River 
all  along  by  the  intended  Town. 

There  is  a  vast  Body  of  very  fine  Lands  on  the  Alatamaha 
River  Turtle  River  and  some  other  small  Rivers  or  Creeks, 
and  I  firmly  l)elieve  that  within  thirty  Miles,  say  fifteen  miles 
on  each  side  and  twenty  miles  back  fi'om  this  place,  there  is 
Rice  Land  enough  if  properly  settled  and  improved  to  make 
100,000  barrels  of  Rice,  and  as  this  Spot  is  very  near  the 
Center  of  the  Provmce  on  the  Sea  Coast  I  conceive  in  process 
of  time,  it  will  become  a  considerable  Town. 

Little  Satilla  River  lyes  about  eight  miles  to  the  Southward 


of  Turtle  River  and  is  of  no  great  extent,  a  salt  water  River 
and  runs  back  about  thirty  miles. 

Great  Satilla  River  lyes  about  Ten  Miles  to  the  Southward 
of  Little  Satilla  and  runs  back  about  one  hundred  miles  and 
has  a  great  deal  of  very  good  land  on  its  Banks  and  the  Tide 
ebbs  and  flows  about  seventy  miles. 

Crooked  River  lyes  about  Ten  Miles  to  the  Southward  of 
Great  Satilla  River  and  does  not  extend  far  back — is  a  Salt 
Water  River  of  little  or  no  consequence  but  that  of  Water 
carriage  to  the  Plantations  which  may  be  settled  upon  it. 
And  St.  Marys  River  lyes  about  Five  Miles  to  the  Southward 
of  Crooked  River  and  has  very  good  navigation.  The  Bar  is 
at  the  Inlet  by  Cumberland  Island  is  an  exceeding  good  and 
safe  Bar  and  has  seventeen  feet  water  at  high  water  common 
Tides  and  the  River  continues  to  be  deep  and  navigable  for 
large  Vessels  about  twenty  miles  and  may  be  for  small  Craft 
and  Boats  much  further,  but  as  this  River  is  at  the  extream 
part  of  the  Province  and  we  have  no  Settlements  above  forty 
miles  in  a  direct  line  fi'om  the  Sea  it  is  not  so  well  known  as 
many  of  the  other  Rivers  but  it  is  said  to  flow  about  Eighty 
Miles.  And  here  I  must  remark  that  the  Courses  of  all  the 
Principal  Rivers  is  fiv^m  West  to  North  West,  but  this  River 
after  you  get  about  Seventy  or  Eighty  Miles  uj)  turns 
Southerl}'.  Aboiit  five  miles  up  the  RiA'er  I  have  made  a 
Reserve  of  four  hundred  Acres  of  Land  for  a  Town  if  at  any 
time  hereafter  it  maybe  thought  expedient  to  settle  one,  it  is 
a  small  Bluff,  at  which  at  Low  Water  there  is  fifteen  feet 
water  and  in  the  bed  of  the  River  from  three  to  five  fathom, 
this  I  saw  sounded  myself. 

Answer  to  the  fifth  Quere. 

The  Principal  Harl)ours  are  Savanah  on  the  Bar  of  which 
call'd  Tybee  there  is  three  fathoms  and  a  half  water  at  low 
water  or  better.  And  up  the  River  to  the  Town,  there  is  in 
general  about  thirteen  feet  water  at  high  Water  common 
Tydes,  but  there  being  three  sand  banks  in  difl'erent  Places 
therefore  at  present  and  untill  they  are  removed  Vessels  at 
the  To^svai  do  not  load  deeper  than  from  twelve  to  thirteen 
feet  and  then  are  obliged  to  fall  down  to  Cockspur  to  take  in 
the   rest   of  their   loading.     But   for   a  more  circumstantial 

164  LETTEliS   niOM    SIl!   JAMES   WIGHT. 

cic'couiit  of  this  Inlet  Arc"-  I  beg  leiive  to  refer  to  the  Inclosed 
iiketcli  niark'd  A  No.  1. 

There  is  at  present  no  other  Port  in  this  Province  but  Sa- 
vanah  and  Simlmrv,  the  situation  of  Avhicli  and  depth  of 
water  I  have  mentioned  in  my  answer  next  preceding.  Bnt 
when  the  Conntrv  increases  a  little  more  and  Settlements  are 
made  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Brunswick  that  will  certainly 
be  tlie  most  c(mvenient  in  point  of  Navigation  ttca.  ttca.  <tca. 

There  is  A'ery  safe  and  good  anchorage  at  all  these  places. 

Answer  to  the  Sixth  Quere. 

Since  the  Surrender  oi  the  CUnirter  by  the  Trustees  the 
Constitution  of  this  Government  is  estaV)lished  by  and  de- 
pends upon  his  Majesty's  Oomniission  and  Instructions  to  his 
Governor,  b}'  which,  he  with  the  concurrence  of  the  Council 
and  the  House  of  Assend)ly  (to  consist  of  a  certain  number 
to  be  elected  by  the  Freeholders  as  tludr  Ivepresentatives)  or 
the  Major  part  of  them  is  empowered  to  make  LaA\s,  Statutes 
and  Ordinances  for  the  Public  Peace  Wellfare  and  good  Gov- 
ernment of  the  Province  and  the  Inhabitants  thereof,  which 
Laws  &ca.  are  nt)t  to  be  repugnant  but  as  near  as  may  be 
agreeable  to  the  Laws  and  Statutes  of  Great  Britian.  And 
the  Governor  as  his  Majesty's  IlepresentatiAe  and  the  other 
Branches  of  the  Legislature  are  presiimed  to  be  an  Epitome 
of  the  Parliamentary  Constitution  of  Great  Britain.  And 
here  I  must  l)eg  leave  to  observe  that  the  right  of  the 
Council  to  sit  as  an  Upper  House  being  now  denied  m  the 
Neighl)()iiring  Province,  much  will  depend  on  His  Majesty's 
determination  on  that  matter  and  if  it  be  against  that  right 
I  am  very  apprehensive  that  disagreeable  consequences  may 
attend  it. 

There  is  a  Court  of  Chancery  and  iu  Court  of  General  and 
Common  Pleas,  also  a  Court  of  Sessions  or  Oyer  and  Term- 
iner and  General  Gaol  Delivery.  The  Rules  and  Method  of 
Proceeding  in  all  which,  are  as  near  as  may  be,  agreeable  to 
those  m  use  and  practice  in  His  Majesty's  Several  Courts  in 
Great  Britain. 

Answers  to  the  seventh  and  eighth  (^ueres,  as  they  in  some 
degTee  seem  connected. 

The   Trade   of    this   Province   is   principally   with   Great 


Britain  from  wlieiice  Ave  are  supplyed  Avitli  Liimens  and 
Woolens  of  all  Sorts,  Ironware  of  all  sorts  Hats,  Shoes, 
Stockings  and  all  sorts  of  Apparel.  Tea,  Paper,  Paints  and 
a  great  variety  of  other  articles ;  and  altho'  the  Negroes  are 
brought  here  immediately  from  Aii'ica,  yet  the  Returns  in 
payment  for  them  are  made  to  Great  Bi'itain,  so  that  that 
may  also  he  deemed  as  a  part  of  our  Trade  with  Great 
Britain,  to  which  place  we  export  Deer  skins,  Rice  Indico 
Naval  Stores  and  Sundry  other  Ai'ticles.  The  annual  amount 
of  our  Im]>orts  from  Gieat  Britain  is  com])uted  at  £.7C).?)22 
on  an  average  for  three  years  j^ast  besides  the  Negi'oes  im- 
ported which  in  the  last  year  amounted  to  twenty  thousand 
pounds.  And  our  Exports  to  Great  Britain  only  in  the  year 
1772  amounted  to  £68.688.10.2  sterhng.  And  besides  this  we 
are  supplyed  with  Rum  and  Sugar  from  the  West  Indies  and 
also  with  Rum  Flour  and  Biscuit  and  other  Provisions  &ca. 
from  the  Northern  Colonys.  To  the  West  Indies  we  send 
Rice,  Corn,  Pease,  Lund^er,  Shingles,  Cattle,  Horses  and  Live 
Stock  also  Barrelled  Beef  and  Pork.  But  the  Northern 
Trade  is  an  injurious  trade  as  they  take  of  but  little  of  our 
produce  and  drain  us  of  every  trifle  of  Gold  &  Silver  that 
is  brought  here,  by  giving  a  price  for  Guineas,  Moidores 
Johannes's  Pistols  &  Dollars  far  above  their  real  and  intrinsic 
value,  so  that  we  can  never  keep  any  amongst  us.  There  is 
belonging  to  this  Province  that  is  owned  and  part  owned 
here,  five  ships,  oue  snow  seven  Brigantines,  thirteen  sloops 
and  schooners  and  ten  coasting  vessels,  in  all  to  the  amount 
of  nineteen  hundred  and  ninety  tons  and  trading  Boats  that 
go  up  our  Rivers  and  to  Avhicli  may  belong  about  Two  hun- 
dred and  twelve  seafaring  men.  And  we  have  entered  and 
cleared  at  the  Custom  House  in  the  Port  of  Savanah  for  the 
last  year  one  hundred  and  sixty  one  sail  of  Vessels  of  differ- 
ent sorts  and  at  Sunlniry  fifty  six,  in  the  whole  two  hundred 
and  seventeen,  the  Tonnage  of  which  is  computed  at  12,124 
Tons,  and  in  all  which  Vessels  there  may  be  employed  seven- 
teen hundred  seafaring  men.  In  the  year  1761  we  only 
entered  and  cleared  in  the  whole  Province  forty  five  vessels, 
the  whole  Tonnage  of  which  amounted  only  to  1604  Tons 
from  which  the  increase  of  the  Trade  and  Produce  of  this 
Province  since  that  time  is  most  evident. 

166  Letters  from  sir  james  wright. 

Answer  to  the  Ninth  Quere. 

For  this  I  must  refer  to  the  account  and  Report  made  to 
me  bv  the  Custom  House  Officers  for  this  Port  and  herewith 
transmitted,  B.  No.  2. 

Answer  to  the  Tenth  Quere. 

The  Methods  are  b}'  taking  care  that  the  Custom  House 
Officers  do  their  duty,  that  the  Master  of  every  Vessel  imme- 
diately on  his  arrival  waits  on  the  Governor  with  his  Manifest 
and  then  goes  directly  to  the  Custom  House  When  the  Officers 
send  a  Waiter  on  board  who  stays  till  the  ship  is  unloaded, 
and  in  general  the  Laws  of  Trade  and  Navigation  are  as 
duelv  and  regularly  attended  to  and  observed  as  it  is  possible 
to  do.  This  is  the  method  observed  at  the  Port  of  Savanah 
and  at  Sunbury  the  Capt.  goes  immediately  to  the  Collector 
who  observes  the  same  method  as  at  Savanah  and  upon  the 
whole  I  believe  there  is  very  little  contraband  Trade  or 
smuggling  carried  on  here,  there  may  be  some,  biit  I  believe 
of  no  great  consequence  and  as  the  Province  and  People 
increase  illicit  Trade  may  also,  and  they  have  great  oppor- 
tunity as  the  Ports  are  not  immediately  on  the  Sea  Coast 
and  there  are  many  Rivers  and  Inlets  into  which  Vessels  may 
run  and  land  goods  before  they  come  in  sight  of  the  Towns. 
The  Custom  House  Officers  at  Savanah  have  complained  to 
me  that  the  Commissioners  of  the  Customs  will  not  allow 
them  a  Boat  and  hands  and  that  if  they  were  to  hear  of  any 
illicit  Trade  or  Landing  of  Goods  at  ai\y  Inlet  or  in  any 
Creek  <tc.  before  they  could  get  a  boat  and  hands,  it  would 
be  too  late  to  detect  and  seize  them.  Wherefore  I  should 
suppose,  such  Trade  if  attempted  might  be  more  effectually 
prevented  if  a  Custom  House  boat  was  allowed.  And  as  the 
Officers  have  returned  me  what  they  call  a  Political  Repoi-t 
or  Estimate  of  Loss  to  the  Revenue  by  illicit  Trade  I  think 
it  my  duty  to  transmit  it,  altho'  I  look  upon  the  same  to  be 
chimerical  and  very  erroneous.     See  C  No.  3. 

Answer  to  the  eleventh  Quere. 

The  Staple  Commoditys  are  Rice,  Indico,  Deer  Skins,  Raw 
Silk,  Pitch,  Tar,  Turpentine,  Beef,  Pork,  Indian  Corn,  Pease, 
Tobacco,  Staves,  Shingles,  Lumber  of  aU  Sorts,  and  we  have 
a  great  deal  of  fine  hve  oak  for  Ship-Building  and  Hemp  will 

LETTEl^S  V]\(m  SIR  .TAMKS   WlilOfri'.  167 

grow  very  well,  but  little  is  planteel  as  yet.  And  besides 
these,  Cattle,  Horses  and  live  stock  is  exported  to  the  "West 
Indies.  And  also  Bees  Wax,  Beaver  Skins  <tca.  &ca.  The 
amount  of  the  whole  Exports  annually  for  live  years  past  on 
an  Average  is  £101,240  Sterling. 

Answer  to  the  Twelfth  Quere. 

I  know  of  no  Mines  discovered  or  opened,  but  I  should 
rather  supj)ose  in  the  back  and  mountainous  })arts  of  the 
Province,  there  must  be  mines  of  some  sort  or  other  And  on 
my  late  Tour  1  discovered  a  great  Quantity  of  extraordinary 
fine  Iron  (n"e — I  believe  of  the  Richest  and  best  quality. 

Answer  to  the  thirteenth  Quere. 

I  suppose  the  mnnber  of  AVhites,  Men,  Women  and  Chil- 
dren in  the  whole  Province  may  be  eighteen  thousand  and 
upwards.  And  the  nund)er  of  Blacks  is  computed  at  fifteen 

Answer  to  the  Fourteenth  Quere. 

In  the  year  17^1  the  whole  Number  of  White  Inhalutants 
amounted  to  no  more  than  six  thousand  one  hundred.  The 
Increase  therefore  since  that  time  is  eleven  thousand  nine 
hundred.  The  Reasons  of  this  Increase;  are  principally  the 
great  inducement  people  have  had  to  come  and  settle  in  a 
Province,  where  they  could  get  fresh  and  good  Lands  at  a 
moderate  price  and  plenty  of  good  range  for  Cattle  Horses 
and  Hogs  and  where  they  will  not  be  so  much  pent  up  and 
confined  as  in  thick  settled  Countrys. 

Answer  to  the  fifteenth  Quere. 

The  number  of  Militia  say  effective  white  men  from  sixteen 
to  sixty  years  of  age,  according  to  the  several  Returns,  made 
to  me  lately  by  the  Officers  am<^unt  to  two  thousand  eight 
hundred  and  twenty  eight  in  the  whole  Province  And  the 
Officers  are  all  commissioned  by  the  Governor,  and  obliged 
by  the  Law  of  the  Province  to  furnish  and  provide  themselves 
with  arms,  annnunition  and  accoutrements  of  every  kind  and 
to  muster  and  exercise  six  times  in  the  year  and  as  much 
oftner  as  the  Governor  may  order  and  direct.  And  the  Gov- 
ernor is  empowered  to  order  them  out  as  occasion  may 
require  to  repell  all  Enemies,  Invasions,  Insurrections,  Re- 
bellions, (fe*^-     For  a  more  particular  account  of  which  I  beg 


leave  to  refer  to  the  Militia  Law  at  large  which  I  assented  to 
on  the  twenty  ninth  day  of  September  last  and  which  is  now 
preparing  to  transmit  to  the  Lords  of  Trade  and  Plantations. 

Answer  to  the  Sixteenth  Quere. 

The  Forts  are  as  follows  Yiz'" :  Fort  George  on  the  Island 
.of  Cockspur  opposite  to  Tybee  Island  being  at  the  entrance 
of  the  River  Savanah  and  a  very  necessary  post  as  it  is  the 
Key  to  our  Port  and  may  command  all  Vessels  that  come  in 
or  go  out ;  Enforce  due  obedience  to  the  Laws  of  Trade  and 
our  Provincial  Laws  And  in  case  of  War  prevent  Enemies 
Privateers  from  cuting  out  and  carrpng  off  our  shipping  or 
fi'om  coming  up  the  River  to  plunder  etc*-  This  Fort  was 
built  in  the  Year  1762  being  mud  walls  faced  with  Palmettoe 
Trees,  but  is  now  almost  in  ruins  for  as  it  stands  on  a  point 
of  Land  exposed  to  the  Easterly  winds  fi'om  the  Sea,  it  is 
very  lyable  to  suffer  by  the  sea  beating  and  washing  against 
it  when  there  is  strong  Easterly  Winds.  On  the  inside  is  a 
Caponiere  which  serves  for  Officers  Apartments  and  in  lieu 
of  Barracks,  it  used  to  be  garrisoned  b}'  an  Officer  and  Ten 
Men  but  now  as  it's  almost  in  ruins  there  is  only  an  Officer 
and  three  Men  just  to  make  Signals  etc"-  I  look  upon  this 
Fort  or  having  a  proper  Fort  at  this  Place  to  be  of  the  utmost 
consequence  and  shall  propose  building  a  new  Fort  of  Tabby, 
but  as  our  property  is  yet  small  and  our  Taxes  pretty  high,  I 
doubt  much  whether  the  Province  can  afford  to  go  to  the 
expence  of  building  a  Proper  Fort.  I  am  well  informed  that 
in  South  Carolina  the  Capt.  of  Fort  Johnson  (which  is  near 
the  Entrance  of  the  Harbour  and  answers  the  same  purposes 
that  Fort  George  is  intended  to  do)  is  paid  Two  hundred 
pounds  sterling  per  annum  by  His  Majesty  out  of  the  Quit 
Rents  and  if  His  Majesty  would  be  graciously  pleased  to 
permit  that  to  be  done  here,  it  would  be  a  great  encourage- 
ment and  inducement  to  the  Legislature  to  raise  and  gi-ant 
money  for  building  a  new  Fort. 

Fort  Halifax  in  the  Town  of  Savanah  built  in  the  Years 
1759  and  1760  made  of  Plank  fiU'd  in  with  Earth  and  four 
Caponiers,  one  at  each  Corner,  this  is  totally  down,  except 
two  of  the  Caponiers  &  indeed  would  be  of  little  use. 

Fort  Frederick  at  Frederica  l)uilt  l)y  General  Oglethorpe 


when  he  had  a  Kegiment  there.  There  is  still  some  Remains 
of  good  Tabby  Walls  etc''  but  there  has  been  no  men  there 
since  the  Independent  Company  were  broke  in  the  Year  1767, 
And  is  now  going  to  decay  very  fast. 

Fort  Augusta,  in  the  Town  of  Aiigusta  b;iilt  with  three 
inch  plank  but  now  going  to  decay,  there  having  lieen  no  men 
or  garrison  kept  there  since  April  1767  when  the  Rangers  in 
this  Province  were  broke. 

Fort  Barring-ton  on  the  Alatamaha  River  a  large  Capoinere 
inclosed  round  with  Punchions,  not  garrisoned  since  the 
Rangers  were  broke  and  noAv  going  fast  to  decay. 

Answer  to  the  Seventeenth  and  Eighteenth  Queres  which 
seem  to  be  connected. 

The  several  Nations  of  Indians  m  this  Province  and  in  the 
adjacent  parts  or  neighborhood  are  the  Chactaws  Creeks, 
Chickesaws,  Cherokees,  and  Catawbas.  The  Chactaws  from 
the  best  account  consist  of  about  two  thousand  live  hundred 
Gun  men  or  Efectives  and  as  it  is  generally  calcidatecl  that 
amongst  the  Indians,  their  Women  and  Children  do  not  ex- 
ceed two  to  one  man  or  from  to  two  to  three  therefore  I  reckon 
them  at  two  to  one.  Say  7500. 

The  Creeks  have  four  thousand  Eifective  or  Gun  Men  and 
consequently  the  whole  may  amount  to  twelve  thousand. 

The  Chickesaws  have  four  hundred  and  fifty  Effective  or 
Gun  Men  &  may  in  the  whole  amount  t(^  thirteen  hundred  & 

The  Cherokees  have  three  thousand  Gun  men  and  in  the 
whole  may  amount  to  nine  thousand. 

The  Catawbas  are  a  small  parcel  of  Indians  and  I  suppose 
don't  exceed  three  hundred  men  women  <t  children  But  as 
they  lye  on  the  borders  of  South  &  North  Carolina  I  can't 
be  certain  of  the  exact  number.  AH  these  Nations  or  Tribes 
of  Indians  are  in  peace  &  fi'iendship  with  his  Majesty's  sub- 
jects m  this  and  the  adjoining  Provinces.  I  firmly  beheve 
many  of  them  are  very  w'ell  disposed  through  ixcluiafio)!  but 
cJde^.y  throngh  intere-s-t  as  they  cannot  now  be  STipplyed  with 
Arms,  Ammunition  and  Goods  from  the  French  and  Span- 
iards as  formerly  and  have  no  resource  but  the  English  and 
they  well  know  that  a  total  stoppage  of  the  Trade  with  them, 

170  LETTEBR    fnOTA    SIR    JAMES    WRiaHT. 

would  riHluce  tlicin  to  tlie  <i;re;itest  necessities,  they  see  we 
are  iiu-reasiii^-  da  vly  mid  that  it  is  now  too  hite  for  them  to 
do  anything  ('ti'ectual  against  the  white  people  ;  The  Creeks 
sa}'  they  might  easily  break  up  and  ruin  this  Province  and 
even  distress  the  Province  of  South  Carolina.  But  in  the 
end,  it  would  turn  to  their  own  ruin  Hkewise.  Considerations 
of  this  sort  weigh  with  some  of  the  most  sensible  and  pru- 
dent. But  I  am  well  satisfied  at  the  same  time  that  there 
are  a  great  many  amongst  them,  pro1)al)ly  the  greatest  part 
of  them  who  would,  and  are  disposed  to  promote  a  AVar  at 
all  Hazards  and  Events,  and  they  certainly  are  a  most  base 
treacherous  people  and  in  whom  you  (^an  have  no  confidence 
or  dependence.  I  now  speak  chiefly  of  the  Creeks.  The 
Cherokees  I  think  are  half  a  t-entury  before  the  Creeks, 
they  are  much  more  civilized  and  I  beheve  better  disposed 
yet  still  they  are  Savages.  The  Chactaws  &  Chickesaws  are 
at  so  great  a  distance  and  our  intercourse  so  little  and  seldom 
that  I  can't  take  upon  me  to  say  any  thing  of  them  fi'om  my 
own  knowledge. 

Answer  to  the  Nineteenth  Quere. 

The  Revenue  arising  within  this  Government  is  the  King's 
Quit  Bents,  And  what  is  raised  annually  by  a  Tax  on  Houses, 
Lands,  Negroes,  Money  at  interest,  Stock  in  Trade  and  some 
other  small  articles.  Also  by  a  Duty  on  Rum  &c^  from  the 
West  Indies  &■  Northern  Colonys. 

And  the  Revenue  raised  by  the  Province  is  applyed 
towards  the  support  of  Government — Viz'-  To  defray  the 
expence  of  holding  the  General  Courts  and  other  Articles 
as  appear  by  Copys  of  two  last  Estimates  made  out  by  me 
and  herewith  transmitted,  one  for  the  Year  1770  and  the 
other  for  the  year  1778  which  is  in  fact  for  three  years  or  in 
pai't  for  three  years  as  there  was  no  Tax  raised  in  1771  and 

The  Sum  raised  for  the  Year  1769  was  three  thousand  and 
forty  six  pounds  sixteen  shillings  Sterlmg  and  raised  and 
appropriated  as  mentioned  in  the  Tax  Law  for  that  Year, 
transmitted  to  the  Board  of  Trade. 

The  Sum  raised  for  the  Year  1770  was  three  thousand  three 
hundred  and  lift}'  five  Pounds  nine  shillings  and  one  farthing 


sterling  aud  raised  &  appropriated  as  mentioned  in  tlie  Tax 
Law  for  that  Year,  transmitted  to  the  B''  of  Trade. 

The  Sum  raised  for  the  Year  1773  is  Five  tliousand  one 
hundred  and  twenty  one  Pounds  fifteen  shillings  and  ten 
pence  halfpenny  sterl :  and  raised  &  appropriated  as  men- 
tioned in  the  Tax  Bill  for  this  Year  assented  to  by  me  the 
twenty  ninth  day  of  September  last  and  which  will  be  trans- 
mitted to  the  Board  of  Trade  as  soon  as  the  Laws  can  be 
copyed  and  got  readj^  And  to  all  which  I  beg  leave  to  refer 
for  a  more  particular  account  of  these  matters  and  answer 
to  this  Quere.  But  here  I  must  observe  that  there  is  no 
standing  annual  Revenue  but  the  Dutys  on  West  India  and 
other  Goods  and  on  Seasoned  Negroes,  and  the  Import  on 
Shipping,  all  the  other  part  of  the  Bevenue  depends  on  the 
Tax  bill  which  is  past  annually  and  is  for  raising  more  or  less 
according  as  the  Exigencies  of  Government  may  require 
Sometimes  for  Building  and  Bepairing  Forts,  a  Gourt  House 
and  other  Public  Buildings  as  occasion  may  require.  N  B. 
I  suppose  our  Annual  Tax  in  future  Ordinarj-  and  Extraor- 
dinary will  not  be  less  than  from  three  to  four  thousand 
pounds  Sterl"  pr  ann :  and  many  other  things  would  have 
l)een  provided  for  in  this  Year's  Tax  had  it  not  been  swelled 
so  much  by  ])ro\'iding  in  part  for  the  Expences  of  Three 

Answer  to  the  Twentieth  Quere. 

The  Ordmary  Expences  of  Govern*  will  appear  by  the 
Estimates  now  transmitted  and  those  annexed  to  the  three 
last  Tax  Bills  as  mentioned,  and  as  above  The  Extraordinary 
Expences  of  Govern*  are  casual  and  I  humbly  conceive  can- 
not be  known  till  they  happen,  But  I  am  hopefull  next  year 
something  will  be  done  towards  building  a  Fort  at  Cockspur, 
and  building  a  Goal,  establishing  a  nightly  Watch  in  the 
Town  of  Savanah — And  which  last  will  then  I  presume 
become  a  constant  annual  expence. 

Answer  to  the  Twenty  First  Quere. 

The  Civil  Establishments  are  the  Governor  appointed  by 
His  Majesty — Salary  One  thousand  pounds  Sterling  f< 
annum — Perquisites  on  an  average  for  three  Years  Three 
hundred  and  nineteen  pounds  ^  annum.     Secretary  James 

iT'i  LETTERS   FROM    SIl!    .TAMES    WRKIHT. 

Habt'vshain,  Salary  one  IniiHlicd  ])()u]i(ls  Stcvl*-'  'jp  ami:  Fees 
of  OMce  thret^  luindi-ed  ^  forty  one  pounds  And  Fees  to 
Ditto  on  Recording'  all  Deeds  and  Conveyances  as  directed 
by  a  Law  of  the  Province  amounts  to  "^  ann :  one  hundred 
and  thirty  one  pounds  Sterling — Out  of  which  a  Deputy  and 
Clerks  and  all  Expences  are  paid  l)y  liim,  anuumting  to  three 
hundred  t*t  fifty  pounds  ^  ann:  api)ointed  as  above. 

Anthony  Stokes  Chief  Justice,  Salary  Five  hundred  pounds 
Sterl"  '^  ann : — Perquisites  or  Fees  of  (Office  Five  hundred 
and  twenty  pounds  Sterling. 

Receiver  General  of  the  Quit  Rents,  H^  Patrick  Houstown 
Baronet,  Salary  One  hundred  pounds  Sterling  '^  ann  :,  Gross 
Fees  of  Office  Seventy  one  pounds  ~^  ann :  Appointed  l>y  the 
Lords  of  the  Treasury. 

Surveyor  General  Henry  Yonge,  Salary  one  hundred  and 
fifty  pounds  Sterl^  ^  ann :,  Gross  Fees  of  Office  three  hun- 
dred and  seventy  three  pounds  ~j^  annum — Appointed  by  the 
Lords  of  the  Treasury. 

Attorne}"  General  Charles  Pryce,  Salary  one  hundred  and 
fifty  pounds  Sterling  '^  annum — Fees  of  Office  on  Prosecu- 
tions and  every  kind  of  Busines  Tavo  hundred  and  fifteen 
pounds  ster^'  '^  annum,  Appointed  in  obedience  to  His 
Maj*y"^  Royal  Sign  Manual.  N  B.  Mr.  Pryce  having  been 
some  time  in  England  by  leave  of  absence  fi'om  His  Maj''^'- 
James  Hume  acts  as  Attorney  General  by  Commission  fi'om 
me  durmg  the  absence  of  Mr.  Pryce. 

The  Provost  Marshall  Samuel  Smith,  appointed  as  above. 
The  Patentee  resides  in  England  and  has  a  Salary  of  one 
Imndred  pounds  sterl*^  '^  ann : — The  acting  Provost  Marshal 
who  does  the  busines  is  allowed  a  Salary  l)y  the  Province 
of  thirty  pounds  Sterl :  '^.  ann-:  for  attending  and  taking  all 
Elections,  Summoning  Jurys  ^c**  And  by  his  Accounts 
rendered  me  the  neat  proceeds  are  two  hundred  and  eighty 
pounds  Sterl :  N  B.  This  Office  is  attended  with  much 
trouble,  fatigue  and  risque.  Judge  of  the  Admiralty  James 
Edward  Powell  not  worth  above  Ten  Pounds  '^  ann :  ap- 
pointed l)y  the  Gov'"-  Register  of  the  Admiralty,  William 
Spencer,  not  worth  above  Twelve  Pcninds  "^W  ann :  appointed 
T)V    the    Gov'-     Marshal    of    the    Admiraltv,    Andrew    Elton 


Wellfe,  not  worth  above  Fifteen  Ponnds  ^  ann  :  appointed  by 
the  Gov*"-  Clerks  of  the  Crown  and  Pleas,  Henry  Preston 
and  Charles  Pryce  Jmi'"  no  Salary,  Fees  of  Ofiice  Six  hun- 
dred and  thirteen  Pounds  Sterl  "^  ann:  Appointed  by  the 
Governor  in  obedience  to  the  King's  Sign  Manual.  Publick 
or  Provincial  Treasurer,  no  Salary,  but  is  allow'd  a  Com- 
mission of  Five  '■j^.  Ct.  on  the  Tax  received,  this  has  generally 
amounted  to  about  one  hundred  and  fifty  pounds  Sterl  :'^ 
annum :  l)ut  may  l)e  more  or  less,  according  to  the  Taxes 
raised,  and  the  profits  depend  much  on  the  Assembly.  Fees 
of  Ofiice  for  other  business  Eighty  three  Pounds  "^  ann: 
Appointed  by  the  Governor.  CV)llector  of  the  Customs  at 
the  Port  of  Savanah  Alexander  Thompson,  Salary  Sixty 
Pounds  Sterl  Fees  of  Ofiice  Two  hundred  and  ninety  eight 
poimds  ^  ann :  Appointed  by  the  Loixls  of  the  Treasmy  and 
Commissioners  of  the  Customs. 

Comptroler  and  Searcher,  AVilliam  Brown,  Salary  as  Comp- 
troler  Fifty  pounds — Fees  of  Office  as  ditto  Seventy  Pounds 
— Salary  as  Searcher  Thirty  Pounds,  Fees  of  Office  Ninety 
pounds  ^  ann :  Appointed  as  the  Collector.  N  B.  As  these 
Gentlemen  are  very  particular  in  their  returns  I  send  the 
original  accounts  signed  by  them. 

Collector  at  the  Port  of  Sunbury  James  Kitchen  Salary 
Sixty  Five  Pounds  Sterl — Fees  of  Office  Ninety  Pounds — 
Appointed  as  the  Collector  at  Savanah.  Comptroler  and 
Searcher  Isaac  Antrobus,  Salary  Sixty  pounds.  Fees  of  Ofiice 
Sixty  Pounds,  appointed  as  above. 

Naval  Ofiicer,  "William  Haven  no  Sallary,  Office  Fees  One 
hundred  and  fifty  four  Pounds  seven  shilhngs  Sterl  ^  ann : 
appomted  by  the  Governor  in  ol)edience  to  his  Maj*^'*  Royal 
Sign  Manual.  Tho'  here  I  must  oliserve  that  the  appoint- 
ment of  this  Ofiice  is  in  the  Governor  by  Act  of  Parliament. 
As  the  Present  Naval  Officer  is  very  particular  in  his  return 
I  transmit  the  Original. 

Besides  the  above  there  is  some  Country  Waiters,  Conip- 
trolers.  Inspectors  of  Hemp,  Tobacco  Arc.  etc.  and  trifling 
Officers  of  very  little  consequence  or  profit  appoint'^  by  the 

There  are  also  three  Assistant  Judges  who  sit  with  the 


Chief    Justice    but   luive   uo    Stilary    or   Perquisites   &   are 
appoint'^  by  the  Ctov''  during  pleasure. 

The  Clerk  of  the  ('ouncil  Alexander  Wylly,  no  Sallary. 
Fees  on  attending  in  Council,  entering  all  Minutes  and 
making  a  Fair  Copy  to  transmit  Forty  six  Pounds  four  shil- 
lings 8terl:  Perquisites  on  drawing  Petitions  for  Land, 
Keading  them,  Swearing  the  Partys  and  entering  all  Orders 
thereon,  also  on  hearing  Caveats  and  Countersigning  all 
Grants  one  hundred  A:  thirty  four  pounds  four  shillings  &  six 
pence.  To  Ditto  as  Clerk  of  the  Upper  House  Salary  paid 
by  the  Province  Thirty  pounds  f.  ami:  Allowed  for  OlKce 
business  say  for  the  attending  the  Upper  House  Entering  the 
Journals  and  making  a  fair  copy  to  transmit,  a  sum  not 
exceeding  Forty  pounds  ^  ann :  is  generally  provided  in  the 
Estimate,  but  may  be  more  or  less,  and  if  more,  it  is  provided 
for  the  next  year,  out  of  which  Clerks  &  all  Expences  are 
paid  by  him.  Ap])ointed  by  the  Governor.  N  B.  This 
Ofiicer  depends  pretty  much  on  the  Assembly  to  pr(n'ide  for 
or  not. 

The  Clerk  of  the  Assembly  Richard  Cuningham  Crook, 
Salary  allowed  l)y  the  Crown  Twenty  Pounds.  Allowed  by 
the  Assembly  for  Office  business.  Say,  Attending  the  House, 
Entering  &  Copying  the  Journals  &c^  one  hundred  &  eighty 
one  pounds  Sterl :  (mt  of  which  Clerks  &  all  Expences  are 
paid  by  him.  Appointed  by  the  Governor,  But  depends  on 
the  Assembly  to  provide  or  not  for  all  but  the  above  Twenty 

There  are  no  Military  Officers  in  this  Province,  except  the 
Ca})tain  of  Fort  George,  James  Edward  PoweU,  who  is 
appointed  by  the  Govornor  &  paid  Ten  Pounds  '^  month  by 
the  Province. 

Also  the  Officers  of  a  Troop  of  Rangers  now  raising  for 
the  protection  of  the  Settlers  on  the  Lands  lately  ceded  to 
his  Majesty. 

The  Officers  of  the  Regiment  of  Foot  Militia  who  have 
neither  pay  nor  perquisites  I  presume  are  not  meant  to  be 

There  is  also  an  Indian  Interpreter  Moses  Nunes  who  is 



allowed  Fifty  Poiuids  '^  ami :  out  of  the  Contingent  Money 
granted  by  Parliament  but  no  Fees  or  Perquisites. 

All  which  I  humbly  Certify  according  to  the  best  of  my 
knowledge  and  belief. 

8a  VAN  AH  IN  Georgia  the  20th  of  December  1773. 

Ja.  Wright. 

An  Account  of  the  Number  of  Vessels  which  are  owned  or  pait 
owned  in  the  Province  of  Georgia  with  the  Tonnage  thereof; 
or  as  near  as  can  be  taken,  Vizr : 

















Vessels.  That  makes  Voyages  to  Sea 

Do.  which  seldom  makes  Voyages  tt)  Sea,  being  ] 
mostly  employed  amongst  the  Creeks  and  Rivers  1 
bringing  the  produce  to  market  and  shipping  from  f 
the  Plantations J 












Custom  House  Savannah  the  18th  October  1773. 

Alexander  Thomson, 

Wm.  Brown, 
Compf  ct  Searcher. 





















Valtie  at 
an  Average. 




—       1 








'  .1 

—  1  c 

Foreign    Melasses 
whit^h   have   paid  His 
Majesty's  Duties. 


AiBa^sll    o 


pAvo<j  oSbs 

!  1 




•Samoa  ?J«nb 

ni  A'og 

!  1 

n.i()  J 



a  "3 







-  B 

-  i 


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1  V 



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31BO  P9H 










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1  iS 



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^   1 


•saAins  P.nH 












1     a> 



•ni  ^ii 




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•51UBH           1 



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•a  ■«  :2    • 

13      1    -siaJJual 






'      o 




•CO        C;  O 












<:  is 

■=  o  'i 



I  I 

In  Lat.  31.. 55  Longitude  80  is  tlie  entrance  of  Savannali  Uivi^r.  At  Low  water  you  have  3  Fathoms  &  i  upon  the 
Barr,  from  wliich  to  sail  into  Coekspur,  your  Course  is  Wi  about  5  Miles,  carrying  3..2i,  3..f,  3..3i  Fathoms  till 
you  are  of  the  Lighthouse  in  4  Fathom.  Then  steer  W.S.W.  about  3  miles  carrying  in  3i..3..8  Fathoms  to 
the  point  of  Cockspur  Island  where  you  may  anchor  in  4  Fathoms  at  Low  Water  witli  room  sufficient  for  a 
Twenty  Gim  Ship  or  Frigat(\  Tlic  flow  of  the  Tides  upon  a  Nieptide  is  Seven  Feet  and  upmi  a  Spring  Tide  Nine 
Feet,  E.8.E.  makes  high  water  upon  the  Barr,  full  and  change. 

Branch  Pilot  lor  the  Barr  &  River  of  Savannah  in  Georgia. 
13  Dec.  1773. 
X.B. — In  Tybec  Creek  there  is  a  projM'r  place  and 

water  sufficient  to  heave  down  &  careen 
any  Ship  of  the  above  mentioned  size. 

W.  L. 

A    scA  le:     of    mi  LtS 







To  the  Chief  Justices  Account  for  holding  Seven  Sessions 68.   7.2- 

To  the  Clerk  of  the  Crown  for  do 73.  6.6 

To  the  Attorney  General's  Acct.  No.  1  and  2 98. 10. 7>i 

To  the  Provost  Marshal  for  Summoning  Juries  &c.  3  Years 90 

To  Lewis  Johnson  Esqr.  for  maintenance  of  Prisoners 8.13.4 

To  Matthew  Roche  Esqre  for  ditto  in  part 73 .   .5.2 

To  the  Cryer  and  Keeper  of  the  Court  three  years 30 

To  James  Whitefleld  Coroner  No.  1  and  2 17.   1.8 

To  George  Mcintosh  Esq.  for  holding  Inquests 3 

To  Robert  Baillie  Esqr.  for  do 1. 10 

To  Doctr.  George  Eraser  for  attending  Coroner 6.   6        27.17.   8 

To  the  Estate  of  Wm.  Graeme  deceased 42.  8. 10 

To  the  Cryer  of  the  Court  his  act 2.   6.10      .514.16.   1}4 


To  the  Clerk  of  the  Upper  House  three  Years  Salary. 

To  the  Estate  of  Chas.  Wattson  deceased 7. 10.  0 

To  the  present  Clerk 82.10  90 

To  the  ijresent  Clerk  for  Incidental  Business 336 .  11 .  9 

To  the  Clerk  of  the  Commons  House  of  Assembly  three  Years  Saly 

T(  1  the  Estate  of  John  Simpson  deceased 22 .  10 

To  the  present  Clerk 67 .  10  90 

To  the  Secretary  for  Incidental  Business 165 .9.8 

To  the  Messenger  of  the  Upper  House  three  Years  Salary 75 

To  the  Messenger  of  the  Lower  House  his  Salary 75  832.   1.5 

1346.17.   6' 


For  Negroes  Executed,  Vizr  : 

To  Mary  Maxwell  for  one  Negroe  executed 25 

To  John  Glen  Esqr.  Do.  Do .30  55 

For  apprehending  Offenders  per  account  delivered 189.  5.   6 

For  Repairs  of  public  Buildings  pr.  Do.    30.  9.  3 

For  Expence  of  Expresses  j*  Ditto 9. 10 

For  the  Expence  of  running  Township  Lands  Jtc.  ^  Acct. ...   41.  6.   9 

For  several  Incidental  Charges  f»  acct 435.  0.   1 

To  Repairs  of  Fort  George  "#  Account 14 .  16 .   3  775 .   7.10 

To  the  Register  of  Grants  "^  account 20. 10.   8 

For  Gov.  Ellis's  Annuity  three  Years 150 

To  the  Publick  Commissary  3  Years  Salary 60 

For  the  Garrison  at  Fort  George  f  acct 414 

For  sinking  Certificates  issued  in  the  Year  1761  for  building  the  Fort  at  Cocksimr  472.   8.   1,' 
To  reimburse  the  Treasurer  the  Monies  advanced  for  the  support  of  the  Watch 

Company  in  Savannah 580. 19.   9 

£38'20.   3.11 

Usually  raised  for  encouragement  of  Pilots  £170  lf(  annum 

To  the  Officers  of  the  Court  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  for  one  Sessions . . 


178  LKTTKIIS    Fr.OM    HIK    JAMES    WRIGHT. 

To  the  Estate  of  John  Siiiipsoii  dcii-ased  for  iiiaiutaiiiiu^  Prisoners. . 

To  the  remainder  of  ^^latthew  Roche  Esq.  .Veco:  for  ditto 

To  the  Coroner 

For  Fire  and  C^andle  f<ir  the'  umc  of  both  Honses  of  Assembly 

For  Incidental  Business  done  by  Charles  Watson  deceased 

The  same  done  by  J(jlinSimi)son  deceased  as  Clerk  of  the  Lower  House 

The  same  to  be  done  l)y  tlie  present  Clerk  of  the  ri)i)er  House 

Tlie  same  done  and  to  be  done  by  tlie  present  (Jlerk  of  the  Ominions 


To  the  Door  Keepers  of  the  Upper  and  Lower  Hoiises 

To  several  .\ceots.  delivered  in  and  no  Hums  cliarf?ed 

To  several  .•Vccots.  for  bounties  on  Flour  and  Heinj)  and  for  inspect" 

Flour  and  Tobacco 

To  the  Secretary  for  In<'idcntal  BusincMs  to  be  done 

Savannah  in  Geohuia 

c:ouucil  Chamber 

the  5th  of  March  177:J. 

In  .Sir  .lames  Wright's  of  tlie  'jnth  Deer.  No.  8. 


£   sh.    d. 

For  Fees  on  Knterinp;  &  filearins  IKl  Vessels  from  this  Port  between  the 

.")th   of  .laury.  1772  and  the  nth  of  January  17715 '2.57 . 1'J 

For  Fees  paid  by  the  Merchants;  for  Entries,  Oaths,  New  Registers,  Draw- 
back Certittcates  (n; 40.   « 

abt.  as  near  a  Calcnlatuni  as  (^an  be  made  of  the  Fees "298 

For  (Collectors  Sallary,  as  is  established 60 

In  all £3,5K 

Out  of  which  deduct  Commissions  to  the  Collector's  Agent  for  receiving  his 

Sallary  <a  o  fi  Cent ;{ 

.\nd  the  Wages  of  "2  Clerks  in  the  Othcc  (having  no  allowance  for  Clerks).. . .    ll.i  118 

So  that  the  t;ollector's  net  Income  for  1772  was  about £'240 

N.  B.  The  ijresent  Collector  was  appointed  by  Warrant  from  the  Right  Honble  the  Lords  of 
the  Treasury  in  July  1772 — but  did  not  receive  his  deputation  from  the  Honble  the  Commis- 
sioners of  His  Majesty's  Ctistoms  in  .\nierica,  uiitill  the  25th  of  January  177:1  at  which  time 
h*'  was  sworn  in  and  etmimenced  to  act  in  Offtce. 

Custom  House  Savannah  the  18th  Octr,  17"'^-. 

.\LEXANI>l'at  Tho.mkon. 



£    8h.    d 

For  the  Fees  of  Office 70 

For  Sallary,  as  is  Established 50 

In  all  (haveiug  uo  allowance  for  a  Clerk) £120 

N.  B.  The  Searcher  has  acted  in  the  above  Quality  since  the  Death  of  Mr.  Russel  in  1769 — 
by  permission  of  the  Honorable  Board  of  Commissioners  in  North  America. 
Custom  House  Savannah  the  18th  Octr.  1773. 

Wm.  Bkown, 

Acting  Coniiotmller. 


For  the  Fees  of  Office 90 

For  Sallary.  as  is  Established 30 

lu  aU  (&  have  no  Allowance  for  Water  Incidents) £120 

N.  B.  The  Searcher  was  appointed  by  Warrant  from  the  Right  Honorable  the  Lords  of  the 
Treasury  in  17(i(i. 

Custom  House  Savannah  the  18th  Octr.  1773. 

WrLLM.  Bbown, 

180  LEITEKS    FItO.M    Sin    JAMES    WIIIGHT. 

GOV.    SIK    JA8.    AMUGHT    TO    SEC.    LUKD    DAliT- 


24  AiGisi    1774. 

No.  2(5.  Savannah  in  (Ieougia  the  24111  of  Aug.  1774. 

My  L()1:J), 

111  iiiiiie  oi  July  the  25th  N(j.  2o  A"  Auj^iist  the  13th  Xo. 
24  I  Hcc|iiaiiite(.l  Your  Lordship  that  I  shoiikl  give  you  a  full 
account  of  the  Conduct  and  Proceedmgs  of  the  Liberty 
People  here,  as  soon  as  I  klle^\  for  certain  what  they  did  or 
meant  to  do.  and  I  mentioned  that  some  Papers  were  pre- 
paiing  l)y  which  I  believed  it  would  appear  that  these  Eesolu- 
tions  were  not  the  voice  of  the  People,  but  unfairly  <fe 
insolently  made  by  a  Jmito  (jf  a  very  few  only,  Imt  which 
Papers  are  not  yet  Completed. 

every  thing  my  Lord  was  done  that  could  l)e  thought 
of,  to  Fi-ustrate  their  attempt,  but  tliis  did  not  totally  Prevent 
it,  they  have  been  strongly  invited  by  the  Carolina  Sons  of 
Liberty,  who  have  been  Suffered  to  do  whatever  thev  Pleased 
without  the  least  J/"///  <//'  iJl-sdjijirolKifin/,  or  attempt  to  rlirck 
them,  that  I  have  heard  of,  and  now  again  my  Lord,  as  m  the 
time  of  the  Stamp  act,  I  am  to  be  Retlected  upon  tV:  abused 
for  ()p})()sin;4  the  Licentiousness  of  the  People  and  its  throAm 
out  "  W litj  -sliiudd  our  Gt tremor  do  .so  d"  so,  irhen  the  People  in 
'  CiiroIiJdi  hart'  t/oiie  Greofcr  Lemith-s  fho/i  we  h<i re  outl  the  Gor- 
ier in  ir  /ills  I, of  fiil,-r/i  iiiiij  iiiif'nr  of  if."  In  short  mv  Lord  at 
such  times  as  these,  if  a  man  has  resolution  A  integrity 
Enough  to  stand  forth  and  attempt  to  do  his  Duty  its  Hke 
being  set  up  as  a  mark  to  l)e  Shot  at  and  Eaising  the 
Resentment  of  gieat  iiund>ers  against  him.  However  altho' 
this  is  very  disagTeeal)le  I  shall  not  Ptegard  it. 

I  have  been  Informed  of  another  Summons  A  Meeting  to 
be  in  St.  Johns  Parisli  on  the  30tli  mstant  and  my  Lord  as 
long  as  these  kind  of  Summonses  and  Meetings  are  Suffered 
a  Private  Man  to  take  up»m  him  to  Summons  a  Whole 
Province  to  Consult  upon  and  Rediess  Public  Grievances 

p.  U.  U.     .\m.  i  \V.  lud.  vol.  'Jyj, 

T.ET'reR«   P*BOM   Slli    JAMES -WliiriHT.  181 

I  apprehend  there  will  be  nothing  hnt  Cabals  &  Combina- 
tions and  the  Peace  of  the  Province  S:  minds  of  the  People 
continually  Heated,  Disturl)ed  A-  distra<'ted  and  the  Procla- 
mation I  Issued  against  them  is  termed  tn'hi/rmi/  (['  npjtrc.ssire 
i{'  (in  (ifti'iiipt  to  (hlxir  f/ieiii  of  thviv  tiofuroJ  and  Jjurfnl  ]ii(ilds 
(('  pridh'tjcK.  In  short  my  Lord  if  these  Calls  k  meetings 
are  c(msidered  as  illcijul  <('•  Imfirojx'r  it  will  require  the  inter- 
position of  liUjher  (iiiihoriiji  to  remedy  the  Evil,  for  the 
executive  Powers  of  Government  in  the  Colonies  are  too 
AYeak  to  rectify  such  abuses,  and  Prosecutions  would  (mly  be 
Laughed  at  and  no  (rrand  Jury  wou'd  fine  a  Bill  of  Indict- 
ment and  the  Persons  ordering  <t  carrying  them  on  Probably 
Insulted  and  abused. 

And  noAv  I  am  mentioning"  these  matters  Permit  me  my 
Lord  to  say  how  things  appear  to  me,  and  I  conceive  that 
the  Licentious  Spirit  in  America  has  received  such  Counte- 
nance &  Encouragement  fi'om  many  Peisons,  Speeches  and 
declrnrdion.s,  at  the  time  of  the  Stamp  Act,  and  ever  since  in 
Great  Britain  and  has  now  gone  to  so  great  a  length,  and  is 
at  such  a  height,  that  neither  Coercive  or  Lenient  measures 
mil  settle  matters  and  restore  any  tolerable  Degree  of 
Cordiality  &  Harmony  with  the  Mother  (\)untry,  and  in 
short  things  and  circumstances  in  America  have  increased 
so  fast,  and  at  this  time  so  amazingly  exceeded  what  at  the 
first  Settling  and  Planting  the  Colonies  could  Possibly  have 
been  Supposed  or  expected,  and  America  is  now  become,  or 
Indisputably  ere  long  will  be,  such  a  vast,  Powerfull  & 
opulent  Country  ov  Dominion,  that  I  Hund)ly  Conceive 
in  order  to  Restore  6:  Establish  Real  S:  Substantial  Harmony 
affection  Sz  Confidence  A'  that  Great  Britain  may  receive  that 
benefit  &  advantage  which  She  has  a  Right  to  expect  from 
the  Colonies  it  may  be  found  advisable  to  settle  the  Line  with 
respect  to  To.vcdion  (f-c  by  some  new  mode  or  C^onstitution, 
and  \\-ithout  Avhich  my  real  and  candid  opmion  is,  that 
however  matters  may  be  got  over  at  present  <t  whatever 
appearance  there  may  be  of  amity  k  union  the  Flame  will 
only  be  smothered  for  n  time  &:  break  out  again  at  some  future 
day  ivith  more  Violence. 

But  be  these  things  as  they  may  I  doubt  not  but  your 


Lordship  will  judge  it  is  absolutely  necessary  that  they  are 
brouglit  to  a  Point  k  Clearly  Setled  and  Established  some 
hole  or  other,  and  not  Suffered  to  reiuaiu  as  they  are.  Noth- 
ing but  Jealousies  Rancour  and  ill  Blood:  Law  &  no  Law, 
Government  &  no  Government,  Dependence  and  Independ- 
ence, if   I  may  be  allowed  the  expressions  and  everything 

unhinged  and  Running  into Confusion,  so  that  in  short 

a  Man  hardly  knoAvs  what  to  do,  or  how  to  act  and  its  a  most 
Disagi-eeable  State  to  one  who  Wishes  to  Support  Law  Gov- 
ernment &  Good  order  &  to  discharge  his  Duty  with  Honor 
and  integrity. 

I  beg  Pardon  My  Lord  for  Presuming  to  Touch  on  this 
Grand  &  very  Delicate  Point,  but  Trust  that  my  Zeal  for  His 
Majesty's  Service  &  to  Discharge  my  Duty  in  every  Respect 
with  the  Utmost  integrity  will  Plead  my  excuse.  But  my 
Lord  if  any  alteration  should  be  thought  of.  Yet  Previous  to 
any  thing  of  this  kind  intire  Submission  &  obedience  to  the 
Sovreignty  of  Great  Britain  and  Satisfaction  for  all  Private 
Damages  <fe  Injuries  ought  to  be  exacted  &  fully  Comphed 
with  in  &  by  all  the  Colonies. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem, 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordship's 
most  Obliged  and 

most  Obed*  Hble  Servant 

Ja.  Weight 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  &c  etc  &c. 


R  26th  October. 

LF/n-RTtS   FROM   SIR    .TAMES  AVRIOHT.  183 

GOV.    SIE    J  AS.    AVKIGHT    TO    SE(\    LORD    DART- 

IT  Jink  1775. 

No.  49.  Sav.  in  Georgia  tlie  17  of  June  177;"). 

My  Lord, 

It  gives  me  much  foueeiii  to  acquaint  Your  Lordslii])  that 
on  Thursday  tlie  LSth  Inst,  the  Liberty  Folks  here  assembled 
in  the  Town  of  Sav.  and  ]nit  uj)  a  Liberty  Tree  and  a  Flagg 
and  in  the  Evening  paraded  about  the  Town  I  am  informed 
to  the  number  of  800,  some  say  400.  The  pretence  of  the 
Meeting  was  to  enforce  their  proscription  against  the  four 
persons  menti(m'd  in  the  Athdavits  inclos'd  in  my  last,  but  no 
outrage  was  committed,  as  tAvo  of  them  were  really  going 
away  before  they  were  proscribe!  and  the  other  two  fell  on 
some  method  of  making  their  Peace  with  them. 

This  happened  My  Lord  on  the  1st  day  of  the  Meeting  of 
the  Covirt  of  Sessions,  when  the  Chief  Justice  gave  an  excel- 
lent charge  very  properly  adapted  to  the  present  times, 
However  the  Liberty  Tree  and  Flagg  Avere  kept  up  fi'om 
Tuesday  Morning  till  now  and  is  still  flying  in  contempt  and 
defiance  of  the  C(mrt  and  of  all  Law  and  Government  and 
which  here  as  well  as  elseM'here  seems  now  nearly  at  an  end 
And  it  has  been  deliated  whether  or  not  to  stop  the  Courts 
and  shut  up  the  Port  but  this  I  am  assured  is  laid  aside  for 
the  present  although  very  probably  will  be  resumed  hereafter. 
But  they  have  entered  into  an  Association  as  Your  Lordship 
will  see  by  the  inclosed  Paper  and  wlij^itever  is  agreed  upon 
by  the  Continental  Congress,  Avill  undoubtedly  be  adopted 
and  carried  into  execution  here,  and  will  meet  with  little  or 
no  opposition,  for  those  who  disapprove  of  these  things  and 
wish  weU  to  Government  say  "Why  should  they  expose  their- 
Uves  and  properties  to  the  resentment  of  the  people  when  no 
support  or  protection  is  given  them  by  Government'"  And 
therefore  they  find  it  most  prudent  to  waive  opposition  and 
remain  quiet. 

*  p.  K.  O.     Am.  A:  \V.  lud.  vol.  SSG. 

184  LUTTllRft   FROM   SIR   JAMES    WRIGHT. 

Your  Lordship  will  see  that  there  is  soon  to  be  Meetings 
in  every  part  of  the  Province  and  at  Savanah  on  the  22d 
inst.  in  order  to  choose  Delegates  to  meet  in  Provincial  Con- 
gress at  Savanah  on  the  4th  of  July,  at  w'hich  Meeting 
I  suppose  they  will  entirely  approve  of  whatever  may  be 
determined  upon  by  the  Continental  Congi'ess  And  as  they 
see  b}-  my  letter  to  Your  Lordship  of  the  24  Aug.  1774  No. 
26  which  has  been  published  that  I  mention  the  bad  conse- 
quences of  these  Meetings  and  Cabals  and  find  that  no 
Notice  has  been  taken  of  these  matters  and  nothing  done  to 
prevent  them  they  presume  that  they  are  either  not  unlawful 
or  that  there  is  no  power  to  prevent  them  and  Proclamations 
&c.  are  only  laughed  at  and  I  must  beg  leave  to  repeat  that 
Your  Lordshii3  cannot  possibly  conceive  the  dangerous  con- 
sequences of  suffering  the  Governor's  letters  to  be  made 
public  and  it  is  just  hanging  them  out  and  exposing  them  to 
the  resentment  of  an  enraged  people  who  are  ready  to  tear 
any  man  to  pieces  who  writes  anything  contrary  to  their 
opinions  or  in  opposition  to  their  measures  or  schemes. 

I  have  laid  a  state  of  the  proceedings  of  all  the  Liberty 
People  before  His  Maj*-^'"*  Council  and  desired  their  opinions 
and  advice  what  was  proper  to  be  done.  Whether  any  Legal 
steps  or  whether  by  Proclamation  to  take  notice  of  their 
conduct  and  i3oint  out  the  illegahty  and  dangerous  conse- 
quences of  such  proceedings,  When  all  that  were  present 
(six)  w^ere  unanimous  in  opinion  "that  no  Legal  steps  should 
be  taken  because  as  things  are  circumstanced  no  prosecutions 
would  prove  effectual  and  it  would  only  exasperate  and 
inflame.  They  were  also  clearly  of  opinion  that  issuing  such 
a  Proclamation  would  only  be  held  in  contempt  and  expose 
the  weakness  of  the  executive  powers  and  that  unsupported 
as  we  are  &  threatned  from  the  next  Province,  they  advised 
that  no  steps  whatever  should  be  taken,  but  to  represent 
a  state  of  all  their  transactions  and  facts  to  Y'our  Lordship" 
Which  I  have  done  in  my  last  letter  No.  48,  And  now  in  this 
letter,  this  is  very  (jaUing,  And  it  is  Immbly  submitted  to 
Your  Lordship  what  is  most  proper  to  be  done  and  necessity 
seems  to  require  that  it  be  speedily. 

We  have  accounts  fi'om  Carolina  that  they  have  agi'eed  to 

Letter^  i'kom  sir  james  wright.  165 

raise  two  Regiments  of  foot  of  750  each  and  one  of  horse 
of  500. 

My  Lord  I  presume  again  to  repeat  my  hund)le  request  to 
have  leave  to  return  to  England,  and  have  the  honor  to  be 
with  perfect  esteem  My  Lord,  Your  Lordship's 

most  obliged  &  most  obed'  Ser* 

J  A.  Wright. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  &c  &c  &c. 

R  27tli  July. 

[In  Gov.  Wright's  No.  49.] 
A  numlier  of  the  Inhabitants  of  the  Town  and  district  of 
Savannah  and  also  of  several  other  parishes  within  this 
Province  having  assembled  together  and  taking  into  consid- 
eration the  alarming  heighth  to  which  the  present  contest 
between  Great  Britain  and  America  is  risen  and  reflecting  on 
the  danger  of  instigated  insurrections  among  themselves 
were  of  opinion,  That  prudence  and  common  safety  suggest 
the  immediate  adoption  of  some  measures  within  this 
Pro^dnce;  They  therefore  entered  into  and  subscribed  the 
following  Association  Being  persuaded  that  the  salvation 
of  the  rights  and  liberties  of  America  depend  under  God  on 
the  firm  union  of  the  Inhabitants,  in  its  Adgorous  prosecution 
of  the  measures  necessary  for  its  safety  and  convinced  of  the 
necessity  of  preventing  the  anarchy  and  confusion  which 
attend  the  dissohition  of  the  powers  of  government ;  We 
fi-eemen,  fi-eeholders  and  inhabitants  of  the  Province  of 
Georgia,  being  greatly  alarmed  at  the  avowed  design  of  the 
Ministry  to  raise  a  revenue  in  America  and  shocked  by  the 
bloody  scene  now  acting  in  the  Massachusetts  Bay,  Do,  in 
the  most  solemn  manner,  resolve  never  to  become  Slaves, 
and  do  associate  under  aU  the  ties  of  religion,  honour  and 
love  to  our  country  to  adopt  and  endeavour  to  carry  into 
execution,  whatever  may  be  recommended  by  the  Continental 
Congi-ess  or  resolved  upon  by  our  Provincial  Convention  that 
shall  be  appointed  for  the  purpose  of  preser\dng  our  Consti- 
tution and  opposing  the  execution  of  the  several  arbitrary 
and  oppressive  Acts  of  the  British  Parliament,  until  a  recon- 


filiation  between  Great  Britain  and  America,  on  constitutional 
principles,  which  we  most  ardently  desire,  can  be  obtained ; 
and  that  we  will  in  all  things  follow  the  advice  of  our  General 
Committee  to  be  appointed,  respecting  the  purposes  aforesaid 
the  preservation  of  peace  and  .^oofl  order  and  the  safety 
of  individuals  and  ])rivate  property. 

And  also  came  into  the  following  Resolves 

First,  That  the  foregoing  Association  be  strcmgly  recom- 
mended to  the  inhabitants  of  the  several  parishes  and 
districts  wdthin  this  Province ;  and  also  that  a  ( 'Ommittee  be 
appointed  among  themselves  to  carry  tlu^  said  measures  into 

Second,  That  it  is  highly  expeditmt  that  a  General  Provin- 
cial Congress  be  held  at  Savannah  on  the  first  Tuesday  in 
July  next  and  that  it  be  recommended  that  each  Parish  and 
district  elect  Delegates  to  attend  the  same. 

Third,  That  the  inhabitants  of  this  Town  and  District 
meet  at  Savannah  on  the  twenty  second  day  of  Jime  instant, 
to  choose  Delegates  to  attend  in  the  Pro\dncial  Congress  and 
also  to  elect  a  Committee  iov  enforcing  the  foregoing  Associa- 

By  Order  of  the  Meeting 

N.  AV.  Jones,  Chairman. 
Extract  from 
The  Georgia  Gazette,  No.  610 

Wednesday  June  14  1775. 

LfiTTERS   FROM   Sill  .TAMES   WRIGHT.  187 

GOY.    SIR    JAS.    WRIGHT    TO    SEC.    LORD    DART- 

17  June  1775. 

Savanah  in  Georgia  the  17th  of  June  177.5. 
No.  50. 

My  Lord, 

I  have  lately  received  a  letter  from  General  Gage  of  which 
the  inclosed  is  a  Copy,  and  the  situation  of  affairs  here,  being 
,so  much  altered  within  these  six  weeks  past  and  the  number 
so  small,  it  is  the  opinion  of  the  Council  in  General  and  in 
which  I  concur  that  sending  for  so  few  would  answer  no  good . 
purpose  but  might  inflame  the  whole  Province,  and  altho'  an 
100  men  12  or  15  months  ago  would  have  done  it  is  not  the 
case  now,  and  that  they  would  be  lyable  to  continual  insults 
having  no  Fort  or  other  place  of  shelter  whatever ;  And  there- 
fore it  was  judged  most  advisable  not  to  send  for  any,  at  least 
till  we  know  the  result  of  the  Continental  Congress  and  see 
how  things  are  like  to  go  on,  so  that  this  matter  My  Lord  has 
not  been  made  pubHc,  And  the  Cruizer  Your  Lordsliip 
mentions  in  your  Letter  No.  18  I  have  not  yet  heard  any 
thing  of,  and  the  gentlemen  of  the  Council  my  Lord  seem  to 
be  of  opinion  that  less  than  500  will  not  be  sufficient  or 
effectual,  and  that  unless  our  Neighbours  are  kept  at  home  its 
difficult  to  say  what  number  might  be  sufficient  and  that 
there  should  be  two  sloops  of  war  or  one  sloop  and  an  armed 
Schooner,  but  really  My  Lord  these  armed  Schooners  are  so 
small  that  they  are  of  very  httle  use. 

And  we  are  also  of  opinion  that  a  Fort  should  be  erected 
on  some  proper  part  of  the  Common,  with  buildings  and  bar- 
racks suitable  for  such  number  of  men,  as  it  ma}'  be  thought 
necessary  to  send,  if  any  should,  And  then  the  Governor  and 
Ofiicers  would  be  in  a  state  of  security,  whereas  now  they 
are  and  must  be  exposed  to  every  kind  of  insult  and  violence 
the  people  may  choose  to  offer  them. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  k  W.  Ind.  vol.  236. 


1  have  the  honor  to  be  with  perfect  esteem.  My  Lord, 
Your  Lordship's 

most  ol)H<;>"ed  !iiid  ohed*  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 

P.  S.  I  should  liope  this  letter  may  not  be  made  public,  as 
I'm  sure  it  would  give  great  offence. 

E  '27  July. 

(1  Liclosure.) 

I  In  Sir  Jas.  Wright's  letter  No.  50.  | 

Copy  of  General  Gage's  letter. 

received  29  May  1775. 

Boston  16  April  1775. 

I  am  to  acquaint  you  that  I  have  received  His  Majesty's 
Orders  to  send  to  Your  Province  fi'om  the  Garrison  of  St. 
Augustine  a  Detachment  of  100  men  and  Officers  in  Propor- 
tion. I  now  take  the  liberty  to  inclose  you  Orders  to  the 
Commanding  Officer  for  that  purpose,  which  please  to  forward 
as  soon  as  convenient  and  wherein  you  wiU  see  the  Command- 
ing Officer  of  the  Detachment  Avill  be  ordered  to  consult  you 
upon  the  means  he  may  be  employed  most  usefully  for  His 
Majesty's  service.  You  will  be  so  good  as  give  him  such 
directions  as  may  put  him  in  the  Avay  of  getting  to  you  as 
soon  as  ma}'  be. 

I  have  the  honor  to  V)e  &c 

Thos.  Gaoe. 


GOV.    8IR    JAS.   AVRIGHT    TO    SEC.    LORD    DART- 

20  JuxE  1775. 

No.  51.  Say.  in  Georgia  20  June  1775. 

My  Lord, 

The  Liberty  people  have  now  got  another  pretence  for 
raising  men,  they  assert  tliat  Mr.  Stuart  the  Superintenclant 
has  been  endeavouring  to  raise  the  Clierokee  Indians  to  come 
doAvn  against  them,  this  they  alledge  that  they  have  got 
undoubted  proof  of,  and  all  lie  can  say  will  not  convince 
them  to  the  Contrary,  his  Friends  in  Charles  To\vn  gave  him 
a  hmt,  and  he  left  that  and  came  here  but  they,  sent  some 
of  their  party  here  who  have  so  inflam'd  <t  enrag'd  our 
People,  that  he  did  iiot  think  himself  safe,  and  His  Maj- 
esty's armed  Schooner  St.  John  haviiig  put  in  from  Provi- 
dence, he  went  on  board  her  cV"  I  suppose  by  this  time  is 
saild  for  St.  Augustine.  And  several  Boats  full  of  men  from 
the  Carolina  side,  have  been  down  at  our  Iidet  some  days, 
the  Accounts  diiiter  as  to  No.  some  call  them  50  others  80  all 
well  (t  completely  arni'd.  Some  alledge  their  intention  was 
to  seize  on  Mr.  Stuart  which  very  probably  was  part  of  tlieii* 
errand,  But  I  believe  they  have  another  point  in  view^  and 
that  is  3  Vessells  l^eing  expected  here  fi'om  Londfju  and  a 
considerable  quantity  of  Gun  Powder  being  on  board  for  the 
Indian  Trade,  they  intend  to  seize  on  that  &  carry  it  to  Caro- 
lina and  this  is  certainly  in  their  power  to  do  and  its  not 
possible  to  j)revent  it,  if  attemj)ted  and  one  of  these  Vessells 
arrived  here  on  Saturday  the  18tli  inst.  c^-  the  Capt.  one 
informs  me  that  several  Boats  lay  off  a  little  way  from  him  cV: 
that  one  with  3  or  4  men  came  on  board  and  one  of  them 
inquir'd  whether  he  had  any  Gun  Powder  on  board  and  on 
showing  His  Cockets  and  their  finding  he  had  none  they 
behaved  very  civilly  and  went  away,  but  made  great  inquiry 
after  another  ship  one  Maitland  who  has  a  large  quantity 
of  Gun  Powder  on  board  and  it  is  said  thev  intend  to  watch 

I'.  U.  O.     Am.  it  \V,  lua.  vol,  230, 


our  Inlet  till  the  others  come  and  to  take  out  all  the  Gun 
Powder  And  if  that  is  the  case  I  am  much  afraid  it  will  em- 
barrass us  with  the  Indians  for  they  helve  for  some  time  being 
very  impatient  for  their  usual  supplys  and  in  order  to  pacify 
them  I  have  told  them  that  the  difference  we  had  with  them 
last  year  prevented  the  Merchants  from  sending  for  goods, 
that  none  was  wrote  for  till  after  our  disputes  were  settled  in 
Ocf  last  and  that  it  takes  a  great  while  for  ships  to  carry 
letters  and  orders  from  hence  to  England  and  that  then  the 
goods  would  be  to  make  (I  told  them  this  to  gain  time)  and 
afterwards  be  sent  here  and  that  sometimes  ships  have  very 
long  passages  and  we  could  not  depend  on  a  supply  till  late 
in  the  summer  and  with  this  they  were  tolerably  w^ell  satisfied, 
but  if  they  are  now  disappointed  they  will  conclude  we  have 
some  design  against  them  and  I  can't  tell  what  may  be  the 
consequence  for  they  are  a  very  jealous  suspicious  people 
and  as  they  have  been  told  by  the  Chickesaw  Indians  that 
the  White  people  are  going  to  join  the  Chactaws  against  them 
it  may  confirm  that  report  and  thus  Your  Lordship  sees  the 
state  we  are  in  in  every  respect  and  no  King's  Sloop  or 
Cruizer  heard  of  yet.  By  the  inclosed  Paper  Your  Lordship 
will  see  the  extraordinarj'  Resolves  by  the  People  in  Charlotte 
Town  Mecklenburg  County  and  I  should  not  be  surprized  if 
the  same  should  be  done  every  where  else. 

I  have  the  honor  to  be  with  perfect  esteem  My  Lord 
Your  Lordship's 

most  obliged  and 

obedient  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 
R  27th  July. 


GOV.    SIR    JAS.    WRIGHT    TO    SEC.    LORD    DART- 

8  .Illy  17Tr). 
No.  52.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  8th  July  1775. 

My  Lord, 

I  had  the  honor  to  write  Your  Lordship  very  fully  in  my 
Letters  Nos.  47,  48,  49  50  <t  51  all  which  I  Confirm  and  begg 
Leave  to  refer  Your  Lordship  to  those  Letters  for  the  State 
of  Affairs  in  this  Province  at  that  Time,  Since  which  a  Pretty 
Extraordinary  Procedure  has  happened  at  the  Port  of  Sun- 
bury  for  the  Particulars  of  which  Y'our  Lordship  will  Please 
to  be  referr'd  to  the  Inclosd  Copys  of  the  depositions  of  Mr. 
Kitchen  the  Collector  (k  Mr.  Antrobus  the  Comptroller  <fe 
Searcher  at  that  Port  this  Matter  I  laid  l)efore  the  Council 
whose  Opinioufs  ct  Advice  your  Lt)rdship  will  see  by  the 
Extracts  of  the  Minutes  of  Council  of  the  4tli  Inst. 

I  wrote  Your  Lordship  in  my  Letter  No.  51  that  our  Inlet 
was  Guarded  by  Boats  with  Many  Arm'd  Men  fiom  Carolina, 
Since  which  several  have  gone  down  there  from  Savanah :  all 
waiting  the  Airival  of  a  Sliij)  Expected  fi'om  London  with 
Gun  Powder,  it  is  said  to  seize  upon  the  Gun  Powder,  those 
from  Carolina  to  take  the  Gun  Powder  out  belonging  to  the 
Iidiabitants  of  their  Province  and  those  fi-om  hence  to  take 
out  the  Powder  belonging  to  the  inhabitants  of  this  Province, 
at  least  this  is  what  is  given  out.  And  Capt.  Grant  in  His 
Majestys  Arnid  Schooner  having  calld  in  here  T^e  Liberty 
Gentlemen  have  fitted  out  a  Schooner  some  saj^with  8  & 
some  with  10  Carriage  Guns  Many  Swivels  &  50  Men.  Capt. 
Grant  is  saild  &  no  Vessel  sent  here  yet  by  Admiral  Graves 
And  when  in  Council  on  the  4  Inst.  Mr.  Baillie  the  Commis- 
sary (in  whose  Charge  the  Guns  &c.  belonging  t(^  His  Majesty 
are)  came  there  cV  Iiiform'd  me  that  a  Great  Many  People 
were  taking  A:  CarrA^ng  away  some  of  the  Guns,  Carriages, 
Shot  &c.  for  the  Particulars  of  which  I  begg  leave  to  referr 
to  the  Inclosd  Copys  of  Affidavits  and  to  the  Inclosd  Extract 
of  the  Minute  of  Council  Relative  thereto, 

*  p.  R,  O.     Am.  &  W,  Jiid,  vol,  236, 

192  LETTERS    FROM    STR    .TAMER    WRmHT. 

And  Mv  Lord  I  have  Just  been  informd  that  Mr.  Barnard 
EUicitt  (a  Capt.  in  the  Troops  Kaising  h\  Sonth  Carolina)  is 
in  the  back  Parts  of  this  Province  Inhsting  Men  without 
having  made  the  least  Application  to  nie,  or  taking  any 
Notice  at  all.  Am  also  Informd  that  the  Committee  in 
Charles  Town,  or  Council  of  Safety  (as  they  call  themselves) 
it  is  not  Ck^rtain  which  have,  Appointed  three  Persons  as 
Superintendants  or  Managers  of  the  Indian  Affairs  in  the 
Creek  Country,  and  also  three  to  Manage  the  Indian  Afiau'S 
in  the  Cherokee  Country,  which  Matters  I  also  Laid  before 
the  Council  and  Your  Lordship  will  see  their  Opinions  & 
Advice  hy  the  Incdos'd  Extract  of  the  Minutes  And  thus 
Your  Lordship  sees  that  Jthe  Powers  of  Government  are 
wrested  out  of  njy  Hands,  that  Law  &r  G(^vernment  are  nearl}^ 
if  not  quite  annihilated  &  a  mere  Nominal  Governor  can  be 
of  little  use  &  to  me  a  most  disagreeable  Situation  &  its  not 
in  my  Power  to  Support  either  any  Longer,  the  Principal 
Reasons  of  this  Great  &  sudden  Change  &  falling  off,  I  gave 
Your  Lordship  in  the  above  Letters  referrd  to,  And  Your 
Lordship  wall  best  Judge  what  is  Necessary  or  Proper  to  be 
done.  My  Lord  Pardon  me,  but  the  more  I  think  of  the 
Present  State  of  Affairs  between  Great  Britain  &  the  Colonies, 
the  more  I  am  Convinced  of  the  Propriety  of  what  I  men- 
tioned in  my  Letter  of  the  24  of  August  No.  26. 

The  Provin(;ial  (\ingTess  is  now  sitting  here  And  Yesterday 
I  reed  the  Inclosd  Application  fi'om  them  to  which  Your 
Lordshiji  will  see  my  Answer  and  had  I  not  done  so,  I  Pre- 
sume they  would  fas  in  other  Provinces)  have  Appointed  one 
themselv(^  I  am  Informd  Delegates  are  chosen  to  Proceed 
Immediately  to  Philadelphia  and  that  our  Ports  &  Courts 
are  to  be  shut  up,  which  I  believe,  altho  I  C-annot  Positively 
assert  it,  as  Nothing  is  yet  Publishd  or  made  Public, 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordship's 

most  obhg'd  &  most  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  Ac  &c. 

[  Inilorsed  \ 

K  lUth  Aug-ust. 


[In  Sir  James  Wriglit's  (No.  'yl)  of  8th  July  1775.1 

To  His  Excellency  Sir  James  Wright  Bart  ( ^aptain  (leneral 
Governor  and  Commander  in  C-hief  in  and  over  His  Majesties 
said  Province  Chancellor  and  Ordinary  of  the  same 

May  it  Please  Your  Excellency 

The  Provincial  Congress  deeply  concerned  at  the  Present 
Alarming  State  of  Affairs  and  distresses  of  America,  humbly 
reqeust  that  Your  Excellency  would  Appoint  a  day  of  East- 
ing and  Prayer  to  be  Observed  throughout  this  Pro\dnce, 
That  a  happy  reconciliation  may  soon  take  Place  between 
America  and  the  Parent  State,  And  that  under  the  Auspicious 
Reign  of  His  Majesty  and  his  Descendants  both  Countrys 
may  remain  United,  Virtuous,  Free  and  happy  untill  time 
shall  be  no  more. 

By  order  of  the  Congi'ess 

Arch''  Bullock  President. 

Dated  in  Provincial  Congress  | 
the  7th  day  of  July  1775.  \ 

My  Answer,  Gent^'- 

I  have  taken  the  Opinion  of  His  Maj*^'^  Council  relative  to 
the  request  made  by  the  Gent"  who  have  assembled  together, 
by  the  Name  of  a  Provincial  Congress,  and  must  Premise 
that  I  cannot  Consider  that  Meeting  as  Constitutional,  But 
as  the  request  is  Expressed  in  such  Loyal  and  Dutifull  Terms, 
and  the  Ends  proposed  being  Such  as  Every  Good  Man  must 
most  ardently  wish  for  I  wall  Certainly  appoint  a  Day  of 
Fasting  and  Prayer  to  be  Observed  throughout  this  Province. 

Ja.  Wright,  Sav«  7th  July  1775. 

To  Stephen  Drayton  Jun'"  and  the  other  Gentlemen  who 
waited  on  the  Governor. 


194  LETTEltS    FltOM    Sll!    JAMES    WKIGHt. 

CIOY.    SIK    JAS.    WKIGHT    TO    SEC.    LORD    DAKT- 


10  Jri.Y   1775. 
No,  58.  Savanah  in  Geoiujia  the  lUtli  of  July  1775. 

My  Lokd, 

Since  Wiitiiijj  my  Last  oi  the  Htli  Inst.  ('apt.  Maitlaud 
Arvivil,  the  AVailike  Schooner  titted  out  as  Mentioned  before 
went  to  Sea  and  met  with  the  Sliip  al)out  •!  liea|;ues  from  the 
Bar  Conductd  lier  in  A:  tlien  took  out  all  the  (lun  Powder  on 
Board  Amountinji;  to  al)out  Six  Tons  as  the  (\-ipt.  tells  me  and 
which  is  now  in  the  Hands  of  the  Libtirty  People  here  who 
Forcibly  Hold  it  against  the  Owners.  The  Capt.  is  going  to 
make  a  Protest  against  tliem  which  if  done  before  the  Vessel 
(by  which  this  is  to  go)  Sails,  I  shall  send  Your  Lordship  a 
Copy  of  it  for  your  more  Particular  Information.  I  am  also 
to  Acquaint  Your  Lordship  that  the  Sandwich  Packet  Arrivd 
at  Charles  To.wn  on  the  second  Inst.  When  Your  Lordsnip's 
Letters  and  tlujs(^  from  Mr.  Pownall  S:  indeed  every  Letter 
directed  to  me  both  Public  A:  Private  were  seized  upon  & 
opend  in  Charles  Town  A:  on  the  Evening  of  tlu'  8th  Inst. 
I  receiv'd  them  seald  up  again  by  the  Deputy  Post  Master 
General  in  Charh's  Town  and  Indors'd  thus  "Opened  bj  the 
Committee  of  Ins])ection  at  Charles  Town"   G.  Roupell. 

I  must  also  Acquaint  Your  Lordship  that  a  Committee 
from  the  'Provincial  Congress  now  sitting  here,  was  sent  to 
the  Post  Office,  Who  Order'd  the  Deputy  Post  Master  here, 
not  to  send  me  any  of  my  Letters,  but  after  the  Congress  had 
Deliberated  on  the  Matter,  a  Message  was  sent  to  the  Post 
Master  tlnit  he  might  deliver  them.  And  I  accordingly  receivd 
them  after  aboiit  an  Hour's  Detention  so  that  Your  Lordship 
sees  there  is  an  End  of  all  Correspondence  And  I  cannot 
Attempt  to  send  any  Answers  to  Your  Loi(lslii])s  Letters  in 
Future  fi-om  Hence  by  the  Post  to  C'harles  Town  in  order  to 
go  b}'  the  Packet,  for  Avere  I  to  do  it,  they  would  Certainly 
be  intercepted,     l^he  Letters  now  receivd  from  Your  Lordship 

p.  l{.  C),     Am.  \  >V.  Iiiil.  vol.  y:)0. 


are  only  the  Orifijinal  and  Duplicate  of  Your  Lordships  Cir- 
cular Letter  of  the  15th  of  April  last,  signifying  His  Majesty's 
Pleasure  that  the  orders  of  the  Commander  in  Chief  of  the 
King's  Forces  in  N"  America,  And  Under  him  of  the  Major 
Generals  it  Brigadier  Generals,  Shall  be  Supreme  in  all  Cases 
relative  to  the  Operation  of  the  the  said  Troops  &  be  Obeyed 
Accordingly,  Which  will  Certainly  be  duly  Observed  by  me. 

It  being  Impossible  My  Lord  for  me  to  submit  to  these 
daily  Insults,  I  must  again  request  His  Majesty  will  be 
Graciously  Pleasd  to  Give  me  Leave  to  return  to  England. 

My  Lord  I  Cannot  write  with  Freedom  or  have  Several 
things  to  say.  God  Grant  Conciliatory  Measures  may  take 
place,  And  I  Conceive  there  is  not  an  hour  to  be  lost,  the 
State  of  Affairs  will  not  Admit  of  the  least  delay. 

I  am  this  Moment  Informd  that  the  Congress  intend  to 
Raise  300  Men.  Mr.  Habersham  is  gone  to  Philadelphia  for 
the  recovery  of  his  Health  and  I  begin  to  think  a  King's 
Governor  has  little  or  no  business  here. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  great  Deference 
My  Lord  Your  Lordship's 

most  Obliged  and  Obedient  Hble  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  &c  &c. 

\  Indorsed] 
E  19th  Aug*- 

GOV.    SIR    JAS.    WRIGHT    TO    SEC.    LORD    DART- 

11  .lui.Y  1775. 

Savanah  in  Georgia  the  11  of  July  1775. 
My  Lord, 

HaA-ing  Wrote  Your  Lordship  very  fully  by  the  last  Convey- 

♦  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  236. 

196  I.ETTEliS    FltUlVr    silt    JAMES    WJUGHT. 

ance,  I  have  little  to  add,  but  that  the  .ship  with  the  Gun 
Powder  being  Ai-rived,  the  Liberty  Folks  have  Seized  upon 
the  whole  amounting  to  about  Six  Tons. 

Many  Pretty  Extraordinary  things  aif  Talkt  of  as  intended 
to  be  done  by  the  Congress.  Amongst  otliers  to  Kaise  three 
hundred  Men  and  to  Issue  Money  to  Pay  and  Support  them 
&c.  of  nil  which  I  shall  (as  it  is  my  duty  to  do)  take  care  to 
give  Your  Lordship  a  True  Accoiuit  as  soon  as  their  Proceed- 
ings are  made  Public.  i 

Pray  God  Grant  a  happy  and  speedy  reconciliation. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  perfec^t  Esteem,  My  Lord, 
Your  Lordship's 

most  ()l)liged  and  obedient  Serv* 

Ja.  WltlGHT. 

The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  A'c  tVc. 

I  Iiidarsfd]  «. 

Pt  19th  Auii'- 

GOV.    SHI    J  AS.    WEIGHT    TO    SE(  .    LOKD    DART- 

IS  Jri.Y   1775. 

No.  54.  Savannah  in  Geoiuua  the  18th  of  July  1775. 

My  Loiuj, 

On  the  l.'Uli  instant  the  Provincial  Congress  sent  me  an 
Address  of  which  i\\v  Inclosed  is  a  (^>l)V  and  which  I  con- 
ceive ('ontains  two  or  three  C'haiges  against  me  Viz:  that 
I  w(nild  not  allow  the  Ass<nid)ly  to  nn^et  or  sit  in  order  to 
take  Measures  for  the  Pedress  of  Griovaiu^es. 

And  that  I  have  Misrepresented  the  State  of  the  Province 
f(n-  that  it  appears  from  the  Extracts  of  my  letters  which 
have   been   Published   that    I   rather   meant  to  favour  the 

1".  1!.  ().     .Vui,  &  W,  IiKl.  vol,  'iUO, 

t;fiTTEl{S    FKOM    Silt    JAMTCS    WTOHT.  107 

Designs  of  the  Miuister  than  to  (rive  nii   Tm])ii)tiMl   Account 
of  the  Keul  St)iti'*of  things. 

And   tliiit   I   have   (riven    Prejudicial   Information    against 
nntny  Persons  in  this  Province. 

This  A(hh-<^ss  My  Lord  I  laid  before  the  Gentlemen  of  the 
Council  and  the  Extracts  of  my  Letters  which  have  been 
Published  were  all  I'ead  Viz  :  '25  July  74,  13  August  24  August 
18  October  A'  ttie  18  of  Decendier  74  and  they  were  all 
I^nanimous  in  opinion  that  there  is  not  any  Just  or  real 
cause  oi-  Grounds  for  the  said  Accusations  and  that  the 
Several  Matters  gnentioned  in  the  said  Letters  are  (;onsistent 
with  Truth  and  tha.t  there  is  no  Misrepresentation  Avhatever, 
and  for  Your  Lordship's  more  particular  Information  I  beg 
leave  to  refer  to  the  Iiiclosed  Minutes  of  (\)uncil  and  to 
Observe  tha^  the  Ileason  of  the  Prorogation  in  Nov*'  was 
because  the  Situation  of  Affairs  between  Great  Britain  and 
the  Golonys  were  then  in  a  very  uncertain  state.  The  Peti- 
tion of  the  Continental  Congress  to  His  Majest}'  was  not 
then  got  home,  and  a  New  Parlianu\nt  to  meet  m  Dec""  and 
being  hopefull  that  the  Events  of  those  very  Material  Cir- 
cumstances would  be  known  towards  the  End  of  January  it 
was  thought  advisable  to  Postpone  the  Meeting  of  the 
Assendily  till  that  time,  and  it  was  Accordingly  Prorogued  to 
the  17th  of  January  at  Avhich  tinie  it  \\as  most  ardently 
wished  that  the  Upper  and  Lower  Houses  of  Assend)ly 
should  State  their  Grievances  or  sup]iosed  Grievances  in 
Decent. and  Pro]>er  Petitions  to  the  ('rown  and  Parliament, 
and  for  which  purpose  some  Petitions  were  given  in  to  the 
House  of  Assemlily  Signed  by  a  great  nniny  very  respectable 
Persons  which  were  treated  with  Contempt :  And  as  Soon  as 
they  met  a  Message  was  Sent  from  th«^  I'})per  House  desiring 
a  Conference  with  the  Lower  House  on  those  matters,  but 
when  they  met  to  Confer  the  Lower  House  Avould  not  agree 
to  anything,  and  the  Affair  dropt  and  I  soon  discovered  there 
was  a  Petition  from  the  Provincial  Congress  ready  to  Present 
to  the  House  and  that  a  Memlier  had  it  in  his  Pocket  for  that 
purpose,  and  I  was  well  Inform'd  that  they  had  got  every 
thing  prepared  ready.  Motions  and  Resolves  all  in  writing 
approving  of  the  Resolutions  of  the  Continental  Congress  in 


Sejit.  ;ui(l  Oct'"  and  that  tlicy  were  to  a])])i()ve  oi  the  Proceed- 
ings of  the  C\)ngreKs  here  in  January  and  to  send  Delegates 
to  meet  in  May,  all  these  things  I  had  Information  of,  and 
the  Gentlemen  of  the  Council  Avell  knew  were  mean't  to  be 
pi()p(5sd  and  no  donbt  but  they  Avould  have  been  carried  and 
therefore  by  their  Unanimous  Opinions  and  advice  I 
Adjourned  them  fi'om  the  10th  of  February  to  the  9th  of 
May,  by  which  time  we  Expected  to  know  the  Final  Deter- 
mination of  Parliament  relative  to  American  Ali'airs,  and 
After  this  Adjournment  some  of  them  gave  out  that  they 
would  not  meet  or  do  any  business  in  May,  and  as  I  really 
wished  them  to  meet  and  to  do  business  at  that  time  I  with 
the  advice  of  the  Council  Issued  a  Proclamation  calling  them 
to  meet  and  do  business,  and  when  I  meant  to  take  some 
notice  of  Your  Lordship's  Letter  relative  to  the  Resolutions 
of  the  House  of  Commons  Arc.  ttc.  and  that  they  should  dis- 
patch some  of  the  most  Material  Pi'ovincial  Business,  and 
on  the  V)tli  <^f  May  some  of  them  met  but  made  no  House 
and  adjourned  to  the  10th  and  on  the  10th  some  met  but 
made  no  House  and  adjourned  to  the  11th  and  on  the  lltli 
some  of  them  met  l)nt  made  no  House  and  adjourned  over 
to  Monday  the  15th  which  was  a  thing  they  had  no  right  to 
do,  and  considered  as  an  Insult :  Especially  after  bemg  Par- 
ticularly called  by  Proclamation  and  being  Informed  by 
many  that  they  did  not  intend  to  make  a  House  at  all,  I  met 
tlie  Council  upon  it,  who  were  unanimously  of  Opinion  fi'om 
what  they  liad  heard,  and  had  actually  passed  that  they  did 
not  intend  to  make  a  House  or  do  business  and  advised  me 
to  Prorogue  them,  which  I  accordingly  did,  and  Yet  they 
Pretend  I  would  not  allow  the  House  to  sit  or  take  up  their 
Grievances  as  a  Legislative  Body,  or  the  legal  Representa- 
tives of  the  People,  when  the  Fact  is  clearly  otherwise  or  as 
is  here  stated,  and  although  I  would  not  Condescend  to  take 
any  Notice  of  this  Address  Yet  I  think  it  my  Duty  to  Lay 
the  whole  before  Your  Lordship. 

On  the  13  instant  at  night  two  Gentlemen  came  here  from 
Charles  Town  sent  as  I  was  informed  by  the  Council  of 
Safety  there  and  they  have  Prevail'd  on  the  Congress  to  let 
them  have  5000  weight  of  the  Gun  Powder  and  which  they 

LETTERS  mon  sin  .tamp:s  wkight.  109 

carrier!  away  with  tlieivi,  and  I  iini  Informed  that  Some  of  the 
Liliertv  Peojile  hen',  Assisted  in  Putting  on  board  the  Vessell 
tliey  came  in  a  brass  ti(>l(l  Peice  and  Carriage  beh)nging  to 
His  Majesty,  this  I  did  not  hear  of  till  Afterwards,  Init  if 
I  had  I  cmild  not  have  Prevented  it. 

I  understand  the  Congi-ess  have  agreed  to  send  2000  weight 
of  Gun  PoAvder  into  the  Indian  Country  as  a  Present  from 
the  Peopk^  aJid  it  is  Particuhirly  Agreed  that  the  Indians  be 
Acquainted  that  it  is  not  from  the;  Ki)^</  or  from  (jdrcriDntnt 
or  fi'om  the  SniK'tiritouUtiit  or  from  the  Tradors  l)ut  from  the 
Pf'oph'  ()f  the  Proi'ivrc  and  I  am  mucli  Afraid  this  will  raise 
Strange  Ideas  amongst  the  Indians  and  be  attended  with  very 
bad  consequences.  They  have  appointed  here  what  they  call 
a  Council  of  Safetr  and  very  nearly  folhnved  the  example  of 
the  Carolinians  Except  as  to  Raising  an  Army,  it  was  pro- 
posed to  raise  350  men  l)ut  after  great  del)ates  that  was 
carried  in  the  Negative  and  this  Province  having  now  Join'd 
Avith  the  others,  I  am  Avell  Informed  that  the  Gentlemen  who 
came  from  Carolina  Assured  the  Congress  here,  that  if  they 
should  on  any  Account  want  Assistance  they  should  Ijumedi- 
ately  have  it  to  the  amount  of  1000  men.  I  am  Humbly  to 
request  that  His  Majesty  will  be  Graciously  jileased  to  Give 
me  leave  to  return  to  England  in  order  to  Resign  the  Govern- 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordship's 

most  obliged  and  obedient  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  A'c.  A^c.  t^-c. 

R  10th  October. 


GOV.    SIK    JAS.    AVKIGHT    TO    SEC\    LORD    DART- 

2!)  .Iri.Y  1775. 

No.  55.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  2V)th  of  July  1775. 

My  Lord, 

Siiice  my  last  of  the  18th  instant  No.  54  tlie  Council  of 
Safety  as  they  Call  themselves,  have  in  a  Solenni  Maimer 
f(^rl)id  the  Eector  of  the  Parish  to  preach  any  more  in  the 
Church,  and  he  has  been  so  much  threatened  that  on  the  25th 
instant  he  left  the  town  and  went  over  into  Carolina,  the 
reason  given  for  this  is,  because  he  refused  to  Preach  a  Ser- 
mon and  observe  a  Fast  which  had  been  directed  by  the 
Continental  Congress,  to  be  observed  throughout  aU  the 
Colonies,  and  has  Reflected  on  the  Conduct  of  the  Americans. 
And  My  Lord  on  the  24th  instant  about  9  OClock  at  Night 
I  heard  a  very  great  Huzzaing  in  the  Streets  and  on  Sending 
out  found  they  had  seized  upon  one  Hopkins  a  Pilot  and 
were  Tarring  and  Feathering  him,  and  Soon  after  they 
brought  him  in  a  Cart  along  by  my  House  and  such  a  Horrid 
Spectacle  I  really  never  Saw,  they  made  the  Man  Stand  up 
in  a  Cart  with  a  Candle  in  his  Hand  and  a  great  many 
Candles  were  Carried  round  the  Cart  and  thus  they  went 
through  most  of  the  Streets  in  town  for  upwards  of  three 

And  on  Inquiring  what  he  had  done,  I  was  Informed 
that  he  had  behaved  disrespectfully  towards  thfe  Sons  of 
Liberty  and  Drank  some  Toasts  which  gave  gi'eat  oftence, 
but  fof-  Your  Lordship's  more  Particular  Information  in  both 
these  Matters  I  inclose  a  Copy  of  the  Affidavits  of  the  Partys 
and  the  News  Paper  and  I  must  at  the  same  time  observe 
that  I  cannot  believe  this  Conduct  is  Promoted  or  Approved 
of  by  the  People  in  General,  but  only  by  some  very  Violent 
ones  amongst  them  and  the  Mob.  Your  Lordshij)  will  be 
the  best  Judge  what  is  most  Proper  to  be  done,  but  1  beg 
leave  again  most  heartily  to  wish  that  Conciliatory  Measures 

*  p.  R.  O.     Ani.  &  W.  Iiid.  vol.  236. 


may  Speedily  take  place  or  total  Ruin  and  Destruction  will 
soon  follow,  and  America  Lost  and  Gone. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordship's 

most  Obhged  and  most  Obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

P  S.  1st  of  Aug**  The  Delegates  went  away  for  Philadelphia 
yesterday.  I  forgot  to  mention  that  the  Committee  here 
take  upon  them  to  Order  Ships  and  Vessells  that  arrive  to 
Depart  again  without  suffering  them  to  come  up  to  the  Town 
and  unload.  Some  they  admit,  some  they  Order  away  Just 
as  they  please  and  exactly  Copy  after  Carolina,  and  are 
making  a  very  Rapid  Progress  in  the  execution  of  their 
Assumed  Powers.  £10,000  Sterling  is  to  be  Issued  in  Notes 
or  Certiffcates  and  Your  Lordship  will  see  the  Proceedings 
of  the  Congress  by  the  Inclosed  News  Paper,  and  beg  I  Leave 
to  Repeat  that  no  Correspondence  is  safe,  I  dare  not  Venture 
a  Single  Letter  by  the  Post  to  Charles  Town,  for  the  Packet 
or  to  send  any  to  Your  Lordship  but  under  Cover  as  Private 
Letters.     No  Sloop  of  War  or  Cruizer  is  come  yet. 

J.  W. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  Arc.  etc.  &. 

R  10th  Oct'- 

[In  Sir  Jas.  Wright's  (No.  55)  of  29th  July  1775.]* 

Georgia.     The  Deposition  of  John  Hopkins  of  the  Town  of 
Savannah  Mariner  taken  on  Oath  the  twenty  fifth 
Day  of  July  one  thousand  seven   hundred  and 
seventy    five    before    the    Honourable   Anthony 
Stokes  Esq''*'-  Chief  Justice  of  the  Province  afore- 
This  Deponent  being  duly  sworn  on  the  Holy  Evangelists 
of  Almiglity  God  maketh  Oath  and  saith  That  about  nine  of 
the  Clock  in  the  Evening  of  the  twenty  fourth  Instant  as  this 
Leponeut  was  sittmg  at  supper  with  his  family  there  came 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  23G. 

20^  r,F,TTKi;s  fhom  sth  .tamf.s  wiuoitt. 

to  this  Deponent's  House  a  nninl)cr  of  Persons  (some  were 
in  disguise)  and  optMied  the  door.  That  Jose])h  Keynolds  of 
Savannah  Jiii('khiy(>r,  ('apt.  McCUuer  S:  Capt"  Bunner  at 
Present  of  Savannah  Mariners  hiid  hohl  of  this  Deponent, 
without  sayin<;-  anytliint^  to  him  That  as  soon  as  the  aforesaid 
People  hiid  hohl  of  this  Deponent  a  <i;reat  luunber  rushed  in 
<fe  hurried  this  Deponent  out  of  his  house  A'  led  him  to  the 
out  side  of  the  Town,  That  they  C'onsulted  to  tar  &  feather 
him  but  the  Majority  resolved  to  Carry  hiiri  to  a  more  public, 
place.  Accordingly  they  led  this  Deponent  into  the  middle 
of  the  S(|uare  near  to  the  Dial  in  Savannah  ct  striped  this 
Deponent  of  his  Jacket  A'  Shirt  and  with  great  reluctance 
left  the  rest  of  his  xVpparrel  on  him  And  then  they  proceeded 
to  tar  and  feather  this  Deponent  And  immediately  put  this 
Deponent  into  a  Cart  S:  Carted  him  up  A-  down  the  Streets 
of  Savannah  for  upwards  of  three  Hours  in  the  Above  Con- 
dition That  during  the  aforesaid  Time  they  Carted  this  De- 
ponent to  the  LiV)erty  tree  And  there  SAvore  they  would  hang 
him  That  the  said  Bunner  said  "  he  was  rather  fat  But  He 
would  go  up  the  tree  &  hang  this  Deprtnent"  That  the  said 
Bunner  further  said  "  that  unless  he  would  drink  "  Damnation 
to  all  Tories  <fe  Success  to  American  Liberty"  he  should  be 
hung  immediately,  which  request  this  Deponent  was  obliged 
to  Comply  with,  that  they  continued  to  abuse  this  Deponent, 
gave  him  a  great  Deal  of  ill  Language  Ar  upbraided  him  Avith 
his  Conduct  That  some  one  or  other  said  That  if  they  Could 
lay  hold  of  the  Parson  they  would  put  liim  along  side  of  this 
Deponent  in  the  Cart,  That  this  Deponent  also  heard  said  in 
the  Mob  that  Mr.  Smith  should  be  next  And  that  they 
intended  to  Continue  on  untill  they  had  Tarred  ct  feathered 
all  the  Tories  or  Words  to  That  Effect,  That  this  Deponent 
saAV  in  the  Aforesaid  Mob,  together  with  the  Persons  afore- 
mentioned, Thomas  Lee  Carpenter  John  Spencer  Carpenter, 
Alexander  Pln^enix  Merchant  Ambrose  Wright  Planter 
Samuel  Wells  Mariner  Francis  Arthur  of  Savannah  Surveyor, 
Oliver  Bowen  Merchant  John  McCluer  <fe  Capt.  McCluer 
Joseph  Habersham  &  Francis  Harris  Gentleman  Quintin 
Pooler  Merchant  Capt"  HaAvkins  Mariner  A-  Thomas  Hamil- 
ton   Butcher   A'   several  others  that  this  Deponent  cannot 


recollect  That  between  the  Hours  of  Twelve  &  One  of  the 
Clock   at  Midnight  they  discharged  this  Deponent  at  the 
Vendue  House  with  orders  to  beg  "all  America  pardon." 
Sworn  the  Da}-  &  Year  )  John  Hopkins. 

Aforesaid  j 

Anthony  Stokes. 

I  desire  that  a  Warrant  may  Issue  against  the  abovenaraed 
Joseph  Reynolds  of  Savannah  Bricklayer  &  Capt"  George 
Bunner  Mariner  ct  against  none  of  the  other  persons. 

John  Horkins. 
A  true  Copy.  Peeston  &  Pryce. 

I  In  Sir  James  Wright's  (No.  55)  of  29th  July  1775.*] 

Georgia  ss. 

The   Reverend    Haddon   Smith   Rector   of    the 

Parish   of    Christ   Church  being   diily    sworn 

That  on  Saturday  the  Twenty  second  Day  of  this  Instant 
July  about  nine  of  the  Clock  in  the  forenoon  some  Gentle- 
men came  to  this  Deponent's  House  at  the  Parsonage.  That 
this  Deponent  being  up  Staii's  in  his  Chambers  sent  down 
word  immediately  to  desire  the  Gentlemen  to  walk  in  &  he 
would  wait  upon  them.  That  before  this  Deponent  came 
down  Stairs  he  heard  some  one  of  them  to  say  "We  cannot 
Walk  in"  or  words  to  that  purport.  That  this  Deponent 
then  concluded  who  they  were  &  went  doAvn  directly  to  them. 
That  this  Deponent  saw  standing  in  the  Porch  of  the  House 
Peter  Tarling  of  St.  John's  Parish,  Jonathan  Cochran  of 
Saint  Andrews  Parish  Planters,  Edward  Teefair  of  Savannah 
Merchant,  George  Walton  of  Savannah  Esq"'  &  Oliver  Bowen 
of  Savannah  Merchant  &  some  others.  That  the  aforesaid 
Peter  Tarhng  held  a  written  Paper  in  his  hand  and  read 
from  it  to  this  Deponent  the  following  words  "Sir  fi-om  Your 
late  Conduct  in  disobeying  the  Orders  of  the  CongTess,  You 
are  deemed  an  Enemy  to  America  &  by  Order  of  the  Com- 
mittee We  are  to  inform  you  that  you  are  to  be  suffered  no 
longer  to  officiate  in  this  Town"   or  Words  to  that  Efi'ect, 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  \V.  lud.  vol.  236. 

204  LKTTHHS    FROM    Sill    JAMK.S    WliKiHf. 

Tliat  Mic  afoit'SMitl  Peter  Tiirlin;^  luivciTi^  read  tli«^  pa])er 
aboveiaenf'  he  t()}j;ether  \vitli  tlie  rest  of  the  P«^rs()ns  iiinne- 
diately  went  away  witliout  }j;iviii^  this  Deponent  an  oppor- 
tunitv  to  re])ly  or  ask  for  the  Paper  since  wliich  this  Deponent 
liatli  not  thouf^ht  himself  safe  in  doiii;^  his  Dnty  as  Rector. 

Haddon  Smith. 

Sworn  the  '2oth  Day  ) 
of  Jnly  1775.  f 


Anthony  Stokks. 
A  True  (^opy 

PlJES'J'ON   A-   PliYCE. 


7  At;gii8T  1775. 
No.  56. 

Savannah  in  Georgia  the  7th  of  August  1775. 
My  Lord, 

It  Gives  me  gi-eat  Concern  tliat  every  letter  I  now  write  to 
Your  Lordship  is  to  Give  you  accounts  of  the  very  illegal, 
Insolent  and  Dangerous  Transactions  of  the  Liberty  People 
here.  On  the  2d  Instant  a  Conplaint  was  made  to  the  Chief 
Justice  against  Ebenezer  McCarty,  Florence  Mahoney  and 
Wm.  Da\'is,  and  on  taking  Affidavits  against  them,  it  appear- 
ed amongst  other  Matters  that  the  said  McCarty  had  been 
InUsting  men  in  this  Town  for  one  of  the  Carolina  Regiments, 
and  on  a  Warrant  being  Issued  and  the  Partys  being  Appre- 
hended, the  said  McCarty  was  l)y  the  Chief  Justice  Com- 
mitted to  Goal  as  not  Bailable ;  and  on  the  3rd  Instant  a 
Writ  of  Habeas  Cor])us  was  applied  for  in  behalf  of  the  said 
McCarty,  A\hen  on  lu^aring  he  was  remanded  as  not  Bailable. 
And   that  Evening  a  great  Number    of    People    Assembled 

*  p.  K.  O.     Am.  At  W.  InU.  vol.  23«. 

I.ET'J'EllS    FROM    «11{    JAMES    WltlGHT.  205 

together  and  went  to  the  (loal  and  forcsed  it  c^pen  and  took 
ont  the  said  McCarty  who  was  Immediately  Set  at  Large, 
the  Particuhirs  of  all  which  Matters  will  more  clearly  api)ear 
to  Your  Lordship  by  the  Inclosed  Affidavits.  And  on  the  5th 
inst.  he  went  through  the  town  with  a  Drum  Beating  up  for 
men ;  and  passed  ('lose  by  the  Chief  Justices  door,  also  came 
very  near  niy  house,  unparalled  Ins(jlen(^e  my  Lord  !  and  this 
is  the  Situation  his  Majesty's  (xovernment  is  reduced  to  in 
the  Province  of  Georgia. 

I  Omitted  to  Mention  befcjre  that  they  took  Possession  of 
the  Publick  Magazine  to  put  the  Gun  Powder  in,  and  Ap- 
pointed a  Guard  to  Protect  it  an  Officer  who  they  call 
CViptain,  and  I  am  told  20  men,  and  who  still  (.\)ntinue  to 
Guard  it  Day  and  Night. 

I  must  also  Acquaint  your  Lordship  that  throughout  the 
Province  every  Method  has  been  used  to  Conipell  the  People 
to  Sign  the  Association  ;  and  those  who  Decline,  they  threaten 
to  Proscribe,  and  for  fear  of  that,  and  k)sing  their  Property, 
or  having  it  Destroyed;  Great  Numbers  have  bt^en  Intimi- 
dated to  Sign,  and  I  Suppose  by  far  tiie  greater  Part  of  the 
Province  have  Signed  it,  indeed  it  is  said  there  are  few  in  the 
Country  who  have  not.  In  the  Parish  of  St.  Philip  I  am 
Informed  the  C^ommittee  have  Proscribed  one  Doctor  Traill 
for  Kefusing  to  Sign  the  Association,  he  is  a  very  Sensible 
Clever  Man  and  in  very  Good  business,  but  they  have  ordered 
him  to  Depart  the  Province  in  Eight  days,  and  there  is  now 
a  plan  Carrying  on  to  Wrest  the  Command  of  the  Militia  out 
of  my  Hands,  but  this  Probably  will  be  the  Sul)ject  of  my 
next  Letter. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  witli  Great  Deference 
My  Lord  Your  Lordship's 

most  ol)liged  &  obedient  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  itc,  &c.  etc. 

I  Indorsed] 
E  10th  Oct'- 




16  Auof-ST  1775. 

Savannah  in  Georgia  the  IBtli  of  Auj>*-  1775. 
My  LoKi), 

1  had  the  Honor  to  receive  Your  Lordship's  Circular  letter 
of  the  '22iid  of  May  AYith  an  Ac(;ount  of  the  Death  of  the 
Queen  of  Denmark,  and  Inclosing  the  Gazette  Containing  the 
Orders  for  Mourning,  Which  I  have  directed  to  be  Observed 
here — And  the  Account  Youi-  Lordship  is  pleased  to  Give  of 
the  Health  of  His  Majesty  and  the  rest  of  the  Royal  Family, 
must  gi'eatly  Alleviate  the  affliction  of  that  Event. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Y^our  Lordshi})'s 
most  obliged  and 

most  obedient  Hble  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  &c.  <fec.  <fec. 

I  Indorsed] 
R  10th  Ocf^- 

GOV.    SIR    JAS.    WRIGHT   TO    SEC.    LORD    DART- 


17  AfursT  1775. 

No.  57. 

Savannah  in  Georgia  the  17th  of  Aug*-  1775. 

My  Lord, 

On  the  13  instant  I  had  the  Honor  to  receive  the  Duplicate 
of  your  Lordship's  letter  of  the  3d  of  May  No.  20,  the  Origi- 
nal of  which  must  have  been  Stop't  by  the  Committee  in 
Charles  Town,  wlu'U  they  open'd  all  the  letters  by  the  May 

*i>.  II.  O.     Am.  \  \\.  liul.  \(U.  TAtJ. 

t  1'.  11.  O.     Am.  &  \V.  lud.  vol.  236. 

LETTERS    FllOM    Silt    JAMES    WUIGHT.  207 

Packet,  as  all  (others  will,  if  they  can  Lay  their  Hands  upon 

If  any  further  applicati(nis  are  made  by  Midshipmen  who 
may  have  Acted  as  Masters  of  any  of  the  King's  .Ships,  I 
shall  direct  them  to  A^jply  iirst  to  the  Lords  of  the  Admiralty 
for  a  Certificate,  as  Mentioned  in  Yoiu"  Lordship's  letter. 

I  Oljserve  what  your  Lordshij)  is  pleased  to  Say  with 
respect  to  my  Coiuliict  in  Endeavouring  to  prevent  the  Con- 
tagion fi'om  Spreading  in  this  Province,  and  would  to  God  it 
had  been  in  my  Power  to  have  done  so,  l)ut  it  was  not,  as 
Youi  Lordship  will  Perceive  by  my  several  letters  Nos.  48, 
49,  50,  51,  ii'I,  58,  54,  55  and  56,  and  to  which  I  beg  leave  to 
refer  for  the  Particulars  of  what  has  happened  here  since 
the  4tli  of  June.  And  my  Lord  I  am  now  again  constrained 
to  write  your  L(.)rdship  a  farther  Disagreeable  Account  of  the 
Proceedings  of  the  CongTess  and  Liberty  People  here.  The 
Congress  my  Lord  Determined  that  no  Militia  Officers  should 
remain  but  such  as  Signed  the  Ass(X'iation,  and  Directed 
that  the  Captains  of  the  Militia  should  order  Musters 
throughout  the  Province,  and  that  any  of  the  officers  that 
might  refuse  to  Sign  the  Association,  should  not  be  suffered 
to  act  any  longer,  but  that  the  People  should  Elect  others  in 
their  Places.  And  on  the  8th  instant  I  received  an  AppHca- 
tion  from  the  Committee  of  Safety  as  they  Call  themselves, 
a  Cojjy  whereof  is  Inclosed,  on  which  I  ordered  the  Council 
to  be  Summoned  to  meet  on  the  15th  instant  when  I  laid  the 
said  Application  before  them  with  some  letters  I  had  received 
from  several  of  the  Officers  a  Copy  of  which  I  now  Inclose 
your  Lordship — these  officers  belong  to  the  tliree  Town  or 
Savannah  Companys — and  for  Your  Lordship's  more  Partic- 
lar  Information  I  also  Inclose  a  Copy  of  the  Proceedings  in 
Council  on  this  occasion ;  and  thus  your  Lordship  sees  how 
they  are  going  on  here,  and  the  Scheme  and  Attempt  to 
Wrest  the  Command  of  the  Militia  out  of  my  Hands,  and  it 
is  said  the  Committee  of  Safety  are  to  Give  Commissions  to 
the  People  who  are  to  Chose  Officers  in  the  Koom  of  those 
who  refuse  to  Sign  the  Association,  but  this  my  Lord  I  can- 
not Yet  Assert  Although  I  believe  it  to  be  true. 

We  have  received  an  Account  liere  that  an  Armed  Yessell 


or  two,  fitted  out  from  Charles  Town  Proceeded  to  the  Bar 
of  St.  An<^ustuie  and  tht;re  met  with  a  Vessell  Bound  t(^  that 
Port,  which  had  a  great  Quantity  of  Gun  Powder  and  King's 
Stores  on  Board,  part  of  which  had  been  sent  on  shore  but 
that  they  took  out  of  her  15,000  weight  of  the  Gun  Powchn- 
which  tliey  had  Landed  Safe  at  Beaufort  Port  Royal  South 
Carolina,  the  Conduct  of  the  People  here,  is  most  Infamous. 
one  Sheftall  a  Jew  is  Chairman  of  the  Parochial  Committee 
as  they  call  theniselyes  and  this  Fellow  Issues  Orders  to 
Ca])tains  of  Yessells  to  depart  the  King's  Port  without  Land- 
ing any  of  their  Cargoes  legally  Imported.  And  fi-esli  Insults 
continue  to  be  offered  eyery  day,  and  no  Sloop  of  War  ar- 
rived yet. 

My  Lord  I  mentioned  in  my  last  some  means  used  to  com- 
pell  People  to  Sign  the  Association,  and  those,  with  Tarring 
and  Feathering  and  the  SHijIil  Punishment  of  Ordering  any 
that  Refuse,  to  quit  their  Habitations  on  a  few  days  Notice 
are  executed  without  any  Hesitation ;  and  one  Mr.  Brown  a 
Young  Gentleman  who  ai)peared  a  little  Active  in  opposing 
the  Liberty  People,  has  been  most  Cnielly  Treated  in  the 
Town  of  Augusta,  and  he  having  threatened  to  get  a  party 
and  take  satisfaction,  the  Offenders  Raised  a  Number  of  Men 
in  the  Country,  and  WTote  to  Savannah  to  the  Council  of 
Safety  for  Assistance,  and  a  Party  of  the  Grenadier  Com- 
pany, and  some  of  the  Light  Infantry  Company  who  Signed 
the  Association,  set  out  from  hence  to  Augusta  the  ninth 
Instant,  without  any  Ajjplication  to,  or  Authority  from  me, 
but  I  am  well  Informed  were  ordered  to  do  so  by  the  Council 
of  Safety,  and  its  said  they  by  Persuasions  and  threats,  Pre- 
vail'd  on  a  Great  Nund)er  of  People  to  Join  them  as  they 
went  through  the  Country,  and  what  Outrages  or  Acts  of 
Violence  tliey  may  Conmiit  before  they  return,  its  difficult 
to  say,  though  as  I  am  just  Informed  that  Mr.  Brown  has 
retired  into  C-arolina,  Probably  nothing  may  happen,  biit 
my  Lord  are  these  things  to  be  sufiei'ed  in  a  British  Govern- 
ment? I  am  really  tiled  my  Lord  of  stating  Criniuidl  Facts 
and  could  add  more,  but  that  T  may  not  over  Burden  your 


Lordships  Patience  I  shall  Conclude,  and  have  the  Honor  to 
subscribe  myself 

Your  Lordship's 
most  obliged  and  obedient  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 
R  10th  Oof- 

GOV.    SIR    JAS.   WRIGHT    TO    SEC.   LORD    DART- 

16  September  1775. 

No.  58.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  16tli  of  Sept^  1775. 

My  Lord, 

Since  my  last  Nos.  54,  55,  56  and  57  by  way  of  Liverpool, 
nothing  very  material  has  happened,  but  the  Liberty  People 
are  still  going  on  in  the  same  way,  and  in  Consequence  of 
the  Inclosed  I  am  informed  that  Officers  have  been  Chosen 
by  every  Company'  of  Militia  in  the  Province,  Some  who  had 
Commissions  have  been  Elected,  and  many  new  ones  chosen, 
so  that  these  People  having  Signed  the  Association  will  now 
be  considered  by  the  Provincial  Congress  and  the  other 
Bodys  as  under  their  Authority  and  Direction  and  not  the 
Kings  or  mine,  in  short  my  Lord  the  whole  Executive  Power 
is  Assumed  by  them,  and  the  King's  Governor  remains  little 
Else  than  Nominally  so.  I  am  well  Informed  that  one  Kirk- 
land  in  South  Carolina  to  whom  Mr.  Brown  (mentioned  in  my 
last)  had  apphed  for  Protection,  on  hearing  of  the  Cruel  and 
Inhuman  treatment  Brown  met  with  at  Augusta,  Sent  to  the 
People  of  that  Place,  and  threatened  to  Resent  that  treat- 
ment unless  Some  of  the  Ringleaders  were  Delivered  up  to 
Justice,  on  which  its  said  near  200  men  in  that  Neighbour- 
hood are  gone  into  Carolina  in  Pursuit  of  Kirkland,  and  that 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  236. 

210  LETTERS   FllOM   SIl!   JAMES   Wl'JGHT. 

these  People  are  in  the  Pay  of  the  Council  of  Safety  here, 
out  of  the  £1(),()0()  Steiliii}^-  T  wrote  Your  Lordship  befcu-e 
they  had  resolved  to  make  and  Issue,  this  my  Jjord  is  since 
the  affair  I  mentioned  in  my  former  relative  to  Mr.  Brt)wn, 
so  that  Your  Lordship  sees  the  f^reat  and  Criminal  Strides 
they  are  making  in  Subversion  of  LaAv  and  th<'  King's  Gov- 
ernment and  Establishing  one  of  their  own,  and  this  new 
Government  Seems  to  me  to  Ije  on  the  FoUowing  Plan,  the 
Provincial  C-ongress,  a  kind  of  Legislature  in  the  respective 
Provinces,  subject  to  the  C(jntroul  and  Direction  of  the  Con- 
tinental Congress  wliic-h  is  the  Supreme  Legislature  and  Gov- 
erning Power,  over  the  whole  Continent. 

The  ('ouncil  of  Safety  Seems  to  be  the  Executive  Branch 
in  each  Colony,  Subject  to  the  Provincial  Congress,  and  the 
General  and  Parochial  Committees  Dis]>ense  Law,  and  Exer- 
cise the  Powers  of  the  Several  ('ourts,  just  as  it  seems  Rhjlif 
in  thi'lr  oini  lufcs,  for  how  far  they  have  any  Regard  to  the 
true  Principles  of  Either  Law  or  Equity;  your  Lordship  will 
Judge  from  the  following  case,  which  Avas  determined  two  or 
three  days  ago  only,  Yi/,  a  Ship  amved  here  from  Senegal, 
with  a  Cargoe  of  204  Slaves,  the  Ca|)tain  was  immediately 
ordered  not  to  })roceeil  to  Town,  or  to  Attempt  to  land  any 
of  the  Negroes  witlumt  leave  of  the  Committee,  and  he  was 
then  Directed  to  Petition  the  Parochial  (Committee  which  he 
did,  and  Alth(mgli  he  had  not  only  Law,  but  many  Ecpiitable 
and  Substantial  reasons  on  his  side,  yet  he  was  Ordered  to 
depart  the  Port  immediately  on  which  he  by  Petition  ap])ealed 
to  the  General  Committee,  and  they  Affirmed  the  Orders  of 
the  Parochial  Committee,  and  the  Captain  is  Compelled  to 
proceed  to  Sea  just  at  the  E(]uinox,  which  may  be  the  loss 
of  the  lives  of  imnd^ers  of  them  as  aac  often  have  very  Tem- 
pestuous weather  at  this  Season,  and  indeed  the  Yessell  and 
Cargoe  may  Probably  be  lost,  and  all  Perish,  and  if  not  the 
Poor  Creatures  are  so  dispirited  at  the  thoughts  of  l)eing 
carried  to  s"ea  again  that  they  are  growing  sickly  and  many 
of  them  will  certamly  dye  before  they  can  get  into  another 
Port.  The  Captam  intends  for  St.  Augustine  if  the  weather 
permits  and  at  best  supposes  the  Loss  to  the  owners  will  be 
near  if  not  quite  3000  Sterling.     It  seems  Strange  My  Lord 


and  I  cannot  help  lamenting  that  I  can  get  no  kind  of  Intel- 
ligence from  General  Gage,  none  since  the  29tli  of  April,  and 
many  False  Reports  are  Spread  here  respecting  Engagements 
or  Pretended  Engagements  always  to  the  dishonor  and 
Defeat  of  the  King's  Troops  which  have  the  worst  Effect 
Possible,  with  the  People,  and  I  remain  wholly  in  the  Dark. 
I  complained  of  this  to  General  Gage  and  also  Admiral 
Graves  by  letters  of  the  27th  of  Jnne,  which  went  by  His 
Majesties  Ship  Scorj^ion,  but  I  have  received  no  answers  yet, 
nor  have  I  heard  any  thing  of  the  Sloop  of  War  which  Your 
Lordship  long  ago  mentioned  to  have  been  ordered  here,  and 
which  I  also  mentioned  to  the  Admiral,  in  short  my  Lord  I  am 
in  a  most  disagreeable  situation. 

Since  the  Port  has  been  shut  up  the  People  in  the  Back 
Country  declare  that  no  Process  shall  be  Executed,  as  your 
Lordship  will  see  by  the  Copys  of  Depositions  now  Trans- 
mitted and  the  General  Committee  sent  for  all  the  Attornies 
last  Saturday  and  Recommended  it  to  them  not  to  Issue  any 
more  Writs  or  Process  and  told  them  if  they  did  not  comply, 
that  they  would  call  the  Provincial  Congress  to  compell  them 
to  do  it,  and  the  Attornies  were  to  give  their  answer  as  this 

I  have  often  wished  for  the  Honor  of  a  Conversation  with 
Your  Lordship,  I  could  have  said  much  that  there  is  no 
writing  and  Possibly  might  have  given  some  useful  hints. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordship's 

most  Obliged  and 

most  Obedient  Servant 

Ja.  Wright, 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  &c.  &c.  etc. 

\  Indo)•se(^ 
R  22d  Nov^' 


GOA^    SIR   JAS.   WEIGHT    TO    SEC.    LORD    DART- 

33   SEPTEMBER   1775. 

No.  59.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  23rd  of  Sepf  1775. 

My  Lord, 

Oil  the  17th  uistant  a  Vessell  arrived  here  from  London, 
one  Rainier  on  Board  of  which  was  250  ban-ells  of  Gun 
Powder,  great  part  of  it  I  am  Informed  is  His  Majestys, 
being  the  Animal  Present  for  the  Indians  sent  out  to  Mr. 
Stuart  the  Superintendant,  and  the  rest  is  the  Property  of 
Persons  Concerned  in  the  Indian  Trade,  the  whole  of  which 
Immediately  on  the  Ships  arrival  at  Tybee  was  seized  upon 
and  taken  out  by  the  Liberty  People  here  and  brought  up  to 
town  in  Great  Triuni])li,  and  is  Forcibly  kept  from  Mr.  Stuart 
and  the  owners,  who  meant  to  send  it  into  the  Indian 
Country — and  fi'om  several  Accounts  I  have  lately  received 
I  am  very  Ap])rehensive  it  will  be  Impossible  to  satisfy  the 
Creek  Indians  and  keep  them  cpiiet  if  they  are  not  speeelily 
supplied  as  usual.  I  am  Avell  inlV)rmed  that  the  C*ouncil  of 
Safety  as  they  call  themselves,  give  out  that  they  have 
received  an  Answer  to  their  Talk  sent  to  the  Cherokees,  by 
which  those  Indians  declare  that  they  will  have  nothing  to  do 
with  the  Dispute  between  Great  Britain  and  the  Colony s  but 
that  if  they  do  interfere  at  all,  it  shall  be  in  behalf  of  the 
People  here,  who  they  know  and  not  for  the  White  People 
over  the  Great  Water  who  they  know  nothing  al)out.  had  the 
Sloop  of  War  Your  Lordshi])  mentioned  so  long  ago,  been 
sent  here  then,  it  would  not  have  been  in  their  power  to  have 
taken  away  any  of  the  Gun  P(jwder  out  of  any  of  the  Ves- 
sells,  but  she  is  not  yet  come,  and  I  dont  hear  of  a  Ship  of 
War  on  the  whole  Coast  to  the  Southward  of  Virginia,  only 
a  Triffling  Sloop  or  two, 

I  can  only  Inform  Your  Lordship  of  Facts,  which  I  have 
faithfully  done  and  shall  continue  to  do,  as  long  as  its  in  my 
power,      What  Remedy  these  Evils  may  require,  is  for  the 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  W,  Ind.  vol.  236, 

li5tfEIlR   FTIOM   sin   JAMES   WllIGHT. 


wisdom  of  my  Superiors  to  determine,  l)ut  I  mnst  l^eg  leave 
to  add,  that  from  tlie  situation  of  Affairs  here,  no  time  sh(mld 
be  h)st,  it  is  really  a  Wretched  State  to  l)e  left  in,  and  what 
its  impossible  to  submit  to  much  longer,  Government  totally 
Annihilated,  and  Assumed  by  Congresses,  Councils  and  Com- 
mittees, and  the  greatest  Acts  of  Tyranny,  Oppression,  Gross 
Insults  &c.  (fee.  etc.  commited,  and  not  the  least  means  of 
Protection,  Support,  or  even  Personal  Safety,  and  these 
almost  Daily  Occurences  are  /oo  mw/i  my  Lord. 

And  I  must  not  Omit  to  Acquaint  Your  Lordship  that  we 
have  no  Goal  or  Prison  of  any  kind  that  will  Confine  a  Man 
an  hour,  unless  loaded  with  Irons,  had  this  Province  (happily 
for  the  People)  Continued  in  a  State  of  Duty  and  Obedience 
to  Government,  I  am  Persuaded  the  Assend)ly  would  have 
Provided  for  Biiilding  one.  But  since  tilings  have  taken  a 
Keverse  turn  it  is  not  now  to  be  Expected,  and  therefore  it 
is  submited  to  Your  Lordship  whether  it  may  not  be  Proper 
to  Empower  me  to  order  one  to  be  Built  without  Delay,  a 
Good  and  Effectual  Goal  will  certainly  lie  Necessary,  let 
things  Terminate  as  they  may,  for  even  if  a  Conciliatory 
Plan  (which  is  much  to  be  wished  for)  should  finally  take 
place,  I  presume  it  will  not  be  without  Exceptions  and  that 
it  may  be  thought  Expedient  to  make  some  Examples.  If 
one  is  Ordered  to  be  Built,  I  think  it  Avould  be  better  on 
some  Part  of  the  Common  than  in  the  Town,  but  in  that 
case,  I  must  Observe,  that  there  is  a  Law  which  was  Passed 
the  9th  of  June  1761  by  which  the  Common  is  appropriated 
to  Public  uses,  and  it  is  declared  that  it  shall  not  be  aliened 
or  Granted  away,  and  which  Law  is  still  in  force,  and  if  a 
Port  is  ordered  to  he  Built,  it  must  be  on  some  Part  of  the 

In  the  Town  my  Lord  there  is  a  Lot  by  that  Law  Appro- 
priated for  Building  a  Goal  upon. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordship's 

most  ObHged  and 

most  Obedient  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 


P.  S.  Inclosed  are  some  Depositions 
relative  to  the  Taking  away 
the  Gun  Powder  out  of  Maitland's 
Ship,  which  Could  not  be  got 
Sooner,  the  Reason  is  Mentioned. 

\  InrJorsed] 

R  22nd  November. 


26  September  1775. 

No.  60. 

Savannah  in  Georgia  the  26tli  of  Sept^  1775. 
My  Lord, 

At  the  Request  of  Mr.  Robert  Smith  I  Transmit  Your 
Lordship  the  Inclosed  Depositions  of  Mr.  Smith  and  several 
other  Merchants.  I  have  Perused  the  same,  and  many  things 
therein  are  consistent  with  my  own  knowledge,  and  those 
that  are  not  alkxjefJier  so,  I  firmly  believe  to  be  True. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordship's 

most  Obhged  & 

most  Obedient  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  &c.  &c.  &c. 


R  21st  November. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  236. 


GOV.    SIR   JAS.   WRIGHT    TO    SEC.   LORD    DART- 


14  OOTOBER   1775. 

No.  61.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  14tli  of  Ocf  1775. 

My  Lord, 

Since  uiy  last  a  Party  of  the  Back  t'onntry  People  went 
armed  to  a  small  Stockade  Fort  on  the  Ceded  Lands  which 
was  Garrisoned  by  a  Party  of  the  Rangers,  and  Compelled 
the  Commanding  Officer  to  deliver  it  up  to  them,  and  they 
then  Immediately  Sent  a  Messenger  Express  to  the  Council 
of  Safety  here,  to  acquaint  them  what  they  had  done,  and 
receive  their  Directions,  and  those  People  Ordered  them  to 
Dehver  up  the  Fort  again  to  the  Officer  and  return  to  their 
habitations,  and  it  is  this  day  reported  that  another  Small 
Fort  on  those  Lands,  has  also  been  taken  from  the  Rangers 
who  Garrisoned  it,  but  this  I  have  not  yet  received  an 
Authentic  account  of,  altho'  I  suppose  it  is  true. 

and  in  short  my  Lord  the  Poison  has  Infected  the  whole 
Province,  and  neither  Law,  Government,  or  Regular  Au- 
thority, have  any  AV eight  or  are  at  all  attended  to. 

On  the  25  instant  my  Lord  an  Inquiry  was  made  whether 
the  Vessell  with  the  Negroes  (mentioned  in  my  letter  No.  58) 
was  Sailed,  and  she  having  been  Prevented  fi'om  Sailing  by 
contrary  winds  and  bad  weather  it  was  hinted  by  2  of  the 
General  Committee  that  if  another  Applicati(^n  was  made, 
Possibly  they  might  l)e  Suffered  to  land  and  an  application 
was  accordingly  made  and  the  next  day  the  26th  a  Permit 
was  sent  down  by  the  General  Committee,  to  their  Officer  to 
let  the  Negroes  l)e  brought  up,  and  on  the  28th  they  were 
landed.  Several  had  Dyed  in  the  mean  time,  and  many  Were 
then  unable  to  Stir,  and  the  Cargo  in  General  I  Suppose  one 
third  less  in  vahie  than  when  the  Vessell  arrived,  and  thus 
Your  Lordship  sees,  how  the  Kings  Port  and  mens  Property 
are  in  the  Absolute  power  of  these  People,  Whether  this 
proceeded  from  a  Motive  of  Humanity  or  whether  fi'om  an 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Inrl.  vol.  237. 


Apprehension  of  the  Consequences  of  being  hereafter  Called 
to  an  Account,  or  what  other  Reason,  I  cannot  Say. 

Whatever  Letters  Your  Lordship  may  have  thought  Proper 
to  write  to  me  by  the  July  and  August  Packets,  Still  remain 
with  Lord  Wm.  Campbell,  on  board  his  Majesty's  Sloop 
Tamer,  and  I  Can't  Say  how  much  longer  they  may  Continue 
there,  for  his  Lordship  Cannot  send  them  to  me,  nor  have 
I  any  method  of  Sending  for  them  with  Safety.  I  Presume 
His  Majesty's  Cruizer  which  was  ordered  to  this  Pro%dnce  in 
February  last, has  been  Employed  much  more  for  His  Majesty  s 
Service  Elsewhere,  than  She  could  have  been  here  in  Prevent- 
ing the  Gun  Powder  from  being  taken  away  in  the  manner 
Your  Lordship  has  been  Informed  of,  and  Giving  other 
Assistance  which  She  might  Probably  have  done.  Inclosed 
your  Lordship  will  receive  one  of  the  Congress  Bills  as  they 
are  Called,  there  are  Many  Denominations  of  them  from 
five  Pounds  Downwards  and  each  Denomination  is  Signed  by 
Different  Persons  all  Members  of  the  Provincial  Congi-ess, 
and  who  in  this  Instance  Your  Lordship  Sees,  Assume  the 
whole  and  Complete  Legislative  Power  of  the  three  Branches. 

I  am  Informed  that  by  the  last  Post  from  Charles  Town  a 
letter  came  fi'om  the  Continental  Congress,  Inclosing  a  Talk 
from  them  to  all  the  Indians  upon  the  Continent,  it  is  Called 
a  Peace  Talk,  Explaining  the  Nature  of  the  Dispute  between 
Great  Britain  and  the  Colonies,  and  desiring  the  Indians  to 
remam  quiet,  that  they  want  none  of  their  assistance ;  and 
directing  the  Council  of  Safety  here,  to  appoint  Persons  to 
go  amongst  the  Indians,  and  to  watch  the  Superintendant's 
Deputys  and  if  they  find  any  of  them  Attempting  to  stir  up 
the  Indians,  to  seize  upon  them  and  send  them  to  Town,  to 
the  Council  of  Safety  for  the  Province,  in  which  such  Deputy 
may  be  apprehended.  I  have  not  seen  this  Talk,  but  I  know 
the  Council  of  Safety  &  People  here,  have  aheady  taken 
upon  them  to  send  Several  Messages  and  Talks  to  the 
Indians,  and  m  Short  all  Powers  are  assumed  and  taken  from 
the  King's  Governors  and  other  Otiicers. 

The  General  Court  was  held  on  the  10th  instant  when  Ten 
of  the  Jurors  refused  to  be  sworn,  and  some  of  them  behaved 
very  Insolently  and  the  next  day  three  more  of  them  also 


refused  to  be  sworn,  as  Your  Lordship  will  see  by  the 
Inclosed  Copys  of  the  Orders  of  Court,  smd  on  w^hich  occasion 
the  Chief  Justice  I  am  Informed  behaved  extremely  well  and 
spoke  in  a  very  Spirited  and  Proper  manner,  all  the  Assistant 
Judges  were  absent  as  they  frequently  are,  indeed  Mr.  Jones 
is  extremely  ill,  and  had  the  others  been  present  their  Cast  is 
such  that  the  Chief  Justice  could  have  expected  no  Assistance 
fi'om  them. 

There  was  Intention  to  have  Prevented  the  Court  from 
sitting  or  doing  any  Business  at  all,  but  it  did  not  take  effect 
then,  and  really  my  Lord  there  is  hardly  a  shadow  of  Gov- 
ernment remaining.  I  wi-ote  Your  Lordship  before  in  what 
manner  the  Command  of  the  Militia  was  Wrested  fi'om  me, 
they  have  not  yet  attempted  to  obstnict  the  Court  of 
Chancery,  but  Except  that,  I  have  scarce  any  Power  left,  but 
Proving  Wills  and  Granting  Letters  of  Administration. 

With  Great  Deference  to  Your  Lordship  surely  its  Impos- 
sible that  these  things  can  be  Suffered  to  Continue,  or  that 
any  Gentleman  can  Submit  to  them,  and  I  Presume  full  and 
Clear  Instructions  wiU  be  sent  what  course  to  take  in  every 
respect,  to  reduce  this  Province  and  People  to  Due  Obediance 
to  the  King's  Authority,  Law  and  Government. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be 

My  Lord,  Your  Lordship's 
most  ObUged  and 

most  Obedient  Humble  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 

P.  S.  My  Lord  last  week  Mr.  Clement  Martin  one  of  the 
Council  dyed,  so  that  if  Mr.  Elliot's  Seat  is  not  vacant,  there 
is  now  a  Vacancy  for  Mr.  Tattnall  if  Y'our  Lordship  ajjproves 
of  him. 


R  8  February  1776. 

218  T-T:TTr,n«  from  str  .tamks  wrtgiit. 

GOV.    SIE    JAS.   WEIGHT    TO  -SEC.    LORD    DART- 

1    NOVKMHEIJ    1775. 

No.  62.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  1st  of  Nov''  1775. 

My  Lord, 

My  last  letter  to  Yoiir  Lordship  No.  61,  having  been  sent 
by  a  Friend  by  way  of  Charles  Town,  and  it  bemp;  Doubtfull 
whether  he  may  be  able  to  get  it  safely  pnt  on  board  the 
Packet  or  otl^er  Vessell,  I  now  Inclose  Yonr  Lordship  a  Copy 
of  it.  Since  which  things  have  reniain'd  tolerably  quiet  in 
this  Town,  but  the  People  in  the  Back  Parts  of  the  Province, 
following  the  Example  of  others,  are  forming  Cabals,  and 
setting  up  for  themselves ;  they  give  out,  that  there  is  a  new 
Government  now,  and  that  no  Applicati(m  is  to  be  made  to 
me,  but  to  the  Council  of  Safety,  and  I  am  Informed  that  a 
Party  of  about  30  men,  are  gone  out  against  an  Indian  Town 
on  the  Oak-Mulgee  River,  they  say  that  those  Indians  have 
Stoln  several  Horses  from  them,  and  they  are  gone  to  obtain 
restitution,  or  satisfaction,  and  that  if  the  Indians  do  not 
give  it,  or  resist,  they  will  kill  them  :  and  if  any  such  thing 
should  happen,  I  apprehend  that,  with  the  InteiTupticm  given 
to  the  Trade  by  the  last  Congress  and  Committees,  will  most 
probably  Involve  us  in  a  War  Avith  the  Indians,  so  that  Your 
Lordship  sees  we  are  in  a  Wofull  Plight  every  way. 

I  Inclose  your  Lordship  a  Copy  of  a  Talk  I  lately  received 
from  the  Creek  Indians  and  had  one  nnich  to  the  same  Pur- 
pose from  the  Cherokees  and  my  letters  from  Mr.  Taitt  and 
others  all  agree  that  if  the  Indians  are  not  Immediately  sup- 
plied with  Anmiunition,  and  the  Trade  opened  as  usual,  it 
will  be  Impossible  to  restrain  them,  on  which  I  Judged  it 
highly  Expedient  that  the  Committee  People  who  are 
Possessed  of  all  the  Powder  and  Ball  in  the  Province  should 
know  what  Accounts  I  received  and  sent  for  2  of  them  as 
Private  Persons  and  Acquainted  them  fully  of  all  my  Intelli- 
gence, in  the  presence  of  Messrs.  Graham  and  Johnstone  2 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  \-  W.  Iiid.  vol.  2:t7. 


of  His  Maj*^'"  Council,  and  they  said  tliey  were  very  Clearly 
of  opinion  with  me,  that  the  Indians  ought  to  be  Supplied 
with  Ammunition,  and  the  Trade  go  on  as  usual,  and  that 
there  is  a  Necessity  for  it  and  I  have  heard,  but  Can't  say 
with  Certainty  that  it  will  be  so. 

Ten  days  ago  I  had  an  account  of  the  Death  of  Mr.  Hab- 
ersham one  of  His  Maj*^'^  Council  and  Secretary  of  this 
Province  and  I  have  Appointed  Mr.  John  Hume  to  be  Secre- 
tary, he  is  a  relation  of  mine,  a  firm  fiiend  to  Government 
and  a  Person  that  Mr.  Knox  has  some  knowledge  of.  I  well 
know  my  Lord  that  aU  Officers  in  this  Province,  have  always 
been  appointed  by  the  Crown,  Except  the  Treasurer,  but  my 
Lord  I  hope  I  may  not  be  thought  to  mention  it  from  selfish 
views,  when  I  say  that  I  Conceive  it  will  be  found  Necessary 
to  give  the  Governors  more  Influence  than  ever  they  had,  and 
I  dont  know  any  way  it  can  be  easier  and  more  Effectually 
done,  than  by  permitting  them  to  appoint  or  recommend 
Gentlemen  who  are  Ei'iends  to  Government  to  fill  up  all 
Offices,  as  they  become  Vacant,  and  I  the  rather  hope  your 
Lordship  will  Consider  this  as  Proceeding  from  a  Zeal  for  his 
Majesty's  Service,  when  Your  Lordship  is  Pleased  to  Recollect 
that  I  have  requested  his  Maj*'"'^  leave  to  Resign  the  Govern- 
ment and  therefore  cannot  Expect  to  continue  much  longer 
here,  and  for  the  Yacancys  in  the  Council,  I  would  beg  leave 
to  recommend  Josiah  TattnaU,  Sir  Patrick  Houston  (was  it 
not  for  the  distance  he  lives  from  Savannah)  Lachlan 
McGillivray  and  Charles  Wm.  Mackinen,  these  are  Gentlemen 
who  I  think  are  all  Proper  Persons  to  be  of  the  Council. 

The  Inclosed  Copy  of  a  Dissent  I  Transmit  to  your  Lord- 
ship at  the  request  of  Several  of  the  Gentlemen  who  have 
Signed  it,  and  who  wish  to  be  known  to  be  Friends  to  Gov- 
ernment, and  Good  Order.  My  letters  from  your  Lordship 
by  the  July  and  August  Packets,  and  also  by  the  September 
Packet,  if  she  is  arrived,  still  remain  with  Lord  Wm.  Camp- 
bell on  Board  the  Sloop  of  War  in  RebelHon  Road,  near 
Charles  Town.  The  new  Provincial  Congress  is  to  meet  here 
on  the  16tli  inst.  and  whether  any  new  or  violent  Resolutions 
may  be  then  Entered  into,  I  cannot  Judge,  but  whatever  they 
may  be,  I  shall  acquaint  Your  Lordship  therewith  as  soon  as 
they  are  made  Public. 


I  have  the  Honor  to  ])e  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordshiji's 
most  Obhged  and 

most  Obedient  Himi*'^"  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  &c.  See.  &. 

P.  S.  3d  of  Nov.  Last  night  Mr.  Jones  one  of  the  Council 
and  Treasurer  of  this  Province  Dyed,  and  I  intend  to  appoint 
Lewis  Johnston  to  Succeed  him  as  Treasurer,  and  hope  your 
Lordship  Avill  have  no  Objection  to  his  (-ontinuing  in  that 
Office,  he  is  a  worthy  Man,  a  Staunch  Friend  to  Government, 
and  has  a  very  numerous  Family.     Mr.  Knox  knows  him. 

J.  W. 
\  Tudor  sed] 
E  29th  February  1776. 


3   NOVEMBEE    1775. 

Savanah  in  Georgia  the  3rd  of  Nov.  1775. 
My  Lords, 

Since  I  did  my  self  the  Honor  to  write  to  your  Lordships 
last,  Mr.  James  Habersliam,  Mr.  Clement  Martin  and  Mr. 
Noble  Jones,  three  of  His  Majesty's  Council  of  this  Province, 
have  dyed,  and  Mr.  Grey  Elliott  being  in  England  on  Leave 
of  absence,  as  mentioned  m  my  last,  there  now  remains  here 
only  James  Mackay,  James  Edward  Powell,  John  Graham, 
Lewis  Johnson,  James  Eead,  Henry  Yonge,  Anthony  Stokes 
and  James  Hume. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  great  Truth  and  Eegard, 
My  Lords  Your  Lordships 
most  obliged  and  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

*  p.  R.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  S^. 


The  Eight  Honorable 

Lords  Commissioners  for  Trade  and  Plantations. 

Bead  March  5,  1776. 

GOV.   SIK    JAS.    WEIGHT    TO    SEC.    LOED    DAET- 


16  Nov.  1775. 

No.  63.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  16th  of  Nov'"-  1775. 

My  Lord, 

Your  Lordship's  letter  of  the  5th  of  July  No.  21, 1  did  not 
receive  till  the  7th  mst.  Lord  William  Campbell  sent  it  to  a 
Friend  of  mine  in  Charles  Town  who  had  no  safe  opportunity 
of  forwarding  it  before  and  it  gives  me  great  concern,  that 
Your  Lordship  would  so  soon  after  the  date  of  that,  receive 
accounts  that  at  length  the  People  here  had  broke  out,  and 
adopted  many  of  the  same  measures  that  our  Neighbours  had 
done  before  and  that  all  my  Letters  to  your  Lordship  from 
the  beginning  of  June,  have  been  filled  with  accounts  of 
Criminal  Facts  and  Oftences,  Committed  fi-om  time  to  time 
since  then.  This,  My  Lord,  I  saw  Coming  on  Suddenly,  and 
Swiftly,  fi-om  the  Moment  the  Accounts  came  of  the  first 
Skirmish  near  Boston  on  the  19th  of  April. 

I  observe  what  your  Lordship  is  Pleas'd  to  Mention  with 
respect  to  His  Majesty's  firm  Eesolution  that  the  most  vigor- 
ous Efforts  Should  be  made  both  by  Sea  and  Land,  to  reduce 
his  Eebellious  Subjects  to  Obedience,  and  of  the  Squadi-ons 
to  be  Stationed  at  the  Difi'erent  Places  Mentioned.  But  My 
Lord  its  much  to  be  lamented  that  these  Operations  did  not 
take  Place  Sooner,  and  that  a  more  formidable  Force,  was 

*  p.  B.  O,    Aui.  k  W.    Incl.    vol.  237, 


not  sent  at  first,  for  time  has  been  Given  to  the  Americans  to 
unite  more  firmly,  and  to  take  every  advantage,  and  Prepare 
to  oppose  His  Majesty's  Forces,  and  I  do  not  yet  hear  of  a 
King's  Sliip  to  the  Southward. — It  is  gi-eat  Goodness  in  His 
Majesty  to  order  the  Commanders  of  His  Ships,  to  receive 
on  Board  and  Protect,  any  of  his  ofticers,  who  may  be  com- 
pelled by  the  Violence  of  the  People,  to  seek  for  such  an 
Asylum.  And  which  your  Lordship  knows  long  before  this, 
was  nnich  wanted,  but  alas,  in  Some  of  the  Colonies  its  too 
late,  for  all  the  King's  Officers  in  Charles  Town  are  Prisoners 
Already,  and  no  body  knows  how  soon  they  may  be  so  here, 
and  no  Ship  seen  or  heard  of  yet,  although  ordered  last  Feb- 
ruary, and  the  Officers  and  Friends  of  Government  look  upon 
themselves  as  deserted  and  Given  up,  &  they  are  daily  falling 
off,  and  taking  that  Course,  which  they  think  may  afford 
them  a  Temporary  degree  of  quietude,  whereas  covdd  they 
have  had  Sufficient  Protection  and  Support  things  would 
never  have  gone  the  Lengths  they  have,  and  even  still,  if 
Proper  Succour  came.  Great  Numbers  would  Face  about,  but 
they  now  begin  to  Despair,  as  its  not  in  my  Power  to  give 
them  any  Positive  assurance  that  any  such  thing  can  be 
depended  uj^on,  not  having  had  the  Honor  of  a  line  from 
your  Lordship  since  that  of  the  5th  of  July. 

I  omitted  to  mention  in  my  last  My  Lord,  that  a  Small 
Vessell  fi'om  New  York  was  seized  by  the  Custom  House 
Officers  for  Breach  of  the  Laws  of  Trade,  and  Condemned 
in  the  Court  of  Admiralty,  the  Register  was  Lodged  in  the 
Custom  House,  and  a  great  number  of  the  Committee  People 
After  demanding  it  and  beeing  refused,  went  to  the  Custom 
House  and  Broke  open  Several  Locks  and  after  Searching  a 
good  while  for  it  and  not  finding  it,  the  Officers  for  their  o\\ti 
Safety  thought  it  most  Prudent  to  deliver  it  up,  and  it  was 
given  back  to  the  Master,  who  Immediately  went  off  with  the 
Yessell,  there  beeing  nothing  here  to  Stop  her.  but  for  your 
Lordship's  more  Particular  Information  I  enclose  two  Affi- 
davits, and  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord 

Your  Lordships  most  Obliged 

and  obedient  Servant 

Ja.  Wright, 

LETTEllS   FllOM   SIK  JAMES   WIGHT.  223 

P.  S.  In  my  last  I  acquainted  Your  Lordsliip  with  the 
Death  of  Mr.  Habersham,  and  that  I  had  appointed  Mr. 
John  Hume  Secretary,  also  with  the  death  of  Mr.  Jones,  and 
that  I  intended  to  Appoint  Mr.  Lewis  Johnson  Treasurer, 
and  which  I  have  since  done.  I  also  recommended  these 
Gentlemen  to  your  Lordships  Favour,  and  Mentioned  the 
Necessity  of  more  Lifiuence  being  put  into  the  Hands  of 
Govern(n"s  than  heretofore.  Mr.  Knox  knows  both  these 
Gentl"  and  can  Satisfy  any  Liquiries  your  Lordship  may  be 
Pleased  to  make. 

and  for  the  Vacanc3's  in  the  Council,  I  begged  Leave  to 
recommend  Josiali  Tattnall,  Sir  P.  Houston  (were  it  not  for 
the  distance  he  Uves  from  Savannah)  Lachlan  McGillwray, 
and  Charles  William  MacKinen,  as  Proper  Persons. 

[Indoised  \ 

E  6th  February. 

GOV.    SIK    JAS.   WEIGHT    TO    SEC.    LOED    DAET- 


9  December  1775. 

No.  64.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  9th  of  Dec""-  1775. 

My  Lokd. 

As  I  mentioned  in  n  former  letter  the  Provincial  Congress 
met  here  on  the  16th  ult  &  have  Sat  every  day  since. 

The  first  Material  thing  that  was  Published  was  on  the 
30th  of  Nov'-  when  with  an  intention  to  shut  up  the  Coiu'ts 
of  Justice,  a  Eesolve  of  which  the  inclosed  is  a  Copy  was 
sent  round  to  all  the  Attornies  at  Law,  and  on  Tuesday  the 
5tli  inst.  an  Edict  a  printed  Copy  of  which  is  Inclosed,  was 
served  on  all  the  Attornies,  and  Mr.  Hume  the  Attorney 
General  not  Paying  obedience  to  the  said  Mandate,  was  on 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lua.  vol.  237. 

224  LETTEKS    FllOM    SIR   JAMES    WRIGHT. 

the  Gtli  Inst,  served  Avitli  an  Order  to  attend  the  Congress,  a 
Copy  whereof  is  also  Inclosed,  and  on  not  attending  a  War- 
rant was  Issued  agamst  him,  and  he  was  Apprehended  and 
Carried  before  them,  when  not  acknowledging  or  submitting 
to  their  Authority,  he  was  dismissed,  and  it  was  some  time 
Debated  whether  he  should  not  be  dehvered  over  to  the  Mob, 
to  be,  I  Presume,  Torn  to  Peices.  however  at  length  as  a 
matter  of  Great  Humanity  and  Tenderness,  they  condescend- 
ed to  order  him  out  of  the  Province  within  a  Month,  a  Copy 
of  which  order  Your  Lordship  will  also  receive  Inclosed. 
And  on  the  5tli  inst.  the  Chief  Justice  having  declared  from 
the  Bench,  that  if  any  Client  complained  to  the  Court,  that 
his  Attorney  delayed  his  Cause,  under  Pretence  of  the  Reso- 
lution of  the  People  who  Call  themselves  a  Congress,  and 
Proved  such  Complaint  he  would  Strike  such  Delinquent 
Attorney  off  the  Roll,  and  Complaint  being  made  to  the 
Congress  against  him,  on  the  6th  inst.  he  was  served  with  a 
Resolve  of  the  Congress  a  Copy  of  which  your  Lordship  has 
also  Inclosed,  with  the  Chief  Justices  letter  to  me  on  that 
occasion,  and  thus  your  Lordship  sees  the  Distress  the  Kings 
Officers  and  friends  of  Government  are  drove  to  in  this 
Province,  and  no  Ship  of  War  or  any  Protection  afforded  as 
yet,  and  I  am  really  of  opinion  my  Lord  that  if  no  Support 
or  Protection  conies  here  very  soon,  that  every  officer  and 
friend  of  Government  will  either  be  forced  out  of  the  Prov- 
ince, or  must  submit  to  worse  fate,  and  it  is  confidently 
reported  &  I  beheve  it  to  be  truth,  that  the  Continental  Con- 
gress ha»  ordered  3000  men  to  be  Immediately  Raised,  2000 
to  assist  the  Carolinians  against  any  of  his  Majesty's  Troops, 
when  any  come  there,  and  1000  to  be  sent  here ;  so  that  we 
shall  be  in  a  fine  sitiiation,  unless  assistance  should  happily 
come  before. 

Your  Lordship  will  Probably  have  heard  that  about  5 
weeks  ago,  a  Party  was  sent  by  the  Liberty  People  in  Charles 
Town,  to  seize  on  one  Cunyngham  an  Active  Militia  Officer 
in  the  Back  Parts  of  South  Carolina,  that  they  actually  did 
so,  and  took  him  out  of  his  own  House,  and  ('arried  him  to 
Charles  Town,  where  he  was  by  the  Committee  committed 
to  Close  Confinement,  without  Pen,  Ink,  Paper,  <S:c.  and  on 


this  being  known  in  the  Country,  a  Brother  of  Cunyngliani's 
raised  a  Considerable  Party  of  Men  and  Seized  upon  about 
1000  weight  of  Gun  Powder  and  3000  weight  of  Bullets 
which  was  carrpng  in  some  Waggons  under  an  Escort,  some 
say  as  a  Present  to  the  Cherokee  Indians  <t  some  say  to  be 
distributed  amongst  the  Back  Country  Liberty  People,  how- 
ever upon  the  Account  of  this  Reaching  Charles  Town,  a 
Coll.  Thompson  with  his  Regiment  of  Rangers  in  the  Caro- 
lina Pay,  was  sent  out,  and  orders  to  the  Militia  Colonels  to 
Raise  and  Draft  the  Mihtia,  and  Proceed  to  take  Cunyngham 
and  the  leaders  of  his  Party,  and  bring  them  to  Charles 
Town,  but  before  Thompson  got  there  Cunyngham  who  it  is 
said  had  raised  at  least  1200  <fe  some  say  2000  Men,  who  call 
themselves  Royalists,  had  Marched  against  and  attacked  a 
Major  Williamson  of  the  Liberty  Party  in  a  Fort  at  Ninety 
Six.  It  is  said  the  Attack  beg*un  on  Saturday  Night  the  25 
Ult  and  Lasted  till  Tuesday  Night  following,  when  William- 
son«was  obliged  to  Surrender.  I  wall  not  attempt  to  say  on 
what  terms  or  Conditions,  as  the  Reports  ar  Various,  this 
Cu"cumstance  w^ere  there  any  Kings  Troops  in  Front,  might 
Prove  very  Fortunate,  and  be  attended  with  the  best  Conse- 
quences. But  my  Lord  as  they  can  have  no  Eifectual  Sujd- 
port,  I  fear  they  will  at  length  be  overpowered.  What  Great 
Pity  it  is  that  none  of  his  Majesty's  Troops  are  yet  arrived 
in  South  Carolina,  for  I  am  clear  that  there  would  be  a  very 
PowerfuU  Division  in  that  Province,  but  I  apprehend  that 
may  be  weakened  and  prevented,  before  any  thing  gets  there 
to  support  or  cooperate,  and  here  my  Lord  we  are  in  the 
Same  Predicament,  with  respect  to  South  Carolina,  I  doubt 
not  but  your  Lordship  will  be  ver}^  circumstantially  Informed 
by  Lord  AVm.  Campbell,  but  as  I  know^  the  Situation  his 
Lordship  is  in,  and  that  Probably  he  may  not  have  an  oppor- 
tunity of  Writing  or  Conveying  intelligence,  I  have  Just 
Mentioned  the  Accounts  received  here,  which  Possibly  may 
not  be  Exactly  the  Case.  I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Per- 
fect Esteem 

My  Lord  Your  Lordships 
most  obhged  and  most  obedient  humble  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 



P.  S.  lltli  Decoiulxu-  On  Saturday  Ni^bt  the  Provincial 
Congress  after  settling  a  Council  of  Safety  and  General 
Com'''  Broke  up.  The  Parochial  C/oni"'  Avas  fixed  before,  and 
thus  the  New  Government  is  Again  Estabbsbed. 

The  most  Material  Transactions  of  the  Provincial  C^ongress, 
were  AVhat  I  have  Mentioned  relative  to  the  Courts,  and  some 
Kegulations  of  the  Militia,  but  I  Can't  yet  Learn  the  Partic- 
ulars, as  they  Endeavour  to  keep  every  thing  as  Secret  as 
Possible,  and  I  am  Informed  the  last  Resolve,  is  to  Abide  by, 
and  Enforce  Whatever  the  Continental  Congress  may  agree 
upon  or  order.  The  Report  of  1000  Men  Coming  here,  Gains 
Credit  and  its  Said  they  are  Expected  in  January. 

J.  W. 
\  Luloysed] 
R  6th  February. 

GOV.    SIR    JAS.    WRIGHT    TO    SEC.    LORD    DART- 

11   I)K<^E\nsKjj  177'). 

No.  G5.       Savannah  in  Georgia,  the  llth'of  December  1775. 

My  Lord, 

Having  already  wrote  Your  Lordship  very  fully  b}^  this 
Conveyance  in  my  letters  No.  63  &  64,  to  which  I  begg  leave 
to  refer,  I  have  noAv  only  to  Acquauit  your  Lordship  that  two 
days  ago,  I  had  the  Hcmor  to  receive  the  Duplicate  of  y(mr 
Lordships  letter  of  the  Stu'ond  of  August  ( 'overing  the  Leave 
of  Absence  which  His  Majesty  has  been  Most  Graciously 
Pleased  to  grant  me,  and  of  which  I  retain  a  Gratefull  Sense, 
and  return  Your  Lordship  my  best  thanks.  I  observe  your 
Lordship  received  my  Letters  of  the  '25th  of  May,  9th,  17tli 
«t  20th  of  June,  Avrote  Just  at  the  l)eginning  of  (mr  Trans- 
gressions.    No  Ship  of  War  is  y(^t  arrived.     The  Contents  of 

*  p.  K.  O.    Am,  &  W.  lud,  vol,  237, 


your  Lordships  letter  I  have  not  as  yet  Commuiiicated  to  any 
Body  but  Mr.  Graham  and  for  Many  Reasons  we  have  Con- 
chided  to  take  no  Notice  of  it,  for  some  time,  Especially  as 
the  Originals  are  not  yet  come  to  Hand,  but  as  I  had 
Mentioned  my  having  Wrote  for  leave  to  return  to  England, 
I  find  all  the  Kings  Officers  and  Friends  to  Government  write 
for  my  Continuance  Amongst  them,  and  I  am  well  Informed 
and  have  been  told  by  Several  of  the  Liberty  People  That 
they  in  General  Express  great  Concern  and  Uneasiness  at 
My  Intention  of  Leaving  the  Province  at  Present,  at  the  Same 
time  many  on  both  sides  think  I  might  be  of  more  Service  in 
England  than  here. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordship's 

most  obliged  and  Obed*  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  &c.  &c.  etc. 
E.  6th  February. 

GOV.    SIR    JAS.    WRIGHT    TO    SEC.    LORD    DART- 

19  December  1775. 

No.  66.        Savannah  in  Georgia  the  19th  of  December  1775. 

My  Lord, 

Since  my  last  two  of  the  People  who  went  fi'oni  hence  as 
Delegates,  are  returned,  and  it  is  Said  they  have  brought 
Blank  Commissions  fi-om  the  Continental  Congress,  to  be 
filled  up  by  the  Council  of  Safety  here,  to  Officers  for  a  Regi- 
ment of  what  they  CaU  Provincials,  which  is  to  be  Raised 
for  this  Province,  to  Consist  of  Eight  Companys  of  75 
Privates — Say  600  Rank  and  file  in  a  Regiment,  and  if  they 
Cant  find  men  Enough  in  this  Province  for  those  that  are  to 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  237. 


be  here,  then  tliey  are  to  l)e  Corni)leted  fi-oiii  Nortli  Carolina 
and  Virginia,  and  tliree  Eegiuients  are  to  be  Raised  in  tlie 
Same  way  for  S"  (^arolina,  these  are  the  Last  Accounts  and 
I  beHeve  Tnie. — and  thus  your  Lordship  Sees  they  are  Pre- 
j)arin<2;  tlioughout,  to  Support  their  I'^surped  Powers?,  and  to 
resist  the  Kings  Troops,  When  any  may  be  Sent. — and  as 
I  apprehend  that  Lord  AVm.  Campl^ell  may  not  have  any 
opp(ntunity  of  ATriting  to  your  Lordship,  I  tliink  it  my  Duty 
to  Mention  this,  and  also  to  Acquaint  Your  Lordship  that 
I  am  Avell  Informed  fi-om  a  Gentleman  of  undoubted  Veracity 
and  a  Friend  to  Government  in  S"  Carolina,  that  when  their 
Provincial  Congress  Meets  on  the  first  of  February  next  their 
Principal  business  then  Avill  be  to  Form  a  Constitution  and 
to  Elect  a  Governor  and  all  other  Officers,  but  whether  this 
is  in  Virtiie  of  Orders  from  the  Continental  CongTess  or  not, 
he  could  not  Learn,  if  it  be,  I  Presume  it  may  be  General, 
and  even  if  it  be  not  a  General  Regulation,  Yet  if  Such  a 
thing  be  done  in  Carolina,  AVhat  the  (consequence  of  Such  a 
Precedent  may  be  Elsewhere,  I  will  not  take  upon  me  to  Say. 

In  this  Province  my  Lord  Ave  are  more  unhappily  Cu'cum- 
stanced,  than  in  any  other,  for  there  are  very  few,  Men  of 
real  Abilities,  Gentlemen  or  Men  of  Pr(jperty  in  their 

The  Parochial  Committee  are  a  Parcel  of  the  Lowest 
People  Chiefly  Carpenters,  Shoemakers,  Blacksmiths  etc  with 
a  Few  at  their  Head  in  the  General  Committee  and  Council 
of  Safety,  there  are  Some  better  Sort  of  Men  and  Some  Mer- 
chants and  Planters  but  many  of  the  Inferior  Class,  and  it  is 
really  Terrible  my  Lord  that  Such  People  Should  be  Suffered 
to  Overturn  the  Civil  Government  and  most  arbitrarily  deter- 
mine upon,  and  Sport  with  Other  Mens  Lives  Libertys  and 

I  doubt  not  but  your  Lordship  will  most  Sensibly  feel  the 
Situation  we  are  in,  and  that  we  Shall  not  remain  much 
Longer  in  this  Distressfull  Condition. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem, 
My  Lord,  Y'^our  Lordships 

most  Obliged  and  Obed*  Serv* 
The  Earl  of  DartmoiTth  &c.  &c.  &c,  Ja,  Wright 


P.  S.  I  must  Humbly  request  that 

this  letter  may  not  be  published. 
No  King's  Ship  Arrived  here  yet. 

[  I)i(J()i:se<J] 

E  6th  February. 

GOV.    SIR   JAS.   WRIGHT    TO    SEC.    LORD    DART- 


3  January  177(5. 

Savanah  in  Georgia  the  3d  of  January  1775. 

My  Good  Lord, 

Mr.  Hume  the  Attorney  General  will  have  the  Honor  to 
deliver  this  to  your  Lordship,  he  is  a  Nephew  of  mine,  and  a 
Young  Man  of  Great  Veracity,  also  one  of  His  Majesty's 
Council,  has  been  Privy  to  every  Transaction  here,  and  on 
whose  Information  in  every  Respect  your  Lordship  may 
intirely  rely.  Since  the  return  of  two  of  the  Delegates  it  is 
said  as  soon  as  their  Regiment  is  raised,  they  will  Levy  a 
Tax  of  £50,000  Sterling  on  the  Inhabitants  of  this  Province, 
it  being  their  Quota  of  the  General  Continental  Expence 
already  hicurred,  and  that  if  any  refuse  to  pay  their  Propor- 
tion they  will  seize  on  their  Estate  and  sell  them  for  any 
thing  they  will  fetch,  this  is  Pulilickly  Declared  and  if  they  are 
Determined  to  do  it,  I  dont  see  how  it  wdll  be  possible  to 
prevent  them. 

They  Say  that  now  they  have  gone  so  far,  that  neither 
Fortune  or  Lives  are  to  be  regarded,  and  that  they  wiU  go 
every  Length,  but  still  if  we  had  Proper  Support  and  Assist- 
ance, I  think  Numbers  would  Join  the  Kings  Standard,  but 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 

230  LEWErS  Prom  sir  jaME!^  wrigRT. 

no  Troops,  no  Money,  no  Orders,  or  Instructions  and  a  Wild 
Multitude  gathering  fast,  what  can  any  Man  do  in  such  a 
Situation?  no  Arms,  no  Ammunition,  not  so  much  as  a  Ship 
of  War  of  any  kind  and  the  Neighbouring  Province  at  the 
same  time  threatning  Vengeance  against  the  Friends  of  Gov- 
ernment and  to  Send  1000  Men  to  assist  the  Liberty  People, 
if  they  want  Assistance,  all  these  things  My  Lord  are  really 
too  inncji.  they  have  also  Publickly  Declared  that  every  Man 
shall  sign  the  Association  or  leave  the  Province,  that  is 
private  Persons,  But  that  no  Kings  Officer  shall  be  Suffer'd 
to  go,  they  will  take  care  to  Prevent  any  of  the  in  horn  stirring. 

Surely  My  Lord  His  Majesty's  Officers  and  Dutiful!  & 
Loyal  Subjects  will  not  be  Suffered  to  remain  under  such 
Cruel  Tyranny  and  Oppression.  Altho'  I  write  this  as  a 
Private  letter,  I  mean  it  for  Your  Lordships  Public  Informa- 
tion, tho'  not  to  be  Published ;  but  made  use  of  as  Your 
Lordship  may  see  fit,  and  some  things  I  have  not  Chose  to 
Commit  to  writing  but  have  desired  Mr.  Hume  to  Communi- 
cate them. 

I  must  not  omit  to  Acquaint  your  Lordship  that  early  in 
July  Lord  Wm.  Campbell  sent  a  Messenger  here,  to  let  me 
know  he  was  going  to  dispatch  the  Scorpion  Sloop  of  War  to 
Boston,  and  that  if  I  had  any  letters,  he  would  forward  them 
with  his  own,  and  I  supposing  it  to  be  an  intire  safe  oppor- 
tunity, wrote  to  the  General  and  Admiral,  Copys  of  which  I 
sent  Your  Lordship  some  time  ago.  But  the  Messenger 
proved  a  Villain,  and  Carried  my  Packet  to  the  Committee, 
instead  of  Lord  Wm.  and  they  opened  my  letters  and  kept 
them,  and  wrote  others  in  my  name,  of  a  quite  different 
Import,  this  I  have  but  very  lately  Discovered  but  is  Cer- 
tainly fact.     I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem, 

My  Lord 

Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  and 

Obedient  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  &c.  etc.  &c. 


R  14th  March. 

LETTERS   FROM   SIR   JAMES   WRiflttT.  231 

GOV.    SIR    JAS.    WmUHT    TO    SEC.    LOKD    DART- 

3  .Jani'ahy  1776. 

No.  67.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  3(1  of  JanuaiT  1776, 

My  Lord, 

I  wrote  jour  Lordship  fully  on  the  State  of  Affairs  in  this 
Province  of  the  l»th  llth  X-  19th  Ult.  Nos.  64,  ()5  &  66  by  a 
Yessell  which  saild  from  hence  the  24th  Ult.  the  C'ontents  of 
all  which  I  now  Confirm,  the  Americans  my  Lord  Elate  with 
Success,  and  having  met  with  what  they  call  no  Opposition, 
tho  they  have  been  Declared  Rebels  by  Parliament  12 
Months  ago,  now  Say  Great  Britain  Cainiot  reduce  them, 
and  that  if  their  Towns  Ac.  are  Destroyed  cV  tliey  Obliged  to 
retire  Back,  they  will  tyre  out  Great  Britain ;  and  She  must 
be  Ruined  with  them,  that  they  will  be  Safe  in  the  Back 
Country,  being  now  sure  of  the  Canadians  and  all  the 
Indians.  I  Inclose  your  Lordship  some  Papers  in  which  you 
will  see  something  of  the  Proceedings  and  Sjiirit  of  the 
People  here,  but  as  Mr.  Hume  the  Attorney  General  mentioned 
in  my  Letter  No.  64  goes  in  the  Vessell  I  now  Write  by, 
I  have  less  Occasion  to  be  Particular,  as  he  will  be  able  to 
give  your  Lordship  a  Circumstantial  Account  and  to  answer 
any  Inquiries  your  Lordship  may  think  Proper  to  make. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be  Avith  Perfect  Esteem,  My  Lord,  Your 

most  Obliged  and  Obedient  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  Arc.  A-e.  &c. 


R  29th  Februarv. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 


GOV.   SIR  JAS.   WRIGHT   TO   SEC.   LORD   G.   GER- 

26  Makcii  1776. 

No.  3.  On  Board  His  Majesty's  Ship  Scarborogh 

AT  CocKSPUR  26th  March  1776. 
My  Lord, 

At  the  request  of  Mr.  Graham,  One  of  the  Council  of  this 
Province,  I  take  the  Liberty  to  acquaint  your  Lordship  That 
by  the  burning  of  the  Ship  Inverness  by  the  Rebels  (in  order 
as  I  aprehend  to  prevent  the  Ship  &  Cargo  from  falling  into 
the  hands  of  the  Kmgs  Officers)  he  has  suffered  an  exceed- 
ino-  oxeat  Loss,  the  particular  causes  &  reasons  of  this 
Mischief,  Mr.  Graham  has  got  drawn  up  at  large  and  authen- 
ticated before  a  Notary  Publick,  and  also  the  Value  of  his 
Effects  on  board — and  has  also  got  proper  Certificates  fi'om 
the  Kmgs  Officers  who  were  upon  the  Service  of  getting  the 
Rice,  fi'oni  before  the  Town  as  mentioned  in  my  last  letter — 
In  Justice  to  Mr.  Graham  I  cannot  ommit  assuring  Your  Lord- 
ship That  he  is  a  most  firm  friend  to  Government  and  has 
suffered  gi-eatly  fi'oni  the  Resentment  of  the  Rebels  besides 
the  above  Loss,  and  has  been  under  the  necessity  of  leaving 
his  Family  and  taking  refuge  here  for  six  weeks  past  and  is 
now  in  the  greatest  difficulty  and  distress  imaginable,  And  I 
hope  for  Your  Lordships  Pardon  when  I  Presume  to  mention 
Mr.  Graham  as  a  Person  well  deserving  Countenance  Protec- 
tion and  Relief. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be,  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Obed*  Hble  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain  &c.  &c.  &c. 

R  11th  May. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  237. 

LETTEllS   FROM   Sill  JAMES   WRIGHT.  233 

GOV.    SIK    JAS.    WRIGHT    TO    SEC.    LORD    DART- 

10  March  1776. 

On  Board  his  Majesty's  Ship  Scarborough 

No.   70.  AT    COCKSPUR   IN    THE  RiVER  SaVANNAH  IN  THE 

Province  of  Georgia  the  10th  of  March  1776. 
My  Lord, 

I  did  myself  the  Honor  to  write  to  Your  Lordship  of  the 
20th  of  January  No.  68  &  of  the  27th  of  February  No.  69 
and  in  my  last  Inclosed  yoiu'  Lordship  a  Copy  of  a  letter 
I  wrote  fi-om  hence  on  the  13th  of  Feb'^^'  to  his  Majesty's 
Council  at  Savannah,  to  be  Published  to  the  Congress  & 
People  in  General,  also  an  Answer  sent  by  the  Congress  to 
the  Gentlemen  of  the  Council,  and  Copys  of  letters  wrote  by 
me  to  General  Clinton  on  the  21st  &  27th  of  February  Con- 
taining as  near  as  in  my  Power  to  do,  a  State  of  the  Situation 
of  Affairs  m  this  Province,  and  to  which  I  beg  leave  to  refer 
your  Lordship,  and  I  am  now  to  Acquaint  your  Lordship 
that  Capt.  Barkley  who  Commands  the  King's  Ships  here 
Viz :  the  Scarborough  of  20  Guns,  Tamer  of  16  Guns,  Chero- 
kee of  10  Guns,  and  the  Hinchinbrook  Schooner  of  8  Guns, 
and  Major  Grant  who  Commands  about  Two  Hundred  of 
Light  Infantry  &  Marines  on  Board  two  Transport  Ships, 
one  of  which  Mounts  16  Guns  Determined  to  go  up  to  the 
Town,  with  such  Vessells  as  could  be  Lightened  so  as  to  be 
Carried  up,  in  order  to  Endeavour  to  bring  away  Several 
Merchant  Ships  which  had  Deer  Skins  &  Rice  on  board,  and 
which  had  been  detained  a  great  while  by  the  Rebels.— the 
intention  of  this  Manoeuvre  Your  Lordship  will  see  by  a 
Copy  of  a  letter  which  I  wrote  to  three  of  the  Gentlemen  of 
the  Council  who  happened  to  be  down  here  on  the  1st  instant ; 
which  is  now  Inclosed  with  their  Answer  to  it.  this  Expedi- 
tion My  Lord  is  now  over,  and  they  are  returned  with  14  or 
15  Merchant  Ships  and  Yessells  of  one  sort  or  other,  and 
on  Board  of  which  there  is  about  1600  Barrels  of  Rice,  it 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  237. 

234  LETT131W   T'ROM   Stn   JAMES   WRlGHT. 

was  atteiidtMl  with  veiy  little  Loss,  I  tliiiik  on  the  Side  of  the 
Kings  TroojiK  none  are  hurt :  only  fonr  Sailors  wounded  A:  3 
of  them  ve^ry  Slightly,  and  on  the  part  of  the  Rel)els  I  believe 
only  1  or  2  Wounded,  the  Rebels  Burn't  a  Ship,  a  Brig  A'  2 
Small  Vessels  tV  have  detained  3  or  4  more  Avhich  were  so 
Situated  that  they  could  not  be  brought  away, — and  now  my 
Lord  I  find  myself  under  the  necessity  of  giving  Your  Lord- 
ship a  Short  Sketch  of  the  distresses  this  Province  has  l)een 
Precipitatel}-  forced  into,  by  the  arrival  of  the  Kings  Shi})s  A- 
Troops — the  first  of  which  came  on  or  about  the  16th  of 
January,  for  till  th(^n  my  Lord,  tho'  Labouring  under  the 
Tyranny  &  oppression  of  C-ongresses  S:c.  Src.  (tc.  Yet  the 
Lives  of  the  Kings  Otlicers  &  Friends  to  Government  did  not 
appear  to  be  in  any  Immediate  Danger,  &:  they  Enjoyed  the 
Possession  &  use  of  their  Property.  Y(uir  Lordship  will 
Judge  of  the  Cruel  State  &  Situation  we  are  reduced  to,  the 
Rebels  Encouraged  &  Exulting,  their  Numbers  in  &  about 
Town  increased  according  to  the  best  Information  I  can  Get 
to  about  800  men  in  arms,  about  200  of  their  Regiment  or 
Battalion  already  Inlisted  and  daily  increasing,  a  Consider- 
able part  of  my  Property  seized  upon  and  the  Negroes  Em- 
ployed in  throwing  up  and  making  Military  works  in  and 
about  the  Town,  the  Kings  Officers  and  fiiends  to  Govern- 
ment Some  seized  upon  and  kept  Prisoners  and  others  hiding 
and  obliged  to  desert  their  familys  &  Property  to  Save  their 
Lives  &  Liberties  and  Some  threatened  to  be  Shot  whenever 
met  with,  which  distresses  my  Lord  I  humbly  Conceive  would 
not  have  happened,  had  no  Kings  Ships  or  Troops  come  here, 
untill  their  was  sufficient  to  reduce  the  Rebels  at  once.  Major 
Grant  is  under  the  necessity  of  returning  to  Boston  with  the 
Troops  under  his  Command,  but  C!apt.  Barkley  has  agreed  to 
Stay  here  awhile  for  our  Protection  and  to  keep  this  Port 
from  falling  into  the  Hands  of  the  Rebels  till  we  hear  from 
General  Clinton,  wdiether  any  assistance  is  like  to  be  sent 
here  by  him  or  not,  and  which  I  am  Impatieutl}'  Expecting. 
The  Carolinians  have  sent  600  of  their  People  to  reinforce 
and  assist  the  People  here,  and  who  now  are  putting  the 
Town  in  the  best  State  of  Defence  and  resistance  which  they 
Possibly  can,  and  I  am  Persuaded  will  Oppose  any  Troops 

LfitTEHS   Ii*ROM   StR  JAMES   WRTGHf.  ^35 

which  may  be  sent  against,  or  Attempt  to  take  Possession  of 
the  Town,  and  force  them  from  it,  and  tlie  Carolina  People 
say  that  if  they  are  attack't  and  Drove  from  Charles  Town 
they  will  come  here,  and  join  the  People  and  make  a  Stand 
in  this  Province.  If  General  Clinton  sends  Troops  I  shall 
think  it  my  Duty  to  Continue  here  for  some  time,  l)ut  if  none 
are  to  come  I  dont  see  how  I  can  Possibly  be  of  any  Material 
Service  either  to  His  Majesty  or  the  Province. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

Most  obhged  and  Obedient  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Earl  of  Dartmouth  &c.  &c.  &c. 

Duplicate,  the  Original  forwarded 

to  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth.     Ja.  Wright  19th  March  76. 

R.  6th  June. 

GOV.   SIR  JAS.   WRIGHT  TO   SEC.   LORD   G.   GER- 

13  March  1776. 

On  Board  His  Majesty's  Ship  Scarborough 
Duplicate.       at  Cockspur  in  the  River  Savanah  in  the 

Province  of  Georgia  the  13  of  March  1776. 
My  Lord, 

This  Day  I  had  the  Honor  to  receive  Your  Lordships  Cir- 
cular Letter  of  the  10th  of  Novem'"  last,  Notifying  that  his 
Majesty  has  been  Graciously  Pleased  to  Appoint  your  Lord- 
ship to  be  one  of  his  Principal  Secretaries  of  State  &  to 
commit  to  your  Lordships  care  the  Dispatch  of  such  business 
as  relates  to  his  Majestys  Colonies,  and  Directmg  me  to 
address  My  Dispatches  in  future  to  your  Lordship. 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  k  W.  Ind.  vol.  237. 


I  beg  3'onr  Lordship  will  be  Pleased  to  ])eriiiit  me  to  offer 
you  my  very  Sincere  Congratulations  on  tliis  Most  Dis- 
tinguished Mark  of  his  Majesty's  lioyal  Favor,  and  to  assure 
your  Lordship  that  I  shall  Punctually  obey,  and  to  the 
utmost  of  My  Power  Execute  any  Conmiands  I  may  receive 
&  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Obedient  Humble  Servant 

J  A.  Wright. 
The  Right  Honorable 

Lord  George  Germain  <Src.  <tc.  &c. 

\  Indorsed] 

11  6th  June. 

(Dup — Orig'  not  reced.) 

GOV.   SIR  JAS.   WRIGHT   TO    SEC.   LORD   G.  GER- 

14  Mahch  1776. 

On  Board  his  Majesty's  Ship  Scarborough 
Duplicate       at  Cockspur  in  the  River  of  Savannah,  in  the 

Province  of  Georgia  the  14  of  March  1776. 
My  Lord, 

Yesterday  I  had  the  Honor  to  receive  Your  Lordships 
Circular  Letter  of  the  23  of  Dec.  Last,  with  the  Act  of  Par- 
liament for  Prohibiting  all  Trade  &  intercourse  with  the 
Colonies  therein  Mentioned,  and  Your  Lordship  may  have 
the  firmest  relj^ance  that  I  shall  to  the  utmost  of  my  Power 
Promote  the  Execution  of  the  Same,  but  alas,  what  can  be 
done  in  a  Province  in  arms  S:  Rebellion  almost  throughout, 
and  wdiere  they  have  Drove  away  their  Governor  and  Many 
Kings  Officers,  and  have  now  Several  others  Confined  Close 
Prisoners, — and  things  have  gone  to  such  a  Length,  that 

*  p.  R.  O.     Aiu.  A:  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 


I  cannot  noir  See  any  Probability,  nor  do  I  expect  that  any 
acts  of  benevolence  by  his  Majesty,  or  the  Parliament,  will 
l)e  Regarded  or  have  any  Effect,  Untill  Accompanied  with  a 
Sufficient  Force  to  Rediice  the  Rebels. 

I  shall  Certainly  Give  every  assistance  Sc  information  I 
Possibly  can,  to  the  Commissioner  or  Commissioners  who 
may  be  Appointed  Pursuant  to  the  said  Act  of  Parliament : 
But  my  Opinion  is,  that  Force  only  can  now  Pave  the  way 
for  the  Good  ends  Proposed  by  the  Powers  intended  to  be 
Given  to  the  Commissioners. 

Your  Lordship  will  see  the  Present  State  of  affairs  here 
fi'om  the  Inclosed  Letters  addressed  to  the  Earl  of  Dart- 
mouth <fe  which  have  remained  by  me  some  time  for  want  of 
an  Opportunity  of  forwarding  them. 

This  Ship  Proceeds  to  Day  by  Way  of  North  Carolina  & 
Virginia  and  I  expect  an  Opportunity  wdll  offer  by  way  of 
Boston  in  3  or  4  Days  by  which  I  shall  do  myself  the 
Pleasure  to  give  your  Lordship  a  Further  Account  of  any 
thmg  which  may  Occur. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem  My  Lord, 
Your  Lordships 

most  Obed'  Hble  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain  (fee.  <fec.  <fec. 

R  6th  June. 
(Duphcate — Orig'  not  reced.) 



14  March  177(5. 

No.  1.  On  Board  his  Majesty's  Ship  Scarborough 

Duplicate.        at  Cockspur  in  the  River  Savannah  in  the 
Province  of  Georgia  the  14tli  of  March  1776. 
My  Lord, 

Your  Lordships  Letter  of  the  23rcl  of  Dec'"-  No.  1,  I  had 
the  honor  to  receive  Yesterday  by  the  Duke  of  Cumberland 
Packet,  That  fi"om  Mr.  Pownall  of  the  7th  of  November  with 
the  Sundry  Papers  Transmitted,  is  not  yet  come  to  hand, 
which  gives  me  much  Concern,  as  I  remain  Greatly  in  the 
Dark  with  respect  to  the  Operations  intended  and  so  abso- 
lutely Necessary  in  the  Southern  Provinces.  Sir  Peter  Parker 
with  the  Armament  have  not  yet  appeared  on  this  Coast. 

I  Observe  what  your  Lordship  is  Pleased  to  Mention  with 
respect  to  Mr.  Green. 

I  had  on  hearing  of  Mr.  Habersham's  Death  appointed  Mr. 
John  Hume  to  be  Secretary,  and  taken  the  Liberty  to  recom- 
mend him  to  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth,  and  which  Letter  I  pre- 
sume would  come  to  Your  Lordships  Hand,  but  not  having 
the  happiness  to  be  personally  known  to  your  Lordship  I 
cannot  Presume  to  Expect  your  Lordship  may  Condescend 
to  approve  of  my  Recommendation,  yet  would  hope  the 
reason  mentioned  in  my  letter  to  Lord  Dartmouth  might 
have  Some  Weight  with  Your  Lordship  &  I  will  be  Answer- 
able for  Mr.  Humes  Loyalty  &  Good  Conduct  & 

I  have  the  honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Obedient  Humble  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Honora])le  Lord  George  Germain  (tc.  <tc.  &:c. 

R  6th  June.         (Duplicate — Orig'  not  reced.) 

*  V.  K,  O.    hm.  Hi.  W,  lua.  vol,  237. 


GOV.    Sm   JAS.   WEIGHT  TO    [SEC.  LORD  G.  GER- 

20  March  1776. 

On  Board  his  Majesty's  Ship  Scarborough 

No.  2.         AT  COCKSPUR  IN  THE  RiVER  SaVANAH  IN  THE 

Province  of  Georgia  the  20th  of  March  1776. 

My  Lord, 

I  have  now  the  houor  to  Transmit  Your  Lordship  a  DujjH- 
cate  of  a  Letter  of  the  10  inst.  the  Original  of  which  was 
Address'd  to  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth,  Inclosing  a  Copy  of  a 
letter  I  had  Wrote  to  such  of  the  Gentlemen  of  the  Council 
as  had  taken  Shelter  down  here,  and  to  Mr.  Stuart  the  Super- 
intendant,  who  happend  to  i)ut  into  this  port,  in  his  way  to 
meet  General  Clinton  at  Cape  Fear,  and  a  Copy  of  wdiich 
with  their  Answer,  and  of  a  Letter  I  wrote  to  Capt.  Barkley 
&  Major  Grant,  on  that  Subject. 

I  now  also  inclose  Your  Lordship  CV)pys  of  My  Letters  of 
the  13tli  &  14th  inst.  I  look  upon  this  Province  My  Lord, 
to  be  now  totally  under  the  Influence  and  Direction  of  the 
Carolina  People,  wdio  have  had  Possession  of  the  Town  of 
Savanah  for  three  Weeks  past,  and  I  am  well  Informed,  that 
the  armed  People  in  this  Province  have  most  of  them  left  the 
Town,  and  that  Part  of  them  have  been  throwing  up  Works 
at  a  Town  or  Village  calld  Ebenezer  Situated  on  Savanah 
River  about  26  Miles  Above  the  Town  of  Savanah  and  the 
Carolina  People  Give  out  that  if  they  are  drove  from  their 
own  Town  they  will  retire  into  this  Province  &  join  the 
People  here  in  making  a  Stand  of  Defence. 

We  continue  to  be  in  the  Greatest  distress  Possible  and  on 
the  12th  inst.  the  Council  of  Safety  at  Savanah  Published  an 
Edict  against  all  who  had  left  the  Town  <fe  retired  on  Board 
any  of  the  Ships  for  Protection  I  have  not  been  able  to  get  a 
Copy  of  this  biit  two  Gentlemen  of  Veracity  who  Saw  S:  Read 
it.  Informed  me  it  declared  that  all  such,  and  those  who  may 
thereafter  leave  the  Town  &  go  on  Board  any  of  the  Ships 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  W.  Ind,  vol.  237, 


shall  be  deemed  Enemies  to  the  Cause  of  American  Liberty 
&  not  under  the  Protection  of  the  Council  of  Safety  but  Con- 
sidered as  Out  Lawed. 

I  must  Acquaint  your  Lordship  that  while  the  Kings  Ships 
<fe  Vessels  were  near  the  Town  of  Savanah  three  of  the 
Rebels  were  seized  upon,  Viz  Ramond  Deniere,  a  Planter, 
one  Daniel  Roberts  dissinting  Preacher  and  a  Lieut,  in  one 
of  the  Rebel  Companys  &  Joseph  Rice  who  was  Employed 
by  the  Rebels  in  a  Boat  kept  on  Savanah  River,  in  order  to 
obtain  Intelligence  &  to  Prevent  any  Private  Communication 
Between  the  Town  &  the  Ships  at  Cockspur,  in  the  night 
time. — and  Immediately  on  this  being  known  the  Rebels 
seized  upon  James  Edward  Powell  Anthony  Stoks  and 
Josiah  Tattnall  three  of  the  Council  and  upon  John  Mulloyne 

Lachlan  McGillwray  A:  AVilliam  McGillwray  Esq'"''-  and 

Wardell  and  Hugh  Inglis  Masters  of  Ships,  and  also  Seized 
upon  their  Ships  &  Cargoes,  and  made  Strict  Search  for  Mr. 
Graham  and  several  others,  who  kept  out  of  the  way,  and 
threatened  to  send  all  these  Prisoners  to  C^ambridge  in  the 
Massachusetts  Government,  if  Demere,  Roberts  &  Rice  were 
not  set  at  Liberty,  and  I  must  beg  leave  also  to  acquaint 
Your  Lordship  that  several  Merchants  &  other  Friends  to 
Government,  who  were  become  very  oljnoxious  to  the  Rebels, 
because  they  would  not  join  them  &  take  arms  against  their 
King  had  been  obliged  to  leave  Savanah  Privately  &  Seek 
Retuge  down  here.  And  upon  the  Whole,  on  the  request  of 
the  Gentlemen  wdio  were  in  Confinement,  it  was  thought  ad- 
visable to  agree  to  Liberate  the  three  Rebels,  who  are  none 
of  them  men  of  any  Consequence,  on  the  following  Terms 
Viz  that  all  the  above  named  Gentlemen  Should  be  Set  at 
liberty,  and  return  to  their  own  houses,  if  they  Choose  it,  on 
their  Parole  not  to  have  any  Connection  with  the  Kings 
Ships  or  Troops  in  this  Province  and  that  the  Safety  of  their 
Persons  &  Property  should  be  secured,  as  far  as  the  Present 
Council  of  Safety  (as  they  are  called)  or  any  Future  Council 
of  Safety  or  Congi-ess,  may  have  it  in  their  Power  to  Protect 
them,  with  Liberty  to  such  of  them  as  may  choose  it,  to  go 
on  Board  tlie  Ships  at  Cockspur  &  take  their  Apparel  Pro- 
visions &  any  thing  Else  that  they  may  think  Necessary  for 


their  Voyage,  if  they  are  disposed  to  leave  tlie  Province,  also 
upon  Condition  that  any  of  the  Gentlemen  now  down  here, 
who  are  reputed  to  be  Friends  to  Government  &  have  not 
taken  up  Arms,  Shall  be  Intitled  to  the  same  Conditions  as 
are  stipulated  for  the  Gentlemen  now  in  confinement,  and 
have  full  Liberty  to  return  to  tlieu'  Eespective  homes  if  they 
choose  so  to  do. 

The  above  terms  were  agreed  to,  Except  as  to  Some  part 
of  those  who  had  Retired  to  Cockspur. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

Most  Obedient  Humble  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 

P.  S.  26tli  March.  Yesterday  an  Attempt  was  made  on 
Tybee  Island,  Where  the  Eebels  Expected  to  find  me  on 
Shore,  with  several  Oflicers  and  Gentlemen,  but  happily  none 
were  on  Shore  from  the  Ships,  but  four  or  five  Gentlemen 
belonging  to  the  Towai,  who  happened  to  be  there,  they  took, 
and  carried  away — Some  Marines  were  also  on  Shore  Cutting 
wood  &  a  Ship  carpenter  was  there,  one  of  which  was  killed 
&  three  AVounded  so,  that  its  thought  they  cannot  recover, 
and  they  Burnt  three  Dwelling  houses,  the  party  is  said  to 
have  concisted  of  100  Men  well  armed  and  mostly  Rifiemen, 
Dressed  and  painted  like  Indians,  and  it  is  Positively  assert- 
ed that  some  Indians  were  with  them. 

Things  My  Lord  are  growing  worse  every  hour  and  I  fear 
assistance  is  at  a  great  Distance  yet.  the  man  that  was  killed 
they  Scalp't. 

J.  w. 

B  6th  June. 


2-42  LETTEKS   FIJOM   Silt   JAMES    AVllIGHT. 

GOV.   SIR  JA8.   WEIGHT   TO   SEC.  LOED  G.  GEE- 

27  March  177(1. 

*  On  Board  his  Majesty's  Ship  Scarborough 
No.  4.  AT  CocKsruR  IN  Savanah  Eiver  in  THE  Prov- 

ince OF  Georgia  the  27th  day  of  March  1776. 
My  Lord, 

At  the  Earnest  request  of  Messrs.  Jackson  <S:  McLean,  I 
have  taken  the  Liberty  to  inclose  Your  Lordship  a  Copy  of 
theii*  Letter  and  Memorial  to  nie,  and  in  Common  justice  to 
those  Gentlemen,  I  can  not  Omit  acquainting  Your  Lord  Ship, 
that  they  have  always  been  &  now  are,  firm  Friends  to  Gov- 
ernment, that  they  have  Certainly  been  very  Great  Sufferers, 
and  that  I  really  beheve  the  Contents  of  their  Memorial ;  as 
far  as  relates  to  themselves,  to  be  strictly  true,  as  to  the 
other  persons,  it  may  not  be  so  proper  for  me  to  say. 

I  must  also  beg  Leave  to  observe  to  Your  Lordship,  that  I 
Conceive  it  will  be  necessary,  and  for  his  Majesty's  Service, 
that  some  trade  be  Carried  on  with  the  Indians,  for  nothing 
but  that,  and  Presents,  can  Influence  them,  the  Observation 
in  the  Memorial  with  respect  to  which,  is  Certaiidy  Just,  and 
whoever  can  do  this,  in  the  Greatest  extent,  I  apprehend  will 
stand  fairest  to  prevail  on  the  Indians. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be,  with  great  deference 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  Obedient 

Humble  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Eight  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain  Arc.  &c.  &c. 

I  Iii(J(>r.s('<l\ 
E  Gth  June. 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  237, 



26  April  1776. 

No.  5.  Halifax  the  26tli  of  April  1776. 

My  Lord, 

On  the  21st  Instant,  I  Arrived  here  in  his  Majesty's  Sliip 
Scarborough  where  I  had  the  honor  to  receive  a  Duphcate  of 
a  Circular  Letter  from  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth  of  the  28th 
of  October  1775,  also  his  Lordship's  Circular  Letter  of  the 
8th  of  November  75,  also  a  Duplicate  of  Mr.  Pownall's  Letter 
of  the  7th  of  November  75,  inclosing  Copys  of  Letters  from 
his  Lordship  to  Major  General  Howe  of  the  22nd  of  October 
and  to  Governor  Martin  of  the  27th  of  October  &  7th  of 
November  and  to  Lord  Wm.  Campliell  of  the  7th  of  Novem- 
ber 75  which  several  Letters  fully  disclose  to  me  the  inten- 
tion of  the  Armament  proposed  against  the  four  Southern 
Colonies,  but  My  Lord  I  am  much  afi-aid  that  Sir  Peter 
Parker  &  the  Ships  under  his  Command  are  not  yet  arrived 
at  North  Carolina,  at  Least  we  have  not  heard  that  they  are. 

I  have  already  Acquainted  Your  Lordship  with  the  Occa- 
sion of  My  Leaving  Savanah  &  Inclosed  Copys  of  Several 
Letters  that  passed  between  me  &  the  Council  &  Captain 
Barkley  &  Major  Grant  at  Cockspur  also  of  a  Letter  I  wrote 
to  General  Clinton,  from  which  Your  Lordship  would  see  the 
state  and  situation  of  affairs  in  Georgia  &  South  Carolina — 
When  I  left  Savanah  from  many  Accounts  I  had  received  my 
fuU  Expectation  was  that  the  Kings  Ships  (k  Troops  which 
were  then  arrived  at  Tybee,  were  come  to  our  rehef  and 
assistance,  and  that  I  should  have  returned  to  Savanah  in  48 
Hours  after  I  left  it,  but  I  have  already  given  your  Lordship 
an  account  of  their  Errand  S:  my  Grievous  disappointment. 
it  was  then  Concluded  that  the  Ships  in  their  way  to  Boston 
shoud  call  off  the  Entrance  of  Cape  Fear  River,  that  I  might 
have  a  Conversation  with  General  Clinton  &  either  stay  there 
or  proceed  to  Boston  according  to  the  Plan  he  might  have 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 

244  LETTEltS   FUOM   Sill   JAME.S   ^VliIGHT. 

(leteriiiined  u})()ii.  But  Avlien  we  came  near  that  Inlet,  the 
Aveatlier  was  not  favourable  &  Difiicultjs  arose.  &  I  then 
found  my  Self  under  the  Necessity  of  writing  a  Letter  to 
General  Clinton  a  Coi)y  of  which  I  now  Inclose,  and  the  St. 
Lawrence  Schooner  was  sent  to  cape  fear  with  it,  &  with 
orders  fi'om  Captain  Barkley  to  wait  till  Sir  Peter  Parker 
Arrived,  for  an  answer  &  then  proceed  to  Boston  with  it. 
And  when  we  arrived  off  Cape  Codd,  the  Entrance  into  Bos- 
ton Bay,  we  met  with  his  Majesty's  Ship  Milford  Capt.  Burr, 
who  Informed  us  that  General  Howe  had  Evacuated  Boston 
&  that  the  whole  army  &,  the  Admiral  etc.  were  all  gone  for 
Halifax,  and  to  which  place  we  were  then  under  the  Necessity 
of  Proceeding. 

And  as  I  now  find  from  General  Howe,  that  it  is  wholly 
uncertain  whether  any  Troops  will  go  to  Georgia  or  not,  I 
have  determined  to  wait  some  time  in  hopes  of  hearing  fi'om 
General  Clinton,  and  if  he  should  ^^'Yite  me  that  he  intends 
any  Operations  against  Georgia,  I  shall  then  return  there, 
but  if  any  accident  should  prevent  my  hearing  fi'om  him  in  a 
Reasonable  time  or  if  he  Acquaints  me  that  no  Operations 
are  meant  to  be  carried  on  against  that  Province,  I  shall  then 
(under  his  Maj*^'*^  leave  of  absence)  Proceed  to  England  as  I 
cannot  in  that  case  return  to  Georgia  with  safety,  &  if  there 
cou'd  not  be  of  any  kind  of  use  to  his  Maj.  Service  or  the 
Province  &  I  am  very  happy  to  find  General  Howes  &  other 
opinions  coincide  with  my  own  in  this  Particular. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem, 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  and  obedient  Servant 

J  A.  WlUGHT. 

K  6th  June. 



8  Of'T.   1T77. 

Somerset  Street  Sth  October  1777. 
My  Lord, 

Having  very  lately  received  letters  of  the  2fitli  July  from 
St.  Augustine,  I  take  the  liberty  of  communicating  to  your 
Lordship,  such  intelligence  as  they  contain,  which  comes 
from  different  hands,  but  the  principal  is  fi'om  Mr.  Wm. 
Brown  late  acting  Comptroller  and  Searcher  at  the  Port  of 
Savannah  in  Georgia,  a  person  whose  veracity  is  unquestion- 
able, and  is  in  substance  as  follows : — 

"  Soon  after  the  Skirmish  at  Nassau,  four  hundred  Recruits 
for  the  Georgia  Battallions  arrived  at  Savannah  from  North 
Carolina  &  Virginia,  but  a  report  prevailing  there,. that  they 
were  soon  to  be  employed  in  another  attempt  against  East 
Florida,  one  half  of  them  desei'ted  and  the  rest  were  sta- 
tion'd  at  Fort  Barrington,  where  the  Small  Pox  &  Measles 
carried  off  a  great  many — 

"  On  the  appearance  of  some  Cruizers  off  Tyby  the  Sun- 
bury  Galleys  were  ordered  to  Cockspur  with  all  the  Cannon 
that  could  be  spared  from  that  Quarter — 

"i\.bout  a  hundred  of  the  Upper  Creeks  were  lately  at 
Augusta,  and  enterd  into  a  kind  of  Treaty  with  the  Rebels, 
and  recovered  back  seven  of  their  People  who  were  Prisoners 
at  Savannah. 

"All  Communication  l>etween  Florida  &  Georgia  is  entirely 
cutt  off,  and  some  days  ago  a  Gang  of  Lidians  came  into 
Augustine  with  a  Scalp  but  not  known  whether  Friend  or 

"  They  hope  something  is  intended  against  South  Carolina 
and  Georgia  next  Winter  and  lament  its  not  being  done 
sooner — 

"  Lachlan  Mcintosh  (the  Rebel  General  in  Georgia)  is  in 
confinement  for  killing  Gwinnett — George  Mcintosh  (a  great 
Rebel)  being  informed  there  was  an  intention  to  send  him  to 
the  Northward  to  be  tried  for  selling  Provisions  for  the  use 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 


of  the  Garrison  at  St.  Augustine  has  absconded  and  a  Party 
of  Sc^ldiers  are  living  at  free  Quarters  on  liis  Phxntation. 

"William  Mcintosh  (a  great  Promoter  of  the  liebellifm) 
with  his  Negi'oes  had  got  over  the  River  Altamaha  (supposed 
(^n  his  way  to  Florida)  but  was  pursued  and  overtaken  and 
his  Negroes  all  carried  back,  he  esca})e(l  himself,  but  lias  not 
been  heard  of  since,  and  its  supposed  was  either  in  the 
Woods  or  had  fallen  into  the  hands  of  the  Indians. 

"  The  Carolinians  taking  the  advantage  of  the  disputes  in 
Georgia,  the  Death  of  Gwinnett,  and  the  disgi-ace  of  the 
Mclntoshes,  who  all  violently  opposed  the  former  Attempt  to 
unite  Georgia  to  Carolina,  mean  to  revive  the  matter,  and  to 
send  General  Moultrie  to  enforce  it,  if  they  cant  otherwise 
accomplish  it — 

"Robert  Baillie  (a  warm  Friend  of  Government)  is  in  con- 
finement at  Savannah 

"Advertisements  are  put  up  throughout  Georgia  requiring 
aU  Aljsentees  to  return  and  Appear  within  six  Months,  and 
ordering  all  Persons  to  take  tlie  New  Sfofc  Onf/is  within  that 
time,  and  those  who  refuse  it,  are  to  depart  the  Prorivcc  d* 
Ameriva,  and  in  default  in  either  case,  their  Pro]>erty  to  be 
confiscated,  and  one  Gentleman  writes,  that  he  should  not 
be  at  all  surprized  to  hear  of  a  Revolt  in  Georgia. 

"A  Privateer  supposed  to  be  the  C-omet  of  Charles  Town 
lately  chased  a  Vessell  into  St.  Augustine  k  appear'd  again 
yesterday  k  accounts  from  Georgia  mention  that  a  Privateer 
from  Sunburry  of  Ten  Guns,  lately  took  five  Prizes,  two  of 
which  were  carried  safe  in — 

"  Sulhvan's  Island  is  now  so  strongly  fortified  that  nothing 
under  a  Seventy  Gun  ship  can  lye  before  it — 

The  above  I  beheve  to  be  in  general  true  and  thought  it 
necessary  that  Your  Lordship  should  be  acquainted  there- 
with— and  My  Lord  from  the  divisions  and  distracted  State 
of  the  People  and  Things  in  Georgia,  it  seems  the  most  favor- 
able opportunity  of  reducing  that  Province  to  his  Maj*-^'^ 
Obedience — Your  Lordship  will  be  pleased  to  remember  that 
when  the  Attempt  was  made  in  January  last  to  prevail  on  the 
Georgians  to  agree  to  an  Union  with  Carolina,  and  that  the 
two  Pro\inces  should  in  future  be  considered  as  one  State  as 


they  call  it  Mr.  Diayton  threw  out,  that  it  was  in  the  Power 
of  Carolina  to  cimipt'l  Georgia  to  submit — on  which  if  they 
had  not  immediately  decamped,  he  and  his  Colleagues  would 
have  been  Tarred  &  Feather'd — and  many  of  the  Pi-incipal 
Inhabitants  then  declared  that  if  force  was  used  by  Caro- 
lina— they  would  send  to  Cloy.  Tonyn  for  assistance  (fe  submit 
to  Great  Britain  rather  than  to  the  Proyince  of  Carolina — 
and  now  your  Lordship  sees  that  the  Carolinians  taking  the 
advantage  of  the  weakness  of  the  Georgians  occasioned  by 
their  Divisions,  are  renewing  that  scheme  and  with  an  inten- 
tion to  carry  their  Point  by  Force. 

From  all  which  there  seems  to  be  a  Probability  that  the 
People  in  general  may  be  disposed  to  return  to  their  Alle- 
giance, especially  if  they  had  any  Assistance  and  a  proper 
person  to  apply  to — -and  having  had  a  fidl  conversation  with 
Mr.  Graham  on  this  subject,  he  is  very  -willing  to  return  to 
America  in  order  to  be  in  the  way  to  obtain  siTch  intelligence 
as  can  be  depended  upon  of  the  true  state  of  afltairs  in 
Georgia,  and  if  he  goes  first  to  Penzacola  &  horn  thence  to 
St.  Augustine  he  will  by  that  means  have  an  Opj^ortunity 
of  seeing  Mr.  Stuart  and  of  having  a  full  and  clear  state  of 
the  disposition  of  the  Indians  and  of  knowing  what  assist- 
ance is  to  be  expected  fi"om  him  and  what  number  of  them 
or  others  he  may  have  it  in  his  Power  to  Lead  or  send  into 
Georgia  or  South  Carolina  if  necessary. 

And  if  it  should  unfortunately  happen  that  Sir  Wm.  Howe 
cannot  send  a  sufficient  force  next  Winter  to  reduce  So.  Car- 
olina and  Georgia,  yet  if  there  should  be  a  disposition  in  the 
Inhabitants  of  Georgia  in  general  to  shake  off  the  Tyranny 
of  the  Kebel  Powers  and  submit  to  His  Maj.  authority  in 
such  case  a  small  Force  added  to  what  may  be  spared  from 
the  Garrison  of  St.  Augustine  and  raised  within  the  Province 
of  Georgia — together  with  such  Indians  and  others  as  Mr. 
Stuart  may  be  able  to  carry  or  send — there  is  great  reason 
to  Conclude  that  the  Province  of  Georgia  might  be  recovered 
fi-om  the  Rebels — and  reduced  to  His  Maj*''^  obedience — But 
in  order  to  hold  it  against  So.  Carolina — it  wiU  be  necessary 
that  a  Twenty  Gun  Ship  or  a  Frigate  be  station'd  at  Cock- 
spur  near  Tyby — Two  Sloops  of  War  in  Savannah  River  and 


one  at  Siiiibury — And  as  some  works  must  be  constructed  at 
Savannah  an  Engineer  and  some  Cannon  &  Ordnance  Stores 
ttc  small  arms,  Amnninition  &c.  for  such  of  the  Inhabitants 
as  may  be  willing  to  arm  in  support  of  Government  and  their 
Liberties — and  also  such  as  may  be  raised  there  will  be 
necessary  to  be  furnished — and  if  these  Matters  are  approved 
oif,  I  would  also  propose  to  go  out  myself  and  join  in  the 
ITndertaking  having  i)roper  Instnictions  and  authorities  given 
me  for  that  purpose. 

I  beg  leave  to  congratulate  Your  Lordship  on  the  very 
agreeable  accounts  received  yesterday  which  lay  a  foundation 
for  expecting  great  and  decisive  Events,  and  what  I  cannot 
doubt  but  Your  Lordship  will  very  soon  have  a  Contirma- 
tion  of 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 

My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  and  olx'dicnt  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

I  Iitilorsvd] 

R  same  day. 


G  .Ian'uaky  1779. 

Somerset  Street  6tli  of  January  1779. 
My  Lord, 

I  have  taken  the  Liberty  to  Inclose  Your  Lordship  a 
Memorial  fi-om  myself  and  Some  other  Gentlemen  who  Hum- 
l)ly  hope  Your  Lordship  will  be  Pleased  to  Approve  of  it,  and 
to  give  the  Necessary  Orders  for  the  Protection  of  their 
Property,  and  Relief  in  the  Premises. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordshii)s 
most  Obliged 

and  Obedient  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain  &c  kc  &c 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  VV.  lud.  vol.  237. 


[In  Sir  James  Wright's  of  6tli  January  1779.] 

To  the  Eight  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain  His 
Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State  for  North  America,  &c. 

The  Memorial  of  Sir  James  Wright,  Bart.  Governor  of  the 
Province  of  Georgia  and  several  other  Gentlemen  late  In- 
habitants of  that  Province  and  others  who  have  Property 


That  several  of  Your  Memorialists  who  were  Officers  of 
the  Crown  in  the  Province  aforesaid  on  account  of  their  Zeal 
for  the  Supj)ort  of  His  Majesty's  Authority  &  Government 
there,  and  for  the  active  part  they  took  in  Opposition  to  the 
Rebellion,  when  it  first  broke  out,  rendered  themselves 
obnoxious  to  the  Rebels,  and  have  smce  at  different  times 
been  under  the  Necessity  of  quitting  that  Province  and 
leaving  their  Property  which  is  very  Considerable  behind 
them  at  the  Mercy  of  the  Rebels. 

That  in  March  last  the  Rebel  Powers  there  pass'd  a  Bill  of 
Attainder  against  Your  Memorialists  and  many  others  by 
which  they  are  adjudged  Guilty  of  High  Treason  against  the 
State  of  Georgia  m  adhering  (as  they  call  itj  to  and  giving 
Aid  and  Comfort  to  their  Enemies  His  Majesty  and  His  Loyal 

That  Your  Memorialists  are  subjected  to  the  Pains  of 
Death  if  they  return  to  that  Province  and  all  their  Lands 
Negi'o's  and  Estates  were  by  the  said  Law  Confiscated  and 
declared  forfeited  to  the  use  of  the  State  of  Georgia  and 
were  Ordered  to  be  sold  in  October  last. 

That  Your  Memorialists  understand  a  Body  of  His  Maj- 
estys  Troops  are  sent  to  the  Province  of  Georgia  aforesaid 
in  Order  to  reduce  the  Rebels  there  to  His  Majesty's  Obedi- 
ence which  gives  them  the  gi'eatest  satisfaction,  as  they  have 
not  the  least  doubt  of  the  success  of  His  Majesty's  Arms 
against  that  Province ;  nor  but  that  the  same  being  subdued 
and  held  will  prove  an  Asylum  for  such  of  His  Majesty's 
Subjects  in  the  Adjacent  Provinces  as  still  retain  their 
Loyalty,  and  that  when  it  is  clearly  known  Georgia  is  to  be 


liekl,  Siu'li  Numbers  will  resort  thereto  and  join  His  Majesty's 
Standard  as  will  greatly  Facilitate  the  Keduction  of  the 
Province  of  South  Carolina,  a  matter  it  is  Humbly  Conceived 
of  the  utmost  importance  to  Great  Britain  and  towards 
Crashing  the  S]urit  of  the  Kebellion  in  General  in  America. 
That  Your  Memorialists  Apprehend  on  His  Majesty's 
Troops  taking  Possession  of  Georgia,  great  Numbers  of 
Negro's,  as  well  belonging  to  Your  Memorialists  as  to  the 
Kebels,  will  endeavour  to  join  the  King's  Troops  in  Exi)ecta- 
tion  of  being  declared  and  made  fi'ee  and  of  getting  off  the 
Province  in  the  Shipping ;  this  Your  Memoriahsts  have  the 
greatest  reason  to  believe  will  be  the  case,  because  in  March 
1776  when  Your  Memorialist  Sir  James  Wright  and  some 
other  of  Y''our  Memorialists,  had  taken  refuge  on  board  his 
Majesty's  Ship  Scarbro'  at  Cockspur  in  Georgia  there  came 
there  at  different  times  betwixt  two  and  three  hundred 
NegToes  who  sayd  "they  were  come  for  the  King"  and  that 
when  the  King's  Ship  Transports  and  several  Merchant  Ships 
which  were  then  there  sail'd  from  thence  all  the  said  Negi-oes 
dispersed  themselves  on  board  the  Transports  and  Merchant 
Ships  and  Avere  carryd  away  in  the  same  and  totally  lost  to 
their  0\\aiers. 

Wlierefore  Your  Memorialists  (being  very  great  Sufferers 
as  Your  Lordship  well  knows)  Hum1)ly  pray  that  directions 
may  be  sent  to  the  Officers  commanding  His  Majesty's  Troops 
and  Navy  in  the  Province  of  Georgia  that  all  such  Negi'oes 
as  belong  to  any  of  them  or  to  other  known  Friends  to  Gov- 
ernment, which  may  go  over  to  the  Army  or  on  Board  any  of 
the  Ships ;  may  be  taken  care  of  for  the  use  and  l)enefit  of  the 
several  Owners,  and  that  they  may  on  I'cquest  be  delivered 
back  to  their  Lawful  Attorneys,  and  that  Orders  may  be 
given  to  the  Masters  of  Transport  Sliij^s  if  any  such  Negroes 
should  go  on  Board  their  Vessells,  that  they  shall  not  con- 
ceal, detain  or  attempt  to  carry  them  away  but  deliver  them 
up  to  the  Attorneys  of  the  Owners  of  the  said  Negroes  And 
Your  Memorialsts  further  hope,  as  they  have  already  suft'ered 
extremely  by  the  Rebels  that  directions  may  also  be  given  to 
the  Commanding  Officer,  to  prevent  as  farr  as  possible,  any 
injury  or  damage  being  done  by  the  Army  to  any  of  their 



All  which  is  Humbly  Submitted  to  Your  Lordship's  Con- 

Ja.  Wright, 
JosiAH  Tattnall,  John  Graham, 

Anthony  Stokes, 
James  Hume, 
Jam.  E.  Powell. 


PLACES   OF   RESIDENCE.*     [Feb.  1779.] 

Governor — Sir  James  Wright  Baronet — London. 
Lieutenant  Governor — John  Graham  Esq'' — London. 
James  Mackay  Esq.  South  Carolina. 
James  Edward  PoweU  Esq.  London, 
Grey  ElUot  Esq  London, 
i  Lewis  Johnson  Esq.  Georgia. 

'  John  Stuart  Esq.  (Superintendant)  East  Florida. 
Anthony  Stokes  Esq.  London. 
James  Hume  Esq.  London. 
Josiah  Tattnall  Esq.  London. 
Secretary  &  Register  of   Grants — James  Thompson  Esq. 

Receiver  General^ — Sir  Patrick  Houston — Georgia. 
King's  Treasurer,  Lewis  Johnson  Esq.  Georgia. 
Treasurer    for    the    Ceded    Lands — John    Graham    Esq. 

Clerk  of  the  Council — ^ Alexander  Wylly  Esq,  St.  Augustine. 
Messenger — Robert  Botten,  Georgia. 

Door  Keeper Grey,  Georgia, 

Clerk    of    the    Commons   House   of    Assembly — William 
Stephens,  South  Carolina,  a  Rebel. 

Surveyor  General,  Phillip  Yonge  Esq'"  Supposed  to  be  in 
St.  Augustine. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  ii  W.  Ind.  vol.  237. 


Deinity  Auditor — Grey  Elliot  Esq.  London. 

Chief  Jnstit'e — Anthony  Stokes,  London. 

Assistant  Judges — All  dead  except  James  Deveaux  who  is 
in  Georgia  and  I  believe  a  Kebel. 

Attorney    General — Charles   Pryce    Senior    Esq.    Parsons 
Green  near  London. 

Protempore  James  Hume  Esq.  London. 

Sen''  Joint  Clerk  of  the  Crown  and  Pleas — Dead. 

Jun*"  Joint  Clerk  of  the  Crown  and  Pleas — Charles  Pryce 
Jun'"  Esq.  Went  to  Georgia  last  year. 

Master  in  Chancery  vacant. 

Register  in  Chancery — Charles  Pryce  jun'"- 

Judge  of  the   Court  of   Vice  Admiralty — James  Edward 
Powell  Esq.  London. 

Register  vacant. 

Marshal — James  Whitfield  in  Georgia  a  Rebel. 

Collector  of  Savanah — Alexander  Thompson  Esq — Edin- 

Comptroller    and    Searcher^William    Browne    Es(].    St. 

Collector  of  Sunbury — James  Kitching  Esq.  Haverfordwest 
Pembroke  str. 

Naval  Officer — Stephen  Haven  a  youth  supposed  to  be  in 

Comptroller  of  Sunbury — Isaac  Antrobus — Residence  un- 

Commissary — George  Baillie  Esq.  trading  between  Georgia 
and  the  Bahamas. 

Lidian  Interpreter — Moses  Nunes — Georgia. 

Governor's  Secretary  for  making  out  Licences  to  Indian 
Traders— George  Spencer — a  Rebel. 

Harbour   Master   for   Savanah — George   Finch — lately  at 

Captain  of   the  Scout  Boat — C'apt.  Lightenstone,  Pilot  to 
Commodore  Parker. 

Captain  of  the  Ecn-t  at  Cockspur-  James  Edward  Powell- 
Esq.  London. 



I  api)i-oliend  nil  of  tliein,  except  Mr.  Hume,  Mr.  Henry 
Yonge  -Mid  Mr.  Robinson  have  taken  the  Oaths  to  the  Con- 

The  Names  of  several  wlio  have  been  driven  from  Georgia 
and  do  not  hold  any  Office  there. 

John  Mullryne  Esq'*^  Providence  in  the  Bahamas. 

George  Barry  Esq*"®  Do 

Henry  Yonge  jun^'  Esq''  Saint  Augustine. 

Phillip  Moore  Esq""  do 

Mr.  Panton  do 

Mr.  Moss  do 

Mr.  Wood  do 

Mr.  Jenkins — London. 

William  McGillivray  Esq,  a  Captain  in  the  Army  on  half 
Pay — London. 

Mr.  Kiucard — London. 

Mr.  Clark,  London. 

Mr.  Inglis,  Scotland. 

Mr.  James  Johnston — West  Indies. 

Mr.  Joseph  Parley  Antigua. 

John  Simpson  Esq — London. 

Captain  Lyford  (formerly  Pilot  at  Tybee)  St.  Augustine. 

Names  of  some  Gentlemen  in  Georgia  who  are  supposed  to 
be  East  Friends  to  Government 
Doctor  John  Irwin 
Doctor  Trail 
Mr.  William  Telfair 
Mr.  James  Mossman 
Mr.  George  Jamieson 
Mr.  Robert  Ried. 


GOV.   SIR   JA8.   WEIGHT   TO   SEC.   LOKD   G.   GER- 

31  July  1779. 

No.  1.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  31st  of  July  1779. 

My  Lord, 

I  arriv'd  here  the  14th  Inst,  but  Lieut.  Col.  Prevost  who 
had  an  Appointment  from  the  Kings  Commissioners  as  Lieut. 
Gov'  being  out  of  Town  EstabHshing  a  Post  near  Pryans 
Cow  Pen  about  20  Miles  from  Savanah  I  omitted  to  Resume 
the  Government  till  Monday  the  20  after  his  return  to  town, 
and  altho  I  did  not  find  the  Province  by  any  means  in  that 
State  of  Security  which  I  expected  yet  as  an  Opinion  Pre- 
vail'd  that  on  the  Establishment  of  that  kind  of  Civil  Gov- 
ernment which  was  done  by  Col.  Campbell  in  March  last. 
The  Province  and  People  had  been  restord  to  the  Kings 
Peace  &  Considered  themselves  to  be  so  in  every  respect,  & 
that  the  restraining  Act  was  totally  set  aside  and  disregarded 
— I  say  My  Lord  finding  things  thus  Circumstanced  I  judgd 
it  Proper  to  Publish  the  Kings  Commissioners  Proclamation 
which  I  had  been  intrusted  with,  in  Confirmation  of  what 
had  been  done  before,  &  in  order  to  prevent  any  disputes  or 

But  My  Lord  I  am  sorry  to  be  under  the  Necessity  of 
delaying  to  Issue  Writs  of  Election  for  some  time  for  by  the 
Expedition  into  S"  Carolina  the  Possession  S:  hold  of  this 
Province  has  been  very  much  interruptd  weaken'd  &  reduc'd 
&  I  am  inform'd  by  several  sensible  &  Good  Men  here  was  in 
great  danger  of  being  totally  lost,  but  on  the  Propriety  of 
the  Expedition  &  the  Consequences  attending  it  I  shall  not 
Presume  to  give  any  Oi)inion  &  as  a  Considerable  Part  of  the 
Army  is  now  Eeturn'd  here  I  hope  we  are  in  a  State  of 
Safety  and  shall  seize  the  very  first  Moment  that  offers  for 
Issuing  AVrits  of  Election  with  any  degi-ee  of  Propriety,  as 
untill  that  is  done  our  Efforts  to  re-establish  Solid  Govern- 

*  v.  R.  O.    Ajii.  i  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 


ment  &  good  order  I  Conceive  can  be  but  Fable.  I  f(jund  a 
Body  of  about  70  Creek  Indians  here,  who  had  been  with 
the  Army  in  Carolina,  they  did  not  seem  to  be  well  Pleas'd 
but  I  tlmik  they  will  now  go  away  Pretty  well  satisfied  and 
have  told  me  that  if  they  are  wanted  at  any  other  time,  they 
will  Come  on  notice,  but  as  I  understand  the  Indians  are 
Considerd  as  in  the  Military  Line  or  department  I  shall  not 
Presume  to  say  more  than  that  I  think  those  People  might 
be  Employ' d  to  great  advantage. 

Inclosd  is  a  Memorial  of  the  Inhabitants  on  the  Exposd 
State  of  Sav.  River,  with  Gen.  Prevosts  <fe  Sir  James  Wallaces 
Letters  to  me  thereon  also  an  Address  from  a  No.  of  the 
Principal  Inhabitants  of  Sav.  with  my  Answer  to  it,  but  Not- 
withstanding which  I  find  several  of  the  Leading  Rebels  are 
very  busy  in  keeping  up  the  Exj^iriug  Flame  of  Rebellion  & 
that  there  are  yet  Many  here  who  if  they  had  an  Opportunity 
would  adhere  to  the  Independant  Scheme.  I  shall  look  with 
the  utmost  Anxiety  and  Impatience  for  the  Troops  from  New 
York  and  hope  they  will  be  in  our  Neighborhood  early  in 
October,  for  till  then,  as  the  Troops  that  were  here  are  so 
much  Scatterd  about,  I  shall  not  Consider  this  Province  as 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Obhged  &  Obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wkight. 
The  Right  Hon''^^  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj.  Principal  Secretary  of  State  for  N"  America  Arc. 

&c.  &c. 

\I7uJ0rscd  I 

R.  Sept.  23d.     By  Col.  Prevost. 

Duplicate.     Orig^  not  rec*^- 


GOV.   8IR  JAS.   WRIGHT  TO    SEC.   LORD   G.  GER- 

31  July  1779. 

No.  2.  Sav.  in  Georgia  the  31st  of  July  1779. 

My  Lord, 

Your  Lordship  may  Possibly  Reineuiber  that  I  had  the 
Honor  of  a  Short  Conversation  with  you  Relative  to  the 
Negi'oes  who  might  Come  into  this  Province  or  be  brought  in 
and  my  Lord  t)n  my  Aiiival  I  found  vast  numbers  of  Negroes 
here,  I  am  Informd  &  believe  I  may  venture  to  say  some  or 
several  Thousands.  I  found  a  great  number  had  been  Captur'd 
by  the  King's  Army  and  br(mght  in,  that  the  Indians  had 
Captur'd  in  Carolina  &  brought  here  upwards  of  140.  That 
several  People  had  been  Commissiond  or  Authorisd  to  Act  as 
Volunteers  without  any  pay  or  Emolument  but  that  of  Plun- 
der, who  had  taken  up  great  Numbers  &  that  a  vast  Many 
had  Come  over  of  themselves  and  I  was  Continually  haz'd  <fe 
Perplexd  with  Complaints  &  Claims  for  Negroes,  at  length 
I  rec*^  a  Petition  in  behalf  of  some  Merchants  in  London  on 
which  I  determined  to  endeavour  to  put  the  Matter  on  the 
best  footing  I  could  think  of,  for  His  Majesty's  service  <fe  the 
Benefit  of  all  Parties  Concernd  and  after  two  Meetings  & 
Consultations  with  the  Council  on  this  veiy  Confusd  &  Per- 
plexd business  it  was  resolved  as  Your  Lordship  will  see  by 
the  Inclosd  Copy  of  the  Miinites  &  resolutions  of  myself  in 
Council  &  to  which  I  have  the  Honor  to  refer.  How  far 
these  Volunteer  Plundering  Partys  may  have  been  really 
usefull  for  Intelligence  or  otherwise  I  will  not  take  upon  me 
to  say  but  Clear  I  am  that  nothing  but  the  Utmost  Necessity 
&  Utility  wiU  justify  a  Measure  which  Subjects  aU  People 
indiscriminately  to  the  Rapine  of  a  set  of  Banditti. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Oblig'd  &  Obed'  Serv*^ 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Honble  Lord  George  Germain, 

Sec.  of  State  for  N°  America  &c  <fec. 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  W,  Ind.  vol.  237. 


R.  Sept.  23d. 

By  Col.  Prevost. 
Duplicate     Orig^  not  rec'^' 

GOV.    SIR   JAS.    WRIGHT    TO   SEC.   LORD  G.  GER- 

1  August  1779. 


No.  3.  Savanah  in  Georgia  1st  of  August  1779. 

My  Lord, 

Yesterday  a  Party  of  Indians  Amounting  to  120  with  35 
White  Men  under  the  direction  of  Mr.  David  Holmes  Ap- 
pointed by  Governor  Chester  a  Commissioner  on  the  death 
of  Mr.  Stuart  came  to  Town  &  as  things  are  Circumstanced 
here  at  Present  I  think  some  Part  of  those  People  may  be 
very  usefully  Employed  tiU  the  Ai-rival  of  the  Troops  fi'om 
the  Northward,  &  intend  to  have  a  conversation  with  the 
General  upon  the  subject. 

If  they  were  under  my  C-ommand  or  direction  I  should  not 
hesitate  a  moment,  but  what  the  Generals  Opinion  may  be  I 
cant  tell,  as  I  know  from  Avliat  he  has  told  me,  that  he  don't 
like  Indians. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

P.  S.  3d  August.     The  General  has  agreed  to  keep  tt  Em- 

*  p.  B.  O,    Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 



ploy  suc-h  of  the  Indians  as  are  willing  to  stay  &  he  Em- 

The  Eight  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain — 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
for  North  America  &c.  &c.  &c. 

[Indorsed  \ 
R  Sept.  23d. 
Duplicate  Orig'  not  rec"^^- 

GOV.    SIR   JAS.  WRIGHT   TO  SEC.    LORD  G.  GER- 

J)  August  1779. 

No.  4.  Savanah  in  Georgia,  the  9th  of  August  1779. 

My  Lord, 

The  more  I  am  able  to  See  into  the  True  State  of  Affau's 
here,  the  more  I  am  Convinced  of  the  Wretched  Situation 
the  Province  is  in  tV  how  nearly  it  was  being  totally  lost, 
while  the  Army  was  carrying  on  their  oj)erations  in  South 
Carolina  &  now  my  Lord  the  Rebels  who  went  fi'om  hence 
into  Carolina  on  the  arrival  of  Colonel  Campbell,  with  other 
Rebels  of  Carolina  &  this  Province,  are  Possess'd  of  the 
Country  at  &  about  Augusta  &  all  above  it,  and  I  have  the 
Honor  to  Inclose  your  Lordship  the  Information  I  received 
fioni  three  Back  Country  People  by  which  it  appears  that 
almost  the  whole  Settlements  down  to  Briar  Creek  are  Broke 
up  or  the  Inhabitants  skulking  about  to  avoid  the  Rebel 
Partys — and  that  the  Rebels  have  Collected  upwards  of  ()00 
men  &  are  going  to  Establish  a  Post  with  them  Some  where 
in  St.  Georges  Parish. 

I  doubt  not  My  Lord  however  l)ut  this  Province  wiU  Soon 
Raise  it's  head  ct  become  more  Populous  &  Opulent  than 
ever — I  have  ordered  an  Exact  Return  of  the  Avhole  Militia, 
but  have  not  yot  received  it,  altho'  from  the  best  Information 
I  have  been  able  to   come  at,  I  really  believe  they  will  not 

*  p.  U.  O,    Am,  &  W,  lud,  vol,  aa?. 


Exceed  400  men  in  the  Whole  Province   &  Probably  300 
would  not  Appear  under  Arms. 

On  the  4tli  inst  came  to  me  Thomas  Moore  lately  belong- 
ing to  a  Privateer  from  St.  Augustine  but  who  had  been 
taken  &  carried  to  Charles  Town  &  made  his  Escape  from 
thence,  and  of  him  I  got  the  Inclosed  Information. 

also  at  the  same  time  John  &  Alexander  Henry  from  S" 
Carolina  were  brought  to  me  &  I  now  Inclose  the  Informa- 
tion I  got  from  them,  all  which  I  sent  to  Major  General 
Prevost  with  a  letter  to  him  on  the  subject. 

and  with  Eespect  to  the  Indians  My  Lord,  the  General 
on  a  Conversation  I  had  with  him  very  readily  agreed  to 
Employ  them.  &  on  the  3d  Instant  I  had  a  Talk  with  them 
at  the  Generals  House,  When  they  all  agreed  to  Stay  &  go 
on  any  Duty  or  Service  that  might  be  required  of  them,  and 
I  think  they  have  given  in  the  Names  of  the  Indians  &  the 
Towns  they  belong  to.  of  about  100  who  will  Stay  &  Join  the 
Army  in  Such  Way  as  the  General  ma}^  think  Proper,  but  I 
am  Sorry  to  say  that  after  the  Immence  Expence  to  Gov- 
ernni*  on  Account  of  the  Indians,  they  do  not  Seem  to  me  to 
be  so  hearty  in  the  Cause  &  so  Warmly  attached  as  I  Ex- 
pected, altho'  Possibly  I  may  be  Mistaken.  I  also  Inclose  a 
Copy  of  Dooley's  Proclamation  as  he  Calls  it.  I  Presume 
Another  Consequence  of  the  Expedition  to  Carolina,  and  My 
Lord  the  State  &  Condition  of  that  Province  appears  to  me 
to  be  such  that  its  only  Necessary  to  send  from  4  to  5000 
Troops  and  a  few  Ships  to  reduce  it  &  Si''  I.  W^aUace  who  is 
fully  Possessed  of  the  Situation  of  Affairs  here  &  in  Carolina 
is  Just  Saild  for  New  York  where  I  believe  he  Means  to  State 
every  thing  Clearly  &  to  Forward  the  Movement,  to  which 
Purpose  I  have  also  Wrote  to  Sir  H.  Clinton  by  him. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 

My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  and  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Eight  Hon^^'«  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj*^''  Principal  Secretary  of  State 

for  N°  America  &c.  &c.  &c. 

[Indorse(^]  K  Sept.  23d. 

Duplicate  Orig^  not  rec'^- 



5  Nov.  1779. 

No.  8.  Savannah  in  Geokcua  the  5  of  Nov.  1771). 

My  Lord, 

Since  I  had  the  lioiior  of  writing  to  Your  Lcn'dship  last  by 
the  Cork  Victuiillers  Ave  have  met  with  a  very  unexpected 
alarming  and  serious  scene,  Especially  in  this  part  of  the 
word,  for  no  Man  could  have  thought  or  lieheved  that  a 
French  Fleet  of  25  Sail  of  the  Line  with  at  least  9  Frigates 
and  a  number  of  other  Vessells  would  have  come  on  the 
Coast  of  Georgia  in  the  month  of  September  and  Landed 
from  4  to  5000  Trooi)s  to  besiege  the  Town  of  Savannah,  but 
My  Lord  amazing  as  this  is,  it  is  certahily  Fact,  for  on  the 
3d  of  September  an  account  came  to  Savanna  that  5  Large 
ships  were  in  the  ofhng  &  the  next  morning  advice  came  that 
they  were  French  Ships,  and  I  concluded  that  they  had  been 
drove  here  by  distress,  however  on  the  7th  a  letter  was  wrote 
by  Captain  Henry  Commander  of  His  Majesty's  Ship  Fowey 
that  42  sail  of  French  Ships  appeared  off  Tybee  Bar  and  on 
the  8th  5  of  them  very  Large  Ships  came  in  over  the  Bar,  on 
which  the  F<^wey  and  Rose  Ships  of  War  were  obliged  to 
retreat  ct  come  uj)  the  River,  and  on  the  12th  several  of  the 
French  Fleet  Avent  in  at  Ossabaw  and  at  Night  began  to  land 
their  Troops  at  BcAvlie  and  on  the  15th  the  C*ount  D'Estaing 
sent  a  Summons  to  General  Prevost  to  SiUTender  the  Town 
and  Province  to  the  King  of  France  on  which  some  Messages 
&  Letters  passed,  and  on  the  17th  the  Truce  ended  in  De- 
claring that  it  was  the  Unanimous  opinion  &  Resolution  of 
the  Civil  and  Military  that  the  Town  should  be  Defended, 
this  my  Lord  made  me  very  happy  as  I  had  some  stromj 
Reasons  to  apprehend  &  fear  the  Contrary.  The  particulars 
of  the  Negotiation  Your  Lordship  will  receive  from  General 
Prevost,  and  from  this  time  Hostilities  began  and  both  sides 
were  very  active  in  raising  Redoubts  and  Batteries  <fe   Open- 

1'.  U.  I).     Aui.  v\;  \V,  Iii.l.  vol,  237. 


ing  Trenches  A'C.  liv.  and  now  my  Lord  give  nie  leave  to 
mention  the  great  abiUty  and  Exertions  of  Captain  Moncrief 
the  Chief  Engineer  avIio  A\as  Indefatiga])]e  day  &  Niglit  and 
wliose  Eminent  Sei vices  contril)uted  vastly  to  our  defence 
and  safety,  and  on  the  8d  of  October  at  half  after  11  at 
Night  the  French  began  t(j  Bondiard  the  Town  and  at  the 
Firmg  of  the  Morning  Gun  on  Monday  the  4tli  they  began  a 
most  Furious  Cannonade,  which  continued  more  or  less  till 
Saturday  the  9tli  Avlien  just  before  Break  of  day  an  attack 
was  made  by  the  united  Armys  of  the  French  ct  Rel^els,  and 
we  have  it  from  very  good  authority  that  the  flow^er  of  both 
armys  to  the  amount  of  2500  French  and  1500  Rebels,  came 
agamst  us.  The  Conflict  was  sharp,  and  lasted  for  about  an 
hour  &  a  half  and  we  were  well  informed  by  French  Officers 
who  were  wounded  and  taken,  and  also  by  some  who  came 
with  Flags  &  by  deserters  and  others,  that  they  lost  700 
killed  and  wounded,  and  some  accounts  mentioned  1000 
among  which  are  63  officers — D'Estaing  wounded  in  the 
thigh  and  arm  Polaski  on  the  Hip  with  a  grape  shot  and 
since  dead  and  the  Rebels  its  said  had  killed  and  wounded 
500,  amongst  them  Charles  Price,  astonishing  to  think  we 
had  only  7  killed  &  14  wounded  but  for  a  more  Cii'cumstan- 
tial  Account  of  the  Siege,  Attack  &c.  ttc.  I  beg  leave  to  refer 
Your  Lordship  to  the  Inclosed  diary,  and  which  altho  not  m 
the  Military  Language  or  Style,  I  will  be  answerable  is  as 
Just  tfe  True  an  account  of  the  wdiole  matter  as  will  be  trans- 
mitted from  any  hand  whatever,  and  I  have  it  my  Lord  fi'om 
some  of  my  Friends  who  had  an  opportunity  of  knowing  the 
condition  of  the  French  Fleet  when  they  were  ready  to  de- 
part fi'om  our  Coast,  that  the  Ships  were  nuicli  out  of  repair 
&  the  Men  exceedmgly  sickly  on  Board  the  Sagittaire  the 
Crew  of  which  amounted  to  500,  they  Buried  with  the  Scurvy 
and  other  disorders  but  chiefly  the  Scurvy  at  least  2,  3,  &  4 
every  day  one  day  with  another,  and  this  for  a  month,  and 
several  officers  who  came  there  from  the  other  ships  said  it 
was  the  same  throughout  and  I  was  Informed  fi'om  the  same 
Authority  that  D'Estaing  was  return  to  Brest  immediately 
with  11  ships.  4  to  go  to  Cheasapeak  for  provision  and  fi'om 
thence  to  the  Cape,  2  Frigates  and  the  Cape  Troops,  say  1200 


Meu  to  fto  to  Charles  Town  S:  the  rest  Avith  La  Motte  Piquet 
to  Martiin(iue,  tliis  Destination  Avas  k'arnt  jet  possibly  may 
not  be  the  fact, 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  Avith  Perfect  Esteem 
M}-  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  (k  Obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Hon^'^''  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj.  Princijial  Secretary  of  State  (tc.  S:o.  S:c. 

E  Dec"--  21.     By  Capt.  ShaAV. 
Duplicate— Orig'  not  received. 

[Inclosed  m  Gov.  Sir  Jas.  Wright's  Letter  of  5  Nov.  1779.] 

On  Friday  the  3d  Sept.  Capt.  Henry  of  His  Maj*-^'^  Ship 
FoAve}-  call'd  on  me  and  told  me  he  had  heard  fi'om  Tybee, 
that  they  Avere  5  large  ships  in  the  Offing  Avhich  A\^ere  imagin'd 
might  be  the  Roebuck  AAdth  some  Cork  Victuallers. 

On  Saturday  the  4th  he  call'd  on  me  again  &  SheAv'd  a 
letter  from  Capt.  BroAvn  of  the  Rose,  A\dio  AA^rote  that  he  had 
sent  a  Lieut,  to  reconnoitre  the  Ships,  aa'Iio  reported  them  to 
be  French  &  -we  then  suppos'd  they  might  have  been  drove 
this  AA^ay  by  a  Gale  of  Wind — A\'hich  seem'd  in  some  measure 
to  be  confirm'd — because  on  Monday  the  6th  Accounts  Avere 
bro*  up  that  the  Ships  had  disappear'd. 

But  at  day  break  on  Wednesday  the  8tli  I  received  a  letter 
fi-om  Gen^  Prevost  acquainting  me  that  at  4  O' Clock  that 
Morning  he  had  received  a  letter  from  Capt.  Henry  inform- 
ing him  that  there  Avere  42  Sail  of  French  Ships  of  War  in 
Sight,  most  of  AAdiich  appeared  to  be  large  Ships,  on  Avhicli 
Ave  concluded  that  a  serious  Attack  A\'as  intended  against  this 
Province;  We  had  been  rejjairing  the  Old  Redoubts  and 
raising  NeAV  Works — -Expecting  an  Attack  by  the  Rebels,  but 
on  these  Accounts  of  a  French  Fleet  being  on  the  Coast,  the 
greatest  Exertions  Avere  made  by  Capt.  Moncrief  Chief  En- 
gineer and  400  to  500  Negroes  A\'ere  inmiediately  ordered  in 
by  the  Gov'"  and  Council  and  set  to  Avork — And  in  the  Avliole 

LErrT'.RH   FROM   SIR  .TAMES   WRIGHT.  263 

there  were  13  good  re(loul)ts  raised  round  the  Town  in  differ- 
ent phices  and  15  Gun  Batttuies  were  raised  also  in  different 
phxces  l)etween  the  Iledoubts — the  whole  of  these  Batteries 
contain'd  80  Pieces  of  Canon,  18,  9  &  6  pounders — The  Bat- 
teries were  mann'd  by  the  Sailors  of  the  Fowey,  Kose  and 
Keppel  <fe  by  Saihn-s  A'  Volunteers  l^elonging  to  Transports 
and  other  Shii)s  in  the  River. 

Besides  which  there  were  several  6  and  4  Pounders  prop- 
erly placed  without  Batteries,  also  five  field  pieces. 

We  soon  received  an  Account  from  Capt.  Henry  that  the 
French  Fleet  consisted  of  25  sail  of  the  Line  and  9  Frigates, 
besides  other  Vessels. 

On  the  8th  Sept.  Five  Frigates  got  over  Tybee  Bar,  and 
soon  after  the  Fowey,  Rose,  Keppel,  Savainiah  &  the  Galleys 
were  obliged  to  retire  up  the  River. 

On  Sunday  the  12th  at  night  the  French  began  to  land 
Troops  at  Bewley  14  miles  from  Town  And  on  Wednesday 
the  15th  a  letter  came  fi'oni  Count  De  Estaing  contaming  a 
General  Summons  to  surrendei-  the  Town  &  Province  to  the 
King  of  France,  he  boasted  in  this  letter  of  his  formidable 
Armament  by  Sea  and  Land  What  he  had  done  with  them 
at  Granada  &c.  mentioned  how  much  L*^  Macartney  had 
suffered  by  not  Capitidating,  and  that  it  was  totally  in  vain 
to  think  of  opposing  or  resisting  his  Force — And  warn'd 
General  Prevost  of  the  Consequences  attending  a  Storm, 
hintmg  that  he  sliou'd  consider  him  as  personally  answerable 
for  the  lives  of  the  people  &c. 

The  Answer  to  this  was  that  the  General  he  had  a  better 
opinion  of  him  &  of  the  British  Aruiy  which  he  had  the 
honour  to  command,  than  to  expect  they  wou'd  surrender  the 
Town  etc.  on  a  General  Sunnnons,  without  knowing  on  what 
terms  or  conditions — That  he  had  communicated  the  above 
letter  to  the  Civil  Governor — And  if  the  Count  had  any  terms 
to  offer,  desired  they  might  be  made. 

To  which  the  Count  replied,  that  it  was  the  part  of  the 
Besieged  to  propose  Terms  and  not  that  of  the  Besiegers. 

The  Answer  to  this  was  that  it  was  a  matter  of  gi"eat  Con- 
sequence and  there  were  many  different  Interests  to  be 
adjusted  and  settled,  and  therefore  desired  24  hours  to  con- 
sider of  it. 


This  went  oil  Thursday  the  lOth  iiiul  tlie  Coimt  iifjjreed  to 
wait  for  an  Answer  till  the  tiring  of  the  Evening  CJnn  on 
Friday  the  17th. 

In  the  Afternoon  a  Council  of  War  was  held  in  the  General 
Tent,  consisting  of  the  field  Officers  (the  Gov*"  and  Lient. 
Gov.  being  present)  to  consider  of  an  Answer  to  be  sent  to 
the  Count  De  Estaing  when  it  was  the  unanimous  opinion  of 
the  whole  that  the  Town  should  be  defended  it  that  this 
Answer  or  Notice  should  be  returned  to  Count  De  Estaing. 

On  which  Hostilities  commenced —    » 

On  the  17th  18th  tt  19th  Col.  Maitland  and  all  the  Troops 
fi'om  Beaufort  got  here  but  with  the  greatest  difficulty  and 
risque,  Excepting  the  Ai-tiUery  Men  of  the  Hessian  Corps, 
Hessian  Convalescents  and  about  170  of  the  71st.  The 
yigUant  Man  of  War,  three  Galleys  and  3  Transports  with 
all  the  Ai'tillery  Stores  Baggage  &c.  were  left  at  CaUibogie. 

The  whole  of  tbe  Troops  which  arrived  with  Col.  Maitland 
amounted  to  about  800  Men. 

Two  of  the  French  Frigates  with  two  Galleys  advanced  up 
the  River  to  4  Mile  Point  and  on  the  29tli  Sept.  one  of  them 
got  up  to  &  Anchored  at  the  Mouth  of  the  Back  Biver  and 
the  two  Galleys  at  the  point  of  Yonges  Iseland  of  March 
and  at  diflerent  times  they  fired  many  Shot  into  the  To\\ti  2-1 
&  12  Pounders. 

The  French  were  employed  in  bringing  Canon  &c.  &c.  &c. 
from  Bewley  till  the  24th,  In  the  night  of  which,  they  began 
to  break  gi'ound,  near  our  lines  and  next  day  we  saw  2  pieces 
of  Canon  mounted. 

A  party  of  light  Infantry  were  Order'd  out  under  the  Com- 
mand of  Major  Graham  consisting  of  about  90  men  in  Order 
to  draw  the  French  out  of  their  Lines,  who  to  the  number  of 
300  came  out  &  were  di'ove  from  their  Works  but  were  then 
Supported  by  a  Column  of  French  Troops  from  500  to  600 
from  the  Woods  behind  their  Works,  which  Obliged  the  hght 
Infantry  to  return.  The  french  were  much  Galled  by  our 
Canon  and  the  fire  of  the  Musquetry  &  lost  as  we  were  in- 
formed 84  Killed  &  about  100  Wounded. 

The  hght  Infantry  lost  Lieut.  McPherson  &  7  private  Kill'd 
<fe  13  wounded. 

jLfifTMRS   FROM   SIR  JAMfiS   WRIGHT.  265 

From  tlie  24tli  the  frencli  were  extending  their  lines  & 
Works  ct  raised  three  large  Batteries  and  were  bringing 
Canon  &  Mortars  <Src.  from  Bewley,  Thunderbolt  &  Castons 

On  the  2d  of  Oct''-  The  Frigate  &  Kebel  Galleys  kept  a 
constant  tire  on  the  Town  ct  Camp  fi'om  11  a  m  to  1  P  M^ 
many  shot  reach'd  thro'  the  Town  to  Zubley's  Meeting  fi-om 
the  Galleys  &  from  the  Frigate  went  quite  across  the  Camp 
to  the  Barracks. 

Sunday  3d  Oct''-  At  half  after  11  at  Night  the  French 
open'd  a  Bond)  Battery  of  9  Mortars  <t  continued  throwing 
SheUs  till  One  OClock  in  the  Morning— 123  Shells  were 
thrown  into  every  part  of  the  Town,  but  without  doing  any 
Material  Damage. 

Monday  4th  Oct*-  Just  as  the  Morning  Gun  was  fired — the 
Enemy  began  a  most  furious  and  incessade  Canonade  from 
three  Batteries  mounting  in  the  whole  32  Guns  of  18,  12,  9  & 
6  Pounders,  besides  a  Constant  fire  from  the  Frigate  of  14 
Guns  12  pounders,  And  of  2  Guns  24  Pounders  from  the 
two  Kebel  Galleys — as  also  a  Bombardment  of  Shells — how- 
ever only  the  Dau*"  of  a  Mrs.  Thomson,  and  a  Mr.  Pollard 
Assist*  Barrack  Master  were  killed,  during  which  a  constant 
Fire  was  kept  up,  by  our  Batteries,  on  the  Enemy's  works  & 
Shells  thrown  from  5  small  Cohorns. 

Tuesda}^  5th  Canonading  &  Bombardment  continued — Day 
&  Night. 

Wednesday  6th  the  same- — This  night  a  Woman  her 
Mother  &  Child  &  a  Niece  were  kill'd  by  a  Shell  in  the 
Middle  of  the  Town,  also  three  Negi'oes — Mrs.  Lloyds  house 
was  set  on  fire  by  a  Carcase  which  they  now  began  to  throw. 
Thursday  7th  The  Canonade  &  Bombardment  continued — 
several  Carcases  were  thrown — Another  House  was  burnt, 
most  of  the  Houses  in  Town  were  much  damaged  by  the 
Shot,  but  no  body  kill'd  either  in  Town  or  Camp. 

Friday  8th  Bombardment  &  Canonade  continued  much 
damage  continued  to  be  done  to  the  Houses — Capt.  Simpson 
kiU'd  by  a  Grape  Shot  in  Major  Wrights  Redoubt  at  the 
Trustees  Gardens — In  the  Coiu'se  of  this  Night  a  very  heavy 
Canonade  fi'om  the  Enemy. 


Saturday  9tli  Esjx^ciaUy  fi-om  12  at  ni<;lit  als(i  a  B(>inl)ar(l- 
ment  which  ct)ntimiod  till  the  tiring  of  the  Morning  Gun  at 
Day  break  &  ininiediatel}-  an  Attack  was  made  by  the  French 
«fe  Rebels  on  the  Ebenezer  redoubt  &  Battery  by  the  Spring 
and  on  the  redoubt  by  Col.  Maitlands  Tent,  on  the  Right  of 
our  line,  C^oniuianded  by  Col.  Maitland;  the  Enemy  that 
made  the  Attack  were  the  flower  of  the  French  Troops  Vir- 
ginia &  So.  Carolina  Continentals  &  So.  Carolina  Militia — 
Supposed  to  be  2500  fi-ench  &  1500  Rebels. 

Count  De  Estaing  Commanded  himself  and  Gen'  Lincohi 
as  second  in  Command. 

The  Attack  was  made  with  gi-eat  Spirit  on  the  part  of  the 
French — the  Morning  was  favourable  for  them  being  Dark  & 
Foggy.  The  Attack  continued  lA  hour  when  the  Enemy  were 
beat  back  &  retreated  with  great  precipitation  Our  Troops 
who  alone  opposed  them  were 

^?  P^^'JP^r*"     T        r  ^       !-  In  the  Ebenezer  Redoubt. 
64  S"  Carolma  Loyahsts     j 

Commanded  by  Tawes  of  the  Dragoons  who  bravely  fell  in 

defending  it. 

90  of  Col.  Hamilton's  N°  Carolina  Loyalists  &]  j    ,. 

56  Georgia  Militia  [  ^''  ^^'^ 

Redoubt  where  Col.  Maitland  was  & 

70  Granadiers  of  the  Royal  Americans  who  were  Ordered  to 

support  the  Redoubts,  and  bravely  charg'd  the  Enemy  with 

their  Bayonets. 

Exclusive  of  the  above  the  Spring  Battery  of  6  Guns  mann'd 

by  31  Sailers  Commanded  by  Mr.  Manly  &  Steel  did  very 

great  execution  &  much  contributed  to  the  repulse  of  the 

Enemy — None  of  the  other  Troops  on  the  right  of  our  line 

were  at  all  engaged,  or  had  occasion  to  fire  a  single  musquet— 

these  consisted  of  the  1st  Battalion  of  71st  the  Hessian  reg* 

Wezenbeckens  &  Browns  Rangers. 

On  the  left  of  our  Line  a  Feint  was  made  by  the  Rebel 
Troops — 500  under  Command  of  Gen'  Williamson — on  Major 
Wrights  redoubt  by  the  Trustees  Gardens  &  700  under  Com- 
mand of  Col.  Sleyer  on  Col.  Crugers  Redoubt  in  Tatnels 
j^oad — The  Rebels  were  beat  off  &  lost  50  kiU'd  &  wounded 
at  this  end  of  our  line— Amongst  the  first  Charles  Pryce. 

LfifTEKS  From  «ift  jaMKS  WRiGHfi  267 

After  the  retreat  of  the  French  &  Rebels  on  the  nj^ht  of 
our  hne  270  men  chiefly  French  were  found  dead — 81  of 
whom  were  m  the  Ditch  and  on  the  parapet  of  the  Ebenezer 
Redoubt  &  93  more  within  the  Abattis — A  French  <fe  Rebel 
Standard  were  once  fixed  on  the  parapet  of  this  redouT)t,  the 
French  carried  off  theirs,  but  the  Rebel  Standard  was  taken 
by  us.  Since  the  Attack  we  find  by  Deserters,  French 
Officers  and  others  that  the  French  lost  in  kill'd  &  wounded 
not  less  than  700  some  say  1000  &  of  the  first  03  Officers  by 
their  own  Acco*-  Amongst  the  Wounded  Count  De  Estaing 
Received  a  Musquet  Shot  in  his  Ai-ni  &  another  in  his  Thigh, 
Count  Polaski  a  AVound  in  the  Hip  by  a  Grape  Shot  ct  since 
dead — And  the  Rebels  by  the  best  information  we  cou'd  get 
had  kill'd  &  wounded  about  500  &  it  is  astonishing  to  think 
that  in  this  Attack  We  had  only  Capt.  Tawes  &  7  private 
Kill'd  and  14  Wounded. 

N  B.  Our  whole  force,  Regulars,  Militia,  Sailers  &  Volun- 
teers did  not  amount  to  above  2350  men  fit  for  Duty. 

A  Flag  was  soon  sent  by  the  French  &  Rebels  desiring  a 
Truce  for  the  Burial  of  the  Dead,  &  receiving  the  Wounded, 
which  was  agTeed  to  till  2  o'clock  &  then  extended  till  Dark. 

During  this  Night  a  slight  Canonading  on  both  sides  & 
many  french  &  Rebel  Deserters  came  in. 

Sunda}'  10th  Several  Flags  passed  and  Truces  agreed  to, 
for  the  above  and  other  purposes,  a  Slight  Canonading  during 
the  night  &  many  Deserters  come  in. 

Monday  11th  No  Canonading  or  Bombardment  on  the  part 
of  the  Enemy.  Deserters  coming  in  who  Inform'd  that  they 
were  sending  their  Sick  &  Wounded  &  heavy  Canon  on  board 
their  Ships — The  Rebel  Mihtia  w^ere  daily  going  ofl"  in 

Tuesday  12th  Shght  Canonading  on  each  side  in  the  night, 
l)ut  not  a  Gun  fired  in  the  day — the  Enemy  seem'd  now  to 
fire  fi"om  two  pieces  of  Canon  only. 

Wednesday  13th  The  same. 

Thursday  14th  The  same. 

Friday  15tli  The  same  and  We  were  now  Inform'd  that  all 
the  Carolina  Militia  were  gone. 

Saturda}'  IGtli  The  same  The  Enemy'had  removed  all  their 
Cannon  but  two. 



Sunday  17th  The  saiDe  and  We  were  Inforni'd  that  the 
french  biaclv  S:  Mullatoe  Bri^^axh^  liad  March'd  to  Col.  Miill- 
rynes — to  Einl)aik. 

^Monday  18th  This  Evening  &  Night  aU  the  French  & 
Rebel  Troops  left  their  Cani])s  S:  lines  which  were  next  day 
&  a  few  days  following  all  destroyed. 

Tuesday  19th  Were  inform'd  the  French  had  taken  post  2 
miles  fi-oni  Town  at  the  Cross  Road  leading  to  Brewtons  <fe 
that  the  Rebels  were  crossing  the  River  with  all  Expedition, 
at  the  two  Sisters  and  Zubly's  Ferry. 

20th  &  21st  Leam'd  that  all  the  French  had  Embark'd  at 
Caston's  Bluff  in  about  100  Boats  &  had  gone  to  Tybee  to 
embark  in  their  Men  of  War  lying  there. 

From  the  21st  the  Winds  hanging  to  the  Eastward,  the 
French  Frigate  cou'd  not  move  from  five  fathom  hole  Cartels 
during  this  time  coming  up  with  prisoners. 

Ja.  Wright. 


6.  Nov.  1779. 

No.  9.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  6th  of  Nov"- 1779. 

My  Lord, 

I  wish  it  were  in  my  Power  to  give  jonr  Lordship  an 
agreeable  or  satisfactory  account  of  the  Situation  of  affairs 
in  General  in  this  Province  &  that  any  Progress  was  made 
towards  carrying  the  Measures  Recommended  to  me  on  my 
Departure  from  England  into  Execution.  But  m  my  former 
letters  I  very  particularly  mentioned  the  Reason  why  it  was 
Impossible  to  call  an  Assembly  at  that  time  and  how  far  this 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 


Province  had  been  Suft'erd  to  Relapse  into  Rebellion  again, 
and  those  who  were  well  atfecited  to  be  Harassed  and  Ruined 
by  Rebels  from  Carolina  and  Villains  in  the  Back  Country 
here,  who  Joined  them  for  the  sake  of  Plunder.  I  also  wrote 
your  Lordship  how  Nearly  this  Province  was  being  lost  again 
and  the  very  great  Distress  that  the  King's  Loyal  Subjects 
were  reduced  to,  and  all  this  I  conceive  owing  to  or 
Occasioned  by  the  Expedition  into  Soiith  Carolina,  which 
left  this  Province  Naked  and  Defenceless.  Whereas  had  a 
Post  been  Established  at  Augusta  I  have  every  Reason  to 
Think  that  the  Whole  Province  would  have  been  in  Peace 
and  quietness  and  that  good  and  Loyal  Inhabitants  would 
have  flocked  in  from  other  Pro\inces.  this  My  Lord  is  a  Short 
Sketch  of  the  State  and  Condition  I  found  it  in,  and  which 
I  Repeat  least  my  former  letters  might  not  get  safe,  and  Since 
that  your  Lordship  knows  things  have  been  Growing  worse, 
for  as  I  wrote  before  the  Rebels  were  Collecting  their  Mdiole 
force  fi'om  South  Carolina,  North  Carolina  and  Virgmia,  and 
also  the  Rebels  fi-om  and  in  this  Province  in  order  to  attack 
Savannah  before  any  reinforcements  should  come  fi-om  New 
York  of  all  which  I  acquainted  your  Lordship,  and  this 
brought  it  down  to  the  Invasion  by  the  French  and  of  that 
and  the  Issue  I  have  now  given  your  Lordship  a  full  account 
in  my  letter  No.  8.  I  am  now  My  Lord  taking  every  Step  in 
the  Power  of  the  Civil  Department  to  Check  the  Spirit  of 
Rebelhon  by  Compelling  all  those  who  I  think  might  or  ought 
to  have  come  in  and  Joined  in  the  defence  of  the  Town,  but 
did  not,  to  give  a  very  Circumstantial  Account  of  their  Con- 
duct During  the  Siege,  and  have  Directed  that  those  of  the 
Lower  Class  who  do  not  appear  Materially  Culpable  shall  be 
obliged  to  give  Security  for  their  good  behaviour  for  12 
months  themselves  in  XlOO  Sterl^  and  2  Sureties  in  X50 
each,  also  to  take  the  Oaths  of  Allegiance  &c.  &c.  and  to 
Subscribe  the  Test  a  Copy  whereof  is  Inclosed,  and  any  who 
appear  to  have  offended  Capitally,  I  have  ordered  to  be  Com- 
mitted, and  if  sufficient  evidence  can  be  had  against  them 
I  am  determined  they  shall  be  prosecuted  for  High  Treason^ 
but  my  Lord  in  the  situation  we  are  now,  the  Civil  Govern- 
ment Your  Lordship  will  see  must  be  very  Feeble  and  ^"iU 


remain  so,  till  I  can  call  an  assembly,  this  is  a  Point  I  have 
Considered  and  hope  it  may  be  done,  and  that  the  time  is  not 
very  distant  when  I  may  Issue  writs  for  that  Purpose. 
I  Transmit  your  Lordship  herewith  the  Minutes  of  the  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  Governor  in  Council.  Since  the  Siege,  a 
Body  of  150  Horse  wou'd  I  think  give  full  Protection  to  the 
Settlements  in  General  and  be  Sufficient  to  Rout  any  Party 
of  Rebels  that  may  Attempt  to  Disturb  us,  for  those  who  do 
the  Mischief  are  Generally  on  Horseback,  and  before  any 
Detachment  of  Foot  can  get  near  them  are  gone  off.  150 
Horse  wou'd  be  more  serviceable  than  500  Foot.  There  is 
not  above  50  who  are  called  Light  Dragoons  and  I  dont  hear 
that  any  more  are  intended  to  be  Raised.  Your  Lordship 
may  rely  on  it  that  every  thing  in  my  Power  shall  be  done  to 
Promote  His  Majesty's  Service  and  that  I  have  most  anxiously 
in  view  the  Several  matters  recommended  to  me. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  he  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  Obedient  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Hon'''''  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj.  Principal  Secretary  of  America  for  America  &c 
&c  &c. 

[  Indorsed^ 
R  21st  Dec-"- 

By  Capt.  Shaw. 

GOV.   SIR  JAS.   WRIGHT   TO    SEC.   LORD   G.   GER- 


9  November  1779. 

No.  10.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  9th  of  Nov-"  1779. 

My  Lord, 

The  Ship  not  Sailing  so  soon  as  was  Expected  I  have  the 
Honor  of  writing  another  Line  to  Your  Lordship  and  the 
more  I  think  of  our  very  great  Success,  the  more  I  see  it  as 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  «;  W.  Iml.  vol.  237. 


a  Providential  thing,  and  a  matter  of  the  utmost  Imi)()rtance. 
the  Southern  Parts  of  N°  America  I  conceive  are  now  in 
Your  Lordships  Power  whereas  had  the  French  got  Footing 
here,  I  fear  they  wou'd  have  been  lost,  the  Stroke  is  Severely 
Felt  by  the  Kebels  &  thek  Distress  Inmiense,  and  if  Kepeated 
accounts  are  to  be  Credited  I  think  the  Spirit  of  KebelHon  is 
on  the  declme  in  South  Carohna  Since  the  Late  Defeat  here 
And  I  doubt  not  but  the  Country  \nll  be  an  Easy  Conquest. 
But  we  hear  they  are  Strengthening  their  Works  at  Charles 
Town,  and  Laying  in  9  months  Provision.     Since  my  Last  my 
Lord  I  have  Carefully  Examined  Several  People  Avho  have 
come  in  fi'oni  the  Back  Country  within  a  few-  Miles  of  Augusta, 
who  tell  me  there  are  not  Many  Kebels  there,  or  anywhere 
Else  together,  but  only  a  few  Straggling  Partys  who  still  go 
about   Plundering  what  they  can  find  and  distressing  the 
Loyal  Lihabitants,  and  those  at  Augusta  are  Fortifying  them- 
selves, but  as  I  have  every  Eeason  to  Expect  some  Creek 
Indians  will  soon  be  down  amongst  them,  I  hope  they  will  be 
Pvouted  'ere  long,  a  Party  of  Horse  wou'd  Effectually  Scour 
the  Province,  Drive  away  the  Remainder  of  the  Rebels,  and 
with  a  few  Estabhshed  Posts  Give  Peace  and  Security  to  all 
the  well  affected  here,  and  Such  as  may  Choose  to  come  in 
and  Settle,  either  this  or  the  Reduction  of  Carohna  will  do, 
And  when  I  can  Call  an  Assembly  which  I  hope  will  be  as 
soon  as  the  Reinforcement  comes  to  enter  Carohna,  then 
Government  will  Soon  Strengthen  and  Raise  its  Head ;  I  have 
mentioned  many  things  my  Lord  with  Respect  to  the  State  of 
the   Province,  and  some  which  I  think  Necessary,  to  Mr. 
Knox  which  wou'd  have  Spun  out  my  Letter  to  Your  Lord- 
ship to  too  Great  a  Length  and  trust  that  he  will  Lay  before 
Your  Lordship  all  such  Matters  as  he  may  Judge  Material  or 
Worth  Your  Lordships  notice. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Obhged  &  Obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Hon^^®  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj^J^  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c.  &c.  <S:c. 

[  Li(h)i\sc(f\ 

R  22na  Dec'- 


GOV.   SIK  JAS.   WEIGHT  TO   SEC.   LORD   G.   GER- 

20  January  1780. 

No.  11.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  20tli  of  Jan''  1780. 

My  Lord, 

The  hist  time  I  had  the  Honor  to  write  to  Your  Lordship 
was  on  the  9th  of  Nov"^  by  Captain  Shaw  who  was  Sent 
Express  with  the  Account  of  the  defeat  of  the  French  and 
Rebel  Forces  before  the  Town  of  Savannah,  Copies  of  which 
I  also  Sent  by  way  of  New  York  and  not  having  anything 
more,  or  very  Material,  or  any  good  Conveyance,  I  have  not 
wrote  Your  Lordship  Since.  But  on  the  29th  of  December 
I  wrote  to  Mr.  Knox  in  which  I  mentioned  Several  Matters, 
and  desired  him  to  Communicate  Such  of  them  to  Your  Lord- 
ship as  he  might  think  proper  or  Worth  yoiu-  Notice,  and 
I  have  now  the  very  great  Pleasure  to  acquaint  Your  Lordsliip 
that  on  the  17th  Instant  a  Transcript  Ship  arrived,  one  of  the 
Fleet  from  New  York,  and  by  which  we  have  an  Account  that 
upwards  of  7000  Troops  are  coming.  The  Winds  have  been 
very  unfavourable  for  several  days  Past,  and  only  a  Horse 
Sloop  has  got  in  Since,  and  some  Gentlemen  who  are  come 
to  Town  say  that  they  Parted  with  the  Fleet  in  a  Hard  Gale 
of  Wind  4  days  after  they  left  New  York,  which  was  I  think 
the  20  of  December,  but  I  hope  as  the  Wind  is  now  Northerly 
and  getting  to  the  Eastward,  2  or  3  days  more  will  bring  them 
all  safe  in. 

The  Court  of  Sessions  my  Lord  Ended  to  day,  three 
persons  were  Tried  and  found  Giiilty  of  Misdemeanours  for 
Treasonable  Practices,  Yiz — William  Carey,  Israel  Bird  and 
Wilham  Maxwell  and  2  others  withdrew  their  Pleas  and  Con- 
fessed the  Indictments,  Viz.  James  Davis  and  Thomas 
Netherclift,  Mud  8  more  Indictments  for  Misdemeanours  stand 
over  to  be  Tried  at  the  next  Court,  and  I  hope  Such  Examples 
will  be  made  by  the  Judgments  and  Sentences  which  may  be 
Passed  against  those  People  who  are  Found  Giiilty,  and  those 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am,  &  W.  Ind,  vol.  237, 


who  have  Confessed  the  Inchctmeiits,  and  who  are  Lyable  to 
Fine  and  Imprisonment  &c.  as  will  have  a  good  Effect,  and 
tend  much  to  Strengthen  and  Support  Government,  which  I 
assure  your  Lordship  at  Present  Stands  in  Great  Need  of  it. 
Peter  Henry  Morel  was  Tried  for  High  Treason  and  Acquitted 
and  Eobert  Mauls  Trial  for  High  Treason,  Stands  over  till 
June  Court  and  as  soon  as  the  Troops  begin  their  Operations, 
I  shall  Issue  Writs  of  Election  and  hope  when  I  get  an 
Assembly  I  shall  be  able  to  Execute,  His  Majesty's  Com- 
mands, and  my  Instructions  to  accompHsh  which,  and  every 
matter  that  I  may  Judge  to  be  for  His  Majesty's  Service, 
I  Shall  Exert  to  the  Utmost  of  my  Power.  There  are  now  a 
Party  of  Cherokee  Indians  here  230  Men  and  18  or  20 
Women  and  Children,  I  have  been  Present  at  2  of  their 
Talks,  Copy's  of  which  General  Prevost  tells  me  he  Shall 
Transmit  to  your  Lordship,  those  People  Express  the 
Strongest  Kesentment  against  the  Eebels,  and  say  they  never 
will  be  reconciled  to  them,  and  if  they  are  Properly  Treated 
and  Managed  I  think  may  be  very  usefuU  on  the  Expedition 
into  Carohna,  but  Indians  Seem  to  be  despised  and  thought 
of  no  Consequence.  I  have  not  had  the  Honor  to  receive  a 
Line  from  your  Lordship  Since  I  left  England  and  am  most 
anxiously  wishing  to  hear  of  the  Success  of  His  Majesty's 
Fleet  against  the  Combined  Fleets  of  France  and  Spain, 
which  Pray  God  Grant. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  the  most  Perfect  Esteem, 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  ObUged  &  Obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Eight  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj^y '^  Principal  Secretary  of  State  for  America  &c 

&c  &c, 

E  May  13. 
By  the  Lord  Hyde  Packet. 
Duplicate  Grig'  not  rec*^- 


214:  LETTEllS   FIIOM   Sill   JAMES   WllIGHT. 

GOV.  8111  JA8.  WEIGHT  TO  SEC.  L^^  G.  GEEMAIN."^- 

10  Febiu:aky  1780. 

No.  12.  Savannah  in  Geokgia  the  lOtli  of  Feh^  1780. 

My  Lord, 

Your  Lordsliiijs  Letter  of  the  9tli  of  July  last  No.  3  1  had 
the  Honor  to  receive  on  the  2d  Instant,  and  which  is  the  first 
that  has  come  to  Hand  Since  my  Arrival.  I  am  afraid  Your 
Lordships  Information  of  the  Rebel  Force  in  South  Carolina 
being  much  Diminished  was  not  Avell  Founded.  It  gave  me 
Concern  to  find  that  Sjiain  has  thrown  her  Weight  into  the 
Scale  of  our  Enemies,  l)ut  my  Lord  I  am  very  hopefuU  tliis 
Event  may  be  Productive  of  Unanimity  and  Rouse  the  True 
English  Spirit,  and  that  Great  Britain  will  Soon  Rise 
Triumphant  over  all  her  Enemies,  Foreign  and  Domestic.  I 
have  Great  Satisfaction  in  hearuig  that  the  War  in  America 
is  an  object  not  lost  Sight  of,  and  that  None  of  the  Troops 
are  to  be  withdrawn,  and  I  Trust  I  shall  Soon  have  it  in 
my  Power  to  Congratulate  your  Lordshi})  on  the  Success  of 
His  Majesty's  Arms  in  South  Carolina,  and  which  I  am  Still 
of  Oi)ini()n  Altho'  late,  will  Give  a  Sickening  Stab  to  the 
Rebellion,  and  encourage  Great  Numbers  to  Stand  forth  in 
Support  of  His  Majesty's  Measures,  and  in  the  defence  of 
their  Liberties  and  Property's.  But  my  Lord  a  Reinforce- 
ment of  the  Naval  Force  on  the  Continent  of  North  America 
Seems  absolutely  Necessary  or  these  Provinces  will  be  held 
by  a  Weak,  Doubtfull  Tenure.  With  Respect  to  the  deserted 
Property,  it  Certainly  was  at  first  of  Consideral)le  Value,  that 
is,  the  Lands,  Stock  and  Produce,  upon  the  Plantations.  The 
Negroes  were  in  General  carried  away  by  the  Rebel  Owners 
into  South  Carolina,  and  by  one  means  or  other  I  fear  the 
Stock  and  Produce  will  not  amount  to  much,  and  my  Lord 
where  there  are  no  Negroes  to  Cultivate  and  Plant  tliere  is 
no  Occasion  for  Managers.  I  have  hitherto  taken  every  Step 
and  done  every  thing  I  could,  to  take  care  of  that  kind  of 
Property,  as  Soon  as  the  Siege  was  over.  General  Prevost 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  v^i  W.  Ind.  vol.  2^7. 


Ordered  the  Barrack  Master  to  take  Possession  of  all  the 
Houses  in  Savanna  which  were  Deemed  Rebel  Property  and 
get  them  Repaired  for  Winter  Quarters  for  the  Officers  and 
Soldiers,  who  Still  Occupy  them  and  most  of  them  have  been 
Since  Attached  for  English  and  other  debts,  and  so  were 
many  of  the  Plantations.  Immediately  on  the  receipt  of 
Your  Lordship  letter  I  renewed  an  order  I  had  before  made, 
for  the  board  of  Claims  to  lay  before  me  a  full  and  very  Par- 
ticular account  of  all  their  Proceedings  Relative  to  the 
deserted  Estates  and  Property  and  as  soon  as  I  receive  it 
will  Transmit  it  to  Your  Lordship,  from  which  I  presume  the 
State  of  those  Matters  will  Clearly  Appear,  and  in  the  mean- 
time I  shall  Certainly  do  every  thing  in  my  Power  and  Give 
every  Possible  assistance  to  His  Maj*^'^  Loyal  and  Persecuted 
Subjects.  Colonel  Brown  who  has  been  Honoured  with  the 
Appointment  of  Superintendant  of  the  Creeke  and  Cherokee 
Indians,  is  now  in  Savanna,  and  I  have  had  Several  Conver- 
sations with  him  about  those  People. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  &  Obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Hon^'"  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj*-^"'*  Principal  Secretary  of   State  for  America  &c 

&c  &c. 

R  May  13. 
By  the  Lord  Hyde  Packet. 

GOY.   SIR  JAS.   WRIGHT    TO   SEC.   LORD   G.   GER- 

18  February  1780. 

No.  13.      Savannah  in  Georgia  the  18th  of  February  1780. 

My  Lord, 

I  have  now  the  Honor  to  acquaint  Your  Lordship  that  Sir 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  Jt  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 


Henry  Clinton  and  I  believe  all  the  Fleet  Except  2  or  3  have 
at  Length  got  Safe  here.  Sir  Henry  left  Savanna  on  Tues- 
day the  8tli  and  on  the  14  Instant  we  had  an  Account  that  he 
had  Landed  most  of  the  Troops  at  North  Edisto  in  South 
Carolina,  on  Friday  the  11th  that  is  about  35  Miles  from 
Charles  Town  but  they  have  2  Rivers  to  C^ross  viz  Stono,  and 
at  Ashley  Ferry,  he  has  a  Noble  Army  with  liim  and  the 
Greatest  Harmony  Prevails  1)etween  them  and  the  Navy 
throughout  the  Whole,  so  that  we  have  every  thing  to  Expect 
fi'om  them  but  the  Carolinians  having  had  so  long  Notice  (as 
the  Fleet  left  New  York  the  26tli  of  Decendjer)  they  have 
Greatly  increased  and  Strengthened  their  Works  at  Charles 
Town  and  have  got  8  or  10  French  and  Eebel  Frigates  there, 
and  it  is  Reported  that  Generals  Lee  and  Waine  have  got 
there  Avith  a  Reinforcement  fi'om  the  Nortlnvard  of  1500,  if 
so,  I  fear  Many  Brave  Men  May  Fall  Notwithstanding  which 
I  doubt  not  but  Your  Lordship  will  receive  very  Agreeable 
Accounts  of  the  Success  of  that  Expedition.  Some  Troops 
were  Landed  here,  and  I  belive  about  the  Same  Number 
Carried  Awa^^,  so  that  I  Suppose  Sir  Henry  has  as  many  with 
him,  as  he  brought  from  New  York,  and  General  Paterson  is 
now  Preparing  and  on  the  Pcmit  of  Marching  uj)  this  Country 
towards  Augusta,  with  a  very  Good  Ai-my  for  the  Purpose  in 
Yiew,  and  I  thmk  next  week  to  Issue  Writs  of  Election  here. 
WiUiam  Maxwell  was  Fined  £300  SterHng,  Israel  Bird  £200, 
James  Davis  £100  and  Thomas  Netherclift  £20,  and  they  all 
Found  Security  to  Keep  the  Peace  and  be  of  Good  behaviour 
for  3  years,  and  I  am  in  Great  hopes  that  these  Proceedings 
will  have  a  very  Good  Effect. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  and  Obed'  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Hon'''''  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj'^^'*  Principal  Secretary  of  State  for  America  <fcc. 

<fec.  <tc. 

I  Ivdor-sed] 

R  May  13. 

By  the  Lord  Hyde  Packet 
\da  Jamaica. 


GOV.    SIR  JAS.  WEIGHT    TO   SEC.   LORD   G.  GER- 

13  MAUcri  1780. 

No.  1-4.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  18tli  of  March  1780. 

My  Lord, 

On  the  8th  Instant  and  not  before,  I  had  the  Honor  to 
receive  the  Triphcate  of  Your  Lordships  Cu'cnlar  Letter  of 
the  17th  of  June  last.  With  the  Several  Inclosures,  neither 
the  Original,  or  Duplicate,  came  to  Hand.  I  also  Received 
by  the  Same  Conveyance,  your  Lordships  Circular  letter  of 
the  8tli  of  July  Inclosing  a  Printed  Copy  of  His  Majesty's 
Most  Gracious  Speech  to  His  Parliament  at  the  Conclusion 
of  the  Session  on  the  3rd  of  July  last. 

But  I  have  not  yet  received  from  the  Lords  Commissioners 
of  the  Admiralty,  any  Authorities  for  Granting  letters  of 
Marque  against  the  Ships  &c.  of  the  King  of  Spain  and  His 
Subjects.  Your  Lordship  may  depend  that  I  have  Given  all 
the  Encouragement  I  could  to  Promote  those  Services,  and 
to  that  End  have  assured  the  Owners  of  Such  Ships  as  bear 
letters  of  Marque  against  the  French  King  and  His  Subjects, 
that  His  Majesty  will  consider  them  as  having  a  Just  Claim 
to  the  King's  Share  of  all  Spanish  Ships  and  Property  which 
they  may  make  Prize  of. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  and  Obed*  Ser* 

Ja.  Wright. 
R  18tli  June. 

The  Right  Hon'^^*^  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
for  America  &c.  <fec.  &c. 

*  p.  U.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  297 


GOY.   SIR   J  AS.  WRIGHT   TO    BEd.    LORD   G.  GER- 

13  >[arch  1780. 

No.  15.  Savannah  in  Georgia  tlie  18tli  of  Mareli  1780. 

My  Lord, 

The  Original  of  your  Lordships  letter  No.  3,  I  had  the 
Honor  to  receive  on  the  8th  Instant,  The  duplicate  of  which 
I  had  received  on  the  2d  of  Feb'"-^'  and  Answered  on  the  10th 
of  that  Month,  and  to  which  I  beg  leave  to  refer.  On  Com- 
paring those  letters  my  Lord,  I  Observe  the  following  in  the 
Original  which  is  not  in  the  Duplicate  Yiz  "And  that  upon 
no  Pretence  any  Fresh  Charge  is  brought  upon  the  Revenue 
of  this  Country"  and  whatever  other  Governors  may  have 
done,  I  don't  Recollect  that  I  ever  drew  on  Government  for 
one  .shUling.  we  have  no  Gaol  and  there  are  Some  other 
Matters  which  seem  very  Expedient  and  which  I  had  thought 
of  Venturing  to  Undertake,  and  draw  for.  but  as  I  have  re- 
ceived such  a  Peretiifory  Injunvtum  to  the  Contrary,  they 
must  not  be  done,  and  I  Certainly  shall  not  attempt  to  Lay 
any  Fresh  Charge  on  the  Revenue  of  Great  Britain,  imless 
fi-om  the  most  Urgent  Necessity.  The  Commissioners  have 
not  yet  Finished  the  State  of  their  Accounts  and  Transac- 
tions and  made  their  Report  Relative  to  the  deserted  Planta- 
tions &c,  which  I  shall  Transmit  to  your  Lordship  the  first 
Opportunity  after  I  get  them,  but  I  understand  very  httle  of 
the  Produce  &c.  Remains. 

I  have  the  honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  and  Obed*  Servant 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Hon^^*'  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
for  America  etc.  <fec.  &c. 

R  18th  June. 

*  p.  R.  0.    Am.  &  W.  lad.  vol.  237. 


GOV.    SIR  JAS.  WRIGHT   TO   SEC.  LORD   G.   GER- 

24  March  1780. 
No.  16.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  24tli  of  March  17S(). 

My  Lord, 

Since  I  had  the  Honor  of  wiitmg  to  your  Lordship  last,  I 
liave  Received  a  Proclamation  Issued  by  His  Excellency  Sir 
Henry  Clinton  a  Printed  Copy  of  which  I  now  Inclose — a 
Proclamation  my  Lord  which  I  am  much  afraid  will  not  be 
Attended  with  any  Good  Consequences  to  His  Majesty's 
Service  or  this  Province.  I  think  I  have  well  known  the 
Spirit  of  the  Leaders  in  Rebellion  in  South  C-arolina,  as  I 
have  frequently  had  the  Honor  of  Acquainting  Your  Lord- 
ship whilst  I  was  in  England,  and  Your  Lordship  has  too 
often  Experienced  the  Contempt  with  which  the  Truly  Great 
and  Generous  overtures  of  His  Most  Gracious  Majesty  have 
been  received  and  Treated  by  the  Rebel  Powers,  What  then 
my  Lord  is  to  be  Expected  from  a  Repetition  of  Such  offers? 

I  hope  my  Lord,  it  will  not  be  thought  Officious  in  me  to 
Trouble  your  Lordship  with  a  letter  on  this  Subject — For 
Whilst  His  Majesty  is  Graciously  Pleased  to  Intrust  me  with 
the  Charge  of  His  Province  of  Georgia  I  shall  Exert  to  the 
Utmost  of  my  Power  to  Promote  the  King's  Service  and  the 
Welfare  of  the  People,  to  restore  Good  Order  and  Govern- 
ment here  (if  it  be  or  as  far  as  may  be  Possible)  and  of 
Course  to  take  Notice  of  Such  Measures  as  are  most  like  to 
Obstruct  or  Prevent  it.  I  have  always  my  Lord  from  time 
to  time  Since  my  Arrival  Given  your  Lordship  a  Faithful 
Account  of  the  State  of  aft'airs  here,  the  Distresses  of  the 
People  fi-om  the  General  Plunder  of  Foes  and  Friends  has 
been  Great,  has  been  Intollerable.  We  had  happily  and 
most  Providentially  Escaped  a  danger  and  Force  almost 
Sufficient  to  have  Swallowed  us  up.  and  on  the  Arrival  of 
His  Maj*y'^  Troops  from  New  York,  I  then  Look't  upon 
Peace  and  Good  order  and  Government  in  this  Province  as 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  237, 

280  TiriTKHS   FROM    SIR   JAMES   WRIGHt. 

C-ertain  aiul  at  Hand  l)iit  how  was  I  mistaken,  the  ilrst 
damp  was  the  Alteration  of  the  Konte  of  the  Army,  whicli 
had  been  Clearly  Settled  here,  Should  l)e  from  hence  to 
Augusta.  Imt  the  Change  left  the  Province  so  much  Exposed 
and  Disconserted  nie  to  that  Degree,  that  with  the  Advice  of 
His  Majesty's  Council,  I  Postponed  Issuing  the  Writs  of 
Election  for  some  time.  I  do  not  mean  to  Censure  the  Meas- 
ure of  altering  the  Route  for  it  might  be  very  Proper  and 
Right.  I  will  not  say  otherwise — But  Immediately  on  the 
Back  of  this  comes  the  Proclamation  without  any  Restriction 
or  Limitation  and  without  any  Exception  of  any  Persons 
Whatever,  and  under  which  it  is  my  fear  that  every  Rebel 
who  has  Fled  this  Province  and  Committed  Crimes  of  the 
Blackest  dye  may  come  Back  and  Claim  Pardon  and  Protec- 
tion, and  if  that  is  the  Case  my  Lord,  it  will  be  Scarce 
Possible  for  any  Kings  Officer  to  Remain  here  with  any 
tolerable  Satisfaction — the  Moment  I  Received  it  I  ordered 
the  Coimcil  to  be  Summoned  and  Laid  the  Proclamation 
before  them,  and  my  Lord  it  was  then  Determined  to  Issue 
the  Writs  of  Election,  for  if  these  People  Return,  Many  of 
them  will  have  Influence  Enough  to  get  themselves  Elected 
Members  of  Assembly.  And  what  then  my  Lord  is  to  be 
Expected.  So  that  I  have  at  all  Events,  and  at  all  Hazards 
ordered  the  Writs  to  be  Prepared  and  shall  Sign  them  to 
morrow.  And  as  I  see  the  Consequences  of  this  Proclama- 
tion may  be  of  the  Utmost  Importance.  I  mean  to  write 
Sir  Henry  Clinton  a  letter  upon  it,  and  for  that  Purpose 
Shall  State  my  Ideas  to  the  Council  on  Monday  next. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be,  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged*  <fe  obed  Serv' 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Hon^'^  Lord  George  Germain 
His  Maj'y'^  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
for  America  &c.  &c.  &c. 

P.  S.  28th  March, 

Yesterday  I  again  Laid  Sir  Henry  Clinton's 
Proclamation  before   the  Council   and   made   my   Remarks 


thereon,  when  it  was  the  Unanimous  Opinion  that  I  shonld 
Write  a  Letter  to  His  Excellency  on  the  Subject,  and  which 
I  have  done,  and  now  have  the  Honor  to  inclose  Your  Lord- 
ship a  Copy  thereof. 

K  16th  July. 


4  Apru.  1780. 

No.  17.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  4th  April  1780. 

My  Lord, 

On  the  29tli  Ultimo  I  had  the  Honor  to  receive  Your  Lord- 
ships letter  of  the  29th  of  October  No.  4.  the  Representa- 
tions I  formerly  made  Y^our  Lordship  with  respect  to  the 
distressed  sitiiation  of  His  Majestys  Loyal  Subjects  in  this 
Province  by  a  Series  of  Unfortunate  Circumstances  and 
Events  has  Encreased  instead  of  Lessened,  and  at  this  day 
we  are  in  a  Truly  Grievous  Situation,  and  Continually  Har- 
assed and  Plundered  by  Partys  of  Rebels,  and  all  this  I 
Conceive  for  want  of  a  Post  at  Augusta,  on  the  29th  ultimo 
a  Party  of  Rebel  Horse  to  the  Amount  of  (its  said)  300  Col- 
lected at  and  about  Augusta  and  in  the  adjacent  Parts  in 
South  Carolina,  came  to  my  Plantations  at  Ogechee  and 
Burn't  and  Destroyed  7  of  my  Barns  &c.  &g.  with  Rice,  and 
did  me  other  Damage  to  the  Amount  of  at  Least  8000X 
Sterling,  they  also  Burn't  and  destroyed  Mr.  James  Buttlers 
Barn  <fec.  <fcc.  at  about  2  miles  distance  fi-om  mine,  they  shot 
4  of  my  Negroes  Dead  and  wounded  3  more,  one  of  which 
its  thought  will  dye.  and  how  many  they  have  carried  off 
with  them,  its  not  yet  in  my  power  to  say  with  Certainty, 
these  Plantations  my  Lord  are  on  the  South  Side  of  Ogechee 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  237. 


Kiver,  begin  about  15  miles  from  Savannah,  and  Extend 
about  8  miles  fiu-tlier.  And  I  must  own  I  camiot  help  Im- 
puting all  the  Losses,  Distresses  and  Deplorable  Situation 
this  Province  is  at  Present  in,  to  the  Expedition  into  South 
Carolina  this  time  twelvemonths,  and  now  my  Lord  we  can 
Get  no  assistance  from  the  Military  as  Your  Lordship  will  in 
Part  see  by  the  Inclosed  Minute  of  Council. 

most  Fortimately  Count  DEstaings  Expedition  has  only 
Occasioned  a  Delay  in  the  Arrival  of  Sir  Henry  Chnton  with 
His  Majestys  Troops  here,  he  is  now  before  Charles  Town, 
and  we  are  very  Anxiously  Expecting  to  hear  of  his  Success 
there.  I  am  very  (Had  the  Plan  formed  with  Respect  to  the 
care  and  Management  of  the  Refugee  NegToes  and  Deserted 
Property,  has  been  Approved  by  His  Majesty.  But  by  the 
Conduct  of  the  Army,  Invasion,  and  Siege,  those  intentions 
have  been  almost  Wholly  Frustrated,  but  for  the  Particulars 
I  must  beg  leave  to  Refer  Your  Lordship  to  the  Report  of 
the  Commissioners. 

Your  Lordship  may  Rely  on  it  that  every  Means  in  my 
Power  shall  l)e  used  to  Promote  His  Majestys  Royal  inten- 
tions and  to  Comply  with  His  Commands — we  are  now  in  a 
very  Disagreeable  Situation  and  I  don't  know  any  thing  that 
can  Give  us  Peace  and  Security  but  a  Post  at  Augusta,  and 
a  Body  of  at  least  150  well  Appointed  Horse. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  and  obed*  Serv* 

J  A.  "Wright. 
The  Right  Hon''"''  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj*'^'"  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
for  America  &c.  &e.  Arc. 

R  16th  July. 


GOV.    SIR   JAS.  WRIGHT    TO    SEC.    LORD  G.  GER- 

6  April  1780. 

No.  18.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  6tli  of  April  1780. 

My  Lord, 

Yesterday  I  had  the  Honor  &  very  Great  Satisfaction  to 
Receive  the  Duphcate  of  your  Lordships  letter  of  the  19th 
of  January  Number  5  and  it  makes  me  Perfectly  Happy,  to 
find  my  Conduct  Approved  of  by  His  Majesty. 

I  did  on  the  Occasion  of  the  Siege,  as  I  hope  I  shall  on 
every  other,  Endeavour  to  Discharge  my  Duty  to  the  King, 
as  a  Truly  Loyal  &:  affectionate  Subject.  &  the  Trust  Reposed 
in  me,  with  Proper  Firmness  &  integrity.  I  have  Acquainted 
the  Lieutenant  Governor  that  His  Majesty  is  fully  Satisfied 
with  his  Zeal  &  Services.  ' 

Sir  Henry  Clinton  is  now  before  Charles  Town  and  Admiral 
Arbuthnot  with  I  think  12  Ships  is  within  the  Bar  &  1  Trust 
we  Shall  Soon  have  good  Account  fi-om  them.  When  I  hope 
Peace  &  Good  Government  will  be  Restored  to  this  Province 
to  Accomphsh  which,  I  shall  Exert  myself  to  the  Utmost  in 
every  way  Possible. 

The  Election  for  the  Town  of  Savanah  begam  yesterday  & 
I  believe  will  End  Agreeably,  &  that  the  four  Members  will 
be  Mr.  Robertson  the  Attorney  General,  Mr.  Simpson  the 
Clerk  of  the  Court,  Mr.  Mossman  a  Planter  <fe  Mr.  Farley  an 

And  when  we  can  Meet,  I  am  very  hopefuU  to  be  able  to 
Accomplish  Several  things  for  His  Majesty's  Ser\dce,  and 
Shall  Particularly  Attend  to  the  Several  Objects  Pointed  out 
in  your  Lordships  letter  of  the  31st  of  March  1779,  and  to 
all  those  Mentioned  in  the  Letter  I  have  now  had  the  Honor 
to  Receive,  and  I  assure  Your  Lordship  we  have  Great 
Occasion  for  the  Interposition  of  the  legislature.  I  have 
already  Given  your  Lordship  an  Account  of  our  Proceedings 
on  the  Criminal  Prosecutions. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Ain.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  237. 


Your  Lordsln})K  Opinion  &  directions  with  Respect  to  tlie 
Captured  &  'Rein^ee  Negroes  is  Exactly  the  same  with  my 
OAvn,  })nt  that  Property  which  was  at  first  very  Considerable, 
I  understand  is  now  Dwindled  away  to  very  little.  The  Com- 
missioners have  not  yet  made  their  Report,  hut  Promise  me 
it  to  day  if  Possible,  &  which  I  shall  Immediately  Transmit. 

I  thank  your  Lordship  for  being  Pleased  to  Point  out  the 
Method  which  the  Kings  Loyal  Subjects  Should  Pursue  with 
respect  to  the  Damage  they  have  Sustained  by  the  Execution 
of  the  Measures  Judged  Necessary  for  the  defence  of  the 
Province  &  I  shall  Acquaint  the  Partys  with  it,  &  which  I 
Presume  will  be  Duely  Attended  to. 

Your  Lordships  Reasons  against  Allowing  the  Militia  any 
Pay  are  Forcible,  and  I  hope  we  Shall  not  have  Occasion  to 
Call  upon  them  again  for  Services  of  that  kind. 

Sir  Henry  Chnton  has  lately  Authorised  Mr.  Graham  the 
Lieutenant  Governor  to  Act  as  a  kind  of  Commissary  for  the 
Loyal  Refugees  &  by  that  Means  I  hope  such  Persons  as 
may  Appear  to  me  to  be  Proper  Objects  will  be  allowed 

Your  Lordships  Goodness  in  Proposing  to  Recommend  it 
to  Parliament  to  add  the  sume  of  <£500()  to  the  Estimate  of 
this  year  for  Defi-aying  the  very  Necessary  Extraordinary  & 
unavoidable  Expences  in  the  Sup])ort  <%  Carrying  on  the 
affairs  of  Government,  and  for  Building  a  Goal  &c.  is  I 
assure  you  most  Acceptable  to  us,  for  we  were  in  the  Greatest 
Difficulty  with  Respect  to  those  matters,  and  on  a  Supposi- 
tion that  the  Dutys  Arising  &  Payal)le  to  the  Crown  in 
America,  were  Given  up  by  His  Majesty  &  to  be  Appropri- 
ated to  Public  uses,  we  had  already  Expended  to  the  amount 
of  aliout  £450  Sterl.  and  should  have  been  obliged  to  Apply 
those  &  the  Fines  to  Such  uses  as  Could  not  Possibly  have 
been  Avoided.  &  receiving  your  Lordships  Information  on 
this  Point  has  Relieved  us  fi-oni  the  Greatest  Perplexity. 

Your  Lordships  Approbation  of  the  Utility  of  a  Corps  of 
Horse  for  Scouring  the  Woods  &  Covering  the  Frontiers  of 
the  Province  Gives  me  gi-eat  Pleasiire,  as  we  Certainly  have 
the  most  Pressing  Occasion  for  that  kind  of  assistance,  as 
your  Lordship  will  See  by  Some  of  my  letters.     I  shall  Ini- 

LETTEKS   FROM    Silt   JAMES   WUKillT.  285 

mediately  Write  to  Sir  Henry  Clinton  upon  the  subject,  but 
I  am  much  afraid  when  he  made  his  Kequisition,  he  did  not 
mean  them  for  the  Protection  of  this  Province,  which  I  am 
Extremely  Sorry  to  Say,  I  think  has  not  been  Sufficiently 
attended  to.  being  much  hurried  m  Point  of  time,  as  I  am 
anxious  to  Dispatch  the  Packet  to  Sir  H.  Clinton,  I  Kely 
on  Your  Lordships  Goothiess  to  Excuse  any  Errors  or  Omis- 
sions which  may  appear. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  and 

Obed*  Hble  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Eight  Hon'''^'  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
For  America  &c.  &c.  &c. 

\  IiuJor.sed] 
II  10th  July. 

SIK   JAS.  WlilGHT   TO   SEC.  LOUD   G.    GEllMAIN.* 

17  May  1780. 

No.  19.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  17th  of  May  1780. 

My  Lord, 

Many  Articles  of  Expence  Unavoidably  Attending  the 
Execution  of  the  Civil  Government  we  had  Kecourse  to  the 
Money  Arising  by  Duties  Payable  to  His  Majesty  m  this 
Province,  on  a  Supposition  that  His  Majesty  has  been  Gra- 
ciously Pleased  to  Give  them  up  for  the  use  of  the  Respective 
Colonys  Wherein  they  are  Paid.  But  ha\ing  some  doubt 
therein,  I  laid  the  Matter  before  the  Council  and  I  have  now 
the  Honor  to  Inclose  your  Lordship  a  Copy  of  their  Report 

*  p.  R.  0.    Ma.  &  W.    I«d.    vol.  237. 


Aiid  my  Lord  I  must  beg  leave  to  Observe  that  this  Prov- 
ince has  been  so  much  Distressed  by  the  Rebellion,  by 
Plundering  Party's  and  otherwise,  and  all  the  Back  Country 
bemg  broke  up,  and  most  of  the  Inhabitants  dispersed  and 
Gone  and  the  Numl)er  of  Negi'oes  Greatly  diminished,  so  that 
our  Produce  at  Present  is  little  or  nothing  and  cannot  be 
increased  for  some  time  to  come,  therefore  my  Lord,  If  the 
Construction  Contended  for  or  Supposed  by  the  Council  can 
be  admitted  it  will  encourage  the  Distressed  Inhabitants  and 
Enable  us  to  C-arry  into  Execution  many  Necessary  Pubhc 
Matters  but  my  Lord  if  we  are  Mistaken  and  have  Appro- 
priated Part  of  the  duty  Money  without  Right  or  Authority, 
I  Presume  it  can  easily  be  Replaced  out  of  the  X5000. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  the  most  Perfect  Esteem,  My 
Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  &  Obed*  Ser* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Hon^'^'  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj*-^'**  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c.  &c.  &c. 

R  16th  July. 

GOV.   SIR  JAS.    WRIGHT   TO   SEC.   LORD   G.    GER- 

6  April  1780. 

Savanah  in  Georgia  the  6th  of  April  1780. 
My  Lord, 

Yesterday  I  had  the  Honor  to  Receive  your  Lordships 
letter  of  the  21st  of  January.  With  Respect  to  the  Office  of 
Clerk  of  the  Council  being  Annexed  to  that  of  Secretary, 
AVhicli  your  Lordship  was  Pleased  to  mention  to  me  the  last 
time  I  had  the  Honour  to  See  you  in  London  and  assure 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  A;  W.  luil.  vol.  237,      ~^  ~~ 

LETTEllS   FROM   Sill   JAMES    WKIGHT.  287 

your  Lordship  I  did  not  forget  it,  but  on  the  4th  of  Nov"" 
Avrote  jour  Lordship  as  Follows. — 

Hay"-  in  Geokgia  4th  Nov''  1779. 
My  Lord, 

Your  Lordshif)  Desired  I  AYould  GiYe  you  Some  Account 
of  the  Office  of  Clerk  of  the  Council  in  this  Province.  This 
Office  my  Lord  was  Originally  included  in  the  Secretarys 
Patent,  but  how  that  came  to  be  done,  or  how  far  it  is  Proper 
it  should  be  so,  is  submitted  to  your  Lordship.  Mr.  Wylly 
is  Clerk  of  the  Council  by  my  Appointment  in  1770. 

There  is  a  Great  Deal  of  Writing  &  Attendance  required  & 
Mr.  Wylly  Assures  me,  it  is  not  now  Worth  £50  Sterl  p  ann 
Avhicli  is  something  to  a  Man  on  the  S})ot  who  does  the 
Business  himself  but  Nothing  to  a  Gent  in  England,  ayIio  is 
to  Pay  a  Deputy  for  Executing  it.  But  I  must  Acquaint 
your  Lordship  he  Says  when  Lands  were  Petitioned  for  & 
Granted  once  in  every  month  as  usual,  the  Office  was  then 
worth  about  £250  '^  ann.  but  Exclusive  of  that,  which  was 
forbid  in  1773  or  4,  it  is  not  worth  above  £50  at  most  &  there 
is  no  Sallary — and  if  the  Land  Office  was  open  again  there 
is  very  little  Land  to  Grant,  unless  it  be  the  Ceded  Lands. 

I  once  took  the  Liberty  to  Mention  to  Your  Lordship  how 
Necessary  it  is  to  Strengthen  the  Hands  of  Government 
Especially  at  this  time,  for  my  Lord  how  is  it  to  be  Expected 
that  Gentlemen  in  the  House  of  Assembly  or  Elsewhere  will 
si)end  their  time  Sc  take  Pains  &  Trouble  to  serve  Govern- 
ment without  Some  Encouragement  or  Views  of  Advantage, 
and  if  the  Governor  is  Stript  of  the  Power  of  giving  little 
Offices  which  fall  Vacant,  to  usefidl  People,  he  will  have  very 
little  Influence  &  get  very  little  Assistance,  and  my  Lord  I 
can  with  Great  Truth  say,  that  the  King's  authority  and 
Powers  of  Government  are  very  Weak  at  present  &  requii'e 
every  degree  of  Influence  &  all  Possible  Exertions.  I  have 
the  Honor  to  be  <fec. 

Ja.  Wright.     Copy  how 
this  Miscarried  I  Can't  Conceive. 
Your  Lordship  may  be  assured  I  shall  as  your  desire  put  Mr. 
Thompson  in  Possession  of  that  Office  &  thank  Your  Lord- 
ship for  the  Mark  of  Respect  Shewn  me  on  that  occasion. 


His  Majestys  Great  Goodiuiss  in  expressing  His  Royal 
Api)robatioii  of  my  Couduct  in  the  manner  jour  Lordship  is 
Pleased  to  Mention  &  the  Honorable  Testimony  your  Lord- 
slii])  is  Pleased  to  give  of  yours  likewise,  are  very  Flattering. 

M}-  King  &  Country  my  Lord  have  every  Right  to  my  best 
Services  &  shall  have  them  to  the  utmost  of  my  Power  & 
Abilities  and  I  thought  myself  happy  in  being  here  at  the 
time  of  the  Siege,  For  I  Clearly  SaAV  that  if  this  Province 
then  fell,  America  was  Lost  and  this  I  declared  on  every 
occasion  A-  urged  the  Necessity  of  every  Exertion  Possible  to 
Defend  the  Place. 

Your  Lordship  may  confide  that  I  shall  endeavour  to  dis- 
charge the  Trust  Reposed  in  me  with  Firmness,  Vigilance  & 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Oblig'd  &  Obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Hon^'*'  Lord  George  Germain  <fcc.  &c.  &c. 

R  16th  July. 

GOV.    SIR   JAS.    WRIGHT   TO   SEC.   LORD  G.  GER- 

20  May  1780. 

No.  '20.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  2()th  of  May  1780. 

My  Loud, 

Inclosed  are  Copys  of  the  Letters  and  Reports  made, to  me 
by  the  Board  of  Police,  and  by  the  Commissioners  of  Claims, 
from  which  Your  Lordship  will  See  how  the  affairs  of  the 
Deserted  Estates  and  Refugee  Negroes  have  been  Managed 
and  Conducted  fi'om  time  to  time,  and  to  which  I  must  beg 

y.  l\,  O.     Am.  .V  W.  Tiul.  vol.  237, 


leave  to  refer  Your  Lordship,  as  an  Answer  to  Part  of  Your 
Lordsliips  letter  No.  3 — there  are  Many  Negroes  Still  Strag- 
gling about  the  Country  Some  of  which  I  Presume  may  be 
Apprehended  and  the  Lands  and  Plantations  and  Houses  in 
Town,  will  be  taken  care  of  &  Secured,  the  Latter  Still 
remain  in  the  Possession  of  the  Army,  and  many  of  them 
being  much  Shattered  during  the  Siege  and  Attached  for 
Debts  Due,  I  dont  Imagine  the  Net  Produce  will  amount  to 
any  thing  Considerable. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obhged  &  Obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
R  16th  July. 
(4  Inclosures.) 

The  Eight  Honourable  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
for  America  &c.  &c.  &c. 



[In  Sir  Jas.  Wright's  (No.  20)  of  20  May  17S0.] 

The  Commissioners  of  the  Board  of  Claims  having  signified 
to  us,  that  Your  Excellency  had  Given  them  Orders  to  lay 
before  you  a  State  of  their  Proceedings  respecting  the  Estates 
of  Absentees  &  that  it  would  be  necessary  that  we  should 
also  furnish  you  with  a  State  of  the  transactions  of  the  board 
of  Police  relative  to  those  Estates,  that  came  under  their 
charge,  we  now  take  the  liberty  to  inform  Your  Excellency  of 
the  steps  taken  by  that  Board  to  carry  into  execution  the 
important  trust  committed  to  them. 

*  p.  B.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  237. 


200  LETTEllS   FltOM   Sill   JAMES    ^VllIGHT. 

On  the  13tli  of  January  1779  &  soon  after  the  reduction  of 
this  Phice  by  the  Army  under  Lieut.  Cok)nel  Arch''  Campbell, 
He  thought  proper  to  appoint  a  Board  of  Pohce  under  the 
direction  of  Lewis  Johnston  as  Sui)erintendant  <fe  James 
Mossman  S:  William  Telfair  as  Assistants.  Amongst  many 
other  InstriTctions,  well  calculated  for  conducting  the  business 
of  that  Board,  One  (&  the  most  important)  was  to  take  under 
their  care  &  management  the  Plantations  &  other  Effects  of 
all  Absentees,  whether  Loyal  Subjects  or  Rebells,  who  had 
not  lawfull  Attorneys  in  the  Provmce  which  was  at  that  time 
an  object  of  great  importance  from  the  nundter  of  valuable 
Plantations  under  that  Predicament  &  from  the  Great  Value 
of  Negroes,  Crops  <fe  Stocks  upon  numy  of  them,  which  in 
times  of  such  confusion  &  licentiousness,  were  in  Great 
danger  of  being  Plunder'd  A:  destrojed — Li  consequence  of 
this  Instruction,  the  Board  immediately  pubUshed  an  Order 
for  all  Persons  having  under  their  care  the  Plantations  of 
Absentees,  or  that  were  in  Possession  of  any  of  theii'  Effects, 
forthwith  to  a  make  a  Return  of  the  same  upon  oath.  The 
Board  then  proceeded  to  appoint  Overseers  for  those  Planta- 
tions who  were  directed  to  em})loy  the  Negroes  belonging  to 
them  in  planting  provisions,  to  take  care  of  the  Stock  tt  Crop 
on  them  &  not  to  permit  any  thing  under  their  charge  to  be 
removed  or  taken  away,  without  an  Order  from  the  Board, 
Except  such  Stock  &  Provisions  as  might  be  wanted  for  the 
Army  m  that  case  to  prevent  delay,  they  were  directed,  that 
upon  application  being  made  to  them  by  any  Person  havmg 
authority  from  the  General  or  Cinnmander  in  Chief,  to  deliver 
immediately  what  was  wanted  S:  to  take  a  receipt  for  the 
same — This  Preciaution  was  intended,  not  only  as  a  Check  on 
such  People  as  nught  be  enn)]oyed  to  collect  Provisions  for 
the  Army  l)ut  also  to  ascertain  the  value  of  wliat  should  be 
supplied  from  the  Estates  of  loyal  subjects,  as  the  Board 
conceived  they  had  a  right  to  expect  payment  especially  as 
many  of  the  owners  of  such  Plantations  had  been  Banished 
from  this  Counti-y  by  the  late  Rebel  Rulers  S:  all  of  them 
had  been  sufferers  on  account  of  their  Loyalty. 

Lieut.  C'oloncl  Cam])l)ell  also  dii'ectiul  the  Board  to  employ 
some  men  of  Character  S:  Al)ililies  to  visit  the  Plantations  of 


Absentees  tliat  were  in  Eebellion  in  Order  Carefully  to 
examine  into  the  state  of  improvement  they  were  in,  the 
quantity  of  Land  they  contained  the  number  of  Negroes  & 
the  Stock  Eice  and  other  Provisions  upon  them  &  to  return 
an  exact  account  of  the  same  to  the  Board.  Such  Gentle- 
men were  accordingly  &  the  report  they  made  (as  far  as  they 
proceeded  in  this  business)  is  now  before  Your  Excellency. 

Such  were  the  Steps  taken  by  the  Board  of  Police  to  carry 
their  Instructions  into  execution  relative  to  this  business  & 
which  if  the  directions  they  gave  had  been  complied  with,  or 
had  they  been  supported  in  inforcing  them,  they  presume  to 
say  that  one  of  the  Principal  Views  in  instituting  that  Board 
would  have  been  answered  &  thereby  Property  to  a  very  con- 
siderable amount  preserved  which  was  soon  irrecoverably 
lost.  It  is  proper  to  observe  that  as  the  Board  of  Pohce  was 
appointed  by  the  Commander  in  Chief  of  the  Military  De- 
partment (there  being  no  Civil  Government)  &  consequently 
derived  all  their  powers  fi-om  him,  it  was  not  Practicable  for 
them  to  execute  the  Trust  committed  to  them,  further  than 
they  met  with  his  concurrence  &  support.  Whilst  Lieut. 
Colonel  Campbell  had  the  Chief  Command  (which  was  for  a 
very  short  time)  they  had  every  assistance  they  could  expect, 
but  when  he  was  superceded,  in  place  of  meeting  with  that 
countenance  &  support  mthout  which  they  could  not  carry 
on  the  business  of  the  Office  eflfectually,  they  experienced 
nothing  but  discouragement  &  neglect. 

Soon  after  General  Prevost's  arrival  one  Benjamin  Springer 
a  man  of  a  very  indifferent  Character  was  employed  to  Collect 
Provisions  for  the  Army.  The  Board  soon  had  many  Com- 
plaints lodg'd  with  them  against  this  man,  by  the  Overseers 
they  had  employed  to  take  care  of  the  Plantations  under 
their  direction,  as  well  as  by  many  of  the  Inhabitants.  As 
the  Board  did  not  then  know,  under  what  authority  he  acted, 
they  summoned  him  before  them,  when  he  attended,  he 
showed  very  ample  powers  from  the  General,  to  collect  Pro- 
visions for  the  use  of  the  Army.  He  was  told  that  the  Board 
not  not  mean  in  the  least  to  Obstruct  him  in  this  business, 
but  as  it  was  necessary  in  order  to  ascertain  the  property  he 
might  take  into  his  Possession,  that  Keceipts  should  be  given 


for  it,  tliey  therefore  expected  &  required  him  to  give  such 
receipts  for  the  Stock  or  Provisions  he  had  from  any  Planta- 
tion under  tlieir  cliarge  A:  that  as  to  the  Cattle  collected  in 
the  Woods,  the  marks  <fe  brands  were  to  be  taken  <k  returned 
to  them  that  the  Owners  might  be  ascertained.  These 
directions  of  the  Board  Springer  promised  punctually  to 
comply  with,  Notwithstanding  this,  many  complaints  were 
made  agauist  tliis  man  &  the  People  employed  under  him  of 
theii"  Plundering  the  Plantations  of  Stock,  Provisions  &  many 
Articles  of  Household  Fiirniture  &  of  their  refusing  to  give 
receipts  for  what  they  carried  away — Those  Complaints  most 
of  them  were  upon  oath,  were  fi"om  time  to  time  laid  before 
the  General,  but  so  far  were  the  unhappy  sufierers  by  those 
depredations  from  receiving  redress,  that  in  place  of  proper 
steps  bemg  taken  for  putting  a  stop  to  them,  that  either  no 
notice  were  taken  of  them,  or  if  any  answer  was  vouchsafed, 
the  Complaints  were  stiled  Malicious  Persecutions  of  a  very 
usefull  man  and  tendmg  to  obstruct  his  Majesties  Service. 

Besides  the  Depredations  committed  by  Springer  &  his 
Accomplices,  a  number  of  loose  disorderly  People  were  em- 
ployed by  the  Commissary  to  hunt  up  Cattle  for  which  they 
were  allowed  five  shillings  per  head.  In  consequence  of 
which  they  drove  off  indiscriminately  all  the  Cattle  that  came 
in  tlieir  way,  without  regarding  marks  or  brands  or  whether 
they  were  the  property  of  Rebells  or  Loyal  Subjects,  by 
which  means  many  of  the  Inliabitants  were  illegally  deprived 
of  their  Property  &  the  Stock  of  Cattle  at  that  time  very 
numerous,  almost  totally  destroyed. 

Grievous  as  those  proceedings  were,  had  every  thmg  col- 
lected in  this  irregadar  manner  been  really  appropriated  to 
the  use  of  the  Army,  it  wt)uld  have  been  less  blameable.  But 
as  it  is  certain  that  many  of  the  Ai'ticles  taken  by  those 
People  could  not  come  under  the  head  of  Provisions  for  the 
Ai'niy  &  that  Great  quantities  of  Stock  and  Provisions  were 
carried  into  East  Florida,  so  there  is  no  doubt  it  was  done  by 
those  men  &  converted  to  their  own  i)rivate  use  &  benefit. 
The  Plunder  (k  Destruction  of  Property  by  those  shamefull 
Proceedings  was  very  great  nor  was  it  confined  to  stock  & 
provisions  as  a  considerable  number  of  Negroes  were  from 


time  to  time  clandestinely  sliipp'd  or  canied  off.  For  the 
reasons  before  given  it  was  out  of  the  power  of  the  Board  to 
put  a  stop  to  those  cruel  and  oppressive  practices,  had  the}' 
been  properly  supported  it  is  beyond  a  doubt  that  Property 
to  a  very  large  Amount  would  have  been  preserved  which  is 
now  totally  lost. 

Things  were  in  this  State  when  the  Board  of  Police  was 
dissolved  on  the  Establishment  of  Civil  Government  the  4th 
March  1779.     We  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  much  respect 
Your  Excellencies  most  obed*  &  Hum^'^''  Serv'^ 

Lewis  Johnston, 
Signed  James  Mossman, 

Wm.  Telfair. 
Returns  made  to  the  Board  of  Police  soon  after  its  Estab- 
lishment, of  the  Negroes,  Stock  &  Provisions  on  the  Estates 
under  the  care  of  that  Board.     N  B.  This  is  not  included  in 
the  Report  made  by  the  Gentlemen  who  were  employed  to 
examine  into  the  State  of  the  Plantations  to  the  South  of 
Great  Ogechee 
925  Negi'oes 
1337  Head  of  Stock  of  all 

kinds  upon  the  Plantations 
1178  Barrels  of  Clean  Rice 
14489  Bushells  rough  Rice 
5730  Bushells  Corn  &  Potatoes 
105  Stacks  Rice  in  straw. 

His  Excellency 

Sir  James  Wright  Bart. 



[In  Sir  Jas.  Wright's  (No.  20)  of  20th  May  1780.] 

Commissioners  of  Claims  Office 
Savannah  24  April  1780. 

In  Obedience  to  Your  Excellency's  Commands  requiring  us 
as  Commissioners  of  Claims  to  report  to  you  the  state  of 
such  Property  whether  real  or  Personal  in  this  Province, 
which  belonged  to  refugees  or  Absentees  from  Georgia  & 
which  was  intended  to  have  been  put  under  our  directions  & 
management,  We  begg  leave  to  represent  as  follows — 

That  so  early  as  the  15  March  last  year  being  soon  after 
we  had  received  our  Powers  and  Instructions,  We  Embraced 
the  opportunity  of  meeting  together  in  order  to  regulate  our 
Board  ct  Proceed  on  the  business  of  Our  Office.  That  we 
had  just  formed  some  resolutions  towards  carrying  on  the 
business  with  Effect  when  Complaints  were  lodged  with  us, 
of  a  Person  of  bad  fame  of  the  Name  of  Springer,  who  had 
committed  very  great  waste  &  destruction  on  many  well 
settled  Estates  &:  Plantations  in  this  Country  it  in  Particular 
that  this  Man  with  his  Associates  had  Pillaged,  Plunder'd  & 
Carried  off  a  Considerable  Property  in  Eice,  Cattle  &  other 
moveable  Effects  all  under  the  Cloak  and  Pretext  of  furnish- 
ing suj^plies  for  the  Army,  but  which  there  was  every  reason 
to  believe  a  very  considerable  part  had  been  made  away  with 
&  appropriated  in  another  and  to  uses  of  which  the  Army 
had  had  no  advantage  whatever.  That  having  carefully 
examined  into  these  complaints  &  finding  they  were  but  too 
well  founded  &  that  besides  the  Eice,  Cattle  etc.  as  above  set 
forth  there  had  been  a  number  of  Negroes,  Plate,  Household 
furniture  &  other  valuable  Effects  all  carried  off  in  hke  man- 
ner under  the  description  of  Eebell  property.  We  Conceived 
it  to  be  our  indispensable  duty  to  prevent  such  abuses  for  the 
future.  That  in  order  to  remedy  these  unwarrantable  Pro- 
ceedings as  much  as  we  were  able,  in  the  then  weak  state  of 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  237. 


tlie  Civil  Govermneiit,  We  desired  Springer's  .ittendaiice  at 
our  Board  and  having  read  to  liini  tlie  Complaints  tt  Deposi- 
tions that  had  been  lodged  against  him,  We  represented  the 
danger  he  had  already  brought  himself  into  by  his  Past 
transactit)ns,  bnt  as  he  produced  to  us  an  authority  in  writing 
from  the  Acting  Quarter  Master  General,  we  thought  it  best 
to  avoid  any  altercations  and  prevent  disputes  with  the  Army 
to  caution  him  Springer  as  well  as  others  of  whom  we  had 
like  Conn)laints  to  be  exceedingly  circumsi)ect  &  carefull  in 
future,  for  that  matters  were  now  put  on  a  more  regular 
footing  than  they  had  been.  That  all  the  deserted  Property 
of  the  Province,  Negroes,  Cattle,  Stock  of  all  kinds  S:  whether 
belonging  to  Persons  in  Rebellion  against  the  King  or  to  His 
Majesties  Loyal  Subjects  al)sent  from  the  Province  were  put 
under  our  charge  and  direction  and  that  We  were  determined 
to  punish  Delinquents  &  Prevent  in  future  that  wanton  waste 
&  destruction  which  had  but  too  generall}-  Prevailed. 

That  altlio  we  had  been  at  the  utmost  pains  to  avoid  & 
prevent  the  most  distant  appearance  of  a  misunderstanding 
between  the  Civil  and  Military  Line,  Yet  the  Precautions  that 
we  recommended  to  the  above  named  Springer  were  disre- 
garded by  him  and  the  matter  taken  up  in  our  Opinion,  m  a 
most  improper  and  injudicious  manner  by  Lieut.  Colonel 
Prevost,  who  had  before  acted  as  Quarter  Master  General  of 
the  Army  and  at  this  time  had  the  appointment  of  Lieut. 
Governor  of  the  Province,  for  instead  of  checking  this  man 
from  acting  in  the  unruly  ct  unwarrantable  manner  he  had 
done  and  which  we  apju-ehend  would  most  effectually  have 
put  a  stop  to  an  evil  so  justl}-  <fc  so  generally  complained  of, 
he  openly  &  wannly  E  -ipoused  his  Cause  &  that  in  defiance 
of  the  Civil  Government  newly  established  &  the  authority 
vested  in  us  for  executing  the  Office  &  Trust  of  Commis- 
sioners of  Claims.  That  several  attempts  were  very  earl}- 
made  to  discountenance  &  even  to  supersede  this  Appoint- 
ment, We  were  threatened  with  the  denunciation  of  Martial 
Law  if  we  persisted  in  the  execution  of  our  duty,  which  We 
were  told  would  Obstruct  &  Counter  Act  the  Opperations  of 
the  Army,  this  was  done  l)y  the  Lieut.  Governor  himself  sig- 
nified by  a  letter  said  to  be  fi'Om  the  General  and  which  was 

296  LETTERS   FROM   SIR   JAMES   WRIGli'l'. 

read  to  us  by  the  Lieut,  (lovernor  in  a  very  unusual  manner. 
Allarnied  at  this  nienac*^  AVe  (h'sired  to  know  in  wliat  manner 
we  were  to  act  for  if  Jealousy  had  taken  place  before  we  had 
even  began  upon  any  effectual  business,  We  apprehended  it 
would  not  be  in  our  power  to  do  justice  to  the  appointment, 
to  this  we  were  answered  that  with  respect  to  the  Property  to 
the  King's  Loyal  Subjects,  Absentees  fi-om  the  Pro^ance, 
there  would  be  no  inteiTuption  to  our  Acting,  but  as  to  Rebel! 
Proy)erty  it  was  thought  it  could  not  be  better  taken  care  of 
than  by  the  Army  who  had  the  best  right  to  it.  That  it  was 
in  vain  for  us  to  represent  as  we  did  from  time  to  time,  the 
Great  Injury  to  Individuals  as  well  as  the  immense  waste 
and  Destruction  brought  upon  the  Province  at  large  while 
such  men  as  Springer,  McGirth,  and  a  Great  number  of  that 
stamp  were  suffered  and  we.  fear  encouraged  to  enter  Houses 
and  Plantations  at  their  discretion,  to  live  at  fi'ee  quarter 
wherever  they  pleased  and  carry  off  Negroes,  Cattle,  Horses 
and  Property  of  all  kinds  under  the  Idea  that  all  was  fi-ee 
Plunder.  In  a  word  instead  of  being  able  to  lay  before 
Your  Excellency  an  account  of  Property  recovered  from  the 
Estates  that  were  intended  to  have  been  put  under  our  care 
&  management  or  saved  from  the  General  &  Universal  "Waste 
every  where  committed.  We  shall  not  when  our  accounts  are 
made  up  be  able  to  defray  the  Common  Expences  of  the 
Persons  necessarily  employed  as  Overseers  &  others  acting 
in  different  Parts  of  the  Province. 

Signed  Martin  Jollie, 

R.  Kelsall. 
His  Excellency 

Sir  James  AVright  Bart. 



[In  Sir  James  Wright's  (No.  20)  of  20tli  May  1780.  | 

Commissioners  of  Claims  Office 
Savannah  29tli  April  1780. 

When  we  received  Your  Excellencjs  orders  to  la}-  before 
you  the  proceedings  of  our  Board,  we  should  have  immedi- 
ately paid  obedience  thereto,  but  as  by  much  the  greatest 
part  of  the  property,  the  care  of  which  was  the  object  of  our 
Commission,  had  been  made  away  with,  wasted  and  destroyed 
before  we  had  entered  into  Office,  we  Judged  it  necessary 
previous  to  laying  our  Transactions  before  Your  Excellency, 
that  the  Board  of  Police  and  former  Board  of  Claims  should 
state  to  you  what  they  had  respectively  done  for  securing  the 
property  of  Rebells  and  others  absent  from  the  Province,  so 
that  Your  Excellency  might  have  at  one  view,  the  proceedings 
of  the  three  Boards  and  from  thence  be  better  able  to  judge 
of  the  Causes  that  have  in  a  great  measure  rendered  all 
attempts  to  save  that  property  abortive.  By  the  first  Com- 
mission we  had  the  Honor  to  receive  from  Your  Excellency, 
we  were  impowred  to  take  under  our  care  and  management 
all  Rebell  Property  in  the  Province,  as  well  as  that  of  other 
Absentees  not  having  lawful!  Attorneys  here,  and  we  were 
directed  to  Rent  the  Houses,  Plantations  and  Negroes  coming 
under  the  above  description.  The  first  step  we  took  after 
entering  upon  the  business  of  the  Office,  was  to  notify  to  the 
Publick,  by  an  advertizement  in  the  Gazette,  our  Appoint- 
ment and  the  several  matters  that  came  under  our  Charge 
and  Management,  requiring  all  persons  haveing  in  their, 
possession  or  under  their  care  any  of  the  Property  above 
described  to  make  a  return  of  the  same  to  our  Board:  we 
allso  appointed  men  of  character  to  insj^ect  the  state  and 
condition  of  the  Plantations  to  the  Southward  of  Great 
Ogeechee  River  and  to  endeavour  '\9y  every  means  hi  their 
power  to  secure  the  Property  that  remained  in  that  part  of 
the  Province  from  bemg  totally  plundered  and  destroyed. 

*  p.  K.  O.    Aiu.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  237. 

^08  LTlTTERS   T*ROM   SlH  .TAMER   WRIGHr. 

Your  Excellency  having  agreed  with  us  in  opinion  that  no 
eftectual  method  could  ho  taken  for  retaining  the  Negroes 
that  might  be  collected  which  come  under  our  management 
and  who  were  dispersed  all  over  the  Country,  untill  a  AVork- 
house  could  be  built  for  securing  them  in  till  they  could  be 
otherwise  disposed  of,  we  accordingly  engaged  a  jierson  and 
agreed  Avith  him  to  build  a  ])roper  House  for  the  ])urpose. 
The  Season  of  the  year  l)eing  too  far  advanced  \vv  found  it 
inn)ractical)le  to  rent  (nit  the  Vacant  Plantaticms  for  that  year 
for  the  pur])ose  of  planting  but  as  many  of  His  Majesty's 
Loyal  Subjects  and  Refugees  from  other  Provinces  were 
possessed  with  Negroes  the}'  wished  to  employ,  we  gi'anted 
Licenses  to  such  persons  to  make  Staves  and  Naval  Stores 
upon  Lands  that  were  deemed  Eebell  Property  on  condition 
of  their  paying  Tg  '^  Cent  on  the  value  of  their  commodities, 
at  the  markett  price  of  Savannah. 

As  there  were  a  gi'eat  number  of  Houses  in  the  Town  of 
Savannah  that  were  deemed  Rebell  property,  the  renting  out 
of  these  Houses  w^ould  have  constituted  a  fund  of  considera- 
ble value.  We  therefore  proceeded  to  take  an  Account  of 
them  in  order  to  rent  out  such  as  was  not  in  the  immediate 
possession  of  the  Officers  of  the  Army  Commissaries  and 
others,  for  although  from  the  tenour  of  our  first  Commission 
it  appeared  to  be  Your  Excellencys  intention  that  all  the 
Houses  in  Savannah  that  were  Rebell  property  should  be 
rented  out  by  us,  and  the  moneys  ariseing  from  them  to  be 
appropriated  for  the  Pubhck  use  of  the  Province  untill  His 
Majesty's  pleasure  could  be  known  yet  such  has  been  the 
Spirit  of  Jealousy,  amongst  some  of  the  Military  against  the 
civil  estabHshment  and  such  has  been  the  E-epacity  for 
Plunder  that  we  plainly  foresaw,  few  or  none  of  the  many 
Houses  in  Savannah  could  be  rented  out  by  us,  wdthout 
comeing  to  an  open  Rupture  Avith  the  Army  an  Event  we 
have  ever  most  studiously  endeavoured  to  avoid — -Some 
doubts  haveing  arose  soon  after  our  appointment,  respecting 
the  extent  of  our  poweijs  &  the  mode  of  carrying  them  into 
execution  we  stated  them  in  Queries  to  Your  Excellency 
which  you  were  pleased  to  refer  to  the  Attorney  General  a 
Copy  of  tlicse  Queries  together  with  his  Answers  to  them, 

Letters  i^Roivt  sir  james  wright.  2§9 

we  now  beg  leave  to  lay  l)efore  your  Excellency,  as  it  appears 
clearly  from  his  opinion  that  without  a  legislative  sanction 
such  difficulties  may  and  must  occurr,  as  will  reduce  our 
Powers  &  authority  to  a  mere  shadow  and  render  fraitless 
every  good  purpose  of  the  apjDointment :  As  this  oi)inion  was 
soon  verefyed  by  Facts,  we  think  ourselves  sufficiently  war- 
rented  in  stating  this  want  of  proper  authority  as  one  of  the 
principal  causes  of  our  haveing  failed  in  Canying  the  benifi- 
cial  purposes  of  our  Commission  into  execution  to  the  extent 
that  was  intended  and  expected  fi-om  it. 

Such  was  the  steps  taken  by  us  on  our  entering  into  Office 
and  which  we  flattered  ourselves  would  have  answered  the 
ends  of  our  Appointment  as  far  as  our  limited  &  defective 
powers  would  admitt ;  biit  unhappily  for  this  Country,  the 
ariival  of  the  fi-ench  and  rebell  forces,  the  Siege  of  Savannah 
and  the  Enemy  being  so  long  in  possession  of  every  thing 
without  our  Lines,  amongst  many  other  ruinous  consequences 
very  materially  aftected  that  property  which  was  the  object 
of  our  Commission  a  great  part  of  it  haveing  been  carried  off, 
at  that  time,  by  the  Enemy  and  since  by  the  dayly  incui-sions 
of  plundering  parties  of  the  Eebells  whose  Rage  &  Mallice  is 
become  so  great  as  to  commit  the  most  wicked  and  wanton 
depredations,  almost  within  sight  of  the  Lines,  When  to 
this  melancholy  detail  we  add  the  very  great  number  of 
Attachments  that  have  been  laid  upon  the  Estates  of  j^ersons 
now  in  Rebellion — the  rebell  Houses  in  Savannah  being 
entirely  given  up  to  the  use  of  the  Army :  and  the  greatest 
part  of  the  Negroes  that  fled  or  were  brought  into  this 
Province,  as  well  as  many  of  those  belonging  to  persons 
formerly  of  this  Country,  but  now  in  Rebellion  being 
employed  &  embodied  as  Pioneers  of  the  Army  and  in  the 
publick  Works,  besides  a  very  considerable  number  taken 
possession  of,  by  the  Commissaries,  Quarter  Master  General, 
their  Deputies  and  other  Military  Departments  as  also  many 
Officers  and  even  Soldiers  of  the  Ai*my :  we  say  when  all 
these  matters  are  considered,  it  must  evidently  appear  that 
we  have  nothing  now  remaining  under  our  charge  or  manage- 
ment except  the  Lands  and  the  very  few  improvements  on 

300  I.ETTERR   FROM   SIR  -tAMER   WRIGflT. 

tlieiii  has  escaped  the  general  waste  and  devastation  that 
has  overspread  this  wliole  Ooinitry. 

Le'svis  Johnston, 
(Signed)  Martin  Joijje, 

Pv.  Kki.sai.l. 

His  Excellency 

Sii'  James  Wright  Bait. 



[In  Sir  James  Wright's  (No.  20)  of  20  May  1780.] 

Seal  of        I  To   the   King's   Most   Excellent    Majesty   The 
Courts  of  cieorgia.)  Humlile  Address  of  the  Judges  Grand 

Jury,  and  several  other  Inhabitants  of 
the  Province  of  Georgia. 

May  it  please  Your  Majesty, 

We  Your  Majesty's  most  dutiful  and  loyal  Subjects,  the 
Judges,  Grand  Jury  and  several  other  inhabitants  of  this  your 
Province  of  Georgia  met  at  Your  Majesty's  Court  of  Oyer  and 
Terminer  and  General  Goal  Delivery  liolden  for  this  Pro\ince 
embrace  this  Opportunity  to  testify  our  attachment  to  Your 
Majesty's  Person  and  Government,  and  to  return  you  our  most 
gratefid  Thanks  for  sending  a  Body  of  Your  Forces  here,  which 
relieved  this  Colony  from  such  a  Scene  of  Tyranny,  Fraud 
and  Cruelty ;  as  would  have  disgi-aced  any  Asiatic  Country. 

We  also  beg  leave  to  make  our  most  dutiful  Acknowledge- 
ments to  Your  Majesty  for  declaring  this  Province  to  be  at 
Your  Peace  and  for  Ke-establishing  a  Civil  Government  here, 
by  which  Means  we  enjoy  the  Blessings  of  Law  and  Liberty, 
whilst  the  Colonies  in  Rebellion  against  Your  Majesty  gi-oan 
under  Tyranny  and  Oppression. 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  237. 


We  cannot  pass  over  in  silence  the  Deliverance  afforded 
this  Province  by  the  interposition  of  Almighty  God,  when  it 
was  invaded  by  a  Force  of  French  and  Rebels  much  superior 
to  that  which  the  Garrison  consisted  of,  We  attribute  this 
Deliverance  under  God,  to  the  bravery  of  the  Troops  and 
Seamen  in  Your  Majesty's  Service,  and  of  the  Militia,  the 
Sailors  in  the  Merchants  Service  and  others  who  voluntarily 
went  into  the  Lines  and  manifested  by  their  conduct  how  well 
Men  Avill  fight,  when  engaged  in  a  good  cause. 

We  forbear  to  enumerate  to  a  Prince  of  Your  Majesty's 
Humanity,  the  many  Instances  of  Oppression  that  were 
exercised  by  the  French  and  Rebels  towards  such  of  Your 
Majesty's  Subjects  that  fell  into  their  Hands,  as  they  knew  to 
be  well  affected  to  Your  Government,  many  of  whom  were 
stripped  of  their  Cloathing  and  Sustenance,  nay  even  of  the 
Beds  they  lay  on,  and  are  now  pining  under  Distress  and 
Poverty,  nor  shall  we  repeat  the  Bloody  Menaces  that  were 
uttered  by  the  Enemy,  as  well  French  as  Rebels,  when  they 
thought  themselves  sure  of  taking  the  Town  of  Savannah, 
least  it  should  excite  a  sjiirit  of  Resentment  in  our  Fellow 
Subjects,  contrary  to  the  Dictates  of  that  Blessed  ReKgion 
which  we  profess. 

We  beg  Leave  to  assure  Your  Majesty  that  w^e  shall 
always  use  our  utmost  Endeavours  to  promote  an  Attachment 
to  Your  Person  and  Government  and  the  Welfare  of  the 
British  Empire :  And  we  shall  not  fail  to  put  up  our  Prayers 
to  Almighty  God  that  He  will  pour  down  His  Blessings  upon 
Your  Majesty,  Your  Royal  Consort  and  Your  numerous 
Offspring  that  He  will  give  You  a  long  and  happy  Reign  and 
that  Your  Posterity  may  sway  the  Sceptre  of  the  British 
Empire  till  Time  is  no  more. 
Anthony  Stokes,  Martin  Jollie, 

Chief  Justice;  Assistant  Judge; 

James  Robertson,  John  Simpson, 

Attorney  General;  Prothonotary  and  Clerk 

of  the  Crown ; 

John  Murray,  Alex**  Wylly, 

Foreman  of  the  Jury ;       R.  W.  Powell, 



Pat""  Crookshanks, 
Thomas  Tallemache, 
John  Henderson, 
Alex"  McGown, 
John  Milner, 
Ja.  Buchanan, 

John  Gates, 
Dennis  Myhony, 
Sinclair  Walters, 
D.  ZuBLY,  Junior, 
Jas.  Herriot, 
Isaac  Baillon, 
Smith  Clarendon, 
Wm.  Watt, 

Wm.  Jones, 

Attorney  at  LaAV ; 
Wm.  Stewart, 

Attorney  at  Law ; 
Th.  Gibbons, 

Attorney  at  Law; 
Sam^  Farley, 

Attorney  at  Law ; 
Day"  Montaigut, 

J.  P.; 
Henry  Shoolbred, 
Joseph  Farley, 

Provost  Marshal; 
Pinkethman  Hawkins, 

Acting  Provost  Marshal ; 
George  Cuthbert, 

Prothonotary's  Clerk ; 
Nath^  Polhill, 

Justice  of  Peace  for  St. 

Matthew's  Parish ; 
Charles  McDon.vld, 

Justice  of  Peace  for  St. 

Andrew's  Parish ; 
Matthew  Lyle, 

Owen  Owens, 

John  Daniel  Hammerer, 


James  Stevens, 
James  Butler, 

Grand  Jurors ; 

Frederick  Fahm, 
John  Better, 
Herman  Herson, 
Nicholas  Hanner, 
John  Heisler, 
Jacob  Theiss, 
Philip  Snider, 
Petty  Jurors ; 

James  Humphreys, 

Sexton ; 
Jas.  Dowie, 
Peter  Blythe, 

Planter ; 

Bod.  McIntosh, 
David  McCredee, 
John  McIver, 
Charles  Shaw^, 
bobt.  porteous, 
John  Irvine, 

Practitioner  in  Physic 

and  Surgery; 
Peter  Dean, 
Geo.  Jollie, 
Bazil  Cowper, 

Christopher  Frederic  Treib- 

Minister  of  the  Lutheran 

Congregation  at  Ebene- 

Geo.  D'erbage, 

Deputy  Secretary  of  the 

LETTEIW   FKOM   Sill   JAMES    WKIGHT.  303 

Major  Militia  Parish  St.  Province ; 

George ;  E.  Kelsall, 

T.  ZuBLY,  D.  D.,  KicHAiiD  Davis, 

and  Minister  of   a  Con-  Clerk  to  the  Judges  and 

gi-egation    of  English    <fe  Cryer. 

German    Protestants    at 

Savannah ; 

A  true  Copy 


Geo.  D'erbage, 

Depy  Secy- 

GOV.   SIE   JAS.   WEIGHT  TO   SEC.  LOED    G.   GEE 


20  May  1780. 

No.  21.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  20th  of  May  1780. 

My  Lord, 

I  have  the  satisfaction  to  acquaint  Your  Lordship  that 
Notwithstanding  the  wretched  State  the  Province  is  Just  now 
in,  and  Partys  of  Eebels  Coming  from  Carolina  and  Plunder- 
ing, and  Carrying  off  the  Inhabitants  within  5  or  6  Miles  of 
the  Town,  Yet  we  managed  so  as  to  get  all  the  Writs  of 
Election  Executed  in  every  Parish  and  District  Except  in  St. 
Paul's  where  Augusta  is,  and  on  the  9th  instant  we  met  and 
opened  the  Session,  and  now  Inclose  your  Lordship  Copys 
of  what  Passed  on  that  Occasion  and  which  I  lioi)e  may  be 
Approved  of. 

I  think  my  Lord  there  is  a  good  Assembly,  and  I  hope  I 
may  be  able  to  Carry  into  Execution  Some  Matters  which  I 
Presume  it  is  wished  may  be  done.  But  my  Lord  much  still 
Depends  on  the  Eeduction  of  South  Carolina  after  which  all 
Proper  Exertions  will  be  used. 

*  p.  R.  O.     An».  &  W.  Uul.  vol.  '237. 

30-4  LETTEUS   FllOM   Sill   JAMES   WllIGHT. 

We  are  now  waiting  with  the  utmost  anxiet}^  to  hear  (jf 
that  Event.  3  months  and  an  half  Since  the  Tro(jps  h^ft 
Savana  and  Charles  Town  (for  ought  we  know)  still  in  the 
Hands  of  the  Rebels. 

But  to  lle})eat  Neglects  and  distresses  &c.  Occasioned 
thereby  is  Irksome,  therefore  I  shall  only  add  that  Your 
Lordship  may  Rely  on  it,  every  thing  in  my  Power  shall  be 
done  for  His  Majesty's  Service. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed'  Serv* 

Ja.  "Wright. 
The  Right  Hon^'''  Lord  Geofge  Germain 
His  Maj*^'"  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
For  America  &c.  &c.  <fec. 

R  IGth  June. 

GOV.   SIR   JAS.   WRIGHT   TO   SEC.   LORD   G.   GER- 

25  Mat  1780. 

No.  22.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  25th  of  May  1780. 

My  Lord, 

Yesterday  Colonel  Clarke  Arrived  here  from  Charles  Town 
to  take  the  Command  of  the  Troops  on  the  Departure  of 
General  Prevost,  which  is  fixt  for  the  28tli  instant  And  I  have 
now  the  Honor  to  congratulate  Your  Lordshij)  on  the  Sur- 
render of  Charles  Town  to  the  Commander  in  Chief  of  His 
Majestys  Forces.  The  Terms  I  will  not  Presume  to  say  any 
thing  about.  I  have  had  a  very  full  Conversation  with 
Colonel  Clark  and  he  seems  disposed  to  do  every  thing  in  his 
Power  for  His  Majestys  Service  and  the  Protection  of  this 

♦  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 

LETTERS    FIKIM    Sill    JAMES    WUIGHT.  805 

I  find  l)y  him  that  two  (<()iisi(Uu-al)ki  Bodys  of  Troo])s  are 
Gone  np  the  Conntry  in  CaroHiia,  whi(;li  I  tliinj^  its  very- 
Probable  will  brinff  the  matter  to  a  Point  there,  as  I  am 
firmly  Persuaded  Great  Numbers  are  (lis])()sed  t(^  Pieturn  t(» 
their  Allegiance  but  they  have  still  doubts,  Pears  and  appie- 
hensions,  that  the  army  will  soon  go  to  the  Northward,  and 
Avithout  sufiicient  Protection  they  may  Fall  a  Sacrifice. 

I  have  Advised  Colonel  Clark,  and  he  has  determined  to 
Send  up  a  Body  of  Men  to  Augusta,  he  thinks  300  Sufficient, 
but  I  much  wish  it  was  twice  the  Number,  biit  as  the  Trom- 
back  llegiment  of  Hessians  is  ordered  to  Charles  Town,  inore 
can't  be  s})ared.  and  let  me  entreat  Your  Lordshij)  to  Enforce 
the  Establishing  a  Corps  of  at  least  150  Horse  for  the  Partic- 
ular Services  and  Protection  of  this  Province,  it  is  the  only 
thing  that  can  give  us  Peace  and  Security  here,  while  there 
is  any  Remains  of  Rebellion  and  such  a  Corps  of  Horse  will 
be  of  more  Service  than  GOO  Foot.  Last  Sunday  Night  a 
Party  of  Rebel  Plunderers  came  within  seven  miles  of  the 
Town  and  Carried  off'  some  Prisoners  and  about  20  Negroes. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  A:,  obed^  Serv' 

Ja.  AYllIGHT. 
The  Right  Hon''^'  Lord  George  Gerniaui 

His  Maj^-^  "^  Princii)al  Secretary  of  State  &c.  &c  &c. 

I  Indorsed  I 
R  Kith  July. 

GOV.   SIR  JAS.   WRIGHT   TO   SEC.   LORD   G.   GER- 


iJ  June  1780. 

No.  2o.  Savanah  in  Geokgia  the  Dth  of  June  1780. 

My  Lokd, 

I   have   now   the  Honor  and  very  Great  Satisfaction  to 

*  p.  R.  0.    Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 


nOn  I,ETTE11S    FKOM    SIK    .lAMKS    WI!IGHT. 

;u'(|u;iiiit  your  Lordship,  that  I  have  received  Letters  from 
Some  (leiitlemeii  at  Au^ista  Giving  me  an  Account  that 
General  \\'illiams()n  with  the  ltel)el  Forces  had  all  left  that 
Phice  on  the  29th  Ult"  and  tliat  the  Inhabitants  at  and  al)()\e 
Augusta  who  have  Stood  out  and  remained  in  llebellion,  have 
had  Several  Meetings  to  Consult  what  was  most  Proper  for 
them  to  do,  and  in  what  Manner  to  Apply  to  me,  to  Solicit 
Peace,  or  obtain  Sonu'  kind  of  Pardon  or  Terms — and  that 
after  they  have  Settled  and  agreed  upon  this  amongst  them- 
selves three  Persons  will  be  deputed  and  sent  to  me  with 
their  Submission  and  recpiest.  this  my  Lord  I  give  full 
Credit  to,  but  as  they  are  not  yet  come,  I  can't  say  in  what 
Light  it  may  appear.  However  when  I  receive  it,  I  shall 
Endeavour  to  do  that  which  I  think  best  for  His  Majesty's 
service,  and  the  General  Good  of  the  Province  and  People, 
my  Accounts  also  mention  that  the  Inhabitants  in  the  Back 
Country  in  South  Carolina,  are  Preparing  Petitions  to  Sir 
Henry  CHnton  with  the  Same  Views,  so  that  I  am  very  lioi)e- 
full  my  Lord  Peace  will  soon  be  Re-established  in  these 
Provinces  and  Doubt  not  but  (as  I  have  always  said)  the 
Keduction  of  them  will  Give  a  Mortal  Stab  to  the  llebellion. 
For  an  Account  of  the  Attack  at  Cambden,  I  have  Inclosed 
one  of  our  Gazettes  which  Contains  the  Comnmnder,in  Chiefs 
Orders  Notifying  that  aflair,  this  Stroke  I  think  Avill  have  a 
Prodigious  Good  Effect,  and  if  once  the  Country  People  have 
Si)irit  Enough  to  Seize  on  their  Late  Leaders  and  deliver 
them  u}),  liebellion  Avill  soon  take  its  Flight. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  and  obedient  Servant 

Ja.  AVkight. 

The  Right  Hon'"'"'  Lord  George  Germain 
His  Maj*^*"  Prhicii)al  Secretary  of  State 
for  America  etc.  &c.  &c. 

R  17th  Oct'-' 


GOV.    SIR   JA8.    WEIGHT    TO   SEC.   LOlU)  G.  GER- 

17  Ji'LY  1780. 

No.  24.  Savanah  in  Georgia  17tli  July  ITMO. 

My  Loi!D, 

On  the  1st  Instant,  I  assented  to  a  Bill  Intitled  an  Act  to 
dis(|iialify  it  render  incapal)le  the  several  Persons  therein 
after  named,  from  holding  or  exercising  cUij  OlHce  of  Trust, 
Honor  or  Profit  in  the  Province  of  Georgia  for  a  certain  time 
tV  for  other  purposes  therein  mention'd.  This  Bill  my  Lord 
I  judged  ver}'  necessary  for  His  Majesty's  Service  as  some 
kind  of  punishment  to  Delinquents  &  check  to  Rebellion  and 
indeed  for  the  sui)port  of  Go'sernment  &  the  peace  S:  quiet 
of  the  Inhabitants — For  b}'  it  They  were  not  only  disabled 
as  in  the  Title, but  they  are  disqualified  from  serving  on  Jur}S 
from  setting  as  Members  of  the  Assendjly  &  are  disarm'd  & 
oblig'd  to  take  the  State  Oaths  &  a  new  Test,  also  to  lind 
security  for  their  good  behaviour  &c.  and  I  am  hopefull  it 
will  answer  many  good  purposes  &  when  such  a  strong  dis- 
position appear'd  to  general  pardon,  forgiveness  (t  oblivion,  I 
thought  it  the  more  necessary  that  something  of  this  kind 
should  be  done  &  doul)t  not  but  His  Majesty  will  be  graci- 
ously pleas'd  to  ajjprove  it. 

At  the  time  I  assented  to  a  Bill  Intitled  an  Act  for  the 
Relief  of  such  of  His  Majesty's  Loyal  Subjects  as  are  Iidiab- 
itants  of  the  Province  of  Georgia  or  have  any  ProjiertA'  or 
intercourse  therein.  It  was  thought  very  necessary  my  Lord 
to  pass  a  Law  of  this  kind  for  altho'  all  the  pretended  Laws 
&  Proceedings  of  the  Rebels  were  absolutely  null  and  void 
yet  it  will  very  much  quiet  &  satisfy  the  minds  of  the  People 
to  declare  them  by  Law  to  be  so,  &  we  had  an  exceeding  good 
Precedent  S:  Exanq)le  in  the  Statute  of  the  1st  Will  <S:  Mary 
Session  2d  Chap.  9  after  the  Rebellion  in  Ireland. 

And  on  the  10th  Instant  I  assented  to  the  following  Bills, 
Viz:  An  Act  for  the  Limitation  of  Actions  Sz  for  avoiding: 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  \-  W.  Ind.  vnl.  237. 

308  IJ-'/l'TEllS    V\H)M    sill   JAMES   WRIGHT. 

Suits  at  Law  and  to  rc))cal  an  Act  heretofore  made  for  that 
]nir])ose  A:  for  othcu'  ])ur|)OHes  thereinafter  mentioned. 

An  Act  to  exphun,  amend  &  reduce  into  tme  x\ct  of  Assem- 
bly the  several  Laws  now  in  being  relating  to  the  ascertaining 
the  Qualifications  of  Jui'ors  S:  for  establishing  the  Method  of 
]>alloting  A'  Summoning  of  Jurors  in  the  Province  of  Georgia. 

An  Act  to  ex])lain  ct  amend  A'  make  the  more  effectual  an 
Act  pass'd  the  Dtli  day  of  June  17(51  Intitled  an  Act  for  sub- 
jecting tt  making  liable  to  attachment  the  Estate  Real  A:  Per- 
sonal of  absent  Debtors  in  the  Custody  A'  power  of  any 
Person  or  Persons  within  this  Province  A'  for  other  purposes 
therein  mentioned.  These  three  Acts  my  Lord  were  pro])os'd 
to  me  by  the  Chi^f  Justice  A'  on  a  conversation  Avith  him  A' 
looking  into  the  former  Laws  I  saw  that  the  alterations  and 
amendments  propos'd  would  be  very  usefull  A'  reaUy  seemVl 
necessary  &  they  a\  ere  accordingly  framed  by  the  Attorney 
General  A:  Lawyers  in  the  House  of  Assembly. 

An  Act  for  the  regulation  of  Auctions — Laying  a  duty  on 
Goods,  Wares  &  Merchandize  Sold  at  Auction  &  for  empow- 
ering the  Governor  or  Commander  in  Chief  for  the  time 
l)eing  to  Licence  the  Auctioneers. 

Selling  Goods  by  Public  Auction  my  Lord  became  so 
general  that  it  Avas  found  to  be  attended  with  many  incon- 
veniences both  Pul)lic  and  Private.  The  Inhabitants  who 
are  Shopkeepers  complain'd  that  every  thing  was  sold  at 
Auction,  that  they  got  little  or  no  custom  A:  could  not  suj)- 
])ort  their  Families  that  they  were  liable  to  all  Personal 
Dutys  A'  Taxes  A'c.  etc.  whereas  Transient  Pei'sons  A'  others 
Avho  were  not  liable  to  Personal  Public  Service  or  to  pay  any 
Taxes  A^c.  undersold  them  without  contributing  an}'  thing 
towards  the  sui)i)ort  of  Government  &c.  wherefore  for  the 
reasons  set  forth  in  the  Act,  it  was  thought  advisable  A:,  pro- 
])er  to  i)revent  such  fretpient  Sales  by  Auction,  by  compelling 
the  Auctioneers  to  take  out  a  License  A'  l>y  laying  a  duty  on 
the  Goods  sold. 

An  Act  for  the  relief  of  such  of  His  Majesty's  Loyal  Sub- 
jects as  have  any  lieal  or  Personal  Property  in  the  Province 
of  Georgia  and  whose  Title  Deeds,  Bonds,  Notes,  Grants  of 
Lands  and  other  Evidences,  Vouchers  Ar,  Writings  have  been 


either  lost,  destroyed  or  carried  oft'  dnrino-  the  time  herein- 
after mentioned. 

As  man}'  Tioyal  Snbjects  liave  lost  their  Title  Deeds  or  had 
tliem  destroyed  one  way  (^r  another  dnrinf;-  tin'  Rebellicm,  it 
was  thonfrht  very  necessary  S:  ]iroper  to  ^i\e  them  all  possi- 
ble relief  tt  assistance  with  respect  to  the  same  <t  in  this  we 
had  the  Example  of  the  British  Parliament  by  the  Statnte  of 
the  20th  of  George  the  2d  after  the  Rebellion  in  Scotland. 

An  Act  to  explain,  amend  tt  rednce  into  one  Act  the  several 
Laws  m^w  in  being  relative  to  the  Town  A'  Common  of  8a- 
vanah  &  for  other  pnrposes  therein  mention'd. 

This  my  Lord  was  look'd  npon  as  a  very  necessary-  Law 
for  keeping  clean  S^  in  good  order  the  Town  <{'  Comnnm,  & 
scmie  defects  having  been  discover'd  in  the  former  Laws,  this 
was  fram'd  fi'om  the  most  material  parts  of  the  former  Laws. 
An  Act  to  contimie  the  several  Laws  therein  mentioned.  A 
Continnation  Law  was  absolntely  necessary  as  a  great  many 
very  good  and  nsefnll  Laws  wonld  have  expired  Avith  the 
Sessicms  of  Assembly. 

Upon  the  whole  my  Lord  these  Laws  were  consider'd  as 
nsefnll  and  necessary  <t  I  have  order'd  Copies  to  be  made 
ont  to  transmit  to  yonr  Lordship  ct  hope  on  examination 
none  of  them  will  be  fonnd  exceptionable. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Yonr  Lordships 

most  obliged  tt  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  AYright. 
The  Eight  Honoral)le  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State  A'c.  etc.  itc. 


R  11th  Oct^-  1780. 

810  lRttKrs  fbom  sit^  JAMES  wnrc.HT. 

GOV.    SIR   JAS.  WRIGHT   TO   SEC.    LORD  G.  GER- 


10  .Iiiv  17S0. 

No.  25.  Savanah  in  Geohgia,  tlie  lOtli  of  July  17S0. 

My  Lord, 

In  my  letter  of  the  17tli  iiistunt  No.  24  I  have  Given  your 
Lordshiji  <in  Account  of  the  Several  Bills  assented  to  by  me 
during  the  Session  of  Assembly,  there  was  one  or  two  more, 
which  I  had  in  View,  but  the  Weather  was  Excessively  hot  c^' 
the  Gentlemen  grew  tired  of  Attending  to  business  tt  I 
thought  it  most  Pnident  to  let  'em  alone  till  our  next  meet- 
ing. I  have  received  Petitions  fi-om  Several  Districts  in  the 
Back  Clountry  to  be  received  &  Restored  to  His  Maj^^'"  Peace 
A:  Protection  and  have  now  the  Honour  to  Inclose  your 
Lordship  a  Copy  of  one  of  them  &  of  the  written  answer 
Given  thereto,  but  the  Inhabitants  on  the  Ceded  Lands 
where  I  am  well  Informed  there  is  now  at  least  from  7  to 
800  Eftective  Men,  altho'  willing  to  Submit  have  kept  back  a 
little  on  a  Report  that  the  King's  Troops  were  to  quit  Au- 
gusta, which  made  them  not  Choose  to  Deliver  up  their 
Arms  and  I  was  once  Apprehensive  that  a  Body  of  Troops 
must  have  been  sent  there  to  Reduce  them  to  Obedience  ct 
disarm  them,  Yet  by  my  last  Accounts  from  thence  I  am  very 
hopefull  they  will  give  up  their  arms  quietly.  But  however 
the  People  in  this  Province  &  Cai'olina  may  seem  to  be 
Sincere  in  their  Return  to  their  Allegiance,  they  must  be 
watched  \nth  great  attention  for  some  time. 

I  have  wrote  very  fully  to  Lord  Cornwallis  with  Respect  to 
the  Situation  of  Afiairs  in  this  Province  &  given  his  Lordship 
my  humble  Opinion  what  Posts  ct  Force  I  apprehend  will  be 
necessary  to  Establish  here,  at  least  for  some  time,  viz :  at 
Augusta  250,  at  Dartmouth  in  the  Ceded  Lands  100,  at  Sun- 
bury  50,  a  Corps  of  Horse  to  scour  the  Country  &  as  a 
Moving  Army  150.  at  Savanah  I  did  not  Mention  any  Num- 
ber but  Submitted  the  whole  to  his  Lordships  Superior  Judg- 
ment, tho'  I  presume  at  Savannah  not  less  than  400,  In  the 
whole  800  Foot  &  150  Horse  and  with  this  Force  I  think 

*  p.  U.  O.     Ai*.  \  \V.  linl.  vul.  -SM 

LKTTKRS   FllOM    Stit   TAMKS   WurGHT.  rill 

riel)ellion  ciuuiot  Rear  its  Head  af^aiii  in  Ge(ir<j,ia  and  the 
Inhabitants  will  ])egin  to  turn  their  thou^'hts  to  Industry  A- 
the  Province  will  Soon  Resettle  A'  Flourish  aj^ain,  when  the 
Number  may  be  Reduced. 

I  Trust  yoiu'  Lordship  Will  l)e  of  Opinion  that  this  Force 
is  or  will  be  Necessary  at  least  till  the  Rel^ellion  is  Sulidued 
in  the  Northern  Colonies  or  until  Peace  T;ikes  place,  for  my 
Lord  where  Rel)ellion  has  taken  such  deep  root  as  it  has 
l)een  Suffered  to  do  here,  I  fear  Nothing  but  Punishment 
or  Force  can  Secure  (xovernment  against  it  for  some  time. 

Punishment  Seems  quite  out  of  the  Question  as  your  Lord- 
ship Sees  by  the  Capitulation  A-  Proclamations  S:  all  our  most 
Violent  Rebels  I  am  Well  Informed  are  Preparing  to  Return 
here,  indeed  Several  are  come  already,  and  the  Nest  of 
Oliverians  in  St.  John's  Parish  will  most  of  them  be  here  as 
Soon  as  their  Crops  are  Reapt  in  S"  Carolina,  Judge  then  my 
Lord  what  a  Situation  things  will  be  in  here,  if  we  have  not 
the  Force  I  have  Mentioned. — no  Examples  made — no  Suf- 
ferings or  losses,  as  to  Property  by  the  Rebels,  Imt  a  kind  of 
Small  Temporary  loss,  and  now  Sitting  down  again  with  all 
their  Property  Lands  (t  NegToes,  and  Seeing  those  who  had 
Integrity  &  Spirit  Enough  to  Adhere  to  their  Loyalty  Mostly 
Ruined,  For  your  Lordship  may  Give  me  full  Credit  when  I 
(ifiserf  that  the  Friends  of  Government  as  they  are  Called,  the 
Good,  True  and  Faithfull  Subjects,  are  tlie  only  People  who 
have  Suftered  ct  lost  their  Property,  and  what  Effect  this  may 
have  is  Sulimitted  to  your  Lordship. 

Your  Lordship  may  rest  assured  that  every  thing  which  it 
is  Possi])le  for  me  to  do,  for  His  Majesty's  Service,  Will  be 
done,  and  when  I  have  the  Honor  to  Receive  Lord  Corn- 
wallis's  Determination  on  my  letter  Relative  to  the  Support 
tt  Military  assistance  Which  I  Conceive  may  be  Necessary  in 
this  most  YaluaV)le  Province,  I  shall  acquaint  your  Lordship 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  ol)liged  and  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Hon''''  Lord  George  Ge\-main 

His  Maj'>''*  Principal  Secretary  of  State  cVc.  S:c.  Ac. 

[LahrsfiJj  R  11th  Ocf. 


GOV.   STE   JAS.   WRIGHT   TO    SEG.   LORD   G.   GER- 

17  Aro.  ITSd. 

No.  20.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  17tli  of  Au^'  1780. 

My  Eord, 

As  I  think  it  my  Duty  to  Acquaint  Yonr  Lordship  witli 
every  Transaction  here,  in  which  His  Majest^-'s  Seryice  is,  or 
may  be  Concerned  or  Aft'ected,  I  therefore  beg-  leave  to  Men- 
tion that  on  the  tith  of  June  hist,  Mr.  John  Gh-n  the  hite 
Reliel  Chief  Justice  of  this  Province,  Mr.  James  Houstown 
a  Suro-eon  or  Doctor  in  the  Rebel  Continental  Service  &  Mr. 
John  Sutclifte  all  Noted  Rebels  came  to  Savanah,  which  I 
was  Immediately  Acquainted  with  S:  that  they  were  going 
about  the  Town,  as  if  they  had  Never  committed  any  the 
least  Offence  whatever,  and  AVithout  Calling  ui)on  me  or 
CoP  Clarke  the  Commanding  Officer  of  the  Kings  Troops 
here,  this  my  Lord  I  thought  rather  too  much  to  Suffer  or 
Submit  to — Wherefore  I  directed  the  Gentlemen  of  the 
Council  to  be  Summoned  &  laid  the  matter  before  them,  who 
advised  that  it  Should  be  Stated  ct  Sent  to  the  Attorney 
General  to  Report  his  Opinion  thereupon,  and  which  he 
Accordingly  did  on'the  10th  of  June  a  Copy  of  which  is  now 


And  on  that  Report  being  laid  before  the  Council,  it  was 
their  Advice  that  the  Attorney  General  Should  V)e  directed  to 
do  what  is  Necessary  it  Proper  to  be  done  in  Such  Cases,  and 
he  Applied  to  the  Chief  Justice  for  a  AVarrant  against  Mr. 
Glen  it  the  others  for  High  Treason  tt  they  were  Appre- 
hended, on  which  Mr.  Glen  Gave  in  a  Petition  a  Copy 
whereof  is  Inclosed  &  on  that  being  Laid  before  the  Council 
on  the  14th  they  were  of  Opinion  that  he  Should  be  Per- 
mitted to  take  the  Oaths  ct  return  to  his  Allegiance,  but  that 
the  matter  of  Pardon  did  not  Lye  with  me  it  the  Clerk  of  the 
Council  was  Ordered  to  write  to  Mr.  Glen  a  Copy  of  which 
is  also  Inclosed. 

*  1*.  B.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Iiiil.  vol.  'JUT. 

t.P/ri'Ers   FROM    STR    JAMES    WHTrilTT.  Bl3 

The  other  Person  Sutt-hffe  also  Petitioned  tfe  lie  S:  Mr.  Glen 
were  Admitted  to  Bail  A-  afterwards  took  the  State  Oaths  &ic. 
But  Mr.  Hoiistown  being-  Haughty  &  Obstinate  Continued  in 
Confinement  tt  on  the  21st  of  June  Avrote  a  letter  to  Col. 
Clarke  the  Military  Commanding  Officer  here,  a  Copy  where- 
of is  also  Inclosed  &  on  Col.  Clarke's  Sending  that  letter  to 
me,  I  Immediately  Referred  it  to  the  Attorney  General  to 
Answer  the  Allegations  &  make  his  Eeport  to  me  which  he 
did  on  the  22d  c^  a  Copy  whereof  is  also  Inclosed,  and  thus 
my  Lord  the  matter  rested  till  the  14th  of  July  when  Mr. 
Houstown  Consented  to  Give  me  Bail  for  his  Appearance,  on 
the  Attorney  General  agreeing  that  no  Advantage  Should  be 
taken  of  Mr.  Houstowns  not  Appearing  in  Case  of  being 
under  any  Military  Restraint  or  Difficulty  on  account  of  his 
Parole  &c  and  my  Lord  Lieut.  CoP  Clarke  having  Trans- 
mitted me  Houstown's  letter  &  the  Attorney  General's  Re- 
port thereon  to  Lord  Cornwallis,  his  Lordship  Referred  the 
Same  to  Mr.  James  Simpson  (I  Presume  as  Attorney  General) 
who  on  the  (5th  of  July  wrote  me  a  letter  a  Copy  of  which  is 
Inclosed.  This  letter  altlio'  wrote  the  6tli  I  did  not  Receive 
'till  the  22d  at  Night  and  Soon  after  Sent  it  to  the  Attorney 
General  Mr.  Robertson  to  Answer,  a  Copy  of  which  Your 
Lordship  has  also  Inclosed,  and  thus  I  have  Stated  the  whole 
Proceedings  Relative  to  Mr.  Glen  A:  the  Others,  for  your 
Lordships  Information  and  will  not  Doubt  that  the  Steps 
taken  in  Support  of  His  Majesty's  Civil  Government  here  & 
to  Check  ct  Punish  Treason  &  Rebellion  will  be  Apprc^ved  of. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  and  Obed*  Ser* 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Hon'''*"  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj'^  **  Principal  Secretary  of  State  Arc.  Ac.  A:c. 

R  11th  October. 

314  LEtfERS   FR(>M    SIT!    .TAMF.S   WRTCIHT. 

00\.   SIK   JA8.    WRIGHT  TO   SEC.    LOUD   CI.   GER- 

20  Ai'orsT  ITHO. 

No.  27.  Sayanati  in  Georgia  the  2{)tli  of  August  1780. 

My  Lord, 

Ou  tlio  lOtli  of  July  in  my  letter  Number  25,  I  meutioued 
to  your  Lordship  what  I  had  wrote  to  Lord  CoruwalHs  with 
Respect  to  tlie  Number  of  His  Majesty's  Ti'oops  which  I 
judged  might  be  Necessary  to  Post  or  Station  in  this  Pro-Yince 
for  its  Defence  S:  Security  against  Rebelhon  ik  I  then  wrote 
tliat  when  I  had  the  Honor  to  Receive  his  Lordships  AnsAver 
I  should  Acquaint  your  Lordship  thereMath,  and  now  Inclose 
a  C^opy  or  Extract  of  Lord  Cornwallis's  lettei-  to  me  of  the 
18th  of  July  in  Answer  to  Mine  of  the  od :  also  a  (V>py  of 
my  Reply  to  that  letter  and  in  a  letter  I  wrote  his  Lordship 
on  the  9th  of  July  I  took  Occasion  to  say  "I  Trust  Your 
Lordship  will  not  weaken  the  Military  Force  here  too  soon, 
or  too  much.  For  altho  the  Flame  of  Rebellion  is  Pretty 
Avell  Extinguished  at  Present,  yet  it  may  Revive  and  break 
out  again  if  we  are  not  very  Circumspect." 

His  Lordship  also  wrote  me  of  the  24th  of  J\i\y  "That  the 
Propriety  of  a  Post  at  Sunbury  will  of  ('ourse  be  Refer'd  to 
Lieut.  Colonel  Clarke  to  whom  his  Lordship  liad  given  the 
Command  of  the  Troops  in  Georgia  A'  East  Florida,  and  the 
care  of  the  Ceded  Lands  &  Dartmouth  to  that  of  the  Com- 
manding Officer  at  Ninety  Six." 

And  my  Lord  I  don't  Expect  that  even  the  Fifty  Horse 
men  will  be  Estal)lished,  altho'  my  Self  &  the  Council  are 
dearly  of  Opinion  that  it  is  Extremely  Necessarj^  because 
the  Posts  between  Savanah  and  Augusta  are  at  140  Miles 
distance,  and  Nothing  to  Protect  the  Loyal  Inhal)itants  or  to 
Check  any  Party  of   Rebels,  who   may  get  in  between  and 

*  p.  R.  U.     Am.  &  \V.  Iiid.  vol.  237. 


because  this  Country  is  now  Infested  with  Partys  of  Robbers 
on  Horse  back,  there  is  one  McKay  who  has  a  Party  Some 
say  of  12  &  others  Say  twenty,  with  which  lie  Pol)S  on  the 
Highway  between  this  ct  Augusta  &  goes  Frequently  to  the 
Banks  of  Savanah  River  and  has  Stop't  Robbed  and  Plun- 
dered Several  Boats. — and  my  Lord  there  is  another  Set  of 
Villains,  the  Remains  of  McGirt  &  his  Gang,  who  go  armed 
on  Horse  back  about  the  Country,  Twenty  of  them  or 
upwards  together  and  Steal  &  Carry  off  Great  Numbers  of 
Cattle  into  East  Florida.  I  have  Several  Informations  lodged 
that  within  three  Months  Past  they  have  Carried  aAvay 
upwards  of  a  Thousand  Head  of  Cattle,  and  this  they  do  at 
Noon  day,  and  the  Poor  Inhabitants  Can't  help  themselves 
or  Prevent  it,  and  the  Civil  Power  cannot  come  at  them,  for 
what  can  the  Provost  Marshall  ct  a  few  Constables  do  against 
upwards  of  Twenty  Horse  men  well  Mounted  &  Armed,  And 
as  things  are  now  Circumstanced  and  the  Country  almost 
broke  up  there  is  no  Possiliility  of  Raising  the  Posse  C-omi- 
tatus.  The  Chief  Justices  AVarrants  have  been  long  out 
against  McGirt  &  his  Gang,  but  they  Stand  in  CJontempt  & 
Defiance  of  that  &  all  Law  &  Government. 

The  Troops  at  Savanah  my  Lord  I  think  are  in  all  about 
500  and  at  Augusta  now,  only  about  240  and  which  I  believe 
are  the  whole  of  His  Majesty's  Forces  at  Present  in  the 
Province  of  Georgia.  But  your  Lordship  will  be  Precisely 
Informed  by  the  Returns, — and  when  any  of  these  or  any 
others  may  be  sent  either  to  Sunbury  or  Dartmouth  I  Can't 
Say  but  I  understand  that  if  there  should  be  Reason  to 
Apprehend  an  Attack  upon  East  Florida,  in  Such  Case  the 
Garrison  at  St.  Augustine  is  to  be  Remforced  fi-om  hence  and 
I  must  say  that  I  think  this  Province  is  already  too  soon  ct 
too  much  weakened. 

I  find  we  have  only  15  Nine  Pounders,  4  Six  Pounders  and 
1  four  Pounder  all  Mounted  on  Ship  Carriages  late  the  Guns 
of  His  Majesty's  Ship  Rose — 2  Pieces  of  Brass  Six  Pound 
Ordnance  5  four  Pounders  &  2  three  Pounders,  two  of  which 
are  only  fit  t(^  take  the  Field- -and  3  Twenty  four  Pounders 
not  mounted. 

•H^)  i.nTEHs  ft:om  >^m  .tamest  wrttciiiT. 

I  tliiiik  it  my  (Inty  to  let  Your  Lordship  kiunv  as  noar  as  I 
can  th(^  wliole  Streiij^tli  of  this  Provinre. 

I  have  tlie  Honor  to  ])e  witli  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Tjoid,  ^'onr  Lordsliips 

most  Ol.h'-vd  A-  Oh.MVServ' 

Ja.  WliKJHT. 

The  Piio-ht  Hoii'>'"  L(n-d  Georo-e  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State  etc.  Ac.  A^c, 

I   Ill(ll)fS('(l  I 

li  15th  N()vend)er. 

GOV.   Sill  JAS.   WllIGHT    TO   SEC.   LORD   G.   GEK- 


18  Sept.  17H0. 

No.  28.  Savanah  in  Geougia  18th  Sepf  1780. 

My  Lord, 

Yesterday  I  Receiv'd  Advice  from  Angnsta  acqnaintinp;  me 
that  a  great  Number  of  the  Inhabitants  on  the  Ceded  Lands 
together  with  some  from  South  C-arolina  had  come  to  Augusta 
<m  the  14th  Inst,  k  attack'd  Col.  Brown  A'  that  tliey  had 
defeated  him  k  He  was  oblig'd  to  retire  into  a  Small  Stockade 
Fort  there— There  was  at  Augusta  about  450  Creek  Indians 
&  I  believe  Col.  Brown  has  about  200  of  his  own  Corps.  It 
appears  to  me  that  the  Attack  was  so  sudden  that  Col.  BroAvn 
had  not  time  to  send  off  an  Ex})ress  Sz  no  Accounts  are  as 
yet  come  from  him — and  it  is  fear'd  and  not  doubted  that 
Augusta  has  fallen  into  the  hands  of  the  Rebels.  The 
Temptation  was  certainly  too  great  unless  there  had  been  a 
stronger  force  there.  I  am  wt'll  inform'd  that  the  Goods 
Intended  as  Presents  to  the  Indians  was  at  least  of  X4000 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  2:!7. 


Sterl"  value- -Prime  (lost,  which  it  is  sujipos'd  must  have 
laUeii  into  the  Hands  of  the  Rebels  Sc  the  whole  sucli  sort 
of  Goods  as  the  Back  Country  Peo])le  esteem  most — It  is 
inipossible  to  say  as  yet  what  the  consecjuences  of  this 
unfortunate  Affair  uniy  be  1  inclose  for  your  Lordshi})s 
further  infornnition  a  Copy  of  a  Letter  I  have  this  day  wrote 
to  Colonel  Balfour  on  the  subject  ct  have  tlu^  Hon(n'  to  be 
with  Perfect  Esteem 

My  Lord,  Your  Lordshi})s 

most  obliged  (t  obed^  Serv*^ 

J  A.  WltlGHT. 
The  Eight  Ilon'''^  Lord  Geo.  Germain, 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c,  A'c.  <S^c. 

K  11th  Dec^- 

GOV.    Sill  JAS.  WEIGHT    TO   SEC.   LOED   G.  GEE- 

18  iSei'Tembek  1780. 

No.  29.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  18th  of  Sep''  1780. 

My  Lord, 

I  had  the  Honor  to  Eeceive  the  Duplicate  (^f  your  Lord- 
shi})s  letter  of  the  7th  of  June  No.  6.  The  Suspence  your 
Lordship  was  in  with  Eesjiect  to  the  O])erations  at  Charles 
Town  would  Soon  be  relieved  after  that  letter  was  Avrote. 

I  was  nnide  Acquainted  with  the  Armament  whicli  left 
Brest  the  2d  of  May  and  its  now  Said  they  got  safe  into 
Boston,  but  of  this  your  Lt)rdslii])  Avill  have  been  Certainly 
Advised.  AVe  have  had  no  Accounts  from  the  West  Indies 
for  Some  time.  AVhat  was  done  during  the  Sessions  of 
Assembly,  I  have  fully  Acquainted  Your  Lordship  with,  in 
my  letter  of  the  17th  of  July  No.  24  and  to  which  I  beg  leave 

*  p.  K.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol,  237. 

318  LETTKKS    FROM    SIl}    .lAMKK    WltKlHT. 

t(i  Refer.  1  also  Ac-((uaiiit('(l  your  Lordship  fully  of  the  Pro- 
ceedings at  the  Court  of  kSessioiis  A'  who  were  Found  Guilty, 
of  what  Ofiences  tt  what  Fines  had  been  Let  on  them  by  the 

I  niuc'li  Avith  my  Lord  that  it  was  in  my  Power  to  Encour- 
age tt  Reward  the  Loyalists,  but  I  wrote  your  Lordship  Long 
Since  that  nothing  would  Arise  from  the  Deserted  Estates  tfc 
Sent  Your  Lordship  Three  ('o})ys  of  the  Iie})ort  of  the  (Com- 
missioners of  Claims  as  the  best  A:  only  Answer  in  my  Pow(;r 
to  give  your  Lordshi})  to  your  letter  on  that  Subject. 

Your  Lordshi])  may  rely  on  my  utmost  Endeavours  to 
Promote  everything  which  I  think  may  tend  to  His  Majesty's 
Service  and  to  Reestablish  Government  <*t  Harmony. 

I  beg  your  Lordshi})  will  be  So  Good  as  to  Excuse  the  hast 
in  Avhich  this  Letter  is  wrote  having  only  Part  of  a  day  to 
Answer  all  your  Lordships  letters  which  I  rec^^  yesterday  and 
if  not  Dispatclu^d  to  day  the  OpiJortunity  will  be  lost. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordshii)s 

most  ol)liged  tt  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wkight. 
The  Right  Hon'''*'  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj*-^'*  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c.  <fec.  &c. 

1  l)i<1()riic(l\ 
R.  14th  Dec-^- 

GOV.   SIR  JAS.  WRIGHT   TO    SEC.    LORD  G.  GER- 


18  8ei't.  1780. 

No.  80.  Savanah  in  Geohgia  the  18th  of  Sei)t''  1780. 

My  Loiii), 

I  had  the  honor  to  receive  ycnir  Lordship's  letter  the  7th  of 
July  No.  7  yesterday.     The  Event  my  Lord  of  the  surrender 

*  p.  U.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  237. 


of  Charles  Town  &  its  Depcndancics,  also  of  the  Naval  Force 
there  was  certanilj  glorious  tt  important.  I  had  before  that 
issued  the  Writs  of  Election  as  your  Lordshi])  would  see  by 
my  Letters  on  that  subject.  The  reduction  of  S"  Carolina 
my  Lord  certainly  afforded  us  great  seciirity  Init  we  had 
danger  again  at  our  doors  which  my  Lord  Cornwallis's  defeat 
of  General  Gates  S:  his  Army  &  Col.  Tarleton's  defeat  of 
Sumpter  a  few  days  afterwards  warded  off  from  us — And 
your  Lordship  will  see  by  my  Letter  of  this  day  No.  28,  that 
Ave  are  not  even  now  in  a  state  of  security  tt  I  nuist  again 
repeat  that  I  think  we  have  been  too  soon  &  too  much 
weaken'd.  Your  Lordship  will  l)e  the  best  Judge  how  far  it 
may  be  sound  i)olicy,  to  leave  a  Conquer'd  or  in  })art  Con- 
quer'd  Country  without  sufficient  strength  to  support  the 
King's  Authority  &  Government,  for  these  People  have  been 
so  long  in  Rebellion  &  are  so  greatly  alienated  from  His 
Majesty's  Governm*  that  they  will  not  for  some  time  return 
cordially  tt)  their  former  ol)edience  it  strange  as  this  may 
seem  to  be,  it  is  too  much  the  case.  I  observe  what  your 
Lordship  is  pleased  to  mention  with  respect  to  the  £5000  & 
shall  follow  the  mode  })rescribed. 

I  am  glad  to  hear  that  a  regular  Monthly  Packet  is  estab- 
lish'd  between  Falmouth  &  Charles  Town  &  that  the  Com- 
munication will  be  restor'd  between  Charles  Town  &  St. 
Augustine  through  Savanah,  for  at  present  I  have  no  oppor- 
tunity of  corresponding  with  Your  Lordship  but  by  chance 
conveyances  <fc  that  which  Your  Lordship  is  i)leased  to  men- 
tion from  Charles  ToAvn  when  Lord  Lincoln  or  the  packet 
went  I  had  not  the  least  notice  or  intinnition  of,  till  after  they 
were  gone  for  the  Military  give  little  attention  to  any  thing 
but  what  is  in  their  own  department. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed'  Serv' 

Ja.  Wkight. 

The  Eight  Hon'^^''  Lord  Geo.  Germain 

His  Maj'y'*  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c.  <fec.  <fec. 

\  Indorsed] 
R  14th  Dec'- 

320  I.KTI'KHS    FI{()M    SIi;    .lAMEK    WRmTIT. 

GOV.    SIK  .)AS.   WIUGHT   TO   SEC.  LOKD   G.   GEB- 


•      22  Sei't.  ITHO. 

No.  81.  Savanah  in  Geougia  22d  Sej)!''  1780. 

My  Lokd, 

1  ;ini  very  lia|)[)y  to  have  it  in  my  power  to  acquaint  Your 
Lordship  that  CoL  Brown  at  Augusta  with  the  Assistance  of 
the  Indians  (wlio  beliav'd  extremely  well)  held  out  against 
the  Rebels  from  Thursday  Morn-  till  Monday  Morn"  <t  the 
two  last  da^s  without  any  AVater — And  on  Monday  Morn*''  the 
llel)els  hearing  that  Col.  Cruger  was  marching  to  the  relief  of 
C^ol.  Brown,  they  immediately  made  oli".  Many  llebels  have 
been  kill'd  wounded  &  taken  tt  one  hang'd  tt  I  hope  several 
others  will,  as  they  have  now  forfeited  every  kind  of  Claim 
to  favor  &  protection.  I  cannot  yet  give  your  Lordship  any 
more  particular  Account  being  determin'd  to  send  off  a  Mes- 
senger Express  to  Charles  Town  Avith  this  Letter  innnediately 
least  I  should  miss  the  o})portunity  by  His  Hajesty's  Shi]) 
Hydra.  This  my  Lord  is  a  very  fortunate  Event,  for  had 
they  succeeded,  I  am  afi'raid,  nay  certain,  they  soon  would 
have  become  formidable  &  I  shall  )iow  endeavour  that  such 
Steps  be  taken  against  them  as  may  put  it  out  of  their  powder 
to  do  more  mischief. 

Some  of  the  Indian  i)resents  fell  into  their  hands  during 
the  time  they  were  there  which  were  carried  off,  but  the  prin- 
ci})al  part  were  deposited  where  Col.  Brown  took  shelter. 
No  Letter  is  yet  come  from  Him.  The  Account  I  have  was 
sent  me  by  a  Messenger  Express  from  Mr.  Grierson  a  Gentle- 
man of  Augusta. 

1  have  the  Honor  to  be  A\'itli  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  oblig'd  tt  obed'  Serv' 

J  A.  AVkight. 
The  llight  Hon''''  Lord  G.  Germain 

His  Maj'^ "  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c.  etc.  Arc. 

E  11th  Dec'- 

*  p.  II.  O.    Api.  &  W.  lua.  vol.  3b7. 

LETTERS   FKOJM   Slli   .L\^U^]^    WKIGIIT.  321 

GOV.   .SIK   JAS.  WrJGHT   TO    HILV.    LOlU)   G.  GER- 

27  0(!T()iiEi:  1780. 

No.  32.  Havanah  in  Geohgia  the  27tli  of  Oct''  17.S(). 

My  Loud, 

I  luive  now  the  Honor  to  Inclose  Your  Lordship  a  Copy  of 
my  Last  Giving  an  Acconnt  of  the  lletieat  of  the  Rebels 
from  Augasta  and  from  the  best  Information  I  have  been 
able  to  Collect  I  don't  find  that  the  Ilebel  Force  Exceeded 
fi-om  4  to  450  Men,  I  believe  Clarke  who  commanded  Carried 
Back  into  Carolina  200  to  250  of  them,  the  rest,  its  said  100 
killed,  wounded  &  taken,  and  from  70  to  100  Surrendered 
themselves  afterwards  to  Colonel  Cruger  on  the  Ceded  Lands. 
13  Inchans  were  killed  but  for  the  Particulars  of  Colonel 
BroAvns  loss  I  nuist  beg  leave  to  refer  your  Lordship  to  the 
Military  Ileturn.     The  above  I  thbik  is  Pretty  Just. 

Thirteen  of  the  Prisoners  who  broke  their  Paroles  &  came 
against  Augusta  have  been  liang'd  which  I  hope  will  have  a 
very  Good  Effect. 

We  are  Doing  every  thing  Possible  to  Hoot  out  ilebelb"on 
in  this  Province  &  for  our  Defence  here.  Several  Plantations 
or  Settlements  on  the  Ceded  Lands  belonging  to  those  who 
were  at  Augasta  have  been  Burnt  Sc  Laid  Waste.  I  think 
about  100  and  Mr.  Graham  is  now  at  Augusta  with  Dii'ections 
to  see  the  Disqiiahfying  Law  Carried  into  Execution  in  its 
Utmost  Extent,  so  that  I  hope  when  the  Generality  of  them 
are  Disarmed  &  have  been  Compelled  to  give  Security  for 
their  Good  Behaviour  they  must  be  convinced  that  Examples 
will  be  made  both  as  to  Life  &  Property  and  I  Trust  they 
will  not  Venture  to  behave  in  the  Villainous  manner  they 
have  hitherto  done.  However  seeing  how  much  the  Military 
Force  here  is  weakened  &  that  we  are  Strip't  of  every  thing 
almost  I  Judged  it  Necessary  to  call  the  Assembly  to  fi'ame 
a  Law  to  Vest  Further  Powers  in  me  with  Iles})ect  to  the 
Militia  cfe  to  Enable  me  to  order  out  Negroes  to  Construct 

*  p.  E.  0.    Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  298. 


322  l.ETTEliS   FKOM    Slli   .lAMKS   ^V1{K1HT. 

8iicli  FoitiHciitioii.s  k  Works  as  may  be  tliouf^lit  Necessary 
for  the  Security  of  the  Town  or  hi  any  other  Parts  of  the 
Province,   also    in   Case   of    Necessity    to   Arm   <fe   Empk)y 
Negroes  for  our  Defence.     I  Acquainted  your  Lordship  in  my 
Letter  No.  27  with  the  Amount  of  the  MiHtary  Force  here, 
and  as  1  Expected  we  have  Nothing  at  Sunbury,  Nothing  at 
Dartmouth — too  weak  at  Augusta  A-  too  weak  at  Savanah. 
These  I  well  know  and  am  much  afraid  that  the  Posts  at 
Ninety  Six  &  C-amden  are   also  too  weak,  and  we  have  no 
Shi])   or  Vessell   whatever,  not  even   so   much  as  a  Galley, 
how  far  these  things  are  Eight  or  Proper  your  Lordship  will 
l)e  the  l)(;st  Judge  and  I  can  only  lle|)vesent. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  ct  most  obed'  Ser* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Plight  Hon'''''  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj'-^  *"  Principal  Secretary  of  State  ttc.  &c.  A:c. 

I  li((l()r.s('il\ 

\\  9  January  1781. 

GOV.   SIK  J  AS.    WEIGHT   TO   SEC.   LOUD  G.  GER- 


1  Dec.  1780. 

No.  88.  Savanah  in  Geougia  1st  Dec.  1780. 

My  Lord, 

Inclos'd  Your  Lordshi})  has  the  Triplicate  of  my  Letter 
No.  82  <V'  in  conseijuence  of  the  i)ower  vested  in  me,  by  the 
Bill  which  I  assented  to  on  the  8()tli  of  October  last,  I  order'd 
out  u])Avards  of  400  Negroes,  who  have  l)een  at  work  fortify- 
ing the  Town  of  Savanah  ever  since  that  Day. 

*  p.  B,  0,    Am.  &  W,  lud.  vol,  21)8, 

LETTEllS    FROM    SlU   JAMES    WItlGHT.  323 

Wo  <ire  inakiu}^"  tivc^  Il('(l()ul)ts  S:  I'iitterys  iV  there  is  lo  he 
H  Prirji[)et  made  of  Fascines  <t  Earili  fioin  the  River  at  P^ach 
End  &  on  the  Back  of  the  Town.  This  Parapet  is  10  foot 
wi(U>  &  7  foot  high  witli  a  Ditch  on  the  Outside  15  foot  wide 
at  Top  10  foot  Deep  &  sk)})ing  to  the  Bottom  3  foot.  I  tliink 
the  Redoubts  will  be  finished  &  Each  Parapet  alxnit  half 
done,  or  say  the  whole  4  foot  liigh  l)y  Christmas  &  I  t!X})ect 
the  works  will  be  entirely  finish'd  in  all  January.  This  my 
Lord  is  a  most  inconvenient  thing  tfe  a  heavy  Tax  on  the 
People,  being  one  fourth  part  of  all  their  Male  Slaves  for  near 
or  quite  3  Months,  ct  when  the  work  is  complete  I  shall  send 
Y"'  Lordship  a  Plan  of  the  whole. 

The  present  state  of  our  strength  will  appear  to  Y^'  Lord- 
ship from  my  former  Letters  &  from  the  Inclosed  Address  of 
the  Members  of  His  Majesty's  Council. 

The  late  Law  also  enables  me  to  call  out  So  arm  Negroes 
in  defence  of  the  Province  &  to  exercise  further  jiower  over 
the  Militia,  l)ut  this  only  in  time  of  AJanns  acfaolb/  Jiml  & 
there  are  several  things  provided  for  which  we  thought  neces- 
sary in  these  yet  very  perilous  times. 

I  have  the  honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Weight. 
The  Rt  Ho'^'^'  Lord  Geo.  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c.  &c.  <fcc. 

\  Indorsed] 

R  17th  February  1781, 

.'}24  T-l'VlTEUS   FIJOM    8IR   JAMES   W1{IGHT. 


.|Iii  Sir  Jiis.  Wright's  (No.  83)  of  1st  Dec-.  1780.1 

To  His  Excellency  Sir  James  Wright,  Burt.  Captain  General 
and  Goveniour  in  Chief  in  and  over  His  Majesty's 
Province  of  Georgia  etc.  Arc.  <V:c. 

The  Address  of  His  Majesty's  Council 

May  it  please  Youii  Excellency, 

We  His  Majesty's  most  dutiful  and  loyal  Subjects  the 
Council  of  Georgia  having  taken  into  our  most  serious  con- 
sideration the  present  defenceless  State  of  this  Province  and 
the  many  cruel  Murders  A:  Depredations  which  are  dayly 
committed  on  His  Majesty's  peaceable  and  loyal  Subjects  by- 
Parties  of  Rebell  Plunderers,  do  think  ourselves  bound  in 
duty  to  His  Majesty  and  this  Country  to  lay  before  Your 
Excellency  an  impartial  State  of  its  })resent  situation  and  to 
point  out  Avhat  appears  to  us  absolutely  necessary  to  prevent 
the  ruin  with  Avhich  it  is  threatened. 

Sir  Henry  Clinton  having  found  it  necessary  to  order  from 
this  Province,  upon  the  Exj^edition  against  Charlestown,  not 
only  the  gi'eatest  part  of  the  Infantr}-  l)ut  also  all  the  Cavalry 
that  had  been  raised  for  the  Defence  of  this  Country  the 
forces  left  in  the  Province  were  reduced  to  a  number  barely 
sufficient  to  garrison  Savannah  and  even  part  of  these  were 
soon  order'd  away  to  take  possession  of  Augusta  and  the 
Post  at  Ninety  Six  in  South  Carolina,  in  consecpience  of 
Avliich  every  other  part  of  this  Provmce  was  left  open  to  the 
inroads  of  the  Rebels,  as  the  small  Garrisons  at  Savamiah  & 
Augusta  (the  only  Mihtary  Posts  in  the  Province)  could 
afford  no  kind  of  protection  to  the  rest  of  this  Country. 

We  are  well  aware  that  Your  Excellency  did  frequently 
order  out  the  Militia,  but  the  Rebels  being  well  mounted  and 
their  Incursions  sudden  and  repeated,  it  was  found  impracti- 
cable for  foot  to  come  up  with  them  and  prevent  their  depre- 

*  p.  R.  0.    Am.  &  W.  Ind,  vol.  298. 


The  Sea  Coast  hath,  if  possil)le,  been  left  still  more 
exposed  to  the  Ravages  of  the  Enemy,  as  every  Vessell  of 
force,  even  to  a  Galley  and  Gnn  Boat  liatli  been  removed  into 
South  Carolina,  by  r(^ason  whereof  many  Enemys  Vessells 
and  also  open  Eebel  Galleys  and  boats  liave,  down  to  the 
present  time  repeatedly  infested  the  Coasts  of  this  Province 
and  captnred  several  Vessels  even  in  the  Creeks  &  Rivers 
thereof,  landing  from  time  to  time  and  carrying  off  both 
Whites  and  Negi'oes,  notwithstanding  your  Excellency  has 
on  every  occasion  exerted  yourself  in  endeavouring  to  obtain 
effectual  Assistance  by  applying  to  the  Commanders  in  Chief 
of  His  Majesty's  Forces  by  Sea  and  Land  for  the  purpose  of 
procuring  aid,  but  unhappily  without  Effect. 

Having  thus  Stated  to  your  Excellency  the  very  exposed 
and  defenceless  condition  of  the  Province  we  beg  leave  to 
observe  that  it  appears  to  us  absolutely  necessary,  in  order  to 
render  the  Mihtia  of  any  real  and  permanent  utility  that  they 
be  allowed  Pay  and  Subsistance,  whilst  on  actual  Service,  as 
they  and  their  family's  cannot  live  without  it,  when  they  are 
taken  from  their  dayly  laliour. 

We  are  clearly  of  opinion  that  there  is  an  immediate 
necessity  for  raising  one  or  more  Troops  of  Horse  for  the 
defence  of  this  Country,  and  there  can  be  no  doubt  l)ut  that 
the  late  Attack  on  Augusta  and  the  many  Murders  and  De- 
vastations frequently  committed  by  the  Rebels  will  induce 
Lord  Cornw  allis  to  comply  with  Your  Excellencys  late  Requi- 
sition for  that  purpose  and  if  that  fails  the  necessity  of 
raising  Horse  appears  to  us  so  very  indispensable  that  we 
think  our  selves  bound  in  duty  to  His  Majesty  and  this 
Country  to  recommend  to  Your  Excellency  the  taking  the 
measure  of  raising  them  upon  yourself,  trusting  that  His 
Majesty  in  his  goodness  will  approve  of  the  same  and  that 
the  Expence  thereof,  as  well  as  the  Pay  and  Subsistence  of 
the  Mihtia  whilst  on  duty  will  be  defi-ayed  by  the  Mother 
Country  as  fi'om  the  distressed  and  almost  ruined  state  of 
this  Pro\Tnce,  it  is  impossible  to  raise  a  fund  for  those  pur- 
poses by  taxes  on  men  who  are  already  impoverished. 

In  order  to  defend  the  Coast  fi'om  the  Mischiefs  already 
stated,  it  appears  to  us  necessary  that  a  proper  armed  Vessell 

?)2C)  LETTERS    r'nOM    SIR   JAMFiS    W'RTrlHT. 

under  Your  Excellency's  diiection  would  be  the  most  effectual 
remedy  to  prevent  such  daring  outrages  in  future ;  Arid  as 
His  Majesty  did  for  many  Years  geiierously  support  an  armed 
Vessel  here,  even  in  time  of  profound  Peace,  we  humbl}-  hope 
that  sliould  Your  Excellency  think  proper  to  equip  an  armed 
Vessell  in  lieu  of  that  we  had  before  the  present  unnatural 
Rebellion  broke  out,  the  Measure  will  be  approved  of  b}-  His 
Majesty  and  the  Expence  thereof  defrayed  as  usual. 

Tpon  the  whole  it  appears  to  us  that  if  the  Measures  now 
recommended  are  not  si3eedily  i)ursued,  the  loyal  Inhabitants 
here  will  in  all  probability  be  ruined  and  the  Province  lost 
after  so  much  Blood  and  Treasure  has  been  spent  on  it. 
By  order  of  the  C^ouncil 

John  Grahame 

Council  Chamber         ) 
Savannah  21st  Nov-'  1780.  [ 

GOT.   SIR  JAS.   WRIGHT   TO   SEC.   LORD  G.   GER- 


30  Deo.  1780. 

No.  34.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  20th  Dec""  1780. 

My  Lord, 

On  the  14th  Instant  I  had  the  Honor  to  receive  the  Dupli- 
cate of  Your  Lordship's  letter  of  the  3rd  of  August  No.  8 
and  on  the  16tli  I  received  the  Original,  Wherein  your  Lord- 
ship is  pleas'd  to  acknowledge  the  receij^t  of  my  Letters  to 
No.  22  Inclusive. 

It  gives  me  great  satisfacticm  to  find  that  the  Letter  I 
wrote  to  S'"  Henry  Clinton  on  the  Subject  of  His  first  Procla- 

P.  R.  O.     Am.  \  W.  Iiul.  tias. 


Illation,  is  approv'd  of  by  y''  Lordsliij).  I  know  it  gave  ^-eat 
nnibrage  <t  was  canvas'd  Pretty  freely  in  the  Britisli  ( 'anip  tfe 
some  things  said  by  a  man  near  S*"  Henry  Clinton,  who  T 
once  thought  knew  more  Law  &  better,  than  to  liave  asscn-ted 
Avliat  I  was  well  inform'd  he  did  on  that  occasion  S:  another 
which  happen'd  afterwards  the  proceedings  on  which  I  sonu»- 
time  ago  transmitted  to  Y''  Lortlship — I  coidd  not  know  my 
Lord  that  this  Province  was  not  included  in  the  last  Com- 
mission &  8^"  H.  Clinton  either  did  not  ol)serve  that,  or 
omitted  to  acknowledge  it.  I  observe  Y''  Lordship's  remark 
with  respect  to  the  pardoning  Crimes  committed  in  this 
Province  which  do  not  fall  within  the  Power  vested  in  me  by 
His  Majesty's  Commission  and  which  will  be  duely  attended 

The  Parties  of  Militia  which  were  employed  under  the 
authority  given  by  S''  Henry  C'linton  as  mention'd  in  one  of 
my  former  letters  Avere  very  soon  at  an  End  I  being  given  to 
understand  that  they  could  not  be  paid  and  subsisted  any 
longer  &  I  have  no  Power  to  oblige  the  Militia  to  do  Military 
duty  without  Pay  S:  Subsistence.  For  my  Lord  how  is  it  to 
be  Expected  or  indeed  Possiljle  for  a  Poor  Man,  who  has  a 
family  w^lio  in  a  great  measure  depend  on  his  daily  labour,  to 
leave  that  family  to  starve  while  He  go's  out  on  duty  &  How 
is  he  to  subsist  even  Himself?  These  are  matters  I  have 
wrote  to  Lord  Cornwallis  al)out,  but  to  no  purpose  hitherto 
&  so  with  respect  to  a  Troop  of  Horse,  not  a  Man  has  been 
sent  here  and  all  my  applications  hitherto  taken  very  little 
Notice  of  tt  this  Province  too  much  weakened  ct  left  almost 
destitute  &  also  Our  Sea  Coast  we  have  been  stript  of  every 
thing  &  Eebel  Galleys  have  frequently,  come  into  the  Inlets  & 
carried  off  many  Negroes  &  some  of  the  Inhabitants  &  this 
notwithstanding  the  repeated  Applications  to  Admiral  Ar- 
buthnot  downwards — I  am  told  Capt.  Barclay,  who  at  present 
commands  at  Charles  Town,  is  sending  a  Galley  here,  but  I 
presume  if  she  comes  she  will  be  Soon  order'd  away  again— 
&  what  is  a  single  Galley,  My  Lord,  to  protect  four  or  five 
different  Inlets'?  With  respect  to  the  Troops  stationed  at 
Augusta  &  Savannah  I  have  already  wrote  Y*'  Lordship  fully 
on  that  head — I  have  acquainted  the  Chief  Justice  of  the 

1^28  l,KTTEr.S   FllOM   STII   TAMES   \YlITr,TrT. 

reception  tlieir  Address  met  with,  wliicli  lias  made  Him  very 
liappy.  The  Other,  wliieh  Your  Lordshi])  niciitions,  as  if 
omitted  to  be  done,  was  not  A'  I  doubt  not  has  since  come  to 
hand.  The  Legishature  did  not  m(H^t,  till  the  9th  of  May  & 
on  the  8tli  of  June  they  made  their  Joint  Address  which 
I  enclosed  to  Your  Lordship  on  the  10th  &  sent  two  Copiers 
•to  Charles  Town  to  be  forwarded  as  soon  as  any  opportunity 


Both  Houses  are  now  adjourn'd  to  the  15th  of  next  Month 
l)ut  whether  they  may  pass  such  Acts  as  are  expected  of 
Them,  it  is  not  possible  for  me  to  say;  We  have  had  a  great 
Many  New  Members  since  the  first  Election  &  when  I  came 
to  do  l)usiness  with  them  I  found  several  of  them  savour'd  of 
the  Old  Leaven.  I  am  extremely  sorry  we  have  been  mis- 
taken with  respect  to  the  duties  &  should  now  send  a  memo- 
rial to  the  Lords  of  the  Treasury,  praying  that  the  £500  may 
be  deposited  in  the  hands  of  the  Agent  &  also  draw  upon 
Him  in  favor  of  Mr.  Rowe  to  replace  the  £450  agi-eeable  to 
Y'"  Lordships  directions,  but  I  have  notice  only  one  day  to 
write  all  my  Letters  &  therefore  cannot  possibly  do  it  by  this 

With  respect  to  the  Deserted  Estates,  I  don't  see  that 
there  is  any  tiling  at  all  to  be  had  or  expected.  The  whole 
of  the  movables  were  totally  destroyed  &  gone  chiefly  before 
the  siege  &  wdiat  remain'd  were  made  away  Avith  by  McGirt 
&  his  Gang  of  Villains  who  were  always  a  Pest  to  this 
Province  &  swallowed  up  &  carried  off  the  whole  deserted 
Property  &  many  of  the  Owners  have  come  back  since  & 
taken  possession  of  theii'  Land  &  Houses — &  we  have  now 
too  many  Secret  Pvebels  &  Enemies  amongst  us— The  Expence 
already  incurr'd  my  Lord  is  very  considerable  &  I  am  really 
at  a  loss  to  know  what  the  Assembly  can  do  to  put  in  my 
power  to  make  any  Compensation  to  the  Loyal  Refugees  for 
their  losses. 

The  matter  of  the  Property  of  Notorious  Rebels  has  been 
under  consideration  already  &  it  is  alledg'd  that  the  Delin- 
quents are  as  much  &  more  indebted  than  tlieir  property  will 
sell  for  &  I  have  again  recommendinl  it  to  several  of  the 
Members  to  consider  of,  agahist  tlusy  meet  on  the  15th  of 

LETTE]:«   FllOM    STR   JAMES   WPJGHT.  329 

next  Month  Imt  must  confess  I  am  not  vory  san^uinc^  in  my 

I  have  the  Honor  to  l)e  with  Perfect  Esteem, 
My  Lord,  Yonr  Lordships 

most  obhged  &  obod'  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright, 
The  W  Hon'"''^  Lord  Geo.  Germain 

His  Maj'^''  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c. 

\  Li(Jorse(J] 

Pt  17th  February  1781. 

GOV.   SIPt  JAS.   WRIGHT   TO   SEC.   LORD   G.   GER- 

21  Dec.  1780. 

No.  35.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  21st  of  Deer  1780. 

My  Lord. 

I  am  Hiimbly  to  Request  that  His  Majesty  will  be 
graciously  Pleased  to  Grant  me  His  Royal  leave  of  Absence 
from  this  Government  and  that  I  may  be  at  Liberty  to 
Return  to  Great  Britain  as  Circumstances  may  happen  or 
appear  in  the  Course  of  next  Summer  tt  to  Remain  there  for 
Such  time  as  His  Majesty  in  His  Great  Wisdom  may  think 
Pi'oper.  Possihly  my  Lord,  I  might  be  usefull  for  a  while. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem, 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  &  Obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain 
His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretar}^  of  State 
For  America  «fcc.  &c.  &c. 


R  25  April  1781. 

(Orig'  &  Dup.  not  reced.) 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  \-  W.  Iiul.  vol.  298. 

:^).'^0  T.TlTTEns   FROM    STR   .TAMFlS    WntOWr. 

GOV.   STT{    JAS.   WRIGHT   TO   SEG.  lAWJ)   G.   GER- 

23  Januaky  17S1. 

Savanah  in  Georgia  tlie  2?>vd  of  Jniiuarv  17S1. 
.jMy  Lord, 

I  liad  tlie  Honor  to  Receive  Your  Lovdsliij^s  Letter  of  tlie 
9tli  of  N()ven)l)er  Inclosing  Printed  Copys  of  His  Majestys 
most  Gracious  S})eecli  at  the  Meeting  of  the  New  Parliament 
and  the  Addresses  of  both  Houses  to  Maj*^  thereupon,  and 
my  Lord  it  makes  me  Perfectly  happy  to  find  that  those 
Addresses  Contain  8uch  Noble  Sentiments  &  Expressions  of 
Loyalty  &  affection  to  the  King,  &  Such  Feelings  of  the  Base 
( -()nd)inations  to  Distress  Great  Britain  S:  their  S]Hrited  Reso- 
lutions to  Exert  in  the  Support  of  her  Just  Rights  S:  Dignity 
nmst  liavi^  the  best  Effect. — 

and  my  Lord  if  Harmony  &  unanimity  Prevail  in  the  Par- 
liament tt   C'ouncils  of  Great  Britain,  I  have  not  the  least 
Doubt  but  She  will  Still  Rise  Superior  to  all  her  Enemies. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem, 
my  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  (obliged  tt  ol)ed^  Serv^ 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain 
His  Majest3''s  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
For  America  &c.  Ac.  &c. 

R  31st  March. 

*  p.  B.  O.    Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  298. 

«,ETTET18   FROM   SIR   JAMES   AVI'JfiHT.  88l 

GOV.   SIR  JAS.   WRIGHT   TO   SEC.   LORD   G.   GER- 

•  23  .Tanuaky  1781. 

Savanah  in  Georgia  tlie  23r(l  of  January  1781. 
My  Lord, 

Your  Lordships  Letter  of  the  4th  of  Octoher  witli  the 
Additional  Instniction  for  the  Masters  of  Ships  Bearing 
Letters  of  Marque  &,  Reprisals  Declaring  what  were  to  he 
Deemed  Contrahand  Goods  &  what  not,  on  Board  Danish 
Sliips  I  have  received  c^'  which  shall  be  Duely  Attended  to. 

But  give  me  Leave  my  Lord  to  Observe  that  no  Powers 
have  yet  been  Received  from  the  Lords  of  the  Admiralty  to 
Issue  Letters  of  Marque  &c  against  the  King  of  Spain  ct  his 
Subjects,  which  is  much  Complained  of,  as  Several  applica- 
tions have  been  made  and  I  cannot  Authorise  the  Issuing 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  &  Olied*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Honoralde  Lord  George  Germain 
His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
For  America  &c.  &c.  &c. 

{InOorsed  \ 
R  31st  March. 

p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  29ft. 


GOV.   SIR   JA8.   WRIGHT   TO   SEC.    LORD   G.  GER- 

2r,  .Tanitary  1781.  * 

No.  Bfi.  Savanah  in  Georgia  '2(5tli  Jjiii'-^'  1781. 

My  Lord, 

I  had  the  honor  to  receive  Your  Lordship's  Letter  of  the 
9th  Nov''  No.  10  &  both  Houses  of  Assembly  being  now  sit- 
ting have  acquainted  Them  with  the  gTacious  reception  their 
dutifull  &  Loyall  Address  met  with  tt  the  assurance  His 
Majesty  has  been  pleas'd  to  give  of  the  Continuance  of  his 
Royal  favour  &  protection  to  all  his  faithfuU  Subjects  in 

The  Successes  Your  Lordship  is  pleas'd  to  mention,  gain'd 
over  the  Rebels  m  S"  Carolina  by  Lord  Cornwallis  <fc  Col. 
Tarleton  were  certamly  great  &  complete — but  I  am  sorry 
to  say  the  Consequences  have  fallen  far  short  of  the  just  ex- 
pectations of  your  Lordship  &  many  others  here,  as  I  have 
already  acquainted  Your  Lordship  in  former  Letters.  Nor 
do  I  see  that  the  punishment  so  deservedly  inflicted  on  those 
who  had  taken  Arms  again,  against  His  Majesty  in  breach  of 
their  Paroles,  or  any  other  Measures  yet  pursued,  have 
quell'd  the  Spirit  of  Rebellion  S:  they  have  retaliated  freely. 
I  cannot  think  this  Province  &  S"  Carolina  in  a  State  of  Se- 
curity &  if  Lord  Cornwallis  Penetrates  far  into  N"  Carolina 
I  shall  expect  a  Rebel  Ai-my  will  come  in  belnnd  him  & 
throw  us  into  the  utmost  confusion  &  danger — For  this  Prov- 
ince is  still  left  in  a  Defenceless  State.  For  a  more  particu- 
lar account  of  which  I  beg  leave  to  refer  Yo""  Lordship  to  my 
Letter  of  the  20th  Dec^  No.  34. 

But  I  must  observe  that  some  Hessian  Recruits  came  here 
last  week  I  am  told  one  hundred  ct  five  and  we  have  now  one 
Gaily  &  for  the  present  His  Majesty's  arm'd  Ship  the  Loyal- 
ist is  come  to  Tybee  a  Capt.  Ardesoif  who  Commands  her 
tells  me  ho  is  ordor'd  I  think  by  Capt.  Gayton  to  cruize  on 
this  Coast  and  rendezvous  at  Tybee  till  J'ui-I lie r  Orders.     But 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  it  W.  lud.  vol.  298. 

LETTEKS   FliOM    SIK   JAMES    Wl'tlGlIT.  333 

my  Lord  tlic  iiiisfortniic  is,  tluit  tlu;  next  Si'iiior  Cai)t;iiii  in 
the  Niivy,  who  hap})eiis  to  go  to  Charles  Town  may  cVr  most 
jirohdhhi  ivW  order  this  Ship  &  Galley  elsewhere.  I  say  nij 
Lord  probably  luill  because  it  has  happiuied  so  more  than 
once  already  &  without  a  positive  order  from  tliju  Admu'alty 
I  am  certain  this  Province  will  not  be  attended  to  <fe  Captain 
Barclay  who  sent  the  Galley  here  writes  me  expressly  that  it 
is  without  Orders  for  the  Province  of  Georgia  has  not  been 
mention' d  to  him  or  taken  the  least  notice  of  in  his  Instrxx:- 

Your  Lordship's  Letter  relative  to  the  Jurisdiction  of  the 
Commissioners  is  perfectly  clear  and  satisfactory  &  will  be 
made  the  rule  of  our  Conduct  here.  The  disqualifying  Law 
we  have  found  to  answer  many  good  purposes,  but  does  not 
go  far  enough  &  I  am  so  well  convinc'd  that  we  still  have 
many  thorough  Rebels  and  Villainous  Incendiaries  amongst 
us  even  in  the  Town  of  Savanah  that  I  have  propos'd  more 
effectual  measures — And  there  is  now  a  Bill  before  the  Legis- 
lature for  that  purpose.  I  have  also  some  expectation  that 
the  Bill  Y''  Lordship  alludes  to  will  be  brought  in.  And  I 
have  the  great  satisfaction  to  acquaint  Y'"  Lordship  that  Yes- 
terday a  Motion  was  made  in  the  Assembly  for  leave  to  bring 
in  a  Bill  "For  Granting  to  His  Majesty  certain  Duties  upon 
all  Goods,  Wares  &  Merchandizes  whatsoever,  which  may  be 
Exported  from  this  Province,  of  the  Growth  or  Production 
thereof  as  the  Ratio  for  the  Contribution  of  Georgia  to  the 
General  Charge  of  the  Empire"  &  which  Avas  agreed  to  Nem: 
Con:  &  a  Committee  appointed  to  prepare  <fe  bring  in  the 
same  &  which  I  hope  we  shall  be  able  to  get  carried  through. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obUged  &  Obed*  Serv*^ 

Ja.  WlMGHT. 

The  Right  HonW-  Lord  G.  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State  etc.  etc.  &c. 

R  31st  March. 


GOV.   SlU   .JAS.    WKIC^HT   TO   SE(1   LORD   G.   GER- 

35  Fek.  17HI. 

Savanah  in  Georgia  tlio  l^otli  of  Fcb-^  1781. 
Mv  Lord, 

Yesterday  I  had  the  Honor  to  receive  Your  Lordship's  hot- 
ter Rehitive  to  Lady  Huiitiiigdoirs  Property  at  the  Orphan 
House  <t  I  have  Inquired  aliout  it  &  find  Mr.  BailUe  had 
Charge  of  it,  I  beheve  fi-oni  Col.  Cani]ibell,  and  that  Mr. 
Pierey  before  he  left  Carolina  gave  some  Power  to  Mr.  Tatt- 
nall it  Mr.  Hall,  who  have  now  the  Management  of  it.  I  shall 
Aecpiaint  INIr.  Baillie  with  her  Ladyships  Desire  as  also  the 
other  Gentlemen  ])ut  would  Recommend  it  to  her,  to  send  a 
full  Power  of  Attcn-ney  to  Messrs.  Tattnall  ik  Hall  (])oth  very 
Good  Men)  to  call  Mr.  Bailhe  to  an  account  ior  his  Transac- 
tions etc.  in  Case  he  Should  Refuse  to  do  so. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed''  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain 
His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
Ecu-  America  etc.  etc.  <tc. 

1  I}i(l(n:s('(l\ 

R  lOth  May. 

*  p.  11,  0.    Ani,  &  W.  lud,  vol,  298, 

LE'rrj<:iiS  fkom  siu  james  wiught.  335 

GOV.   Sill    JAW.    WllIGHT   TO   fSEC.  LOUD   (>.  C^Ell- 

5  March  1781. 

No.  37.  Savannah  in  Geohgia  the  5tli  of  Maicli,  17S1. 

My  Loud,  Duplicute. 

On  the  'i-lth  of  last  Month  I  received  letters  from  Col. 
CJreirson  who  Commands  the  Militia  at  &  abont  Augusta  & 
from  Col.  Waters  who  Comnuinds  the  Militia  on  the  Ceded 
Lands  Acquainting  me  that  some  small  Partjs  of  Rebels  had 
come  over  from  8"  Carolina  &  had  gone  about  this  Province, 
on  the  Ceded  Lands,  ct  between  Augusta  tt  Little  River  & 
had  assassinated  Eleven  People,  some  of  them  in  their 
Beds,  &  that  the  People  Murdered  Avere  such  as  had 
very  early  shewn  their  Loyalty  and  attachment  to  Governin' 
it;  who  had  been  most  active  &  useful  in  Reducing  the 
Rebellion  tt  who  were  Principally  to  be  depended  upon  for 
Magistrates  &  Militia  officers  &  for  keeping  the  back  Parts 
of  the  Province  in  Hubjection  cfe  Order — also  accpiainting  me 
that  Seven  armed  Rebels  went  to  the  House  of  Mr.  Moore, 
Major  of  the  Augusta  Regiment  of  Militia  &  who  lives  within 
Five  Miles  of  Col.  Brown's  Post  at  Augusta  and  tirst  de- 
manded his  arms  &  his  Horses  &  then  shot  him  with  a  Pistol 
Avhich  had  a  brace  of  Bullets  in  it,  but  fortunately  on  seeing 
the  Pistol  presented  at  him,  he  instantly  Turned  or  Twisted 
his  Body  so  that  the  Bullets  only  grazed  on  his  Breast  & 
broke  his  Arm  between  his  Wrist  &  his  Elbow.  Two  Partys 
of  Militia  Immediately  went  out,  as  soon  as  the  first  Murders 
were  known  to  have  been  Committed,  but  my  Lord  the  Vil- 
lains being  on  Horse  back  <fc  the  Militia  on  Foot  there  is  very 
little  Chance  of  their  Coming  up  with  them  or  taking  any  of 

This  Base  Conduct  of  the  Rebels,  I  consider  my  Lord,  as 
the  strongest  Proof  of  the  Rebellious  Spirit  which  still  con- 
tinues amongst  many  of  the  People  and  that  as  they  are  not 
Strong  enough  to  retake  the  Province  they  will  endeavour  to 

*  p.  R.  0.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  298, 

330  LETTEKK   FllOM   Silt   JAMES    WKKHfT. 

Murder  tfe  Harass  &  Distress  His  Majesty's  good  and  loyal 
Subjects — and  these  letters  my  Lord  were  followed  by  Peti- 
tions from  several  of  tlie  Inhabitants  in  the  back  Country, 
Setting  Forth  their  Distressed  Situation  &  Praying  for  Pro- 
tection and  on  the  '27tli  of  last  Month  I  received  the  Joint 
Addresses  of  both  Houses  of  Assembly,  llepresenting  the 
alarming  Situation  of  the  Province  and  the  inability  of  the 
Country  tfe  People  to  Provide  for  the  Charge  of  Supporting  a 
Troop  of  Horse  and  llecjuesting  that  I  would  liaise  one  and 
Draw  on  Government  for  the  Expence  a  Copy  of  Avhich  I 
have  now  the  Honor  to  Inclose.  In  my  letters  No.  25  tt  27 
I  inclosed  Your  Lordship  Copys  of  some  letters  which  })assed 
between  Earl  Cornwallis  &  myself  Relative  to  the  then  State 
of  the  Province  &  and  the  Establishment  of  Some  other 
Posts  here,  and  also  a  Troop  of  Horse  on  which  I  have  only 
to  ol)serve  that  no  other  Post  whatever  has  been  Established 
in  this  Province,  but  at  Savannah  &,  Augusta,  and  I  now  take 
the  Liberty  to  Transmit  to  your  Lordshi})  an  Extract  of  my 
last  Letter  to  Lord  Cornwallis  on  the  subject  of  a  Troop  of 
Horse  dated  the  20tli  of  Nov^'  last,  and  to  which  I  received 
no  answer  from  his  Lordship.  But  Colonel  Balfour  the  Com- 
mandant of  Charles  Town  on  the  23rd  of  Jan'^'^  wrote  to  me 
by  direction  of  Lord  Cornwallis  on  that  head,  an  Extract 
whereof  is  underneath  my  Letter  and  thus  Your  Lordship 
sees  Clearly  that  the  Commander  in  Chief  has  wholly  dcchned 
to  give  us  any  assistance  m  that  way — and  I  must  beg  leave 
to  observe  that  altlio'  Col.  Balfour  mentions  a  Strong  Post  at 
9G  &  it  was  intended  to  be  so,  when  he  wrote,  yet  that  is  not 
the  Case  for  the  7th  Ilegiment  which  was  to  have  Reinforced 
it,  was  unfortunately  tb'sabled  &  Prevented  from  gomg  there, 
being  almost  the  whole  of  them  either  killed  or  taken  by  the 
Rebels,  and  I  have  this  day  received  accounts  fi*om  Augusta 
that  Sumpter,  Pickens,  Clarke  &  others  are  Collecting  a  For- 
midal)le  Force  in  order  to  Break  uj)  the  Back  Settlements  in 
S"  Carolina  it  this  Provmce  &  which  I  am  very  apprehensive 
they  may  d(j,  if  not  more  as  I  well  know  all  the  Informations 
&  Complauits  tfe  Distress  &c.  to  be  real  Facts  &  as  it  is  clearly 
my  oAVii  Opinion  as  well  as  that  of  the  other  Branches  of  the 
Legislature,  that  Nothing  can  possibly  Protect  His  Majesty's 


Loyal  Sul)jccts  &  prevent  the  back  Parts  of  this  Pnjvince 
from  being  broke  up,  but  a  Troop  of  Horse,  which  may  do 
so  if  any  thing  can,  and  as  I  also  well  know,  that  if  thci  Loyal 
Inhabitants  are  droA^e  from  the  Back  Country,  it  will  Ho<jn  be 
filled  with  llebels  from  the  Carolinas  kc.  and  that  they  will 
become  Formidable  &  Endanger  the  Safety  of  the  whole 
Province,  Therefore  in  every  point  of  vieAV  it  a})pears  to  me 
to  be  absolutely  necessary  &  for  His  Majesty's  Service  &  the 
Safety  of  the  Province,  that  some  thing  should  be  immedi- 
ately done  for  the  Protection  of  the  People.  But  as  the  Ex- 
pence  of  a  Troop  of  Horse  Avill  be  very  great,  &  as  it  will 
take  a  considerable  time  before  one  can  be  Raised  k  Ave 
have  no  Saddles  or  Accoutrements  to  Furnish  them  Avitli 
(those  Avhich  your  Lordship  Sent  out  in  the  CroAvn  Galley 
being  ordered  to  Charles  Toavii  &  I  have  applied  for  some 
Avithout  effect.)  Therefore  I  have  Avith  the  Unanimous  ad- 
vice of  the  Council,  determined  upon  as  the  only  Ste])  Avhicli 
can  be  taken  AA^thout  much  delay  to  choose  out  of  the  Militia, 
some  of  the  most  active  and  best  Men,  and  to  Mount  them 
on  their  oavu  Horses  &  Avith  their  oAvn  Arms.  Three 
Partys  of  TAventy  in  each  Avith  a  Captain,  a  Lieutenant  &  a 
Serjeant,  one  of  them  to  Range  or  Scout  on  the  Ceded 
Lands,  one  in  St.  Paul's  Parish  &  the  other  in  St. 
George's  Parish,  and  to  join,  occasionally,  and  we  expect  to 
get  them  to  do  this  duty  on  the  folloAving  Terms, — the  Captain 
7-6  p  day,  the  Lieut.  4-6  the  Serjeant  2  and  the  Private  Men 
1-6,  they  finding  their  oAvn  Horses,  Arms  &  Provisions  &  for 
the  Expence  of  Avhich  I  shall  be  under  the  necessity  of 
DraAving.  This  my  Lord  is  Meant  &  intended  only  as  a 
Succedaneum  to  keep  the  Peo]>le  together  &  the  Back 
Country  from  being  broke  up,  untill  His  Majesty's  Pleasure 
be  known  on  this  matter  &  whether  a  Troop  of  Horse  is  to 
be  EstabHshed  or  the  Partys  of  the  Militia  to  be  continued 
or  not,  and  in  the  mean  time  If  things  prove  more  Favorable 
than  at  Present  we  have  Reason  to  Expect,  the  Militia  Avill 
be  Discharged  and  I  Trust  for  the  Reasons  given  and  others 
that  may  occur  to  Your  Lordship,  His  Majesty  Avill  be 
graciously  pleased  to  approve  of  Avliat  I  have  done  Sz  to  Es- 
tablish a  Troop  of  Horse  in  this  Province,  but  if  unfortunately 

338  LETTEiJS  rivOM  sm  ja.mes  wi;igiit. 

it  should  li;i|)p(>n  otluawise,  tliorc  can  bo  no  very  grout  Ex- 
])onco  incuirod  by  tlio  Pay  of  tho  Militia  boforc  His  Majosty's 
Onlors  can  bo  Sent  &  received  by  nio. 

1  have  tlio  Honor  to  bo  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  and  obedient  Serv* 

Ja.  Wkight. 
The  Right  Hon'*'*^^  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj*^  "^  Principal  Secretary  of  State  etc.  &c.  &g. 
R  lyth  May. 
(Dup — Grig'  not  rec'^) 


[Li  Sir  Jas.  Wright's  (No.  37)  of  5th  March  17S1.] 

To  His  Excellency  Sir  James  Wright  Bart   Captain   General 

&  Governor  in  Chief  in  &  over  His  Majosty's  Province   of 

Georgia,  Chancellor  Vice  Admiral  &  Ordmary  of  the  Same. 
The  Humble  Address  of  the  Upper  and  Commons  Houses  of 

May  it  Please  your  Excellency 

We  His  Majesty's  most  Dutifull  &  Loyal  Subjects,  the 
Members  of  both  Houses  of  Legislature  in  General  Assembly 
Met,  tliiidv  it  our  Duty  to  Lay  before  Your  Excellency  the 
Present  alarming  Situation  of  this  Province,  in  which  Small 
Partys  of  Rebels  Secrete  themselves  &  from  time  to  time, 
Murder  Such  of  His  Majesty's  Subjects  as  have  been  most 
Loyal  &  active  in  Supporting  his  Government  &  authority. 

It   is  with  the  Utmost  Concern  we  acquaint  your  Excel- 

*  p.  K.  0.    Am.  A:  W.  lud.  vul.  29a. 

LETTEllS    FllOM    8111   JAMES    VVKIGHT.  339 

loiicy  tliiit  within  a  low  days  last  Past,  Eleven  M«ni  oi  Cliar- 
acter  and  Loyalty  Lave  boon  Separately  assassinated,  when 
they  apprehended  themselves  to  be  in  Perfect  Security,  and 
we  are  thoroughly  Convinced  that  None  of  His  Majesty's 
Subjects  in  this  Province  will  be  safe  for  a  Moment  unless  a 
Troop  of  Horse  is  raised  to  Scour  the  Country  <fe  break  up 
those  Partys  of  Ilel)els  who  skulk  aljout  in  the  Woods  & 
Swamps  ct  avail  themselves  of  the  opportunity  of  attackin*^ 
Men  Separately  &  at  their  own  Homes. 

We  beg  leave  to  Kepresent  to  Your  Excellency  that  this 
Province  is  so  much  Impoverished  by  the  Devastations  Com- 
mitted by  the  French  &  Rebels  during  the  late  Siege  &  also 
by  the  Constant  Incursions  of  Plundering  Partys  that  the 
Legislature  hath  not  even  to  this  Hour  been  able  to  Fall  on 
the  Means  of  Providing  for  the  Common  Current  Expences 
of  this  Country  much  less  is  it  in  the  Power  of  the  Province 
to  defray  the  Charges  of  a  Body  of  Horse  to  Prevent  the 
Eebels  from  entirely  Breaking  up  the  Country  &  Murdering 
every  LoyaHst  one  after  another.  And  therefore  we  do  most 
earnestly  Request  Your  Excellency  forthwith  to  Raise  a  Troop 
of  Horse  Consisting  of  at  least  Sixty  Privates  and  to  draw  on 
the  Mother  Country  for  the  Support  of  it  more  Especially  as 
Earl  Cornwallis  hath  Declined  to  Give  any  assistance  of  that 
Sort  Notwithstanding  the  Frequent  a[)})lications  you  have 
made  to  his  Lordship  for  that  Purpose. 

By  order  of  the  Upper  House 

JOHN  GRAHAM,  President. 
Feby  27th,  1781. 
By  order  of  the  Commons 
House  of  Assembly 

Samuel  Forley  Speaker. 


GOV.   Sill  JAS.   WRIGHT  TO   SEC.  LOKD  G.   GER- 

9  Maucii  1781. 

No.  38.  Savannah  in  Geobgia  the  Dtli  of  March  1781. 

My  Lord,  DupHcate. 

On  the  ()th  Inst.  I  did  myself  the  Honor  of  writing  to  your 
Lordship  in  which  I  gave  your  Lordship  Some  Account  of 
the  Situation  of  affairs  in  this  Province  ct  that  I  found  myself 
under  an  absolute  Necessity  of  Mounting  Some  Party's  of 
the  Militia,  Officers  &  all  to  the  Number  of  Sixty  Nine  &  I 
much  Avish  I  may  be  able  to  stop  here,  for  the  great  Distance 
Lord  Cornwalhs  is  from  this  Province  &  the  weakness  of  our 
Posts  here,  Say  at  Savannah  &  Augusta  &  also  the  weakness 
of  the  Posts  in  S"  Carolina,  give  great  Encouragement  to  all 
Rebels  &  disaffected  Persons  to  Collect  &  attempt  to  Dis- 
turb &  Break  up  the  Settlements  &  if  there  should  be  a 
necessity  to  turn  out  the  Militia,  they  will  certainly  Expect 
Pay  &  Subsistence  whilst  on  actual  duty  &  we  have  it  not  to 
give  them. 

On  the  6th  Inst,  my  Lord  I  assented  to  five  Bills  and  have 
the  Satisfaction  to  Acquaint  your  Lordship  that  one  of  them 
is  Intitled  "An  Act  for  Granting  to  His  Majesty  Certain 
Duty's  upon  all  Goods,  Wares  &  Merchandise  of  the  Growth 
or  Production  of  this  Province  which  may  be  Exported  fi'om 
hence,  as  the  Contribution  of  Georgia  to  the  General  Charge 
of  the  British  Empire,"  these  Duties  my  Lord  His  Majesty's 
Loyal  Subjects  in  this  Province  have  Freely  &  Cheerfully 
Given  &  Granted  &  Humbly  beg  that  His  Majesty  will  be 
Graciously  Pleased  to  Condescend  to  accept  of  the  same  as  a 
small  Token  of  their  Gratitude  to  His  Majesty  &  Affection  to 
the  Mother  Country — a  duty  of  5  per  Cent  was  proposed  but 
the  greatly  distressed  reduced  &  exhausted  State  of  the 
Province  it  was  thought  would  not  admit  of  laying  on  so 
large  a  Duty  at  Present,  and  therefore  it  is  only  two  and  a 

*  p.  U.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  298. 

Li;T'r:eRS  I'lioM  SIR  James  Wright.  ■    341 

half  p.  Cent.  Another  is  entitled  "An  Act  for  securing;  His 
Majesty's  Government  and  the  Peace  of  this  Province  &  for 
the  more  Effectual  Protection  of  the  King's  Loyal  8nl)j(H-ts 
here  against  the  wicked  Attempts  &  designs  of  the  Kel)els  & 
other  Disaffected  Persons  &  for  other  Purposes  hereinafter 
mentioned."  From  the  great  number  of  Sculking  Rebels  <fe 
Disaffected  Persons  remaining  in  this  Province  I  saw  my 
Lord  that  it  was  impossible  for  His  Majesty's  Loyal  Subjects 
to  remain  in  any  tolerable  degree  of  Peace  or  Security  and 
therefore  proposed  this  Law  to  Enable  the  Inhabitants  to 
take  up  and  secure  all  Rebels  &  Persons  guilty  of  Harbour- 
ing, Conceahng,  aiding  or  assisting  Rebels  &  Plunderers  or 
giving  them  Intelhgence  &  to  compell  them  to  remove  out  of 
the  Province — I  judged  it  also  Necessary  to  prevent  the  Jews 
who  formerly  resided  here  from  Returning  or  others  from 
Coming  to  Settle  here.  For  these  People  my  Lord  were 
found  to  a  Man  to  have  been  violent  Rebels  &  Persecutors 
of  the  King's  Loyal  Subjects  &  however  this  Law  may  appear 
at  first  Sight,  be  assured  my  Lord  that  the  times  require  these 
Exertions  &  without  which  the  Loyal  Subjects  can  have  no 
Peace  or  Security  in  this  Province. 

"An  Act  for  supplying  the  Loss  of  such  of  the  Bonds  & 
Mortgages  that  were  executed  by  the  Debtors  of  the  Public 
to  the  Commissioners  of  the  General  loan  office  of  the 
Pro\dnce  of  Georgia,  as  are  now  unsatisfied  &  for  making  the 
Ledger  or  Account  Book  of  the  said  Commissioners,  begin- 
ning the  17tli  day  of  February  1769  &  Ending  the  17th  day 
of  September  1775  Evidence  in  all  Courts  of  Law  &  Equity 
in  this  Province  for  the  purpose  of  Recovering  the  Moneys 
due  to  the  Public  &  for  other  Purposes  hereinafter  mentioned." 
By  an  Act  of  Assembly  passed  in  1760  and  Confirmed  by 
His  Majesty  £7410  St"  was  allow^ed  to  be  issued  &  to  be  Sent 
out  on  Bonds  &  Mortgages  on  an  Interest  of  Six  per  Cent  to 
such  Persons  as  applied  to  the  Commissioners  to  Borrow  the 
same,  but  not  more  than  £80  St"  to  one  Person  and  w'''^  Bonds 
&  Security's  Fell  into  the  Hands  of  the  Rebels  and  being 
Lost  or  carried  away  &  destroyed  the  Party's  Refused  Pay- 
ment unless  their  Bonds  &  Security's  were  delivered  up  to 
them  &  the  Ledger  or  Book  mentioned,  having  been  Preserved 

342     •  115TTERS   PROM   SiTJ   JAMES   WRIGHT. 

by  a  Gentleman  wlui  is  a  Friend  to  Government,  lie  has 
delivered  up  the  same  &  we  thought  it  very  Necessary  S:  Just 
\-  Ecpiitable  that  a  Law  should  be  passed  for  the  Pur]iose 

"An  Act  for  the  Eelief  of  the  People  called  Quakers."  The 
Quakers  in  this  Province  in  general  my  Lord  hav(^  behavcnl 
ver}'  welltfe  shewn  their  Loyalty  <^  attachnunit  toGovernnunit, 
f(n-  which  reason  some  of  them  Suffered  alongLnprisonment 
in  Charles  Town  &  many  have  been  Plundercnl  &  almost 
Ruined  by  the  Rebels  of  this  Province  <t  as  several  of  them 
have  ability's  &  are  sufficiently  qualified  for  Public  Employ- 
nuuits  we  thought  it  an  Act  of  common  Justice  to  them  &  ior 
His  Maji^sty's  S(^rvice  to  Pass  the  above  Law  in  their  favour. 

"An  Act  to  Explain  Amend  &  reduce  into  one  Act  of 
Assembly  the  several  Laws  <t  Parts  of  Laws  now  in  being, 
relating  to  the  Erecting  &  Keeping  in  Repair  Fortifications 
&  other  works  of  Defence  in  this  Province  &  for  other 
])urposes  herein  after  mentioned." 

The  Several  Laws  relative  to  these  Matters  were  not 
altogether  Clear  &  some  Clauses  were  intermixed  in  the 
Militia  Laws  &  when  the  New  Works  round  the  Town  were 
finished  it  became  Necessary  that  proper  Powers  should  be 
given  &  an  officer  appointed  to  see  that  no  Damage  is  done 
to  them  by  ill  disposed  Persons  and  for  these  Reasons  my 
Lord  this  Law  was  Framed.  I  shall  order  Copys  to  be 
prepared  and  transmitted  to  your  Lordship  as  soon  as  may 
be  &  hope  when  they  come  to  be  examined  and  duly  con- 
sider'd  they  will  appear  to  l)e  such  as  will  meet  with  His 
Majesty's  Royal  a})probation. 

I  have  tlu!  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  and  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wnir.H'j'. 
The  Right  Hon'''*"  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj*^'**  Principal  Secretary  of  State  <tc.  &c.  &c. 
\  Indorsed} 
R  19th  May. 
(Dup.  Orig'  not  reced.) 

LETTERS    rnoM   SIR  .TAMER   WRIGHT.  343 


2  ApRir,  1781. 

No.  39.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  2d  of  Ai)ril  1781. 

My  Lord,  Triplicate. 

I  have  the  very  Great  Pleasure  to  Conpjratnlate  your  Lord- 
ship on  the  Signal  Victory  obtained  by  Earl  Cornwallis  over 
the  Rebel  Army  under  the  Command  of  General  Green  near 
Guildford  in  North  CaroHna,  on  the  15th  of  last  month,  your 
Lordship  sees  by  the  Victories  lately  obtained  what  True 
Zeal  &c.  will  do. 

Nothing  very  Material  has  happened  m  this  Province  Since 
my  last  only  that  a  Plundering  Rebel  Party  fi'om  S"  CaroHna 
of  about  Forty  five  Mem  well  Mounted  came  over  Savannah 
River  &  Burnt  the  Houses  of  Major  Dell  (a  very  active  Militia 
Officer  &  Friend  to  Government)  &  three  or  four  Other 
Houses  in  the  Same  Neighbourhood,  about  Fifty  Miles  from 
Savanah,  having  first  Plundered  them  of  every  thing  they 
Could  Carry  oft' — these  things  my  Lord  are  very  Distressing 
&  Discouraging  to  the  Kings  Loyal  Subjects,  who  seem  to  be 
Singled  out  and  I  hope  your  Lordship  will  be  coimnced  of 
the  Necessity  of  having  a  Troop  of  Horse. 

A  Spanish  Fleet  of  thirty  Eight  Sail  was  Discovered  the 
beginning  of  last  Month,  supposed  to  be  that  with  Don 
Galvez  going  against  Pensacola,  which  Occasions  Col.  Clarke 
who  Commands  the  Military  here  to  go  to  St.  Augustine  & 
Carry  a  Part  of  our  Troops  with  him,  &  I  think  he  is  to  leave 
us  in  two  or  three  days,  this  Gentleman  my  Lord  has  Con- 
ducted Matters  so  well,  that  we  have  been  very  happy 
together  &  what  makes  his  Departure  the  more  to  be  regetted 
is,  that  the  Command  of  the  Military  now  Devolves  on  a 
Gentleman  who  is  a  Foreigner.  Surely  My  Lord  this  is 
wrong,  and  when  it  is  with  Great  Difficulty  that  things  can  be 
kept  in  a  Tolerable  Way,  where  the  Principal  officers  on  Both 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  W.  Iiid.  vol.  208. 


sides  tlic  lilies  of  autliority,  &  are  on  tli(i  best  Terms  & 
Desirous  S:  Take  Pains  to  Avoid  Altcaratioii,  wliat  is  it  to  he 
Exi)eeted  Now '?  and  Iliavebeen  Inforincd  that  the  F()rei<j;ners 
in  General  have  an  Idea  that  tliey  are  totally  Exempt  from 
all  Civil  Power  or  Authority  whatev(u-,  and  I  much  fear  Disa- 
greeable thiiif^s  may  happcm  which  may  aficct  th(;  l*eace  of 
tlu;  Province,  tt  His  Majesty's  Service.  I  Inclos(^  youi'  TiOid- 
ship  a  Co])y  of  Avhat  I  have  wrote  Lord  On-nwallis  on  the 
()ccasi<m,  tt  submit  the  same  to  your  Lordship's  8ui)erior 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  WlilOHT. 

The  liight  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Princi])al  Secretary  of  State  &c.  &c.  &c. 

R  7tli  June. 

GOV.   SIR  JAS.   WRIGHT   TO   SEC.   LORD   G.   GER- 

'.)  April  1781. 

No.  40.  Savanah  in  Georgia,  the  9tli  of  April  1781. 

My  Lord,  Duplicate. 

I  have  now  the  Honor  to  Transmit  to  Your  Ijordslii]i  a 
Cop3^  of  the  Act  "For  Granting  to  His  Majesty-  Certain  dutic^s 
upon  all  Goods,  Wares  &  Merchandizes  of  the  Growth  or 
Production  of  this  Province  which  may  be  Exported  from 
hence  as  the  C<Mitributi()ii  of  Georgia  to  the  General  Charg(! 
of  th(!  British  Empire."     These  Duties  my  Lord  His  Majesty's 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  k  \V.  lud.  vol.  298. 


Loyal  Subjects  in  tliis  Province  liave  most  Freely  A:  Cliecvfully 
Given  &  Granted  &  Humbly  hope  his  Majesty  will  be 
Graciously  Pleased  to  Condescend  to  Accept  of  the  Same,  as 
a  Small  Token  of  their  Gratitude  to  His  Majesty  Sl  Aftection 
for  the  Mother  Country,  a  Duty  of  five  p  Cent  was  Proposed 
but  the  greatly  Distressed  Eeduced  &  Exhausted  State  of 
the  Province,  it  was  thought  w^ould  not  admit  of  Laying  on 
so  large  a  Duty  at  Present  and  therefore  it  is  oidy  tw(j  &  an 
half  p  Cent.  But  my  Lord  the  Example,  the  Precedeid  I 
look't  upon  as  the  Principal  object  and  which  w\as  opposed 
by  some  for  a  while  but  at  length  the  Measure  was  uimni- 
mously  agreed  to,  and  as  the  Foundation  is  now  laid  I  Pre- 
sume it  will  be  no  difficult  matter  to  Raise  the  Duty  when 
the  Province  is  at  Full  Peace  &.  begins  to  People  again  & 
Recover  its  Produce  &  Trade. 

On  my  Coming  out  to  this  Province,  your  Lordship  was 
Pleased  to  Authorize  me  to  declare  to  the  Legislature  That  the 
Net  Produce  of  Duties  Imposed  by  Parliament  for  the  Regula- 
tion of  Commerce  would  be  apphed  to  the  use  of  the  Province. 

and  that  His  Majesty  in  Order  to  Ease  his  Loyal  Subjects 
here,  graciously  intended  to  Remit  all  arrears  of  Quit  rents  & 
Proposed  that  all  Such  as  may  become  due  hereafter,  shall 
also  be  appropriated  to  the  use  of  the  Province. 

And  that  all  Fines  and  Forfeitures  which  shall  happen, 
arise  or  become  due  to  His  Majesty,  shall  likewise  be  Applied 
in  the  Same  Manner. 

all  wdiicli  I  Represented  to  them  as  Matters  of  Special 
Grace  &  Favour  of  the  Crown,  and  which  deserved  their 
Warmest  Acknowledgments. 

Wherefore  I  must  beg  leave  to  Remind  Your  Lordship  of 
these  things  and  that  I  have  not  yet  Received  any  authority 
from  His  Majesty  for  carrying  His  most  Gracious  intentions 
into  Execution. 

I  take  the  Liberty  to  Inclose  Youi"  Lordship  an  abstract  of 
a  Memorial  of  Lewis  Johnson  Esq.  Public  Treasurer  by 
which  3'our  Lordship  will  see  his  Claim  to  have  all  the  Monies 
arising  fi-oni  the  above  Funds  Paid  into  his  office.  But  the 
Receiver  of  the  King's  Casual  Revenue  Claims  to  Receive 
them  in  the  first  Instance.     I  am  therefore  to   Request  Your 


Lordsliip's  Directions  whether  the  Money  arising  by  the 
Duties,  Fines  «tc.  are  first  to  be  Paid  to  the  Kind's  Receiver 
of  His  Casual  Revenue,  and  then  by  liim  to  be  Paid  over  to 
the  Treasurer,  as  I  Presume  this  will  Occasion  a  Deduction 
of  Double  Commissions,  Viz:  Five  y>  Cent  will  be  stopt  l)y 
the  Casual  Receiver  &  and  then  five  p  Cent  more  by  the 
Treasurer,  and  so  of  the  Quit  Rents. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  &  Olied*^  Serv* 

J  A.  Wright. 

The  Right  Hon'''''  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj'J''  Principal  Secretary  oi  State  &c.  &c.  &c. 

R  5th  June. 


24  April  1781. 

No.  41.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  24tli  April  1781. 

My  Lord, 

Since  my  Last  of  the  ninth  Instant  I  have  received  some 
very  Alarming  Accounts  from  Augusta,  &  other  Parts  of  the 
Province,  and  have  Reason  to  lieliove  that  there  are  a  Great 
Many  Rebels  in  arms  in  difterent  Parts  of  S"  Carolina,  &  in 
this  Province.  The  very  great  Distance  Lord  Cornwallis  and 
his  Army  are  at  Gives  every  opportunity  to  the  Disaffected  to 
Collect  &  Murder,  Plunder  &c.  in  a  most  cruel  &  shocking 
manner,  and  those  Chiefly  the  Loyal  Inhabitants,  and  I  am 
afraid  OTir  Several  Posts  are  too  weak  to  afifbrd  a  Detachment 
to  go   against   them,   and   upon  the   whole  my   Lord,   this 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  208. 

LETTERS   FROM    SIR   JAMES   WRianT.  347 

Province  is  Eeduced  to  a  Most  Distressed  &  I  may  say  Pre- 
carious Situation,  and  all  this  for  want  of  a  Little  assistance, 
had  the  Method  I  Proposed  at  first  after  the  Siege  lieen 
attended  here,  that  is  a  Corps  of  one  Hundred  &  Fifty 
Horse  been  Established — Georgia  would  by  this  time  have 
been  entirely  at  Peace  &  in  Security  &  Great  Numbers  of 
Good  &  Loyal  Subjects  would  have  Flock't  in  to  Settle  here, 
&  the  Troops  might  now  have  beem  Employed  Elsewhere, 

But  for  want  of  that,  your  Lordship  Sees  what  Distresses 
the  Loyal  Inhabitants  have  Suffered  &  now  daily  do  &  we 
can  get  no  assistance  or  support,  and  which  Compels  me  to 
Endeavour  to  Raise  some  Horse  or  the  Province  will  be 
totally  broke  up  &  Lost. 

I  cannot  better  Describe  our  Present  Situation  than  by 
Transmitting  to  your  Lordship  the  Inclosed  Copy  of  a  letter 
I  wrote  yesterday  to  Earl  Cornwallis  and  to  Which  I  l)eg 
leave  to  Refer  your  lordship. 

I  am  afi-aid  of  Missing  the  opportunity  therefore  obliged  to 
conclude,  and 

have  the  Honor  to  be,  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Hon'''''  Lord  George  Germain 
His  Maj*-^''  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
for  America  «fec.  &c.  &c. 

R  5th  June. 



1  May  1781. 

No.  42.  Savannah  in  Georgia  tlie  1st  of  May  1781. 

My  Lord, 

I  had  the  Honor  to  rocoive  your  Lordship's  letter  of  the 
3d  of  Jiiiinary  N".  11  and  am  extremely  sorry  to  acquaint 
YourLordsljip  that  Things  are  by  no  means  in  that  Peaceable 
&  Secure  State  that  your  Lordship  Supposes  and  Expects, 
indeed  I  may  say  quite  the  Reverse  &,  I  momently  expect  to 
hear  that  Augusta  is  attacked  again  &  have  too  much  reason 
to  beUeve  the  Post  at  Ninety  six  cannot  now  assist  them.  We 
have  done  all  we  could  both  by  Laws  &  such  Exertions  as  the 
Militia  could  make,  but  they  are  now  Fatigued  &  worn  out 
by  continual  Alarms  &c.  &  so  many  good  men  have  been 
lately  &.  are  daOy  Assassinated  that  People  begin  to  be  afraid 
to  stand  Forth. 

For  our  Numbers,  I  dare  Venture  to  say  that  the  King  has 
a  large  Proportion  of  Loyal  Subjects  here,  and  who  have 
Exerted  beyond  what  could  have  been  Expected  &  this 
without  Pay  or  Subsistence  &  they  are  still  willing  to  do.  it 
from  Principles  of  Loyalty  as  well  as  their  own  Interest  <fe 
begin  to  think  they  have  not  had  that  Assistance  Necessary 
and  deserved,  and  believe  me  my  Lord  this  Province  is  in 
great  Danger.  I  have  fi'equently  given  your  Lordship  & 
Lord  Cornwallis  the  best  &  Clearest  Information  I  possil)ly 
could  of  the  Situation  of  affairs  here  &  it  gives  me  great 
concern  to  find  my  Representations  have  had  so  little  weight 
&  most  heartily  wish  the  Consequences  of  it  may  not  be  of 
the  most  serious  Nature. 

•  I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed*^  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Hon'''''  Lord  Geo.  Germain 

His  Maj'^'*"  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c.  &c.  &c. 

R  4th  August. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  298. 

LETTERS   FliOM   Slli  JAMES   WllIGHT.  349 


5  May  1781. 

No.  -13.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  5tli  of  May  1781. 

My  Lord, 

Your  Lordship's  Letter  of  the  7th  of  February  No.  12  I 
have  had  the  Honor  to  receive — Certainly  the  Progress  of 
the  King's  Army  in  N".  CaroHna  has  been  Rapid  &  the 
Advantages  over  the  Rebels  very  great  &  Lord  Cornwallis  & 
his  Army  have  acquired  Laurels  <fe  much  Honor  but  my  Lord 
the  Consequences  have  not  been  such  as  were  wished  & 
expected.  With  respect  to  the  particular  Cu'cumstances  of 
Affairs  there,  they  do  not  lye  with  me  to  touch  upon,  where- 
fore I  shall  confine  myself  to  my  own  Department  &  such 
Matters  as  more  immediately  affect  it. 

Your  Lordship  may  rest  assured  that  the  Relellion  is  not 
intirely  QueUed  in  S°  Carolma  far,  very  far  from  it,  on  the 
Contrary  I  am  informed  &  believe  that  the  Country  People 
in  General  are  in  Arms  again  &  Ripe  for  a  Revolt  &  the 
Communication  between  this  &  Cha*  Town  is  intirely  cut  off 
by  Land  &  also  the  Inland  Passage  by  Water  &  Nothmg  can 
pass  but  round  by  Sea. 

The  King  my  Lord  has  many  good  &  Faithful  Subjects 
here  who  have  &  wiU  do  every  thing  in  their  Power  to  Support 
His  Majesty's  Govern*^.  Your  Lordship  seems  to  sui)pose  this 
Province  well  Settled  &  full  of  Inhabitants, — it  was  so  here- 
to/ore, but  is  not  so  at  present.  they  are  gi-eatly  reduced  & 
the  Country  is  now  very  thinly  settled  and  in  the  Back  Parts 
there  are  many  Rebels  still. 

Strong  Partys  of  Rebels  are  Continually  coming  over  from 
Carolina,  Murdering  by  Assassination  whom  they  Please  or 
can  come  at   &   disarming   &   laying  others  under  Parole   & 

*  p.  B.  O.    Am.  &  W.  led.  vol.  298. 

350  LETTEllS    rilUM    sill   JAME.S    \YiaGllT. 

it's  impossible  to  provont  them  without  Horse  men,  and  tlius 
this  Province  is  Aveiikened  &  in  danf^er  of  \xmv^  lost,  my 
Information  is,  and  I  believe  it  that  live  hundred  lleljels  have 
been  sometime  Encampt  about  seven  miles  on  this  side  of 
Augusta  waiting  for  a  Reinforcement  &  that  Two  Hundred 
well  mounted  Sc  appointed  are  in  St.  George's  Parish  about 
80  miles  from  hence  in  the  way  towards  Augusta,  Murdering 
Plundering,  Laying  Waste  &  doing  all  the  Mischief  they 
Possibly  can  particularly  to  the  Wheat  Fields  tt  Provisions 
tfe  as  I  have  frequently  wrote  &  lamented  we  have  no  assist- 
ance or  protection  but  a  small  Force  here  and  at  Augusta  & 
the  latter  I  expect  is  now  invested  and  we  cannot  fi'om  either 
of  the  Posts  spare  any  men  to  go  out  against  them. 

The  Assembly  my  Lord  have  come  into  all  the  Measures 
Proposed  for  His  Majesty's  Service  and  which  it  Avas  judg'd 
might  be  conducive  to  the  security  &  tranquillity  of  the 
Province  but  alass  my  Lord  that  will  not  do  without  Troops 
without  an  armed  Force. 

It  gives  me  great  Pain  my  Lord  to  write  unpleasant  Things, 
but  my  Duty  to  the  King  &  to  the  Truly  Loyal  &  Suffering 
People  here  oblige  me  to  represent  the  Situation  of  Affairs 
07ice  more  Fairly  &  without  Disguise  I  am  no  Soldier  my  Lord 
but  I  always  thought  &  still  do  that  it  would  have  been  more 
for  His  Majesty's  Service  to  have  secured  EJfeduaJly  what 
was  Beduced  &  to  have  made  these  Provinces  usefuU  & 
serviceable  to  the  Mother  Country  by  Trade  &  Agiiculture 
and  if  S"  Carolina  and  this  Province  had  been  2veU  Protected 
the  Distressed  Loyal  Subjects  would  have  Flocked  into  them 
from  all  Parts  of  America  and  they  would  soon  have  been 
capable  of  Protecting  them  and  Contributed  towards  the 
General  Expence  of  the  British  Empire  and  the  Example  I 
humbly  conceive  would  have  had  the  best  Effect  on  the 
Rebelhous  Colonies.  If  I  have  Presumed  too  far  in  giving 
my  Sentiments  my  Plea  is,  and  which  I  doubt  not  but  His 
Majesty  (if  he  condescends  to  read  this  Letter)  will  be 
graciously  pleased  to  admit  of,  that  it  proceeds  from  an  Honest 
Zeal  for  His  Majesty's  Service  and  a  Conscicncious  Discharge 
of  my  Duty,  and  it  appears  to  me  that  Nothing  can  save  this 

LETTEliS    FllOM    Sill   JAMES    WUIGHT.  351 

Province  but  tlie  greatest  Exertions  in  our  Pow(!r  to    make  & 
for  the  Expence  of  wliicli  I  must  Draw  on  Gi^verinnent. 
I  have  the  Honor  to  be  Avith  Piirfect  Esteem, 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obhged  &  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Weight. 
The  Eight  Hon'^"^^  Lord  Geo.  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State  etc.  &c.  &c. 

R  4:th  August. 


25  May  1781. 
No.  44.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  25th  of  May  1781. 

My  Loud, 

Inclosed  your  Lordship  will  receive  a  Copy  of  a  Minute  of 
Council  of  the  8th  instant  with  my  letter  to  Colonel  Porbeck 
&  his  Answer  to  me  from  which  your  Lordship  will  See  that 
every  Effort  was  used  to  Raise  or  Collect  a  Eorce  to  Drive  the 
Rebels  out  of  the  Province,  and  Relieve  Augusta,  but  that  it 
was  not  Possible  to  do  it,  the  Garrison  having  been  so  much 
Reduced  &  Weakened. 

and  Militia  if  we  had  had  a  Sufficient  Number  &  Arms  &c. 
to  Give  them  (which  we  have  not)  are  not  to  be  Trusted  or 
Depended  upon  without  Regulars  to  Countenance  &  Support 

I  Immediately  Sent  off  an  Express  to  CoP  Balfour  in  Charles 
Town  and  also  to  Col  Clarke  at  St.  Augustine,  acquainting 
them  of  these  Particulars,  and  all  I  can  yet  say  is,  that  I  am 
hopefuU  they  wiU  See  the  Neccs.slfy  of  Sending  Succours. 

*P.  R.  0,    &m.  &  W,  lua.  vol,  298. 

352  LETTERS    FKOM    Sill   JAMES    WiaGHT. 

Last  week  two  lie1)el  Galleys  came  on  the  Coast  &  went  in 
over  Ossabaw  Bar,  where  they  Captured  a  Fine  large  Ship 
Loading  with  Lumber  for  the  West  Indies.  The  Arbuthnot 
Galley  which  had  been  there  for  some  time,  Avas  about  a 
Fortnight  before  ordered  away  to  Port  lloyal.  But  the  other 
Sloop  which  arrived  three  or  four  days  after,  is  gone  out  in 
search  of  them,  it  is  very  Uncertain  whether  the  Ship  was 
carried  off  or  not,  there  being  different  Reports,  if  not  She 
may  be  Probably  Retaken. 

The  Assassinating  Partys  still  continue  going  about  the 
Country — my  Lord  it  Gives  me  Great  Pain,  that  I  have  it  not 
in  my  Power  to  write  any  thing  Pleasant,  and  I  know  it  must 
hurt  your  Lordship  to  Receive  Continual  Disagreeable 
Accounts,  and  I  Assure  you  it  hurts  me  nnich  more  to  Write 
them,  but  it  is  my  Didji  to  State  FacU  &  Give  a  True  Account 
of  all  Occurrences,  I  must  not,  I  Avill  not,  I  never  did  Deviate 
from  the  Truth,  and  I  am  Certain  your  Lordship's  Candour 
will  approve  of  it. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed*^  Serv*^ 

Ja.  Weight. 
The  Right  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain 
His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
For  America  etc.  &c.  &c. 

R  30th  Nov"-. 

LETTERS    FllUM    SIR   JAMES    WRIGHT.  353 

GOV.   SIR   JA8.    WRIGHT   TO   SEC.    LORD   G.  GER- 

30  May   1781. 

No.  45.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  21tli  of  May  17!Sl. 

My  Lord, 

Inclosed  your  Lordship  will  receive  a  Copy  of  Colonel 
Balfour's  letter  to  me  of  the  21st  oi  May  in  Answer  to  Mine 
requesting  he  would  Send  assistance  to  Galphins  Fort  to  Col. 
Brown  at  Augusta,  &  it  is  with  great  Concern  I  now  acquaint 
your  Lordship  that  the  Officer  Commanding  at  Galphins  Fort, 
where  the  Provisions  Stores  Indian  Goods  &c.  <fec.  were 
deposited  Surrendered  to  the  Rebels  on  Capitvdation  on 
Monday  the  21st  of  May,  and  a  Man  from  Browns  Fort  at 
Augusta  found  means  to  get  thro'  the  Rebel  Camp  of  friday 
Night  the  25th  of  May  &  came  to  Savanah  the  29th  by  Avliom 
we  learn  that  BroAvn  was  in  the  greatest  distress  &  the  Troops 
were  then  at  an  allowance  of  a  Pint  of  Corn  a  day  &  had 
only  21  days  left  at  that  Rate  &  it  is  not  Possible  for  us'  to 
give  him  any  Relief  I  have  Sent  two  Expresses  by  Land  to 
Col.  Clarke  at  St.  Augustine  &  Prevailed  on  Capt.  Creigk  of 
the  Otter  Sloop  to  go  there  &  hope  he  will  Return  by  her  with 
the  Troops  he  Carried  from  hence,  altlio  I  much  fear  it  will 
be  too  late  to  Relieve  Brown  Especially  as  the  Rebels  are 
increasing  every  day  Some  Say  1000  to  1200  &  others  say 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem, 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  &  Obed*  Serv' 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Hon''^''  Lord  George  Germam 

His  Maj*^'^  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c.  &c  &c. 

R  30tli  Nov'-. 

*  p.  R.  0.    Am.  &  W.  lua.  vul.  29ti. 



GOV.    Sill  JAS.    WIUGHT  TO   SEC.   J.OliD   G.   GER- 
MAIN. =< 

12  Junk  17S1. 

No.  40.  Savanaii  in  Georgia  the  12tli  June  1781. 

My  Loud, 

(joloiiel  Clurku  arrived  here  on  the  7th  inst.  and  his  Men 
Landed  the  8th  and  Col.  Balfour  Sent  a  Detachment  of  Fen- 
nmgs  Corps  here  amounting  to  al)()ut  IGO  Rank  &  File  and 
Col.  Clarke  was  making  Preparations  to  march  to  the  Relief 
of  Col.  Brown  but  on  the  lOtli  inst.  we  received  the  very 
Disagreeable  Account  that  he  had  been  Reduced  to  the 
Necessity  of  Capitulating,  and  that  after  they  had  Capitulated 
and  Laid  doAvn  their  Ai'nis,  Some  of  the  Rebels  shot  Col. 
Grierson  who  dyed  Instantly — we  do  not  yet  know  the 
Particulars  of  the  Terms,  nor  have  I  received  any  Authentic 
Account  of  this  unfortunate  affair,  but  it  conies  by  ditferent 
Hands  so  that  no  one  doubts  of  the  Truth  of  the  Report.  I 
niej,  the  Council  yesterday  &  have  the  Honor  to  inclose  your 
Lordship  a  Copy  of  the  Resolutions  on  the  State  of  Affairs 
here  and  of  my  letters  to  Col.  Balfour  which  I  have  this  day 
sent  to  Charles  Town  by  an  Express  Boat.  The  very  oppor- 
tune arrival  of  the  Cork  Fleet  with  the  Troops  I  hope  wiU 
once  more  rescue  these  Provinces  from  the  Hands  of  the 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordslii})s 

most  obliged  &  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  AVright. 
The  Pvight  Hon''i°  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj^y'**  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c.  &c.  <fcc. 

R  30th  Nov', 

*  p.  11.  O.    Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  2'Ja. 



I  111  Hir  Jas.  Wright's  (No.  IG)  of  I'itli  June  1781.  | 

Savanah  the  lltli  of  Juiiu  1781.     Tiipliciite. 


It  gives  me  the  greatest  Concern  to  Aci^naint  yon  of  tlje 
loss  of  Augusta  by  Colonel  Brown  being  reduced  to  the 
Necessity  of  Cajjitulating,  and  as  you  well  know  the  Conse- 
quences that  must  l)e  att(>ndaiit  on  this,  I  Need  say  little,  but 
must  observe  that  if  this  Province  is  not  Recovered  from  the 
Rebels  Avithout  the  least  Delay,  I  conceive  it  may  be  too  late 
to  Prevent  the  whole  from  being  laid  waste  &  totally  destroyed 
&  the  Peo})le  Ruined,  we  are  now  in  a  Most  wretched  situa- 
tion. I  shall  not  reflect  on  the  Causes,  but  the  Grand  Point 
is  to  recover  back  what  we  lost  if  it  be  Possible  &  to  Prevent 
further  Misfortunes  &  injury  to  His  Majesty's  Service — and 
on  receiving  the  very  Disagreeable  intelligence  from  Augusta, 
I  took  the  Earlrest  Opportunity  to  Convene  His  Maj**^  '^  Council 
&  have  their  Opinions  on  the  Present  very  Critical  State  of 
affairs  here — a  Copy  of  which  I  have  the  Honor  to  Inclose 
you — and  will  not  Suffer  my  Self  to  Entertain  the  least  doubt 
but  that  every  Exertion  will  be  made  &  every  Necessary 
assistance  given  to  Enable  me  to  Hold  this  Province  Subject 
to  His  Majesty's  Authority  I  can  only  Represent  Facts  which 
it  is  my  Indispensable  Duty  to  do  and  which  I  have  hitherto 
from  time  to  time  done. 

our  Distresses  are  many  &  how  to  Furnish  the  Militia  on 
actual  Duty  with  Rations  I  can't  tell,  for  there  is  not  a  single 
Barrel  of  Beef  or  Pork  to  be  Purchased  here,  even  if  I  had 
the  Monty  to  buy  it.  I  trust  therefore  Sir  that  Circumstanced 
as  we  are,  you  Avill  think  it  for  His  Majesty's  Service  tfc  really 
Necessary  to  order  Some  of  the  Kings  Provisions  here,  for 
the  Support  of  the  Militia  on  actual  Service.  The  Number 
of  which  I  think  will  be  at  least  what  is  mentioned  in  the 
Minute  of  Council,  besides  those  in  &  about  the  Town,  which 
I  Suppose  amount  to  300. 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  298. 

356  LETTEliS   FllOM   SIR   JAMES   WRIGHT. 

Poor  Gricrsoii  was  Basely  Murdered  after  tlie  Cai)itulation 
&  laying  l^owii  his  arms  it  is  to  be  hoped  this  worthy  Man's 
Death  will  not  Pass  without  due  Notice  &  I  shall  not  think 
Brown  Safe  till  I  See  him, 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  &c. 


Lieut.  Colonel  Balfour  &c.  &c.  &c. 

Ja.  WRiGirr. 

GOV.   SIR  JAS.    WRIGHT  TO   SEC.   LORD   G.   GER- 

14  June  1781. 

No.  4:7.  Sayan  AH  in  Georgia  the  lltli  of  June  1781. 

My  Lord, 

Having  herewith  Inclosed  my  Memorial  to  the  Lords  of 
Treasury  &  the  Estimate  of  the  Expence  of  the  two 
Troops  of  Horse,  I  am  Humbly  to  request  that  your 
Lordship  will  be  Pleased  to  approve  of  the  Same  and  Recom- 
mend it  to  their  Lordships.  This  Step  was  delayed  to  the 
very  last,  indeed  much  too  Long,  in  hopes  of  getting  assistance 
some  other  way,  but  all  applications  were  in  vain. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  A  Obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Hon'''*'  Lord  George  Germain 
His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
For  America  &c.  &c.  &c. 

R  30th  Nov'- 

♦  p.  K.  0.    Am.  i  W.  lud,  vol.  WH. 



[Ill  Sir  Jas.  Wright's  (No.  47.)  of  14  Jimo  1781.] 

To  the  Right  Honorable  the  Lords 

Commissioners  of  His  Majesty's  Treasury. 
The  Memorial  of  Sir  James  Wright 
Baronet,  Governor  in  Chief  of  His 
Majesty's  Province  of  Georgia 

Humbly  Sheweth, 

That  for  some  time  Past  gi-eat  Part  of  the  Inhabitants  in 
the  Province  of  S"  Carolina  have  been  in  arms  and  Ripe  for  a 
General  Revolt  from  their  Allegiance  &  Oliedience  to  His 
Majesty's  Government,  and  which  Revolt  hath  Since  taken 
Place.  That  Great  Numbers  of  them  came  over  Savanah 
River  into  the  Province  of  Georgia,  where  they  Committed 
the  most  Savage  like  &  Inhuman  Murders  on  Many  of  His 
Maj*^'"'  Loyal  Subjects,  in  the  whole  within  two  months  Past, 
to  the  amount  of  very  near  one  Hundred.  That  they  Stir 
up  all  such  as  are  not  well  affected  to  Government  to  take 
arms  &  Join  them,  and  Force  Several  Good  &  Loyal  Subjects 
for  fear  of  bemg  Murdered  also  to  Join  them.  That  they 
have  for  some  time  Past  &  are  now  Laying  close  Siege  to  the 
Fort  at  Augusta.  That  they  have  already  Laid  Waste  & 
Destroyed  the  greatest  Part  of  this  Province,  and  if  not 
Speedily  Check't  will  Ruin  the  whole. 

That  His  Majesty's  Troops  left  here  have  Proved  wlioUy 
inadequate  to  the  Protection  of  this  Province,  against  the 
Depredations  of  the  Rebels.  That  your  Memorialist  Received 
addresses  from  the  Upper  &  Lower  Houses  of  Assembly  of 
this  Province  Requesting  him  to  Embody  some  Troops  of 
Horse  for  the  Protection  of  the  Inhabitants  Copys  of  which 
are  herewith  Transmitted  to  your  Lordship,  That  Your 
MemoriaHst  avoided  and  Delayed  putting  Government  to 
this  Expence  as  long  as  Possible,  But  Seeing  that  Nothing 
can  Save  this  Province  fi-om  being  agam  wrested  out  of  His 
Majesty's  Hands  but  Raising  a  Corps  of  Horse,  he  hath  with 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  298. 

358  LKtTr.RS   FROM    SIR   .TAMER   WRTOIIT. 

tlie  ITnaiiimons  Advice  of  His  Maji^sty's  Council  determined 
so  to  do,  as  the  only  Chance  tluu-e  is  of  Holdinj]j  this  Pl■o^^nce 
A-  KiH'pin^it  in  Subjection  to  His  jNIajesty's  Authority — And 
it  bein<j;  absolutely  Necessary  for  His  Majesty's  Service  to 
Carry  this  Measure  into  Immediate  Execution  and  as  there 
is  nottimetoReprt^scnit  the  Matter  to  His  Majesty's  Secretary 
of  Stiite  Previous  thereto. 

Your  Memorialist  therefore  takes  this  Method  of  Laying 
the  Same  before  your  Lordships  and  herewith  Transmits  an 
Estimate  of  the  Expence  of  Two  Troops  of  Horse  for  Twelve 
Months  and  for  which  he  is  Laid  under  the  Necessity  of 
Drawing-  upon  your  Lordships. 

Your  Memorialist  has  the  Honor  to  be  with  the  Utmost 

Your  Lordships 

most  ol)ed^  Hble  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

Savanah  in  Georgia 

the  15th  of  May  1781. 



14  June  1781.' 

No.  48.  Triplicate. 

Savanah  in  Georgia  the  14th  of  June  1781. 
My  Lord, 

The  Necessity  of  Purchasing  Provisions  for  the  Refugees 
&  Militia  on  Duty  was  so  Pressing  that  it  could  not  be 
avoided,  the  Rebels  were  possessed  of  the  whole  Country 
between  Ebenezer  &  Augusta,  and  the  Generality  of  the 
Inhabitants  either  taken  to  the   Swamps  to  hide   themselves 

*  1'.  R.  O.     Aiu.  &  W.  Iiiil.  \ol.  'iim. 


for  a  time,  in  hopes  of  being  soon  relieved,  or  come  here  for 
Protection,  and  those  who  came  here,  were  armed  as  wtQl  as 
we  couhl  &  put  on  duty  with  some  RefruLars  to  Gfirrison  the 
Redoubts  at  Ebenezer  &  keep  the  Rebels  from  Dtistroying  <fe 
Laying  Waste,  quite  to  the  Town.  Pretty  Large;  Partys  ou 
Horse  Back  (for  they  are  now  mostly  Mounted)  have  been 
Seen  within  5  or  G  miles  of  Ebenezer. 

I  Say  thus  Circumstanced  my  Lord  there  was  an  al>solute 
Necessity  to  Purchase  Provisions  to  Feed  these  People,  for 
they  had  not  a  Shilling  in  their  Pockets  &  Could  not  be 
allowed  to  Perish  and  the  Kings  Provisions  in  the  Stores  here 
grew  Short,  the  Militia  on  Duty  had  Rations  for  a  Short  time, 
when  it  was  Notified  to  me,  that  they  Could  have  no  more, 
and  I  was  obliged  to  buy  Rice,  Flour  &  what  Beef  &:  Pork 
could  be  got,  and  all  these  Articles  being  very  Scare  it  Dear, 
they  cost  a  Great  Deal  of  Money  already  to  the  Amount  of 
X2652-0-0  Sterls  &  for  which  I  am  Drawing  on  the  £5000  in 
Mr.  West's  hands,  not  knowing  what  else  to  do,  but  hope 
your  Lordship  will  Order  these  Provision  Bills  to  be  Paid  or 
the  Money  Replaced  out  of  Some  other  Fund — altlio'  my 
Lord  a  Tax  Bill  is  ready  for  the  assent,  we  cannot  go  on,  the 
People  are  Burned  &  can  pay  no  Taxes. 

In  Short  my  Lord  our  Prospect  is  wretched,  &  if  we  are 
not  Relieved  in  a  few  daj's,  so  that  the  People  may  Return 
Home  &  see  what  may  be  left,  or  they  can  save  or  Pick  up,  a 
Famine  will  Ensue.  The  Causes  of  all  this  Distress  & 
Misery  are  most  Evident,  but  I  shall  Say  no  more  but  Pray 
God  Grant  us  Peace, 

I  have  the  honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Rt  Ho"!'^  Lord  Geo.  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State  &c.  &e.  &c. 

R  10th  August 
(Trip*^  Orig'  &  Dup.  not  rec'^) 


GOV.    SIR  JAS.  WEIGHT   TO   SEC.  LORD   G.   GER- 

18  Dec.  1781. 

N(x  50.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  18tli  Dec''  1781. 

My  Lord, 

We  are  at  this  Moment  in  the  Utinost  Danp;er  &  Distress 
(t  Expect  every  day  to  have  a  Fornii<hi])l(^  Force  against  us, 
for  a  few  days  ago  we  received  Accounts  from  General  Leslie 
who  now  Commands  in  Charles  Town  that  General  Green  is 
on  his  way  to  tlui  Southward  tfe  had  crossed  Edisto  River,  & 
that  Generals  St.  Clair  &  Wayne  were  at  Santee  River  with 
2500  Continentals  Mounted  &  were  to  Join  General  Green, 
who  was  said  to  have  al)out  the  Same  Number,  and  Ave  have 
also  Intelligence  that  the  Marquess  De  la  Fayette  is  on  his 
way  here  (Imt  this  is  Rebel  Intelligence)  and  we  have  received 
Accounts  many  different  ways  of  a  very  Serious  tt  Formidable 
Attack  being  Preparing  &  intending  against  us,  and  l)y  a 
Gentleman  of  undoubted  Credit  who  is  come  to  Savanah  a 
few  days  ago,  from  the  Creek  Nation  we  are  Informed  that 
Letters  Passed  through  that  Country,  Some  time  ago  from 
General  Green  to  the  Spanish  Officer  Commanding  at  Pensa- 
cola,  Acquainting  him  that  they  should  be  ready  to  act 
against  this  Province  by  the  middle  of  this  Month,  and  we 
have  many  Rebel  Accounts  that  they  Expect  a  French  & 
Spanish  Fleet  here  every  day.  this  Gentleman  (Mr.  Taitt) 
was  a  Prisoner  in  West  Florida  for  some  time  &  Says  they 
avowed  an  Intention  to  take  East  Florida  &  Georgia, — and 
the  Garrison  in  Charles  Town  being  Dwindled  away  one  half, 
we  cannot  Depend  on  much  Assistance  if  any  fi-om  hence. 

and  thus  your  Lordship  Sees  the  Consequences  of  not 
Protecting  &  Holding  these  two  Provinces,  I  always  Dreaded 
it,  from  the  Moment  Lord  Cornwallis  went  into  Virginia,  and 
the  Cruel  10*''  Article  in  his  Lordships  Capitulation  I  hv.iv 
has  RuincMl  tlu^  King's  Cause  in  Amcn-ica,  &  I  Need  not 
Comnnnit  u])on  it,  God  know^s  Avhat  will  become  of  us,  but 
without  Immediate  assistance,  I  think  we  shall  not  be  able  to 

*  p.  U.  O.    Am.  k  W.  Ind.  vol.  2'.)8. 


Stand  it,  and  if   we  fall,  I  nnicli  fear  that   St.  Augiistine  & 
Charles  Town  will  Soon  Follow. 

I  send  this  by  way  of  New  York  where  I  have  Dispatched 
a  Schooner  Express  to  Acquaint  Sir  Henry  Clinton  &  the 
Admiral  with  our  Situation. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed*^  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain 
His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
For  America  &c.  &c.  &c. 

\  Lidorsicd] 
R  28th  Feb-^y. 


18  Dec.  1781. 
No.  57. 

Savanah  in  Georgia  the  18th  of  Dec'"  1781. 
My  Lord, 

I  have  the  Honor  to  Inclose  your  Lordship  a  Copy  of  my 
Account  of  the  Expenditure  of  the  X5000  fi-om  the  24th  of 
January  1781  to  the  5tli  of  November,  which  I  Tnist  will  be 
approved  of. 

I  also  Inclose  your  Lordship  a  Copy  of  the  Accounts  for 
Supporting  the  Troops  of  Horse,  Refugees,  Militia  &c.  which 
I  also  Trust  will  be  approved  of, 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem, 
my  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obhged  &  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Honorable  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 

For  America  &c.  &c.  &c. 

R  28th  Feb'-y- 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  298. 

302  LETTERS   FROM   Sin  ,TAME«   WRIGHT. 

GOV.   SIR  JAS.   WllIGHT  TO  SEC.   LOED   G.   GER- 

18  .TanhakY  1782. 

No.  58.  Savanah  in  Georgia  t\w  IStli  Jaimary  1782. 

My  Lord, 

Yesterday  I  Rc^ceived  Advice  fi-oiii  diaries  Town  that 
Wayne  &  St.  Clair  have  Joined  Grc^en  S:  that  the  last  Party 
with  their  Artillery  &c.  are  not  far  off  tt  that  they  are 
advancing  towards  ns,  l)ut  with  what  Force,  we  cannot  Cer- 
tainly Learn,  tho'  it  is  Said  abont  8000  Continentals  Horse 
&  Foot  together,  tt  I  Presume  the  Sonth  Carolina  Militia 
will  Join  them  in  great  Numbers,  ct  many  here,  some  fi-om 
Principle  &  Some  from  Necessity,  seeing  they  can  get  no 
Protection  from  Government.  Surely,  Surely,  my  Lord  the 
Commanders  of  the  King's  Forces  in  America,  ought  to  have 
Supported  these  Southern  Provinces,  and  Happy  would  it 
have  been  for  the  Kings  Cause  &  Friends  and  a  most  Valu- 
able Footing  Secured  in  America,  if  they  had,  or  may  yet  be, 
For  if  they  Fall  I  fear  New  York  will  bo  of  Little  Consequence. 

I  have  fi'equently  Wrote  Humbly  requesting  His  Majesty 
would  be  Graciously  Pleased  to  Grant  me  leave  of  Absence 
to  Return  to  Groat  Britain  for  such  time  as  His  Majesty  in 
His  Royal  Goodoess  may  see  fit — where  Possibly  I  might 
have  been  more  usefull,  than  by  being  kept  here.  I  have 
been  very  unfortunate  in  so  many  of  your  Lordships  letters 
Miscarrying  (as  I  Presume  they  must  have  done)  not  having 
Received  a  Letter  since  that  of  the  4tli  of  June  last. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  Obliged  &  Obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Hon''*''  Lord  George  Germain 
His  Maj*-^'*"  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
For  America  &c.  &c.  &c. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  .t  W.  lud.  vol.  298. 


P,  S.  23(1  JaiP'  n,  Party  of  Coiitinontal  Horse  have  Shewed 
themselves  at  Different  times  &  Places  for  2  or  3  days  past 
witliin  8  or  10  miles  of  Savaiifih  &  now^  all  our  out  Posts  are 
Broke  up  &  Called  in  &,  we  Expect  every  Day  to  hear  of  the 
Main  Body  of  the  Eebel  Army  &c.  having  Crossed  the 
Savanah  Biver,  the  Horse  come  are  Said  to  be  about  200 
wdiich  we  Presume  are  an  Advanced  Party.  I  begin  now  to 
Expect  the  Return  of  the  Schooner  I  Sent  Express  to  New 
York — with  Letters  to  Sir  Heni-y  CUntou  &  the  Admiral. 

B  6th  June. 



23  January  1783. 

No.  59.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  22d  of  Jan^^-  1782. 

My  Lord 

Three  Days  ago  Mr.  Philip  Yonge  His  Majesty's  Surveyor 
General  Dyed,  he  has  left  a  Widow  &  four  Small  Children  in 
Narrow  Circumstances,  he  was  a  very  Good  young  Man- — and 
as  he  was  in  a  Declining  State  for  some  time  tt  had  appointed 
his  Wifes  Brother  Mr.  George  McKenzie  to  Act  for  him,  I 
think  therefore  for  the  benefit  of  the  Eamily  to  Appoint  him 
for  the  Present. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord,  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  &   obed*  Ser* 

Ja.  Wright. 

B  6th  June. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  298. 

304  lettehs  from  stii  .tames  Wright. 


23  Januauy  1783. 

Savanaii  in  Georoia  tlio  23(1  of  January   1782. 
My  Lords, 

I  liavc  now  tlio  Honor  to  Transmit  Yonr  Lordships  by  tlie 
Ship  Georgia  Packet  Copys  of  33  Laws  assented  to  by  nie 
at  different  times  from  July  1780  to  August  1781  and  Several 
otliers  have  been  Passed  Since  Imt  the  distresses  of  the  times 
have  Prevented  the  due  Course  of  Proceedings  fi'om  being 
observed,  which  I  hope  will  Plead  an  Excuse  for  the  Officers. 

I  also  Transmit  Copys  of  the  Journals  of  the  Lower  House 
of  Assembly  fi'om  the  5th  of  May  1780  to  the  19th  of 
December  1781. 

I  wish  it  were  in  my  Power  to  give  your  Lordships  an)^ 
Agreeable  Accounts  of  our  Situation  here,  but  that  fi'om  a 
variety  of  unfortunate  Events  I  cannot  do.  We  are  now 
Confined  almost  to  our  Lines  round  the  Town,  &  are  Expecting 
a  Powerfull  attack  every  day  &  Probably  a  Siege  and  thus  is 
this  most  Valuable  Province  Ruined  &  I  fear  lost,  for  Want 
of  that  Protection  &  attention,  which  I  Conceive  the  Loyalty 
of  the  Inhabitants  Intitled  them  to. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 

My  Lords  Your  Lordshijis 

most  obliged  and  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 

The  Right  Honorable 

Lords  Com'""  for  Trade  &  Plantations  etc.  &c.  «tc. 

I  [ii(h)rse(J] 
R  June 
I.  20. 

*  p.  R.  O.     Georgia.     B.  T.  vol.  'Si. 


GOV.   HIE  JAS.   AVIUGHT   TO   SEC.   LOUD   G.   GEK- 


13  Febkuaky  1783. 

No.  61.  Savannah  in  Georgia  12tli  Feb'-y.  1782. 

My  Lord,  Triplicate. 

After  an  Interval  from  the  4:tli  of  Juno  I  had  the  honor  to 
receive  Your  Lordships  Letters  of  the  2d  of  Aug*^  c%  1st  Sep- 
tember— which  I  acknowledged  the  receipt  of,  an  Opportunity 
just  then  offering  for  Charles  .town. 

I  immediately  acquainted  the  Council  &  the  S]:>eaker  that 
His  Majesty  had  been  pleased  to  declare  His  Royal  appro- 
bation of  the  Duty  Law  &  to  signify  the  great  Satisfaction 
their  Zeal  &  affection  for  His  Person  &  firm  Attachment  to 
the  British  Constitution,  manifested  by  passing  that  Act,  had 
given  His  Majesty  &  that  I  was  directed  to  assure  them  that 
His  Loyal  &  faithfull  Subjects  of  Georgia  may  always  rely 
on  His  Majesty's  Protection  &  Constant  attention  to  their 
prosperity  <fe  happiness  &  this  I  shall  do  in  a  Public  way  the 
first  opportunity  that  offers. 

I  well  know  the  Multiplicity  of  Business  which  the  Treasury 
Board  always  have  before  them  &  thank  your  Lordship  for 
saying  you  will  Continue  your  Instances  till  the  matter  I 
Wrote  about  is  Compleated. 

I  shall  without  delay  (if  we  can  see  the  time  for  doing 
Business  endeavour  to  get  a  proper  Law  fi'amed  for  Collecting 
the  Quit  Bents  &c.  but  we  have  been  so  neglected  here,  that 
things  are  in  a  very  Critical  Situation  just  now,  aU  our 
Victories  &  Defeats  of  the  Rebels  end  in  nothing  material,  or 
at  all  Decisive  in  favor  of  Government — and  Your  Lordship 
will  have  seen  by  my  Several  Letters  from  time  to  time  that 
in  this  Province  we  have  .been  Suffered  to  be  Continually 
Harassed,  Murdered,  Plundered  &  Rumed. 

I  did  not  receive  a  Single  Gun  from  Lord  Rawdon,  all  that 
I  have  had  was  from  Col.  Brown's  Indian  Department.  The 
200  Sets   of  Horse   Accoutrements  &c.    are  Safe   arrived  in 

*  p.  R.  0.    Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  298. 


( 'liuilcs  Town,  but  not  come  round  here  yet.     Your  Lordships 

directions  with    respect   to    a   proper  portion  of   the    Indian 

Goods  for  East  Florida  will    l)e  fully  obsei'ved,  and  We    are 

very  much  oblij^ed  to  your  Lordship  for  this   further  mark  of 

your  attention. 

1  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 

My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  cfc  obed'  8erv' 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  llight  Hon'^i-^  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Maj'-^'*'  Principal  Secretary  of  Htate  Ac.  &c.  &c. 

[  Indorsed] 
E  2')tli  May 
(Trip®  Orig^  &  Duj).  not  reced) 



12  Febkuaky  1782. 

Savanah  the  12th  of  Eeb'-y  1782. 

D''  Sir, 

I  am  so  Continually  hurried  that  I  have  not  time  to  write 
to  Lord  George  Germain.  The  Vessell  I  Sent  to  New  York 
arrived  there  the  5tli  of  January  &  is  not  yet  returned,  nor 
any  Letter  from  Sir  H.  C.  altlio  Vessells  have  arrived  at  Ch. 
Town  which  N.  Y.  since.  General  Leslie  after  Promising  a 
Reinforcement  altered  his  Mind,  k  Countermanded  it — and 
this  Province  will  be  totally  Lost,  unless  very  Soon  Relieved. 
I  Know  what  I  wrote  long  ago,  tlio  not  Regarded,  and  as  I 
find  its  in  Vain  to  write,  I  believe  I  shall  Trouble  None  of 
your  Generals  any  more, — a  Strange  kind  of  Conduct  or 
Infatuation   Seems   to   have  lost  every  thing.      We   have   a 

*  p.  U.  0.    Am.  h  W.  lua.  vol.  2Ua. 


Great  Many  Truly  Loyal  Inhabitants  liere,  Subsisted  &c.  at 
a  Vast  Exponce,  but  if  we  are  to  be  Shut  u})  within  the  Lines, 
and  they  Cannot  get  any  where  to  Plant,  they  must  8ee 
Famine  before  their  Eyes  &  shall  not  be  Surprized  if  they  go 
off  &  make  the  best  Terms  they  can.  Ilemeniber  this,  and 
the  Armtj  will  Say  they  are  &  always  were  llebels. 

Its  said  Green  Recommends  it  Strongly  to  the  People  here, 
to  Pass  an  Act  of  Oblivion  &  to  receive  all  with  open  arms, 
who  will  Join  them  &  they  are  doing  all  they  can  to  Cajole 
the  Negros  &  get  them  over.  John  Martin  a  Northward  Man 
Avho  used  to  go-by  the  Name  of  Black  Jack,  is  now  Chosen 
Governor.  But  I  will  Stop,  for  as  I  can  tell  you  Notliing 
Pleasant,  I  shall  Say  no  more.  I  beg  to  be  liemembered  to 
Mrs.  K.  k  all  yo''«  &  am  D"^  Su- 

with  Great  Truth 

Atfect'y  Yours 

Ja.  Wright. 
Wm.  Knox  Esq'"''- 

P.S.  at  Night  I  have  this  moment  reced  a  Letter  from 
General  Sir  H.  C.  a  Trifling  Ans"-  that  a  Man  Might  be 
ashamed  to  write  &  thus  do  the  King's  Generals  Conduct 
every  thing.  I  will  write  Lord  G.  Germain  if  Possible  to 
Morrow,  no  assistance  coming  from  N.  York. 

\^I lido  r  seel] 
R  6th  June. 

GOV.   SIR   JAS.   WRIGHT   TO   SEC.  LORD   G.   GER- 

15  Febkuaky  17H2. 

No.  62.  Savannah  in  Georgia  the  15th  of  Feb^  1782. 

My  Lord, 

Your  Lordshijis  remarks  in  your  Letter   of   the    7tli   of 
Sepf  on  the  Cruelty,  Perfidy  <fcc.  of  the  Rebel  Partys  &  the 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  W.  Ind.  vol.  29S. 

3G8  LETTEllS   FliOM   SlU   JAMES    WllIOJlT. 

great  abuse  of  the  Lenity  shewn  them  on  all  Occasions  are 
certainly  very  just.  Had  150  Horse  been  established  here  at 
first  as  I  })ressed  both  Sir*  H^  Clinton  &  Lord  Cornwalhs  (but 
to  no  purpose)  the  assassinations,  Murders  Plundering  &c. 
etc.  in  this  Province  would  in  a  great  measure  have  been 
prevented,  for  at  first  &  for  some  time,  all  the  beginnings  of 
these  Villanous  Practices  were  by  Small  partys,  whic;h 
mcreased  according  to  their  Success  &  as  they  found  they 
met  with  Httle  or  no  Opposition. 

I  truly  thank  for  Your  Lordship  for  signifying  the  King's 
Commands,  with  respect  to  the  Two  Troops  of  Horse  I  raised 
on  the  Joint  Address  of  both  Houses  of  Assembly  in  June 
last  but  have  not  to  this  Day  receiv'd  a  Line  from  the 
Commander  in  Chief  on  that  Subject,  &  having  been  under 
the  Necessity  of  drawing  on  the  Lords  of  the  Treasury  on 
that  Occasion — Your  Lordships  lajdng  my  Memorial  before 
them  tt  recommending  it  to  the  Board  to  Accept  my  Bills  is 
a  Singular  Mark  of  your  Attention,  for  which  we  are  all 
much  Indebted  to  your  Lordship,  as  well  as  for  what  you  are 
pleased  to  mention  with  respect  to  Mr.  Wests  apjilying  to 
the  Lords  of  the  Treasury  for  payment  of  the  Bills  drawn 
for  the  Purchase  of  Provisions  for  the  Loyal  Refugees. 

The  Su])port  of  these  People  My  Lord  is  Certaiidy  a  great 
Expence  to  Government,  but  what  could  we  possibly  do  ? 
when  Men,  Women  &  Children  who  had  Comfortable  Houses 
of  their  Own  &.  lived  in  plenty,  came  Crowding  in  upon  us, 
Stript  of  every  thing  and  almost  Naked,  merely  on  account 
of  their  Loyalty,  there  was  an  absolute  necessity  to  receive 
them  &  they  could  not  go  naked  &  perish  for  hunger  in  our 
Streets  &  Connnon — and  had  they  not  been  received  &c.  the 
whole  Famihes  nnist  have  gone  back  to  the  Rebels  &  made 
their  Peace  on  any  terms,  whereas  could  they  yet  be  sup- 
ported, I  am  Convinced  beyond  a  doubt  that  the  generality 
of  them  would  behave  as  good  &  Loyal  Subjects,  but  as  we 
are  not  assisted  from  any  Quarter,  its  impossible  to  say  what 
they  may  not  be  drove  or  forced  to  do. 

I  cannot  ans''  for  your  Lordships  intelligence  from  other 
Gentlemen,  but  /have  not  either  seen  or  heard  any  thing  like 
Peace  or  I'lmKjuiUt//  here  or  in  S°  CaroUna  since  last  Febru- 


ary — We  might  have  had  liolh  if  the  Tr()()])S  had  lujt  gone 
into  Virginia,  but  that  Movement  put  an  end  to  all  Peace  <fe 
Quietude  this  way,  as  I  Plainly  Saw  &  wrote  your  Lordship 
full  12  M""  ago — &  S"  Carolina  has  been  from  that  time  k 
still  is  quite  the  reverse  of  being  our  Friend  <fe  Protector,  as 
Your  Lordship  wishes  k  Expected.  We  have  really  k  Truly 
need  of  every  kind  of  assistance  we  can  possibly  get  &  that 
without  any  delay. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lord  Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  k  obed*  Serv* 

Ja.  Wright. 
The  Right  Hon'^'''  Lord  Geo.  Germam 

His  Maj*'*'*'  Principal  Secretary  of  State  <fec.  &c,  &c. 

R  29th  May. 
Trip*"  Orig'  k  Dup.  not  reced. 

GOV.   SIR   JAS.    WRIGHT    TO  SEC.   LORD  G.  GER- 


16  Febeuaky  1783. 

No.  63.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  16th  of  Feb'"^  1782. 

My  Lord, 

In  my  Letter  No.  56,  by  way  of  New  York,  I  wrote  your 
Lordship  the  Situation  we  were  then  in  k  the  ad^dce  we  had 
Just  received  from  Lieutenant  General  Leslie  of  Charles 
Town  the  Substance  of  which  I  at  that  time  wrote  to  Sir 
Henry  Clinton  k  Pressed  him  earnestly  to  send  us  a  Rein- 
forcement for  our  Immediate  Relief  k  assistance  &c.  and  have 
now  the  Honor  to  Inclose  you  liis  Answer  to  my  Letter,  a 
Transcript  of  the  first  Part  I  have  Sent  to  Charles  Town  to 
General  Leslie  k  Pressed  him  for  the  Reinforcement  he  had 
once  ordered  to  come  here,  but  afterwards  Countermanded, 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  \V.  lud.  vol.  298. 



Tho  Liittov  Tart  of  Sir  H.  C's  letter  is  really  so  Extraordinary 
that  it  re(|uires  no  (Jc^mment  &  thus  your  Lonlship  Sees  how 
all  Applications  for  His  Majesty's  Service  arc  regarded,  and 
when  Othcers  here  assert  that  Sir  H.  C.  has  20,000  Troops 
■with  him.  I  also  Inclose  Your  Lordship  an  Extract  of  a 
hotter  from  Sir  H.  C.  to  General  Leslie,  by  which  your  Lord- 
ship will  see  the  Idea  those  Generals  have  with  Kespect  to 
this  Province. 

our  Present  Situation  at  Savanah  Continues  as  it  has  been 
for  some  time,  the  Rebels  dare  not  yet  attack  us  here  and 
Col.  Clarke  the  Commander  of  the  King's  Troops,  does  not 
think  it  Prudent  or  Advisable  to  go  out  against  them,  so  that 
they  have  the  Comnumd  of  the  whole  Country  &  some  times 
come  within  a  mile  or  two  of  the  Town  &  Small  Partys  much 

Its  Impossible  to  Say  when  or  how  this  matter  will  be 
brought  to  a  Point.  I  am  Persuaded  they  Certainly  Expect 
a  Elect  on  the  Coast  and  Give  out  that  they  also  Expect  the 
Pensylvania  Line  or  a  Body  of  French  Troops  fi'om  the 
Northward  and  if  these  things  are  so,  I  Conclude  they  wait 
their  arrival. 

Yesterday  my  Lord  I  Received  Intelligence  that  two  Partys 
of  about  140  in  the  whole  were  gone  over  Ogechee  Eerry 
towards  the  Alatamaha  River,  &  had  been  in  St.  Andrews 
Parish  (a  Scotch  Settlement)  &  there  Murdered  12  or  13 
Loyal  Subjects,  these  things  are  Cruel  beyond  Measure  &  we 
can  get  no  Relief  or  assistance,  how  happy  would  it  make  me 
to  have  it  in  my  Power  to  write  your  Lordship  a  Pleasing 
letter,  but  that  time  is  yet  to  Come  &  out  of  Sight. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem 
My  Lords  Y^our  Lordships 

most  obliged  &  obed*  Serv*^ 

Ja,  Wright, 
The  Right  Hon^'^*"  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
Eor  America  <fec.  &c.  <fec. 

R  29th  May. 
(Trip"  Orig>  &  Dup"  not  reccd.) 

LETTERS    FllOM    Sill   JAMES    WlilGlIT.  371 



IG  Fehkuaky  1783. 

Savanah  tlie  IGth  of  Feb.  1782. 
D"^  Sir, 

You  will  See  the  Present  State  of  affairs  here  by  my  Letter 
to  Lord  George  Germain  No.  63  The  Generals  &c.  &c.  have 
always  Set  their  faces  against  this  Province,  as  I  have 
frequently  Wrote  you,  and  I  Can't  tell  why,  unless  it  is 
because  the  King  has  thought  Proper  to  Re-establish  his 
Civil  Government  here — which  the  Mihtary  Cannot  bear — 
and  I  have  long  Seen  they  will  do  Nothmg  for  us,  without  a 
Positive  order  from  Home  &  which  may  now  be  too  late.  I 
write  thmgs  to  you,  that  may  not  be  Proper  to  Write  to  Lord 
George  Germain  &  for  the  King  to  See.  but  yet  you  may 
think  he  ought  to  know  them,  as  in  some  measure  Necessary 
for  him  to  Judge  of  &  Regulate  himself  by — had  not  the 
Civil  Government  been  Re-established  here,  I  have  not  a 
Doubt  but  this  Province  would  have  been  Evacuated  long 

and  I  am  Persuaded  there  was  a  time,  when  I  was  very 
Instrumental  in  Saving  it,  and  their  Present  Ideas,  you  will 
See  by  the  Extract  of  Sir  H.  C's  letter  to  General  Leslie,  and 
which  Appears  to  be  in  Answer  to  a  Letter  he  must  have 
Received  from  him  and  this  I  think  Accounts  for  his  Count- 
ermanding &  Stopj)ing  the  Remforcement  he  had  Ordered 
for  this  Place,  but  be  it  as  it  may,  you  See  I  can  get  Nothing 
from  them. 

God  knows  what  our  Fate  will  be,  Neglected  as  we  are. 
But  this  I  know,  that  the  Military  at  N.  Y.  and  I  believe 
every  where  give  the  viattcr  up  &  I  have  Reason  to  believe 
are  so  Imprudent  as  to  have  Said  so  ever  Since  the  Unfor- 
tunate affair  of  Lord  C. 

Whose  Fault  that  w^as,  does  not  Lye  wdth  me  to  give  any 
opinion  upon,  but  it  is  what  I  always  Dreaded  &  indeed 
Expected  from  the  first.     I  am  vastly  impatient  to  know  the 

*  p.  R.  O.     Am.  &  W.  lutl.  vol.  298. 

372  LETTEKS   FllOM    SHI   JAMES   WltlGIIT. 

Plan  which  may  have  been  adoj)teiT  Since  the  above  Event, 
but  Something  NeAV  &  very  different  Seen)S  Necessary  and  I 
am  Convinced  Nothing  avlU  be  attempted  any  where  but  just 
to  Hokl  the  Towns  or  Garrisons,  every  Insult  &  every  Depre- 
dation the  Rebels  Choose  to  offer  or  Commit  will  be  Suffered 
with  Impnniiij  till  orders  are  Eec'd  from  Home  after  Lord 
C's  arrival.  What  do  you  think  of  20,000  Men  at  New  York 
Sc  its  Depcuidancies  &  yet  to  Send  None  here  &  his  letter  is  a 
curious  Jund)le.  also  near  6,000  at  Charles  ToA\-n  where  he 
Says  3,000  are  Suff*  but  None  Can  be  Spared  to  come  here. 
I  could  Sa}'  much,  very  much  but  I  am  not  sure  you  may 
receive  this  letter.  I  intend  to  Answer  Sir  H.  C's  absurd 
letter  &  shew  him  the  weakness  folly  &  danger  of  that 
unnecessary  Delay,  w'cli  I  think  is  only  a  Shuffling  Pretence, 
I  am  D^'  Sir 

very  truly  &  affect'^  Yoiirs 

Ja,  Whight. 
William  Knox,  Esq. 

P.  S.  the  Vessell  with  the  Accoutrements  is  just  come  round 
&  I  am  told  General  Leslie  has  taken  out  100,  by  what 
Eight  I  know  not  but  Force  of  Arms  &  Prejudice  ag*"*^- 
this  Province. 

Pv  6th  June. 



33  February  1783. 

Savanah  23  Feb.  1782. 
D«  Sir, 

I  have  this  Moment  Reced  a  letter  from  General  Leslie,  by 
which  I  find  we  are  not  to  Expect  any  Reinforcement  from 

*  p.  II.  0.    .\iu.  &  W.  lud,  vol.  29a. 


liim,  (I  think) — unless  a  Foreign  Force  comes,  and  all  that 
we  have  had,  is  the  Ilemains  of  the  7th  Regiment  Sa^'  about 
130  Rank  &  file,  tt  also  Some  Hessian  Recruits,  Sent  from 
New  York  to  Charles  Town  and  from  thence  hero,  amounting 
to  95  &  from  40  to  50  British  Say  in  the  whole  about  270 
Rank  &  file,  the  Recniits  must  have  come  at  any  Rate  to 
Join  their  Corps. 

about  170  Chactaw  Indians  are  come  here,  122  Men  and 
the  Rest  Women  &  Children  &  Mr.  Graham  has  Applied  to 
me  for  Part  of  the  Indian  Presents  to  Give  them  &  also  to 
Send  to  the  Chactaw  Nation.  These  People  came  across  the 
Country  to  the  Alatamaha  River,  and  hearing  that  Some 
Partys  of  Rebels  were  gone  to  mtercept  them.  Messengers 
were  Sent  to  Stop  'em,  and  Boats  Dispatched  to  bring  them 
by  water  &  they  got  safe  here,  all  but  about  15,  who  Rambled 
away  by  Land,  3  of  which  we  hear  the  Rebels  killed  &  the 
other  12  we  don't  yet  Certainly  know^  what  is  become  of,  be 
Pleased  to  Acquaint  Lord  George  Germain  with  these 
Matters,  altho'  I  Presume  Mr.  Graham  will  write  his  Lord- 
ship fuUy  about  the  Indian  aftairs. 

Appearances  are  very  gloomy — Sir  P.  Houstown  &  his 
Brother  William,  Lately  come  from  England  &  Mr.  David 
Douglass  formerly  a  Rebel  but  one  who  had  taken  the  Oaths, 
had  a  Commission  from  me  tt  who  we  all  had  a  Great  opinion 
of.  Joined  the  Rebels  in  our  Neighbourhood  a  day  or  2  ago 
and  I  am  Informed  beyond  a  doubt,  that  my  life  is  Threatened 
&  that  ofi'ers  have  been  made  to  General  Wayne,  to  assassi- 
nate me,  or  Carry  me  off,  which  he  Chooses.  &  in  this  Situ- 
ation I  am  at  Present.  &  ought  to  have  been  in  England  long 
ago,  &.  Sure  I  am  it  would  have  been  for  the  King's  Service. 
The  Hessians  Desert  fast,  26  have  gone  off  within  less  than 
a  Month,  &  I  wish  they  may  be  sound  at  the  bottom,  if  we 
Should  be  Pushed. 

I  have  answered  Sir  H.  Clintons  absurd  letter  and  sIictmi 
him  the  Danger  of  that  Unnecessary  delay.  The  Vessel  with 
the  Accoutrements  &c.  &c.  is  just  come  round  and  I  find 
General  Leslie  has  taken  out  100  by  what  Right  I  know  not, 
but  Force  of  arms  &:.  Possiblj-  Prejudice  ag*"'  this  Province. 

a  Grand  Error  to  Re-establish  Civil  Governra*  it  not  Sup- 


port  &  Protect  tliat  ProviBce  against  all  Attempts  whatever, 
this  ought  Certainly  to  have  been  done,  as  I  Presume  the 
intention  was  to  be  an  Example  to  the  other  Colonies  &  to 
Shew  the  Difference  between  the  Blessings  of  the  Kings 
Peace  &  Civil  Government  &c.  and  Rebel  Tyranny  etc.  but 
God  knows  we  have  had  Little  Peace  here. 
I  am  D"-  Sir 

Very  Truly  &  Affect'^  Yours 

Ja.  WiaGiiT. 

P.  S.  4th  March  The  Hessians  Contmue  to  Desert  &  it 
becomes  a  most  Serious  &  Dangerous  matter,  and  I  See  but 
one  thing  to  be  taken,  but  I  Suppose  the  Person  who  may  do 
it,  will  not  &  I  fear  we  have  Nothing  to  Expect.  I  am 
Momently  Looking  for  Letters  from  England,  Subsequent  to 
the  Account  of  Lord  C's  Defeat  etc.  and  I  think  I  See  Clearly 
that  it  is  not  intended  to  do  any  thing  till  then,  in  Short  Sir 
we  are  all  wrong  ct  doing  wrong,  or  Nothing.  I  refer  you  to 
my  Several  late  Letters  ct  Shall  only  add  that  we  are  a 
Neglected  People  Struggling  Hard,  a  Party  of  Rebels  came 
here  last  Tuesday  Night  &  Burn't  me  another  Barn,  almost 
within  Musket  Shot  of  the  Town,  this  is  the  Tenth  Barn 
they  have  Burn't  of  Mine.  Fine  ample  Protection  to  Civil 
Government,  even  within  Musket  Shot  of  oiir  Lines !  the 
Party  Consisted  of  about  50  Horse  our  Expences  &  my  Bills 
on  the  Lords  of  the  Treasury  Run  high,  but  Loyal  Refugees 
must  not  Perish  with  Hunger  in  our  Streets. 

5tli  March.  The  Rebel  Governor  Martin  now  at  Ebenezer 
has  Issued  3  Proclamations,  one  to  the  Kings  Troops,  one  to 
the  Hessians  and  another  to  the  Militia,  Liviting  them  all  to 
Revolt  <t  Join  the  Virtuous  Americans  against  the  Tyranny 
of  the  British  Government  and  for  which  each  man  is  to 
have  200  Acres  of  Land  &  a  Cow  etc.  and  Excepting  all  those 
who  are  included  in  the  former  Rebel  Bill  of  Attainder  tt  a 
Number  of  others  Named  in  the  Proclamation — and  3000 
French  Troops  are  on  their  way  from  Virginia  tt  yet  we  can 
get  no  assistance,  tt  all  my  letters  are  disregarded.  Pray 
Mind  that  I  mean  this  so  far  as  a  Puhliv  letter,  that  it  be 
shewn  to  Lord  George  Germain,  tt  altho'  I  don't  write  to  him 


now,  yet  I  think  it  for  His  Majesty's  Service  that  he  shonKl 
know  what  I  write  or  at  least  the  substanee  of  it.  I  have 
Sent  Copys  of  the  Rebel  Procl"''  to  Gont^ral  Leslie  &  Inclose 
yon  a  Copy  of  my  Letter  to  him  with  th(i  Address  of  the 
Assembly  &  the  Proclamations. 

R  6th  June. 


27  March  1783. 

No.  04.  Savanah  in  Georgia  the  27th  of  March  1782. 

My  Lord, 

I  have  the  Honor  to  Inclose  your  Lordship  a  Copy  of  my 
Account  of  the  Expenditure  of  the  ,£5000  from  the  5th  of 
November  1781  to  the  21st  of  January  1782,  which  I  Trust 
will  be  approved  of.  the  Vouchers  which  were  Produced  in 
Council,  I  Dare  not  Venture  to  Send,  but  by  a  Ship  of  War. 
I  also  Inclose  your  Lordship  a  Copy  of  the  Accounts  for 
Supporting  the  Troops  of  Horse,  The  Refugees,  Militia  &c. 
which  I  Likewise  Trust  will  be  Approved  of. 

I  have  the  Honor  to  be  with  Perfect  Esteem  my  Lord, 
Your  Lordships 

most  obliged  and  obed^  Ser* 

Ja.  Weight. 
The  Right  Hon^^®  Lord  George  Germain 

His  Majesty's  Principal  Secretary  of  State 
for  America  &c.  &c.  &c. 

R  29th  May. 

*  p.  R.  O.    Am.  &  W.  lud.  vol.  2'J8. 



[Read  Jiui.  1777.  | 

To  the  Right  Hon'''''  Lord  George  Germain  His  Maj(^sty's 
Principal  Secretary  of  State  for  America. 

The  hunilJe  Memorial  of  John  Grahame,  Esq. 
Lieutenant  Governor  of  the  Province  of  Georgia, 


That  your  Memorialist  has  had  the  honor  of  lieing  one  of 
His  Majesty's  Council  in  Georgia  since  the  year  1763,  and 
has  with  Zeal  for  the  King's  Service,  ever  faithfully  dis- 
charged his  Duty  in  that  Station,  and  humbly  hopes  his 
Services  were  acceptable  to  his  Majesty,  having  been  lately 
honored  wdth  his  Commission  of  Lieutenant  Governor  of  the 
said  Province. 

That  Your  Memoriahst  having  from  his  steady  and  uniform 
Opposition  to  the  Measures  pursued  for  involving  the  Prov- 
ince of  Georgia  in  the  present  unnatural  Rebellion,  rendered 
liimself  particularly  obnoxious  to  the  Leaders  of  that  Party, 
he  was  pointed  out  by  them  as  an  Object  for  the  resentment 
of  the  People — and  on  the  19th  of  Janu^'  last  was  made  a 
Prisoner  by  the  Rebels  with  Sir  James  Wright  his  Majesty's 
Governor  in  Chief,  and  tho'  he  was  with  him  released,  yet  in 
a  few  days  afterwards,  he  received  private  information  that  it 
was  again  detcu-mined  to  confine  him,  upon  which  lie  was 
obliged  to  conceal  himself  night  and  day  in  Swamps  for  a 
considerable  time,  exposed  to  all  the  inclemencies  of  the 
weather,  untill  he  f(n'tunately  made  his  escape  on  board  the 
Kings  Ships,  where  he  remained  till  they  were  ready  to  sail 

*P.  R.  O.    Georgia.    B.  T.  vol.  33. 


for  Boston — during  which  time  Capt.  Barkley  of  His  Majesty's 
Ship  Scarbrough  and  Major  Grant  Commanding  a  Detach- 
ment of  the  King's  Troops,  having  in  the  Course  of  their 
Operations  taken  three  Prisoners  who  were  deemed  ])j  the 
Rebels  of  Consequence  to  their  Party,  a  Negotiation  was  set 
on  foot  for  their  Release,  which  on  certain  conditions  was 
agreed  to,  and  amongst  other  things,  it  was  an  express  stipu- 
lation made  that  Your  Memorialist  should  on  giving  seven 
days  Notice  to  their  Committees  be  allowed  to  bring  away 
his  Family,  and  was  at  a  great  expence  obliged  to  fi-eight  a 
Vessel  for  that  purpose,  And  on- the  13tli  of  May  last,  he 
was  in  consequence  of  the  Stipulation  before  mentioned,  per- 
mitted to  leave  the  Province  with  his  Family,  being  Twelve 
in  number  (exclusive  of  Servants)  but  was  absolutely  pre- 
vented from  bringmg  any  part  of  his  property. 

That  before  your  Memorialist  left  the  Province  the  Rebels 
had  wantonly  burnt  four  Hundred  Barrels  of  Rice,  part  of 
his  last  Year's  Crop,  had  also  in  a  gi-eat  measure  destroyed 
a  valuable  Dwelling  House  in  the  To^vn  of  Savannah,  and 
otherwise  greatly  injured  his  Property. 

Your  Lordship's  Memorialist  having  from  Principle  and 
Attachment  to  His  Majesty's  Person  and  Government,  ever 
approved  himself  a  loyal  Subject  and  faithful  Servant  of  the 
Crown,  claims  no  Merit  from  his  having  done,  what  he  thinks 
was  no  more  than  his  indispensible  Duty,  but  nevertheless, 
humbly  hoj)es  such  his  Conduct,  may  be  the  more  favorably 
received,  when  it  is  considered  that  it  was  at  a  Period,  when 
he  well  knew,  he  was  thereby  risquing  his  all,  and  has  in 
consequence  thereof  been  actually  obliged  to  leave  at  the 
Mercy  of  the  Rebels  a  Fortune  of  Fifty  thousand  pounds 
Sterling  value,  which  consisting  chiefly  in  Negroe  Slaves,  will 
in  all  probability  be  disposed  off  by  the  Rebels,  so  as  to  be 
for  ever  lost  to  him  &  his  Family. 

Your  Memoriahst  being  thus  cut  off,  fi-om  all  prospect  of 
Supplies  from  his  own  Estates  and  being  necessarily  sub- 
jected to  a  great  expence,  for  the  support  of  his  Family  here 
(hitherto  accustomed  to  Kve  in  the  gi*eatest  affluence)  is  laid 
under  the  very  disagi'eeable  necessity  of  making  this  Appli- 


cation,  and  lininbly  hopes  30ur  Lordship,  fi'om  a  considera- 
tion of  the  h(>avy  Losses  -which  lie  lias  ah'cady  sustained,  his 
present  embarrassed  Situation,  and  the  peculiar  circum- 
stances attending  his  case,  be  released  to  recommend  that  a 
Sallary  be  allowed  him  as  Lieutenant  Governor  of  Goor<^ia 
from  the  time  of  his  appointment,  as  some  Relief  and  Assist- 

And  Your  Memorialist  as  in  duty  bound  Shall  ever  Pray 
<fcc.  &c. 

John  Grahame 
Lieut.  Governor  of  Georgia. 


J.  13. 

Read  January  17th  1777. 






C  J I  A  R  1.  ES   C .   JONES,  J  R .. 



FEBRUARY   13TH,  1871, 

A  n  I)  Pv,  Kss. 

"There  is  a  l)an(l  of  far-sliiuing  men  for  Avlioni  the  wliole 
world  is  the  tomb."  As  if  anticipating  his  own  innnortality, 
so  spake  that  splendid  Athenian  wlio,  living,  gave  to  his 
country  an  age  which  has  never  been  eclipsed,  and  dying, 
bequeathed  monuments  of  art,  virtuous  memories  and  mag- 
nificent trophies  which  remain  to  this  day  the  wonder  and 
the  admiration  of  the  civilized  world.  But  it  is  not  to  the 
Olympian  memories  of  Pericles  that  we  consecrate  this  hour. 
Come  we  nearer  home,  and  fi'om  out  that  band  of  far-shining 
men  whose  fame  is  intimately  associated  with  our  own  shores, 
whose  great  deeds  have  imparted  dignity  to  our  peculiar  an- 
nals, select  we  one — a  stranger  by  birth,  a  brother  by  adop- 
tion— a  goodly  knight,  hardy  in  battle,  ever  ready  to  put 
sternest  spear  in  the  rest  when  the  oppressed  needed  a 
champion  and  the  cause  of  Freedom  a  defender.  Him  will 
we  foUow  through  the  nobler  scenes  of  his  valiant  life  to  that 
supreme  moment  when,  within  the  confines  of  this  beautiful 
city  of  Oglethorpe,  he  encountered  his  mortal  hurt  in  the 
brave  and  generous  effort  to  liberate  our  beloved  home  from 
British  rule.  Meet  it  is,  on  this  our  anniversary,  that  we 
revive  such  recollections  in  a  spirit  full  of  gratitude  and  loyal 
appreciation.  As  we  gather  around  the  grave  of  Pulaski, 
catching  the  inspirations  which  are  born  of  his  example  and 
hallowed  by  his  death,  we  will  cherish  more  nearly  our  obli- 
gations to  the  past,  fortify  ourselves  agamst  the  demoralizing 
tendencies  of  the  present,  and  gird  up  our  loins  to  meet  with 
renewed  confidence  the  issues  of  the  future. 

The  dismemberment  of  Poland  will  he  always  regarded  as 
a  surprising  illustration  of  the  "flagitious  wickedness  of  Rus- 
sia, the  unprincipled  accesion  of  Austria,  the  foul  treachery 

386  CASIMIll   rULASKI. 

of  Prussia,  aii.l  the  short-sighted  as  well  as  the  mean  spirited 
acciuiesccnce  of  all  the  other  nations  of  Europe."  To  liussia 
belongs  an  odious  preeminence  in  that  career  of  oppression 
which,  characterized  by  a  disregard  of  the  laws  of  nations 
and  a  ])alpable  violation  of  all  that  was  just  and  hoii()ra])lt^, 
compassed  the  overthrow  of  a  })e()i)le  once  the  })redoniinating 
power  of  the  North,  constituting  a  part  of  the  vanguard  of 
civilization,  contributing  in  no  small  (h'gi'ee  to  the  progress 
of  science,  and  maintaining  an  imp(n'tant  influence  in  the 
European  system.  The  only  representative  of  the  Sarmatian 
race  in  the  assembly  of  civilized  nations,  there  was  nnicli  in 
the  past  history  and  heroic  traditions  of  Poland,  m  the  pecu- 
liarity of  her  language  and  institutions,  in  the  freedom  of 
]>olitical  sentiment  and  the  toleration  of  religious  liberty  en- 
joyed within  her  borders,  which  rendered  her  people  fond  and 
proud  of  their  country  and  fostered  that  spirit  of  national 
attachment  which,  in  peace,  is  the  surest  guaranty  of  the 
general  Avelfare — the  truest  pledge  of  success  m  the  stormy 
hour  of  battle. 

An  essential  member  of  the  federative  S3'stem  of  France, 
by  her  vicinity  to  Turkey  and  influence  on  the  commerce  of 
the  Baltic  afl'ecting  the  general  interests  of  Europe,  and  by 
her  physical  position, — independent  of  all  pohtical  consider- 
ations,— in  a  gieat  measure  preventing  a  collision  betAveen 
the  three  leading  military  Powers  of  the  contment,  it  appeared 
highly  necessary  that  the  integrity  of  Poland  should  have 
been  jealously  preserved  and  vigorously  defended  by  her 
sister  States.  Under  existmg  circumstances,  a  dismember- 
ment seemed  an  event  not  much  more  probable  than  that  the 
physical  outlines  of  this  country  should  have  been  suddenly 
obliterated  by  a  convulsion  of  nature.  Nevertheless,  the 
territory  of  this  ancient  and  patriotic  people,  without  color 
of  right  or  pretext  of  defense,  in  absolute  defiance  of  the 
principles  of  common  humanit}',  in  derogation  of  all  political 
rights,  and  in  direct  violation  of  plighted  faith  and  sealed 
compact,  was  sundered,  divided  and  parceled  out  among 
neighboring  nations,  whose  only  excuse  for  the  perpetration 
of  this  outrage  was  an  alleged  preservation  of  the  balance  of 
power.    Balance  of  power !    A  horrid  phantom  which  time 

ADDKESS  J5Y  CllAllLES  C.  JONES,  JK.  387 

and  aj^ain  has  reared  its  hideous  front,  frighteninjj;  jieace  and 
haj)piness  from  their  h'.j^itiniate  abodes! — a  modern  Mohjch, 
upon  whose  altars  ambitious,  designing  kings  and  i)otentates 
have  sacrificed  more  innocent  blood  than  the  repentant  tears 
of  Europe  can  for  centuries  blot  out. 

This  anidhilation  of  the  political  existence  of  Poland  was 
not  the  work  of  a  moment,  or  the  quiet  consumnuition  of  in- 
trigues conducted  in  the  privy  councils  of  royalty.  It  was 
accomplished  oidy  when  the  strong  hand  of  ()})pression, — 
rendered  triply  powerful  by  an  unholy  alliance, — had  again 
and  again  beaten  into  the  dust  brave  arms  uplifted  in  that 
most  righteous  cause,  the  defense  of  a  nation's  honor  and 
liberty;  only  when  thousands  had  yielded  up  their  lives  in 
that  holy  behalf,  leaving  to  their  sons  and  to  men  of  all  ages 
examples  of  the  glorious  martyrdom  of  those  who  prefer 
poverty,  expatriation,  aye,  death  itself;  to  a  life  and  citizenship 
subjected  to  the  outrages  of  an  unfeeling  and  inhuman  des- 

The  sole  right  invoked  in  justification  of  the  partition,  was 
one  which  only  tyrants  and  freebooters  dare  to  claim — "the 
right  of  superior  physical  force." 

To  the  shame  of  men  and  government  be  it  s})oken,  this 
brutal  right  has  found,  and  is  still  finding  fearful  assertion 
even  in  these  latter  days  of  boasted  civilization,  and  against 
men  conservative  in  their  views,  observant  of  compacts, 
honest  in  their  efforts  to  maintain  the  rights  of  personal 
liberty  and  private  property,  pure  in  honor,  inferior  to  none 
in  valor,  and  unsurpassed  in  their  devotion  to  the  changeless 
principles  of  truth  and  justice.  I  mean  the  peoples  recently 
composing  the  Southern  Confederacy. 

By  Russia  the  war  was  conducted  with  a  treachery,  rapa- 
city, falsehood  and  cruelty  not  unworthy  the  suggestions  of  a 
Caligula,  while  on  the  part  of  the  Poles  it  constituted  one  of 
the  noblest  struggles  for  independence  the  world  has  ever 
witnessed, — an  eftbrt  prompted  not  by  blind  despair,  but 
born  of  a  firm  resoluticjn,  sustamed  by  a  well-founded  hope, 
and  characterized  by  high-toned  sentiment — the  love  of 
country  and  freedom,  humanity  and  justice.* 

*§ee  Pulaski's  address  to  Iv-^  little  ^rmy  atatioued  at  Barr. 


Any  .ittciiipt  to  ovcrtlirow  the  intlcpcndencc  of  a  people  once 
invested  with  the  privileges  of  liberty,  can  never  be  success- 
ful unless  there  be  a  total  annihilation  of  those  intellectual 
and  moral  qualities  forming  the  commonwealth  and  dis- 
tinguishing it  from  other  communities.  The  devastating 
sword  may  lay  bare  the  fairest  homes,  and  the  iron  heel  of 
war  trample  fertile  fields  into  desert  wastes.  The  schemes  of 
the  oppressor  and  the  armies  of  the  tyrant  may  for  a  time 
paralyze  the  impulses  and  check  an  expression  of  the  nobler 
feelings,  but  the  national  spirit  will  live.  It  will  live  in  the 
silent  caves  of  the  mountains,  in  the  shadows  of  the  forests, 
in  valleys  ba})tized  by  the  blood  of  heroes,  in  holy  memories 
of  a  heroic  past,  in  the  glorious  recollections  transmitted  by 
patriots  and  martyrs  who  gave  their  lives  for  its  support, — 
above  all,  in  the  sacred  recesses  of  uuconquered  hearts,  and, 
upon  the  first  occasion,  like  the  returning  fire  of  a  slumber- 
ing volcano,  it  will  kindle  into  renewed  animation  and  vigor. 
As  of  old,  in  mythical  times,  those  who  held  sway  over  the 
elements  were  giants  born  of  night  and  chaos,  so  amid  polit- 
ical changes  which  convulse  nations,  and  in  perilous  epochs 
pregnant  with  unusual  issues,  from  out  the  very  vortex  of 
general  apprehension,  irresolution,  uncertainty  and  dismay, 
arise  master  spirts,  who,  lifting  themselves  above  the  com- 
mon level  and  gaining  the  ascendency  over  their  weaker  fel- 
lows, seem  constituted  for  the  emergency  and  ordained  for  the 

We  are  accustomed  to  regard  with  emotions  near  akin  to 
veneration,  the  men  and  great  deeds  of  the  past.  When  the 
actor  in  person  no  longer  participates  in  the  scenes  of  his 
triumphs,  when  time  has  cast  its  forgetful  shadows  over  that 
historic  group  in  which  the  outlines  of  the  (central  figure  ai'e 
alone  clearly  discernable,  it  not  uufrequently  happens  that 
the  rough-hewn  image  of  former  days  rises  before  the  imagi- 
native eyes  of  succeeding  generations  into  all  the  dignity, 
beauty  and  ])roportion  of  a  finished  masterpiece.  The  elo- 
quence of  the  orator  falls  upon  the  ear  in  more  conmianding 
tones  as  it  comes  repeated  l)y  the  echoes  of  centuries,  and 
the  gleam  of  the  warrior's  sword  seems  brightest  when  its 
Hashes  leap  from  out  the  darkness  of  the  long  ago.     The 


strong  fortress  of  to-day,  with  its  heavy  bastions  and  bur- 
nished l^atteries,  is  in  many  respects  far  less  attractive  than 
the  old  castle  bending  beneath  the  weight  of  years,  its  towers 
overshadowed  by  the  clustering  ivy,  its  deserted  halls  tapes- 
tried with  the  moss  of  unrecorded  summers.  Age  does  in- 
deed impart  a  dignity  to  and  impress  a  seal  of  consecration 
upon  men  and  matter.  While  we  admire  the  virtues  and  the 
achievements  of  former  times,  it  does  not  become  us,  how- 
ever, to  regard  lightly  the  capabilities  of  the  present,  or, 
through  false  comparisons,  to  disparage  the  future.  Human 
nature,  human  intellect  and  human  impulses, — although  in 
their  essentials  nearly  alike  in  every  age, — are  still  progres- 
sive and  expanding,  and  we  are  encouraged  in  the  belief 
that  right  and  justice  must  eventually  prevail. 

But  two  years  since  Polish  exiles — assembled  from  various 
countries  in  Europe — inaugurated  upon  Swiss  soil  a  monu- 
ment conmiemorative  of  their  nation's  long  and  unsuccessful 
struggle  for  independence.  It  consists  of  a  column  of  black 
marble  surmounted  by  the  white  eagle  of  Poland.  Upon  the 
four  sides  of  its  pedestal,  in  Pohsh,  French,  German  and 
Latin,  is  engraved  this  moving  appeal :  "The  immortal  geniiis 
of  Poland,  unsulxhed  after  a  struggle  of  o,  hnndred  years,  on 
free  Helvetian  soil  appeals  to  the  justice  of  God  and  man.''' 

Scarce  a  month  ago,  this  city  rendered  the  profoundest 
tribute  ever  paid  within  her  limits  to  the  memory  of  man. 
From  hoary  age  to  lisping  infancy,  with  one  heart  did  we 
unite  in  extending  the  highest  posthumous  honors  to  our 
great  and  beloved  captain,  Robert  Edward  Lee.  That  day 
witnessed  the  power  of  Confederate  memories,  the  j^athos  of 
Confederate  emotions  and  the  devotion  of  Confederate 
hearts.  Most  tenderly  sympathizing  in  the  kindred  sorrows 
which  befel  the  Sarmatians  in  their  struggle  for  indepen- 
dence, and  sharing  with  them  those  hopes  for  the  future, 
which,  despite  the  disappointments,  the  injuries  and  the  in- 
justice of  the  present,  we  cherish  so  sacredly  in  our  own 
behalf,  we  can  but  trust  that  the  time  will  come  in  the  good 
providence  of  Him  who  can  bring  light  out  of  darkness  and 
break  all  bands  in  sunder,  when  even  dismembered  Poland, 
gathering  her  expatriated  sons  from  the  east  and  Avest,  the 


iiortli  and  south,  and  arising  from  her  vassalage,  shall  stand 
again  in  the  sisterhood  of  nations  in  all  the  freshness  and 
vigor  of  a  regenerated  political  (existence. 

Among  the  names  which  in  the  eighteenth  century  lent  a 
lustre  to  romance  and  a  dignity  to  history,  few  have  descend- 
ed to  us  invested  with  greater  attractions  than  that  of 
Kasimir  Pulaski.  Born  with  rank  and  fortune — his  father 
an  able  jurist* — his  family  ancient  and  influential — his  early 
years  were  spent  in  careful  study,  in  the  acquisition  of  a 
tlu^rough  military  education,  and  in  the  cultivation  of  those 
elevated  principles  which  so  signally  distinguished  him  in 
after  life.t  Inwrought  in  the  very  constitution  of  his  soul 
were  an  affection  for  free  institutions  and  a  genuine  devotion 
to  the  best  interests  of  his  country.  Surveying  with  anxious 
eye  the  political  and  social  condition  of  Poland,  it  was  Avith 
the  livehest  regi^et  he  observed  the  seeds  of  discord  thickly 
sown  where  should  have  flourished  only  unity  of  purpose 
and  generous  afliliation.  He  beheld  the  nobility  of  the  laud, 
powerful  in  wealth,  rank,  and  in  the  number  of  adherents, 
destitute  of  high  resolves  and  enfeebled  by  dissensions.  The 
humiliating  condition  into  which  his  country  had  been  pre- 
cipitated by  the  imbecihty  of  Stanislaus  Augustus  and  the 
interference  of  Russian  intrigue,  awakened  his  profound  sor- 
row and  undisguised  indignation.  Turning  to  the  constitu- 
tion of  Poland,  venerable  for  its  anti(iuity,  he  became  per- 
suaded that  it  was  "ill  contrived,  without  central  vigor  and 
wholly  unsuited  to  the  present  crisis."  And  yet  he  could 
not  resist  the  impression  that  the  great  heart  of  the  nation — 
once  aroused  to  an  intelHgent  appreciation  of  the  threatened 
dangers — would  beat  in  unison  with  his  (nvn.  He  saw  the 
genius  of  Lil)erty  enthroned  upon  the  hills  which  reared  their 
everlasting  heads  about  him,  recognized  her  influence  in  the 
free  air  which  floated  over  forest  and  valley,  and  heard  her 
voice  alike  in  the  manly  traditions  of  his  race  and  in  the  im- 
petuous torrents  leaping  so  fearlessly  through  their  rock-worn 

*He  belougeil  to  the  class  of  the  nobility,  was  the  SOnos'e,  or  Chief  Magistrate  of  Ware<-h, 
and  stood  high  in  public  esteem  as  a  man  of  abilitity  and  integrity.  His  associations  were 
with  the  first  families,  particularly  with  the  princely  house  of  (^zartorinsky. 

tSee  "Histoire  de  rAuarchie  de  Pologne  et  du  Demenjbrement  de  cette  Republiipie,  par 
cl  KuUiiere."     Tome  troisienie  pp  39-40.     Paris,  1807. 


cliannels.  Ho  knew  that  the  iiiliabitaiits  of  such  a  land — the 
people  of  such  descent — must  love  freedom  and  hate  oppres- 
sion, that  only  a  rallying-point  was  wanted  to  evoke  the 
national  spirit  of  the  Poles  and  unite  them  in  an  earnest  vin- 
dication of  their  claims  to  personal  and  political  liberty. 

Scarcely  had  his  youthful  form  attained  the  strength  and 
proportions  of  manhood,  when  we  find  him,  with  his  father 
and  brothers,  drafting  and  signing  a  secret  compact  where- 
by they  solemnly  pledged  their  time,  fortunes,  energies  and 
lives  to  the  glorious  mission  of  accomplishing  the  redemption 
of  Poland.  This  became  the  noted  confederation  of  Barr — 
the  model  of  all  others  which,  during  the  four  subsequent 
years,  sprang  up  at  various  points.*  Nor  does  this  step  ap- 
pear to  have  been  taken  without  due  deliberation.  There 
was  nothing  in  it  of  careless  endeavor  or  passing  amusement. 
It  involved  present  abnegation  and  coming  peril.  ^Elius 
PcBtus  with  his  own  teeth  tore  in  pieces  a  woodpecker  be- 
cause the  augur,  when  consulted,  replied  if  the  bird  lived  the 
house  of  ^Elius  would  flourish,  but  if  it  died  the  prosperity 
of  the  State  would  prevail.  So  Pulaski,  repudiating  the 
honors  and  emoluments  which  would  certainly  have  been  his 
had  he  courted  Russian  influence,  or  sympathized  with  the 
schemes  of  the  dominant  party,  sacrificing  all  interests  of  a 
personal  and  selfish  character,  laying  aside  every  claim  to 
promotion  by  virtue  of  acknowledged  rank  and  family  posi- 
tion, and  devoting  his  patrimony  to  the  furtherance  of  the 
cause  of  the  Revolutionists,  entered  the  lists  of  the  friends 
of  freedom  without  pretensions,  but  with  a  strong  arm  and  a 
determination  to  consecrate  his  every  ability  to  the  liberation 
of  a  land  endeared  to  him  by  holiest  ties.  Such  was  the 
vigor  of  his  intellect,  such  the  wisdom  of  his  plans,  so  fear- 
less his  counsels,  and  so  intrepid  his  action,  that  in  a  few 
months  he  became  one  of  the  acknowledged  and  favorite 
leaders  of  the  Patriots.  In  the  bosoms  of  the  brothers  Pu- 
laski, the  votive  spirit  of  their  honored  father  awakened 
a  kindred  response.  In  fervid  langiiage  did  they  portray  the 
glory  of  accomplishing  the  regeneration  of  their  country,  as 

*See  Sparks's  Life  of  Pulaski.    Library  of  American  Biograpliy,  vol.  xiv,  p.  337.    Bcston. 


from  point  to  point  they  journeyed,  awakening  the  public 
mind  to  a  realizing  sense  of  the  true  p(iliti(!al  condition  of 
Poland  and  to  an  ai)preciati()n  of  the  humiliating  results 
Avliich  would  inevitably  How  from  a  quiet  acquiesence  in  the 
l)olii'y  prescribed  by  llussia  and  her  minions.  Such  was  the 
enthusiasm  engendered  by  their  presence  and  manly  exhorta- 
tions, that  young  and  old  caught  the  inspiration.  Like  the 
mothers  and  daughters  of  our  own  revolution,  the  women  of 
Poland  enthusiastically  pledged  their  aid,  their  jewels  and 
their  prayers  in  furtherance  of  the  grand  enterprise.  Monks 
and  devotees  acknowledged  the  patriotic  contagion,  and, 
quitting  tlunr  altars,  marched  about  the  country  with  crosses 
and  flying  banners,  investing  tlie  crusade  against  tyranny 
with  the  sanction  of  their  countenance  and  their  benedic- 

Confederations  were  multiplied,  and  thus  it  came  to  pass 
that  the  ground-work  of  resistance  was  fully  laid.  These 
movements,  secretly  inaugurated,  soon  became  too  conspicu- 
ous not  to  attract  the  attention  of  the  Royalists.  Orders 
issued  by  the  King  to  quell  these  growing  disturl)ances  but 
added  fuel  to  the  flame.  Force  was  repelled  by  force,  and 
soon  throughout  the  length  and  breadth  of  the  land,  the  sub- 
dued nnirmur  of  resistance  was  succeeded  by  the  shout  and 
tumult  of  contending  armies.  "The  name  which  soon  eclipsed 
all  others  and  which  became  one  of  the  surest  hopes  of  the 
nation,  when  the  multiplied  faults  of  the  Turks  no  longer  permit- 
ted them  to  lend  succor  to  the  Poles,  was  that  of  young  Oasimir 
Pulaski,  always  full  of  resources  in  misfortune  and  of  activity 
in  success.""  His  vigilance  left  no  opportunity  for  surprise, 
and,  so  terrible  was  he  in  battle,  that  his  soldiers  regarded 
him  at  times  as  almost  too  fond  of  danger. 

Never  was  there  a  warrior,  says  Rulhiere,t  who  possessed 
greater  dexterity  in  every  kind  of  service.  Endowed  by  a 
peculiar  gift  of  nature,  strengthened  by  exercise,  he  was  al- 
ways the  first  to  charge,  in  person,  with  an  intrepidity  which 
inspired  his  followers  to  imitate  his  example.      By  a  natural 


tHistoiri'  dc  rAiiarcliic  (1(f   lV>I(if,'n('  ft   (In    Driiiciubriiiiciit  do  Cftte   Ucimbliinii-.      Toiiii' 
(luatricnic  iip.  IIH).  1II7.     I'aris,  ls()7. 



liscendaucy,  Pulaski  was  tlie  chief  among  equals.  At  one 
time  lie  had  scarcely  an  officer  whom  he  had  not  rescued 
either  from  the  hands  of  the  enemy  or  from  some  danger, 
and  who  might  not  say  that  he  owed  his  life  and  lil)erty  to 
his  commander.  Intrepid  in  cond)at,  he  was  gentk;,  obliging, 
sociable,  never  distrustful  where  he  had  once  placed  his  con- 
fidence, and  never  meddling  in  the  intrigues  which  end  )roiled 
the  confederations.     "With  him, 

"The  love  of  liberty  with  life  was  given, 
And  life  itself  the  inferior  gift  of  Heaven." 

Such  being  the  distinguishing  traits  and  aims  of  this  noble 
man,  it  excites  no  wonder  when  we  are  told  that  his  name 
became  a  watchword  of  heroic  action,  his  arm  a  tower  of  con- 
fidence and  pride.  His  was  the  banner  to  which  old  and 
young  clung  with  especial  favor  ;  for  they  were  persuaded, 
one  and  all,  that  he  who  bore  it  was 

"A  friend  to  truth,  of  soul  sincere, 
In  action  faithful  and  in  honor  clear." 

At  the  outset,  the  Poles  hoped  by  petition  and  argument  to 
compass  a  peaceable  assertion  of  their  right  to  retain  the 
quiet  enjoyment  of  their  homes,  their  ancient  freedom  and 
their  nationaUty;  but,  as  day  after  day  they  saw  their  soil 
desecrated  by  the  tread  of  usurpation,  their  high  stations 
filled  by  strangers,  and  found  many  of  their  own  nobles,  to 
whom  they  had  looked  for  support  and  protection,  deserting 
the  cause  of  liberty,  yielding  to  the  influences  of  Russian 
bribes,  and  busying  themselves  with  petty  jealousies  and 
unmanly  rivalries  to  the  utter  disregard  of  the  public  weal, 
the  minds  of  the  common  people  became  fully  roused  to  a 
sense  of  impending  dangers,  and  their  answering  shouts  of 
defiant  indignation  rose  as  the  whirlwinds  in  their  wrath. 
We  may  not  now  enumerate  those  examples  of  stern  resist- 
ance, those  acts  of  daring,  of  self-denial,  of  manly  virtue 
which  will  render  this  one  of  the  most  remarkable  struggles 
in  the  annals  of  the  world.  The  hill-side  streams  ran  red 
with  the  blood  of  the  Confederates.  More  than  one  pass 
was  converted  into  a  Thermopylffi.  Time  and  again  were 
prodigies  of  valor  performed  which  carry  us  back  to  the  brave 
days  of  Leonidas  and  Horatius,  and  remind  us  of  the  devo- 
tion of  the  Decii. 


For  four  long  years  did  Pidaski  and  his  gallant  companions 
in  arms  stem  the  horrid  tide  of  invasion  and  domestic  dis- 
sensicnis,  often  causing  its  waves,  as  they  dashed  against  the 
ramparts  which  honor  and  patriotism  had  r(>ared,  to  recoil  in 
dismay  and  wild  confusion. 

Even  now  the  Russian  trembles  as  he  hears  or  reads  of  the 
death-struggle  at  Okope.  Mention  the  name  of  Pulaski  within 
the  gray  old  walls  of  the  fortress  of  Czenstokow,  and  each 
ni OSS-covered  stone,  every  silent  gun-chamber,  becomes  vocal 
with  heroic  praise.  Ask  the  ragged  mountains — crowned 
with  ancient  forests — and  they  will  tell  you  how,  like  an  eagle 
from  an  impregnable  eyrie,  he  there  brooded  over  the  ruth- 
less war,  thence  again  and  again  with  unerring  swoop  hurhng 
his  death-dealing  squadrons  into  the  thickest  of  the  enemy's 
ranks;  and,  when  the  combat  was  over,  seeking  friendly 
shelter  in  these  inaccessible  retreats  where  he  could  gather 
fresh  strength  for  the  ceaseless  strife. 

Speaking  for  himself  and  of  himself  he  says :  "I  regarded 
every  moment  as  lost  which  was  not  employed  in  repelling 
the  enemies  of  my  country.  I  have  endeavored  to  mark  my 
course  by  an  invincil)le  fortitude.  Neither  the  blood  of  one 
of  my  brothers,  which  was  shed  by  the  enemy  before  my 
eyes,  nor  the  cruel  servitude  of  another,  nor  the  sad  fate 
of  so  many  of  my  relations  and  compatriots  has  shaken  my 
patriotism.  I  declare  before  God,  before  the  Republic  of 
Poland,  and  before  all  the  powers  of  Europe,  that  my  heart 
is  an  utter  stranger  to  crime.  My  thoughts  and  actions  have 
had  no  other  end  than  the  good  of  my  country."* 

In  the  struggle  of  the  few  with  the  many, — how  gallant  and 
prolonged  soever  it  may  be,— the  end  must  come.  The  best 
hopes  of  the  Confederates  were   doomed  to  disappointment. 

"The  conspiracy  of  the  three  sovereigns  which  had  been 
seething  in  tlie  caldron  of  secret  treachery,"  was  at  length 
triumphant,  stamping  upon  its  authors  the  seal  of  eternal  in- 
famy. Neither  the  counsels  of  wisdom,  nor  the  warrior's 
sword  could  longer  avert  the  impending  sorrows  of  this  once 
happy  people.  Her  sons  overpowered,  scattered,  slain,  Po- 
land lay  prostrate  at  the  feet  of  her  relentless  pursuers. 

*  See  Pulaski's  Manifest,  published  in  January,  1772. 


"In  vain,  alas  !  in  vain  ye  ijallant  few  I 
P'roni  rank  to  rank  your  vollcy'd  thunder  flew ; 
Oh  !  bloodiest  jiicture  in  the  book  of  Time 
Satnartia  fell  unwept,  without  a  erinie  ; 
Found  not  a  i^enerous  friend,  a  pitying  foe. 
Strength  in  her  arms,  nor  mercy  in  her  woe ! 
Droj>p'd  from  her  nerveless  grasp  the  shatter'd  s]iear, 
Clos'd  her  l)right  eye  and  curb'd  her  high  career. 

Oh  !  righteous  Heav'n  ere  Freedom  found  a  grave. 
Why  slept  the  sword  onmipotent  to  save? 
Where  was  thine  arm  O  !  Vengeance,  where  thj'  rod 
That  smote  the  foes  of  Zion  and  of  God  ?" 

Pulaski,  the  noble,  the  valiant, — who  had  sacrificed  his  all, 
braved  every  danger  and  suffered  every  privation, — whose 
name  had  become  in  his  own  nation,  and  wherever  honor, 
justice  and  freedom  found  a  votary,  a  synonym  for  all  that 
was  pure  in  principle,  heroic  in  action,  knightly  in  bearing 
and  undying  in  devotion, — was,  without  evidence  and  without 
a  trial,  declared  an  outlaw  by  judicial  decision. 

Imagine,  if  you  can,  the  emotions  of  that  gi-eat  man  as  he 
profoundly  realized  the  gathering  miseries  of  the  beautiful 
land  for  which  he  had  battled  so  bravely,  but  in  vain, — as  he 
looked  for  the  last  time  upon  forest,  mountain  and  river, — 
the  theatres  of  his  patriotic  endeavor, — upon  plains  incarna- 
dine with  the  life-blood  of  his  fallen  companions  in  arms, — 
upon  blackened  homes  once  the  abodes  of  peace  and  plenty, 
and  then  appreciate  the  anguish  which  must  have  possessed 
his  soul,  the  dark  desolation  which  overshadowed  his  heart, 
as  turning  from  the  mournful  retrospect,  he,  worse  than  an 
exile,  and  yet  in  all  that  constitutes  glorious  manhood  far 
above  the  power  which  decreed  his  outlawry, — went  to  meet 
what  seemed  to  be  a  hopeless,  rayless  future  in  the  land  of 

No  wonder  that  warrior's  heart  grew  faint, — no  marvel  that 
the  stalwart  right  arm  which  had  so  often  wielded  brightest 
blade  where  combat  waxed  warmest,  fell  nerveless  at  his  side 
as  he  contemplated  the  terrors  of  this  remorseless  banish- 

Rank,  wealth,   residence,  citizenship,  all  were  lost,  but  the 

.^9(5  CASIMIR  rULASKi. 

liero  lived.  He  lived  in  his  own  untarnished  honor,  in  tlie 
grateful  remembrance  of  his  brave  but  unfortunate  counti-y- 
men,  in  the  sincere  esteem  of  every  lover  of  fieedoni,  in  the 
respect  which  his  chivalrous,  patriotic  acts  wrested  as  a  re- 
luctant tribute  even  fi'om  a  faithless  foe.  He  will  thus  live 
while  records  endure.  Time  will  but  hallow  the  memories 
which  his  owai  great  deeds  have  consecrated. 

His  was  no  voluntary  expatriation,  no  abandonment  of  cause 
and  country.  His  departure  savored  neither  of  fear  nor  of  a 
retraction  of  those  exalted  promises  he  had  made  in  fi-eedom's 
behalf.  On  the  contrary,  it  was  the  logical  sequence  of  a 
dreaded  consummation  which  he  had  employed  every  efibrt 
to  postpone  and  utterly  prevent.  Further  resistence  was 
madness.  Most  gladly,  think  we,  would  he  have  sealed  the 
independence  of  Poland  with  his  blood,  or  mingled  his  bones 
with  those  of  his  slain  compatriots,  could  such  a  martyrdom 
have  proved  of  any  avail.  The  hope  still  cheered  his  heart 
that  amid  the  changes  of  empires  a  favorable  opportunity 
would  present  itself  for  again  lifting  the  standard  of  liberty 
upon  the  hill-tops  of  Poland.  This  hope,  unrealized,  he  car- 
ried with  him  to  his  grave.  DuPortaiP  says  the  last  words 
uttered  by  Pulaski,  when  expiring,  were,  "You  owe  to  the 
Russians  an  eternal  hatred.  You  owe  to  Poland  the  last 
drop  of  your  blood." 

For  the  succeeding  five  years,  the  life  of  our  hero  was  passed 
in  sadness,  j^overty  and  comparative  silence.  The  pledges  of 
assistance  given  by  Turkey  were  at  first  tardily,  and  at  length 
never  fulfilled.  During  his  sojourn  in  the  laud  of  the  Mussel- 
minn,  ti^e  and  again  did  he  urge  the  claims  of  his  fallen 
country  upon  the  consideration  of  neighboring  humanity ; 
but  they  were  iinacknowledged,  and  he  awoke  to  the  sad  con- 
viction that  the  hot-beds  of  despotism  would  not  cause  a 
single  bud  to  blossom  on  that  tree  of  liberty  which  he  had 
planted  with  his  own  hands  and  watered  daily  with  his  patriot 

Failing  to  enlist  the  sympathies  of  Turkey,  he  abandoned 
that  country  for  France.  Just  then  the  ear  of  Paris  was 
caught  by  the  clarion  notes  of  our  Declaration   of  Independ- 

*-'Lovt>  ami  Patriotism,  fzc.  p.  11!».     I>hiladi'li>liia,  17!I7. 

ADDRESS  BY  CHAllLES  C.  JONES,  ,111.  397 

ence,  and  the  heart  of  the  Frencli  nation  was  wanning  to- 
wards us  in  generous  appreciation  of  the  impulses  whieii  led 
to  the  separation  of  the  United  Colonies  fi'om  the  mother 

Pulaski,  perceiving  a  new  field  for  vindicating  Avith  his 
sword  the  same  principles,  the  same  rights,  the  same  immu- 
table laws  in  whose  behalf  he  had  wielded  it  Avitli  such  sin- 
gleness of  juirpose  in  his  own  country,  resolved  immediately 
to  tender  his  military  services  to  the  infant  repubhc. 

There  is  something  peculiarly  attractive  and  impressive  in 
the  impulse  which,  in  that  trying  hour,  brought  to  our  assist- 
ance heroes  unallied  to  us  by  association  or  blood — soldiers 
who  came  not  to  secure  individual  preferment  or  promote 
private  interests — daring  men  upon  whose  services  we  could 
of  right  urge  no  claims  save  such  as  are  recognized  by  the 
brave  and  generous  of  every  land  when  the  cause  of  fi-eedom 
demands  assistance,  and  the  principles  of  justice  protection. 

"Thej'^  whom  their  trust  should  grow  to  were  not  here. 
They  were,  as  all  their  other  comforts,  far  hence 
In  their  own  .country." 

"The  abstract  love  of  Liberty,"  a  desire  to  setup  a  standard 
of  revolt  where  hearts,  panting  beneath  burthens  which  op- 
pression imposed,  yearned  for  deliverance,  that  inborn  sym- 
pathy which  prompts  the  disinterested  and  the  courageous 
to  lend  a  hel])ing  hand  wheresoever  the  feeble  and  the  inno- 
cent are  seeking  to  assert  their  inalienable  rights,  these 
brought  them  then  to  our  shores.  So  long  as  memory  holds 
her  seat,  until  manly  breasts  prove  insensible  to  grateful 
emotions,  will  we  cherish  the  names,  acknowledge  the  servi- 
ces, and  emulate  the  virtues  of  such  gallant  foreigners  as 
Pulaski,  LaFayette,  Steuben,  DeKalb  and  Kosciuszko. 
Heaven  rest  their  souls !  they  did  valiant  service  in  the  Spar- 
tan days  of  our  forefathers. 

Pulaski  saw  from  afar  the  "fair  temple  of  American  inde- 
pendence rising  like  an  exhalation  from  the  soil, 

"Not  in  the  sunshine  and  the  smile  of  Heaven, 
But  wrapt  in  whirlwinds  and  begirt  with  woes," 

and  as  he  looked  a  holy  enthusiasm  was  kindled  in  his  breast 

which  made  him  yearn  for  a  place  in  the  war-council  of  the 


licvolutioii.  LtiJiiiiin^  his  dosiro,  Dr,  Franklin,  then  in  Paris, 
favored  him  with  the  followint^  introductory  letter  to  General 
AN'ashin^ton :  "Count  Pulaski,  of  Poland,  an  officer  famous 
throughout  Europe  for  his  bravery  and  conduct  in  defense  of 
the  liberties  of  his  coiTutry  against  the  three  gi-eat  invading 
powers  of  llussia,  Austria  and  Prussia,  will  have  the  honor 
of  delivering  this  into  your  hands.  The  court  here  have 
encouraged  and  promoted  his  voyage  from  an  opinion  that 
he  may  be  highly  useful  in  our  service." 

Fortified  with  such  commendation  from  the  accredited  rep- 
resentative of  the  united  colonies,  then  scarcely  admitted  into 
the  sisterhood  of  nations,  carrying  with  him  a  gootUy  rei)uta- 
tion  acknowledged  and  admired  alike  by  friend  and  foe* — his 
brilliant  record  at  once  a  passport  and  a  pledge  of  future 
action — he  could  not  fail  of  a  joyful  welcome  from  the  com- 
mander-in-chief of  the  army,  from  the  American  Congi-ess, 
and  fi'om  the  people  at  large. 

Ai-riving  in  Philadelphia  during  the  summer  of  1777,  he 
joined  the  army  as  a  volunteer,  and  we  find  him  with  Wash- 
ington, Greene,  Wayne,  Sullivan  and  LaFayette,  at  the  battle 
of  Brandywine,  striking  his  first  blow  in  behalf  of  American 
independence.  In  reconnoitering,  he  rode  within  pistol  shot 
of  the  enemy,  and  such  was  the  confidence  which  his  gallant 
bearing,  intrepidity  and  military  skill  won  even  from  the 
cautious  and  ever  watchful  "Father  of  his  Country,"  that 
towards  the  close  of  the  engagement  he  was  entrusted  with 
the  command  of  Washington's  body-guard.  Four  days  after- 
Avards  he  was  commissioned  by  Congress  as  a  Brigadier  Gen- 
eral and  assigned  to  the  command  of  the  cavalry.  In  recom- 
mending Count  Pulaski  for  this  position,  General  Washing- 
ton, in  his  letter  to  Congress,  says ;  "  This  gentleman  has 
been,  like  us,  engaged  in  defending  the  liberty  and  indepen- 
dence of  his  country,  and  has  sacrificed  his  fortune  to  his  zeal 
for  these  objects.  He  derives  from  hence  a  title  to  our  res- 
pect that  ought  to  operate  in  his  favor  as  far  as  the  good  of 
the  service  will  permit." 

Thus,  to  the  young  and  gallant  Pole  was  early  and  lionor- 

*In  another  letter  Dr.  Franklin  says,  "Covint  Pulaski  is  esteeoied  ope  of  ^be  greatest 
officers  in  Europe." 


able  coinpiuiionsliip  accorded  among  the  great  captains  of 
the  army  of  liberation. 

It  is  worthy  of  remark  that  prior  to  the  arrival  of  Pulaski, 
cavalry,  as  an  arm  of  service,  had  received  comparatively 
little  attention  in  our  army.  Until  his  appointnu^nt  there  was 
no  officer  in  this  branch  of  higher  rank  than  that  of  Colonel. 

Light  Horse  Harry  Lee,  Sumter,  Marion  and  Wilham 
Washington,  had  not  then  fully  demonstrated  the  value  of 
mounted  men  and  the  power  of  the  keen-edged  sabre. 

With  Pulaski,  cavalry  was  the  favorite  arm.  A  true  Sar- 
matian,  he  was  bred  to  the  saddle.*  He  loved  the  broad 
blade,  the  bugle-call,  the  pawing  steed — his  neck  clothed  with 
thunder — and  the  charging  squadrons.  With  these  w^as  all 
his  past  military  reputation  most  closely  alUed.  An  experi- 
enced officer,  he  knew  and  appreciated  the  excellencies  of 
this  branch  of  the  service,  and  entered  upon  the  duties  of  his 
position  resolved,  as  far  as  in  him  lay,  to  remedy  all  defects 
and  supply  every  existing  deficiency.  Unfortunately  our 
resources  were  limited,  our  revenues  small,  and  our  soldiers 
few.  As  a  natural  consequence,  despite  his  earnest  efforts, 
seconded  as  they  were  by  his  brother  officers  and  by  the 
general  government,  Pulaski  failed  in  securing  as  large  a 
body  of  horse  as  he  desired  or  the  exigencies  of  the  service 
seemed  to  demand.  Concentratmg  his  squadrons,  as  far  as 
practicable,  and  placing  himself  at  their  head,  he  inaugurated 
a  system  of  exercise  and  discipline,  which  m  a  short  time, 
developed  such  precision  in  drill  and  dexterity  of  movement 
that  his  troops  of  horse  became  the  admiration  of  the  army. 
We  may  not  now  pause  to  mark  him  well  as  at  Warren  Tavern, 
at  Germantown,  at  Haddonfield,  Little  Egg-harbor  and  else- 
where, he  displayed  his  accustomed  zeal  and  intrepidity, 
transferring  to  the  battle  fields  of  America  the  same  devo- 
tion, alacrity  and  heroism  which  had  rendered  his  name  so 
illustrious  upon  Sarmatian  soil. 

*It  is  related  that  among  other  feats,  this  daring  horseman  would  sometimes,  while  his 
steed  was  under  full  gallop,  discharge  his  pistol,  throw  it  in  the  air,  catch  it  by  the  barrel, 
and  then  hurl  it  in  front  as  if  at  an  enemy.  Without  checking  the  speed  of  his  horse,  he 
would  take  one  foot  from  the  stirrup  and,  bending  over  toward  the  ground,  recover  his  pistol 
and  wheel  into  line  with  as  much  precision  as  if  he  had  been  engaged  in  nothing  but  the 
management  of  the  animal,  Lossing's  Pictorial  Field  Book  of  the  Peyolution,  p.  310.  Note, 
New  York,  1859. 


Porceiving  that  his  expectations  of  usisfuliKiss  Jit  tlic  head  of 
the  cavah'Y,  from  the  very  nature  of  things,  could  not  l)e  fully 
realized — that  the  character  of  the  service  was  such  that  his 
troopers  were  frequently  required  in  detachments  as  scouting 
]iarties  or  as  escorts,  thus — because  of  the  paucity  of  their 
numl)ers — often  preventing  united  action  upon  a  general 
system — having  an  intimation  that  some  of  the  officers  of  the 
regiments,  which  had  heretofore  been  acting  as  indepenih^it 
organizations,  could  not  easily  become  reconciled  to  tlu; 
orders  of  a  superior,  and  he  a  foreigner,  with  ideas  of  drill 
and  disci])Iine  much  more  exact  than  those  to  which  they  and 
their  men  had  been  accustomed — and  behevmg  that  a  remedy 
could  not  readily  be  applied  without  a  resort  to  measures 
which,  although  at  command,  he  was  at  this  juncture  un- 
AvilKng  to  invoke,  of  his  own  accord  Pulaski  resigned  his 
command,  and  about  the  middle  of  March,  1778,  returned  to 
the  main  army  at  Valley  Forge. 

This  act  proves  the  disinterested  disposition  of  this  good 
man.  Entrusted  with  high  position,  he  returned  his  commis- 
sion s5  soon  as  his  conduct  and  services  in  that  capacity,  in 
his  judgment,  did  not  i:>romote  perfect  harmony  and  entire 
good  will  among  the  advocates  of  the  cause  of  his  adoption — 
so  soon  as  he  believed  there  were  other  circumstances 
under  which  his  knowledge,  experience  and  influence  might 
be  more  efficiently  and  acceptably  employed. 

At  his  own  suggestion,  adopted  by  Washington  and  sanc- 
tioned by  Congress,  Pulaski  applied  himself  with  great 
activity  to  enlisting,  equij)ping  and  disciplining  an  organization 
of  three  companies  of  Horse  and  three  of  Infantry,  placed  to 
a  great  extent  upon  an  independent  footing.  This  constituted 
the  celebrated  "Pulaski's  Legion,"  which  rendered  important 
service  during  the  subsequent  operations  of  the  war,  espe- 
cially in  the  Southern  campaigns.  It  Avas  recruited  mainly 
in  Baltimore,  and  its  organization  was  perfected  in  that  city. 

While  at  Bethlehem,  in  the  spring  of  1778,  the  presence 
and  conduct  of  Count  Pulaski  produced  such  a  favorable  im- 
pression upon  the  comnninity,  that  the  Moravian  single  sis- 
ters, as  a  testimonial  of  their  grateful  appreciation  of  his  ser- 
vices, with  their  own  hands  worked  for  him  a  banner  of 


crimson  silk,  of  fippropriate  device,  iuid  with  })atri(jtic  wishes 
and  fervent  blessings  committed  it  to  his  heroic  keeping.  The 
poet,  Longfellow,  has  embalnKMl  in  verse  this  episode  in  the 
life  of  our  hero.  Receiving  that  banner  with  graceful  ac- 
knowledgments, Pulaski  bore  it  proudly  and  in  honor  at  the 
head  of  his  Legion  until  that  day,  Avhen,  before  the  lines  at 
Savannah,  it  became 

"His  martial  cloalv  and  sliroiul." 
That  banner,  battle-scarred  and  faded,  hangs  in  the   hall  of 
the  Maryland  Historical  Society.     It  seems  to  me,  Mr.  Presi- 
dent, that  we  Georgians  have,  perhaps,  a  better  right  to  it's 
sacred  custody. 

In  February,  1779,  the  Count  was  ordered  to  South  Caro- 
lina. The  very  day  Prevost  crossed  the  Ashley  river  to  com- 
plete his  investment  of  Charleston,  Pulaski  crossed  the 
Cooper  river,  with  his  Legion,  to  assist  in  the  defense  of  that 
city.  In  order  to  check  the  rapid  advance  of  the  British 
forces,  and  afford  the  American  army  time  to  complete  its 
defensive  preparations,  an  expedition  against  the  enemy 
was  immediately  resolved  upon.  Although  his  horses  were 
sadly  jaded  by  their  long  marches,  there  was  no  opportunity 
for  rest,  and  Pulaski  at  once  hurled  every  available  trooper 
against  the  head  of  the  British  column.  The  charge  was  in 
keeping  with  the  character  of  the  Count  who  led  it — des- 
perately brave — and,  during  its  continuance,  upon  the 
authority  of  Dr.  Ramsay,"  Pulaski  had  several  personal  en- 
counters with  members  of  the  enemy's  cavalry,  and  every- 
where displayed  the  greatest  intrepidity.  Coin:  Ko watch, 
second  in  command — a  gallant  and  experienced  officer — was 
slain.  The  shock  was  so  unexpected  and  vehement,  that  the 
British  column  staggered,  and  then  deployed,  thus  losing  the 
golden  opportunity  of  anticipated  surprise,  while  Pulaski 
sullenly  retired  with  his  little  command  within  the  lines  of 
Charleston.  When  the  haughty  Prevost,  displaying  his 
forces,  summoned  the  city  to  an  immediate  and  unconditional 
surrender,  the  inhabitants  and  civil  authorities,  fearing  the 
calamities  of  a  siege  and  the  probable  storming  of  the   town, 

*Hi8tory  of  the  Revolution  of  South  Carohna,"  &c.,  vol.  11,  p,  26. 

Trenton.    MDCCLXXXV. 



urged  u])()ii  the  uiilitarj  the  expediency  of  a  capitnhition. 
Whik'-  ihv  general  suspense  was  intense*,  and  tliere  apjx'ared 
to  be  a  gr()\\  iiig  inclination  to  accede  to  the  demand  of  the 
English  commander,  General  M(mltri(^,  Count  Pulaski  and 
Colonel  John  Laurens  went  before  tlu;  C'ouncil  and  advised 
resistance  with  such  confidence  and  inspiring  eloquence  that 
Charleston  was  spared  the  mortification  of  a  siirrender,  and 
Prevost  soon  compelled  preci})itately  to  abandon  his  enter- 

From  the  immient  the  attack  upon  Charleston  was  fnvs- 
trated  and  until  the  arrival  of  the  retreating  British  forces  in 
Savannah,  Pulaski — although  suffering  fi'om  frequent  attacks 
of  climate  fever,  induced  by  constant  exposure  in  a  malarial 
region — pursued  the  enemy,  hovering  near  him  with  his 
legion,  and  dealing  a  blow  Avherever  and  whenever  even  a 
forced  opiiortunity  presented  itself. 

After  Prevost  had  evacuated  Carolina,  Pulaski — to  whom 
had  been  entrusted  the  command  of  the  cavalry  in  the  de- 
partment— retired  to  a  ridge  about  fifty  miles  northeast  of 
Augusta,*  where  he  might  secure  forage  and  be  within  sup- 
porting distance  of  both  Charleston  and  Augusta.  Here  he 
received  orders  to  join  General  Mcintosh  at  Augusta,  and  to 
move  with  him  toward  Savannah  in  advance  of  the  army 
under  General  Lincohi.  He  was  directed  to  attack  the  Brit- 
ish outposts  and  open  communication  with  the  French  fleet 
under  Count  D'Estaing,  then  upon  the  coast.  Before  the 
enemy  was  aware  of  his  presence,  Pulaski  captured  an  out- 
post ;  and,  after  several  skirmishes,  established  permanent 
communication  with  the  French  at  Beaulieu.  Gen.  Mcintosh 
moved  uj)  with  his  command  and  halted  at  Milieu's  planta- 
tion, three  miles  from  Savannah,  where  he  awaited  the  arrival 
of  General  Lincoln. 

And  now  we  turn  to  the  closing  chapter  in  the  histor}-  of 
this  goodly  knight.  He  who  had  hitherto  borne  a  charmed 
life  upon  the  l)attle  field  and  in  dangers  oft,  was  now  to  tes- 
tify, even  by  self-sacrifice,  his  supreme  devotion  to  the  noble 
cause  of  his  adoption.  It  is  a  proud,  although  melancholy 
satisfaction,  that  ours  is  the  soil  hallowed  by  his  precious 

*McCairs  History  ot'  Gom-'^'ia,  vol.  ii,  \).  '247,    Savauiiah,  181G. 


blood — Savaniuili,  the  city  for  wliost;  liberation  he  perished. 
The  record  of  his  death  is  brief,  but  it  is  sacred.  We  adopt 
the  account  of  Colonel  Paul  Bentalou,  who — an  old  man  in 
1824 — described  himself  as  one  of  Pulaski's  surviving  of- 
ficers— one  whose  pride  it  was  to  have  served  his  country 
under  that  celebrated  commander,  indisputably  the  most 
active  and  the  gi-eatest  partisan  leader  of  his  time — ^one  who 
was  by  his  side  when  he  received  his  mortal  wound,  and  who 
attended  him  until  that  moment  when  his  noble  soul  depart- 
ed from  the  gangrened  body  to  re-ascend  to  its  native 

"On  the  first  of  September,  1779,  Count  D'Estaing  ap- 
peared on  the  coast  of  Georgia  with  a  large  fleet  and  about 
six  thousand  troops.  While  cruizing  in  the  West  Indies  he 
had  been  informed  of  the  situation  of  the  Southern  States  ; 
and  he  now  visited  this  part  of  the  American  coast  for  the 
purpose  of  co-operating  with  Lincoln  in  some  signal  and 
decisive  enterprise.  An  attack  upon  Savannah  was  quickly 
concerted  between  them. 

"Savannah  was  neither  a  fortress  nor  a  walled  city.  It  Avas 
merely  a  town  fortified  with  batteries,  redoubts  and  abattis. 
When  summoned  by  D'Estaing  to  surrender  the  place,  Pre- 
vost  requested  time  to  deliberate,  and  this  was  inconsider- 
ately granted.  The  interval  was  employed  in  introducing 
into  the  town  a  considerable  reinforcement  and  in  strength- 
ening its  defenses.  Resistance  was  then  resolved  upon.  A 
storm  or  a  siege,  therefore,  became  inevitable.  The  latter 
was  preferred.  After  the  necessary  preparations,  a  heavy 
cannonade  was  opened  upon  the  enemy's  works  and  briskly 
kept  up  for  several  days,  but  without  the  desired  eff"ect. 

"D'Estaing's  marine  officers  remonstrated  against  his  con- 
tinuing to  expose  so  valuable  a  fleet  to  the  fury  of  the 
elements  at  this  tempestuous  season,  or  to  the  possible  arrival 
of  a  superior  British  naval  force,  and  loudly  urged  his  de- 
parture. An  assault  was  consequently  resolved  upon.  This 
assault  was  to  be  made  on  the  right  of  the  British  lines. 
Two  columns — one  French  and  the  other  American — were  to 
attack  at  the  same  time,  each  a  particular  redoubt.  In  the 
rear   of    the    columns    the    whole    cavalry — American  and 


French — was  to  be;  wtationed  under  the  command  of  Count 
Pulaski.  Should,  as  was  coiifidontly  expected,  the  redoubts 
be  carried  and  the  way  opened,  that  intrepid  leader  was,  with 
these  united  troops  of  horse,  to  enter  the  place,  sword  in 
hand,  and  carry  confusion  and  dismay  among  the  garrison. 
D'Estaing  led  in  person  the  French  corps  of  attack.  Wisli- 
ing  to  avoid  a  circuitous  advance  round  a  swamp,  and  sup- 
posing the  groimd  at  the  bottom  to  be  sufficiently  firm,  he 
marched  directly  through  it.  The  enemy  had  been  infcn-med 
of  his  plan  by  spies.  They  knew  the  intended  point  of  attack, 
and  the  direction  in  whic^h  the  approach  of  the  assailants  was 
to  be  made.  Accordingly  they  collected  all  their  force  where 
it  would  be  required,  and,  at  the  first  alarm  opened  a  tre- 
mendous and  deadly  fire.  Pulaski,  impatient  to  know  when 
he  was  to  act,  determined,  after  securing  his  cavalry  under 
cover  as  well  as  the  ground  would  admit,  to  go  forward  him- 
self, and  called  upon  Captain  Bentalou  to  accompany  him. 
They  had  proceeded  only  a  small  distance  when  they  heard 
of  the  havoc  produced  in  the  swamp  by  the  hostile  batteries. 
D'Estaing  himself  was  grievously  wounded.  Aware  of  the 
fatal  effects  which  such  a  disaster  was  likely  to  produce  on 
the  spirits  of  French  soldiers,  and  hoping  that  his  presence 
would  reanimate  them,  Pvdaski  rushed  on  to  the  scene  of  dis- 
order and  bloodshed.  In  his  attempt  to  penetrate  to  the 
murderous  spot,  he  received  a  swivel  shot  m  the  upper  part 
of  his  right  thigh,*  and  the  officer  who  had  accompanied  him 
was,  while  on  his  way  back,  wounded  by  a  musket  ball. 

"The  enterprise  upon  Savannah  was  abandoned  by  the  alhed 
armies.  The  Americans  and  the  French,  having  witnessed 
each  other's  zeal  and  courage,  and  accpiitting  each  other  of 
any  intentional  share  in  this  disastrous  result,  separated  in 
perfect  harmony.  Count  D'Estamg  reimbarked  his  troops 
and  artillery,  and  Pulaski  with  his  wounded  officer,  was  con- 
veyed on  board  the  United  States  l)rig,  the  Wasp,  to  go 
round  to  Charleston.  They  remained  some  days  in  the  Sa- 
vannah  river ;  and,  during  that   time,  the  most  skillful   sur- 

*  "Follow  my  Lancors  to  whom  I  have  t^iven  my  order  of  attack,"  were  the  final  injunctions 
()f  Pulaski  as  he  was  borne  from  the  field.     They  were  addressed  to  Col.  Horry. 

Gaxdcns'  Anecdotes,  vol.  iii,  p.  23.    Field's  reprint. 


geons  in  the  French  fleet  attended  on  Count  Pulaski.  It  was 
found  impossible  to  establish  suppuration,  and  gangrene  was 
the  consequence.  Just  as  the  Wasp  got  out  of  the  river, 
Pulaski  breathed  his  last,  and  the  corpse  immediately  became 
so  offensive  that  his  officer  was  comj^elled,  though  reluctantly, 
to  consign  to  a  watery  grave  all  that  was  now  left  upon  earth 
of  his  beloved  and  honored  commander.* 

"The  Wasp  entered  the  harbor  of  Clarleston  with  her  flag 
half  hoisted.  The  mournful  signal  was  repeated  by  all  the 
shipping  in  the  port,  and  all  the  forts  and  batteries  responded 
to  it  in  the  manner  usual  on  occasions  of  deep  and  universal 
sorrow.  The  Governor  and  Council  of  South  Carolina,  and 
the  municipal  authorities  of  Charleston,  jointly  adopted  reso- 
lutions to  pay  to  the  memory  of  General  Pulaski  the  most 
respectful  and  the  most  splendid  funeral  honors.  A  day  was 
set  apart  for  the  celebration  of  the  obsequies,  and  the  Quar- 
termaster General  of  the  United  States  at  Charleston  directed 
to  make  and  to  defray  all  the  preparations  necessary  for  that 
melancholy  solemnity.  The  procession  was  grand,  magnifi- 
cent, suited  to  the  occasion.  The  pall  was  carried  by  three 
American  and  three  French  officers  of  the  highest  grade,  fol- 
lowed by  the  beautiful  horse  which  Pulaski  rode  when  he  re- 
ceived his  mortal  wound,  with  all  the  accoutrements,  armor 
and  dress  which  he  then  wore.  So  immensely  large  was  the 
mournful  procession,  that  it  was  found  necessary  to  make  a 
circuit  round  the  whole  city  to  the  Church,  where  an  eloquent 
and  impressive  discourse  was  dehvered  by  the  Chaplain  of 
the  army."t 

This  narrative  of  the  heroic  death  and  burial  of  the  gal- 
lant Pole,  preptired  by  a  revolutionary  officer  who  shared  in 
the  dangers  of  the  assault,  and  was  an  eye  witness  of  the 
memorable  events  which  then  transpired,  who — a  Captain  in 
the  Legion — was  by  his  side  when  he  received  his  mortal 
hurt,  and,  although  himself  wounded,  never  left  him  until  in 
death  his   honored   commander   found  relief   from   physical 

♦Compare  "Letter  from  a  Gentleman  of  the  General  Hospital  at  Savannah,"  &c.,  under  date 
November  24,  1779,  In  vjrhich  the  writer  says,  "Pulaski  is  dead  of  his  Wouuds  and  was  thrown 
overboard  on  their  Passage  to  Charles  Town." 

"Siege  of  Savannah,"  p.  81.     Albany,  1866. 

f"Pulaski  vindicated  from  an  unsupported  charge,"  &c.  pp.  28 — 31.    Baltimore,  1824. 


suffering — who,  with  liis  o-s\ii  eye,  beheld  the  triumph  of  the 
last  eiieuiy  ami  then  saM'  the  sail  rites  j)erfornie(l  which  con- 
signed that  precious  body  to  the  deep,  settles  forever  in  the 
mind  of  every  candid  inquirer  all  doubts  respecting  the  burial 
place  of  Pidaski.* 

He  sleeps  where  the  ebbing  tide  of  our  own  Savannah 
meets  and  commingles  with  the  waters  of  the  broad  Atlantic. 
Fit  resting  place  for  a  man  of  such  expansive  soul !  He 
sleeps  where  the  praises  in  honor  of  his  gi'eat  deeds  sung  by 
the  waves  of  the  Savannah  as  they  kiss  the  shore  consecrated 
by  his  memories,  are  caught  up  by  the  billows  of  ocean  and 
joyfully  repeated  in  wider  circles  in  more  heroic  strains.  He 
sleeps  where  the  ambient  air — fragi-ant  with  the  perfumes  of 
a  land  whose  freedom  he  died  to  achieve — tells  to  Atlantic 
breezes  the  story  of  his  fame,  that  they  too,  in  glad  acclaim, 
may  answer  back  to  the  farthest  coast  the  greatness  of  his 
name.  By  a  strange  coincidence,  the  l)eloved  of  Mars  rests 
in  the  embrace  of  Neptune. 

"Sleep  on,  sleep  on  !  Above  tliy  corse 

Tlie  winds  their  Sabbatli  keep ; 

The  waves  are  round  thee  and  thy  ))reast 

Heaves  with  the  heavinij;  deeji. 

*  *  '  ♦  * 

Sleep  on.  sleep  on  ;  the  glittering  depths 
Of  f)eean's  eoral  eaves 
Are  th}"^  bright  lu-n  ; — thy  recinieni 
The  nuisie  of  its  waves." 

If  it  be  true  that 

"We  live  in  deeds,  not  years — in  thoughts,  not  breaths, 
In  feelings,  not  in  figures  on  a  dial;" 

"He  most  lives 

Who  tliinks  most — feels  the  noblest,  acts  the  best," 

if  not  hoary  hairs,  l)ut  a  bright  rec(n-d  of  ennobling  acts  is  the 
true  index  of  a  well  spent  existence,  and  a  sure  pledge  that  sped 
moments  have  not  passed  without  leaving  their  proper  mark, 
then  indeed  did  Pulaski — although  yielding  up  his  l)rave 
s})irit  in  the  noontide  of  his  age — accomplish  his  earthly  mis- 
sion nobly  and  in  honor.     His  superior  endowments,  his  zeal, 

*The  assertion  that  he  was  interred  at  Greenwich  is  historically  incorrect.  The  "hal- 
lowed ground"  marked  by  the  "majestic  palmetto  and  gliissy-lcaved  holly,"  and  traditi<inally 
known  as  "Pulaski's  tirave,"  never  constituted  the  teniijoniry  resting  place  of  our  hero.  Hia 
bones  do  not  lie  beneath  tlie  beautitul  nionunieiit  in  Monterey  square. 


liis  military  skill  and  intrepidity,  liis  generosity,  his  manly 
virtues  and  his  siiblime  devotion  to  the  cause  of  lil)(irty,  hoth 
in  his  own  country  and  in  the  land  of  his  adoption,  constitute 
him  a  beau-ideal  of  the  patriot,  the  philanthropist  and  the 
soldier."'  His  access  to  the  temple  of  fame  was  obtained 
through  the  temple  of  virtue — consequently  his  reputation  is 

AMien  the  Polish  King  heard  of  his  death,  he  exclaimed,  "Pu- 
laski has  died  as  he  lived — a  hero,  l)ut  an  enemy  of  Kings," 

While  that  king  and  his  associates  are  sleeping  in  tombs 
whose  every  memory  is  suggestive  of  unholy  acts  of  violence 
and  oppression,  the  muse  of  history  tearfully,  yet  with  proud 
satisfaction,  inscribes  upon  a  bright  i^age  in  that  book  where- 
in are  treasured  in  living  characters  the  achievements  of  the 
good  and  great,  the  name  of  him — the  countryman  of  Kos- 
ciuszko,  the  companion  of  LaFayette  and  the  friend  of 
Washington — who  will  l^e  honored  for  all  time  as  a  brave  Imt 
unfortunate  defender  of  Sarmatian  hberty,  as  a  martyr  in  the 
cause  of  American  independence.  "The  triumphs  of  might  are 
transient,  they  pass  away  and  are  forgotten ;  the  sufferings 
of  right  are  graven  deepest  on  the  chronicles  of  nations." 

It  matters  little  where  the  virtuous  dead  may  lie  entombed, 
their  names  belong  to  history,  their  bright  examples  are  the 
emulation  of  men  of  every  age,  and  their  good  deeds  the 
heritage  of  succeeding  generations.  And  yet,  it  is  most 
seemly  that  impressive  monuments  should  be  erected,  in 
suitable  places,  in  commemoration  of  their  virtues  by  those 
who  are  the  special  recipients  of  the  legacies  bequeathed  by 
their  priceless  exertions.  Not  that  we  would  have  the  recol- 
lection of  dead  heroes  simply 

"To  exist  in  stone  and  be  but  pyramidally  extant," 
but  it  is  eminently  proper  that  communities  should  embody 
their  respect  and  admiration  for  departed  greatness  in  visible 
shape,  thereby  imparting  to  the  nobiHty  of  other  days 
"A  local  habitation  and  a  name." 

■  *"Tb()se  who  knew  him  intimately  spoke  highly  of  the  sublimity  of  his  virtue,  and  the 
constancy  of  his  friendship."    Lee's  Memoirs,  vol.  i,  p.  109,  note.     Philadelphia,  1812. 

Cien'l  Lincoln  in  his   letter  to  Congress  under  date  of  October   22,    1779.  alludes  to  him  as 
the  late  intrepid  (!ouut  Pulaski." 

"The  Count's  valor  and  active  zeal  on  all  occasions  have  done  him  great  honor."  (Jen'l 


Monniiients  arc  comiecthif^  links  iietween  tlie  present  and 
the  ])ast.  They  denote  a  "just  and  grateful  appreciation  of 
the  virtues  and  services  they  are  designed  to  commemorate, 
and  stand  as  silent  yet  impressive  teachers  of  the  noblest 
lessons."  Around  them  gather  the  memories  of  former 
achievements,  and  in  them  dwells  a  consciousness  of  the 
glories  of  the  nation  whose  history  has  been  dignified  by 
such  exhibitions  of  worth  and  excellence.  They  stimulate 
children  to  a  generous  emulation  of  the  brave  deeds  of  tlu^ir 
fathers,  and  incite  to  action.  They  foster  martial  spirit  and 
engender  ennobling  thought.  Among  brethren  of  a  common 
country  they  form,  in  times  of  peace,  bonds  of  union;  in  war, 
the  pledges  of  heroic  conduct. 

Peoples,  whose  exploits  have  been  famous,  acknowledging 
the  value  and  the  influence  of  these  national  tributes,  have 
invoked  the  aid  of  enduring  marble  in  perpetuating  the  recol- 
lections of  memorable  men  and  events.  When  the  Athenian 
statesman  sought  to  arouse  the  slumbering  energies  of  his 
countrymen,  he  portrayed  the  manhood  of  their  ancestors 
and  pointed  to  the  majestic  Acropolis  rendered  immortal  by 
the  trophies  of  their  valor  and  art.  For  five  hundred  years 
after  tlie  establishment  of  their  independence,  did  Swiss 
peasants  assemble  on  the  fields  of  Morgarten  and  Laupen, 
spreading  garlands  over  the  gi-aves  of  their  fallen  warriors, 
praying  for  the  souls  of  those  who  had  died  for  their  country, 
and  taking  fresh  courage  for  the  future.  Yes !  monuments 
are,  except  in  arbitrary  governments,  the  physical  embodi- 
ments of  the  purest  memories  and  proudest  traditions  of  a 
people.  They  are  at  once  the  exponents  of  national  grati- 
tude and  the  pledges  of  public  devotion  to  the  great  principles 
illustrated  by  the  hves  of  those  in  whose  honor  they  are 
erected.  Blessed  is  that  people  whose  land  is  filled  with 
nol)le  monuments  and  precious  graves.  In  them  a  nation 
lives,  and  that  liolily.  A  country  without  them  is  a  place 
without  names,  and  a  home  devoid  of  moral  grandeur. 
Think  you,  my  countrymen,  no  matttn-  how  dark  the  present, 
or  how  unsatisfactory  the  tokens  of  the  future,  that  Confed- 
erate memories  can  ever  die  so  long  as  we  carry  in  our  heaits 
and  teacli  our  children  to  venerate  the  sublime  characters 


and  acts  of  Robert  E.  Lee,  Albert  Sidney  Jolmston,  Stone- 
wall Jackson,  Joseph  E.  Johnston,  and  the  noble  compatriots 
who  united  with  them  in  the  leadership  of  our  armies? 

Time  which 

*     "lays  his  hand 
On  pyramids  of  brass  and  ruins  quite 
Wliat  all  the  fond  artificers  did  think 
Immortal  workmanship," 
can  bring  neither  shadow  nor  obUvion  to  these  illustrious 
names.     Their  graves  will  be  the  consecrated  places  of  our 
land,  and  around  the  monuments  which  will  arise  in  their 
honor,  shall  bloom  sweetest  flowers  planted   and   tenderly 
nurtured  by  our  noble  women — flowers  redolent,  of  the  sanc- 
tity of  their  tears  and  hopes  and  pure  devotion.     Thither 
will  manly  hearts  repair  most  solemnly  to  renew  their  alle- 
giance, and  there  will  unborn  generations  learn  the  truth  of 
history  and  reverence  the  cause  which  enlisted  such  exalted 

By  a  vote  of  Congress  it  was  resolved  that  a  monument 
should  be  erected  to  the  memory  of  Brigadier  Count  Pulaski. 
That  monument  has  never  been  built,  and  the  vote  still  stands 
a  public  recognition  of  the  services  and  deserts  of  this  brave 
man,  and  an  illustration  of  a  Republic's  forgetfulness  and  in- 
gratitude. It  was  reserved  for  Georgia — the  youngest  of  the 
original  thirteen  Confederated  States,  for  Savannah — the 
city  for  whose  Kberation  he  shed  his  blood — to  redeem  the 
pledge  given  by  the  general  Government  and  bear  honorable 
testimony  to  her  appreciation  of  the  services  and  character 
of  Pulaski. 

Invoking  the  aid  of  an  eminent  scidptor  to  embody  their 
gi-atitude  and  respect  in  a  permanent,  artistic  memorial,  the 
citizens  of  Savannah,  with  imposing  ceremonies,*  dedicated  to 
the  memory  of  this  distinguished  Pole,  in  Monterey  square,  a 
monument  which  in  purity  of  conception,  symmetry  of  form, 
and  varied  attractions,  rises  a  gem  of  art. 

Often  in  the  pale  moonlight,  when  the  hum  of  the  city  was 
hushed  and  the  great  heart  of  human  life  lay  almost  pulseless 

*  See  "Aadress  delivered  ou  layiug  the  corner  stone  of  a  Monument  to  Pulaski  in  the  City 
of  Savannah,  October  11,  1853,  by  Henry  Williams,  Esq.,  with  an  account  of  the  ceremonies 
upon  that  occasion,  and  at  the  complefion  of  the  monument,  January  8th,  18r)5,"  etc.  Savan- 
nah, 1H55. 

410  CASIMIR  PllLASld. 

ill  the  embrace  of  the  twin  sister  of  death — have  we  Hngered 
near  this  stately  shaft  pointing  upward  to  the  beautiful  stars 
as  amid  the  limitless  regions  of  far-otf  space  like  so  many 
vestal  virgins  they  kept  each  its  eternal  flame  brightly'burning 
this  side  the  mansions  of  the  Blest,  and  felt  our  souls  enno- 
bled by  the  silent  eloquence  and  the  lessons  of  immortality 
which  were  born  of  the  solemn  hour  and  inculcated  by  the 
teachings  of  this  sacred  moiniment.  In  the  glare  of  day  we 
have  never  passed  beneath  its  shadow  without  pausing  to 
give  expression  to  those  brave  thoughts  which  its  presence 
inspires.  The  morning  sun  beams  kindly  upon  its  fair  pro- 
portions, mfusing  into  every  sculptured  line  new  life  and 
beauty.  His  evening  rays  Unger  in  soft  radiance  about  its 
summit.  The  storm  in  its  wild  career  ruffles  not  a  single 
jjluine  of  that  puissant  eagle — the  symbolic  bird  of  Poland 
and  America — as  he  sedulously  guards  the  united  emblems 
of  Poland  and  Georgia.  The  lightning  in  its  erratic  course 
harms  not  the  Goddess  of  Liberty,  as  fi"oni  her  lofty  pedestal 
she  keejjs  her  serene  and  sleepless  vigils.  This  monument 
lifts  its  pure  form  within  rifle  shot  of  the  spot  where  fell  the 
illustrious  Captain  whose  virtues  it  commemorates. 

Ever  repeating  the  story  of  departed  greatness,  ever  re- 
minding us  of  the  glorious  recollections  of  our  revolutionary 
period,  ever  inspiring  the  men  of  our  times  with  veneration 
for  the  past  and  hope  for  the  future — by  its  presence  en- 
kindling a  generous  emulation  of  that  disinterested  devotion 
to,  and  that  glorious  love  of  truth  and  right  and  freedom 
which  glowed  in  the  breast  and  distiiigiiislied  the  career  of 
the  illustrious  Pulaski,  it  will  stand,  amid  the  mutations  of 
years  and  the  revolutions  of  States,  a  noble  expression  of  a 
people's  gratitude,  more  vocal  in  the  deathless  memories 
which  cluster  about  it  than  the  far-famed  statue  of   Memnon. 

"So,  when  the  good  and  great  go  down. 

Their  statues  shall  arise, 
To  crowd  those  temples  of  our  own. 

Our  fadeless  memories. 
And  when  the  sculptured  marble  falls 

And  Art  goes  in  to  die, 
Our  forms  shall  live  in  holier  halls, 

The  Pautlieon  of  the  sky." 






JULY  24,  1871. 


Gentlemen  of  the  Georgia  Hhtoiical  and  Savannah  Lilirary 
Societies,  now  consolidated  as  the  Georgia  Historical  Society: 
As  tlie  intellect  is  developed  by  advanced  civilization,  and 
consequent  larger  culture  of  it,  it  begins  to  expand  the  sphere 
of  its  observation.  Man,  in  his  savage  state,  uses  his  brain 
for  little  besides  observing  and  noting  the  ordinary  phenomena 
of  life  which  are  occurring  immediately  around  him.  From 
that  point  at  which  the  external  senses  are  almost  alone  the 
media  by  which  the  grey  cells  of  the  brain  are  called  upon 
to  act,  to  that  art  which,  through  growth  and  development 
by  letters,  by  study,  by  that  incomprehensible  function, 
thought,  man,  emerged  fi'om  a  savage  state,  has  become  a 
civilized,  educated  being,  more  fit  to  claim  having  been  made 
in  the  image  of  his  Maker — what  a  vast  interval !  Between 
two  such  intellectual  extremes,  between  a  Bushman  and  a 
Cuvier,  the  difference  is  greater  as  to  mind  than  is  the  differ- 
ence materially  between  a  Chimpanzee  and  the  lowest  grade 
of  the  genus  homo. 

Among  the  longings  of  an  intellectually  developed  people, 
is  that  of  learning  the  past  as  well  as  the  present.  Advancing 
civilization  brought  into  action  a  mode  of  preserving  the 
memories  of  the  past  with  greater  capacity  and  more  accuracy, 
viz  :  the  art  of  letters;  which,  however  rude  and  incomplete, 
constituted  the  first  step  towards  the  development  of  the 
human  mind.  The  art  of  printing  formed  a  proper  apex  to 
such  a  base. 

But  even  with  all  the  profusion  of  material  afforded  by  the 
multiplication  of  documents,and  its  wide  spread  dissemination, 
it  is  almost  wonderful  how  this  material  is  allowed  to  go  to 
waste,  and  become  as  lost   and  unavailable   as  the  precious 

416  ADDHESS  OF  lilCHAUD  I).  ARNOLD,  M.  D. 

Sil)ylliuo  lojives  refused  by  Nuiua.  To  avoid  lliis  waste,  to 
preserve  this  material,  liljraries,  })ublic  and  private,  were 
formed  ages  before  tlie  invention  of  ])rinting.  But  their 
formation  and  cohection  were  both  more  difficult  and  more 
expensive  than  has  been  the  case  suice  tlie  art  of  printing  has 
been  practised.  Since  that,  as  communities  have  become 
stably  estal)lished,  a  library  has  always  been  deemed  a 
desideratum  amongst  them. 

A  public  library  combines  economy  with  usefukiess.  Hence 
enlightened  and  public  minded  men  have  generally  turned 
their  attention  to  building  up  and  fostering  such  an  institution 
in  their  respective  communities. 

Georgia  is  the  youngest  of  the  Old  Thirteen  States.  While 
her  jurisdiction  (confirmed  by  the  treaty  of  peace  between 
England  and  the  United  States,  of  which  she  was  one  after 
the  Revolutionary  war),  extended  to  the  Mississippi  river,  at 
that  time  her  actual  settlements  did  not  pass  west  of  the 
Altamaha  and  its  western  tributary  the  Ocmulgee.  In  short, 
Georgia  was  literally  a  fi-ontier  State,  with  a  sparse  population 
between  the  Savannah  river  and  the  Altamaha.  But  Savannah 
and  Augiista  were  established  towns,  and  a  flood  of  emigration 
set  in  on  the  then  thinly  inhabited  State,  mostly  from  Vir- 
ginia, North  Carolina  and  South  Carohna,  in  the  vicinity  of 
Augusta;  but  from  more  northern  sources,  about  Savannah, 
attracted,  no  doubt,  as  the  latter  were  by  the  commercial 
advantages  of  this  city  from  its  favored  situation. 

Our  late  lamented  President,  Bishop  Elliott,  in  an  address 
before  you  but  a  short  time  prior  to  his  death,  sketched  a 
picture  of  the  literary  society  of  Savannah  in  the  first  quarter 
of  this  century,  and  paid  a  merited  tribute  to  the  great  intel- 
ligence and  high  culture  of  the  individuals  composing  it. 

In  an  address  delivered  by  me  before  the  Georgia  Medical 
Society  three  years  ago,  I  endeavored  to  pay  a  tribute  to  the 
exertions  of  my  medical  predecessors  in  the  cause  of  medical 
science  and  public  hygiene. 

In  my  present  hasty  effort  to  bring  to  mind  and  to  fix 
in  your  recollections,  the  names  of  those  who  some  sixty 
years  since  associated  themselves  together  to  found  a  public 
library   for  the    city   of    Savannah,   I   am   confined  to   no 

ADDRESS  OF  laCHAUD  D.  ARNOLD,  M.  D.  417 

class,  for  I  tiiid  iuii()iiji;st  tlieiu  men  of  all  professions  and 
callings — the  clergyman,  the  lawyer,  the  ])hysician,  the  mer- 
chant, the  plain  citizen. 

Among  the  seventy -one  gentlemen  who  ni(;t  at  the  Exchange 
on  the  6th  of  January,  1809,  I  find  the  names  of  the  Rev. 
Henry  KoUock,  Dr.  Lemuel  KoUock,  John  M.  Berrien,  Dr.  J. 
Bond  Read,  Charles  Harris,  Dr.  John  Gumming,  Dr.  John 
Grimes,  George  Woodruff,  James  M.  Wayne,  Wm.  T.  Williams, 
Alex.  Telfair,  Jas.  Bilbo,  Dr.  J.  E.  Wliite,  Wm.  B.  Bulloch, 
George  Jones,  A.  G.  Oemler,  D.  T.  Bartow,  Alfred  Cuthbert, 
John  Bolton,  William  Gaston,  A.  Low,  J.  P.  WilHamson,  Dr. 
Wm.  Parker,  Hugh  McCall,  Thos.  Young.  They  and  the 
remainder  of  the  seventy-one  have  all  passed  from  the  world, 
but  their  work  remains  for  our  benefit.  And  may  I  not  remark 
here  that  the  assemblage  of  seventy-one  prominent  citizens, 
out  of  so  small  a  population  as  Savannah  then  possessed,  is 
a  proof  of  an  interest  in  literary  matters  at  that  period,  which 
has  )iot  grown  with  our  growth  and  strengthened  with  our 
strength  '? 

On  the  Gth  March,  1809,  a  Constitution  and  By-Laws  were 
adopted,  and  Dr.  John  Cummiug  was  elected  Chairman  and 
A.  G.  Oemler,  Librarian,  and  here  my  connection  with  the 
Georgia  Medical  Society  as  Secretary,  some  thirty-four  years 
since,  enables  me  to  fill  a  gap  m  the  recorded  history  of  the 
Savannah  Library  Society,  as  I  then  learned  the  facts  from 
Dr.  Bartow,  Mr.  Oemler  and  others. 

At  the  time  of  the  organization  of  the  Savannah  Lil)rary 
Society,  the  Georgia  Medical  Society  had  already  been 
incorporated.  The  eastern  portion  of  the  Chatham  Academy 
building,  built  on  the  three  eastern  lots  on  the  northwest 
corner  of  South  Broad  and  Drayton,  was  only  partially 
finished.  The  Library  Society  and  the  Georgia  Medical 
Society  agreed  to  furnish  the  second  story  room  in  the  centre 
of  the  building  just  under  the  cupola,  at  their  joint  expense, 
on  condition  of  their  occupying  it  as  joint  tenants,  free  of  all 

I  recollect  the  room  distinctly,  as  it  Avas  in  the  winter  of 
1819,  before  I  left  Savannah  for  the  North,  to  be  put  to 


■  ilf^  ADDl'.KSS  OF  I;I('HA1;D  D.  AliNdl.D,  M.  D. 

T1h>  Cniiijn'l  ;iiuT  Exliibition  room  of  tlie  Aciulciiiy  was  on 
tlu>  story  ii})ove  the  Librury.  The  second  story,  on  wliicli 
the  Lil)r!iry  was  situated,  was  reached  by  stairs  on  the  south 
side,  and  exterior  to  the  main  building. 

The  stairs  to  reach  the  chapel  (where  all  the  schools  used 
to  unite  for  prayer),  were  in  the  southwestern  jiortion  of  this 
second  story,  as  w^as  also  a  door  comnumicating  with  the 
room  immediately  west,  then  occupied  as  a  school  room. 
The  rooms  to  the  east  and  west  of  the  chapel  were  also  occ^^- 
pied  as  school  rooms.  Boys  and  girls  w^ere  then  mixed  in 
the  same  school. 

Where  then,  you  will  ask,  was  the  library  ?  I  answer,  on 
the  second  floor  mentioned  before,  enclosed  by  a  partition, 
the  lower  part  of  which  was  solid,  and  the  upper  part  com- 
posed of  rounded  slats,  through  the  interstices  of  w^hich 
light  and  air  were  admitted  from  the  southern  door  and 
windows,  and  a  passageway  was  left  l)etween  this  partition 
and  the  southern  wall  of  the  building,  to  reach,  as  indicated 
before,  the  chapel  aud  the  western  school  room. 

The  distinguished  Henry  Kollock,  D.  D.,  for  so  many  years 
the  idoHzed  pastor  of  the  Independent  Presbyterian  Church, 
was  then  President  of  the  Society,  which  had  been  regularly 
incorporated  in  the  year  1815. 

The  Hon.  John  Macpherson  Berrien  succeeded  Dr.  John 
Gumming,  Chairman,  in  1810,  by  the  title  of  President,  and 
continued  in  that  office  until  1818,  when  lie  was  succeeded 
by  the  Kev.  Dr.  Kollock. 

Dr.  Henry  Kollock  was  no  ordinary  man.  He  was,  I 
believe,  a  native  of  New  Jersey.  He  was  a  ripe  scholar,  a 
learned  divine,  a  most  eloquent  preacher.  His  manners  were 
of  the  most  refined  character.  His  influence  over  his  congre- 
gation, while  absolute,  from  his  rare  combination  of  talents 
and  attainments  with  exquisite  social  polish,  was  beneficent 
and  healthy.  I  have  it  from  good  authority  that  he  was  the 
first  to  origiiuxte  the  library. 

His  personal  appearance  was  everything  that  was  elegant 
and  dignified.  It  is  stcu'eotyped  on  my  remembrance.  The 
massive  head,  as  can  be  seen  in  his  engraved  })ortraits  extant 
amongst   VIS,  set   on   a   muscular   frame   of  medium  height, 


clothed  with  a  Wack  coat  of  no  poculiar  (th^iical  cut,  hut  with 
the  white  cravat;  knee  breeches,  with  a  buckle  at  the  side, 
black  silk  stockings  clothing  a  symmetrical  leg,  and  the  pedal 
extremities  resting  in  shoes,  on  the  top  of  which  shone  a 
bright  buckle. 

As  he  used  to  walk  into  the  school  room,  in  his  capacity  as 
trustee  of  the  Chatham  Academy,  every  little  heart  was 
stirred  tumultuously,  but  was  soon  reassured  by  his  kind, 
benignant  and  paternal  manner. 

Mr.  Oender  was  then  the  librarian.  Many  now  in  this  city 
will  recollect  him  personally.  He  was  a  German,  a  man  of 
intelligence  and  education,  (although  very  eccentric  in  many 
particulars,)  one  of  the  originators  of  the  Library  Society,  and 
always  its  warm  fiiend  and  supporter.  After  the  death  of 
Dr.  KoUock,  the  Presidents  were  in  succession,  Alexander 
Telfair,  John  C.  Nicoll,  E.  W.  Habersham,  A.  Telfair,  W.  W. 
Gordon,  Cosmo  P.  Eichardsone,  M.  H.  McAllister. 

AVhen  I  returned  from  Philadelphia  as  a  young  doctor,  in 
1830,  I  found  the  library  transferred  to  the  ground  floor  of 
the  centre  building,  immediately  under  the  old  Library  Eoom. 
This  was  also  occupied  jointly  by  the  Georgia  Medical 
Society,  and  from  this  time  I  speak  by  the  card. 

The  Society  languished.  In  1S37,  nearly  collapsed.  In 
1838  a  new  impetus  was  given  it,  principally  through  the 
exertions  of  Captain  Wm.  Crabtree,  Jr.,  and  Homes  Tupper, 

In  1838  the  following  officers  were  elected,  none  having 
been  elected  in  1837  : 

President— M.  H.  McAllister. 
Vice  President — Wm.  Crabtree,  Jr. 
Secretary  and  Treasurer — W.  Morel. 

Managers — Rev.  George  White,  R.  W.  Pooler,  A.  G.  Oemler,  R.   D. 
Arnold,  Homes  Tupper. 

The  life  and  soul  of  this  Board  was  the  late  Homes  Tup- 
per, Esq.,  a  Northerner  by  birth,  but  for  many  years  a  resi- 
dent here,  and  a  successful  merchant.  He  was  ably  assisted 
by  Capt.  Crabtree,  also  a  Northerner,  an  old  resident  antl  a 
successful  merchant.     Both  had  retired  from  active  business, 



and  tliey  devoted  tlieir  leisure  con  (niiorc  to  tlie  rclnihUitdUo)! 
of  tlie  Libian-. 

It  was  determined  to  remove  it  from  the  Academy  to  a 
more  business  part  of  tlie  city,  and  to  attach  a  reading  room 
to  it,  and  to  keej)  it  open  all  day.  It  was  moved  to  the  u])per 
story  of  the  tenement  on  the  northwest  corner  of  AVhitakt'r 
street  and  Bay  lane. 

In  A]:>ril,  188(S,  Mr.  Wm.  Morel  resigned  as  Secretary, 
Treasurer  and  Librarian,  and  the  late  Capt.  Wm.  Bee  was 
elected  in  his  place. 

In  1839,  the  same  officers  were  elected,  except  that  Mr.  J. 
Wray  was  substituted  as  Manager,  in  })lace  of  Rev.  George 

It  was  in  the  Spring  of  this  year  that  a  new  movement  Avas 
inaugurated  to  estal)lish  another  Societ},  for  the  purpose  of 
rescuing  fi'om  oblivion  the  records  of  the  past,  and  furnishing 
authentic  data  for  the  History  of  Georgia.  The  origin  of  this 
Society  is  given  so  accurately  and  fairly  by  Dr.,  now  the  lit. 
Rev.  Bishop  Stevens,  of  Philadelphia,  that  I  shall  quote  it  as 
given  by  him  in  the  appendix  to  the  2d  vol.  of  the  Georgia 
Historical  Collection : 

•'The  neressity  of  some  historical  institution  had  lf)n2:  been  felt  by 
literary  men,  bnt  no  re<;;nlar  efPort  had  ever  been  made  for  its  establish- 

"The  splendid  autf)<j;raiiliioal  colleetion  of  I.  K.  Tefft,  Esq.,  together 
with  the  many  valuable  documents  in  his  possession  pertaiiiinji;  to  the  colo- 
nial and  revohitionary  history  of  Georgia,  suggested  the  importance  of  such 
a  Society,  and  it  was  immediately  determined  by  Mr.  TefFt  and  Mr.  Wm.  ]>. 
Stevens  to  proceed  without  delay  to  its  formation.  This  measure  was  first 
decided  on  towards  the  close  of  April,  1839,  and  at  the  suggestion  of  Mr. 
Tefft  the  latter  endeavored  to  prepare  the  way  and  awaken  attention  to  the 
subject  by  two  articles  on  this  topic,  which  appeared  in  the  Savannah 
Georgian  of  May  following.  These  individuals  were  now  joined  by  a  third, 
Kicliard  D.  Arnold,  M.  1).,  and  after  many  conferences  as  to  the  best 
method  of  proceedure,  they  resolved  to  address  the  following  circular  to 
those  whom  they  thought  would  be  interested  in  their  design,   [p.  ;i26  "Jd  vol  J 

On  the  24th  May,  1839,  a  meeting  was  held  at  the  Savan- 
nah Library  Society's  room,  in  pursuance  of  a  call  made 
through  that  circular,  which  was  signed  by  I.  K.  Tefl't,  R.  D.' 


Arnold  and  W.  B.  Stevens,  for  the  purpose  of  organizing;  an 
Historical  Society  for  the  State  of  Georgia. 

There  were  present  Judge  Charles  S.  Henry,  Hon.  John 
McPherson  Berrien,  Hon.  Jas.  M.  Wayne,  M.  H.  McAllister, 
George  Jones,  Dr.  Wm.  Bacon  Stevens,  Wm.  Neyle  Haber- 
sham, Dr.  J.  F.  Posey,  Wm.  Crabtree,  Jr.,  Dr.  Wllham  A. 
Caruthers,  A.  A.  Sniets,  Solomon  Cohen,  A.  G.  Oemler,  C. 
McArdell,  John  E.  Ward,  Dr.  K.  D.  Arnold,  Judge  John  C. 
Nicoll,  Dr.  Edward  Coppee,  Dr.  P.  M.  Kollock,  Hon.  Robert 
M.  Charlton,  Charles  Stephens,  M.  Meyes,  H.  K.  Preston,  I. 
Tefi't,  George  Jones  Kollock. 

To  this  list  were  added  the  names  of  twenty-seven  gentle- 
men who  were  not  able  to  be  present,  but  who  had  signified 
their  desire  to  co-operate  and  Ijecome  members  of  the 

A  constitution  was  submitted  to  the  meeting,  which  was 
read  and  referred  to  a  committee  for  revisal  and  to- report  at 
an  adjourned  meeting. 

The  adjourned  meeting  took  place  on  the  4tli  of  June,  1889, 
and  the  Society  was  fully  organized  by  the  adoption  of  a 
constitution  and  by-laws,  and  the  election  of  the  following 
ofiicers : 

President — Hon.  John  McPherson  Berrien. 
Vice  Presidents — Hon.  Jas.  M.  Wayne,  Hon.  Wm.  B.  Bulloch. 
Corresponding  Secretary — I.  K.  Tefft. 
Recording  Secretary — Wm.  Bacon  Stevens. 
Treasurer — George  W.  Hunter. 
Librarian — Henry  Kirk  Preston. 

Curators — Wm.  Thorne  Williams,  Chas.  S.  Henry,  John  C.  Nicoll,  Wm. 
Law,  Richard  D.  Arnold.  Robt.  M.  Chariton.  Matthew  Hall  McAllister. 

Thus  was  the  Georgia  Historical  Society  fau'ly  launched 
on  the  stream  of  time. 

The  Society  immediately  set  to  work  to  collect  fi-om  every 
available  source  every  document,  MSS  or  printed,  which  could 
ilhistrate  the  history  of  Georgia.  At  the  session  of  the  Georgia 
Legislature  of  1839,  the  Society  was  duly  incorporated,  and 
it  was  made  the  custodian  of  the  copies  of  the  MSS  in  the 
State  paper  office  at  London,  relating  to  the  early  history  of 
Georgia,  which  had  been  transcribed  by  the  Rev.  C.  W. 
Howard,  as  agent  of  the  State. 

422  ADDltESS  or  IUCHARD  D.  AllNOLD,  M.  D. 

On  the  12tli  of  Febniarv,  1840,  the  first  anniversary  was 
celebrated  witli  great  enthusiasm. 

The  oration  was  cleHvered  by  the  Hon.  Wm.  Law,  a  worthy 
scion  of  the  hbtnty  loving  peoi)le  of  Liberty  county.  It  was 
exhaustive  of  the  subject,  and  may  claim  to  be  the  first 
historical  offering  from  the  Georgia  Historical  Society. 

It  was  delivered  at  the  Baptist  Church  on  Chippewa  square, 
at  that  time  ministered  to  by  the  Rev.  J.  G.  Binney. 

It  would  be  tedious  to  trace  minutely  the  progress  of  the 
Society  in  its  historical  publications.  So  far  it  has  issued 
but  tw  o  volumes,  but  through  its  intercourse  with  otlier  his- 
torical societies,  it  has  accumulated  a  vast  fund  of  historical 
lore,  for  future  reference  and  study.  Dr.  Wm.  Bacon  Stevens 
was  made  the  historiogi-apher  of  the  Society,  and  all  the 
materials  in  its  possession  were  placed  at  his  disposal,  to 
enable  him  to  write  a  history  of  Georgia. 

It  is  principally  in  relation  to  the  union  of  the  two  Societies 
that  I  have  consented  to  address  you  to-night,  for  that  union 
was  the  salvation  of  both  Societies. 

The  removal  of  the  books  to  the  present  situation  was 
deemed  a  proper  time  to  review  the  history  of  the  two 
Societies,  the  union  of  which  has  been  productive  of  so  much 
benefit  to  our  connnunity,  and  which,  I  trust,  is  destined  to 
extend  still  wider  its  sphere  of  usefulness. 

From  my  long  connection  with  l)oth  Societies,  you  have 
selected  me  to  deliver,  not  an  oration,  but  a  compilation  of 
facts,  in  relation  to  them,  which  may  be  made  a  matter  of 
reference  and  of  permanent  record,  "footprints  in  the  sands 
of  Time,"  for  those  who  are  to  succeed  us  in  the  future. 

From  the  time  of  its  organization  in  1839,  up  to  1841,  the 
Georgia  Historical  Society  continued  to  hold  its  meetings  in 
the  room  of  the  Savannah  Library  Society,  on  the  northwest 
corner  of  Bay  lane  and  Whitaker  street.  It  was  the  reading- 
room  of  the  Library  Society.  This  was  done  free  of  rent  up 
to  the  first  of  February,  1843,  when  the  Georgia  Historical 
Society  rented  the  room  for  its  exclusive  use. 

In  November,  1842,  it  was  determined  to  petition  the  City 
Council  for  the  grant  of  a  lot  on  which  to  erect  a  hall  for  the 
Society.     I  may  state  here,  that  this   jjetition   was   gi-auted, 

ADDRESS  OF  RlfllARD  D.  ARNOLD,  M.  D.  423 

and  a  lot  in  LaFayette  ward,  on  Liberty  strcu^t,  was  set  apart 
for  the  Society,  and  aftc^rwards  deeded  in  fee  simple  for 
purposes  hereafter  to  be  detailed. 

In  the  sjDring  of  the  year  1845,  the  attention  of  the  Society 
was  called  by  the  President,  the  Hon.  James  M.  Wa3-nc,  to 
the  eligibility  of  what  was  known  as  the  Custom  House  lot, 
which  was  owned  by  the  United  States  Government,  and  was 
then  covered  by  the  debris  of  the  l)rick  building  which  had 
been  burned  in  the  great  fire  of  1820. 

During  his  judicial  sojourn  at  Washington,  Judge  Wayne 
had  opened  the  subject  of  a  purchase  to  the  authorities  there, 
and  he  was  formally  authorized  by  the  Society  to  act  in  the 

The  Society  continued  to  meet  at  the  room  of  the  Savannah 
Library  Society.  In  January,  1846,  Dr.  Arnold  offered  a 
resolution  as  to  the  expediency  of  obtaining  new  rooms.  At 
the  same  time  Mr.  Hodgson  oifered  a  resolution  as  to  "the 
practicability  of  })urcliasing  the  shares  of  the  Savannah 
Library  Society  for  the  use  of  the  Georgia  Historical  Society." 

On  the  11th  of  May,  1846,  further  action  was  taken  in 
relation  to  the  purchase  of  the  Custom  House  lot,  and 
Council  was  petitioned  to  make  the  lot  granted  the  Society  a 
fee  simple  one,  in  order  that  the  Society  might  dispose  of  it 
and  apply  the  proceeds  to  the  payment  for  the  lot  j)roposed 
to  be  bought.  The  City  Council  did  so,  and  the  proceeds  of 
the  sale  of  that  lot  was  the  nucleus  from  Avhicli  eventually  was 
developed  the  hall  of  the  Georgia  Historical  Society,  now 
standing  on  Bryan  street,  opposite  the  Bank  of  the  State  of 

On  the  next  anniversary,  the  12tli  of  February,  1847,  the 
Society  met  at  tlieii-  new  rooms  in  Owens'  building,  on  John- 
son's (better  known  as  monument)  square.  It  had  been  under 
the  same  roof  with  the  Savannah  Library  Society  for  nearly 
eight  years,  and  certainly  had  but  a  pecarious  pecuniary 
foothold.  What  was  wanting  in  funds  was  made  up  by  energy 
and  perseverance. 

On  June  14th,  1847,  it  w^as  determined  to  purchase  the 
Custom  House  lot,  and  means  were-  ordered  to  be  taken  to 
raise  the  money. 

424  ADDKESS  OF   laCHAKD  I).  ARNOLD,  M.  D. 

Ill  the  iiicMU  time  tlu^  union  of  the  two  Societies  had  not 
IxH'ii  lost  si^lit  of.  The  ground  was  ready  for  the  seed.  The 
Library  Society  had  Hterally  sheltered  the  Georgia  Historical 
Society  for  nearly  eight  years.  Most  of  the  shareholders  in 
the  former  Avere  also  members  of  the  Georgia  Historical 
Society.  It  was  the  predominant  feeling  that  the  sphere  of 
action  of  both  societies  woidd  be  widely  extended  thereby, 
and  their  usefulness  consequently  increased. 

The  f(dlowing  extract  from  the  minutes  of  June  14,  1847, 
will  ex})lain  itself  : 

"Tlif  President  (Hon.  Jas.  M.  Wayne)  stated  that,  acting  on  a  sntrncstion 
formerly  made,  he  had  proposed  to  the  Savannah  Library  Society  to  form  a 
union  with  tliis.  A  conmiittee,  consistingof  Messrs.  Wm.  Crabtiee,  Homes 
Tujiper  and  SoL  Cohen,  had  been  appointed  by  that  Society  to  confer  witli 
any  wiiich  might  be  ai)pointed  by  this." 

Dr.  Arnold  offered  the  foUowdng,  which  Avas  adopted  : 

Resolved,  That  the  President  appoint  a  committee  of  three,  liimself  to  be 
one,  to  confer  with  the  Committee  of  the  Savannah  Lil»rary  Society,  \\  ith 
full  powers  to  negotiate  a  union  of  the  two  Societies,  and  that  they  rei)ort 
at  an  ensuing  meeting. 

The  Chair  appointed  Messrs.  Smets  and  Harden. 

The  two  committees  met  and  agreed  upon  a  plan  of  union, 
which  w  as  ratified  by  the  Savannah  Library  Society  at  a 
meeting  held  on  the  17th  June,  1847,  and  by  the  Georgia 
Historical  Society  at  a  called  meeting  held  July  12,  1847. 
Certain  rights  were  reserved  by  the  Library  Society  in  case 
of  the  non-fulfilment  by  the  Georgia  Historical  Society  of 
certain  conditions  ;  but  all  the  conditions  imposed,  and  all 
the  obligations  entered  into,  have  been  fulfilled,  and  as  the 
union  has  lasted  without  a  ripple  for  twenty-four  years,  it 
may  be  fairly  considered  indissoluble. 

The  Georgia  Historical  Society  had  the  bird,  but  it  had  no 
cage  to  put  in  it ;  it  had  a  library,  but  no  room  to  put  it  in. 
The  lot  had  been  purchased  for  fifteen  hundred  dollars. 
Private  subscriptions  for  the  purpose  of  erecting  a  hall  were 
set  on  foot,  and  liberally  filled  up.  A  plan  submitted  by  Mr. 
Norris  was  adopted,  and  the  building,  as  it  now  stands,  was 


erected  by  him.  The  Society  took  possession  of  it  in  June, 

The  books  of  the  Savannali  Library  Society  were  moved 
thither,  and  with  those  of  the  Georgia  Historical  Society, 
placed  in  the  lower  room  as  a  library  room,  where  they 
remained  for  over  two  years,  when  the  upper  room  was  chosen 
for  a  library  room,  and  it  has  remained  so  until  this  "new 
departure"  which  we  commemorate  to-night. 

In  the  fall  of  1849  the  outstanding  debts  amounted  to 
$1,400.  The  late  Dr.  Jas.  P.  Screven  generously  advanced 
the  sum  at  the  rate  of  seven  per  cent.,  to  be  repaid  at  the 
convenience  of  the  Society. 

In  May  1850,  six  hundred  dollars  were  paid  on  this  note. 
The  Society  now  began  to  prosper.  The  low^er  room  was 
rented  out,  and  there  was  no  pressure  for  the  payment  of  the 
debt  due  Dr.  Screven. 

The  library  was  thrown  open  to  subscribers,  and  it  also 
continued  to  be  increased  by  new  purchases.  The  contribu- 
tion of  the  Savannah  Library  Society  was  no  mean  one, 
amounting  to  upwards  of  2,500  volumes,  including  a  great 
many  standard  works,  whose  value  time  will  never  destroy. 

Matters  proceeded  along  smoothly,  without  anything 
particular  to  note,  until  the  anniversary  meeting  of  February 
12,  1852,  at  which  time  they  were  diversified  by  the  following 
episode,  when  the  then  Recording  Secretary  read  to  the 
meeting  the  followmg  letter,  addressed  to  the  Hon.  James  M. 
Wayne,  President: 

Savannah,  February  12,  1852. 

Bear  Sir : — I  propose,  with  the  permission  of  the  Society  over  which 
you  preside,  to  cancel  the  mortgage  laeld  by  me  on  its  lot  and  improvements 
on  Bryan  street. 

This  day  being  the  anniversary  of  the  Society,  presents  an  appropriate 
occasion  for  the  performance  of  an  act  which  will  free  it  from  debt  and 
enable  it  to  extend  the  sphere  of  its  usefulness.  I  have  the  honor  to  be, 
very  respectfully,  yours,  James  P.  Screven. 

The  sincere  thanks  of  the  Societj*  were  returned  to  Dr. 
Screven  for  his  generous  gift,  (amounting  to  $800  00),  and  he 
w^as  unanimously  elected  an  honorary  life  member.  Dr. 
Screven  had  originally  subscribed  $200  00. 


From  that  day,  the  Society  has  been  entirely  free  from 
debt,  with  a  handsome  pr()i)ert3'  in  real  estate  and  books. 

There  is  but  little  worthy  of  any  particular  attention  until 
the  close  of  the  war  and  after  the  city  had  passed  from  under 
military  rule,  except  the  deaths  of  three  distinguished  mem- 
bers: A.  A.  Smets,  Esq.,  known  for  his  literary  taste  and 
splendid  private  library,  Avhich  ranked  him  as  a  bibliopholist 
of  the  first  class;  I.  K.  Tefft,  Esq.,  the  original  point 
from  which  our  Society  started,  its  real  "foiis  et  origo,"  and 
the  Hon.  Chas.  S.  Henry,  for  many  years  a  Judge  of  .  the 
Superior  Court  of  Georgia,  and  an  original  member  of  the 
Society,  for  some  years  its  President,  and  always  active  in  its 

Suitable  tributes  to  their  respective  memories  will  be  found 
on  the  records  of  the  Society,  but  it  is  not  in  the  pro^dnce  of 
this  address  to  dilate  on  such  themes. 

During  the  war  many  new^  members  joined  the  Society,  a 
majority  of  whom,  in  spite  of  the  ravages  of  w^ar,  still  remain 
on  our  hst. 

On  the  12tli  of  February,  1865,  the  great  and  good  Bishop 
Elliott  was  elected  President. 

The  city  remained  under  military  rule  until  November, 
1865,  and  every  business,  every  calling,  felt,  more  or  less,  the 
tender  grip  of  the  iron  hand  kept  on  a  prostrate  and  con- 
quered people,  long  after  peace  had  been  officially  proclaimed. 

Civil  government  was  then  established,  municipally,  and 
most  fortunately  for  the  prosperity  of  Savannah,  has  continued 
up  to  the  present  time. 

The  influence  of  Bishop  Elliott  soon  began  to  be  felt  in  the 
action  of  the  Society.  A  new  literary  impulse  was  given  to 
the  Society.  He  recognized  the  fact  that  our  joint  Societies 
had  a  high  duty  to  perform  in  selecting  a  good  Kbrary. 

While  it  was,  and  is,  our  duty  to  collect  material  for  the 
history  of  the  late  great  contest  between  the  Northern  States 
and  the  cotton  groAving  States,  this  is  not  the  time  for  pub- 
he  ation. 

The  torrent  of  ignorance,  falsehood,  and  malignancy  which 
still — after  more  than  six  years  of  peace,  of  absolute  sub- 
mission to  events,  of  unqualified  submission  to  defeat  on  the 


part  of  the  cotton  States — continues  to  pour  forth  from  the 
accredited  organs  of  those  who  rule  over  this  country,  proves 
that  the  time  has  not  yet,  at  this  date,  arrived  for  us  to  do 
anything  more  than  accumuhite  authentic  materials  for  trust- 
worthy histories  of  that  eventful  war,  and  the  causes  which 
led  to  it. 

Those  who  come  after  us  have  a  high  and  holy  historic 
task  before  them.     May  they  worthily  fulfill  it. 

The  extensive  reading,  the  exquisite  taste,  the  fine  judg- 
ment of  Bishop  Elliott,  rendered  him  peculiarly  fit  to  give  an 
impulse  to  the  Society  after  our  common  disasters.  And  he 
succeeded,  and  the  impetus  given  it  by  him  is  still  felt.  His 
sudden  death  is  too  recent  not  to  be  recollected  by  most  of 
you.  He  was  a  loss  bewailed  by  a  whole  community,  for  in 
the  ordinary  course  of  nature  it  might  well  have  been  hoped 
that  he  would  have  been  spared  for  many  years  to  guide  us 
by  his  precepts — to  enlighten  us  by  the  rays  of  his  intellect. 
Let  us  endeavor  to  emulate  his  example  in  all  the  walks  of 
life  which  he  so  signally  adorned. 

I  will  not  detain  you  by  reciting  recent  events,  which  are, 
or  ought  to  be,  known  to  all  of  you. 

It  has  been  determined  to  change  the  location  of  the  library 
to  a  more  central  portion  of  the  city,  in  order  to  afii'ord  a 
more  easy  access  to  its  rich  stores,  and  thereby  invite  an 
extended  patronage  from  the  public.  In  time,  it  is  hoped  that 
the  funds  of  the  Society  will  be  increased  so  as  to  permit  the 
erection  of  a  large  hall  in  the  central  portion  of  our  city. 

In  the  mean  time,  this  Society  ofiers  to  the  public  a  choice 
and  well  selected  library  for  its  use.  Within  the  last  five 
years  it  has  received  a  large  accession  of  books  of  the  first 
character  in  arts,  science,  literature,  history.  All  the  leading 
periodicals  of  both  continents  are  taken,  and  afi'ord  in  them- 
selves an  inducement  to  join  the  Society,  even  if  one  is 
disinclined  to  severer  studies. 

This  city  is  too  small  for  divided  efforts  in  a  library  hue. 
All  the  efforts  within  our  limits  should  be  concentrated  on 
one  point.  It  has  long  been  a  cherished  plan  with  many 
members  to  join  a  reading  room  to  our  library  and  to  keep 
open  at  night.     But  the  limited  number  of    our  members 


forbids  this,  as  we  cannot  accomplish  this  and  also  the  gi-eat 
object  of  accumulating  a  fine  library  with  our  comparatively 
slender  means,  and  of  the  two  I  am  free  to  say  that,  if  I  nnist 
choose,  I  prefer  the  permanent,  easily  preserved  book  to  the 
perishable  newspaper.  Any  one  who  has  attempted  to  file 
newspapers  will  comprehend  me. 

Not  that  I  do  not  value  them  highly,  and  I  know  of  nothing 
more  mstructive  and  more  amusing  than  a  regular  file  of  old 
newspajjers,  particularly  those  of  one's  residence.  But  even 
when  bound,  they  are  difficult  for  reference,  diffuse,  mixed 
with  advertisements  whose  time  for  utility  has  passed;  in 
short,  excellent  for  the  historiographer,  but  not  alluring  to  the 
general  reader. 

Gentlemen  of  the  Georgia  Historical  and  Savannah  Library 
Societies:  Although  many  years  have  elapsed  since  the  labors 
of  your  respective  Societies  commenced,  and  you  have  had 
many  obstacles  to  encounter,  although  each  at  certain  periods 
languished  "almost  to  entire  inaction,  you  have  recuperated, 
you  have  had  new  blood  infused  into  your  circulation,  you 
have  girded  up  your  loins  for  renewed  action.  Go  on;  fulfil 
your  double  duty,  gather  materials  for  history  and  pubhsh 
them  at  the  proper  time;  fiU  your  shelves  with  the  choicest 
and  most  select  books  on  all  subjects.  Spread  out  a  full 
literary  feast  and  invite  the  public,  young  and  old,  to  come 
and  partake  of  it. 




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